Scottish Country Dancer, Issue 15, October 2012

Page 20

Méaudre Reel Strikes Again! by Diana Sarran

recently a group of adults. It also organises occasional weekend workshops. Thus it was that on the 2nd and 3rd June a number of outsiders (adults) joined the locals (mostly children) for tuition and dancing with Peter Quince (Newcastle) and Laure Gardelle (teacher at RSCDS Lyon Branch). These 'oldies' added a cosmopolitan touch, coming as they did from Greece, Germany, the Netherlands and England as well as South-East France.


According to the text books (or internet) the Vercors is a range of plateaux and mountains in the French Prealps. It's no surprise when one drives into the area to find lush green fields, thick forests, farms and chalets and charming villages. The village of Méaudre is no exception. But what do the locals do when they're not out milking their cows or tending their fields – or, in winter, renting out equipment and overseeing the upkeep of the cross-country ski trails?

It's hard to know what is most striking: the children's boundless energy or their effortless memorisation of the dances. Laure (not so old herself) was left breathless and incredulous – these youngsters were in class all Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning for both SCD and Highland, with the ball on Saturday evening as well as their complex display of Highland dancing and choreographed country dances. Yet they assimilated a complete Sword Dance and refused to stop till they had learned every step.

Most unexpectedly, they do Scottish country dancing! The club called Méaudre Reel with its emblem, a kilted marmot/groundhog designed by Andrée Gallifet, the 86-year-old grandmother of the club's founder, provides two children’s classes, one for primary and one for secondary school children, plus more

With their inspiring teacher, Sophie Marchand, these children, complete with traditional costumes made by local mothers, have already made the pilgrimage to Scotland (see Scottish Country Dancer Issues 12 and 13). At the weekend there was great excitement as Sophie announced that they would make a second trip to Scotland

A keen Highland dancer

in 2014, invited again by the Herriot Watt University Club. Fund-raising for the trip has already begun. So a village of around 1200 inhabitants boasts 36 very competent and enthusiastic Scottish country dancers. And it's in South-East France, not Scotland. Is there a lesson to be learned here? If you want to experience Méaudre Reel for yourself – a weekend of dance in the mountains with wonderful hospitality, plus a chance to visit local farms and experience local produce – note the dates of 4th and 5th May 2013 in your diary now. That's when the next annual workshop is taking place.

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