Banffshire Branch visit HM The Queen by Anne McArthur
The Banffshire Branch group at Balmoral. Banffshire Branch celebrated its 80th Anniversary with a very important engagement. Thirty nine members of the Branch and eighteen young people from different locations in Banffshire travelled to Balmoral Castle to dance in the presence of Her Majesty The Queen and her granddaughters Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie on Tuesday 11 August 2009. Banffshire is one of The Queen's local branches when she is at home in Balmoral. The adult group performed five dances featured on the Branch CD A’ The Best Fae Banffshire while the young dancers showed the royal party The Homecoming Dance and Round Reel of Eight. Colin Dewar and his Scottish Country Dance Band, who had recorded the Branch CD back in 2007, accompanied the dancers. Her Majesty seemed to enjoy the dancing and the music as her foot was tapping throughout. After the performance, Mrs Jean Mair of Portessie, aged 93 and the longest surviving member of the Branch, presented The Queen with copies of the CD and the Banffshire Book of Dances. Her Majesty and the Princesses then circulated among the dancers. Commenting on the performance, The Queen was heard to remark that she would have to learn some new dances.
Young dancers from Banffshire prepare to dance Round Reel of Eight in front of Her Majesty who is flanked by Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie with Clare Russell, Lord Lieutenant of Banffshire. Gary Coull (right) Banffshire Branch Chairman, introduces two of the dancers and Colin Dewar, band leader, to Her Majesty.