Scottish Country Dancer, Issue 25, October 2017

Page 19

St Andrews 2017 As usual Summer School at St Andrews was highly successful. Jean Martin spoke to Summer School Director, Jim Stott. Here is a personal view from Jim with some typical quotes from a selection of participants. The comments I have had about this year’s Summer School are very heartening for me and the rest of the Summer School team: Mervyn, Rachel, Moira and the other members of staff at Coates Crescent. This year 715 dancers attended from 37 countries. In week 3 there were 60 young people between the ages of 8 and 18 and the atmosphere was great. Anne McArthur and her team ran an excellent week of activities for Junior Summer School and parents were very appreciative of the care their children received. Yes, there were challenges: creating programmes for the evening dances which allow people of different experience and ability to enjoy social dancing; ensuring there were enough staff available to train three teams of dancers for the filming of Book 51, as well as a separate demonstration team; and not least a poorly plumbed toilet and the roof of the Chequered Court collapsing the day before the School began!

This year health forms were introduced (a requirement of Health and Safety legislation) and they proved to be a godsend when on five occasions people had to be taken to hospital in Dundee or to the minor injuries clinic in St Andrews. The afternoon walking tours of St Andrews were greatly appreciated and the bus tour to Falkland Palace was over-subscribed. People commented that things are more relaxed and Summer School is now more inclusive. The atmosphere in the Younger Hall was ‘alive’ on the Thursday evenings. I am really proud of that. The skills I learned as a Headteacher definitely came into play when organising Summer School and I loved it! Planning for the next year’s event began the minute we left University Hall on the last morning of Week 4. Do come and join us in 2018. ‘I have just returned with my granddaughter from week 3. I have nothing but praise for the organisation, teaching, comfort and events of the last week.’

Please pass on my thanks to Jim, to Rachel, to all involved (including the office staff) for the huge commitment that delivered such a very happy Week 4 for dancers and staff. I know I thoroughly enjoyed SS; the atmosphere was super-welcoming, meeting friends and making new contacts, all good. Time now for you all to relax and refresh, knowing that you have inspired 700+ people from across the world to return to another St Andrews SS!’ Anne Kennedy, Australia ‘Having danced for more than 27 years, I attended Summer School Week 4 for the first time. What a pleasure to dive into all those stories and lives of other people, to experience the classes and lovely ballroom nights plus the atmosphere of St Andrews, a town full of history and pure Scotland. I’ll come back!’ Victor Lehmann, Germany

Angela McCleery ‘Please can you convey to all the team at Summer School last week, a very big thank you for a super week of dancing, fun and friendship. It was my first time and I had a fantastic time. The organisation was amazing and the food and facilities excellent.’ Bridget Hague

Concentrating on the musicians’ course

‘Summer School was wonderful due to the hard work of the dedicated organising team; thoughtful, careful planning was obvious giving the best result possible.

Summer School Director, Jim Stott, with his second fortnight Depute, Rachel Shankland


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