1 minute read
from the Provincial
from Heart magazine 2023 | Volume 20 | Issue 1
by Society of the Sacred Heart, United States – Canada Province
Dear Friends and Family of the Sacred Heart,
We offer you this 20th anniversary issue of Heart magazine in the spirit of gratitude. Our desire has been consistent. Through story telling that is focused on the mission of the Society of the Sacred Heart in the United States – Canada Province, in its ever-changing dimensions, we strengthen our common desire and mission to discover and make known God’s love for the sake of God’s people and the well-being of our world.
We are grateful to all who have contributed to these stories, in this and every issue that has come before, through their words and images and, most importantly, through their lives. We hope that you, our reader, have seen that at the heart of each story is the Holy Spirit calling us from the depths of our relationship with God to contribute and build a future characteristic of Christ’s dream for humanity.
As you read this special issue of Heart, we invite you to listen for the echoes among the generations as they tell their stories of manifesting the love of Christ through acts of respect, kindness, graciousness and thankfulness. Narratives of encounter and accompaniment speak of a common instinct to adopt a loving awareness of one another and of God’s creation. It is this awareness that enables us to live mission. Like our founder Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat, we know that God who loves us counts on our revealing this love to others.
Being true to our call to be the Love of the Sacred Heart is daunting. It is my hope that these stories and reflections offer encouragement to each of us as we engage in this holy work of transformation. To each of you who has supported us through sharing your talents, your time, and your treasure, we thank you. As we look forward to the creation of a new Province inclusive of Canada, Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the United States, let us continue to pray for one another and encourage each other to be true to our call as those united in the Heart of Christ.
in One Heart,
Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ