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Themes and Principles
We practise architecture to create and inspire meaningful change. The following principles guide our approach to design, forming a continuity and pattern between projects of different scale and typology.
City + Context
RSHP’s contribution to cities is intelligent density, an architecture that is a product of its place, physically, socially and culturally. Our solutions enable old and new buildings to coexist gracefully.
Considered and intentional, we celebrate the act of building and want our places and spaces to be honest, inclusive, inviting and uplifting. Architecture that unites people, rather than creates hierarchies, and is based on a strong and meaningful narrative.
Economy + Delivery
We create elegance and quality through economies of scale and standarised systems. Our solutions include the innovative use of pre-fabricated components.
We create open-ended, adaptable frameworks with large, well-serviced and well-lit floors. These spaces accommodate multiple activities today and offer the possibility for a long lifespan of a building and a variety of different uses tomorrow.
A building has a footprint that goes far beyond its site boundaries. Architecture has the potential to positively influence life around it. Through engaging with communities, we challenge commonly accepted norms to create unique, bold and meaningful responses that elevate urban quality.
We develop innovative, practical solutions for all our projects which minimise their long-term environmental impact, improve all-round building performance, sustain rather than pollute, and - criticallyare adaptable rather than replaceable.
Underlying our approach is the importance we attach to people, civic space and neighbourliness.
Our work aims to blur the boundaries between the public and private space, between the inside and outsidewith an aim of activating the street and creating spaces which encourage healthy lifestyles.
Sustainability + Wellness
Our founding constitution was at the forefront of environmentalism. We carry on working closely with our clients, partners and leading industry consultants to design environmentally responsible buildings, biodiverse public spaces and cities for the future that consider the health and wellbeing of the communities they serve.