10 minute read
Screenings n Saturday, Oct. 9

Cisco Kid and the Lady
(1939) TOUR Saturday, Auditorium, 9:00 am, 74 min Directed by Herbert I. Leeds and starring Cesar Romero, Marjorie Weaver, ChrisPin Martin. Cisco saves an orphan - heir to a gold mine - whose father is killed by bandits.

In Old Monterey (1939) Saturday, Theater, 11:00 am, 72 min Directed by Joseph Kane. Starring Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette. Gene Autry is sent to persuade landowners to sell their property, the ranchers are manipulated to hold out for more money.
The Great Man’s Lady
(1941) Saturday, Auditorium, 11:00 am, 90 min Directed by William A. Wellman. Starring Barbara Stanwyck, Joel McCrea, Brian Donlevy. 100-year-old Hannah Hoyt (Stanwyck) recounts her life with capricious husband Ethan (McCrea) and his rival for Hannah’s affections, Steely Edwards (Donlevy). The Showdown (2006)

Saturday, Theater, 17 min Written and Directed by Antony & Fulvio Sestito. The story of a pitcher and batter in a high-stakes baseball game juxtaposed against a deadly duel between two gunslingers in the Old West. Cosmo (2021)

Saturday, Theater, 7 min Directed by Thomas Thomas, Starring La Trice Harper, Jeremy John Wells, Andrew Stroud. Law-woman Jane Montana (Harper) confronts outlaw Buford (Wells) and his gang to rescue a helpless damsel. Tension builds as Jane has two bullets against three bad hombres.

tHe uNspoken bAdge
Saturday, Theater, 29 min Directed by Theodore Carl Flood and starring Cal Bartlett. An old, bedridden sheriff struggles to separate tattered realities as death taps the carcass of his mind. All Else Fails (2021)

Saturday, Theater, 16 min Directed by Manuel Ruiz and starring MacKenzie Hoffman, Theodore Carl Flood. When Vincent (Flood), a petty conman, fails at disability fraud, he decides to escalate his crimes to become a better provider for his wife (Hoffman). Lone Pine (2021)

Saturday, Theater, 8 min Directed by Jeremy Lee Camp. Starring Ryley Doyle, Kate Aviles, Rob Gill. Saddened by her father’s (Gill) passing, young Alanna (Doyle) and Mom (Aviles) take a trip to Lone Pine, CA leading to both unexpected and heart-felt adventures.
COMING ATTRACTIONS! featuring excerpts from Apocalypse Cowboy (2021) Saturday, Theater Directed by Jason Brown
SCrEEniNGS i saturday oct. 9 & Sunday Oct. 10

Under Western
Stars (1938) Saturday, Auditorium, 2:30 pm, 65 min Directed by Joseph Kane and starring Roy Rogers, Smiley Burnette. Elected to congress, Roy Rogers strives to show his town’s Dust Bowl devastation.
PANEL DISCUSSION With Steve Latshaw, Cheryl Rogers-Barnett and the remastering team from Visual Data Media Services.

Somewhere in Sonora
(1933) Sunday, Auditorium, 9:00 am, 58 min
Directed by Mack V. Wright. Starring John Wayne, Shirley Palmer, Ralph Lewis. John Bishop (Wayne) discovers a plot to rob a silver mine belonging to his girlfriend Mary’s (Palmer) father (Lewis). The Long Riders (1980) Saturday, Auditorium, 7:30 pm, 100 min Directed by Walter Hill and starring David Carradine, Robert Carradine, Stacy Keach, Dennis Quaid. During a bank robbery by the legendary James-Younger Gang, Ed Miller (Quaid) kills a man. Jesse James (Keach) angrily directs Cole Younger (Carradine) and the gang to scatter until the heat dies down. As they re-group for an ill-fated heist, a spectacular chase ensues. Q&A Introduced & moderated by Rob Word. Q&A with Robert Carradine.

Directed by R. N. Bradbury. Starring Bob Steele, A cowboy (Steele), falsely arrested for murder, tries to fi nd the true killer High Sierra (1941) Sunday Auditorium 2:45 pm, 100 min Directed by Raul Walsh. Starring Ida Lupino, Humphrey Bogart. Fresh out of prison, Roy Earle attempts to mastermind the robbery of a California casino.

Django Unchained (2012) TOUR Sunday, Theater, 9:00 am, 165 min Directed by Quentin Tarantino. Starring Jamie Foxx, Christopher Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio. Free slave Django (Foxx) and mentor Dr. Schultz (Waltz) head to the antebellum South to rescue Django’s wife from Calvin Candie (DiCaprio). Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood (2019) Sun., Auditorium, 2:30 pm, 161 min Directed by Quentin Tarantino. Starring Leonardo
DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie. Actor Rick Dalton iCaprio struggles to fi nd meaningful work in a fast-changing Hollywood. Fate brings him and stunt-double buddy Cliff Booth (Pitt) into contact with neighbor Sharon Tate (Robbie), and the twisted, homicidal Manson Family.


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We bid farewell to Kerry Powell In Memoriam
Chuck Kilpatrick Jack Minton

Our Co-Founder, Kerry Ellen Christenson Powell, passed away peacefully on December 22 at High Desert Haven, Ridgecrest, CA, joining her beloved husband Raymond. She was born on March 19, 1933 near Keeler, CA. A lifetime resident of Lone Pine. She helped Ray at the Best Western Frontier Motel and co-founded the Lone Pine Film Festival which started in 1989. Shespentmanysummersfishingthe High Sierra and her enthusiasm for nature, thearts,travelingandfishingwasshared amongst her children, grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. An accomplished painter, she was active in the Inyo County art scene. She loved taking friends and family to the Alabama Hills and sharing the beauty of the Owens Valley. She and Ray traveled the world in their RV and airplane and had many wonderful adventures. Kerry was a great asset to the town, teaching swimming to local children, donating time, knowledge and monetarily to the Film History Museum and to the Southern Inyo Hospital. She took pride in helping paint the murals on the local town buildings.
Kerry cherished her two sons, Gary (Cathy) Powell, Minden, NV, and Martin Powell, Lone Pine. Dearest sister to LuElla (Larry) Green, Arroyo Grande, CA, Valarie (John) Burton, Sun Valley, CA, and Carla (Paul) Grace, Burbank, CA. Beloved grandmother to Travis (Jennifer) Powell, Lone Pine, Jared Powell, Lake Arrowhead, CA, Colin Powell, Reno, NV, Whitney (Steve) DeOreo, Healdsburg, CA, and Breanne (Matt) Thompson, Ventura. CA. She leaves behind 4 great grandchildren, many nieces, nephews and cousins.
Donations may be made in her name to the Lone Pine Film History Museum.
Charles “Chuck” J. Kilpatrick, who died Wednesday, Dec. 30, after a battling COVID-19. Kilpatrick was a man who was not just well-known, he was admired and adored by almost everyone that ever had the pleasure of meeting or working with him. The Inyo Register newspaper, on whose pages his name and photo often graced, called him a “small town hero.” He was of course that and much more. The Inyo Register chronicled many of his accomplishments and service to the community over many years.
There was never a goodwill ambassador the likes of Chuck Kilpatrick. He was a oneman Booster Club, the Head Cheerleader of all the wonderful and great things about our Bishop community and Inyo County. He was kind. He was generous. He always seemed to be smiling or laughing. He was energetic and enthusiastic. He was a walking, talking historian of all things Bishop-related with an amazing memory of names, places, and events from years past. Chuck is truly a man who will be missed.
After Chuck met and fell in love with his wife, ary ae,hefinishedastintinthe military, then they moved to Bishop where Chuck sold insurance for 38 years, and Mary Mae taught school, raised their family, and living out their lives. After their retirements, they both became exemplars of how you serve your community as volunteers…and boy, have they ever! And our world is a better place for it.
So much of Chuck’s life was dedicated to promoting goodwill for the Bishop Area.
Rest in Peace, “Mr. Bishop.”
John Robert (Jack) Minton, a longtime resident of Ridgecrest, died on Nov. 29, 2019.
Jack was born on October 31, 1934, in Willows, CA. Jack graduated from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena majoring in industrial design and graduating in 1957.
Jack had a passion for cars. His admiration for designandfinecraftsmanshipformed the foundation for what would become a lifelong hobby of collecting, restoring, and maintaininga eet of mericanclassiccars. Jack possessed a photographic memory for body styles and details, interior and exterior colors and accents, and could recite the attributes of a given car by the model and year. He was forever a fan of the 1 0 s 1 0 s uicksofhisyouth.
Jack’s community spirit extended north to Lone Pine where he coordinated obtaining convertible classics for celebrities attending the annual Lone Pine Film Festival parade every October. He and his team of volunteers washed, waxed, tuned, and created celebrity name signs for every vehicle.
For many years Jack also provided cars for the Lone Pine High School homecoming. Payment came in the form of dinner with friends at his favorite Lone Pine restaurant, The Merry Go Round. On one occasion Jack provided a car as a prop for the Museum of Western Film History’s annual Concert in the Rocks.
Jack remained close to his extended family, sharing holidays and special events. He attended the weddings of all of his nieces and nephews, regardless of location and wasalwaysthefirst to reach outintimesof need. He was an anchor for the family, had a “heart of gold,” and will be deeply missed.