No. 7
The Conservative and Socialist Societies and the S.C.M. together organised a brains trust on Colonial Affairs on Thursday 17 th. An impartial Chairman was provided by the International Relations Club, and the panel consisted of Mr N. Macpherson, Conservative M.P. for ICumfries, Mr J. Johnson, Labour M.P. for Rugby, Mr J. Morgan, Press Secretary to the S.P.C.K., and Mr R. Mukerjee of Lincoln's Inn. Only two questions were submitted i n before the session began. Pretty well a l l the colonies were covered by the juestions, and i t was amusing to see how the two M.P.s tried io ilagnify their differences of opinion. Mr Morgan's forthright analysis of the unrest i n Africa was masterly. Kenya, Malaya, India, South Africa, the Falklands, the West Indies - a l l were examined in the short time available, and provoked much thought* AMERICAN
The cries of "Dozey-do .... Honour your partner .... Allemande l e f t . . " wert; to be heard in the Snaok Bar until 10.^0 p.m. last Friday. I t was a l l over the attempt of the International Relations Club to promote Anglo Amerioan understanding. I t started on Thursday with an I.r..C. - sponsored General Studies Lecture which must have come close to setting up a record - i t lasted until 3Âť20 p.m. - and finished with square-dancing on the evening of the following day. Prof Newell s lecture attracted an audience of 120 who gathered to find out 'How the Americans Got that Way. They found out. The lecturer showed how the European and African roots and the early rugged, pioneering enviroment of the Americans a l l contributed to T.ake the -jnericans of today. 1
The 'American Evening', with the square-dancing preceded by films and a short talk on music (by a Canadian J ) was thoroughly enjoyed by a l l present and high spirits were maintained until the end. I t i s hoped to have more people attending these functions i n the future and many who are not normally attendant would do well to change their habits.
The r i n g , h i r e d from an outside f i r m , had appeared i n the Snack Bar as i f by magic during l a s t Tuesday afternoon. For the f i r s t time i n the h i s t o r y of the Rector's Cup the tournament was held under the auspices of the A.B.A. who supplied the o f f i c i a l s . This combined with the s p i r i t e d crowd that watched and the even more s p i r i t e d boxing (?) of the contestants made the evening a d e l i g h t f u l and memorable one. The Mines won by shear weight of numbers; R.C.S. were able to produce only three, perhaps four, boxers and withdrew from the contest; Guilds could enter only eleven boxers against the Mines' twenty-two. Of the nine f i g h t s between Guildsmen and Miners, Guilds won f i v e . The f o l l o w i n g are the i n d i v i d u a l r e s u l t s : - (Miners f i r s t ) T. Aitken beat U. Best, ( p t s . ) ; T.M.Kesjel beat J.Chapman, (stopped 1st round); R.Lowson l o s t to R.Fillmore,(stpd 1st rnd); J.Reynolds l o s t to A.Palmer, (stpd 1st rnd); B.E.Lowes l o s t to H.McKenz i e , ( s t p d 1st rnd); B^B.Young beat M.Gray,(pts). R.Kingdon l o s t to J.Baker,(pts); H.Huckin beat P. Southgate,(stpd 2nd rnd); H.Ramstad l o s t to h. C o r b e t t , ( p t s ) ; the pot f o r the best winner went to R.Fillmore. There were a l s o three bouts between Miners gaini n g them the s i x points which won them the match. Two e x h i b i t i o n bouts were given by members of B a t t ersea Boxing Club to demonstrate how boxing should be done. The boxing was e n t e r t a i n i n g i f not b r i l l i a n t and the referee showed great d i s c r e t i o n i n stopping the bouts before anyone got hurt too much. One contestant was heard t o say to his.opponent "My God, I'm t i s e d " h a l f way through the f i r s t round and then to ask "What's the score?" a f t e r going down f o r the second time. I n c i d e n t a l l y , Mr. Southgate wishes to contact the man who s a i d " Box man, box " as he picked himself o f f the f l o o r . HUmore based Ms usual b r i l l i a n t bout.
I a Fel/x fl
On Monday of last week honour was satisfied between Messers Pultaney A Co. of South Kensington, and FELIX of Imperial College. One oold winters day many years ago the sign-board shown in the pictures earns to l i v e i n the FELIX cupboard. We never knew exactly how i t oaae there, probably i t walked; at any rate that i s our story. The day we took i t back was oold and windy, 30 we did not wait around for very long. The picture on the l e f t shows the sign-board being placed on i t s hook. . The Asst. Production Manager i s doing the re-banging, helped by the Advertising Manager, while the Business Manager and the Editor look en. the despairing hand belongs to the Features Editor, who i s l i t erally supporting the whale venture.. Our other picture shows amicable teres being restored between Pulteney and FELIX.
This year's tJHUUKl "Rosette" Bally saw three entries from Guilds Motor Club. Tony Holt, the captain, partnered by Andy Levins l a the 'Red Devil', Norman Denison and Mike P e l l i n a Delia*; sad the writer, In the absence of his usual team •ate, Joined the dreaded David Fenny equipe, i n an A.C. Saloon. The "start* oonaiated of sending a telegram to Bally H.Q. at Basingstoke from Kensington Poet Office i n the late afternoon then belting tmc that same H.Q. as fast as mind and matter eould allow.
In the company of 60 other oar-loads of crazy people, we sat cut soon after 8.30 p.m. faced with the task of crossing every railway Bridge between Basingstoke and Winchester and oolleotiag oode-nuafcera on the way. During this we met a marshal, Ian Smith of Chen. Tech., who was seen again several hours later trying to unwrap his Fraser-Mash from a telegraph pole before the locals discovered their loss of oommunloation. Whan your correspondent want t o Interview the Chairman of the A t h l e t i c Clubs Committee he had to Invade the w i l d s of the lew H o s t e l , where he found h i s subject i n bed. " C h a r l i e " Chester was B u f f e r i n g from f l u , a f t e r , we suspect, an excess of a t h l e t i c p u r s u i t s . Though I t may not be surp r i s i n g since he spends h i s working hours i n a constant temperatuse room i n the Bessemer Laboratory, which can only be entered through an a i r -lock. Juan Stanhope Chester was born In a small f i s h ing v i l l a g e w i t h a Spanish flavour i n the I s l e of Uan. This s t a r t gave him a touch of the romantic whioh Is p o s s i b l y the key to his character. " C h a r l i e " went to school a t King William's College i n the I s l e of Uan. He rose to prominence as a member of the 1st X.V and the a t h l e t i c s team, and he a c t u a l l y became a College Praepostor. A f t e r a year i n the Navy he came to I.C. and studied metallurgy. Again he soon became noted i n rugger c i r c l e s and has played f o r the R.S.U. and I . C i teams r e g u l a r l y aver sinoe. Ha has also appeared i n the U n i v e r s i t y tiam, A f t e r a season as Vice-Captain of the I.O.H.F.C., he wan elected to c o n t r o l the e n t i r e ( p o r t i n g a c t i v i t i e s of the oollege a i Chairman of the A.0.0. L i k e many Mines men " C h a r l i e " has t r a v e l l e d extensively and been i n many d i f f i c u l t s i t u a t i o n s • On appearing In an H.S.U. b l a i e r and a c l o t h cap i n Montreal, he was mistaken f o r a Russian Naval o f f i o e r and n e a r l y arrested. In Spain h i s vigorous p a r t i c i p a t i o n in' Fiestas i s noted, p a r t i c u l a r l y to the point of bathing f u l l y olothed, thus showing o a r e f u l regard f o r the Spanish laws on the subjeot. The romantlo influence i n his l i f e i s demonstrated i n h i s l i k e s and d i s l i k e s . Of the former he quotes "huntln", s h o o t i n and f i i h i n ' " ; poetry, a major passion, he i e a noted deolalmer of euoh eplos as "The c a l l e d of lakimo N e l l " , and also the important subjeot of d r i n k i n g . His tastes In t h i s d l r s o t i o n are beer and aguadiente. as f o r d i s l i k e s , he l i s t s a series of female types. Those who cannot dance, t a l k shop while wearing evening dress, are a r t y o r a f t y , eat g s r l l o and l a s t l y show bad t a s t e i n dress e s p e o i a l l y i n the wearing of short shorts when obv i o u s l y not suite d to them. This of course Immediately leads to the woman he doss l i k e . In t h i s he I s quite p o s i t i v e ; vivacious redheads; she doeent a l l o w him to be lntere; ,od i n any others I Although he has taken no pains to d i s g u i s e h i s C h r i s t i a n names i t was natura l that " C h a r l i e " became known as the namesake of the celebrated "Cheerful Chester". Our version of the Chester exerts the same influence of good humour over h i s surroundings and does much to smooth the path of Union affairs. 1
COUL&Gk This
The nexjj seotion was a 1 The 40 minutes allowed for plotting was a gross underestimate,and we were many minutes late setting out. The section consisted of observing details en signposts, letter boxes, eta., the points being located only by*long sad detailed computations. Then oame the f i r s t "incident*. The A.O. became completely cut of control, and crashed Into the deepest part of the ford. This was soon followed by "Incident" number 2 when the writer nearly f e l l out at 50 m.p.h. due to his door opening suddenly. This was not, as alleged, a deliberate attempt to leave the party' "Incident* number 3 - David discovered that the only way to stop an one sharp bend was to go straight on and ram the hedge, a feat obviously tried, Judging by the beh&ggled state of the hedge, by several othnr drivers. these incidents failed to remove the outward oalm always shown by chief navigator Brian Steed; but.the nest one, No. 4, whioh was the backing of a large wall Into us, resulting In the removal of one near light, caused fiajah Tasuf to vacate his rear seat i n favour of the author, remaking that one felt better In the front. Ten desperate minutes trying to get the oar up a slippery h i l l ; a moment of horror when our alleged "main* road was brought to an abrupt stop by a large pair of wrought iron gateu; s few mors suooessful dlsooverlss; end we were back at Basingstoke with one mors section ahead, end doing rather •well. Brian now took the wheel, while I navigated and we set out to find the f i r s t point. The roads were now appalling, but we found point 1 end then CrashI The engine shuddered Into •llanos and so did wsj petrol gushed everywhere. It was indeed our tainsI Four Maohanloal Engineers used the instruction book, wire, string, oathsi a l l In vain. Hera Sony Holt oame along and was informed of our plight. After a two hour wait help arrived i n the farm of a Standard 10 with a tow-rope and a fast 90 m.p.h. run-on-tow brought us to Basingstoke, where we saw Tony setting off for his last seotlon. A broken cam-shaft proved to be the cause of the trouble, so we trooped back to London, by car and train. I t was than that the writer, being an interloper, had a strong feeling that his colleagues attributed the night's i l l - l u c k to his presenoe. A round up In Queenie's on Monday morning showed that Tony had lost a rear wheel, Herman and Mike had had a f a i r l y suooessful, i f c h i l l y , evening, and that the Guild's President is s t i l l a good navigator. Thus ended an extremely dangerous, though In retrospect Interesting, r a l l y and - i f anybody is Interested, the garage man at Basingstoke oould do with a l i t t l e extra help far a few weeks. M.T.D. AYflTON,
C H O T R will
M U $ ) C A L §pCJETX.
Due to the liberal application of highly polished ice, and the attendant blifsard, David's A.O. took to the hedgerows and ditches with the say abandon usually associated with inveterate inebriates. Having crossed a l l our bridges many time before we oame to then, and collected sundry other required Information, we returned to Basingstoke Just before midnight.
Saturday *> 8
HOP 5th
CSUsV CM* o\ Jiniru - ftwy. 2/- Single Tor sale. Cms pair seoond hand boxing gloves. Apfiy Mr. Soethgete, Metropolitan Police Maternity Base, London.
SJaiapass optional
F e l i x THE
\Jx *n
In the past few Issues, several provoking statements and a r t i c l e s have appeared i n FELIX. I t i s s i g n i f i c a n t , however, that there have been few l e t t e r s i n response. People are not w r i t i n g to FELIX these days, out he i s a kind animal and i s only too pleased to l i s t e n to your worries and grumbles.
The manner i n which Mike Neale conducts Union Meetings w i t h the maximum e f f i c i e n c y has already received a p p r a i s a l . The l a s t Union meeting i n the physics l e c t u r e theatre was no mean example of his technique. There was only one t h i n g wrong he was wearing the President of I.C.V.A.'s gown. Congratulations to Mr. McChesney f o r being the f i r s t on h i s feet to point out the e r r o r . How many people had spotted i t ?
COLLEGE C i r c u l a t i o n : 1200
A different name w i l l appear at the head of this colunm i n the next issue of FELIX. Mr. Peter Southgate has been elected to be the next Editor. Mr. Southgate i s well known to FELIX readers already from his drawings and contributions as PAES. He carries with him the best wishes of the retiring Editor.
In writing this kind of departing note one finds that there are so many people to thank that i t i s d i f f i c u l t to begin. First and foremost are the FELIX Board :Paddy Clark, John Pownall, Alex Fraser, Geoff Grimshaw, John Bramley, Roger Sykes, Mike Turner, B i l l aids on, David Hattersley, Bob Fillmore, Trevor Huthen and Julius Kosky. ffithout their hard work FELIX would never Thank you, one and a l l . out at a l l .
j j ^ Perhaps Messrs. HcChesney and Duff should be made •Herbs-in-Ettraordinary' f o r the purpose of, as Mr. Duff put i t , " c h a s i n g up the a r c h i t e c t " .
•jfc the
I t i s rumoured that O l d - S e l k i r k i a n C l i f f James, eminent (?) mining g e o l o g i s t , w i l l be r e t u r n ing to h i s haunts again i n S.Rhodesia p r e t t y soon. He spent much time i n Cumberland l a s t term. Another O.S., Anton Brown, had h i s departure f o r Canada reported i n p r o f e s s i o n a l journals three weeks before he l e f t .
In addition there are our regular salesmen, and saleswomen too, and the kind people who come alomg on Sundays to help. Then there are the people really behind the scenes, the young ladies from the L.C.S., and elsewhere, who so patiently type for us; and ' S ' l l Vous Plait'. Indeed FELIX i s fortunate to receive so muoh goodwill from a l l sides. Long may he continue to do so.
Instead of i t s usual t h e a t r e — a n d — b u f f e t annual outing, the Hockey Club decided to hold a Binner t h i s year. Held on Thursday 24th, the dinner was also attended by Captains of the U.L. and U.C. teams, and was a great success. There was much c o n v i v i a l i t y i n the Bar afterwards, everybody buying the Captain a d r i n k i n order to t r y and get included i n the H o l l and Tour t h i s Easter. Many darts were thrown, and some managed to f i n d t h e i r way to the board.
THE -RL/GGER s DANCE Saturday 12 th March 7-30 ~ 11-30
ili Two weeks to go f o r the Easter play by the Dram.Soc., ' ^ a n d Miss Jean Osborne had yet to have a s i n g l e rehea*- s a l . She was too busy t r a i n i n g her prompter. Many contestants i n the recent s o - c a l l e d 'Triangular' Boxing Contest between Mines and Guilds have been seen s p o r t i n g e x c e l l e n t black eyes. A notable specimen, a monument to h i s endeavours, i s being worn by Dick Janes, ex-President of the Mines. R.C.S., who w i t h drew from the contest are inconspicuous but f o r t h e i r l i t t l e white f l a g s .
music by |^
I.C. Dramatic next
E N T S R T A I Society
(c omedy
by AND
Our productions are put on f o r your B e n e f i t , and your support i s e s s e n t i a l f o r t h e i r succeas, so come along to Q.g.c. on MARCH 8 t h . , 9th., or l o t h . , at 7.30. TICKETS 1/-, 2/-, 2/6, or 4/ON SALE IN THE UNION, OR FROM MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY.
To quote the DAILY TELEGRAPH, Dr. Heywood, of the Imperial College of Science and Technology has been selected to s i t on a Solar Energy Commi t t e e i n Phoenix C i t y , Arizona. I s he sure that t h i s IS a Solar Energy Committee - and not a d a s t a r d l y attempt by the Second Year Mechanicals to dispose of him amongst the underworld of that city ? The Organisers of the Lord Mayor's Show have i n v i t e d Guilds to submit a f l o a t . I t i s expected t h a t the appropriate subcommittee w i l l produce b r i l l i a n t ideas f o r a theme.
FELIX now has a b e a u t i f u l new t y p e w r i t e r . I t has a l o t of knobs and buttons which are considerably m y s t i f y i n g the s t a f f but, although several typew r i t e r s are used i n making up t h i s paper, we r e e l that the standard of p r i n t w i l l be r a i s e d .
vK "/N
For those who have d i f f i c u l t y with the Judo reports on the sports page, here i s a glossary: Ren raku waza - f o l l o w through technique. T s u r i koml a s h i - drawing ankle throw. Okurl aahi haval - aweeping ankle throw. Osotogarl - major outer reaping throw. T a l o t o a h i - body drop. Seolnage - shoulder throw. Baralgoshi - sweeping l o i n throw. Kaalshihogataal - upper four quarters hold-down. Tery picturesque. we'11 see you a t Clarldge's on March 25th.
Question 4.
Over 300 people took the trouble to f i l l i s our QueatiennA.tr* forms of last iaaue. This represents about one third of our airoulation and ana f i f t h of tha Collage population. It i s probable that many people who do not use College Rafeotoriea figured among those not returning forms, so that our ooverage of people who eat i n must have been high. Equal proportions of returns ware obtained from R.C.S, Mines St Guilds.
"If more dining accommodation were available would you use i t ? " . The answers to this question were practioally unanimous; people would use extra aooommodation i f i t were provided. With the new refeotory opening on March 1st the problem i s partly solved. Those people who would not use extra dining space appear to be those people who either bring sandwiches or eat elsewhere at present.
The f i r s t four questions we asked were purely statistical, so that we oan show the results i n typical s t a t i s t i c a l fwanion :-
Thus i t appears that extra dining space w i l l serve to make things more oomfortable for those who already eat i n College, rather than to oope with extra numbers.
Question I. Our f i r s t question was to find out whether people used College f a c i l i t i e s for sating and i f so, whioh ones. The diagram shows how students from the three Colleges use existing Refectories.
This i s a l l the information we have room to print thia week. Next week we hope to inolude a summary of the general oomplaints against the present arrangemrats, and a few suggestions as to how they might be improved.
Cassandra wishes to thank her many admirers for the kinc thoughts and valuable presents despatched i n her direction; she wishes to express her disapproval of the FELIX reporter who noticed half of her on the bar at a recent social occasion; and she i s really much too pleasantly occupied to wast tine writing v i t r i o l i c tripe for FELIX. „
Ayrton Hall Refectory. Dear Sir, As my duties as manageress of the Refectory w i l l end u March 25th 1955, I should like to express tc the staff and students who have used the Refectory my very sincere than.'.t to a l l who have made my work such a pleasure. I owe much to the co-operati„n of the students who have always iielped to make the work of the Refectory go smoothly. I should like also to thank Mr. D.W. Hopkin for the great help and encouragement he has always given me. I could not say how much I regret leaving the dear old City and Guilds Refeotory after so many years. Yours sincerely ^ueenie.
KIT Queeniea
Bring sandwiches
Union (U.D.H. & L.D.H.)
Eat elsewhere
Snack Bar
Don't- eat
The horizontal scale i s proportional to the total number of students i n each College, so that the areas are proportional to the actual numbers from each College who lunoh i n that particular way. Question 2. The seoond question was to find out at what time In the lunoh hour most people went for their lunoh. These results oan be summarised i n straightforward percentages :GUILDS R.C.S. MIKES Lunch before lectures finish 41 1*1 40 Lunch immediately after lectures finish Lunoh some time after lectures finish
Question 3. The third question was:- "H»jw long do you usually queue?" Again the results oan be summarised as straightforward percentages :GUILDS 20
R.C.S. 23
Queue up to 10 mins.
Queue up to 20 rains, or longer
Queue not at a l l
These results oan be analysed with those for the eerlie. questions. The larger percentage of Guildsnen, who eat i n Queeniss, are those who usually queue far 10 minutes or longer; ana those hardy people who queue for seme tine are generally those who gofer lunoh just before or just after lectures finish. Most people who are prepared to wait, and have their lunch later, do not have to queue far their meal; however, in jaweral these late-lunohers patronise the Union Refeotexy.
I.C. Union, February 15 > Dear Sir, Considerable attention has been drawn of late to the harmful effect upon children of their reading, as called, "horror oomios". I enclose a leaflet published by the National Union of Teachers as I feel sure that you w i l l wish to publicise the surprising fact that "Felix" i s one of the publications listed therein as being harmless. You w i l l note that these publications are not "recommended", nor i s the l i s t unalterable, but even so, i t should prove a relief to many anxious parents of students at I.C. No doubt you oould have "Felix" deleted from this l i s t i f you feel tales w i l l be adversely affected by its presence thereon. I am, S i r , Your faithful reader, Roger Fisher. Sir, In and around the Union one frequently hears comment on the lack of support given to certain college societies. Indeed the opinion i s often expressed that I. C. i s nothing more than a degree factory turning out uneducated sausages with B.Sc. stamped on the skin. Unfortunately the U.G.C.'s policy i s not to provide noney for building student hostels. Further the oost of building suoh hostels is.roughly • £1,000 per resident, so that the ohanoe of finding a benefactor to provide the required funds i s very small. As another solution we feel that extending the lunoh break to 2 hour*, for the whole week, would give some of the smaller olubs a ohanoe to attract more members. At the nonent the majority of students spend a considerable time travelling between home or digs and I.C. and so think twice before spending an hour or two here in the evenings, which often involves them i n Biasing supper. However confronted with a 2-hour lunah break they would probably go along to find what these olusa do, and discover that they were interested. Surely for a l l oonoerned i t i s better to start at a fixed tine every day ao that we nay hear no more the phrase: "Oh, I forgot i t was a 9.30 day." Years, P.L.L. A.H.G.
HCDAT MARCH ikth. 1.1Op.ww i n Botany Leoture Theatre. I.C.S.CM. "The Easter •essage-I" by the Rev. Salmon, Congregation Chaplain to O.L. 1.15p.m. i n Committee Room 'A'. Rover Crew Meeting. Ropes and Knotting—more developenents. SATURDAY MARCH 5th. 8.00p.m. i n Ayrton Hall. Hockey Club Dsnoe. Bar & band. 2/-single; 3/6double. SUNDAY MARCH 6th. * 7.00p.m. In the Sew Lounge. Film Soc. presents "Citisen Kane" and "Method end Madness". Tiokets V9d. on sale at 6.30p.m. i n Onion Bntranoe Hall. Trout Stream
Bernard Parker.
Art as a hobby i s very popular at I.C. - as witnessed by the reoent exhibitions, and more important, by the large numbers visiting them. The founder of the I.C. Art Club, Mr. Bernard Parker, is largely responsible for the increasing interest and so i t was most f i t t i n g that he should give an Exhibition of his own work - no small task. The Exhibition was a f a i r selection of his work - oboeots, line and ordering clearly outline his interests. His painting makes a straight-forward statement, i t s simplicity comes from a direct and strong feeling, most evident in his s t i l l - l i f e groups. He has a rapid and sweeping technique, i s capable and enthusiastic Both oi± and water-colour were used, the latter being used with a clean, clear freedom particularly pleasing i n the landscapes. Outstanding among these were "Porthtowen", "Saltwood Castle, Kent" and "Trout Stream". With s t i l l - l i f e groups i n oils, there was a tendenoy to see the original realities as optical effeots, failing to impress the deeper reality intangibly underlying the scenio. But to quote the artist himself, he prefers a rioher, stronger effect than nature, and the use of pure bright colours. Perhaps i t should be that where a visual art i s concerned a c r i t i c should try to subordinate his interpretative to his descriptive faculties - leaving the former to the individual. The treatment of "seascapes" - mostly small boats around Chelsea - has a charm whioh shows the artists the understanding and feeling for his subject. Among these was a personal choice "Boats" (No. JO) - whose delicately soft tones differ so markedly from the other works. It was an Exhibition well worth visiting - truly representing the high standards in Art at I.C. E.I.S.
There's no time l i k e the presentGet your Saster B e l l t i c k e t today. GOING
ihirty-nine stalwarts from Guilds and R.C.S. assembled in Exhibition Road at the unearthly hour of 6.45 last Saturday week to discover what the "Miners" see i n their chasen profession. Their destination was Betteshanger Colliery, near Deal, 'iV.lioh was reached at 10 o'clock. The stalwarts then changed into a variety of "old clothes" ranging from boiler s. dts to a very nice line i n Gent s Natty Suiting. After being supplied with lamps they desoended 2,000 i'set into the warmth below. A half-mile walk, a mile train ride, and a farther very long walk along dark, dusty, and seemingly dangerous tunnels brought the party to the coal face. Then followed a 100 yard crawl along the faoe whose height never exceeded 4 feet and was in plaoes less than 2 feet. Some interest was aroused by the knowledge that within an hour of the arrival of the party some of the wooden props suoporting the roof had failed allowing i t to collapse Into the working space. The coal-cutting machinery and conveyer belts were inspected, and then the long walk back to the train On returning to the bottom of the shaft the party looked at a modem eleotrio loco, i n a newer part of the pit. Then up into the cold again for a shower and belated lunoh (on the N.C.B.). General impressions of the v i s i t were that the miners earn a l l the money they get, and that no-one would be doing their National Servioe "down under". H.E.P. 1
MONDAY MARCH 7th. 5.10p.m. i n the Botany Laoture Theatre. I.C.S.C.M. talk cn "The World Student Christian Federation" by Rev. Malcolm Duncan. A l l welcome. TUESDAY MARCHBth. 5.30p,m. i n Room 15, C.AG. Railway Soo. Film Show. Programme on notice-board. A l l welcome. 5.30p.m. i n R.C.S. Chem. Soo. lecture and demonstration. "Fused Silioa" by Mr. J.A.Prost, U.C. 7.30p.m. at Q.B.C.for three nights. I.C.Dram. Soo. "Antigone"-Anouilh and "The Proposal"-Chekov. Tiokets l/-,2/-,2/6,and 4/WEDNESDAY MARCH 9th. Maths, and Physical Soo, v i s i t to the Institute of Canoer Research. Details on notice-board. THURSDAY MARCH 10th. . 5*45 p.m. i n Zoology Leoture Theatre. I.C. Photo Soo. "High Speed Photography" by R.A. Chippendale. FRIDAY MARCH 11th. 1.10 p.m. i n Botany Lecture Theatre. . I.C.S.C.M. Rev. MoClellan on on "The Easter Message - II". A l l welcome. 7.0 p.m. Mount. Club Dinner, preceded by talk at 5.45pjaby Dr. B. Scott-Russell. 11 p.m. - 5 a.m. i n Royal Festival Hall. D.L.O. "March Hare's B a l l ' . Sid Phillips. Double Ticket 39/-. Bmrlng Match versus Vets and Barts;S»iaok Bar, 7.30. SATURDAY MARCH 12th. 8 p.m. i n Queenie's. Rugby Club Dance. Bryan Spooner's Band. Bar. 2/-. Rover Crew Freshers Hike. A l l Rovers welcome. For details aee Notioe Board. SUNDAY MARCH 13th. I.C. Railway Society 4 C & G Engineering Sooiety:Spedal Diesel Rail Car excursion from Kensington Olympia to Swindon Locomotive Works 4 M.P.D. Details on notioe "boards. Accomodation limited. TUESDAY MARCH 15th. 5.35 p.m. i n Room 161 C <jb G. I.C. Railway Society:W.O. Skeat Esq. w i l l speak on "The G.E.R. Decapod Locomotive". A l l are welcome. THURSDAY MARCH 17th. 8 pm. i n Q.A.H. I.C. Choir Concert. "Acis 4 Galatea" by Handel and "Blest Pair of Sirens" by Parry. Tiokete 2/6d. and 3/6d. 5,30 p.m. i n R.C.S. Chen. Soc. Lecture - "Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex", by Prof. C.W. Shoppee (Swansea). To be followed by Annual Dinner. Conservative Soo. Speaker Mies Popham, exheadmistress of Cheltenham Ladies College, Bomber of the Independent Television Panel: "The Value of a University Education for Women". Place and time to be announced later. FRIDAY MARCH 18th. 1.15 p.m. i n Ccmittee Room A. Rover Crew Meeting. 'Discussion on Training Methods' led by J. Andrews. 5.15 p.m. In Zoo. Theatre. I.C. Photo. Soc. Kodak Ltd. (Manuscript). "Tormsdng Troubles*. Mr. G.C. Mercer "Dry Mounting with a Domestic Iron*. 7*30 p.m. - plaoe to be announced. International Relations Club - "Student Evening*. Look out for detailsi WJtOtgSaAY MARCH 23 rd, I.C. Railway Society - V i s i t to Gloucester Road Signal Box S.R. Details on Notioe Board.
On. Mar oh 20 t h . the Motor C l u b are a r r a n g i n g t h e i r annual r a l l y . P r e p a r a t i o n s are a l r e a d y f a r adssuioed. Some o r i g i n a l s p e o i a l p l o t s have been evolved, and i t i s hoped t h a t a h a l f - m i l e s p r i n t over a p r i v a t e d r i v e ( which i s f a r from s t r a i g h t ) w i l l be one of them. F o r e n t r y l i s t , and f u r t h e r d e t a i l s , see G u i l d s Motor Club n o t i o e - b o a r d .
, IMPERIAL 4 f H .
L i s t Saturday I.C. organised t h e i r annual ROAD RELAY round tne 2 j m i l e c i r c u i t i n Hyde Park. A r e c o r d e n t r y f o r tne r a c e i s ample evidenoe of the ever i n c r e a s i n g p o p u l a r i t y of t h i s event amongst the C o l l e g e s and U n i v e r s i t i e s , a n event which, has now gained some N a t i o n a l importance. Tne raoe was won i n e x c e l l e n t s t y l e by Lough.oorough i n the r e c o r d time of lhr. 12m. 28s. Four runners broke the o l d course record.the f a s t e s t time b e i n g recorded by J.KNOPF (Selwyn) w i t h a time of 12m-55s,J.S.EVANS of 1.0. b e i n g the second f a t t e s t w i t h a time of 12m-56s. The snow which, had caused some a n x i e t y d u r i n g t h e week,nad completely disappeared and although c o l d the weather remained dry. A s t r o n g body of l a u f f l e d up s p e c t a t o r s were present at tne s t a r t and at 2.47p.m. twenty seven set o f f at a very f a s t pace down the lone m i l e s t r e t c h of Rotfcen Row. â&#x20AC;˘rhe o f f i c i a l s and s p e c t a t o r s were k e p t w e l l i n formed as t o the r a c e p o s i t i o n s by tue U.I.e. S i g n a l s department. The f i r s t l a p was an i n d i c a t o r t h a t the course r e c o r d would almost c e r t a i n l y be broken,when M.ttyman of Southampton aame w i t h i n a second of b r e a k i n g the record.There was v e r y l i t t l e d i s t a n o e s e p a r a t i n g the lead.ing r u n n e r s a t t h i s stage and Loughborough U.C..Notts.and Heading U n i v . were a l l w i t h i n s t r i k i n g d i s t a y o e . S t e w a r t of I . J . was 1 2 t h at the end of this lap. At the end of the second l a p Loughborough had come i n t o the l e a d . a p o B i t i o n they h e l d f o r the r e s t of the raoe.U.C. were c h a l l e n g i n g s t r o n g l y at t h i s stage and Haywood r a n a v e r j good l a p t o b r i n g Q.M.C. i n t o #rd p l a o e . O l d f i e l d . a f r e s h e r , r a n w e l l but dropped one p l a o e . D u r i n g the t h i r d l a p Notts.and U.C. f o u g h t out a hard b a t t l e Brown of N o t t s . g i v i n g them seoond p o s i t i o n w i t h U.C. s e v e r a l seonds i n f r o n t of an improved S h e f f i e l d and Q.M.C.Meanwhile A n s e l l of I . C h a d kept 13th p o s i t i o n . I t was i n the f o u r t h l a p t h a t I.o. began t o move up,a f i n e r u n by M e l l o r b r i n g i n g us up t o 11th position.Loughborough had now e s t a b l i s h e d a c l e a r l e a d , w i t h Nottingham,Reading,U.C. and S h e f f i e l d keeping a f a s t pace behind. So round t o the f i f t h l a p w i t h J o h n Evans t a k i n g over from Mellor.The b i g c a t c h up was on. 6vans,running h i s best raoe f o r I.e.stormed round the course i n 12m-56s to s h a t t e r the e x i s t i n g record,and gained f o u r places.Notts.were f i n d i n g the paoe too hot and B r i s t o l moved up to take t h e i r place.Reading were now i n second plaoe and U.C. t h i r d . T r e v o r B a i l e y now c a r r i e d on the good work and doing h i s f a s t e s t time of 13m-10s he gained ' another f o u r p l a c e s to b r i n g I.C. i n t o f o u r t h plaoe,some 15 yards behind B r i s t o l who had gained t h i r d p l a c e by good r u n n i n g over the l a s t two l a p s . Perhaps the b i g g e s t cheer of the day went t o B i l l P a i n the U.L.C.C.C.oapt.running f o r N.E.C. who came i n l a s t ' by a c l e a r t e n minutes. Mrs.Logan the w i f e of the P r i n c i p l e of the U n i v e r s i t y a l o n g w i t h the Reotor and h i s w i f e were present a i the t e a a f t e r the raoe . M r s . L i n s t e a d presented t h e cup and medals,and M i s s B.M.Walker of I.C.W.A. presented Mrs Logan and Mrs L i n s t e a d w i t h bouquets. Ijinliiil mention must be.made of Alan Hartley whoa* bard work and efficient organising enabled tha afternoon, to fee a great suooess.
On Thursday 24th. the I.C. 1st VI beat Kings College thus continuing an undefeated record for the season; this victory brought us tha university Championship i n the Water Polo League. This excellent reoord has bean achieved by close teamwork with a sharp shooting forward l i n e , booked up by a defence whioh was always ready to move up i n attack. To date goals for amount to 29 with 11 goals against. I.C. F i r s t Team :- Chasten, Clark, Hemingway, HoAdam, Stewart, and Lampard.
RUGGER On the morning of the France v England i n t e r n a t i o n a l the 1st team defeated Nottingham U n i v e r s i t y at Harlington by 6 pts t o 3 . From the s t a r t the I.C. pack asserted i t s s u p e r i o r i t y and the three-quarterswere w e l l served from the scrum. She t a c k l i n g of the I.C.backs has shown some improvement of l a t e and the wings,when given the b a l l , l o o k e d dangerous. Nottingham opened the s c o r i n g with a penalty g o a l , but a f t e r t h i s I.C. dominated the p l a y Spooner touching down f o r an unconverted t r y i n the corner. I.C. continued to press i n the second h a l f the match being decided by another Spooner t r y . The 'A' XV,after a hard match, j u s * f a i l e d to holB the Vickers Armstrong's team- being defeated by 6 pts to 3. However the 'B' XV bewildered the Vickqrs second team and won by the magnificent score of 30 pts to n i l . F i l l m o r e played h i s usual b r i l l i a n t game.
RIFLE C L U B . This year the olub i s yet again having a highly successf u l season and has done well i n both the leagues and friendly matohes. In tha London University league they have 3 teams i n the premier division and the 'A' team has won a l l i t s matohes to date, and I s well on the way to retaining the Engineers Cup for yet another year. In the Inter-University League the 'A' team again met with suooess, and apart from losing to Cambridge, beat every other university i n tho country, and so for the seoond time in 3 years the I.U.L. Cup returns to I.C., the only college i n the competitions. This has been achieved only by good shooting and a great amount of luck. The 'C* team was formed experimentally at the beginning of the year, so that members oould obtain matoh practice before entering the other teams. This team has shot exceedingly well and i s at present second to London 'C in i t s division. The friendly matoh with the Metropolitan Police ended favourably, but they are awaiting their revenge when we v i s i t them i n the summer. 'A' Team. I.H. Abbott, J.M. Alexander, C. Bentley, B.C. Cope, FA. Lemin, T.H. Read, J.R. Ryder (Capt.) & S.P.O. Jasainger. Ivan Abbott has achieved distinction by having an average of 99.7 i n the London League a l l through this season.
BADMINTON I.C. Badminton Club have three teams i n tne U.L. Badminton League,and so f a r t h i s season the teams have a one hundred per cent r e o r d . i n tne league competition.Out of the t h i r t e e n matches played o n l y one game has been 10Bt6 o n l y one game has been l o s t - a f r i e n d l y match w i t h Reading U n i v e r s i t y . Two of the best wins were a g a i n s . Oxford Univ. Woodpeckers and Cambridge Univ.,due mainly to the h i g h standard of p l a y of t h e i r f i r s t two couples, Tony Walker and Graham Lawrence,andNeville Ginn and C.L. Yap. The mens 1st V I are expected to win the ChamDionshiDB f o r ti.e 4th year i n s u j o s s s i <M.
TUDO In recent weeks the I.C. Judo team have fought two of tho more important p r o v i n c i a l u n i v e r s i t i e s . These were r e t u r n matches from the Winter Term, when I.C. managed to win both without much d i f f i c u l t y . This terra, however, both opponents were i n s t r i c t t r a i n i n g f o r a Varsi t y match, and the scores were more even. At Oxford the f i r s t I.C. man became r a p i d l y airborne - the r e s u l t of two stomach throws. Cruse, Hodwell and Macpherson evened the s c o r i n g with t a i o t o s h l s , harelgo s h i s , and kamlshlhogatarles. Burford made some good though unsuccessful ren-raku-waia-migi-tsurl-koml-ashls. The r e s u l t waa a win to I.C. by 6i points to 6. When Cambridge came up l a s t Saturdaythey round a rather deplete d I.C. team. Seth d i d well to draw against a higher graded opponent, whom he had worried with some strong seolnage attempts. Williams was s w i f t with o k u r l aahi-harel but waa f i n a l l y sat upon by a larger opponent. Rotgana aoored q u i c k l y with h i s usual oaotogaria and Maspherson brought some d i f f i c u l t haraigoshls, the f i n a l score being Cambridge )pts.,I.C. i p t a .
P u b l i s h e d by the F t i l X BCW-yj, I m p e r i a l C o l l e g e Onion, London P r i n t . , b, S i l V.u. P l a i t Lid. , 2. B.h.k.U.a a... L.Âťd.Âť. , .
3.W. ,.