I f you must hold yourself up as an object lesson, l e t I t he ss a warning and not as an example - C.B.3.
" c
Y At the Joint Counoil Hasting last Monday, Mr. S.A. Kitchener was elected President of- Imperial College Union for the session 1956-57. Mr F.L. Levine was elected Honorary Secretary of ths Union, and Mr A.J. Chuter Chairman of the Entertainments Committee. The Counoil Officers of the Union for the next session are :S. A. Kitohener, A. Gocdings J. L. Hart M. Rutter . Miss W. Pipe P. L. Levine K.E. Wealo L. Allen S. K. Ash A. J. Chuter
t • i President • Vioe President . . , . Vioe President • . • vioe President , ,• , President I. C. W. A. , • Secretary • . • Senior Treasurer Chairman Social Clubs Ctte. Chairman Athletic Clubs Otto. Chairman Entertainments Ctte.
J. Hlohollo R. Fisher D. R. Harris
S. S. M. Representatives
R. A. Dytham J. Anderson L. E. Palmar
R. 0. 3. Representatives
t •
i l l • i l l
To be elsoted by 0. A 0. Union 0. A 9 J. Chadwiok R«pr***nt»tlve* D. M. Thomas I II
W m
At th* recent 8<a*bl*rus Club'a dim*-., the principle fuart WM ay, John Bstjcman, r*nown*d as port and journalist, sad MM lately as defender f arohitertural entiq,uiti*», Mr Bstjeman was invitod te moko th* f i r s t rt*p* i n Ah* destruction ef an *fflgy of taper!*! Inrtltuta mad* of io*d> sslM by «*»«•*, Mooney and Atkinson. Ho d*eld*d to d**trey •eat ef th* Mdundant gall*ri*» at th* bask and net to damage the facade or bell-tower. In replying to th* toast t > th* gu*§t*. John Brtjamn expressed h i * great surprise and pleasure that students took an active int«r*st In tn*»* affair*, and pointed out that •mereUy i t was th* (elentlrtt and technologist* who had far jsoro atnt* of r e i p c M l b i l i t y than the art* graduate* i n proflwu ef aesthrtio nature. e
Many regular features hav* been held out to aooomodata d single asrs rtety of 260QO words. A momentous and fssoinfttingdoeumsnt, i t i s ft reminder that present day I. 0. i s s t i l l a relatively p r l a i t l v * aoeiety, groping toward* sooial ordar, and national r*oognitlon without
N.U.S. Read a l l about |UNDERGRATCATES' THREE YEARS CP TERROR - Thsy SOUld MysT bs rspsatsd, - Counties r * f u i * malBtensno* grant*• o.C.G-l. "Behind In rsprssslen. The ordeal of sxsM, OTsT, no more bittsr misary I f you asks i t . " PROUD BOAST "I have nevtr passed my Soman •" SECRET P0U01 (headquarters 176 4u*on* Get*), secret crib tsohnlqus uncovered. Examination 'l*akj so curat* spotting? WIDESPREAD fal»lfiortion of rsiults, many suffer by henwrty but mass oookery praotlosd In ths laboratarioi. JT*QJU*nt purges weaken th* U. T. 0, END of * Brownbanger, vile - th* brain of • bird, worked to th* end of tern and got a f i r s t . COUNCIL - 'Nervous and Hysterioal,' - mirtak** never admitted. FRUSTRATION CH A MASS SOAIfl, SO**n MB In on* pair of treuur*. Flsld Oup Day - 'thet* arc th* r*al hero**!' •xosptional heroism shown by our hard sere, Burroujutart by Metropolitan Polio*, avsira—* untold avurdsaip* and d*ploy*d a l l t h * l r strength to th* smus* af daftttoSi 0LADSTR0PH0BIA EPOTMJO - g&iiag In the 8oit*l. HUery in, solitary. OUT 01 A DEVIOUS FASHION - Th* Board of Studies regrets that . . . (With apologies to th* "Observer")
lafaatssv A»an«sm*nta far th* Summ*r Vao. So be ep*n for breakfast*, lunehe* a wh*r**ft*r i t would ele»» for good.
•upper* up to
iMffltJm\ lo be elo»*d after lunch on 22 Jun*i «e-r*ep*n for hertel brtakfart* only frs» JO June to 27 Julyj to close from 81 July to 3 9*pt*mb*r| and to reopen for hartal br«*kfart* Only on k September until *uoh t i n * a* th* new Dining Room i n the Union Building was ready | AyrtHI Alii' * *** *•» on 26 June) to be open for MM** and supper* from 30 June to after lunch en 27 Julyi tc be olosed from 28 July until 3 S»psaisb*r| and to r*«p*n for lunch** and supper! from 5 Soptember until such tint at th* new Sining Room in th* Union Building was ready, after which •upper* would no longer b* available i n Ayrton Hall. Be
To dleae after lunch on 27 July) to reopen at lunoh. on k September. Al*o ts elo** for thr** day* snartim* i n 6*pt*mb*r during the move to th* new Bar premise" i n th* n*w Union Building.
M e l h f s
& d i t e r
The Bar. June 3rd. Dear S i r , I regarded the front page photograph of the last issue of Felix with no small degree of suspicion. I noted i n partioular the whiteness of the banner whioh was exactly equalled by that of the unprinted paper, the printing on the banner which was characteristically small scale work, and finally the fact that the banner ran to the extreme edges of the arch leaving doubt as to how i t was fastened. Did this banner actually appear on the Beit Building or i s a scheme afoot to precipitate us into war with Sir John Cass who were blamed for the outrage? With 'solitary* for hostel heretics and fudged, photographs the island site might be called the Island State.
Tours truly, IEAeSS/ SELLARS.JON. They always come for you in the night.
Cell (n+1)' Chelsea Police Station, June 15th. Dear S i r , Having recovered from celebrating the end of B.Sc. (Engineering) Examinations 1956, Part One, I was happily reading the complimentary copy of "FELIX" sent to the establishment where I am Sp present residing, when, to my horror, I saw the above letter questioning the accuracy of the reporting i n "FELIX". As a member of the dancing class in progress at that time, I was a witness of the foul deed i n question. If the author of the above letter would care to contact me i n the bar, i n , say, six month's time, on receipt of a pint of Worthington, I should be delighted to furnish further details of this foul deed and the perpetrators thereof. Tours Sincerely, 1CTAe? 6/750.
( 9 w im
Photographs on this page were taken by Messrs. Peacocks (R.C.S.) and Smith (C.& G.) These photographs show the polite intrusion of the police to point out that Bo, as a power driven vehicle, should not leave the road i n the park, and that Jezebel as a commercial vehicle should not enter the park. Despite the retort that there was a f i r e in Bayswater, the law insisted that" a f i r e engint ladened with thirty boisterous students would have tc find some other way across the park.
FIELD CUP RACE d uecee&s FIELD CUP The scene was like that i n which the general gives a last minute explanation of his tactics to the troops prior to joining battle. This year's Field Cup task was being placed before the engineers. Each department was to take a rope and then lower one of their number over the bridge across the Serpentine into a waiting beat. Then he was to be rowed to the chain marking the end of the boating area where a very blunt knife would be found. Having removed this warlike instrument the bearer was next to be rowed to land beyond the boating station. A l l he had to do then was to find a large balloon, (which, as D.T. "s said "-could be anywhere".) f i l l e d with some lighter than a i r gas - and release i t . The winning department would be that whose representative was f i r s t to release a balloon. Much to their surprise, the Guildmen were able to leave college without interruption from the Police and the o f f i c i a l , crews were lowered over the bridge without incident. Although i t was inevitable that some people should " f a l l " into the Serpentine during the subsequent fighting whilst the raoe was in progress, the actual race was comparatively orderly. Only the Aero Department Inst their ship. Hie Electrical Department were the eventual winners. Unfortunately whilst the race had gcttss almost unobserved by the "men i n blue", Bo had attracted some o f f i c i a l attention Why was the car parked behind *he boating station? - This was not a public highv/ayj While Bo was interviewing the police who were being told more and more t a l l stories, the crowd was not idle. The policeman's bicycle was being passed back through the crowd and i t i s reported that i t was eventually housed in a tree. When the dispute had been settled i t was unanimously deoided that the balloon, on the end of a sixty-foot length of string, should be carried back to Guild3 i n Bo escorted by the still-jubilant engineers. The route was through the park towards Hyde Park Corner until Rutland Gate, though which Bo turned into the main road., and came back to Guild's via Knightsbridge and Exhibition Road. ÂŤ_ An excellent t r r f f i c jam resulted as might well be imagined. The safe oarriage of the balloon presented i t s own difficulties. Lamp-posts had to be passed and long branches on trees avoided as the prevailing wind carried the balloon towards these obstacles. Only one lamp-post caused any concern, however, the string got oaught in the joint between the vertical column and the actxial arm carrying the lamp. Bo was just stopped in time to prevent the balloon exploding and the problem of releasing the string was soon solved after Bo had been reversed. Reversal of Bo, however, entailed reversal of the student mob and of the traffi c behind i t . The law became interested,but the journey continued with an escort of two police outriders. As spirits we:, e s t i l l high when the engineers returned to Guild's, a Boomalaka and some fun was had at the expense of R.C.S. On their eventual return to Guilds, the day ended with a speech of thanks to the "men in blue" who this year had been very kind.
F e l i x
0 0W3KD0I Shall I c a l l you bird or but a wandering voice? (State the alternative preferred, with reasons for your The
Imperial College Newspaper
APRON STRINGS : Dr. Logan, Manchester University Health Officer, says parents are to blame for many of the emotional problems which are upsetting one out of every three university students. His research shows that the ohief onuses of students' anxieties are homesickness and the f i n a l exams. Whatever his findings , Dr. Logan's attempts i n thin f i e l d are moat welcome. The intensity of complexes ant neuroses, and the number of mental breakdowns amongst students i s as high as, i f not higher than, the average, yet serious attempts to understand the peyohologioal troubles of students are few and far "between. Psychology l a by now sufficiently advanced to have something to offer to a l l groups of society >>ut we receive far less attention than most. We appreciate that the traditional approach of psyoo-analysia has >< s to investigate extreme neurotio oases, and we cannot for that reason hope to be ae of much interest as homosexuals and delinquents, but in a world i n whioh brain work is becoming increasingly important for production, psychologists have muoh to offer the world by analysing the problems of brain-workers, and these problems are by no means divorced from those of the University. Apart from this, i t i s high time that student problems were looked squarely in the face, i f only for the sake of the University itself.
There i s no* the inevitable gap i n the student year, during whioh many important deoisions concerning our future ere made. Not only personally, but as a body, the I.C. Union w i l l be seriously affected by nhat baoomes of the Imperial Institute. The final decision as to what w i l l become of the tower w i l l be announoed this month. Any loss of land due to i t s preservation w i l l almost certainly be passed onto the students. They w i l l not get the large hall that I a College of 3000 ought to have. The most popular sooial function i s dancing. Five times as many students attend any dance in Imperial College as attend any other function. Battersea Polytechnic , which i s lees than half the size of I.e., has a hall that takes 700. Next tern, this College w i l l have to run danoes i n a hall whioh w i l l hold 300. Students may however wander between r i v a l establishments, such as Queen Alexandra House, where Bedford College have sesn a chance to exploit the shortage of eV-urday night accomodation i n South Kensington. With this as the final issue this session, and my last issue, I would like to express my thanks to a l l the readers whose threepences have kept us solvent, and to a l l the contributors who have provided material for us to publish. I thank particularly the staff of FELIX who have done sc much work: Edith Stephen, John Bramley, John Dearden, Chris Farrow, Pete Levin, Dave Marshall on the editorial side, Elisabeth Kranok and Fete Ling on production, Pat Billingham, Pete Southgate and B i l l Thornley as artists, Ruth Billington, John Nioholls, Ian Flummer and Mike Rutter on the business side of the paper. The next Editor w i l l start with a olean slate. He will almost oertainly have a new style of FELIX, which w i l l be larger and have more pages. Reduction in printing will be unnecessary, so i t should be oleaner and dearer. It may be a new era in the l i f e of FELIX and I wish him every suooess with i t .
IMPERIAL COLLEGE CHRISTIAN UNION. In November from 4th. to 11th., a Mission w i l l be conducted throughout London University by the London Inter-Faculty Christian Union. At Imperial College, the Mission w i l l be organised by I.C.C.U., under the t i t l e , "What think ye of Christ?" It will be led by Mr Miohael Griffiths B.A. During this week, there w i l l be a special series of meetings, in the lunch hour and after College, whose aim w i l l be to consider and present the claims and person of Jesus Christ, i n a fair and straightforward manner. Further details will be circulated and announoed next term. . .*:
( Editorial Note: Nelson had an awful hangover , from a week's poet-examination drinking, when he wrote the above paragraph. Readers nay draw their own conclusions. ) 11
nsPUTIES AGAIN FIGHTING IK THE ASSEMBLY: Mr. Ibbotaon of "Mr. President I am frustrated...." fame was forcibly evioted from the I.C.U. A.G.M. for slandering the tellers. WEEPING JM GUILDS: G & 6 became mysteriously f i l l e d with tear gas on the day after R.C.S. had been washed down my Guildsmsn. IMPERIAL GOES ANTI-IMPERIALIST: Dmftjkg the Field Cup, the Daily Mirror were informed that we were students demonstrating i n favour of BCKA and that we were throwing ourselves Into the Serpentine as a protest against the Cyprus policy. This was later reftrted. APATHT AGAIN 1 Have the Test Mate*, commentaries, which can be heard on the radio i n the Unwin Lounge, anything to do with the reduced cttendanoes at Orion Mtetings? INTEHDUMTOLGUSRECTUS? VTDET: So "The People" has got round to exposing the "Mayfair Smart Set" . Guess who i s l i k e l y to eons next. (Loosely translated from Horace, the above Latin motto of the Oggi family, means "Now and than the people get on the hall.") CUIUS ENGINEER: Thanks to high pressure sales, the target number of 400 has been topped. There are approximately a thousand Guildsnen. Of THE DERBY DRAW on the college coach going to Wednesday's raoe meeting at Epson, 1 -irman lad Smith drew "Full Measure" ridden by I.Smith for a 3.30. Gordon Green won with Lavadin. TODAY IS AN ANNTVET l. The inaugural meeting of the Campinologists ooc sd axyear age Although reoognised by the authorities, ' aociety appears to have disintegrated since the last lor vac
Y Barriers have been erected round the portion of the Imperial Institute Galleries that are now being demolished. These w i l l no doubt, be useful to hold back the public when* work stops owing to the discovery of Roman remains which must, as ever the whole of the Greater London,- l i e i n the eub-eoil. The Ministries of Education and WorkS-jeAll, i n conjunction with the aroheologists then admit, the publio to view the site eh payment of the usual small contribution,towards the X15 x 10 eost of erection of our sky-sarapere. I t is to be hoped that something w i l l be found that w i l l indicate that the site was used to further the arts and science* (kulture) long before Prince Albert thought of his â&#x20AC;˘ester-plan. Probably the Romans had a road research centre far C i v i l Engineers until i t was closed when the highway system wan completed. The Albert Hall could be built on the foundations of generations of amphitheaters, where the Soots oould have been thrown to the lions,- Soots because Christianity ens "U* end the wolves not sufficiently vicious.
Sou* kâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;*M>
i n a few months t i n e about one t h i r d of the population of thin c o l l e g e w i l l , v o l u n t a r i l y or i n v o l u n t a r i l y , exchange academic surroundings f o r something more i n d u s t r i a l . And although many of us leave vowing to give up our subject i n favour of a d v e r t i s i n g , administration or-something guaranteed to make money, those who a c t u a l l y achieve t h i s breakaway are quite few. Since the atmosphere of t h i s c o l l e g e i s f a r f r 3 " c l o i s t e r e d , the great world outside i s no shoc'c to the ex-I.C. t e c h n o l o g i s t - or even to the s c i e n t i s t though he may tend to be a more shy, r e t i r i n g creature. You w i l l exchange your digs in London for digs or a f l a t i n some other town or country r.ore or l e s s exotic, (jixtreae cases never get away from S.W.7Âťnd spend t h e i r time coning to hops and pretending that they havent l e f t at a l l . ) Y o u ' l l f i n d your working colleagues much the sans as the people here. They may even be the sane people, as wherever you g.o, y o u ' l l f i n d soie one fro? I.C, already there. Your manager w i l l appear brighter than.your l a t e research supe r v i s o r , and your equipment w i l l , with any luck,
be s h i n i e r than the antiquated apparatus owned by many of the departments here. Your a s s i s t a n t , studying f o r h i s H.N.C. i n the evenings, may make you f e e l you did things the easy way; the types i n the workshop w i l l i n e v i t a b l y t a l k about the ' t e l l y ' a l l day long; the cante :n w i l l be no better than Mooney's Caff. How w i l l you know you've l e f t ? The d i f f e r e n c e i s , of course, the salary cheque at the end of the month. *t f i r s t , i t ' s pleasant to f e e l more a f f l u e n t than before and there seem to be no s t r i n g s attached, But as tha months go by, a change of heart occurs i n the worki n g ex-student. He r e a l i s e s that by v i r t u e of fhfcs s l i p of paper he has become an ordinary menber of the community, he r e a l i s e s that his years at c o l l e g e , however enjoyable, were years of waiting and unc e r t a i n t y . Ke r e a l i s e s that now the broad outline of h i s l i f e i s s e t t l e d and that must put down his roots and begin to l i v e along ths lines l a i d down, rteactions to t h i s vary as tluch as human p e r s o n a l i t i e s ; but at the r i s k of seeming pompous one can say that at this; p o i n t , i r r e s p o n s i b l e youth i s over.
N 'H-crwuif,
jjave Bridgeivater's expedition to Norway, one of the f i r s t ventures sponsored by the I.C. Bxploratlon board, show3 promise of being a successful one from every point of view. I t w i l l leave London on June 25th, for a small icecap, known as the Altotbreon, s i t u a t e d i n rocky mountainous country about 100 miles North of Bergen. The published object? of the expedition are: f i r s t l y , to study the geology of the area, and secondly to i n v e s t i g ate the actual g l a c i e r , t h i s l a s t work being done by the two g l a c i o l o g i s t s - jjd. Langham and John H a l l a t , who are normally to be found i n the Huxley B u i l d i n g doing curious things with small clouds, which they photograph, and c r y s t a l s of i c e , which are inspected through p o l a r o i d s . The other members of the expedition are: Dave Bridgewater himself, Uraham hees, Bob Tate, and i e t e r Kassler, a l l geologists from K.C.S. , B r i a n Lavers from Mines, and Jim Aitcheson of Guilds. Those who can v i s u a l i s e the combination of * g e o l o g i s t s , a Miner, and engineer and two g l a c i o l 0, l ts - not normally a dry occupation i n i t s e l f " , w i l l f i n d i t d i f f i c u l t / t o imagine how they w i l l survive f o r two months on an icecap which 1" some distance from the nearest supply of hard 1.-^uor. They might be even more perplexed were they to see the d i e t Dave has prepared f o r the party, f a are assured that those who have b e l t s w i l l have to tighten them - the only/consolation being that t h i s w i l l h i t the leader as hard as any of us. The expedition includes a number of enthusi a s t i c photographers, and a c i n e camera i s being taken, to provide a permanent record of our v i s i t . Humour has i t that some of us may even appear on 1. T.A.; i f a sound track i s made, i t i s hoped, that t h i s can be cleaned up before any public showings of the f i l m . - Some of us are hoping to carry out some subsidiary studies: i t was unfortunately found impossible to include any b i o l o g i s t s In the party, but many of us w i l l be i n v e s t i g a t i n g the behaviour of the tamed g i a n t h o r s e f l y of these'regions - when gorged with human blood. One of us who has extensive a g r i c u l t u r a l i n t e r e s t s intends to make a survey of the technique of Norwegian milkmaids, which, we are t o l d , i s f a r i n advance of that of t h e i r E n g l i s h counterparts.
Three of those who w i l l be going are members of the I.C. Mountaineering Club, and w i l l undoubtedly make attempts on a number of h-..herto unconquered rock faces - they have also been p e r f e c t i n g the technique of I r u s s i c s l i n g i n g as a means of a b s t r a c t i n g g l a c i o l o g i s t s from crevasses i n g l a c i e r s - the method may be a l i t t l e slow, and even inconvenient, but i s very e f f e c t i v e - e s p e c i a l l y when supplemented by a quart of the best at the top of the crevasse. We return from Altotbreen on August the 21st. - and having drunk Bergen dry, we depart f o r Newcastl e on the good ship S.S. Venus - which, we understand, provides as d i v e r t i n g and pleasant Journey as any that s a i l s on the high seas. In conclusion i t i s only f a i r to say that I.C. Exploration Board has provided a tremendous amount of assistance to the expedition - both f i n a n c i a l and moral, without which i t could never have been p o s s i b l e i n i t s present form. Peter Kassler, P u b l i c Relations O f f i c e r , I.C. Norway jixpedltion.
X Consriution
Q&ine Westing Society
& enserec
At the Social Clubs Committee meeting on June 4th., Lea Allen was elected Chairman for 1956-57, with Ian Bell as Hon. Seoretary and Tony Hodgson as Assistant Secretary. No represe eutatives from the Film, Jazz, Riding or Rover Clubs were pre present. The ohief business was the approval of the Indian Sooiety's constitution, which states that such a society shall exist to show and defend the Indian colours. An interesting exposure of the Wine Tasting Society was given by the Chairman y ^ j " *
ft Apparently the wine that has been imbibed this session has been a free g i f t to the society, providing good advertisement for the merchants concerned. The society however, collected 2/- from each person attending each meeting, and this was spent oa a dinner for the committee later in the evening. In additi n, some money was saved to pay for wine which was consumed at the societies annual dinner. The violation of the S.C.C. rule that a l l monies should be paid through the senior treasurer i s flagrant, and the constitution of the club was suspended u n t i l a fuller investigation could be made. This w i l l not affect the society as a whole, since i t has no functions until next term, and next years officers cannot be expected to suffer for the extravagances of their predecessors. % The Wine Tasting Society do not expeot to get their wine free i n future, so there will be less reward for sitting on the committee* There i s scope for an Epicure Society in the Union and this may be formed early next session. Volunteers to. serve on the committee of this club w i l l be expected to pay a substantial premium. (Negotiations through the Editor, Union Rack, quoting 3um prepared to pay)
VACATION ADDRESSES, Callers Welcome. John Sheldon, B. V. Hughes.
nd. (2 Eleo.)
Midsommarvagen 10, 2tr. HAGERSTEN Stockholm Tel. 45 76 52 !— nd Dick Saunders & John Elliott (2 Elec.') Central Y.M.C.A. MONTREAL Canada.
l TO LET DURING THE VAC:- One roos flat for one or twoPOR DETAILS apply to: J.P. BUUnghas, (via Guilds' Raok) FOR SAIS: f ; rowing eight plus pox (first a lass pedigree, needs oenditioning) Apply I.C. Boat Club, Union raok. SALE:- One brain- would ensure mediocre success i n FCft| i n * •try* body prefers to stay at I.G. Prioe:- 3rd. olass Honours, o.s*.o» Apply:- Box "B", Felix, Union Rao*.
In spite of oooupying temporary premises for the whole ye r and having to put up with many inconvenienoes as a result, the Union has had another successful year. The rebuilding of the Union premises i s now nearing completion,and this should result in the easing of the burden of the students as far as Union f a c i l i t i e s are ooncerned. The year began with the arrival at the College of the largest number of Freshmen the ..College has yet seen, and I hope that the two Freshers' Days provided something of an,introduction to the Union. Whilst on the subject of Freshers Reoeptions I would like to say something of our Overseas Students. In the past a special function has been arranged for students from abroad but for one reason or another they have not been suo> oessful. Next terra I believe a l l three Constituent Colleges are going to hold Freshers' Dinners, and each Freshman, i n cluding Overseas Prso.hmen w i l l have an "Old Lag" as his host. This method lays the onus on the Old Lags, and I would point out that a l l of you w i l l be Old Lags next year, With your support and cooperation a new approach can be made to Ove: isas students to get them to' join in our activities. One of the best attended functions of the year was L mem. Day, held for the f i r s t time in the Royal Albert Hall. This ceremony affects us a l l sooner or later- later for some than others- and i t was gratifying to see i t well supported. May i t long be as successful as this year. The Commem Ball held i n the Dorchester Hotel could have been better attended, but those who did go along had an enjoyable evening. To try and attract more graduates who hove been presented at Comraem. Day i t has been decided to hold the two functions on the same day. I hope that when uou have been presented with your degrees you w i l l grace the Ball with your attendance. Because of the many edicts which have been served upon us by , < , S/<<Ld&m&6Mm, the University Senate i t would a p ^ I pear that our Nov, 5th. celebrations I have been permanently banished to J Harlington. This , to my mind, i s a I good thing because when large num- l bers of students gather together i n I Town they seem to go berserk at the I sight of students from other. Colleges j At Harlington there are always the | few irresponsible types.who thought- | lessly scatter broken glass over the playing f i e l d and throw fireworks at individuals. If these people could ] bo eliminated there would be few grounds for complaint for holding our celebrations at Harlington. The Athletic and Social aotiv ities w i l l be highlighted by their respective Chairmen, but I would like to mention Morphy Day . and Sports Day. These were both successful occasions b"t attendance was extremely poor considering there i s a ..oU.f holiday for each function. The one bright spot on the question ofmattendanoes has been the increase in-popularity of Hall Dinner. This i s an encouraging sign since as well as providing an opportunity for having an excellent meal quite cheaply i t enhances the Staffstudent relationship whioh cannot but produoe goodwill amongst all.oonoerned. At one of the best attended Union Meetings for some year* the Union has again rejected a proposal to rejoin N.U.S. This subject seems to come up annually and I would like to reaffirm what was stated i n the Presidents Report for 1947-48:- I t must be obvious by now that the Imperial College Union and to that extent the constituent College Unions would do far better i f a l l the time an. energy spent digging up this subject every year 'were direct into more profitable channels such as internal matters .' the College. In the Into national f i e l d the Union reoieved two invitations to oenfer ;es in Genpany. I had the good fortune to attend one and Mr Kitoheoer the other. From the reports that have appeared i n FELIX i t should now be clear that I.C.'s reputation is high amongst most of the Technical Universities i n Europe. This International goodwill and cooperation oan be achieved by this Union without having cause to join N.U.S. Nationally, the Union was also represented at the Universities Conference at Southampton where f u l l discussions were held on domestic matters. The success of the conference appears to have been i t s informality and lack of debating trioks and points of order'. With the New Union Building constantly i n their minds, Council have done their utmost to see that i t w i l l be opened in October. Fortunately I can say that there i s every indication that this w i l l be so, although the gymnasium and top d^lng . hall might not be fully completed by Oct. 1st. the rest of ths building will. The Union Decoration Committee i s now making its final decisions.and I should like to express my thanks to Mr A.V.S. de Reuok for the enormous amount of work he has don* on this Committee. 0
In conclusion may I thank the Union Officers for the ass: istsnoe they have given meathroughout the year. My especial thanks to Mr Kitchener in the onerous position of Seoretary. His evorhelpful hand could always be railed upon to give the necessary support. Finally thank you a l l for making my year of offioe an enjoyable one and I wish you a l l the very bast of success in ths future.
any errors i n this statement are due to the fact that the reporter was sunbathing during most of the match. We had a glorious afternoon for the battle at Hurlingham, and reinforcements of ice-lollies were In constant supply. The real surprise of the fixture occurred i n the 880 yards. Maureen Hawes was our f i r s t runner, but there was some doubt as to whether any other member of the I.C.W.S.C. team oould survive such a distance. However, keeping to the old .I.C.W.A, policy of never missing an opportunity, Janet Peterson was instructed to come fourth at least. She obeyed orders until within 200 yards of the tape when she came flying past both King's runners and finished second to Maureen. Brenda Walker oame f i r s t in 6 of the 10 events on the ' programme, and I.C. won the relay. Other members of the team were Celia Roberts, Barbara Ruseel and Jean Ruaton. ;i
My parents told me never to amok* -I don't, Or listen to a naughty Joist - I don't. They made i t olear I must not wink At pretty girls, or even think About intoxicating drink - I don't. To dance or f l i r t i s very wrong WILD youths like women, wine and song - I don't. I kiss no g i r l s , not even one, I do not know how i t i s done, Xou wouldn't think I have ;nuohi fun - I don't. When an endeavour was made to profile the Editor i n this, his last edition of FELIX, he said he was writing his memoirs and didn't wish to infringe the copyright of his publisher. He referred to the above pseudo-poem, which he assures us starts true and then changes progressively until the last line i s completely misleading. That's why the profile i s on the SPORT page.
S In recent athletic fixtures, the I.C. team has been . successful, i t having lost only to Loughborough i n a ' triangle match with King s College London. Loughborough College, training ground of physioal training instructors contains several athletes who w i l l represent England at â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the ooming Olympics, and I.C, with a team depleted due to University fixtures were not at a l l disgraced by this. Les Locke i s the outstanding athlete of the Soilage at present, .John Evans having other outside commitments. Locke i s well supported by Pinsent and Goodwin, while i n the f i e l d events, Langdon, Lawrence, Snellock and Toynbee give the College a formidable team, ' 1
E E The gymnasium, whioh w i l l be completed and ready for use during next term w i l l have equipment for most indoor games installed i n i t , but unfortunately an a much smaller scale than originally hoped for beoause of i t s size. I t i s two feet too short for a standard badminton oourt, and netball and basketball w i l l be limited. Since there i s an adequate gym. at the U.L.U. building where some of our athletes train at present^ the size should not worry.those wishing to participate i n sport at South Kensington, The I.C. gymnasium was never intended to be perfect due to size limitation, though an extra two feet i n length could have been found i f t e Badminton Club Offioers of past years had been more alert. A similar occurrence at the U.L.U. building i a where an Olympic size swimming pool i a nearing completion. This should be perfect i n every feature, except the roof i s too low to take the 10 metre diving board.Competitors w i l l hajreto dive twice from the 5 metre board.
For every student with a spark of genius there i s a dozen with ignition trouble. Jw-mnucu. s.w.?. w.K