This week the t h i r d of the model study-bedrooms ereoted i n No. 14 Prince's Gardens by Richard Sheppard and Partners was finished. The room embodies several interestin g ideas, but comparison with the previous two reveals some economies that may not f i n d favour with students.
FIRST THINGS FIRST Workmen were s t i l l i n the room when i t was inspected by FELIX r e porters and the only piece of furniture i n evidence was the bed, equipped with a polythene-wrapped mattress.
The room measures approximately 14* 6" hy 8' 6". A s l i d i n g window occupies one end, with an imitation marble slab over a heater forming a window seat, as i n the o r i g i n a l models (see photograph). At the other end are the (hollow) door and wash-basin. The l a t t e r i s set away from the wall to make f o r eay cleaning, the only v e r t i c a l support being the waste pipe, whioh i s chromium plated. The taps are not sprung but are similar to those i n the Union.
NO STRETCHING The room has only one power point, situated 6* above f l o o r l e v e l about half-way along the side wall. The l i g h t i n g switch i s three feet above t h i s and thus l i m i t s the placing of furniture. The idea i s that i f one's bed i s nearby no stretching i s r e quired to reach i t . The l i g h t i t s e l f i s suspended from the c e i l i n g by seve r a l feet of f l e x (looped up on i t s e l f ) . The intention i s that i t can be p u l l e d over to any part of the room by strategicall y placed pieces of string. No table lamp i s envisaged.
The furniture to be used i n the hostel has not been f i n a l l y decided upon. Divan beds with low headboards and i n t e r i o r sprung mattresses w i l l be used; wardrobes on castors may be. Alternative forms of bookshelving are on view - a box arrangement that stands on the f l o o r and a narrow Dexion-like rack running from p i c t u r e - r a i l to f l o o r to which four rather shoddily finished shelves are affixed at desi r e d heights, unfortunately both of these occupy some floor space and students may prefer the better f i n ished a r t i c l e shown i n the photograph, whioh allows a desk to be placed beneath.
SUGGESTIONS Above the basin and the door, running the whole length of the wall, i s a f a i r l y deep cupboard, useful for storing suitcases etc. A bare pearl l i g h t bulb protrudes from i t s underside to provide a shaving l i g h t .
14, 1958
t t i s to be hoped that these rooms w i l l be opened f o r a few days to members of the Union, so that the predecessors of those who w i l l use them can pass c r i t i c i s m and make suggestions.
The 3econd phase of the FELIX hop survey went into operation l a s t Saturday. This time the women were under fire. What did the men want? Did they get i t ? That i s what we wanted to know. Some of the men were indeed tongue-tied(see last.issue), answering i n monosyllables. Luckily others were more vociferous; below are given some general opinions:
Generally the women were quite satisfactory, although "warmth and homel i n e s s " were lacking i n most. Also they needed to be more mature mentally, i n f e r r i n g that their physical maturity was adequate. As one man put i t , they were "often overexposed physically and underdeveloped mentally" However, some of the men preferred them that way' L i t t l e maternal i n s t i n c t was evident in. the majority of the females. Requests to "come back to the digs to wash up and make me some coffee " were severely rebuffed by such excuses as "Mummy would not l i k e i t " , but, as we a l l know, Mummy would not get i t l
However, before a man asks a g i r l to his f l a t f o r coffee he has t o f i n d her. Although most men seek them at hops a few women appear i n odd places •On top of a bonfire", "In Lapland", or even "In bed." These r a r i t i e s do not detract from the problem of conversation at hops. G i r l s who answer "Tes" to "Do you come hear often" are to be avoided as there i s obviously something wrong.
Some men had original trends i n conversation. "Does Stravinsky bore you?" Or "Are you pro-Osborne?" "Do you l i k e champagne and oysters?" or " I f I t e l l you that you have a good figure, w i l l you hold i t against meT" "Have you ever been to China? T e l l , what a coincidence, neither have I." However, l i t t l e suooess i s reported with the above opentags. One i n t e r viewee has had limited success with a pasMrio qynlnnl approach. I t was generally f e l t that the g i r l s should make more attempts at conversation. Cautioned en page t . . .
now Osna h a l f a Morris Eight (Dixie Dean owns the other h a l f ) and two ladies i n Tottenham.
Last year G i l was the R.S.M. Entertainments Officer, and also dinner " o h a r l i e - i n - o h i e f and o f f i c i a l r e builder of Clementine. During his f i r s t two years he was on the I.C. Entertainments Cocmittee and i s now the Chairman. According to John Hobson (of Guilds Entertainments fame) the Saturday night hops here are so enjoyable as t o be known as " G i l ' s Treats."
G i l Streets, a l i a s Fred Nerk, a l i a s Herr Obermeistor Fuhrer, a l i a s "short and curly", i s a t h i r d year metallurgist standing 5ft 6 inches i n h i s Terylene sooks. (His height i n hare feet i s unknown: he admits to having never r e moved his sooks).
He was born i n the Lincolnshire haml e t of Toynton a l l Saints (believe i t or not) some years ago, (Lincolnshire County Police are rather vague about h i s correct age) on a Saturday morning at 8.30. In G i l ' s own words: "I knew i t was a Saturday because I had a h a l f day o f f . "
He was educated i n his father's garage, on rare occasions attending King Edward VI school at Spilsby , (where he was a corporal i n the Lincolnshire Wing A.T.C.). At the age of seventeen a v e i l of mystery (the O f f i c i a l Secrets Act) was lowered on h i s career, when he became an apprentice metallurgist at Harwell.
Few facts about the three years he spent there have come t o public knowledge. I t i s known that he played i n the f i r s t team and the mixed eleven at hookey, and that he was evicted from his digs f o r turning his room into a garage. ( G i l says he l e f t because he objected to the landlord, a Welshman, c a l l i n g him a bloody foreigner.) His passion for lying on his back i n a pool of grease gave use to his f i r s t oar (an H.M. Govt. Special with Singer Le Mans engine.) The phenomenal performance of this machine was obtained by reducing i t s weight; mudguards, l i g h t s , body panels, silencer and seats were removed; eventually G i l was r e moved too, (to the polioe station) charged with 20 offences, and l e t o f f with a caution.
Since coming to I.C. i n 1955, Gil's enthusiasm f o r oars, and f o r those nece s s i t i e s of l i f e which seem to be associated with cars, has not waned. He
7.30 N
His immediate ambition i s to r e cover his old bowler hat which was:Bought f o r two s h i l l i n g s , Swum across the Thames, Covered with f l o u r on Morphy Day, Shattered by fireworks on November 5 th, and which has:Hobnobbed with Royalty* and Been pinched by a member of R.C.S.
G i l has been forced to use his best Sunday bowler as a temporary lampshade, so would the present owner of the old one please return i t as soon as possible.
The annual Dinner and Dance of C. and G. College achieved success on a scale comparable to that of last term's Carnival. The Dinner was held i n the Upper Dining H a l l and the Upper Refectory, speeches being relayed t o the l a t t e r . Mr. Mooney surpassed hims e l f by providing no fewer than 2A9 dinners. The excellence of the speeches highlighted a memorable evening i n an atmosphere considerably less formal than the dress. After the Royal toast, Professor Christopherson, newly elected an honorary member of the Union, proposed the health of the College. There .fas nothing much, he remarked, that he oould say, i n public, of the President, and quiokly passed on to the more seficus matter of I.C.'s expansion, i n which C. &L G. would play an ever-increasing part, as the need for technologists became more acute. Mr. Dave Stevens r e p l i e d to the toast and produced the sur-rise of the evening - The Spanner recently reclaimed from R.C.S.
This f l u r r y of a c t i v i t y has, however, l e f t some time f o r G i l to pursue his main interests which i n clude making omelettes, running a marriage bureau i n conjunction with the socia l secretaries of several women's colleges, (frustrated I.C. males take note!) gooseberry pie, and humanity i n general.. He says the only thing he r e a l l y d i s l i k e s are kippers f o r breakfast and t a l l women who wear high-heeled shoes. His ambitions are to enter the Monte Carlo Rally, to b u i l d his own house which he has a l ready designed, to marry at 30 and to travel around the world.
A very l i v e l y speech followed from Mr. John Hobson, who embarrassed his guests with some very well chosen words. Mr. Chadwick was put i n his place by an after-party tale. After enquiring i f Mr. Butters had his trousers on, Mr. Hobson: "Travelled through the sublime to .... Mr. G i l Streets."
... oontinusd from page 1. There seemed to be no preference f o r either blonde or brunette, providing she i s of a "reasonable sise and shape" and possesses personality, with accent on the l a t t e r . One man looks f o r b i g eyes but rarely finds themj another looks mainly f o r nice legs and anklesj this , he said, i s no r e f l e c t i o n on intelligence "but i s very rewarding." The opinion of the l e v e l of i n t e l ligence varied; some thought the females were dim-witted, some over i n t e l l i g e n t , some were of "intelligence comparable with that of I.C. men, which i s not saying much." There seemed to be a distinct lack of dress sense among the g i r l s . Many *a budding flower i s obscured by rampant foliage. Men found that they had t o compromise between what they want and what they get, although most men came to the hop just f o r an evening's entertainment, not with any preconceived notion of picking up a g i r l . Every man questioned intended to buy his partner refreshments. Most g i r l s allowed themselves to be l e d down f o r a drink during the interval when they were very considerate i n the ohoi.ce of drinks, preferring f r u i t joices to s p i r i t s , but were more reticent when invited f o r ooffee. What about the after-care? Most of the men interviewed had only one g i r l friend usually at home or none a t a l l ; some had a h a l f or three quarters (?) of a g i r l friend but would elaborate no further. Theoretically as many g i r l friends as possible were desirable, but "one takes up most of the time and money." Another interviewee had mainly nurses as g i r l friends; his appearance corroborated his statement that "Nurses are the downfall of students." Such i s the opinion of I.C. men of women and a l l i e d subjects, representing the general s o c i a l trend. But, of oourse, I.C. hops are only a beginning. What i s to follow? Doubtless you imagination w i l l s a t i s f y your curiosity!
In reply, a past C. & G. President Mr. Foster delivered a most cynical speech aimed at the present generation of students, and after some penetrating derogatory remarks about R.C.S., said that he*, .could not wish to represent a finer body of women." The dancing then commenced and continued except f o r a short interval unt i l 2.30 a.m., after which records were played to the few energetic bodies r e maining. Throughout the interval a be-bagpiped Scotsman had the crowd reel' ing to eightsome's and dashing white sergeants. Auld Lang Syne and a Boomlaka completed the evenings o f f i c i a l entertainment.
PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY EXHIBITION March3rd 7th in the Concert Hall All entries to be gjven to the Union Hall Porter by 7pm Feb 27 th MONEY PRIZES Details on Photo Soc notice board
The Union Counoil meeting on Monday, February 3rd. was considerably shorter wan the previous one, ending at 7.30 prooeedinga are summarised oelow. T h < s
The broken step on the central staircase leading to the 3rd f l o o r of the Union was due to the dropping on i t of the o l d piano during transit to a children's Christmas party elsewhere in the College. Twelve other steps were damaged. The broken one w i l l be r e placed at College expense.
In a further attempt t o prevent overloading, the l i f t i n the Union w i l l shortly be f i t t e d with a cunning gadget consisting of a siren that emits a high-pitched whine when the capacity i s exceeded. On the extramural side, the cost of p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n Touchstone weekends i s to go up from ten to f i f t e e n s h i l l i n g s , and i t i s hoped that C.Day Lewis w i l l give some General Studies lectures on poetry.
The Entertainments Committee reports poor organisation on the part of clubs running hops: some supervision seems to be needed. Some of the doormen h i r e d for hops have been found rather unsatisfactory and i t i s hoped that 80Ilege technicians may take their place.
The next Union meeting w i l l be held on the 6th of March.
The seoond Mock Parliament was held i n Ayrton Hall on Thursday, January 30th. A Labour Government was i n o f f i c e , and the Liberal Society provided the o f f i c i a l Opposition. Business opened with a statement of p o l i c y by the Prime Minister, whioh was r e p l i e d to by the leader of the Opposition. A B i l l to repeal the Conservative Government's Rent Aot, and t o introduce some new measures on housing, provided acne interesting debating. The Opposition was somewhat divided, and did not press f o r a d i v i s i o n . The B i l l was therefore accepted unopposed. A debate on Education provoked some v i o l e n t debating on the subjects of the eleven plus exam, and the future of public schools, but general agreement was f e l t on the subject of students grants* The Government promised to give t h i s matter sympathetic consideration. An Opposition motion of no confidence i n the Government was defeated. The f i n a l business on the order paper was a debate on nationalisation. The Government proposed to nationalise several industries, including the road haulage and the coal distribution i n dustries. A proposal by an independent M.P. to nationalise wine, women, and song was vociferously opposed by the two members of I.C.W.A. present. The evening was enlivened by many Interjections of a varied and interesting nature. The Conservative Society unfortunately d i d not support t h i s s i t t i n g of the Mock Parliament. The House hoped that they would attend the f i n a l two s i t t i n g s .
(a) The Society or Club s h a l l be formed as a Minor Society of a suitable existing Sooiety or Club. The Minor Society s h a l l be independent of the Senior Club, both f i n a n c i a l l y and with regard to a c t i v i t i e s but s h a l l be r e presented on the S.C.C. by the P r e s i dent or Chairman of the Senior Club. (b) The Society shall be formed as i n (a) but s h a l l be f i n a n c i a l l y dependent on the Senior Club., and be named
The request f o r ideas f o r dealing with the Coloutt tower has brought to l i g h t a wealth of o r i g i n a l i t y ; a selection follows. Dear S i r , I suggest that the Colcutt Tower be exhibited i n a "thief-proof"bracket in the entrance h a l l of R.C.S. Yours sincerely,
The Social Clubs Committee held a M e t i n g on Thursday February 6th. The main items of business were two proposed amendments to the constitution, both of which were approved. The f i r s t was that any proposed new sooiety must gain the support of one h a l f of the members present at a committee meeting while the second allows two alternative p o s s i b i l i t i e s should the f u l l formation of a Club or Sooiety be rejected:
Anthony L. Brookes. L I V E L Y
Dear S i r , Why not keep the Coloutt Tower i n order that our President can have a l i t t l e room right at the top i n which to practice on his euphonium. Yours f a i t h f u l l y ,
a Sub-group. The Committee whs 11, have the power to recommend to Imperial College Union Council that any club or sub-group be disbanded i f i t considers that the i n terests of the Union demand i t . The Photographic Society has been awarded a Pot i n the Bar i n recognition of t h e i r outstanding record - they are very well known and have been asked to participate i n international exhibitions, besides carrying off many f i r s t places i n U.L. exhibitions. Their own exhibitions have been Judged by prominent members of the photographic world, who have complimented them on t h e i r work. The Executive Committee of the S.C.C. has also revised the subscription rates of the Social, clubs, taking into account t h e i r membership and expenditure. Several changes were approved.
Dear S i r , The present outcry against the Colcutt Tower amazes me. Has noâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;one realized what a tremendous asset we have i n our midst? The entire s k i l l o f a l l three constituent Colleges must immediately be harnessed to the project of giving the Tower a permanent t i l t . This would attract v i s i t o r s from a l l over the world and immeasurably increase the prestige and revenue of the College. After a l l , who would have heard of P i s a i f i t s tower were straight? But there would be a nobler s c i e n t i f i c motive behind a l l t h i s . It i s quite possible that i n the not-too-distant future materials w i l l be treated in such a way that they w i l l r e s i s t the force of g r a v i t y and be repelled by the earth. Research on these materi a l s would inevitably include a study of the time they would take to r i s e v e r t i c a l l y to a given height on being released at ground l e v e l . What better equipment could one want f o r this experiment than the Leaning Tower of Kensington?
Judy Lemon. Yours t i l t e d l y , I.N.
Dear S i r , It i s generally acknowledged that the Colcutt Tower must have additional supports when the surrounding buildings are removed. One obvious way of doing t h i s i s to b u i l d four f l y i n g buttresses at the corners of the tower to s t a b i l i z e i t . I f the Reader w i l l refer to the diagram he w i l l see that i f the buttresses were carefully designed they would give the tower the appearance of a gigantic neolithic rocket. Nothing could be a more worthy symbol of the s c i e n t i f i c work on the island s i t e . Further, i t would evoke great astonishment and admiration from overseas tourists who never realized that our entry i n t o the f i e l d of b a l l i s t i c missiles had preceded the f i r s t automobile by half a century. Poignancy i s added to the situation by the theory that the tower w i l l gradually sink into the ground under i t s vast weight when the supporting buildings are removed. As though winding up for a huge leap into space the tower (Colputnik I?) would disappear slowly from sight, with Mr. John Betjeman doing a smart salute on one of the balconies as i t went down. Yours f a i t h f u l l y , Norman B. Greaves. -
REVEILLE We publish on Page 5 a l e t t e r from Miss Fryd complaining of the "Reveille" l i k e nature of recent issues o f FELIX. She does not put forward any constructive ideas but intimates that the production of a worthy FELIX could be achieved desp i t e the low standard of the Arts at I.C. Constructive suggestions are naturally welcomed more than the merely c r i t i c a l , but a l l indications of readers' Opinions are greatly valued.
What do vou think of FELIX? T e l l us what improvements you would l i k e t o see. A l l non-inimical suggestions that involve no law-breaking w i l l be c a r e f u l l y considered.
When the fresher comes t o t h i s c o l lege, anxious to make the best' of the wonderful college l i f e he has heard so much about, he i s immediately subjected to a barrage of propaganda from FELIX and from students conditioned t o FELIX'S views. I am r e f e r r i n g of course to the propaganda against the "vice* of brownbagging. What FELIX and others do not appear to r e a l i z e i s that brownhagging does not necessarily mean a narrow education, and even i f i t does i t i s i n some oases j u s t i f i e d . Last year about a t h i r d of the students at I.C. l i v e d , f o r bette r o r for worse, at home. Why should these students make the Union the centre of their s o c i a l l i f e ? Are they to stop associating with t h e i r o l d friends just because they have gone t o college? There i s l i t t l e to be gained i n persuing a c t i v i t i e s at college which can more conveniently be pursued at home.
Secondly many students, especially post graduates ( who again make up about a t h i r d of the I.C. student population), have l e d a f u l l l i f e at college but have now had enough of the hectic uncertainty and anxious competition which i s inherent i n student l i f e , A l l students r e a l i z e sooner or l a t e r that college isn't every-
thing, and none more so than married students, of whom there must be two or three hundred at I.C. Can brownbagging be j u s t i f i e d i f i t i s due to concentration on work to the exclusion of almost a l l else? Consider the t h i r d year student who has made the best of what college can offer, but then finds that he i s heading f o r an "upper second." I am sure that FELIX i s not going t o t r y t o stop him working a l l hours i f i t w i l l bring him a " f i r s t " and with i t exemption from national service. I t i s worthwhile devoting one year a l most entirely to academic studies t o save those two r e l a t i v e l y wasted years i n the army. However i f anyone reading t h i s viewpoint has already f i t t e d himself into one of these categories I hope he i s not making i t an excuse. I do not believe that there i s anyone i n t h i s college who cannotreasonably take part i n some student a c t i v i t y . Only a fool does not make use of the opportunities, that c o l lege can offer. I f those who are brownbaggers only through sheer lack of i n i t i a t i v e would take more interest i n the Union, then the burden of I.C.'s nonaoademio reputation would not f a l l so heavily on those to whom College i s t h e i r whole l i f e - a state of a f f a i r s aa much to be deplored as brownbagging. F. Peacock.
In the l a s t issue of FELIX, Mr. J . K. T a y l o r enquired what had happened to the Union Library, he having read i n the "Rector's B u l l e t i n " that i t had been incorporated into a College General L i b r a r . The position i s that the f o r mation of the College General Library i s subject t o the approval by the Univ e r s i t y Grants Committee of a grant of about £2,000 yearly t o pay f o r a f u l l time l i b r a r i a n , books and upkeep. r
The General Library Committee cons i s t s of several members of s t a f f with three representatives of the Union L i b rary Committee t o ensure that the i n terest of the students are represented.
The Union w i l l make a grant of about £250 yearly towards the purchase of books, which w i l l be chosen by the Union Library Committee only.
The p r i n c i p a l advantages of this scheme are that a full-time l i b r a r y w i l l be available, and i t w i l l be on the i s land s i t e . However, i t w i l l be seven or eight years before i t can be housed on the s i t e , and at the moment, with books being added a t the rate of 600 a year, the seeommodstioa i s quite i n - .. suffAnient. I t i s hoped that Ho. IS, Prince's Gardens may be taken over, but t h i s too i s subject t o U.G.C. approval. I f t h i s i s forthcoming, the deoorating and i n s t a l l a t i o n of shelving should be completed by next session.
The Union Library has recently been open only from 1 t o 2 p,nu and has been i n somewhat ohaotie state. This was due t o theC departure early t h i s term o f Miss Bamfard, the a s s i s tant t o Mr. James of the C. and G. Library. However, a new assistant has now been appointed and, startin g t h i s month, the Library w i l l again be open i n the afternoons.
Dear S i r , C r i t i c i s m of the l a s t issue of Phoenix has been f l y i n g fast and furious over the past fen weeks. A great deal of this has been •useful and interesting. However i t i s getting to a stage where the points used i n arguments on both sides are becoming banal and on the verge of bad taste. The more construct i v e criticisms have given helpful guidance i n the compiling of the next issue which i s already well towards the proof reading stage. Being the only person l e f t to maintain the continuity of the magazine, when I was seriously i n d i s posed i t was d i f f i c u l t indeed, to even attempt t o f i n d anybody who could produce from scratch the autumn issue.
That Peter Jarman and his colleagues produced an issue at a l l i s commendable. That they produced an issue with many good a r t i c l e s i s highly commendable. I t was badly balanced; there was l i t t l e with direct bearing on I.C, I t must be remembered,though, that Imperial College i s not a l l that interesting; students here, whatever t h e i r i n t r i n s i c c a p a b i l i t i e s , do not easily come by the art of conscious s e l f expression; events here tend t o centre round the t r i t e r things i n l i f e . This i s not cultural snobbery; t h i s i s rather an obvious state of affairs.
Another point i s t h i s . The symbolism of the s c i e n t i s t and engineer d i f f e r s from that of an a r t i s t or writer. This tends t o create an a r t i f i c i a l barr i e r between the two modes of expression. There i s the cultural snobbery of art and l i t e r a t u r e ; there i s the c u l t u r a l snobbery o f technology. Surely the function of a magazine such aa Phoenix i s to attempt i n i t s own way to break down the b a r r i e r . Thus the arts must, as f a r as t h i s i s possible without distortion, be interpreted i n terms the scientist can easily grasp. I t i s a d i f f i c u l t task but worthy of the e f f o r t . Tours sincerely, Anthony Hodgson.
FAIR HEARING Dear S i r , As a member of the Musical Society I am somewhat perturbed by the a t t i tude of a large section towards the I.C. Choir.
The attitude of a frien d of mine i i s t y p i c a l . On being »3ked i f he w«s coming to our performance of Bach's, Mass i n B minor on March 12th, he r e p l i e d "What, come and hear you l o t , not l i k e l y J " or words t o that effect.
He nevertheless maintains that he i s a music lover, and attempts to j u s t i f y h i s attitude by saying that he thinks we are b awful. YET HE HAS NEViR HEARD US SINGS Surely f o r a (presumably) educated person this i s a remarkable piece of judgment!
This state of mind i s , I fear, a l l too common among fellow students. They base t h e i r Opinion of the I.C. choir on that of their (presumably) mediocre School Choir.
' We are NOT mediocre. Wa are NOT a school choir and we ARE worth hearing.
We are performing on March 12th a great work, perhaps the greatest choral work of a l l , f o r which many of us have been rehearsing for over 12 months. A l l we ask i s that you give us one f a i r hearing, t h i s once, and we f e e l some of you w i l l not go away disappointed. Yours f a i t h f u l l y , Bryan J . T i l l e y .
Vacation Accomodation: F l a t at over Easter for 1,2, or Sellers v i a
Hotting H i l l Gate vacant vacation. Moderate terms 3 persons. Apply J.L. Union Rack.
INDIFFERENCE? Dear S i r , The FELIX e d i t o r i a l on the s i g n i ficance of ZETA came as a surprise. For a change, FELIX was concerned with the oldest problem i n the world, v i s . preservation and improvement of humanity, i n addition to the seoond oldest problem, v i z . Sex. A step i n evolutionl I thought. After a l l , preservation must precede propagation. Who wouldn't prefer to have Marilyn Monroe i n one d e l i g h t f u l SA - active piece rather than have her disintegrated i n t o <*. - emitting atoms. But calories must be consumed tbefore s t a t i s t i c s (the v i t a l onesJ) are developed. I t i s the fact that calories are just not being imbibed over vast areas of Asia and A f r i c a that has been pinpointed by the FELIX e d i t o r i a l i n stressing the significance of Zeta. I t appears that there i s starvation at a stage i n human history when science can provide plenty. Why? We i n Asia are seeking the answer to this question. And when we come to advanced countries l i k e t h i s , and to premier s c i e n t i f i c inotitutions such as I.C., we hope to learn from the men i n these institutions not only about telemetering and thermodynamics, but also about the marriage between science and human welfare, whioh has apparently been banned. How much do we learn from the average I.C. students? Very l i t t l e . Few can teach us what conditions are required f o r science to be harnessed to human welfare. To be c i v i l i z e d i s
to be concerned with c i v i l i z a t i o n ; from this standpoint few are c i v i l i sed. We "ignorant" natives f i n d an appalling ignorance about the a f f a i r s of large segments of human i t y . We find "free" minds so brainwashed that they believe they shoudn't be concerned with the use of science. These makers of t o morrow's world (of course you are, otherwise money wouldn't be spent on I.C.) have been indoctrinated i n to steering clear of the problem of how tomorrow's world should be. While Jews were being gassed and t h e i r bodies burnt as fuel, Nazi s c i e n t i s t s were "disinterestedly" studying the efficiency of the conversion into power. Is the a t t i tude commonly held by I.C. students very different? I doubt i t l Which i s why we Asian and African students are impressed by the e d i t o r i a l i n FELIX. In i t i s the unassuming answer to Jarman's request f a r constructive c r i t i c i s m . Camus was committed an Algeria, and i t appears that this e d i t o r i a l was inspired much more by the s p i r i t of Camus than was the "valiant band of writers" i n the Phoenix. Yours sincerely,
GLOBETROTTER Dear S i r , Last October, i n FELIX 111, you presented the f i r s t of a series of a r t i c l e s called the "FELIX GLOBETROTTES GUIDE". This was both i n formative and useful, and I eagerly awaited more. FELIX 112 informed us that your correspondent "had not found his way back to I.C." from Westfield." After that: silence. This, s i r , shows FELIX i n a very poor l i g h t . Is FELIX a stick-in-mud or has curiosity k i l l e d the cat? As i t w i l l shortly be spring, when a young man's fancy turns to love eto., now i s an excellent time to continue this series. Maybe I.C. men are "tongue-tied, leaden-footed" (FELIX 116) through worry about how to get home after escorting the g i r l friend to her home. The novelty of walking back from Hampstead through the centre of London i n the small hours of Sunday morning soon wears o f f , as most freshers by now w i l l have found out. This, s i r , i t i s i n your hands to remedy. Yours f a i t h f u l l y , Dave Briggs. Editor's note:Unfortunately f o r the series our Globetrotter went too far. Coming shortly - "Son of Globetrotter"
A.K.IJ. Ready.
XWORD OUTSIDE VIEW Dear S i r , As a sporadic reader of FELIX and an occasional v i s i t o r to I.C. I was most interested to read Viewpoint i n the current issue. My own past includes several years at one of the older provincial Universit i e s of Mr. Bridgwater's a r t i c l e . I was fortunate i n always l i v i n g close to the major buildings of the University and, more p a r t i c u l a r l y , that of the Union. Consequently I was able to take part i n any a c t i v i t y I chose, without making a major effort i n the way of t r a v e l l i n g etc., and found out something of the other fellows' point of view. Not a l l of my year were i n the same position. Those coning from neighbouring towns constituted the largest part of our 9 to 5 population. I t may be coincidence but when I now meet members of this group conversation i s mainly U n i t e d to sex, shop and a l e . Aa I see i t the students at I.C. suffer i n t h e i r University education because I.C. i s both non-residential and also a technical College with the â&#x20AC;˘xamining status of a University. The answers to the present predominanoe of " s p e c i a l i s t " University educations are, I think:(a) Completely residential Universities. (b) The abolition of the system of advanced technical collages (I.C. included). (o) The removal of the interference of Grant Authorities i n University a f f a i r s i n the way of lecture attendance reports etc., whioh compel many students to become â&#x20AC;˘ewiers of the 9 to 5 class, and (d) The removal of teachers from University posts and their replacement by lecturers.
bodies misguidedly seeing that the rates and tax payere money i s well spent. Not a l l students w i l l agree with (d). However i f you want to be taught, as opposed to learning by the University system, then one should attend a technical college and leave your place i n the University Open for someone who wants to learn. If our"narrow minded friends i n their rut of self-sufficiency"lose from the introduction of the Arts into the College Hostel, or better into the College i t s e l f , the loss w i l l only be temporary. The losers should realise that advances i n any one f i e l d general l y come by the application of ideas and techniques gained from other f i e l d s . The sooner one realises that one's own f i e l d i s not the only worth while one the better.
It i s ea;y to feel superior about this sort of thing, S i r , but surely i t helps to demonstrate the need f o r intimate contact, i n Imperial College, with something more than just "Science and Technology", i . e . with Education. Yours f a i t h f u l l y ,
Yours eto.,
J. Wendon.
Psi Ex Leeds.
Dear S i r , In his Viewpoint i n the l a s t issue of FELIX, Mr. Bridgwater dismisses with scorn "sex and beer" aa opportunities of broadening our interests, but I think that they are two of the most important channels open f o r possible promotion of our i n t e l l e c t s . Is i t not a fast that we meet more outsiders with diverse opinions at hops than on most other occasions i n college l i f e ? Can we not express ourselves more freely with a Jug of alcohol i n our hands than without? There i s more to be gained from these pursuits than from i n v i t i n g outsiders to j o i n our social clubs and societies. Yours eto.,
Item (o) i s of course the result of l o c a l
Dear S i r , I suppose the opinion, recently voiced i n f a i r l y prominent quarters, that scientists etc. are uneducated is taken by most members of I.C. with the proverbial pinch of NaCl. I t i s therefore doubly distressing when the truth of i t i s demonstrated, as happened yesterday i n the Dining H a l l at lunch. S i t t i n g opposite me were two postgraduates (of which College is irrelevant), doing a crossword over their meal(X ); they argued f o r nearly ten minutes over whether "Consecutive" was spelt "Consecative" of "Conseccative". They were followed at the table by two gentlemen i n scarves and macintoshes.
Dear S i r , May I suggest that FELIX f i r s t cast out the beam i n his own eye, and then proceed to oa t out the mote whioh i s i n his brother's eye. I have recently heard FELIX referred to as a college "Reveille", by a student here, and suggest that circulation might be larger i f FELIX more closely resembled the college newspaper i t i s meant to be. Any students preferring "Reveille" may always Obtain that mace.sine at any newsagent. The standard of the Arts may net be high at Imperial College, put surely we can produce a newspaper worthy of the greatest science college i n the country.
The topic f o r discussion at l a s t week's Touchstone, weekend had the rather unpromising t i t l e , "Is Man Measurable?" In f a c t , although we didn't r e a l i s e i t , we were i n f o r a remarkably interestin g t a l k from the v i s i t i n g speaker - Mr. R. J.B.Silvey, Head o f the B.B.C.'s Audience Research. Mr.Silvey's t a l k dealt with "Social Research", i n which he had been involved f o r t h i r t y years. He started by saying that s o c i a l s c i e n t i s t s were more l i k e ordinary people than l i k e "unwashed a r t i s t s and t i r e l e s s poets", and a f t e r observing that the s c i e n t i s t , u n l i k e the l a y man, draws h i s conclusions only a f t e r f i n d i n g out the facts, said the only question he could think o f t o which there was a clear-out "Yes" o r "No" answer was "Is she pregnant?". This uncertainty complicated s o c i a l research, which must aim t o reduce the q u a l i t a t i v e t o quant i t a t i v e terms as f a r as possible but not t o reduce human values t o c o l d s t a t istics. The process used i s that of sampling: a small "sample" o f people i s asked a number o f questions, chosen with considerable care and usually accompanied by "decoy" questions designed to keep the victims o f f t h e i r guard. The victims must be representative of
The speaker went on t o talk about measurement of attitudes, and revealed that Anti-Semitism, abhorrence of sexeducation and support f o r corporal punishment usually go together. He then gave reasons f o r the steady growth of s o c i a l research and examples of how i t had been used i n the past.
Mr. Silvey finished with his own job - broadcast audience research saying that i t was very d i f f i c u l t t o measure either the enjoyment of broadcasts or people's comprehension of them. The B.B.C. invites selected members of the public t o Broadcasting House, p l i e s them with coffee and b i s c u i t s ("You can get them so docile t h e y ' l l do anything!) then plays a recorded talV t o them, stopping every few minutes t o ask questions on the subject matter. The answers reveal how well the audience understood i t .
Questions followed, during which Mr. Silvey mentioned that university graduates tended t o answer questions with "What do you mean by ?". Then the bar opened.
Ten members of the Society, a f t e r an uneventful journey by D i s t r i c t l i n e reported t o the M.P.D. soon after 2.15 on Wednesday, February 5ÂŤ While a guide was being found a gentleman who said he was deputising f o r the shed master took charge of the party and i n v i t e d us t o inspect at close quarter s one of the 1000 h.p. diesel locomotives now being put into serv i c e on f r e i g h t t r a i n s on the North London l i n e . While we were so doing the man we'd 3een f i r s t returned with our guide, who appeared to be several years our junior, and was obviously not intereste d but welcomed a chance t o stop work, and announced that climbing on the locomotives was forbidden. Our f r i e n d t o l d us "I've given you permission" and took charge of the party. He showed us round the shed, which i s being converted t o deal exclusively with d i e s e l locomotives, while our o f f i c i a l guide t r a i l e d behind. Then we were l e t loose i n the shed yard and those who'd been put o f f from bringing t h e i r cameras by a l i t t l e r a i n wondered i f they hadn't been too pessimistic. On a r r i v i n g at Bow Works we waited 20 minutes f o r a guide,passing the time i n searching the walls and f l o o r f o r r e l i c s o f pro-grouping railways. Apart from the Gatekeeper himself a l l we found was an L.N.W.R. key. The works belonged o r i g i n a l l y t o the North London Railway and no locomotives have been b u i l t there since 1910. I t i s now used f o r l i g h t and heavy repairs and can accommodate up t o 16 engines at a time. On Sunday March 9th the Society i s having an all-day v i s i t by diesel r a i l c a r to Swindon locomotive works and carriage and wagon works. Any member i n doubt about the attractions of t h i s v i s i t should as* anyone who oame on the Severn Tunnel t r i p l a s t year or read the account of i t publ i s h e d i n FELIX. R.D.W.
the whole group being studied (e.g. a l l radio l i s t e n e r s ) - i n l i s t e n e r research, where questions on one day's l i s t e n i n g have to be answered the f o l lowing day; a questioner might by the. evening be looking f o r a r i c h old man, when a l l he oould f i n d was a poor young woman, who of course just would not do. (However, as Mr. Silvey pointed out,the two are often found together).
After dinner three groups were formed and discussion continued u n t i l about midnight on a number of questions a r i s i n g from the talk. After lunch on Sunday the three groups reported the res u l t s of the previous night's deliberations One of the questions had involved suggesting suitable s o c i a l research t o help 30lve some s o c i a l problem. One group chose "Teddy Boys, Students and Debutantes" as t h e i r problem: we wonder what the con nection i s ! Another, discussing c a p i t a l punishment, decided with great solemnity that i t was impracticable t o ask someone i f they had been deterred by the threat of hanging from committing murder!
Other points which emerged were that f r e e w i l l exists, that there i s a case f o r vocational training f o r journ a l i s t s , that there i s no cause f o r making pre-election public opinion p o l l s i l l e g a l , and i n addition such polls might be useful before an important piece of l e g i s l a t i o n ; and that M.P.S were a bad l o t anyway. The proceedings were wound up by Mr. Silvey, who agreed with, and ampl i f i e d , most of the conclusions. J.W.
CLEARER On Tuesday, January 28th, the Society had another f i r s t tasting "of l i t t l e known wines, t h i s time of Madeira. The tasting was preceded by a t a l k by Mr. C03sart, who introduced Madeira aa an i s l a n d of mild and honey and breath-taking romance. The island has a volcanic s o i l , enriched by the ashes of forests destroyed by f i r e oenturies ago, which imparts an uiimistakable , burnt b i t t e r sweetness t o the wine.
Madeira i s a heavy f o r t i f i e d wine i n the Port and Sherry class, whioh i t f a i n t l y resembles i n taste, with perhaps a hint of the nutmeg flavour of a Vermouth. I t i s more akin t o a Sherry, f o r i t s method of production i s based on a "solera" system - a system of blending, ensuing a continuity of style. There i s thus now no vintage Madeira 3ince the .i sland vines were destroyed by the dreaded phylloxera plague i n the late sevent i e s . However, the pre-phylloxera vintage i s s t i l l improving i n quality, for unlike port, Madeira does not suffer from the usual decay, as i t r a r e l y throws any sediment i n b o t t l e . Being insensitive t o changes i n temperature, i t s chief markets are i n India and Scandinavia. In England i t has t o compete with Port and Sherry and comes a poor t h i r d .
The four main types of Madeira are Bual, Verdeiho, S e r c i a l and Malmsay, named after the species of grape from which they are made. The l a t t e r i s a shade too sweet t o suit the English palate, to which the Bual or Verdeiho i s more suited; the dark golden c o l our and pungent luscious bouquet of the Verdeiho cannot f a i l to give pleasure.
Some readers may be surprised to learn that there i s an I.C. Orchestra. Like the Choir this i s more than l i b e r a l l y sprinkled with musicians from other places. On Thursday 30th January, our Orchestra gave a short concert. The f i r s t item, Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 1, i n F, required three oboe players; there was only one. Undaunted, and with one oboe, conductor Frank Kennard (music master, Dulwich College) started ten minutes l a t e . A second oboe managed to get through the fog i n time t o arrive for the start of the second movement. (Loud applause) During the t h i r d movement, the Orchestra began to f i n d some cohesion, which was more o r less maintained f o r the re3t of the oonoert.
The second item, Konzertstucke f o r Piano and Orchestra by Schumann, was well performed. The s o l o i s t , Cordon Stewart, R.C.M. was outstanding. The I.C. upright was less so; i n fact one member of the audience suggested that i t be offered to Television's Movie Magazine.
The t h i r d item was three Russian Songs, sung i n that language by Miss NO,
Continued on page 7 ...
In the league game against Guy'a Hospital at the U.L.U. pool on Tuea. 4.th Feb., I.C. 1st Team won 3-0, even though two reserves had t o be found at the l a s t minute. I.C. had much more possession of the b a l l , but the shooting of the forwards was lamentable.„ Scorers were Everest, Corrigan and Bashem.
In a f r i e n d l y match on the 6th.Feb. two reserves had to play again, and I.C. l o s t 11 - 5 to the very strong Regent St. Poly. side. After rather a shaky f i r s t h a l f the team s e t t l e d down and the whole side played well and with s p i r i t . Scorers Larsen (4), Corrigan ( l ) .
In the University leagues, the 1st Team are l y i n g 3rd, the 2nd Team are 5th and the 3rd Team are 2nd.
... continued from page 6. Anna Vincent, R.C.M. These were pleasant, although the s o l o i s t was faced with f i e r c e competition from the afore mentioned piano. The concert finished with B a l l e t Music and Entr'acte II from Rosamunds, by Sohubert.
I t i s d i f f i c u l t to judge an amateur orchestra f a i r l y but^ although i t i s not as good an amateur group as i s our choir, we may be proud of ours, and i t should reach a very high standard i n the future.
The concert was followed by an i n formal musical party, when a wealth o f individual (and spontaneous) musical talent was revealed. A v i o l i n solo by Graham S i l v e r (R.C.S., Chem. I) must be mentioned. His classmates might well view him as a rather more subtle successor t o V i c Oliver. The party concluded with much washing up, at eleven o'clock. I t was a thoroughly enjoyable evening. J.V.B.
Back i n the FELIX room: Some consultation ensued. Shall we d i a l 999? Hmm. We don't want more of them. A Lady Godiva stunt? Ah. Eyes turned to the female reporter. She blushed d a i n t i l y . "Has anyone got two ha'pennies? I ' l l ask i f they can direct me ?" Taking with her three oopies of the current FELIX, as an a f t e r thought, she made her way to the l o r r y . The curtains parted and out popped a l i t t l e round helmet. And another. And another Talking. Whispering. And then twenty constables heaved t h e i r bosoms, dried their eyes and t o Miss W.ll.c. presented t h e i r beloved card table. Triumphantly she returned. I f only we were women what a joyride Morphy Day would be.
"DAMN, I've got potatoes down my Jumper" exclaimed a prominent member of I.C.W.A. So now we know'.
A CRAZE f o r b i l l - p o s t i n g end sign-writing seems to have (track Kensington recently. As ever, I.C. i s getting thoroughly plastered.
DEFINITION of an I.C. hop: "What are a l l those men doing standing there?"
SO THE 3.B.C. f i n d they "can get them so docile t h e y ' l l do anything" on a oup of coffee and b i s c u i t s . We wish we could.
The marauders, from the local C.S.M.etery, also l e f t an amorphous-looking parcel for the Secretary of the Union to open publicly at the next Union meeting. What w i l l he find? We s h a l l see.
INTERHATIOHAL RELATIONS CLUB Spanish Evening i n the Concert H a l l , 7.30. JEWISH SOCIETY "Jew, Guest or Resident" by Rev T.Oold. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY ''Algae and Scenery" by Dr G.E .Fogg. Botany Lecture Theatre, 5.30. mag 2i«*- B B s THE RECTORS CUP Boxing i n the Concert H a l l , 7. PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY "An approach to picture making" by Dr G.W.G. Maclesnan. Botany Lecture Theatre, 5.15, t SATURDAY 22nd, FEB. Mttsioal Sooiety Dance
SATURDAY 15th. FEB. Swimming Club Dance
TU-SDAT 25th. FEB. RAILWAY SOCIETY Presidential Address by Mr. A.W.Woodbrldge entitle d "modern Methods of Signalling". Room 161, 5.40.
" D A T 17th. FEB. CHRISTIAH UWI0H "The gen of fled" by Bar. J J . B a i l e y . Metallurgy ! • « * — Theatre, 1.15,
mtma s t a ~
— m t T 18th. — . JEWISH SOCIETY I s r a e l i Evening i n the Concert H a l l , 7,50.
KATUHAL HISTORY SOC LIT1 Annual Dinner at 7.SO. Quest Speaker Mr Oarald D a r r e n . 10/6.
In the Onion Building, Malet St. February 18th - 22nd,
RAILWAY SOCIETY V i s i t to Pert ef London Authority Railway,
TTFflltf'T P l f m - M U COsUEXT given by members of the J a s i Club. Traditional, Modern and S k i f f l a groups. Concert H a l l , 1.16.
GUI IBS MOTOR CLUB Film Show, " I f the Cap F i t s " and "nardes Trophy" Beam 16, 6.6.
mama im$ m .
Four female v i s i t o r s to I.C. were "caught i n the act" of desecrating the Boderie H i l l building with this whitewash inscription on Tuesday morning (1.30 a.m. F.T.). Two pyjama-clad Guildsmen gave chase and, after being thoroughly whitened, caught one of the c u l p r i t s . Clothes were removed and exchanged, providing the lucky gentlemen with an exouse to return later that day f o r supper.
I ~ 8 M I Els-e ~ i MDCX PARLIAMBH Liberals l a off l e a . 1. B i l l to l i m i t powers ef Monopolies. 2. Legislation to eaaoaraaa Co-ownership. S. Debate en International and Colonial A f f a i r s . Ayrtoa H a l l , 7.
Exhibition, Danoe and Cabaret, Concert, Films, Swimming Gala, Bathing Beauty Competition.
Five minutes l a t e r two members of the FELIX s t a f f , summoning up t h e i r resolves, marched on the. offenders and damanded the return of the stolen a r t i c l e , but they were greeted with gest i c u l a t i o n and informed that the game of s t r i p poker by then i n progress could on no account be interrupted. Undaunted, our intrepid reporters suddenly found a NO PARKING sign i n t h e i r hands, but before they could tuck i t inside their j a c kets menacing growls issuing from the front end of the l o r r y (not the engine) requested them to desist forthwith.
rani AT 14th. FEB. MIKES CARNIVAL LIBERAL SOCIETY Colonial Policy Study Group In Committee Room B, 6.30. GUILDS bDTOB CLUB Film Show, "Motor Cycle Sport 1966" and "Overhead Ordeal" Boca 16, 5,6. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY Talk entitle d "Physiology of Plant Growth" by Dr D.G.Watson of Bothampstead Experimental Station. Botany Lecture Theatre, 5.30.
At 2.10 p.m. l a s t Sunday, the FELIX s t a f f was gazing blankly out of the window at Q.A. i n search of inspiration. Suddenly there appeared on the horizon a l o r r y load of men disguised as policemen i n order to conduct the chaosat a r a l l y organised by the LAXLY WORKER. Shortly after t h e i r a r r i v a l one of the gentlemen was seen to enter the Union, reappearing almost immediately with a Film Soc. advertisement. This was manhandled i n t o the l o r r y and rapidly transformed into a card table.
In the annual four-orew fixture against Reading, the 1st, 3rd. and 4th, VIII's won their races comfortably, and the 2nd. VIII lost by a narrow margin after an intriguing race in which the crews kept stopping to wait f o r each other. The races took place at Putney, being rowed on the r i s i n g tide. The order of racing was 3rd., 2nd., 4th., 1st. VIII's. The f i r s t two races were rowed i n pouring r a i n , and the l a s t two i n water which was rapidly becoming rougher as the tide rose. The 3rd. VIII started well on Surrey Stn. and were J length up on reaching the Boathouse; going comfortably, they finished the 1-mile course i n 4m. 46s. with a lead of 4 lengths. The End.VIII took the Mddx. Stn. ,^nd had b u i l t up a lead of £ - f length at Fulhara Footb a l l Ground where, no. 6 i n the I .C. crew caught an enormous crab. By the time he had recovered, the crew wa3 about 5 lengths down. The Reading crew easied and waited f o r the I.C. crew to recover, restarting about 2£ lengths ahead of them. Despite a f i n ishing burst of great ferocity , I.C. l o s t by the narrow margin of J length i n a time of 8m, 5s. f o r the Putney Bridge to Hammersmith Bridge course.
S O C C E R : • R
After the defeat by Southampton University the l s t . XI certainly needed to regain confidence i n i t s a b i l i t y . Although St.Hferk and St.John College are not among our strongest opponents, for the f i r s t half they controlled the course of the game. Gradually the I.C. team overcame i t s lethargy and became more purposeful. Strong tackl i n g by the defence and good combination among the attack converted a 0-1 halftime d e f i c i t into a 4 - 1 victory. The next match, versus New College Oxford, became a mere formality, as I.C. won easily by 7 goals to 2. Keith Codling and Harry Pidgeon obtained hat-tricks, which may prove expensive f o r them at the annual dinner.
The 4th. VIII were determined to retrieve the situation, and rowed a very workmanlike race on the Surrey station to win by 4 lengths i n 4m. 47s. for the 1-mile course - an excellent time f o r a clinker boat. Ifcanwhile the water had been getting steadily rougher, and by the time the l s t . VIII boated conditions were most unpleasant. Both crews got off to a good start, but the I.C. VIII had a lead of a canvas at the Boathouae. They improved steadily on this and went on to win by 3j lengths i n a time of 7m. 40s. f o r the Bridge to Bridge course. On the previous Sunday the four main "fresher" crews rowed up to Riohmond for lunch, then paddled together back to Chiswick Bridge, from where they raced back to Putney. It was extremely encouraging to see the determination shown by these crews, only one of which had had previous rowing experience. Of necessity, rowing involves mainly weeks of training i n preparation for a few minutes racing; this often tends to discourage newcomers to the sport. But to those who persevere and achieve even a small degree ot success comes the satisfying reward of overcoming the elements, which usually seem to conspire against one.
I.C. Fencing Club on lion. Feb. 3rd. beat Battersea College Fencing Club by 9 bouts to 7. Individual scores were; Won Lost G.Brassington 3 1 J.Nickalls 3 1 B.Goldie 2 2 D .Turner 1 3
Such an easy victory was not a good preparation for the following League match against Westminster College. In the f i r s t half, I.C. had more of the play, but Westminster took advantage of two slips i n the Harlington mud, and at halftime were leading 2-0. Although I.C. t r i e d hard, even perhaps a l i t t l e too hard, to even the score, our efforts met with no success. Late i n the game Westminster scored one furthur goal, to make victory absolutely certain. Our hopes of League honours are now considerably dimmed. However, the 3rd. XI, captained by George Webster, now need only two points from their remaining games to win the d i v i s i o n two championship. Their promotion would mean that the I.C. 2nd. and 3rd, teams would compete in the same division next sesson, which would solve current speculation as to their relative merits. The 4th. XI are i n a precarious position. After winning 12 League games i n a row, mostly by b i g margins, I.C. have lost twice to Institute of Education, their chief r i v a l s , and promotion i s now doubtful. Having already scored over a hundred goals this season, the 4th, team deserve stronger fixtures for next season. Soccer Club record: P W l s t . XI. 24 14 2nd. XI. 20 12 3rd. XI 23 18 4th. XI. 23 20 5th. XI. 22 12
D 3 2 3 0 1
L 7 6 2 9
F 74 75 85 116 92
A 53 58 34 31 75
21 ST
ATHLETICS The Club f i x t u r e - l i s t for the coming season is almost complete, and may be seen on the' notice-board. Attention is drawn to the f i r s t match - now only 2^ weeks away - against U.C. on Wed. ".arch 5th. The second match this term is on larch 15th. and incorporates the Inter-collegiate Steeplechase, The I.C. Sports Day w i l l be on Wed. :,!ay 14th at ?fetspur Park. Entry forms are s t i l l available for the Coaching Course held by U.L.A.C. at Hotspur Park from 14th. to 18th. April. The o f f i c i a l training period this term i s at Hurlingham Park Athletic Ground on Sunday mornings at 11,00 am. Circuit training can s t i l l be carried out i n the Snack Bar each afternoon after College hours.
The f i r s t team has met s t i f f opposi t i o n i n the past fortnight and has not been very successful. On l s t . Feb. the Club lost to B r i s t o l A.C. and B r i s t o l University, at B r i s t o l . J.Collins did well to f i n i s h 3rd. i n a f i e l d of 40, and J.Conway waa 9th. after dropping a few places during the last half mile of a very tough six-mile course. The evening celebrations were more successful, and after the last train had departed three I.C. men, having abundant fait h in the generosity of B r i t i s h motorists, started at 1.00 am. to hitch-hike to London, But l i f t s were scarce, and after walking about 20 miles, and waking the inhabitants of several West Country villages with their singing, they caught a t r a i n to London on the Sunday morning. The 2nd. team have at last succeeded in defeating Brentwood School, but only by one point, and thanks to a l s t . team member who missed the t r a i n to Bristol. On 8th. Feb. a match with U.C. developed into a huge race with 10 strong teams competing, including Cxford II, Southampton and B r i s t o l . With heavy •rain and thick mud the Parliament H i l l course was at i t s worst. I.C. came 4th. losing to Oxford, Southampton and L.S.E., but defeating our great rivals U.C. and B r i s t o l .
The second team had a match against This was a f i n e win for the I.C. Pearl Assurance and Lloyds Bank, over team, which, although suffering from a rather wet and muddy course at lack of practice, fought well to beat Maiden. Lloyds won the race f a i r l y the Battersea team which has already easily, with I.C. second; our f i r s t beaten a number of the larger London man was "• .Wall, i n 3rd. place. Colleges this term. Published by FELIX BOARD, Imperial College Union. London, S.W.7, £~ . Printed by S-IL VOUS PLAIT Ltd., 307», Telephone Piece, London. W.I