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4 E V E R Y F O R T N I G H T





I.C. G O E S T O T O W N LIVELY W.U.S. PUBLICITY The R.C.S.Union ohose Speaker's Corner for i t 3 meeting at lunchtime on Wednesday, and the auspicious gathering of some 200 scientists was rapidly reinforced by interested members of the public. After the meeting Jezebel went o f f t o Grosvenor Square t o meet Clementine and Bo,and at 2.45 the three vehicles set o f f f o r PiconAilly v i a Oxford Street and Regent Street, Clem going ahead at a great rate, having not too much steam and wishing t o get as f a r as possible while i t lasted. Jezebel and Bo f o l lowed with a cortege of fancily dressed attendants handing out Carnival leaflets. "On the afternoon of 29th. A p r i l , I was proceeding along Regent Street when I perceived a Bl..dy Great Steam R o l l e r a-'urtling m my direction." I t was at this point that Fate, i n the shape of a b i g blue Inspector of Police, took a hand. Clem was ordered down a side street and the drivers t o l d that they would be charged for using a veh i c l e "wholly f o r the purpose of advert i s i n g . " Clem was carrying a small poster on her b o i l e r door.




imum haste. A few minutes l a t e r an Inspector arrived — he had heard about the procession on his radio and had come along t o join i n the fun, suspecting that those outside were from another college and trying to gain admission. He too was handed a l e a f l e t : there ought to be quite a sprinkling of the gendarmerie at Bedford on Saturday.


Chad and Graham King, Presidentelect of Mines, went to Savile Row Police Station and were told that Clem would be reported. Apparently fancy-dress processions for advert i s i n g purposes are i l l e g a l — only sandwich-board men t h i r t y yards apart may be employed. Meanwhile a large crowd of students had assembled around Eros, with many members of the public looking on. At the stroke of three Jezebel appeared and triumphant clanging acknowledged the cheers of the throng as she c i r c l e d Eros and sailed away i n the direction of Hyde Park Corner.

Here the law appeared gaily whistling, attracting passionate blown kisses from passing nightshirts. On to Trafalgar Square, humming patr i o t i c a i r s , and provoking considerable public interest. Here the s k i f f l e group provided musio f o r j i v i n g i n a wonderful setting of f l o o d l i t fountains — onlookers joining i n .

Back at the Union a Black Maria was waiting. The occupants showed great interest i n the vehicular display and urged i t t o depart with max-








So far, of course, i t i s the vociferous minority that has had i t s say. But what i s your opinion? In an effort t o gain a more representative selection of views, you are urged to f i l l i n the questionnaire inside. You need not give a straight Yes or No, and relevant comments are welcome. Your name i s not needed. Just leave the completed questionnaire i n one of the c o l l e c t ing boxes or i n the Union Office, not l a t e r than May 14th.

In the evening a seventy-strong pyjama party, i n luxuriant night a t t i r e , began their gay publicity stunt from S. Kensington; to the accompaniment of hot rhythm and hectic j i v i n g ( stationmasters and reporters getting hep ) the party deviously reached Blackfriars, and thence proceeded to Fleet Street.

Bo now arrived, and a loud and enthusiastic Boomalaka rent the a i r . There were few policemen t o be seen, but they seemed quite interested and carefully perused the l e a f l e t s handed to them.


Do you realise that for the meagre sura of One Pound from each student i t would be possible to hold an Imperial College Sweepstake, the prize being one year's individual t u i t i o n from the professor of the winner's choice? This i s , of course, rather far-fetched. Even so, i t seems that measures nearly as extreme may be needed before long. Judging from letters received by FELIX, d i s cussions heard around College and remarks made by members of staff, there are some who f e e l very strongly that the education offered by thi3 College i s not a l l i t should be. Dr. Hopkins of the Physics department asserts that "there are many teachers who would find that, could they be compelled t o l i s t e n t o their own lectures, they would not understand them." Dr. Weale even goes so far as to suggest i n the Phoenix that lectures might be scrapped completely.

But the law at last p o l i t e l y but firmly intervened, informing the party that they were contravening the "Sessional law", as Parliament was then s i t t i n g . The procession was forcibly dispersed by 'A' Division but had soon re-formed, and disappeared into the depths of Green Park Station. The r e vellers returned,as they went,to the sound of strumming guitars.



Coach tickets ( 2/-) from Bookstall Buffet





I 4t h. L







In spite of grumbling when money i s short, I suppose a l l of us realize to a great extent how lucky we are to be students i n this country. We also have some idea of the hardships and d i f f i c u l t i e s that many overseas students face i n their quest for learning, but very rarely do we have the chance t o help these people, t o supply money f o r drugs, medicine, book3, equipment. Tomorrow, however, the opportunity does arise, f o r the World University Service, with the help of most London Colleges, including I.e., i s holding a Carnival i n the grounds of Bedford College, Regent's Park. A l l that i s required i s for you t o come and enjoy yourself. There w i l l be a Barbecue Tea, Jiving, Jazz Band and S k i f f l e Group Contests, West Indian Steel Bands, Judo and fencing Displays, and a Beer Drinking competition, as well as a host of other amusements. Chad w i l l also be present s i t t i n g i n a special chair suspended above a tank of water, so i f you have a secret longing to dunk the President, here i s a splendid opportunity. The Carnival i s from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., and i s followed by a dance at I.C., i n aid of W.U.S.




An a r t i c l e on Vacation Work recently appeared i n our oontemporary THE TIMES. The opinions expressed were, surprisingly enough, not those of students, hut of professors and tutors. It i s most revealing to find that we do not apparently need the money we earn - we save up"for a car, or a radio, or even a dinner jacket* according to a Yorkshire professor, who added that most of us come "from working-class families where a lusty youngster was expsotsdto contribute something to the home . . . where i n many oases brothers and sisters had been doing so since they were 15". From Scotland we are told that we work "for the prestige" from Oxford "undergraduates l i k e t a l l stories to t e l l . " Everyone agreed that finanoe did not usually enter into the matter but " i f you hunted, around you might f i n d a hard case or two, especially among the older students."




This Easter a party of about twenty students,mainly from I.C. and Bedford College, embarked on the 100 mile canoe t r i p down the Wye from Glezbury to T intern", a l l but two finished the course. Despite b i t t e r l y cold nights, leaking canoes and very wet water, there were no regrets and true to t h e i r training the I.C. men found a camping site within a few minutes walk of a pub every evening.


This was of course doubly convenient, although there was one near disaster when i t was found that the pubs don't open i n Monmouthshire on Sundays — however the border was only a few miles away.. The night l i f e of Monmouth was livened up the following evening whan one I.C. man of strong o l l i W n g instincts found himself suspended several feet above the b a l d head o f the local publican.

Despite two people gett i n g wet on the f i r s t day, i t was not long before people were anxious to test their s k i l l (and oanvaa) at every rapid. However one elect r i c a l engineer managed to deposit his canoe h a l f way up a tree and a gallant Miner had to dive into ten feet of near freezing water to save his lady passenger from being forever marooned on a tree trunk i n aid-stream. He l a t e r set f i r e to h i s tent, but this was quite accidental and nothing to do with h i s desire to get dried out.

How very naive! The maximum grant of a student i a of the order of £270 p.a. - It i s rather absurd to think that this alone can suffice to maint a i n a student for a year, without r e course to earning. "Some dons heartily disapprove (of vac. work).... arguing that i f undergraduates stopped using the vacation for serious study there must be a f a l l i n standards" and "with a three year course...the heavy spade-work must be done i n vacation or not at a l l . " On the other hand one of our own tutors, presumably referring to approved vac. work "had a further idea: 'most of the younger tutors here don't l i k e to see t h e i r students going off to work at a l l ; there i s a general feeling that this i s the time far that broader education everybody says the technologist should havel" At l a s t the powera-that-be have seen a l i t t l e l i g h t , and have come round to the inevitable - that i n genera l I.C. i s producing relatively narrow-minded graduates. Agreed, the vac. i s an excellent time to broaden our minds but working w i l l not prevent t h i s as long as the Job i s considered as a means to an end, and not Many I.C. students an end i n i t s e l f . t r a v e l to Canada and Europe through Mr. Newby's Offloe - t h i s can surely have no narrowing influence. Most jobs, either directly or indirectly, afford the opportunity of increased personal contact and travel, two essential prerequisites of a broad mind. F i n a l l y : "The Association of university Teachers decided cautiously (in 1956) that undergraduates should be allowed to work, but not f o r too long." So i t looks as i f w e shall be free . . . to peddle bathing beauty contests, when we might be brushing up our Plato." R.F. K.







G U I L D S '





Mr. A.G. Quinsee has been appointed full-time l i b r a r i a n i n the College General Library and w i l l take up his duties on May l s t . A graduate i n English at Q.M.C., he i s a qualified l i b r a r i a n and a man of very wide interests, one of his hobbies being the dismemberment of old taxi-cabs.

EUROPEAN UNION DEBATED The Union Debate Was held on March 11th with John Chadwiok i n the chair. The motion was an elongated version of "That this House i s i n favour of Britain's participation i n a European Economic Union." Mr. John Briggs-Daviea, M.P. spoke i n favour, dwelling, chiefly On the necessity of using the European aarket i f our industries are to survive. He was apposed by Mr. Martin Madden M.F. who feared that B r i t a i n might lose much of her independence under such a scheme. Of the seconding speakers Mr. Robert Finch impressed particularly by his obvious sincerity and good command of the problem. The f l o o r speeches showed that moat I.C. men have not r e a l l y the sped si 1 sod-knowledge f o r t h i s kind of motion and only Mr. David Stevens, speaking against the motion, and emphasi z i n g the direct threat t o Britain's livelihood from the rapidly developing German industries, suggested that there was anything l e f t to say after the paper speeches were over. The House divided, and the motion was carried by a small majority. P.K.

Members of the other two Colleges, as well as Guildsmen, usually find •The Guilds' Engineer" interesting




i s being published shortly, at f i v e s h i l l i n g s PRICE TO STUDENTS: j / -

Despite two people getting wet on the f i r s t day i t vas not long before people were anxious to test their s k i l l (and oanvaa) at every rapid. However one eleotrioal engineer managed to deposit h i s canoe half way up a tree and a gallant Miner had to dive into ten feet of near freezing water to save his lady passenger from being forever marooned on a tree trunk i n mid-stream. He l a t e r set f i r e to h i s tent, but this was quite accidental and nothing to do with his desire to get dried out. At Kerne Bridge the stationmaster became enraged at the steady stream of canoeists making use of his station f a c i l i t i e s , siaoe ha was obliged to pump the water up from the r i v e r by hand. He must have spoken to the local bobby, who created near panic that evening by t e l l i n g the party that water vas being released from a reserv o i r upstream and that the water l e v e l was expeoted to r i s e 15 f t * overnight. It dicta'tl The highlights of the t r i j were a beautifully clear sighting o f the Sputnik II during i t s f i n a l plunge to earth, and the great s c i e n t i f i c d i s covery that one must b o i l an egg more than 3 minutes i f i t has previously been froaan s o l i d .















"Some hou3e3 of lioensed p r o s t i tution i n Kyoto are now going to be turned into student hostels as the new Anti-Prostitution Law w i l l be put into effect on A p r i l 1 and ^e redl i g h t d i s t r i c t s are to be closed consequently. The project was born when same representatives of the universit i e s i n Kyoto talked with members of the Kyoto Women's Association. It i s now studied by a committee oompoaed of two students, two representatives of the Women's Association, and two public accountants who have to consider problems concerning rent, hostels for women students and the improvement of rooms."

(courtesy SIP, Osaka)



The guest speaker on this occasion waa Maurice Cranston, a frequent contributor to the MANCHESTER GUARD I AH and a prise-winning biographer. The i n clusion of two guests from L.S.E. was a further guarantee of an interesting weekend — i f such a guarantee he needed. Mr. Cranston discussed three basic problems - p o l i t i c a l , social and economic. M i l l pointed out i n the 19th Century that i n addition freedom from State intervention, one needed freedom from social conformation and from the pressure of public opinion up to the point where one i s interfering with the freedom of others. Thirdly economic freedom was required, for i n Victorian

The last Carnival of the year, •Kimono My House" by R.C.S., was rather disappointing. I t started promisingly enough and went with a swing u n t i l the cabaret. The ensuing chaos was mainly due to the presence of drunken insurgents from the Rugger Club, presumably s t i l l celebrating t h e i r victory over Kings, and the positioning of the bar on the stage did not help matters. The cabaret was potentially quite promising but, due to obvious lack of rehearsal, d i d not come over at a l l well. I t opened with an epic of the Wild Hast: Wynot Burp i n "That's Rioe i n them thar h i l l s " - the story of how a one rickshaw town, transformed into a bad c i t y overnight by a r i c h strike nearby, was cleaned up by the hardhitting sheriff Wynot Burp. The next turn was a Chinese defective story entitled "The Case of the missing Chopstick", whioh went completely astray, and was mercilessly barracked by an impatient audience. After an unecessarily long i n t e r val, due to the microphones being broken by drunks, the band started playing u n t i l the early hours of the morning; but the music they produced was very disjointed, with long gaps between the numbers t o t a l l y spoiling the atmosphere; as one g i r l put i t "Just as you get i n the mood, the b y band stops." The I.C. Jazs Band, whioh had been playing upstairs, took over at about five o'clock,continuing in t i l a l l the weary bodies had retired to bed. H.P.K.


gnp/i *nA domestic servants and others were i n Marx's words 'wags slaves'. The only answer was socialism with the degree of security and economic freedom balanced against a loss of p o l i t i c a l freedom. More controv e r s i a l was the teaching of Rousseau who considered that the freedom to de what one should do mas all-important. The speaker further pointed out i t i s probably an Anglo-Saxon i l l u s i o n that a l l people want freedom.


I s


On the subjeot of democracy' Mr Cranston questioned whether the "Peoples' Democracies" or the Western democracies are a good approximation to true government by the people. Democracy cannot be government by the majority as this tends to neglect minority interests, whether the minorit y be religious, social or economic. He believed that the essence of democracy lay i n the interplay of ideas i n free discussion. However, when t h i s point was considered along with censorship and other questions i n the l a t e r discussion, many believed that the freedom t c change the government occasionally i s , after a l l , the best safeguard of democracy.

HOSTEL RENTS GO UP Next session w i l l see an increase in the rent of most rooms i n the Old, New and Garden Hostels. An extra £1 a term i s to be charged, raising the rent of a room i n the New Hostel, f o r example, from £19.10.0 to £20.10.0 for the Autumn and Spring Terms, and from £18.0.0 to £19.0.0 for the Summer Term. Vacation rents and charges for v i s i t o r s w i l l also go up, but there w i l l be no change i n the rents of the shared rooms i n the Garden Hostel.

CONGRATULATIONS on their recent marriages to John Hobson, of Guilds Entertainments Cttee., and Peter Jarman, short story writer.

NELSON hears that the authorities at Les Angeles City College and at Michigan State University, both co-educational establishments, have stopped g i r l students from attending classes i n shorts. They said i t was "too distracting." Lecturers should learn to oontrol themselves.

V A suggestion f o r Hr.mboney.There i s now available some new hotplate equipment that gives, among other things, a top plate and a hot oloset, each with three degrees of heat. Every whim of the kitchen staff i s thus catsred f o r .

h i f


ON the f i r s t of A p r i l Dr.Sparkes, Godfather of the new Union building, became a Professor. However, he was s t i l l a Professor the f o l lowing day.

•7 O N

WE are 'appy to hannounoe the hingagement of our oar2nist. ECCBE,



1.15 THOSE WERE THE DAYS Harry Davidson and his Orchestra


The Lotus Waltz: When April sings'

Robert stote Sydney Baynes Eva Threestep: Demoiselle Chic „ Percy Fletcher Humdilla: Original Music Thurley Beale The Chadwick: Pins and Needles

r The reason for the increased 7-30 charges i s the oost of the recent r e decoration of the Hostels, and the fact 10-30 that much of the bedlinen w i l l shortly need replacing, to say nothing of some CONCERT well-known beds. HALL

FELIX wishes to state that he has no connection with any other domestic beast.



In preparation f o r the erection of Weeks Hall, the Job of demolishing noa. 16-18 Prince's Gardens has recentl y been started. This Hall i s expected to be completed by October 1959.

GUILDSMANS EYE VIEW Carnival cabarets are never blesse with good behaviour, and regular interjections from the revellers are usual. However R.C.3., i n addition, had to suffer attacks from their rear flanks. At times i t seemed that everything would end i n disorder, at one stage the lighting gallery was beseiged by two drunken rugger players, however, the programme was i n the main completed and thanks are due to the bar s t a f f far rt/rrting an ugly situation.


Daring a back-stage fracas, a group of drunks assailed the bar stocks, helping themselves to beer and other drinks, including a half bottle of whisky. I t i s no wonder that the bar made a loss when suoh behaviour was taking place. The shams i s even worse when one considers that a member of Union Council was standing talking t o the niaoreants. Footnote: The whisky was paid for l a t e r when the thief had sobered up, other than that, none of the other drinks were paid f o r . J.K.T.



No authority has yet been received from the University Grants Committee to go ahead with the demclition of the houses on the South Side o f the square. In the meantime, the proposed designs for the hostels i n Prince's Gardens w i l l be on view at the Sumner Exhibi t i o n of the Royal Academy, together with those f a r the Island s i t e . Observant members of the Union w i l l have noticed that several changes have taken place recently i n the College's gardens i n Prince's Gardens. Nov looking much t i d i e r , and with considerably fewer l a u r e l bushes, they are beginning te take on a new lease of l i f e . Changes have also been made i n the Victorian statuary adorning the centre flower bed. The original figure of a bashful nude has been removed from i t s place of honour and now surveys the scene from the back of the American School. In i t s place i s a large stone Urn that i s s a i d to have oome rVcm the collection of r e l i c s of the 1851 Exhibition. The advantages of this change arc not yet apparent, but time s i l l doubtless t e l l .










E a r l i e r this year Professor Ubbelohde of the Chemical Engineering Department, who i s a member of the Council of R.C.A. and a collector of paintings and objets d'art, read to the Royal Society of Arts a paper on "The Marriage of Art and Science." Unlike most would-be mind-broadeners he made out a convincing case for such a union. Describing a r t i s t i c urge as a creative human reaction to experience, he pointed out that while technological progress had greatly amplified the range of human experience, the reaction of art was towards u n i n t e l l i g i b i l i t y and the abstract. Art thus provided no fundamental safeguard against the pressing claims of applied science, which consequently became more and .lore starkly functional. Every work of man has a socia l influence. A building replaced the "natural inheritance of skyline, light and horizon, wind and weather, by a man-made artefact, which generated new aesthetic experiences", and there could be no question that such experiences 3hould be made generally ^leasing and elevating. Moreover, the inside layout could impose on i t s users a sense of frustration and hurry, or a sense of e f f i c i e n t l i v i n g . Responsibility for the forming of "pleasing patterns or d u l l t r i v i a l i t i e s i n tue space-time curves of individuals i n a building" was not to be evaded by any "servile f l i g h t into 3tark functionalism." The crux of t.iis argument i s clear. The applied scientist w i l l not f u l f i l the social requirements of his construction without some access to a r t i s t i c creation while an a r t i s t w i l l miss much contemporary opportunity without some access to applied science. These are the educational demands on the union between art and science and these are the reasons why General Studies and Touchstone are a v i t a l part of our education at I.C.




Taking with a pinch of salt press releases from the College that unctuously refer to the General Studies lectures as a "bridge between different domains of learning and interest," we should be grateful that one of our professors seems to understand the reason for their importance. Unfortunately, on being asked "nhat the Imperial College i s doing to enable a rather homogeneous collection of scientists to become acquainted with the Arts," Professor Ubbelohde could only plead that i t was " d i f f i c u l t for me to reply oogently to that question, apart from quoting St. Paul about the leaven i n the lump." I t emerged, however, that he i s promoting a dining club to cement the marriage between the a r t i s t s of the R.C.A. and the scient i s t s of I.C. This i s quite a bright idea and we may hope that something w i l l come of i t . But we cannot a l l discharge our responsibilities by joining a dining club.






The newly formed cycling group of the I.C.Y.H.A. made a six day tour of the Lake D i s t r i c t during the Easter Vacation,meeting at the Crossthwaite Hostel, whioh was both readily access i b l e and a suitable starting point. On the f i r s t day some r a i n occurred at Bowness, but by the time that Esthwaite Water was reached, s u f f i cient sun 3hone to make a very picturesque scene.

Apart from the reports from representatives on coimittees, the agenda of the last Council meeting wa3 quite short. There were two announcements John B e l l has taken over the Chairmanship of S.C.C., Tony Hodgson having retired for health reasons, and the proposed Easter conference was cancelled, due to the examination comr.iitments at this season of Continental Universities.

The next day Walna Scar and Hardknott passes were climbed, the former proving rather more d i f f i c u l t than was expected, and a joint I.C./Bedford party on a walking holiday was joined at Eskdale Y.H. Two of the more energet i c c y c l i s t s decided, amidst much scorn to go 'over the tops' to Buttermere; unperturbed, they made this journey over Wasdale Head and Elacksail Pass, arriving i n pouring rain at the Buttermere Hostel,where they were met by the others who had gone the longer and less mountainous way. Rain continued a l l the next day, which rather spoilt the long and interesting climb up Honister. A clay pigeon shoot provoked much interest i n the afternoon and several members attempted to take seme photographs.

The question of carnival damage was raided as a result of £30 worth i n f l i c t e d upon the front of the stage during the R.C.S. Carnival. It w i l l be recalled that the Eastern staircase was damaged by the headlong descent of the bath used in the Guilds Carnival cabaret. It wa3 f e l t that organisers should pay, as a matter of principle, for damage caused at or resulting from such functions.

After staying the night i n Keswick, a Southwards course was set, amidst picture postcard scenery, for Grassmere. Attempts to find the Hostel nearby ended with lost t r a i l s i n a thick wood near Langdale; this penultimate night wa3 spent with the hiking party. On the l a s t stage over Kirkstone to

Ullswater and ?enrith, the only untoward incident occurred when one member decided to argue with the dusty road; fortunately, he sustained l i t t l e serious damage. After spending the night at Garsdale Head Hostel, voted the best of the t r i p , the party s p l i t and went i t s several ways.




SILK £1.

W O E !

At the end of last term the Dramatic Society Easter production of "Misery Me" by Dennis Cannan was seen by those members of the College, apparently few i n number, who were interested enough to investigate the work of a College Society other than their own. Finance can be no excuse - one can attend for as l i t t l e as l/6d. Although this was not the Society's main production for the year, those who did not go missed a pleasant evening'3 entertainment even i f i t was not of the high standard which the Dramatic Society can^and do spasmodically, reach. If one member of the cast was accidentally omitted from the programme u n t i l the last minute t i s may have been due to his inaudibility which made him lose character at times. Unsuspected talent was revealed by Janet Stevens who gave a very sincere and sensitive interpretation of the leading role; this i3 especially creditable for, although in her third year, i t i3 the f i r s t time Janet has set foot on a 3tage as an actress. Jake Spence gave the confident and genuine performance which we have come to expect of him; while Derek Bayliss, a new-comer, gave ample proof of his previous acting experience and w i l l be a great asset to the Society i n the future. Sheila Burbage obviously enjoyed her part although i t did not greatly tax her ability. It was most unfortunate that the producer also chose to act. The set was good, i f rether i n secure i n moments of great c r i s i s ; indeed the strength of one actor proved too much for i t . I t was w e l l designed, creating an i l l u s i o n of space and demonstrated technical ingenuity i f lack of a r t i s t i c imagination. In spite of the fact that three people were i n charge of publicity there was not overmuch advertising, nor was i t much i n advance of the f i r s t night although one i s given to understand that this was not entirely their fault. Let us hope that this alone was the reason for lack of support from the College as no actor can perform well without the sympathetio cooperation of an adequate audience.

NOT GOODENOUGH? Sir, Touched by an example of manners bad even by the standards of Imperial College, displayed i n the recent examination of membership cards, I wish to question the present system of i n voluntary membership of t he Union. Since I f i r s t came to the Imperial College I have paid about £20 i n tlnion subscriptions. These have enab: 1 me to mix socially with people I have no wish to know, and have assisted a few students to hold Union offices and, as the number of bogus accents 3hows, to become conscious of their social and moral i n f e r i o r i t y . I su-^e3t that we either adopt the Oxbridge system of selective membership, or orovide the alternative of an Upper and a Lower (Riijht or Left, i f that i s preferred) Union. Naturally, but unfortunately, the Upper Union subscription would nave to be considerably the higher. The l a t t e r system would enable the more c i v i l i s e d section of the present Union to avoid being annoyed by the more brutal. Yours f a i t h f u l l y , K . F . Goodenough.

FELIX CULTURE Dear Sir, I I hope your editorial of last ~ tenn f a l l s on f e r t i l e ground, together with Tony Hodgson's inspired 3uuporting viewpoint i n the following i33ue. f o r too long now, the problem of producing cultured and responsible students has been hedged around by such questions as: Do the narrowminded scientist? need better Union facilities? Or bigger halls of r e s i dence? Or more General Studies lecture3? Of course we need these things, but l e t us keep our sense of proportion. An average student spends le3s than a quarter of his time i n Union a c t i v i t i e s . Living i n a purely internal hall at an all-science college like I.C, i s hardly going to help students adjust to society i n general. And General Studies lectures s t i l l bear for most, however deplorably, the stigma of being either, 'potted' or trirj : upon them. Most of a student'3 active l i f e (for good or i l l ) i s spent i n study. Obviously, i t i s academically that the student must be reached by the arm of 'culture'. How can this be done? Kow can we acquire a 3ense of vocation, a feeling of responsibility - things wnich storm from a real and fundamental S respect for our subjects? Not by the present method of ten lectures a week, then go home and read i t up.' Or frcm the idea that science i s a set of facts alone, which must be temporarily absorbed and then unburdened i n the next examinations. What i s required, f i r s t and foremost, i s decent teaching, not lectures by cast-off researchers copied hurriedly out of text-books. We nav- enough specialist research workers on the staff. Why not a few specialist teachers? They could give a l l but the most advanced courses, and they would bo chosen for their enthusiasm and humanity. Human inspiration i s the stuff of l i f e , science included. No amount of impersonal talk can replace the influence of the natural teacher, particularly i n the early years at College. In this way proper unity could be given to the present sets of d i s jointed, unrelated courses. And i n this way, methods of thought may be stressed, instead of facts alone being rammed down our throats. As support for such lectureroom improvements, there should be a much enlarged t u t o r i a l system, and perhaps also junior colloquia for vigorous discussions amongst undergraduates. A l l the staff, professors included, should give tutorials, while a student should have more than one tutor, and more tutorials than the present quota of one shared hour every week or two. Only through constant personal contacts can students get an impression of the real nature of scient i f i c thought and research, and only by f i r s t - c l a s s teaching can they develop any sort cf maturity. It i s from this maturity i n our daily thought and work, the closest end strongest influence on us, that real culture can spring. Let us set this present state of a f f a i r s in order f i r s t , and worry about our recreation later. We'll even tackle this much the better as a result. Yours etc., Note:

• B.M.


(physics H i ) >

(in the writer's experience his remarks apply particularly l i t t l e to the Mathematics Department. )





PLASTIC SANDWICHES Dear S i r , I am amazed and appalled at the gross stupidity of whoever i s responsible for i n s t a l l i n g the p l a s t i c coated counter i n the Sandwich Bar. Surely a purely passing observation of the conditions i n that pigsty would show that the money frittered away on a powder-blue Formica top could be much better spent.

SENIOR COMMON ROOM IDear S i r , ^ Hon much longer are the members of the Union going to stagnate i n their apathetic stupor and allow a gross miscarriage of bureaucracy to continue i n the building designed for their own convenience? I refer to the fatuous situation that i s now present in the Senior Common Room. How much longer are we to l e t a small group of coffee drinking, cheaply fed, inhospitable Senior Cotnnon Poom members monopolize a room whose importance i n the Union building needs no explanation?

Why i s there no room to eat i n comfort? Why do we have those bulky moth-eaten sofas, Union rejects? Why are there no plates, no glasses for milk, no milk boiler? Furthermore, the cafeteria atmosphere induced detracts considerably from the usefulness of the room for other functions.

Negotiations recommended by the Union last year appear to have reached a deadlock through the i n f l e x i b i l i t y of the Senior Common Room i n their endeavour to segregate themselves from the student body even though there are, as we a l l know, more lounges for the staff members only than for the two thousand or so students.

Do not imagine that we are ungrateful for having money spent on U3, but we are not impressed by pretty colours and fancy woodwork.

It recently happened that a group of students was unable to watch the televised F.A.Cup semi-final replay, i n the Reading Room. Naturally assuming that the staff are human, and reciprocate the tolerance shown by students to them, they went into the S.C.R. to watch there. However this so provoked and enraged a member of the S.C.R. as to demand i f a l l were Union members and to go so far, quite beyond his rights which appeared incidental, as to ask far Union cards.

I am, S i r , your obedient servant, Sandwich. '<ot Lord Sandwich.

UNSUPPORTED Dear S i r , Once again the I.C. Dramatic Society has given us an entertaining play, well anted and produced with considerable s k i l l , and providing a very pleasant evening's entertainment. But once again, on Tuesday evening, the House was less than a quarter f u l l , which i s extremely poor reward for the hard work put in by both the actors and production staff: not only i s a f u l l house essential to create the best atmosphere for a comedy, but i t also helps the actors to become more confident i n their parts. If more members of I.C. would take the opportunity to 3ee one of these productions, they would be assured of f u l l value for their money and would help to make the effort of the Sooiety more worth while, and they might even be tempted to go again i n the future. Yours f a i t h f u l l y , P.J. Crabtree. Editor's notes This agonising plea for bigger audiences for the Dra-a. Soc. has become a biannual institution at I.C. It i s about time that the Society stepped moaning and asked i t s e l f why i t happens to them and not to the Musical Society, for example. Now, the Musical Society's a c t i v i t i e s are a part of daily College l i f e for many people. The lunch time concerts, record r e c i t a l s and lectures keep people, including nonperformers, interested and sympathetic. The Dramatic Society on the other hand produces i t s two plays a year i n a manner reminiscent of a chicken laying an egg, only an occasional gallery party relieving the intervening tedium._ There are many more things that the Dram, Soc. could do to attract interest and support. A well known author, actor or producer, for example, would be a great draw for a lecture or demonstration of his art. Again before the performance of a play the author might be induced to come and talk about i t . Long-playing records of plays by Shakespeare and others, new techniques i n writing and performing plays - a l l these afford scope for original and enterprising ideas, and i t i s about time that advantage was taken of them.

Assuming that originally the hope was to encourage free contact with student and staff, as was Hall Dinner, then i t has f a i l e d miserably. Only i f we see the S.C.R. as a convenient coffee lounge near cheap food for S.C.R. members, a f a c i l i t y which is not available to the students who are without doubt of prime importance in that building, i s i t a success. If the members of s t a f f who use the Union building want to be apart from the students l e t them go elsewhere; the Dining Hall i s pleasant enough, the students give the place atmosphere , which impresses v i s i t o r s , but we are not a zoc, we are not a showpiece, we are a l i v i n g organism that must be operated e f f i c i e n t l y and so oannot afford luxuries such as the S.C.R. By a l l mean3 l e t us have members of s t a f f to dine, wine, lunch and munch but not to slink off and drink i n isolation. Yours, Benediotus


NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT Dear S i r , At l a s t i I.C. has i t s own Committee far Nuclear Disarmairent - a matter which i s surely the particular concern of I.C. students since 30 many of us w i l l eventually help to produce nuclear arms. The committee has the support of people with widely d i f f e r i n g r e l i gious and p o l i t i c a l views. A meeting i s to be organized f o r the evening of the 8th May when several prominent speakers w i l l propose the case. On the 20th May, a delegation w i l l be sent to the National Peace Lobby at the House of Commons where i t i s hoped a large contingent w i l l r e present I.C. If you are d i s s a t i s f i e d with the present trends i n Nuclear Policy, you are invited to get i n touch with any of the signatories below, and lend us your support. Yours sincerely, D. Finney (Sec. ) L. Allen J.D. Cole E Jarraan A. Hodgson

S. Lenssen J. Lucioli Judy Lemon J . Piatt P. Porgesp



TOP MEN COME TO IC Ths General Studies Gcromittee i s sparing no effort to secure v i s i t i n g lecturers who are authorities i n t h e i r fields and can he r e l i e d upon to he interesting and l i v e l y . Five have been appointed for next session, and w i l l form the nucleus of an extremel y varied programme. C. Day Lewis and L.A.G. Strong, neither of whom need any introduction w i l l give between them a series on Modern Poetry and the Poet i n theory and at work. Dr. David Thomson, Master of Sidney Sussex College and author of a recent book on Modern




Like many Southerners I used to think that England finished somewhere roundabout Yorkshire, so when I was persuaded to take my climbing holiday there, i t came as a surprise to find that Tyneside i s not i n Scotland. The Consett Climbing Club,at which I stayed,lies about fifteen miles from Newcastle,and one finds the olub camp as an inconspicuous cluster of Nissen huts nestling under the s t e e l works. One does not appreciate that Tyneside i s suoh an excellent climbing region u n t i l one sees t he thousands of conical pit-heaps decorating the countryside. Like Mount Snowdon, many of these have railways to the summit, allowing the less energetic to see a wonderful panorama of the c o a l field. The climba f o r the most part are for novices, and f o r the more experienced olimber the olub arranges "potholing" expeditions to disused coalmines. It i s one of the ambitions of the Consett Club to emulate the feat of t h e i r r i v a l s - the Shotley Miners Welfare Sub-Terra Club, who a few years ago discovered a hitherto unknown sevenfoot coal seam i n a disused mine. The National Coal Board i n a moment of weakness awarded them £500 for t h e i r disoovery. Beginners usually take about four or five days to graduate to the s t i f f e r pit-heap ascents and after about a week are allowed on their f i r s t t r i p underground. The main shafts are as a rule uninteresting and the more commerc i a l i s e d mines run special l i f t s to get to the best climbs. Once a week a coach t r i p to Newcastle i s l a i d on to see the morality play 'Cinderella on Toast'. These t r i p s are very popular, not only because of the show but also f o r the a l most forgotten benefits of modem sanitation. A l l i n a l l despite the language d i f f i c u l t i e s the climber i s sure of a cheap open a i r holiday with good food and the opportunity to make a judicious collection of rock speciments to reduce the winter fuel b i l l .

Europe, w i l l lecture on "Europe since 1900", while A.J. Taylor, an up-andcoming lecturer at U.C. and a f i r s t class speaker, w i l l discuss "England since 1851." The inimitable Antony Hopkins w i l l continue his series on "The Enjoyment of Music? Individual lectures being arranged include "Education i n the U.S.S.R.", "Science and Crime" by L.C. Nickolls, and "Modern Marriage" by a member of the National Marriage Guidance Council. At the request of the Staff Christian Association, a short series of lectures on the problem of nuclear weapons has been arranged, and several well-known personalities have accepted invitations to take part. Professor J. Rotblat, Michael Howard (lecturer in Military Studies at King's College), S i r G.P. Thomson and Professor Dame Kathleen Lonsdale w i l l take part. I t was hoped that the l a t t e r two would speak against each other, but S i r George declined on the grounds that time would be so short that a duet was not j u s t i f i e d . Nevertheless, i t i s hoped that a thorough airing and interchange of views w i l l take place.



On Monday and Tuesday A p r i l 2122 the Railway Society combined v i s i t s to Swansea and Wolverhampton with journeys over some of the many scenic lines in the mountains and valleys of South and Central Wales. The South Wales Pullman conveyed the party to Newport where the only diesel train which could not be excluded from the itinerary was Joined for the t r i p up the valley to Pontypool. From there the route was v i a Quaker's Yard to Merthyr and thence to Swansea where, after a ride on the Swansea and Mumbles Railway, the travellers spent the night.


The return from Shrewsbury to London was broken at Wolverhampton f o r a v i s i t to the Stafford Road Works of the Western Region where locomotives were seen undergoing various types of repair. Although this excursion was not so well supported as those of the last two years, i t was every b i t as successful and the V i s i t s Secretary i s to be congratulated on the efficiency of the organisation. R.D. Wills.




The effect of the new photo-front Phoenix w i l l only be equalled when the refectory starts serving f i s h wrapped up i n five pound notes. I t says a great deal f o r the design and l a y out that over thirteen hundred members of the Union were sufficiently interested t o investigate further. Was i t the same old ood — or perhaps a ooelaoanth cutlet ?.

Attention was inevitably fooussed on the "Anthology on Women," occupying as i t did one t h i r d of the issue. Unfortunately, i n such a prominent pos i t i o n i t was not an unqualified success, due mainly to the ohoioe of subject and i t s frivolous treatment. An eight-page anthology on a less worn topic might provide a more suitable vehicle f o r the talent of the Phoenix staff. V i r t u a l l y the only counterweight to this lightheadedness was Dr. Weals's serious note and the d i s cussion of the Imperial University. The Editor and his staff have obviously put a great deal of work into this Phoenix, and deserve congratulation, but their efforts merit a mora b a l anced display. P.H.L.


The second days 3 i hour journey to Shrewsbury over the heavily graded ex- L.N.W.B* Central Wales line (noted more for the beauty of i t s scenery than f o r the frequency of i t s train service) was very exciting, especially on the steep and sharply curved descent from Sugar Loaf Summit. The engine crew knew there were enthusiasts on the train and their memory of the speed restrictions appeared an-occasion to lapse.




On the morning of 12th April, eleven members of the R.C.S. Motor Club l e f t the College on what proved to be one of the most adventurous journeys yet undertaken with Jezebel She behaved perfectly, as i s expected of her, u n t i l Edgware,when a mysterious coughing started on the numerous up-grades. This was stopped by keeping her petrol tank topped up but this remedy soon proved i n s u f f i c i e n t . However, a i r was blown through the petr o l feed system to clear a partial blockage. By the time Silverstone was reached the day had warmed up and the crew^ thinking a l l their troubles ended, settled down i n the paddock to enjoy a good day's racing. Later, however, a slight leak was noticed i n Jezebel's radiator. Enough chewing gum was bought to chew the way home, but this pre d ineffective, as d i d R.dw.ld. After numerous stops f a r water and one due to a police warning that "your museum piece i s t r a i l i n g water," the fire-engine reached home. She has now been restored to f u l l health.

• STOP PRESS • RIFLE CLUB WINS U.L.CHAMPIONSHIP CUP This i s the f i r s t time since i t s inception four years ago that the Cup has been won by I.C. The Club already holds the League (Engineers) Cup.


FELIX The Musical Society sprang into the public ear towards the end of l a s t tern with two presentations a performance of Bach's Mass i n B Minor by the College Choir, followed a week later by Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Mikado. ' 1

Both the Mass and the Savoy Opera drew f u l l houses, the l a t t e r for four nights running, enhancing the already considerable reputation of the Society. To quote THE TIMES; "It i s the aim of the conductors of most university choirs that every student-member should sing Bach's B Minor Mass during his or her university career. Many of those taking part i n the performance by the Imperial College Choir on Wednesday evening must have been singing t h i s work f o r the f i r s t time, and i t i s greatly to the credit of their conductor, Dr. E r i c Brown, that they sang with sureness and conviction. Responding well to a clear and steady beat, with perfect intonation throughout, they produced some exciting moments, but were not yet able to sustain this excitement." The singing in "The Mikado" too was of a high standard, and under the expert direction of Mr. Prank Kennard the hardworking oast gave a very s p i r i t e d performance. Stafford Dean, as the Mikado, and Michael Amos, as Ko-Ko, were outstanding • However, a l i t t l e more care could have been taken with the props. The backed.oth was that used for the Guilds carnival, and showed i t , while reflection from the sellotapo holding Katisha's fan together was no less obvious. These sucoessful productions of the Musical Society underline once again the strong musical tradition of +he Colletre. Incidentally, i t i s a fact that performers queue up to give lunch-hour conce ts at I.C., appreciat i n g the " c i v i l i s e d audience and atmosphere," before going on to broadcasts. I.C. occupies an accepted niche i n London's musical world and i t i s obviously v i t a l to maintain our musical f a c i l i t i e s . I t i s to be hoped that during the expansion of the College and after, these f a c i l i t i e s w i l l be carefully safeguarded.



Prom the day we arrived i n Groningen this tour had the promise of success. We arrived during a snowstorm but the weather quickly changed, giving us fine sunny days for the rest of the tour, enabling us to complete a l l our f i x tures. However, these were of minor importance, sines the main purpose of the tour was to meet Dutch students, to learn their ways, sad to teach them a few Old English customs. We were fortunate i n that there were no language d l f f l e n i t i e s , our hosts being eager to practise their English In Groningen our hosts were the members of Forward Hookey Club, a student society of the Univ. of Groningen. The highlight of our stay was a feast, i n eelebration of Forward winning the Forth Netherlands Hookey Tournament. As at a l l other feasts, our team displayed great a b i l i t y i n the art of alcoholic imbibition. Two matches were played i n Groningen. The f i r s t , against Groningen Catholic Students, was drawn 1 - 1; our goal, the f i r s t of the tour, was appropriately scored by the Captain, H.G.King. The second match, against Forward, was also a draw 1 - 1 (soorer R.Lee). Our stay i n Groningen was concluded with a dinner given by us for our Dutch friends







O c CO m

IN H O L L A N D followed by a dance, the highlight of whioh was a Jive display by our goalkeeper 'Sham'. Unfortunately, the following morning we had to take the road to Utrecht at 6:00 am.,where we played i n one section of the Dutch universities Hookey Tournament. We won our seotion, but we retired to l e t the runners-up play i n the f i n a l , whioh they won. Our thanks are due to the Dutch Universities Athletio Association for allowing us to play and for entertaining us afterwards. And so to D e l f t , famous for Delft Blue China and f o r Engineers (6000 of them), which i s a typical University town and i s an ideal touring centre. Here we played our hardest gams when we drew 2 - 2 with D e l f t Studentum. The Delft side contained one of their two internationals, and were favourites to win the Netherlands Club Championship. However, thanks to f i n e goals by Lee and Holmes and a splendid e f f o r t by the defence, we managed to maintain our unbeaten record. Our last game waa against D e l f t Sanetus Y i r g l l l u s , i n which the team rounded off a fine tour by winning 6-1. Tour record: 14 LO F 15 A 5 . P 8 14 From Delft we v i s i t e d the Hague , and later Amsterdam, where, with spokesman Bhatnagar persuading the proprietor to allow us a cheap rate, we toured the famous canals by barge, seeing many places of repute. After a farewell party at Delft, there followed much merrymaking on the overnight oroasing. Our thanks are due to our hosts f o r their hospitality, the Union for i t s support, and Messrs. King and Rees f o r their hard work i n organisation. This waa a f i t t i n g end to a most successful season, i n whioh the Club has lost only 17 matches out of 55. We have regularly turned out three teams, and with a l i t t l e more support i t should be possible to form a 4th. team. Record for season: W P l s t . XI 29 18 2nd. XI 14 6 3rd. XI 12 4




D 6 2 2

L F 5 81 6 27 6 18

A 42 55 20.

C O M I N G E V E N T S FRIDAY 2nd. MAY CHINESE SOCIETY Chinese Evening i n the Concert Hall, 7.30. STUDENT CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT "Is Man Fallen?" speaker, Rev. D.L. Edwards. Room 127, 1.10.


SATURDAY 3rd. MAY W.U.S. Carnival at Bedford. Entertainments Committee Informal Dance. FRIDAY 9th. MAT STUDENT CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT Open Meeting, "The Attraction of Gambling" speaker. Rev. D.Greeves. Room 127, 1.10. GUILDS MOTOR CLUB A.G.M. Room 15, 5.5. SATURDAY 10th. MAY Entertainments Committee Informal Dance. FRIDAY 16th. MAY R.C.S. Country House B a l l at Silwood Park,

U.L. S W I M M I N G C O M E S




T O I.C.


For the f i r s t time since 1948, I.C. Sv/imming Club have won the University Championships, with Q..*,!.C. and Battersea j o i n t l y taking second place. The I.C. successes were: Harford - l s t . 110 yds. Backstroke. 2nd. 440 yds. Freestyle. Loveman - l s t , 220 yds. Breaststroke, 2nd. 110 yds. Butterfly. Beckett - Joint 4th.440yds.Freestyle. Piggott - 4th. 110 yds. Freestyle. Hills 4th. 220 yds. 3reaststroke. Squadron Relay Team - 2nd. (Beckett,riggott.Larsen,Harford) ?*dley Helay Team - 2nd. ( H i l l s , Harford, Beckett, Loveman).


On Saturday 29th March 290 crews entered for the London "Head of the Hiver" race from Mortlake to Putney, of these, seven were I.G. crews who had stayed a week after the end of term to row i n the gruelling lÂŁ miles race. The conditions were quite good apart from a fierce head wind on the f i n a l stretch from Hammersmith Bridge to Putney. This was the downfall of many crews, including the I.C. 2nd VIII, who were only a few seconds 3lower than I.C. l s t VIII at Hammersmith but ended up some 50 places lower.

As can be seen from the results, the Club owes i t s success chiefly to the Harford and Loveman. two Hogers

The I.C. l s t VIII did very well to move up from l6th to 12th place. They caught the crew i n front near Chiswick Syot but that crew would not move over to allow the I.C. boat to pass (as is the rule i n rowing) and the I.C. boat was forced to go wide out of the stream, thus losing valuable seconds.

Swimming Club officers for 1958-59: Captain - H.Harford, Vice-Captain - H.Basham. Secretary - B.Hart.

Due mainly to increased opposition the only other I.C. crew to better i t s position was the 6th VIII, composed of freshers with some previous rowing experience, who moved up about 30 placeJfrom l&Vth.

CRICKET About seventy people turned up for t r i a l s and practices at Harlington this y ;ar. Many of the newcomers were of quite high standrrd, making team selection a d i f f i c u l t task. The season opened successfully for the l s t XI who beat "Hye College by nine wickets, on a d i f f i c u l t r>itoh. One of the most pleasing features was the f i e l d i n g of the I.C. terjn, which was a vast improvement over last year.

However, a l l the I.C. crews enjoyed their Head Night Dinner. The Coxes hod also supped with coxes from various clubs at the annual I.C. Coxwain3' Society Dinner the previous Thursday. The Boat Club hopes to reap the records of i t s winter training i n the coming regatta season.

The t r i p to Wye was an outstanding success, due i n part to the fact that the team were accompanied by the I.C.7/. S.C. tennis team. It was noticeable that on the downward journey one team sat at tin. back of the coach and the other at the front, on the return journey positions were shuffled, proving that Sport brings people closer together. The 2nd XI had a less haopy time at Harlington against the Institute of Education and only managed to draw the match. The third eleven, however, started the season with a f i n e win over Wembley 3rd XI.


The triangular meeting held at the end of last term resulted i n a comfortable victory for I.C.(68 pts.) over L.S.E. (48) and Q.M.C. (46). Star of the match was Alan Brown who achieved 2nd. place i n the pole-vault with 2' lÂŁ". This term's a c t i v i t i e s began with the Trials and a Pentathlon competition. In the former, "Gorb" Newman an old hand at the f i e l d events - won both the discus and shot events. Many athletes entered our Pentathlon, i n which five events are chosen from nine track and f i e l d events. The result was unexpected, as a trackman, Keith Ludlam. proved victorious with a total of 2427 points. His performances were: 100m, (11,4s.)768pts. 400m,(52,6s.)666pts. HJ (4'6 ) 372 pts. LJ (18'3") 415pts. Shot (22'3") 206 pts. n

A.Abbott, spurred on by the prize of 5 cigs.,was second with 2341 points. On A p r i l 26th. I.C. athletes upheld the prestige of the College in the University T r i a l s . Outstanding performers on the track included B.Curtis (220), K.W.Ludlam (440), P.Rayment(880), J.S.Evans (mile), J.H.Collins (2 miles), and V/.Melbourne (hurdles). Dave Smith dominated the f i e l d events with a magnificent HSJ of 45'7". On the same day, an I ,C. team beat Westminster Hospital by 75 pts. to 55, Great promise was shown by fresher J.B.Breckon who won three f i e l d events, HJ, LJ, and HSJ. Sports Day Two events of the annual Athletic Sports have already been held. The three miles was held at Parliament H i l l on 19th. March. This event has for long been a most interesting struggle between H.C.S. and Guilds, who this year were again very evenly matched, and the result was extremely close,with Guilds winning by 28 pts. to 30. Unfortunately, illness prevented several athletes from running but the two C o l l eges were equally affected. Three B.C.S. men finished i n the f i r s t four positions, but Guilds then packed i n a bunch of five runners which decided the result. Individual results: 1. D.Briggs (ECS) 14m. 50s. 2. J.Conway (C&G) 3. J.Collins (RCS) 4. M.Barber (HC8) 5. K.Wall (C&G) 6. G.Tilly (C&G).

IN B R I E F An Innovation this year waa the Steeplechase, won by Guilds with B.C 1, second - Mines not entering a team. The early pace was set by K.Wall, who built up a considerable lead, but J-F. Jaeger closed the gap In the last few laps and, finishing with a strong sprint, won by several yards. A l l the other events i n the ST>-ts w i l l take place on MAT 14th. at M0TSPUH PARK. Why not come to Sports Day - you are given an o f f i c i a l C o l l ege half-day for this purpose. Coach tickets (2/- ret.) may be purchased from the Bookstall.

Crosscountry Club officers for 1958-59: Captain - G.P.Tilly Vice-Captain - P.S.Smith Secretary - A.Brown Treasurer - P.A.Eayment. J.H.Collins (Crosscountry Captain) did very well to win the Orion Harriers 15 mile crosscountry race. J.Conway, also from I.e., came 4th.

In the Soulier's Head, Martin Gaylard (I.C.Boat Club) came 7th. from over 100 entries. On March 29th. an I.C. team ran i n the Wigmore Harriers 15 mile road race, over a tough course i n the Hempstead area. The team was placed 25th. (M.Barber 81st. B.Peacock 122nd. and P.S.Smith 139th.).

ABOVE: Dave Briggs (DCS) the winner of the 3-miles. BELOW: The I.C. 2nd. V l l l before the 'Head'.

ICWSC I.C.W.S.C. had an enjoyable tennis match at Wye College on April 26th. Besult: Wye 6, I.C. 3.

Published by FELIX BOARD, Imperial College Union, London, S.W.7. Printed by S'lL VOUS PLAIT Ltd., 307i. Telephone Piece. London, W.I4.





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(May 1953)

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