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( s t u d y i n g

e d u c a t i o n

E X - P R E S I




January 15th.

It surprised me to learn that the there were any residual doubts on the need f o r effeotive action against Apartheid, There can certainly be no doubt^qf the unpleasantmess and e v i l of the ideology of r a c i a l segregation which l i e s behind i t . Perhaps, however, there a few students i n Britain who s t i l l do not realise just how much personal harm and ^dividual suffering i t causes i n the University spnere as well as i n a l l others.

As I write this, I cannot help reflecting on the case of Mr. Gerald Israeltam, one of the most recent v i o t laa of Apartheid to arrive in London, he was lecturer i n Botany at theUnivarsity College of Port Hare. A few months ago, he was told, without any warning, that he,was to be dismissed from the staff of this all nonwhite-oollege.. No reasons were given.

I, A L



c o u n t r i e s )




Underlying a l l educational policy and practice of Apartheid i s the report of the KISSELEN Commission on "Native Education" which led to the Bantu Eduoation Act i n 195k. Introducing this, the present Prime Minister, (the Minister of Native Affairs) told an a l l whit* legislator that the purpose of this education "was to ensure that f o r the non-whites there i s i n the white society above the l e v e l of certain forms of labour"

Later, the Minister of Bantu education announced that he had dismissed Mr. Israelstaa and several others ^ i n cluding two B r i t i s h citizens, S i r Pulque Agnew, registrar, and his wife Lady Agnew, who was head of the department of Geography) because he "would not allow a penny of the funds under his control to be spent on persons sabotaging Apartheid". He s t i l l u d i d not speoify how this sabotage had been perpetrated. But these three people are now out of jobs, have l e f t their homes and sought voluntary exile here i n England.

That policy has bean applied, a l l schools f o r Africans had been segregated in South Africa, so this was not simply a question of introducing discrimination. The purpose of the legislatio n was to ensure that i t became a paraamaaft feature of South African Society, and that no African was brought up to think differently. As a result the mission schools were told that they must either teach government syllabuses - including, inter a l i a , a new course of "Race Studies", and a "Social Studies" course teaching t r i b a l myths and glorifying a t r i b a l system whose powers were long ago shattered by White Domination and which i s alien to the majority of the millions of Africans now l i v i n g i n c i t i e s -,ar to give uc their schools So f a r more than 5,00© 'schools have been "Taken Over" i n this way.

Why? Because they see their d i s missal not just as an isolated instance of governmental invasion of University freedom, but as part of a carefully prepared plan to capture the minds of the non-white people. Their bodies must already be regarded as captive through a plathara of restrictions on movements, nousing, marriage, speech, worship, employments and the absence of parliamentary representation and the ban on the right to strike - to name but a few of the inevitable accompanimenta of enforced segregation.

But even that was not enough. Two of the Universities Xth« Universities of Capetown and Witwaterarand) s t i l l remain unsegrated, so the,government announced a legislatio n to enforce the exclusion of non-whites from these as well. The idea was f i r s t mooted i n 1948. I t was resolutely opposed by a l l but a few of the students and s t a f f members involved, both •hits and non-white. I t was feufht by ,the majority of the .Univereities and even severely c r i t i c i s e d by those.academics who had hitherto supported Asarthsid.. But the government went on with i t s plan.





i n u n d e r - d e v e l o p e d




The legislation wa3 f i n a l l y passed last year. As a result, from last week no Bore non-whites may be admitted to Instead, they w i l l those Jfciversitiea. have W attend segregated institutions based on t r i b a l conglomerations and set in remote areas of the country. While any eaa/iemioian' may doubt whether any* thing but the most elementary information could be communicated through a t r i b a l language, THE GOVERNKEM HAS LEFT NOTHING TO CHANCE!

It has a l v e n i t s e l f the power to appoint the College Councils, Senates, and Staff Members; to e s t a D i i s h the C r i t e r i a f o r the selection of s t u d e n t s ; and to d i s m i s s Staff Members (on a variety of so-called "misconducts", one o f whlcn is c r i t i c i s m of the policy of adminift: stration of the government) and this applies not o n l y to the new institutions, but also to the already segregated College of Port Hare.

Whatever 1960 may mean for B r i t i s h students, i t looks as i f i t may mean the end of a c i v i l i s e d education for Af r i c Africans i n South A f r i c a . The laws w which have brought this situation; ahoa* . were passed i n the teeth of vigorous opposition from South African students, B r i t i s h and Commonwealth students,"and those of 65 other countries. THE TIME HAS NOW COME TO" TRANSLATE MERE VERBAL OPPOSITION INTO MORE EFFECTIVE AND CON CONCRETE TERMS.

B T h e









L o n d o n

C h a m p i o n s h i p s


LEE KIN TAT London Singles Cliampion

It i s with great pleasure, that we bring to our readers knowledge that freshman Lee Kin Tat, has added the London Championship ( The mens singles t i t l e ) to his other successes i n the French and Wimbledon Open Championships e a r l i e r i n the season. . We wish him a l l the luck he deserves i n the A l l England Championship in March.





Miracle films guided by the hand of Ood (Brond's), shews us more of Rodin's sculpture i n f i f t e e n minutes than fifteen days in Paris could do. With Musi que Oonorete, inspired camera work and lighting they givo us the key to Rodin's h e l l and his s a l vation. (Ourson)

"Huis Clos" (Paris Pullman) 1* a film about a journey into hall guided by M. Jean Paul Sartre - down a screaming l i f t s h a f t into? - an iaper0 nal hotsl. The eharactars find themselves In .a well furnished room with no reflections i n the mirror and ornaments that can't be moved. They know no hunger, or physical pain. They don't sleep. In this h e l l i s no respite. I n i t i a l l y they fear physically the impliments of torture but there are none. "There are three of them, there w i l l be no more* remarks the servant,

Por those who admire the work of J. P. Sart:-e, go to see "Savage Bye* (Curion) and see what h e l l i s really like. This film supports the view that the americana are cultured European people' you w i l l of that, this f i l m and/but magnificent.

A society woman (Qaby Silvia) murderess of her unloved illegitimate child. A revolutionary (Prank V i l l a r d ) a ooward who has betrayed his friends and ignored the love of his wife, and a lesbian (Arletty). The balance i s mathematical. It is meant to be. They gradually realise their h e l l i 'L'enfer c'est lee autres' - Hell i s other people.

continental the most Think what i s american

The thought history of a divorced woman - Judith - her death her hell and salvation told by her poet conscience . and her own savage eye. This i s l i f e the way you prefer not to see i t and i t s h e l l - 'And on the sixth day the stars declined and the sun came up and out of a handful1 of d i r t , garbage and alcohol Ood created man' - 'He made a bad job of i t ' says Judith.

The argument i s exciting but not , always clear (to me). I was almost afraid at one point that 'Hell i s Truth - may bs i t i s .

I t should ehoek you - I f you laugh Much you are prokably frightened. of the material i n the f i l m i s shot straight from l i f e - so the impression i s thare are no actors i n i t .


I was glad when M. Sartre brought us back.

This i s a horrible f i l m poetio and true. This really i s the h e l l j f contact of flesh of other people

Go and see Oaby S i l v i a - she'* very attractive, Frank T i l l a r d a. coward i n search of self respect and Arletty with her big, savage, t e r r i f y ing, perverted eyes. ' • J Don't miss the privilege of going to h e l l with a return ticket.



* But i t h * i t s paradise - Roses 0.0. w.

P r i n c e

W i t h o u t A t t r a c t i o n s Before c r i t i c i s m of the play can he made i t must be remembered, however, that the choice of play had to be made i n some haste. One month before opening night, i t was learnt that the permission could not be granted, f o r an amateur company to produce the i n i t i a l l y planned play " L i i a r d on the Rook".

John Peatherstone (Rev. Simone Peters), David Cain (Kara Weatherhead), Andrew Chalmers (P.C. James. Hawkins), Terenoe Wright (Wyndham Jones), and G i l l i a n Harold (Mrs. Peters) a l l gave attractive performances of the nature that one has, by now, learnt to expect whilst Sheila Burbidge. (Mary rfeatherhead), John Webb (Robert iVeatherhead) and Brenda Tgplin (Madeleine Rees) a l l acted adequately i n parts that, required l i t t l e i f any interpretation. The set was quite convincingly designed giving a good impression of the t r a d i t i o n a l farmhouse scene* Unfortunately l i g h t i n g experts were not given a great deal of scope.

aaa- always meant a great deal more than merely story t e l l i n g with actions. It "Without the Prinee" by P h i l i p King i s or ever has been oalled drama, then I must certainly start to revise my ideas. This play might just as easily been entitled "A Han plays Ham' or "Quips with the Vio", a farmhousedomestic oomedy that the Upper Hetherwiok Dramatis Society might certainly attempt to produce without seeming over-* ambitious.

Weather Forecast



On Sunday, January 10th, some Polish students from Danzig, presented their "Circus *, as they c a l l I t . They had presented i t earlier at the N.U.S, drama f e s t i v a l , though drama i s certainly not the word for what we saw on Sunday. Laughs came fast and furiously, at the Qoon-like antics of the four performers (three men, one woman). A quotation from the programme w i l l i l l u s t r a t e what I mean "Princes and Beggare.' After a tour embracing Antwerp, Venice, Kangov erv i l l e , Valderma, Peckham Rye and Bottom Rigis, your once famous circus again appears before a native audience. 1

Here la the sad epilogue of our , wanderings -• Ranigoni, .known to you by his stupendous balancing act, has married and fathered 5 children) the clowr Lorens has hacked his mother-in-law to death with an axe and been put i n As beloved know we mustard

for what remained of our horse Seeseg, you may care to have just disposed of i t i n sauce for our supper.

You too, I see, are doing well.. and so on. I t i s possible that soon the show may be put on again at I.C., i n which case i t ' s certainly worth seeing. Although of course, there i s the language d i f f i c u l t y , one of the organisers t e l l e me, that i f the show i s put on, anA English translation of the songs w i l l be made, and announcements made i n English. To describe the various acts would be impossible as the humour i s wholly visual. So and see i t .


For cftiS reason, I r e e l that the play i s particularly unsuitable f o r a college protection which should be semething of h i s t o r i c a l , i n t e l l e c t u a l or contemporary interest. "Without the .Prlnoe" f u l f i l l s none of these fu&attoess which i s especially disappointing as there i s obviously a not Inconsiderable amount of talent at hand, I t i s d i f f i c u l t to single est any particular performance from what was * very~woll balanced cast, but, Carolyn Russel as Emma Weatherhead created a particularly strong impression a c t i n g with a confidence and poise that bettered many professional performances that.I have seen.

J.C. Due to a strike i n the meteorological office, there w i l l be no weather over the south of England this weekend.



BBBB BB A swam of Bstia,



L i s t


To be even more suave.


To give up drinking orange juice. Dr. MoCOUBEEY

P. Smith



To lose weight. To gain weight.


Miss P. GRAY

To learn about Stockport. Miss B. WHXTB Not to l e t cricket interfere with marriage. Dr. WEAIJS To have a shave.

To learn about Highland Reels. S. LENSSEN


To speak English.


Not. to speak at a l l . To remember.




Not to forget the Guy. Miss H. TOMPSETT To go and l i v e i n the new hostel. F.G. IRVING R. CREASY

To read 10LITA.

To vote Conservative Not throw rooks at people.


To learn the rules o f Soooer. R. GARNETT To swim twenty thousand leagues under the sea. R. GARNETT Not to p u l l down mountains. To rejoin the army.



To seek p o l i t i c a l asylum i n South Afrioa. A.L. BROOKES


To wear a funny coloured t i e on Thursdays. ANY GUILDSMAN

To avoid banging head.


Not to drink Final Seleotion with Andy Mathews. C. PARLEY

Not to f a l l asleep on ladders.


To hide on February 29th.


To grow a beard instead. To buy a wig.



To, learn about women.





To polish tooth.

To be nice to I.C.I.A.


To go to church on Sundays.


Not to write any more t r i p e .


THE MINES MEMORIAL TROPHY FOR MEMORABLE SERVICES Miss A. P h i l l i p s Men of I.C.. The time has now oome for us to strike our blow for freedom. We must resist these .. feminine machinations, outlaw coffee with I.C.W.A., clandestine v i s i t s to the third f l o o r , and most of a l l , when l i k e the plague, that t e r r i b l e i n i t i a t i o n • - swony, which degrades beyond belief, the I.O.W.A. Formal. The poison has spread throughout the I t must be confined New Hostel. there. The Old Hostel, thank heaven, i s s t i l l a bastion of male supremacy and presents a united front against this dangerous female ideology. There w i l l we stand and fight, to the last room, to the last man, to the last Mooney sup. 1


D. Kealey

. I c w a E x p o s e d I.C.W.A. has now passed the century mark) and a% seems to me high time to bring into the light of day the dreadful truth about this organisation. It i s not too much to etate that I.C.W.A. i s a secret society, aiming* at the gradual enslavement of the male population of I.C. and the eventual establishment of an Aaacon»autoeraay. This i s a grave charge but the fasts are undeniable. There own meetings are secret and what bestial orgies are indulged i n no one knows. What f i r s t brought my'attention to this danger i n our midst, was the way i n which many friends of mine have so aasi easily succumbed to that most dangerous of feminine wiles, I allude of. sours a to oaffee. This tori«a« s a i * ham ensnared many Union O f f i c i a l s as wall at many of the Hoi-Pollei. Cms tawed to the I.C.W.A. floor, the poor fool i s persuaded that his young hostess i s a poor, innocent, defiaeelees l i t t l a ' g l r l i n a roaring mailstroa of hairy rugby plsywus, 'Fibs ha*» -oft at* gute* and ha immediately assumes an a i r of paternal responsibility towards her. She then uses a l l bar charm on the unfortunate bloke, and before long she i s in a position to put words into his mouth. He i s then, as our Colonial friends would say, sunk. One mors recruit to the ranks of the I.O.W.A. philea. (Naturally the women prefer to capture officers of the tftdon, but any other fool w i l l do as wall). Being hooked, does he try to eeeapeT He does not. Whyt For the simple reason that he doesn't want to. He i s happy (he thinks).

One last word. This i s leap year. On February 29th the women's greatest attack w i l l be launched, tie must resist to the last. Men of 1.0. remember your forbears, those man of mighty muscle and even mightier capacity. Let not the memory of them tads. Live up to your reputation. Fight to the last.' J.J. Honeysuckle.



Ah.Six, you understand us well* you know the tender trap-but who demands the 3rd floor ooffee-notICWA,who hare their rugger shirts numbered and washed-by ICWA, who oan look hungry and i n need of a mealnot ICWA.who devise schemes to be invited to THE dance-not ICWA. Ask yourself, S i r , are we r e a l l y so much to blame? Camellia.



The star of several recent horror films, ("It same from R.0CS.• "Son of Blob" et& ate.) has Just returned' from a holiday i n Linos la. He has, I believe bean studying the Lincoln lam. His next f i l m i s to be "Return of the fat Man".

A report has reached us that an Icwarian had her trousers removed i n crowded Oxford Street. The police say that f o u l play i s not suspected. After the recent happenings i n Western Oermany, the cry o f "Herr Ving, for king" aecomapnied by a muted jackboot, w i l l probably be echoing around Europe soon. We hear that when a certain lecturer was asked f o r a syxlabus, he said "I've only got a stapi i motor oar". The funeral i s next Tuesday. Another lecturer was asked it he knew where Antwerp was. He replied that there were -40 i n his t u t o r ! s i group. The funeral w i l l be next Tuesdsy. (Edi The writer o f Felix Confident i a l w i l l be buried next Tuesday, .preferably a^ve)


OI Dear S i r ,


o n e

S W f E T

L E T T E R .





y o u



Dear S i r ,




Controversy ranged high over "commentary",many people expressing the view that i t was too p o l i t i c a l i n nature. FELIX i s essentially ncnp o l i t i c a l and non religious, as i s Imperial College Union, and as a question of policy was at stake, i t was brought to a head at the E d i t o r i a l meeting at the l a t t e r end of last term..At the board meeting i t was deoided that the columns of FELIX should be open to views on ANYTHING which primarily concerns students, including both religious and p o l i t i c a l views-provided that FELIX did not . express an opinion and,that although the a r t i c l e might be printed anonymously that, I, as editor should.know the '-.. author's name; each case to be considered individually on i t s own merits. With the above reservations, controve r s i a l view points on a l l topics-even EDITORIALS-are always welocme.However, FELIX wishes to make i t clear that the writers views do not, and this invariably happens, coinoide with i t s own or those of the union.

F e l i x

S e r v i c e s

TO ALL CLUB SECRETARIES: The "Coming Events" Diary i s open to a l l I.C. l u b s who desire publicity for future meetings and events. Club o f f i c i a l s should send details to the *Sub-Editor (Coming Event), FELIX" via the Union Rack. G

Secretaries are also invited to submit some additional information concerning their events which HAT be printed i f space permits. Bare details of a l l the entries submitted w i l l be printed i n any case, a There i s no charge f o r this service, ADVERTISING RATES: For I.C. Organisations:l A - oolumm 16/- per Insert. (other sixes pro rata.) Outside Advertlsers:l/k oolumn — — 26/- per insert, (other sines pro rata, extra charges f o r front page space.) A l l drawings, made up advertisement* and typing, should be BLACK on white paper free from fingerprints. Sheee. should be prepared to suit a column^width of 4-&* Before the printing process a l/V-col. advertisement measures if.5" wide z 3.1" high. Reduction by the printing process 5. a 20)1.

I was delighted to read i n your last but one issue the ' f l e a For Action' by Randal Peart. Although I do not wholly agree with what was written, i t was good to see that some thought had gone into the question of lecturing, and an attempt had been made to arrive at practical impr^overaents. It i s , of course, impossible to divorce this problem from the question of what universities are for, and why J we as students spend a number of years experiencing the ' 'University process'. If these l a t t e r aspects had been considered, then I am sure Mr Peart's conclusions would have been different. I know f o r a fact that quite a high percentage of the staff at IC do buy arid read'Felixi As yet there has bean no answer or glimmer of l i f e from these people, and yet another opportunity to increase staff-student inter i participation i s l i k e l y to be l o s t . The apparently ideal columns of oar fortnight - l y paper are perhaps not considered good enough for this function, although i t would be a great pity i f this attitude prevailed. As an encouragement perhaps the editor could invite some member of staff to write an a r t i c l e of his own choosing f o r each issue. For anyone who i s interested i n his or her education, I should l i k e to steal another inch or two of your columns, to publicise the proposed oonf erenoa i.t ULU on 'What are the Universities For?' The conference w i l l consist of three evening sessions, one per week, and one two-day session i n residence, as follows!. 1) To* 1 liar 6.00 p.m. 'She Nature of a University.' This i s intended to set forward the idea and ideal of a University and what i t should be i n a l l i t s aspects. 2) Thu 10 Mar 6.00 p.m. * The University Today.' i ) The "Varsity ' Community - Admin and Finanoe. U ) Teaching Methods, i l l ) Syllabuses. 3) Tue t5 Mar 'The State, the Student and Sooiety.' The residential conference w i l l take place at Wye College i n Ashford, from Sunday 24th A p r i l to Tuesday 26th A p r i l . Sunday 6.00 p.m. The Responsibility of the Student Monday 10.00 a.m. The University and the Commonwealth. 2.30 p.m. The University's Obligations i n a Rapidly Changing Distinguished speakera^nlve been invited, and delegates from other Universities w i l l be invited to *fa> resident session. Perhaps we s h a l l see some of the IC staff attending! I sincerely hope so. Yours eta, ___Syd Personal Advertisement! . ^ A rate of 6d. f o r 20 words i s the nominal charge f o r plain personal advertisements and book-offers etc, ALL ENQUIRIES should be addressed to the FELIX Business Manager, v i a Vnlta Rack.


Having read with avid interest your E d i t o r i a l ( F r i 2?th Nov.), oonoerning the position of IC as a University, College, I f e e l that some aspects of the problem have been omitted, giving a rather distorted position. Certainly IC i s one-sided, though I believe that a largely technological college produces more acceptable members of the oommunity than a predominantly Arts College. However, with over two thousand students Imperial College together with one or two other Colleges in the University i s comparable i n size with many provinoial Universities, and i s b i g enough to be largely s e l f contained within the network of University activities. Apart from i t s variegated membership, ULU i s comparable i n many ways to the Unions of the major Colleges; and I wonder how many people knew the name of this year's President before reading "Sennet" (sorry for including that disturbing word!). The University of London i s unique, because of i t s size, and the wide separation of many of i t s Colleges, and hence ULU ±a also a unique institution whose functions should be just those with which the College Unions cannot adequately deal. This should include the organisation of inter-Collegiate a c t i v i t i e s , catering for minority interests, providing Union f a c i l i t i e s for the smaller Colleges, and a meeting place far students of different faculties where this cannot be achieved i n the Colleges concerned ( i . e . at IC). The r e s t r i c t i v e attitude o f the so oalled IC e l i t e i s inevitable w,ith so l i t t l e hostel accommodation, and with the existence of the "Links" "22", "Chaps" and other clubs, a cliquish attitude w i l l exist, although this i n i t s e l f i s not over much to worry about since "Potential Leaders" i n the College always seem concerned with such cliques. I t i s perhaps as well to remember the words of the "BARd", " I f you're one of the boys and get drunk you're a good chap, but i f you're not one of the boys and have had too much t o drink, you're a drunken i d i o t ! " Perhaps the greatest fault at IC i s that i t i s the degree that matters, and NOT the University education, so that there are not enough people with non-academic time to play with. However, I do believe that anyone who r e a l l y wants a University education can get i t at IC. Yours, A.N.Other.

B O Y C O T T Sir. When I consider my several f o l l i e s and those of my fellow human beings, I doubt my sanity and theirs and despair of the future of humanity. Hut wheh I read Mr.Barber* s comment on the Imperial College Union motion about boycotting certain goods from South Africa (published i n FKLTX of December 11th 1959) I was immediately raised from depths of despondency to heights of hope. In fact that hope has survived into, the New Year and I hope i t w i l l be happy. Now we nitwits can s i t baok and relax while wiie men l i k e Mr.Barber do the thinking and the talking for us. We can say goodbye to Union meetings and such old fashioned practices as discussions. Democracy i s after a l l a r e l i c of a byegone age .and must y i e l d to dictatorship which i s th* mare c i v i l i s e d . We children (or Peter Pans rather) are now waiting for Kike Barber and the other "wise adults" to produce the solution to apartheid. Obviously a boycott i s not merely childish but i n f a n t i l e . .

FELIX In any case i t i s q u i t e obvious t h a t t o have touched on p o l i t i c s was wrong o f the Union i n s p i t e of the p l e a that apartheid i s not p o l i t i c s but "a q u e s t i o n o f b a s i c human r i g h t s " (apology t o J . C a r t e r ) . We a r e w a i t i n g M i k e l Sam A p e j i . Zoology P.G.




Sir,. On returning to college l a s t F r i d a y I n o t i c e d t h a t a "reminder" had been p l a c e d on s e v e r a l n o t i c e boards t h a t the 3 r d . a n n i v e r s a r y o f the Union b a r WAS t o take p l a c e on the 4th.Jan. I l a t e r found t h a t o n l y about twenty people were present. Although an a n n i v e r s a r y i s an a n n i v e r s a r y and should i f p o s s i b l e be c e l e b r a t e d a t the proper time s u r e l y much g r e a t e r support c o u l d and would have been g i v e n i f (a) people were reminded a t a more s u i t a b l e t i m e , and (b) i f the date were t o be arranged^ so t n a t i t f a l l s d u r i n g the f i r s t few days Of term. A f t e r a l l , t o many the b a r i s one of the few p l a c e s i n the c o l l e g e where the body and s o u l can be r e i n t e g r a t e d i n times o f " d i s t r e s s " , a n d a show o f a p p r e c i a t i o n f o r one o f our most important i n s t i t u t i o n s on suoh an "unrepeatable" o c c a s i o n i s s u r e l y the essence o f "good t a s t e " , l o u r s etc. R.U.U.

C H E S S E Dear Six, Assuming that you do read F e l i x , as assuming that you do read, then you w i l l be aware that letters were included i n the Christmas edition complaining of the previous publication of certain anonymous a r t i c l e s , as i t were. Despite the i l l u s t r i o u s appalationa appended to these several •pieties, you had. S i r , the unmitigated g a l l to set alongside them a further unsigned outrage entitled "How to Play Chease", whioh although grossly Inaoourate factually, and childish in i t s ideas, was answered by myself i n an artlole whioh was not written. You lacked, S i r , the oourage of your eonviotions (where did you get that haircut, anyway?). It wa agreed long ago that any individual, whether or not attached to "Felix" should have the opportunity of being rude to the Editor. Let me say right away that i t i s your anonymous contributor's right, provided he or she i s a ohssse-psaoe, to write what he or she sees f i t , concerning chess*. But, I- divine in that curious tract a calculated and vicious blow, aimed at the morale of CHKSS-players In our ( l e r i t u * Collage, and indeed throughout the country. Soma dsap l a i d plot l a Being hatched! Fax be i t f o r me to implicate any one group (or sub-group) i n respect of the perpetration of that dastardly a r t i c l e . However, the advantages to be gained in this by a eertaim chesse-playing Bast European country of quite unmentionable p o l i t i c a l inclinations must be only too obvious to us a l l . One draws the inevitable conclusion. So don't l e t i t happen againI Please!I Yours embarrassedly and intolerantly, D. Gardiner P.S. and a Happy New Ye»



P r e s e n t s

where are you going t h i s summer? Whatever your t a s t e s , whether a r t i s t i c , academic, or even merely p l e a s u r e .bound, there i s sure to be a sun drenched (or perhaps' by a meteorology i c a l e r r o r , r a i n drenched) l o c a t i o n f o r your a c t i v i t i e s . Think o f the South of France, bask i n the Mediterranean c l i m a t e , see the people at work, pr oerhape, more t o your t a s t e , at p l a y . Do the a n c i e n t Why not go t o Greeks f a s c i n a t e you? examine the l a s t t a n g i b l e remnants o f t h e i r c i v i l i s a t i o n for yourself. Even though i t i s a l l Greek to you, t h e r e are always c e r t a i n t h i n g s which transcend languages.

o f


f you are desirous o f q u i t t i n g not u. y the country but a l s o the, why not go to the Unite d S$«efi» and see f o s c y a u r s e l f the much ftSaBStssBWi " a a e r i u a way o f We". The may Jo g s t t o know t n e people of any country i s to l i v e w i t h them and see them at t h e i r everyday chores and t h i s i s j u s t what you can do. Your host w i l l a l s o arrange f o r v i s i t s to s u i t your p a r t i c u l a r i n t e r ests. , . For f u r t h e r , d e t s i I s o f dates, coats e t c ) , see the Union Notiow Board or v i s i t room 22, Old H o s t e l .

C h r i s t m a s

P a r t y

ICWA gave a Christmas p a r t y f o r some o l d people f o r the f i r s t time t h i s year.Decorations, f a i r y l i g h t s and a r c i a r i n g f i r e (made, p o s s i b l e by ths. kindness o f Mines and Clementine) gave a c h e e r f u l appearance 'to the ICWA lounge.The guests were l o o k e d a f t e r by as many ICWAr i a n s and p r o v i d e d w i t h an enormous t e a . An e n t h u s i a s t i c and v e r y capable c h o i r , composed o f Mines' men and ICWArians l e d the s i n g i n g of c a r o l s . The guests departed w i t h p r e s e n t s o f f r a i t and cake, and i t would be d i f f i o u l t t o t e l l whether they o r t h e i r hostesses enjoyed i t the most. May I a l s o oomment on t h e c a r o l s i n g i n g a f t e r the R e s i dents Christmas Dinner when over 100 students r a i s e d £35 f o x the Refugee Year Fund i n j u s t over an hour, and thank J i m C a r t e r and John Cooke f o r c o n d u c t i n g the s i n g i n g .

C h r i s t m a s

A b s e n c e

S p i r i t

"What s i z e socks does A u n t i e Agnes take?".....a q u e s t i o n which i s t y p i c a l o f the Christmas season.Now t h a t the rush f o r H o l l y b e r r i e s i s over, and I d i d n ' t see one, and l o t s of people f^udbled,we oan sum up t h i s season o f g o o d w i l l t o a l l men. The f u l f i l l m e n t of t h i s n e c e s s a r i l y e n t a i l s suspension,fo r a time,of g o o d w i l l t o a l l women. Y u l e t i d e b r i n g s out the worst i n people;who has not heard o f the i n d i v i d u a l who sends a p a r c e l l a b e l through the p o s t , e a r l y of course,and w i t h the s t r i n g s l i g h t l y f r a y e d . T h i s must be done e a r l y to g i v e f r i e n d s time t o send "v/asn't i t good o f o l d a p a r c e l back Percy t o send us a p r e 3 e n t - p i t y i t got l o s t - l e t s send him some o f those braces and so on. we had from Aunt Annie"

For any t h i n k i n g young man the most a t t r a c t i v e and e x c i t i n g c i t y of the new developing Europe i s , of course, B e r l i n . Why not go t h e r e . to d i s c u s s the world's most p r e s s i n g problem - Europe and A s i a - what they can l e a r n from each o t h e r . T h i s conference takes p l a c e d u r i n g the day, l e a v i n g you the evenings f r e e t o see the c i t y ' s n i g h t l i f e . As accomodation i s provided i n the U n i v e r s i t y the t o t a l cost o f the t r i p i s kept very low - f o u r t e e n days f o r £24 t o £27 i n c l u d i n g conference f e e s , meals and accomodation. I f you are bent on c u l t u r e Oberamaagau, S a l t b u r g or I t a l y may be I f you would p r e f e r t o . your goal. go f u r t h e r a f i e l d Poland o f f e r s you a an o p p o r t u n i t y t o go behind t h e - I r o n Curtain. You w i l l be a b l e to v i s i t such places as Poznan, W i s l i c s k a , Cracow and Warsaw. V i s i t s to Univers i t i e s , f a c t o r i e s , museums and even mines (probably not the s a l t v a r i e t y ) and a l s o o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o meet P o l i s h students w i l l be arranged. This would c e r t a i n l y be a h o l i d a y t o remember and one whioh your f r i e n d s would e n v

o r


Who wants a p a i r o f braces anywayI don't use them,nor b e l t s come t o t h a t . They s t a y up by gUess and by Godfearing habits. \Te spend more on the postage than on the cards and say i t s the thought t h a t counts.We a l t e r the p r i c e s and pack p a i r s o f braces and i t s a t e r r i b l e time of y e a r . We dash t o the door and stand watoh- ' ing the postman s t r u g g l i n g - t o crush a p i l e of cards through t h e groaning l e t t e r box. We s e i z e each envelope, and spend f i v e minutes l o o k i n g a t the. postmarks(Postmortem f o r Christmas) and h a n d w r i t i n g , t r y i n g t o guess who sent i t . T h e n we open i t and i t s from someone we haven't sent t o , o r we can't q u i t e remember whether we d i d 'cos the dustman came f o r h i s Christmas box j u s t as we were doing the cards. Then i t ' s a b r i e f glance i n s i d e the c a r d and another few minutes h o l d i n g the back f l a p up t o the l i g h t t o l o o k f o r e r a s u r e s . Then on t o the s h e l f w i t h i t and compare i t w i t h the v a l u e o f the o t h e r s , and i t ' s s t i l l r a i n i n g o u t s i d e and i t ' s a t e r r i b l e time o f year. - Comes the evening, and we brave the weather t o pay the seasonal rounds t o r e l a t i o n s and f r i e n d s - i n good time t o elude the c a r o l s i n g e r s c r e p u s c u l a r crescendo. And A u n t i e J i n n y t r i e s t o • d i l u t e the g i n g e r wine. / I t ' s Boxing Day now and t h e w r e s t l i n g ' s on the t e l e v i s i o n , a n d you're a l l o w e d t o watch because t h e r e i s o n l y b o x i n g on the o t h e r channel.Then i t ' s two rounds o f cards and i t ' s t u r k e y again and we're down t o the dregs o f the p o r t . And we a l l s i t around g r o u s i n g along the l i n e s o f t h i s p h i l o s o p h y and I r e o a l l the p o s t m i s t r e s s t e l l i n g o f a woman, who, c a s t i n g out a c a r d p r o c l a i m e d "Not t h a t o n e - i t ' s got r e l i g i o n on". And I'm sure i t ' s

a t e r r i b l e time o f year. Charles N e v i l l e .

Both these e f f o r t s r e q u i r e d l i t t l e o r g a n i s a t i o n and were most s u o c e s s f u l - i t seems a p i t y t h a t the C o l l e g e does not do more f o r o t h e r people a t Christmas time. H.C.T. Ed. comment. ICWA i s under a constant i a r r a g e o f c r i t i c i s m from a l l q u a r t e r s , but I t h i n k anyone who was a t the O l d People's p a r t y a t Christmas would j o i n i n and c o n g r a t u l a t e the P r e s i d e n t and S e o r e t a r y f o r o r g a n i s i n g such a happy occasion.There a r e many " t r a d i t i o n s " t h a t I.C. c o u l d w e l l do w i t h o u t but l e t us hope t h a t t h i s new one w i l l continue Cor many y e a r s t o g i v e enjoyment to o l d e r people wh» are so o f t e n forgotten.

FELIX record f o r any fan who i s thinking of starting a Swing collection. Early records p f English trumpeter" Kenny Baker provide good examples of this kind of music.

note played, but our forerunners of the early 30'a obtained just as much pleasure from Swing from dancing to i t . L i t t l e Swing, however, ia^ composed today, the bands relying on'new arrangment of early favourites. Woody Barman and Charlie Barnett have attained great popularity i n this way by their s k i l l f u l renderings of "Oldies" as they are oallod.

"What i n This Thing Called 3wi»g?» Of a l l the types of music, good and bad, which are appreciated throughout t U b College and outside, Swing Is ecsiparatively neglected. When one takes the trouble to consider the popularity of olaasioal and popular dance music, the m s t « h e * i o f swing i s apt to be i g nored. The popular misconception i s that music f a l l s into one of two categories, either olaasioal music or modern music. Swing, however, must not be confused with jazz or danoe music, from which i t i s quite different. the qaestion, "How and when did Swing develop from the other forms of music?" Bas often arisen and the answer i s quite simple. We have a l l heard how black Sambo took his music of A f r i c a with him to slavery i n America, how through the years he managed to adapt his native raytamm to-various instruments such as the clarinet, trumpet, trombone and piano, and how his ansio ttaally burst into the world i n the 1920*a. Swing and danoe music later awolved from J a n but a l l three are a l l quite d i s t i n c t . After a breif popularity of about ten years, the masters of jazz were swept from the scene by the new group on* These musicians, the Swingsters. gentlemen played a more dignified type of jazs, which had been specially arranged f o r their large bands which usually consisted of about f i f t e e n players. Whereas the jass bands were made up of about six men who each gave a solo performance i n front oS the sand, during the course of the number, the Swingstera r e l i e d on only one or two solo instrumentalists. One of the chief reasons f o r the waning popularity of jass, waa that i t galled f o r a tremendous amount of ..stamina fin the part of the muaiaians and a great deal, of energy from the dancers. Thus Swing when i t f i r s t appeared i n 1930 waa the result of experiments i n jass made by the dancers and musicians who did not wish to exert themselves quite so much, but who s t i l l wanted to extract the Utmost pleasure from their music. The old carefree s p i r i t of jaai s t i l l continued i n i t s young son Swing and jass slowly began to disappear from tha dance h a l l of Britain and the, U.S.A. aajtmc the original Swing orchestra* were those of Tommy Dorsey, Artie Shaw, uone Krupa, Charlie Barnett, Lionel Hampton and the greatest of them a l l , Benny Goodman. Slowly but surely the vocalists of these bands began to d r i f t away and as a result, Swing developed into an instrumental type of music. The vocalists, however, managed to join up with bands which were w i l l i n g to play the type of music which these vocalists suited. Thus was formed the type of music which i s extremely, none other than oheap commercial rubbish, Sihoe 1936, when this break took place Swing has been presented at concerts and many records made, although Swing i s no longer heard i n danoe halls, many of the old masters of Swing are s t i l l with us and several new band* have appeared, who try and on the whole succeed i n playing i n the style '-of their forerunners. Whilst listening to concerts and records of Swing the tandemo* t » Bom to a i t back and enjoy each

F i n a l l y , I would l i k e to mention my own favourite instrumentalist, Benny Goodman, who, next to Frederick Thurston, the serious musician, i s the best clarinet player in the world. Not a great deal i s heard of Benny Goodman these days, but he has recently made a number of good records and has proved, that he i s as good as he ever was. Also i n circulation at the moment i s a long playing record of an a l l star band, led by Benny Goodman when Swing was i n i t s heyday in 1937. I refer of course to the Carnegie Hall oonoert. I would say that t h i s . i s the finest collection of numbers ever to be recorded on one disc.

Among the new Swing musicians of the day who have their own bands, we ' have Ray Antony, a splendid trumpet player who graduated from Columbia University i n 1947 and who i s enjoying a great deal of popularity on both sides on the Atlantic, chiefly as a reault of his f i r s t record,*"Mr. Antony's Boogie". B i l l y May plays i n the style of the l a t e Glenn M i l l e r (tragically k i l l e d i n . active service) and he almost succeeds in capturing the charm of his famous predecessor, although h i s saxophoneseffect i n the background are very poorBuddy Morrow, yet another American, has his own natural style and his most famous recording, "Night Train", i s a basic

At this time i t i s usual to look back over the old year, and to r e c a l l the past events. For jazs, 1959, was a very f u l l and exciting y e a r .

L.A.K. .


The B r i t i s h Jazz fan has "rawer had i t so good." The t r a f f i o of musicians, across the pond seemed almost continuous, For the majority, the t r i p was well just i f i e d , but f o r some the results were disappointing. I t i s worth noting (at least I hope that promoters w i l l oonaider i t worth noting) that the least satisfactory were the package shows, where a variety of groups were thrown together, each told s t r i c t l y * that they could have twenty minutes on the stand, and were expected t o produce good jazz. But f i r s t l e t us think of the better things of 1959. The perennial Count Basic (he seem* to be popping up hare with annual regularity) treated us to many fine displays of solid, wringing jazz. Duke Ellington proved that he has the greatest band i n the world. Louis Armstrong was truly magnificent, tat I find i t hard t o rave over his fellow A l l Stars. The MJQ l e f t me (and thousands of others) almost speaonlasa with excitement. .It was heartwarming to see two of our own musicians f i t t i n g i n so perfectly; Joe Harriot's "Awvoan -is Bew.,York" waa almost the high spot of the Conoert, though Ronnie Ross s t i l l cannot get my vote f o r the best baritone Saxophonist in the world (a position he holds i n many minds including those of John Lewis and Richard Ruahton). Then there was Kid Ory. The best summing up of this show that I heard was - "I f e l t this was the real thing". It did some inexplicable thing to me inside - i t was so colourful, so deep, so swinging, and yet so simple and so easy. Yes, i t was the rea l thing. Of the package shows "Jazz from Carnegie H a l l " probably looked the best on paper. But J and K seemed a l i t t l e out of touch with each other, and Lee Konitz was disastrous. On tha other

hand Phineaa Newborn was great and Zoot Sims showed why he i s rated so highly. But the time - one hardly had time t o decide the colour of t h e i r suits before they were gone. "Jazz test the P h i l " brought the controversy concerning the MU and Stan Getz; the MU won. We did not see Stan Getz. "Jazz from Newport " sparked o f f considerable publicity on tha subject of package shows. Everyone eagerly awaited returns of Dizzy and Brubeok, and even more eagerly awaited the debut of Buck Clayton. So they throw a l l three together, add a B r i t i s h Group, and consequently we hear none of them. 1

Let us also think of the B r i t i s h groups who so ably f i l l e d out so many shows. But i f they are only going t o play a couple of numbers i s i t r e a l l y worth i t ? Vocalists too were here i n farce. Lena Home, Carmen Mafias, Sarah Vaughan, Champion Jack Dopree, Sonny Terry and Brownie immediately spring to mind. But there are sadder tnings connected with 1959. The year w i l l probably be remembered as having a large death t o l l , not only on the roads, but also i n jazz. We lost drummers Shadow Wilson and the great 'Baby' Dodds, c l a r i n e t t i s t Omer Simeon, and the "Grand Old Man of Jazz" Sidney Beohet. We read with great p i t y of the death of B i l j i e Holliday, and were shocked when we read "The Pros i s Dead". Lester Young had gone. Many memorial albums have come on to the market; do not miss those o f Lester Young, especially the f i r s t with Count Basis. And so we go into 1960. We know we can look forward to Sarah Vaughan, Count Basie, and Shelly Manne and His Men. There i s talk of E l l a , Kenton and the Dutch Swing College, whilst almost every jazz man i n the States "would love to play England". Let us hope that we might hear more than t a l h of Miles Davis, Henry" Allen's band, Sonny Rollins and E r r o l Gamer - and not a l l i n the same show either. Rimshot.




H i t s

" I t was a jubilant eras of R.C.3. nan who carried o f f the Linetead swimming cup from the stately, sober ULU. to the sore friendly dower Arms, i n order to eelebrate the team's fine triuaph. Soon, the sweet taste of victory was augmented by the more subtle, mellow taste of best bitter, and, inevitably, the usual songs were sung, much to the enjoyment of a lone Chemistry Ireshette. The Linstead Oup was f i l l e d and emptied with alarming regularity and, as the atmosphere became more riotous, i t was soon obvious that this was going to be one of those rights. At 10.50 p.m. a seething mass of f i f t y or so stalwarts, led by president. Long John Forster, poured out into the 0001 night air} down Tottenham Uourt Road, along Charing Cross Road, and into sfeairtBaaury Avenue. Every person, who was unfortunate enough to be abroad i n thee* famous thorough-fare*, was told of the victory. The theatre crowds gaped i n astonishment. Understandably perhaps, for i t i s not every day that you see a t a l l figure, complete'with loud check jacket and deer stalker, swinging a large, silver cup in- one hand, and a rolled umbrella in,the other, striding at the head of a boiatarsHs column of screaming youths. They pressed on to Piccadilly Circus, where the President paddled i n the fountain, and, with Oupidis arrow aimed straight at his heart, led; a sentimental Kangella.



ffiwecpita ante* •aainforaod comment to tile oorrferaacy i t i s aabit* easy to form a All'that i s heeded i s to prove naw olub. the "need" f o r i t , and that the Union cam provide the " f a c i l i t i e s " . This i s easy. To prove the "need*, one has to show that * sufficient number o f members of the Union are aotxvaly interested enough i n the) proposed oINfc t o give i t a reasonable ahance sY a f a i r l y panmanent existence. ' To show that there are " f a c i l i t i e s " , one has to show that either the Union has already got the necessary f a c i l i t i e s for the proposed dub's a c t i v i t i e s (e.g. lecture rooms, fives court, darts hoard, etc.) or that sufficient money exists t o institute these f a c i l i t i e s . A few procedural rules also exist of course. The A.C.C. or the S.C.C. must receive notice o f the proposition and naturally i t i s useful t o know who are the supporters of any proposed club. A l i s t of signatories, with the proposed objects of the new olub, must appear on the Union Council Notice Board for seven days, i n the case of the S.C.C. A similar procedure, though not obligatory, i s often followed i n the case of a new A.C.C. olub. The new olub w i l l oome under the A.C.C. i f i t s a c t i v i t i e s require physical exertoiea and i f the olub i s competitive by nature . A l l other olubs oome under the S.C.C. including olubs such as the Sliding,Underwater and Ski olubs whioh often take part i n competitions!'J) The S.C.C. includes olubs of widely different interests, and often with conflicting objects, whioh i s probably why i t traditionally runs less smoothly than the A.C.C. -

L o n d o n


, By now the Police were interested so, Foreter. unsentimental where the

N 2 5

boys i n blue are concerned, led the party towards the Mall. At this stage i n the proceedings a slight brash oeeurred between a straggler and the law. The following conversation t e l l s the whole story.

The Law.(Pointing to another straggler) Did you throw water over him? (It was i n fact beer) Straggler. Tee. Why? The Law. Straggler. He's my friend.

•Uth this, the straggler pressed on leaving the law scratching i t s head, rendering i f i t was possible to charge somebody for throwing water (or beer) over his friend. In the Mall the party became quieter. They formed threes and sloe•arohed, i n step, towards Trafalgar Square. They passed under Admiralty Arch i n silsnca. Then the sight of Nelson was a signal to break ranks. With inarticulate whoops the party clambered up the base o f the column and, clinging perilously, gave vent to an ear-shattering Kangella. By now the Police had organised Lnto a small army. As they approached menacingly, the party scattered i n every direction, never to reform that night.

J o a n

K i n g s t o n

R U G B Y A Few Notes (?) The rugger oluh i s eventually settling down and playing some good f o o t b a l l . It was thought midway through the Michaelmas term that we would not be able to run 7 teams. We did however manage to do so onoe and but f o r cancelled matches would have done so on a number of other occasions.

There are rarely any arguments about fac. . t i e s . Either they exist or they <i«i i. The trouble occurs over what constitutes a "need". Some people think that the "need" for a club jean be proved by the number of signatories on a b i t of paper. However i t should be obvious that this cannot be the entire criterion. It could well happen, i f there were only five Catholics i n College, that only five signatories could be obtained. Despite this an active committee could be formed and the objects of a Catholic Society are such that they play an important role i n College l i f e . On the other hand, a hundred drunks have been easily persuaded to support & proposed Hedonist Club but i t i s doubtful whether such a Club had much future. Consequently, no specific number of signatories i s constitutionally necessary. The decision on "need" i s taken after consideration of the" number of supporters, the objects of the proposed olub and any outside factors whioh may appear relevant. The greatest,obstacle to the formation of any new olub i s the tendency of people i n the saddle to look upon janything new as unnecessary. Frequentl y the arguments used against new olubs oould equally well have been used against the formation of a l l I.C. Clubs at any time. However the objeots of both the A.C.C. & the S.C.C. include the encouragement of a l l forms of Social and Athl e t i c activity . There are to the best of my knowledge, applications for seven new olubs pending. I t i s to be hoped that as many as possible are successful as the newcomers must further enrich our College l i f e . John Cox, President SCO.

The f i r s t team record i s good, having won 11 and drawn 1 of their 16 matches. The ex 1st team has not as yet shown i t s e l f to be "just a l i t t l e b i t behind .the 1st team." The 'A' team oapably led by Tom King has won the majority of i t s matches and with the ex 'A', skippered by St John BjgkaLsy has provided the 'strength i n the middle' so necessary to a large club. Dave Titley'a Bi and Hank's l o t (B2) have enjoyed themselves during the past term with the B2 actually recording u number of notable v i c t o r i e s . The B1 team have certainly been unfortunate i n loosing a number of their matches by the odd one or two points. Altogether the rugger has been good, but i f we are to improve our results a l i t t l e more work i s necessary a l l round. Team records w i l l appear, I hope, i n the next issue. M. Bregazzi.

B I L L I A R D S &


The f i r s t snooker team has played seven matches t h i s term, five of whioh were won, the other two being drawn. Second team have been very d i f f i c u l t to oome by, and the teams record to date i s one win and one draw. The extra b a l l s required f o r the playing of "snook er»pluB* are now . available i n the snooker room, and the game appears to be very popular a l though a reactionary group whioh prefers snooker does exist i n the olub. The Freshers' Tournament was won by J . Cleaton who i s a second year Mechanical Engineer, but now to the olub.

B O X I N G R E C T O R ' S



Promise of t r i a l s f u l f i l l e d


1st XI after a poor start are now playing well and have moved to above ' half-way up the league after being bottom. They have also been very successful i n the UL cup and have reached the semi-final where they play UC. At 12.V5 on the afternoon of Tuesday 8 t h December sixteen members of the Club being desirous of some farm of physical exercise, did participate i n a handicap rase, on foot, by means of running, over a course of approximatel y one league, in that well known resort of out-door recreation, namely Hyde Park. Handicaps were claimed, by those whoa i t may have concerned, according to their own estimates of their own a b i l i t y and according to their own estimates of their own dishonesty. I t was thus that a oertain notorious individual, ta whit, one D.J.T. Bymer E.N. (Retired) B.Sc.(Banding) on the word "go" not being uttered by a certain sheokless person, that i s to say, D vid J . Briggs Esq., B.Sc., d i d take i t upon himselfj in. spite of the presence of a well knoan and unscrupulous person, namely Mr. J.H. Collins (Wandsworth and Brixton), to win the said race, and, notwithatandingly, did make a complete c i r c l e of the said iesort, i n a time not exceeding 15 minutes and 20 seconds. Let i t be known that the most i l l u s t r i ous captain of this Club, and his most honoured o f f i c i a l s , and those other ordinary upright, and not so upright, member who participated in this h i s t o r i cal event are totally irresponsible, indeed, are quite oblivious, for the whole, or any part, of this account, whioh was written by one —ongat them, who, l e t i t also be known, i s , ss i t were somewhat eooentric.

2nd XI have been doing consistently well and are top of their division i n spite of suffering their annual defeat at the hands of the 3rd XI who are f i g h t ing hard to avoid relegation. Vth XI after a marathon series of league games have moved rapidly up their division and are lying second. They have already soundly beaten the present leaders one*. 5th XI after beginning the season successfully by winning their early friendly games were disappointing i r their league and made a disastrous start. However they have improved since.



On the 9 t h of December a training run was held over the University of London Championships course on Wimbledon Cession i n order that the runners should be familiar with the course i n readiness for the "big race" on the following Saturday. On the "great day" Imperial Collage entered six teams, the f i r s t team f i n ished f i r s t with a record low score of 28 points to be followed by University College with a score of 125 points. The IC,second team finished third with 137 points. John Collins was second U.S. Barber was fourth, while J . Cleator and A.W. 1-arkum were sixth and seventh respectively. The annual rase S.C.S. vs R.S.M. vs. C 4 G. was run i n conjunction with tlin maawjillaiililiis and resulted in a victory f o r R.C.S. with C & G. second. The last fixture of last term was , the o f f l o i a l Club handioap race f o r the Captain's Prise (namely a oertain indispensable a r t i c l e ) . This ems won by Clan Cale who started 15 second behind scratch. John Collins, with a handicap of 7 minutes 25 seconds completed the oourse in a corrected time of 27 minutes 10 seoonds - a new College record.


This year the annual inter-college boxing competition w i l l be held on Friday,26th. February,in the evening. Any intending participants are advised to make use of the I.C. club training sessions, on Fridays from 5 O 0 7.30 p.m.,when a professional trainer i s i n attendance i n the I.C. gymnasium.This w i l l also give you an opportunity to meet l i k e l y opponents and fellow members of your constituent college teams.

6th XI are finding their league pretty tough going and have only sustained heavy defeats against teams whioh are obviously too strong f o r that league. 7th XI. The s p i r i t of this team, we are oertain i t was not the s k i l l , have eventually enabled them to wir their second game of the season. I t i s hoped that the effects of the Cbristass s p i r i t w i l l be sufficiently Sustained to enable them to win another, German Tour. Sixteen members of the club w i l l be touring Germany when this i s published and playing f o o t b a l l against Mannheim, Heidelberg, and Karlsruhe Universities. An enjoyable tour i s assured and i t i s hoped that some games w i l l be won i f only to give an excuse f o r the celebrations.

S W I M M I N G The swimming olub finished l a s t term i n a f l u r r y at the ULU pool, by staging the Inter Collegiate Gala. RCS turned up i n force to encourage their team and was suitably rewardas When their swimmers easily won the Linstead Cup. Mines also had t h e i r supporters out, but unfortunately they had to return home empty handed, although considerably loaded down by the amount of beer they had consumed. In the pole matches, Guilds won the Forster Cup, by thrashing the other two Colleges to the tune of 7 - 2 , and 6 - 3 . However they were poorly supported. RCS started the evening well by easily winning the f i r s t faux individual swimming events, althouah Hitchcock was made to fight a l l the way i n the back stroke by Lampard. Loveman comfortably won his two events, and Wilson cruised home i n the free style. In the onelength dash, an upset of form occurred when Key (C & G) just pipped Wilson to bring the RCS monopoly to an end. The free style relay went to Guilds, and the medley to RCS. In the f i r s t polo matoh Guilds beat RCS 7 - 2 . At half-time RCS, much to t h e i r surprise were only losing 3 - 2 . But class w i l l t e l l , and Guilds ran out easy winners. In the second match, Guilds although t i r i n g , were s t i l l too good feeMines and won 6 - 3 . This meant that the t h i r d matoh was of no consequence, as Guilds had already won the Cup. However a good sport matoh ensued, Mines winning by the odd goal i n f i v e . The fortunes o f the swimming olub l a s t term have been varied. Although a fine team oh paper, the f i r s t polo team has yet to settle down, and so far results and displays have been disappointing. However, the second team wen the ULU handicap KO competition, thus emphasising the general strength of the club. . The f i r s t team started favourites for this event, "gave one of . their worst displays so f a r , and were knocked out i n the second, round.

B O A T I N G Although no more fixtures have been rowed since the last report, the olub has held a very successful dinner.

We hope that they are saving t h e i r best displays f o r the league this term, whioh i s theif main objective, and that they w i l l overcome the handicap of starting favourites. They may yet bring another trophy t o IC.

After the usual good meal, the speeches war* of a very high standard. Proposing the club, -the Sector said that he considered the Boat Club as being, the premier athletic club i n the Collage, integrating over a namtber of years (loud sheers). He expressed the nope that oantaot between the olub and the Reator be oontinued. In reply, the captain, Jerry Camay said he hope the alub would have a successful and enjoyable season. In a rhetorical speech Mr. Leeper toasted the new members who would form the future backbone of the olub. The reply by Mr. Goldie was said to be on. behalf of those "retired freshers and old lags". "The guests* wars suaaessfully dealt with by Vlad Feltaaan (and survived) and w i t t i l y replied to by Las Allan. The replete oarsman thus edified than retired to the bar. Published by F E L I X BOARD, Imperial College Union, S.W.7

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