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W E D N E S D A Y , 17th O C T O B E R

No. 179







l . C . A f t e r a l o n g p e r i o d o f w o r k a n d p r e p a r a t i o n , face-lifting a n d w a l l c l e a n i n g , the great d a y f i n a l l y c a m e , a n d the C o l l e g e ope n e d its doors to a n a l l t i m e r e c o r d n u m b e r o f c l e a n , b r i g h t c h e e k ed a n d best-dressed freshmen (and some freshwomen too). E v e r y a u t u m n there seems to be m o r e a n d m o r e o f t h e m a n d this year was n o exception. Official! figures have n o t yet been released, but a g o o d estimate is that the i n t a k e w a s o f s o m e thirteen h u n d r e d freshers, o f w h o m between five a n d six h u n d r e d were postgraduate. T h e n u m b e r o f postgraduates is always u n c e r t a i n as m a n y o f these c o m e f r o m overseas a n d often t u r n u p at the last m i n u t e , b u t i n general, a n increase o f f r o m 5 t o 1 0 % is expected i n a l l r o u n d numbers. far as the the one day rail The day started w i t h seperstrike was concerned, the Rector ate reception for post- and u n . suggested a revised version of der-graduates, at which freshthat famous m o t t o ; 'the C o l men were addressed by lege never closes'. the Rector, members of The Student Officers followed the Academic staff and this w i t h a somewhat more Union Officers. The Reclighthearted approach, suggesttor gave some details of the ing among other things a high College rebuilding scheme, an failure raee (one i n three) idea of what the College stood and a high rate of loss of bachfor i n the field of Science and elorhood. T h i s latter is i n the Technology, and some good adnature of an occupational hazvice about U n i o n activities ard for members of the R o y a l ( " D o n ' t join all 80 clubs, no College of Science, as the vast matter how high-pressure their majority of our young ladies recruiting, methods'-'). As seem to prefer pure science to engineering. H . K A R N A C (BOOKS) L T D . 56-68 Gloucester R o a d , S.W.7. Tel. K N I 7108-0177 New Books Secondhand Books Paperbacks. ...and now Gramophone Records.

The reception was followed by a buffet lunch, and the freshers were then fct loose i n the U n i o n Building" and left to the mercy of the College Clubs and Societies, which judging by advance reports, made the most of the opportunity to get new blood. N o t only the R u g by, Soccer and B o a t Clubs, but also such Societies as the R C S Literary Society attracted large numbers. W h a t the wastage rate w i l l be is somewhat uncertain, but , it seems like • being a record year.

The President addresses freshmen.


B0OMALAKA (Now It can be told.)

T h e visit to S i l w o o d b y the first year C i y i l s f o r the a n n u a l t w o w e e k i m b i b i n g session, c u n n i n g l y disguised u n d e r the n a m e o f ' f i d d course', always causes quite a stir i n the n e i g h b o u r h o o d , b u t this year, a n i p p l e f r o m the l o c a l stir w e n t e v e n further. It' was discovered that a R o y a l Entourage left W i n d one of them coming close to sor Castle every day, and running over the toes of the passed along part of the S i l unfortunate engineer whose wood P a r k boundary on its way foot just overhung the grass to the Ascot race course. A c verge. Immediately behind cordingly a trusty ' band of them came an open landau about 40 engineers, led by their containing the Queen and redoubtable chief, Pete GrifPince P h i l l i p . W i t h beautifulfiths (who wishes to' remain l y precise timing, M r . P . anonvmous) collected at a Griffiths led a lusty Boomasuitable spot" on the road used laka, which reached a climax by the said cavalcade. A just as the landau was alongsmall setback was encountered, side. The cheering completei n the shape of a large photoly drowned the welcoming cries grapher, who finding a large of the local villagers, and uncollection of assorted cream of fortunately caused one the B r i t i s h youth occupying what liveried mounted outriders to he claimed to be his p i t c h , beloose his passive mark of i n came so incensed that he difference as his horse bolted threatenend the scruffiest preup the heflge copse . Apart sent, one R - d J-n-s, with from this, the Boomalaka was violence. Discreet glowerings warmly received, Prince P h i l and muttering, however, caused lip and L o r d Snowdon smilh i m to desist. ing and waving. 1

The party mofar would place

approach of the Royal was heralded by two cvcle patrolmen, :wiho not have looked out of i n an A l Capone film,

Shattered by their vocal efforts, the temporary residents of Silwood staggered back to a local hostelry to re-lubricate their vocal cords.








Circulation 1700.

Photographer and A r t i s t i c

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Sports Eeporter Social Eeporter

A , T . Pawlowicz M i c h a e l Coombs H . Smith Roger H e n s o n K e i t h Jones Chris B a g n a l l Andrea Sutherland Nick Walker D i c k Reebes R . K . C h i l t on B o b Collings Dave Lenherr Penny Howard

by Colcutt The first few weeks of A u t u m n T e r m must be the most hectic period in- the College year. A l l the U n i o n officers, from the President down are rushing about, t r y i n g to find out \exactly what it is that they are supposed to be organising, and attempting to do same. A l l this under the strain imposed by the sheer numbers of freshers, who make up over 40 p . c . of the College this year. Perhaps, it would be an idea to change Administrations at Easter so as to give the new officers the whble of Ithe 'summer T e r m to prepare for the N e w Session. H o w do the freshers find the College? The official reception, as official (functions often do, may have been a little boring, especially for the post-graduate freshmen. The U n i o n Officers had little to add to what was already i n the B l u e Book and i n F E L I X , but they took their t i m e saying i t Hoiw m a n y freshers, I wonder, have accepted the President's invitation to meet h i m i n the U n i o n Office. They would be l u c k y indeed to find h i m there, and luckier still to receive a h e l p u l response from the other occupants of this double doored sanctuary. Forutnately not m a n y freshmen have attempted to invade the U n i o n Office; the little spajre ifene they do have is spent queuing for a meal i n the refectories. The temporary refectory system seems to be sorting itself ont, though there is a suspicion that thp landlord of 'The Queen' is tht. principal beneficiary • of the 'Seafood P l a n ' . D o women like I C ? T h i s may appaer to be a silly que-

stion i n view of the large n u m bers turned away from the Saturday H o p s , but what does I C W A think about the females' position i n the College? A n d w h y has there been a drop i n the number of female students at I C this year? Could it be that women do not want to come to I C , that they have heard that we are a college, of beer drinking louts, where wom(e.n are 'seem (or should I say stared at) but never heard and generally ignored? L e t ' s face it, the general attitude to ICWAri'ans i n the Union eaves m u c h to be desired. It .s not improper to smile at a woman w h o m you meet every day, to open a door for a woman who crosses your path m> the U n i o n . A bit- more chivalry about the place w i l l do m u c h to improve our reputation. I n the field of sports it looks as if - we were , set for another good year. The E u g b y , Soccer and H o c k e y Clubs were well satisfied w i t h their trials, despite the strike set back. Can we possibly repeat the splendid feat of 1960 and w i n the Triple Crown? QUOTES






I can't think of any scandal just right, now. President of E C S . Someone has been undressing i n the U n i o n Office, and I wasn't even there. Mrs. Eob I know when someone is sexy, but I don't know what i t means. I C W A r i a n (a very cnarming one at t h a t — E d ) .

H . D. D. WATSON President I . C . M . C . 1962-63 J. M U E E A Y President I . C . M . C . 1961-62 F. E K M A N President I . O . M . C . I n January 1962 the three authors of this article conceived the idea of an Imperial College mountaineering und scientific expedition in the, summer of 1963, and after publicising the idea thoughout College a group was formed to carry out detailed planning for such a project. Eight months later the decision to abandon the expedition was forced on the organisers because of the complete refusal Of the College E x p l o r a t i o n B o a r d to assist or encourage the expedition i n any respect, financial or otherwise. This account of the event which led to this decision is presented i n the hope that i t w i l l encourage the E x p l o r a t i on Board to give a clear statement of the policies w h i c h guide its decisions. T h e proposals were for an expedition, including seven members of the College with an external leader and doctor, to be sent to the K a r a k o r a m (Pakistan) i n June 1963. I n the final arrangements the expedition was to be led by M r . Chris B d n n i n g t o n . w i t h D r . J i m Swallow as medical officer, both having H i m a l a y a n experience and both being Expedition to J a n M a y e n , 1963 I t is intended to mount another expedition to Jan M a y e n Island i n the summer of 1963. T h i s expedition w i l l be k n o w n as the I m p e r i a l College Beerenberg Expedition. 1963. Its aim is to continue and extend the studies carried out by I m e p r i a l College parties i n 1938, 1959 and 1961. The main work of the expedition w i l l again be glaciologieal, but extensive botanical and geological programmes w i l l also be carried out. A n interesting archeological problem also awaits solution. The expedition w i l l take twelve men, seven of w h o m have been chosen. Those already selected are all postgraduates w i t h experience of scientific work i n the A r t i e . People who are interested i n joining the expedition should contact J . W . Sheard through the U n i o n B a c k . W e w i l l particularly welcome enquires from first and second year | 'students.


w i l l i n g to contribute substantially towards the cost of the project. T h e m a i n scientific objective was to survey and map an unexplored area. In addition, geological and lneteorological work was to have been carried out. The climbing objective was to be on<» of three major unclimhed peaks i n the area, i f reoona:ssance established any reasonable routes. The practicability of t h i proposals rested on the pr.>sense i n College of sufficiently experienced m e n to c a r r ; out the expedition work comp'fet'jl y and safely. One possible selection of the seven College members, for example, would i n c l u d e ; 1. three members each w i t h two season alpine experience. 2. two members w i t h arctic expedition experience. 3. four members w i t h extensive experience of survey work; 4. four geologists, including one research geologist. The organisers had, the active assistance and support of M r . Joseph W a l m s e y , leader of the 1957 M a s h e r b r u m E x p e d ition, and Group C a p t a i n . Tony S m y t h , leader of the 1961 E . A . F . Expedition, both of w h o m visited the area selected. A great deal of photo-


1. 3 & 5 EXHIBITION ROAD, S.W.7.

FELIX Cont. from previous page. graphic and survey material was very kindly made available to the organisers by these two gentlemen, and before entering the field the expedition would have had the maxi m u m possible relevent information compiled from these ajnd |ot>her sources. Encouragement was also recei'/od from M r . Wilfred Noyce and Professor F . I. F i n c h , ex-President of the Alpine Club. The following documents relating to the expedition w e available for inspection ;— 1. The proposals submitted to the Exploration B o a r d . 2. A comprehensive outline of the project submitted to the Pakistan Government. 3. I n d i v i d u al reports on (i) the survey programme (ii) the geological programme (iii) the meteorological programme (iv) the climbing programme. 4. A comprehensive report on the financing of the expedition. 5. M a p s and photographic material. A n application for support and a grant of £ 1 , 2 0 0 was submitted to the Exploration Board i n June, and was considered at a meeting held on 21st June 1962. (The 1957 K a r a koram E x p e d i t i o n received a grant of £ 3 , 0 2 5 and the 1959

Apolobamba E x p e d i t i on applied for £ 1 , 5 0 0 and received £1,000.) The minutes of the Board meeting record " T h e B o a r d was generally satisfied w i t h its (the Expedition's) programme, organisation and proposed leadership". However, the organisers were i n formed on June 22nd that " a l though the board approved the intentions and was impressea by the ability of the organisers i t regrettied jtthat i t w*as unable ibo Idevote so large a part of its resources . . . to (the) E x p e d i t i o n " . The Boards inability to he!' to finance the Expedition appears rather difficult to undeistand i n the light of the reserve fund of some £ 6 0 0 which the Board has accumulated over recent years. There seems to be no corresponding difficulty i n the financing of a succession of major arctic expedition, the despatch ot w h i c h would appear to have become an annual event, while on the other hand the B o a r d has not supported a mountaineering and scientific expedition since 1959. E v e n accepting the B o a r d ' s financial contention that its situation is weak, it must have been evident that the proposed Karakoram Expedition, con. sidering the support it was receiving from outside College, would have stood a very good

chance of going out i n substantially the same form (at the ex. pense of an increased organisational effort), given the encouragement of the Board and a reduced grant. However, the Board refused the organisers even formal approval, and disputed the uae of the words " I m p e r i a l College" i n the E x pedition name. This amounts, i n effect, to a veto of the project as no outside body will support a College Expedition which is disowned by the College Exploration B o a r d .

J * » J } ' > j j > t ! ; ;

This sequence of event contrasts strangely w i t h the prescribed objects of the Board " t o encourage initiative on the part of all members of the U n ion i n organising scientific expeditions". It was an expedition originating from Mountaineering Club circles to the K a r a k o r a m which led directly to the formation of the Exploration Board i n 1955. A r e such activities to be excluded i n future from the scope of the B o a r d ' s work? if this is the case should not the Board make public a statement to this effect for tht benefit of-would-be organisers? In any case, should not thb B o a r d make available to members of the U n i o n (by whom it is partially financed) en unambiguous statement of the principles which guide its disposal annually of some £ 1 , 3 0 0 ?


C. A R T C L U B

The A r t Club has been flourishing for four years now. I t gives I . C . students a chance to paint and draw from models, with expert tuition and at low cost. W e meet ever Wednesday between 2.30 p . m . and 5.30 p . m . i n one of the studios of the R o y a l College of Art i n E x h i b i t i o n Road. We use the models hired by R C A who also supply the materials. There is a charge of 4 shillings a session, everything included, the greater part of the cost being born by the College. Connie F e n n , former scholar of the R C A , is the tutor. Officially the club packs up '. at the end of the L e n t T e r m , [ however, last year during the ; S u m m e r T e r m the members • did some landscape painting. '. As there was a sufficient num', ber of Londoners we carried on | painting during the vacs. Apart from visits to exhibitions, the club held a fifty painting exhibition of its own in the Physics building at the end of the Summer T e r m . If you want to make a serious attempt at this difficult business of life painting or just want to dabble i n paint one odd afternoon, we should be glad to see you. For enquires, contact Martin Clark, L e v e l 9, Electrical Engineering H i g h B l o c k B u i l d ing. Internal 'phone 3126.

If y o u d i v i d e the p o p u l a t i o n i n t o t w o g r o u p s —

n e w s p a p e r , n a t u r a l l y c o m m e n d s itself to success-

those w h o take T H E T I M E S a n d those w h o don't—




this: those w h o

don't t a k e T H E


people. T h e r e is n o h i g h level conference, n o

are i n b o a r d m e e t i n g , n o t o p e x e c u t i v e ' s p r i v a t e office

t h e g r e a t m a j o r i t y . T h o s e w h o do a r e e i t h e r a t t h e

i n t o w h i c h T H E T I M E S is n o t apt to be t a k e n .

t o p i n t h e i r careers, or are c o n f i d e n t l y h e a d e d there.

T h i s c h o i c e o f a n e w s p a p e r b y p e o p l e w h o get

T H E T I M E S b o t h b y its seniority i n experience

on is i n d i s p u t a b l e . * I n w h i c h o f the t w o g r o u p s d o

a n d b y its i n c o m p a r a b l e p r o w e s s as a

Read THE



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A D S .


S M A L L A D S . can be pl a c e d! i n F E L I X , at 6d per line up I to a m a x i m u m of five lines I The A D S . may. be left i n the J U n i o n B a c k , addressed to the | Advertising M a n a g e r — ' F e l i x ' , j at least a week before the date of issue. W A N T E D—Little female § APE! | A p p l y to J , A . K i n g , M e t a l - 1 urgy I I I . | [ F O E } 3 A L E — 7 5 0 c.c. B o a d Bacer, h/c head, o/s valves, h/1 camshaft, lightened flywheel, modified brakes, chassis, suspension, etc. B a r g a i n £801 contact O. McGlone, B o o m 80 B e i t H a l l . W A N T E D — O n e pushbike, appearance irrelevant as long as roadworthy any machine considered. Contact D . H e a t o n , B o o m 101 Beit H a l l . F O B Sale—One D e a r m a n A l t o Sax, only three years old, £ 3 0 . One K i n g Tenor Sax, £ 3 5 . Special B a r g a i n — £ 5 0 the two. Contact P . Beardsworth C h e m Eng. E A B N E S T Y O U N G M A N requires earnest young men (?) to write scripts for a smoking concert. Only B C S m e n need apply, to B r y a n Hooper, N e w 72, as soon for scripts N o v e m ber 1st.

G u i l d s - M i n e s Carnival-Cabaret Only S I X W E E K S to go and help is still needed i n the shape of actors writers, ideasmen (and women), singers, etc. Offers of help are especially wanted from foreign students to give the ' A r a b i a n N i g h t s ' an authentic touch. The services of an expert Oriental (or otherwise) magician would also be welcomed.

For some time now, members of the Colege have been witnessing a slow but sure change in the surrounding scenery. Buildings that from the outside looked middle-aged in a slightly shopworn way have been giving way to concrete and glass palaces of the famous (infamous?) shoe box pattern. The additional space provided for the Various faculties was of interest to some, but undoubtedly, the most popular part of the developement scheme is that dealing with the new Halls of Residence. Hall capacity at I.C. has always lagged far behind demand and the result was showing up more and more in general lack of interest among students in Unionfeffairs. A smal minority lived in Hall and were intimately concerned in thes running of the Union and the various Colege clubs and societies, while as far as the vast majority was concerned, IC was an extension of school, a 9 to 5 daily routine and then away to outside activities elswhem Of course it would be an over-simplification to state that student apathy was due solely to living away from the Colege premises, but there has been a nagging suspicion always that an atmosphere of a close-knit community could be created if only the Hall situation could be improved.

1 g S f§ f§ S g 1 3 = 1 3 s | H S=

This theory is very soon to be put to the test. A s the photographs accompanying this article show, we have come a long way since that day when the first plans of the South H a l l s were announced, and despite various hold-ups, the the first plans of the South Side of Prince's Gardens is scheduled to come into operation early i n the new year. Once completed, South Side w i l l provide hostel accommodation for 384 students plus a host of other facilities.

1 3 = H H s ll S j| §

The hostel part of South Side w i l l occupy the eight upper floors, the 'penthouse suites' on the very top providing four flats for the four Wardens. F o u r are required because the hostel w i l l for administrative resasons, be split up into four H a l l s , namely Selkirk, F a l m o u t h , T i z a r d and

Anyone interested should get in touch w i t h D . G . B i s h o p via the U n i o n . or E l e c t r i c a l Engineering B a c k s .

SITE FOR SPORTS C E N T R E As can be seen, work has begun on the proposed I.C. Sports Centre which w i l l occupy the north west corner of Prince's Gadens. This w i l l provide I . C . w i t h a s w i m m i n g pool, another four squash courts and a rifle range to replace that lost when the old Guilds buildings were demolished. ->

Keogh H a l l s . The four W a r dens w i l l be M r . C . C . Seaford, D r . K . E . Weale, D r . A . Cameron, and D r . J . B . B u t l e r . The t w o . H a l l s at the east end of the building w i l l hold 120 students each, while the west end ones w i l l be somewhat smaller, holding 72 students each, u n t i l such time as the adjoining leases expire, and the building can be extended to its full length. The eight hostel floors are split horizontally into two sets of three floors, each w i t h its associated ' c o m m u n a l floor' where there w i l l be such facilities as a laundry (equipped w i t h B e n d i x machines), a games room, a 'quiet' room, possibly a committe room and a galley for cooking. The rooms i n each three level tier are built on the Oxbridge staircase model, being grouped round a succession of stair-



s s s 5 = | j§ s s I s s Completion date? s Probably sometime i n 1964. 1

mm A view along one of the cases, each landing opening onto eight rooms, w i t h centrally placed washroom and toilet facilities. The study bedrooms, w h i c h are to be decorated and furnished according to a plan w h i c h was agreed to the after consultation w i t h U n i o n , w i l l be equipped w i t h , among other things, thirteen amp sockets. B e l o w the hostel floors, there w i l l be three floors devoted to the College and the U n i o n at large. T w o student refectories are envisaged, seati n g 150 and 350 respectively, one staff dining room, a staff buttery, a snack bar, a student and a staff common room, and last but not least, a student buttery and a mixed bar. T h i s last item w i l l at last (perhaps) silence the age old arguments for and against the Union 'women bar' in the

FELIX The general finish of the South Side block w i l l be rather on the style of Weeks H a l l , w i t h an over-riding impression of concrete, glass and varnished woodwork. I t might, perhaps, be an idea not to have swing doors made of one piece of plate glass, judging by the frequency w i t h w h i c h the door at Weeks has suffered from people trying to walk through without even attempting to open i t first.

building. The hearties, boozers etc. w i l l be able to sing i n peace in the U n i o n , while the smothies, budding Casanovas and more delicate members of the student body w i l l be able to patrake of liquid refreshment i n the genteel atmosphere of a glorified Ennismore A r m s . This more refined hostelry rather appealed to last year's President, S i L y l e , and it was decided to model the bar planned for South Side on it.

D o w n w i t h the old, up w i t h the

General view of South Side.


M•I IaHn



Undoubtedly, you have drawn up i n your own m i n d certain specifications for a career. I f you're ambitious, you'll be looking for a pt sit ion There there's both size and surging growth. Y o u ' l l find them with the Central Electricity Generating Board. F o r proof, consider these two significant facts. One—the Board's output needs to be doubled every ten years. Two—it spends more on industrial construction than any other single organisation in the United K i n g d o m . . . as much as £200,000,000 yearly. Here is a career to match your ambition. I n research and development

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- 6 -

City and Guilds Union Meeting As., was expected, the first C . and G . U n i o n M e e t i n g of the session was a roaring success. President Chris L i d d l e and entourage entered the lecture theatre to a cornet fanfare, and the meeting actually managed to start on time. The first words spoken were a request for clemency—no tomatoes, eggs, or flour i n view of the fact that the meeting was i n a new lecture theatre. The routine business was carried out, then the meeting was informed that Dave G i l bert had 'donated a top hat and^-a 6 ft long locomotive name plate to Guilds by letter (items not enclosed). I n the ahsence of the top hat, the President wore a Salvation A r m y hat, which saemed to Some suit h i m quite well. elections then took place, with only one hitch—a Chemical engineer almost being elected as the 1st yeai Aero. rep. The new post of P u b l i c l y Officer finally went to B o b Schroter after a supporting speech by the ex-President, L a w r i e Aust i n. The count was interrupted by a display of oral gymnastics bv the VicePresident, J o h n W h i t e , who half choked on several pieces df chn.fc w h i c h -Pound bl >;i.r way into his m o u t h . It was suggested, however, that this was ppt really a feat of marksmanship, since one could hardly miss such a target. The usual plugs were given for M o r p h y D a y , the L o r d M a y o r ' s Show, G u i l d s - M i n e s C a r n i v a l, the B r i g h t o n car run, etc. The Vice-President then gave a little talk about mascots and when M i t c h was mentioned, lo and behold, there he was under the table. This was received W i t h great acc l a i m , tl>e air 'being full of vals by earsplitting bangs by

unprintable epithets and suggested places where he should be put. T h e meeting, which was punctuated at irregular inter-

courtesy of t h i r d year E l e c t ricals, was finally closed i n the Chris L i d d l e usual manner, holding the Spanner aloft for most of the Boomalaka.

years. T h i s was a striking i l lustration of the static nature of echnology unaided by science. The achievement of the scientific revolution was to provide logical explanations for m u c h knowledge which had hitherto been of a purely empirical character, aand by enabling people to understand the principles underlying this knowledge to suggest fresh approaches which i n their t u r n , nade many Viery important Only innovations possible. countries whose social systems looked more favourably on innovation especially those of Western Europe, thus benefited from the advances made possible; countries of a more static nature; India and Chin?i, for example; were rapidly left behind.

Science, Technology and W o r l d Advancement by D . Bourne On Thursday, October 4th, Professor P . M . S. Blackett, H e a d of the Physics Department and P r o Rector of I m perial College, gave a lunchtime General Studies lecture to about 100 students on the subject of " S c i e n c e , Technology and World Advancement". Introduced by the President of the U n i o n , A s i t Chandmal, Professor B l a c k e t t said that the second most important problem facing the world today ; after the principal one of whether or not the world can avoid blowing itself to pieces, is that only a small proportion of the world's .population has so far benefited from the advances w h i c h science now makes possible. H e described the two great sub-divisions of the h u m a n r a c e ; the 400 m i l lion, living i n Europe, " B r i t ain and her descendant count r i e s ; A m e r i c a , etc.-", w i t h an average per capita income of about £ 4 0 0 p..a., and the remaining 1,000 m i l l i o n w i t h an income of perhaps £ 4 0 per head per year. A n d the amazing fact is that this dichotomy has risen w i t h i n the last 150-200 years. The standards of life i n Europe and, say C h i n a, i n the 18th century are believed to

have been about the same ; and it is certain that the standard of life at that time i n either of those places was little higher than that i n Ancient Rome. The reason for the appearance of this phenomenal difference jin wealth was the scientific revolution; the wealth of those countries involved i n it soared, that of the fathers remained steady or even fell. Professor B l a c k e t t went on to show the distinction between science, and technology. By 2,000 B . C . , craft technology had reached a level which was not surpassed in well over 3,000 years. Slides were shown of buildings, |ewelery and furniture of an extremely high standard, both of design and execution; a Mesopotamian temple perhaps 6,000 year old, very sophisticated jewelry made 4.500 years ago and a chair from Tutenkamen's tomb, dating over 3,000 years. Of this latter, Professor B l a c k e t t said he had recently seen a close copy i n an unspecified U n i v e r s i t y H o s t e l , where it looked not i n the least incongruous.

A s for the future, Professor Blackett believes that it is vital we help those countries left behind, both w i t h money and w i t h skills. A p a r t from the moral reasons, we must do so to help to support the democratic system (of government w h i c h many of these countries are trying. F o r if we do not, they m a y well fall for the glittering but empty promises of Communism. T h i s would be a disaster, for them as for us. I n answer to questions put to h i m , Professor B l a c k e t said that, while it was difficult to assess, he thought that on the whole countries cdlonised by B r i t a i n had benefitted more than they had been harmed. H e also felt that the greatest educational need for the underdeveloped countries was for secondary education, because it actually trained people to do the most important job of all, namely to r u n the country,

A slide was shown which compared drawings of two treadmihF-opierated cranes, similar i n design, one predating the other by 1,600



C O M M E M O R A T I O N IN T H E R O Y A L Thursday



25th O c t o b e r 1962



l . C . S p e c i a l B O O K S T A L L FILES,

V i s i t o r

SIR K E I T H M U R R A Y B S C , P H D , BLITT, M A , C h a i r m a n of the U n i v e r s i t y G r a n t s Committee.








T h e c e r e m o n y w i l l be proceeded b y a short service i n H o l y T r i n i t y , C h u r c h , P r i n c e C o n s o r t R o a d , at w h i c h the preacher w i l l be the R i g h t R e v . a n d R i g h t H o n . R . W . S t o p f o r d C B E , D D , the L o r d B i s h o p of L o n d o n . A s s o c i a t e s a n d D i p l o m a t s , H o n o r a r y Associates a n d F e l l o w s are h o n o u r e d b y the C o l l e g e at the c e r e m o n y i n the R o y a l A l b e r t H a l l Students a n d their guests are a d m i t t e d w i t h o u t tickets at the M a i n "Door ( E n t r a n ce N0.6) a n d are a s k e d to be seated b y 2.45 p . m . T i c k e t s for tea m a y be o b t a i n e d free f r o m the U n i o n Office. T h e w o r k a n d b u i l d i n g s of the R o y a l C o l l e g e of Science i n I m p erial Institute R o a d , E x h i b i t i o n R o a d , a n d P r i n c e C o n s o r t R o a d , w i l l be o n v i e w t i l l 7 p . m .




Rugby Club


D E S P I T E the r a i l strike, o v e r 40 freshers of v a r y i n g standard paraded their talents i n H y d e P a r k a w e e k last W e d n e s d a y to the j o y ®i the selectors a n d critics. O n S a t u r d a y , w i t h A\ trials r u n n i n g simultaneously, the freshers were seen c h a l l e n g i n g the o l d , i n d e e d veiry o l d , p l o d d e r s f o r their first t e a m places. A m o n g the new new lads to usual, that they w i l l bear w i t h catch the selectors' eye were us i n our difficult task at the Weisner from L y d o n ' s Welsh, beginning of the season. and M o l a n from Rhodesia i n Training—for a l l would be 1st the backs, a)nd i n the f'cr-i and E x t r a 1st players and any wards,- D u k e , H a r r i s and D u g one else who requires it — w i l l dale looked fit for a considertake place at 5.30 p . m . on able amount of work. A m o n g Mondays and 12.30 p . m . on the o l d k g s wha| appaar l< Thursdays i n the gymnasium. have been fitted from pre-season It is hoped that a good turntraining wer<: Ravno, ' U i w i ng out w i l l be achieved on both like a centre and rucking like days. P l a y hard, enjoy your a SpringboK pi op, and Butler, game, and try and stay an moving w i t h his usual power hour or two after the match in the centre. Together with to m a i n t a i n the social spirit I N T H E e a r l y 1950's the R C S U n i o n w a s l o o k i n g for a suitable Marshall and Armstrong, of vour club. these formed a usual midfielri v e h i c l e to act as 0 ' mascot, but i t w a s not u n t i l 1955 that o n e B R I A N ORMOND combination. The front proved Further t u r n e d u p i n the shape o f a fire engine i n W a r r i n g t o n . that thiey were solid, if not investigation revealed a 1916 D e n n i s F i r e A p p l i a n c e w i t h a 9 i l r . , I C R o v e r Crew i n Spain pver fit, yet complailned at four c y l i n d e r engine w h i c h d e v o u r e d p e t r o l at the rate o f five having to endure three 20 On June 24th, twenty two m i l e s to the g a l l o n . N e g o t i a t i o n s w i t h the o w n e r s , M e s s r s . C r o s s minute sessions! They w i l l assorted knees, belonging to field a n d S o n . , resulted i n the presentation o f the fire engine t o surely enjoy the first few past and present members of the U n i o n , (in v i e w o f its ' e d c u a t i o n a l interest'. games of 40 minutes each way the I m p e r i a l College Rover After a rather hazardous and even if they do intend leaving Crew, met at V i c t o r i a Station eventful jouney (the big ends the field at half time to reCar Club, such as the meeting and departed for Puigcerda i n wient) the fire engine finally plenish their stamina. at Silverstone. the E a s t e r n Pyrenees,. The arrived i n L o n d o n . A s a reF i n a l l y , we would like to journey out was broken i n E i g h t fixtures, and possibly sult of this acquisition, the say .that aljl are welcome to Paris for one day and one a n i n t h , w i l l be arranged for nucleus of the R C S Motor the Club, anyone wanting furnight, spending tihe night at Saturday, but w i t h 80 freshClub was formed from a few ther information should get i n the M a i s o n des Jeunes et de ers i t w i l l take a few weeks, of the more motor minded touch with D a v i d Hughes v i a la Culture, the only advantage to fit most of them into a reThe members of the U n i o n . the U n i o n R a c k . of this establishment being gular team. It is hoped, as m a i n concern of the M o t o r that i t was cheap. After a Club since then has been the full day's sightseeing, the journey to Spain was comcare and maintenace of the fire pleted, and by devious means engine, which was christened of transport (e.g. buses and 'Jezebel', probably on account T H E Soccer C l u b continues to e x p a n d . M o r e Freshers t h a n ever m i l k lorry owned by a characof her scarlet attire. before t u r n e d u p i n H y d e P a r k f o r the p r e l i m i n a r y trials, i n spite ter rejoicing i n the name of T o m 1955 to 1957, the en'Pedro') the final destination o f the B e e c h i n g v . N U R matohe also b e i n g p l a y e d o n that day. gine was checked and rewired, was reached. This was a small A f t e r tha ohjaos i n the I C W A c h a n g i n g r o o m the lads s o o n b e g a n the body repainted and other village called Querforodat, sitbeauty treatment given. Since t o sort themselves o u t w h e r e u p o n the U n i v e r s i t y S o c c e r C a p a i n uated at a height of 4,000 ft. most of the 'bugs' i n the enp o u n c e d w i t h glee u p o n four v e r y p r o m i s i n g players.

Soccer Club

gine were ironed out then, the maintenance nowadays consists of minor repairs (no previous mechanical experience required —just keenness) and polishing the brasswork. F i f t y five (55) square feet of brass, however, mean a lot of polishing, so i f anyone is keen on ' B u l l ' , then here's your chance. I n the coming session, it is hoped to arrange works visits and film shows for the interest of the Bluebell stained polishers, as well as sporting Jez at various ceremonial occasions. E a r l y i n November, there is the veteran car r u n to B r i g h t o n , and Jez has made a point of being there as a spectator since 1957; some police even think that she is a competitor (actually some twelvt. years too young). In May, Jez w i l l again travel to B r i g h t , on, this t i m e as a competitor •in tihe H i s t o r i c Commercial Vehicle Club run, a new venture started i n M a y 1962. Jez w i l l also attend rallies organised by the Vintage Sports

W i t h the first hurdle over, the second began to loom ominously as the committee battled w i t h the problem of accommoding 140 players on three pitches during the final trials. The playing fields at E t o n were never like this . . . but nevertheless w i t h the excellent co-operation of all present the day was quite a success and a rough estimate of each m a n ' s ability (obtained. A t this point I would like to stress to all Freshmen not to worry if they are i n a lower team than they expected. O n two appearances an exact assessment is impossible, it is i n the next few weeks that the proper trials take place. A definite conclusion to be drawn from the last week's experiences is that, the Soccer Club is yet again able to t u r n out several very powerful sieds. On W e d . 19th Oct. nine teams w i l l take the field and w i t h the added ability of the E x t r a Sevenths (they must be renamed the E x t r a Strongs)

t|herei jteeems e-vtery reason to expect a very successful season. However, we must not rest upon our laurels and the 1st and 2nd X I ' s w i t h any other 'volunteers' w i l l be dealt w i t h by our qualified F . A . coach, M r . L . J . A u s t i n on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes. The 1st X I have already started off well by beating St. Clement Danes .Grammar School 4-3. After being unluckily 3 - 1 down at half-time I . C . fought back well to gain victory by two well-taken goals and a penalty from our ' k i c k e r ' , J . B . Preece. F i n a l l y I would like to thann the committee and all clubmembers for their help i n getting the season off to a good start. K e e p it up lads and please tick off early. DAVE HUNT L o s t . . . H u g h Payne, goalkeeper. I f found please return to C a p t a i n of Soccer Immediattely.

The following fortnight was spent 'forest bashing' along non-existent paths (marked on the map, but not on the ground), attempting to walk along Sierra del Codi, and visiting Andorra, which was full of tourists. The camp ended w i t h the traditional dinner, held at the local " v i n o b a r " where the wine flowed freely, and then the party adjourned to Barcelona, camping next to a slaughter house where pigs were killed at 5 a.m. T h e following day was spent sightseeing, s w i m m i n g i n the Mediterranean, and i n the evening we saw a bull-fight—a rather gory but very impessive spectacle, then after a meal of fried squid we returned to the slaughterhouse camp site and the following day returned to London. No-one got arrested for knees i n Spain, but one group did get arrested for crossing the Spanish-Andorran frontier illici t l y, but were relleased after out-drinking the guards.


- 8

MORPHY D A Y T H R E E m o r n i n g s a w e e k the B o a t H o u s e r o c k s to the tune o f M o r p h y training.

W h e n m o s t students are sensibly l y i n g i n b e d ,

the m o r e active section o f thei C o l l e g e c a n be seen o n the r i v e r i n s u p p o r t o f their respective college.

T r a i n i n g is progressing w e l l

despite e a r l y m o r n i n g fogs a n d D r . B e e c h i n g a n d a fast, close race c a n be expected. T h o u g h o n paper, the R C S M o r p h y appear the m o r e expe ri e nc ed c r e w , G u i l d s h a v e a p o w e r f u l eight W h i c h w i l l take a lot o,f beating.

F e w people i n their r i g h t m i n d w o u l d c o m m e n t

o n the l o o k o f the M i n e s B o a t .

T h e L o w r y crews l o o k fast c o m -

p a r e d w i t h p r e v i o u s years a n d here a g a i n a g o o d r a c e c a n be predicted. If h o w e v e r , y o u have n o interest i n the finer arts o f r o w ing, c o m e a l o n g o n the 7 t h to support y o u r C o l l e g e i n the biggest battle since the '61 G a l a .

D r e s s (clothes) is o p t i o n a l , a n d tickets

are o n sale at a n y U n d e r g r o u n d Station.

T h e latter are, however

r a r e l y distributed d u e t o l a c k o f co-operation between the L . T . E . a n d p o l i c e departments. T h e B o a t C l u b has r e c r u i t e d a r e c o r d n u m b e r o f freshers a n d is c o m m e n c i n g a monster p r o g r a m m e o f mass-instruction. H e l p e d b y this a n d tib©4arge n u m b e r o f last year's crews w h o were a l l o w e d b a c k b y h i g h e r authorities, the C l u b expects to m a i t a i n the h i g h standard o f recent years.

GLIDING CLUB D a w n at L a s h a m on J u l y 1st saw the start of the first I C G l i d i n g Club expedition to Cambridge. Three cars and two trailers coped with the party of seven and our two aircraft, an Eagle two seater and a solo Skylark 2 (Phoenix). I n true gliding tradition, the M o n d a y broke wet and w i n d y , and was declared a non-conlest day, while punting i n the afternoon soon degenerated in .o bird-watching on the river banks. The weather on Tuesday proved not m u c h better, but short distances were covered, Phoenix winning the clay by a s m a l l margin. Wednesday's sky followed the same '.rend, but previous experience suggested that it was soarable under the eighteigths strato-cumulus (rather cloudy). The small gain of 500 feet after release was judged sufficient to set course across the beshadowed. Cambridgeshire countryside. The Cambridge Skylark 2, however, had the misfortune to end up against la large tree i n a very s m a l l field. W i t h the competition's forces J

reduced to an O l y m p i a n , the Phoenix crew sailled forth lightheartedly, only to be well out-flown i n Thursday's m u r k y sky. The flame of competition now burned more strongly, but was firmly exstinguished on the F r i d a y when the Olympian lined up accurately on a telegraph pole after a flight of some 20 miles. IA saddened opposition weite thejn treated to an example of S—d's L a w , the weather picking up for the weekend, allowing Phoenix to complete 50 and 70 mile flights. The expedition, tired but in good spirits, arrived back at L a s h a m early Monda y morning, leaving Cambridge w i t h the the thoughts which were subsequently expressed so well in their news letter; " I n order to w i n a competition, two conditions must be fulfilled. Y o u must fly further than the other people, and you must preserve your glider intact. Since neither of these conditions were fulfilled by the Cambridge Club, Imperial College must be declared the v i c t o r s . " Technical Note. The Club is at present awaiting the delivery of the latest high performance single seater glider, a Skylark 4.


AN OPEN INVITATION T h e idea that having an account with a nation-wide bank like "the M i d l a n d is something reserved for people of substantial means is a fallacy. So also is the belief that banks are interested only i n those who are older and already established. T h e M i d l a n d Bank is interested i n Y O U —• and all young people like you. Y o u would find a bank account extremely useful for, besides the convenience of paying bills by cheque, you will find that it helps you to keep track of your expenditure.

Midland Bank THE G O - A H E A D



Published by F E L I X B O A R D , Imperial College, L o n d o n , S.W.7. Plates & offset p r i n t i n g b y W E S T L O N D O N O F F S E T C O . , 86, L i l l i e R o a d , L o n d o n , S . W . 6 . T e l .



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