I M P E R I A L C O L L E G E UNION, 4th OCTOBER, 1971
e r w i s e f i s n •
No. 302
Following the announcement, in late spring, of a rise in the value of undergraduate grants comes the news that a similar rise in value of Post-Graduate Science Research Council Studentships will be effected from 1st October 1971. The grants will rise in three steps yearly from that date as follows :— 1970/71 1971/72 1972/73 1973/74 Students living away from home £550 £630 £650 £675 Students living at home £425 £485 £500 £520 In addition to this P.G.'s will in future be able to obtain a reimbursement of travelling expenses incurred over a total of £15, in any year, and the limit of other income earned by post graduates which falls into the non-deductible category has been raised from £100 to £175. These are all items that N.U.S. have been campaigning for in the past and items on which Imperial College Union has brought great pressure, the introduction of the travel allowance proving the value of such pressure. The outstanding issue being followed at the moment is that of disparity between P.G. demonstrating fees, and the Union feels that discrepancies between one institution and another must be removed. In the motion which Imperial College Union will put to the N.U.S. meeting at Margate in November, they will be wel-
coming these recent successes whilst stressing the fact that they are still insufficient. The major point which still needs stressing is the need for a re-evaluation of the method of calculating the S.R.C. grant. The method used at present has the following structure, the amounts shown being those for 197071:—£380 basic for the period of undergraduate attendance with an addition of 17 weeks at £1 a day and a general £50 allowance on top of this, which all rounds up nicely to the present £550. Post-graduates still do not get a London allowance and most important is the fact that the expenses incurred in the production of their theses have to be taken from their maintenance grant which has no specific allowance for this. As in some cases this can amount to £100, an additional allowance in the final year's grant or a separate money allocation for this purpose is imperative. The whole method of evaluating P.G. grants at present does not take into account the fact that undergraduates have 20 weeks of holiday in which to supplement their income, a privilege not open to P.G.'s. I.C.U. will be trying to highlight these deficiencies at Margate but your support will be needed to carry these proposals through and also to check any government attempt to introduce a system of loans for post-graduates.
PHALLUSY TIME It has come to the notice of F E L I X that a certain Union official, during the installation of those notorious machines in the Union bog, received a not inconsiderable number of free samples from the London Rubber Company. F E L I X are sceptical as to whether these will be put to use. That is, other than blowing them up as balloons ! We wonder whether any Union official will be able to negotiate a sufficient discount on these items in order for F E L I X to arrange a free gift this Christmas. I M P E R I A L GASCOIGNE Apparently, Granada Television have been rash enough to invite a team from Imperial College to participate in University Challenge. Four team members plus one reserve are required. Budding intellectuals should give their names and addresses to Linda in the Union Office. Granada will also arrange a free trip to Manchester for supporters, 40 in number, to watch the recording. Applications also to Linda. BRUSH O F F As the tortuous channels of communication reopen, F E L I X has received a request, via the Registrar at R.C.A., the Domestic Bursar, and John
McCullough, in that order, that I.C. students should not in future use the refectory at the Royal College of Art. Apparently, R.C.A. students object to queuing longer, particularly since the vast minority of I.C. students made any effort to integrate in the minutest sense. Freshers may be interested that R.C.A. salads were economical, and a very pleasant change from Mooney's. W.L.S.A.B. This means the West London Students Accommodation Bureau. This autumn in the Union Office Mike Muller (ex I.C.) has been running a service unrivalled anywhere in London
College Political victimisation fails
Felix is pleased to report that the physics department have not succeeded in throwing out Piers Corbyn, left wing former president and editor of SENNET. During the summer a battle has been raging between Piers and the physics department over the possible withdrawal of his grant, for the coming session. The struggle began in July and has involved in addition to Piers and college, the Science Research Council, for whom Piers obtains his grant, ICASTMS, Imperial College Union, NUS and a few others, all of whom took up Piers' case. The battle has involved mounds of communication between the various participants and all concerned must be praised for the way in which everything was so amicably carried out. Piers has been at college for three years as a P G one
—an Accommodation Bureau for students not run by a couple of old ladies (mentioning no names). After placing advertisements in several local newspapers he has obtained a vast number of addresses of flats, bedsits and digs which he has been dishing to students and the like at the rate of about 30 a week. He still has many addresses especially digs so if you are still without a place to live pop into the Union office and see him. T E N A N C Y SCHEME I N RAVENSCOURT PAR K The College recently acquired the leases of eight flats in Ravenscourt Park
of which he spent as president and the other two of which he was supported by SRC to do research. On July 7th he was told by his supervisor that his "academic performance during the year had not justified a recommendation to SRC that his research studentship be continued for its third year", but that he could finish what he was doing and submit it for a DIC and M.Phil this October. These two statements were later confirmed in writing by a letter to Piers from his head of department Professor Matthews on July 13th.
Assurances Piers appealed against the decision and on July 8th gave assurances to college that he would finish the work for his Ph.D. by October '72, even though PG's are not Continued on page 8
(two minutes from the District line tube station). The flats are in excellent condition and are generally better than those that students would normally find. Each of the flats has two cookers, two sinks, two bathrooms, a refrigerator and similar furnishings. Fifty-eight students will be housed, mainly in double rooms but there is also a small number of single rooms. This is only a pilot scheme and it is hoped that if successful there will be a large expansion into this form of accommodation as there are no building or planning worries. A further advantage is the complete freedom that the scheme allows the residents—there are no wardens or subwardens. F R E N C H L E T T E R S TO T H E EDITOR Complaints regarding the aforementioned machine and the contents thereof should not be addressed to the editor of F E L I X who wishes to stress that he is in no way responsible. He also denies that F E L I X will be running a controversial "French letters to the editor" column. Next week: F E L I X Consumer Unit reports. Coming shortly: Road Test.
October 4, 1971
l*age 2
Right. Now you know. Don't blame me, you decided to come here, it's not This year sees a major change in Felix as you no longer my fault, if you'd asked me have to pay for it. This means that the few of you who I'd have told you, but you actually paid for it before can save your money, and the probably wouldn't have lismajority who used to pinch it anyway can now do so with tened, it's your choice, notha clear conscience. In order to recover our small losses' due ing to do with me. to lack of sales income, and a larger print order of 2000, What's that, John? we are restricting each issue to an eight page format. The Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry. editorial staff will therefore be able to exert more critical Welcome to Imperial Colinfluence on what they print, which should lead to a higher lege! Get yourself settled in, standard of Felix during the coming year. If you have any have a good look round, this information about your club, society, or team which you is a fantastic place! You'll think is worthy of inclusion in Felix, then please drop it in have the time of your life to the Felix rack in the union building, or give it to Dave here! Make yourself at home Sugden, Maths II, who will edit Felix this year. Felix at this you lucky people! time of year is always short of staff and this year is of O.K.? course no exception, so if you would like to join Felix for Right, well, as I was saythe coming year look out for our stand on Freshers Day or ing, what you do now you're come along to press meetings which happen on Tuesdays and here doesn't make any sodThursdays at about 12.45 p.m. in the press room at the top ding difference to me, or anyof the Union building (Int. 2881). one else for that matter, so I don't see why I should waste I would however like to point out that although the editor my time playing silly-buggers always welcomes articles he reserves the sole right to decide to welcome you, but it won't what articles will be included in Felix and whether an article do any good complaining or should be cut or lengthened to fill the available space. asking you all to piss off, so I'll get on with it, I suppose. Finally I would like to wish Dave Sugden and next year's Have you all got someFelix staff the best of British luck because by God they where to live? Easy! You need i t should find yourself a nice little self-contained beautiJohn Rogers. fully furnished flat less than * * * * * * * * a mile away from college for a couple of quid a week; that will set you up nicely for a good year's uninterrupted work! Of course you might find yourself one of the small majority of students living in a rat-infested cupboard two hours from college, complete with hot and cold running damp, with half your grant going in deposit, but that's your hard luck, mate, sod off and commute from somewhere cheaper. Like Uxbridge. Or Brighton.
Welcome To All Felix Readers
I Tmmmmm
Social life? No problem! Enjoy yourself any way you like, indulge your every whim. What are the Union, the clubs, committees, for but to help you relax as you want to? You do like drinking and watching T V don't you? It don't bother me if you don't, please yourself. Mind, doing ten hours work every night to keep yourself on a pass degree might interfere with your social life, but wait! Your Union is there to protect your interests! And believe me, if the Union this year is only half as effective as it was last year, it'll be twice as effing useless. A go-ahead personality! Immerse yourself in Union politics, become one of the people in the know! It'll bugger your degree up no end, won't make you universally loved, but if masturbating in public's your cup of tea, that's your business, you won't be alone, just keep away from me, OK? What else? Some people like it here. It's got some good points (like the end of term —Ed.). It's near the Albert Hall. And Hyde Park. The welfare facilities are pretty good, and the beer's not bad. And remember, if you have any problems, anything on your mind, any worries or complications at all, don't hesitate, don't be afraid, go and find someone to talk to, anyone, I don't bleeding-well care, just don't sodding-well get in my way. I don't know nothing about it, hear, it ain't got nothing to do with me, SOD OFF.
A t last t h e 1971
McLooge Show No doubt, for freshers, your first week or two in College will show what a lot the Union has to offer, both of a social and Recreational and of a Service and Representational nature. Old lags Will know this already, but they will recognise that there is always more to be done—some tasks concern old thorny problems, others concern newer ones, but none are for that of lesser importance.
Optional Diversification This is the problem (i.e. to get it) that has been with us the longest, and if we do not press hard will stay with us the longest. Many of us have found ourselves trapped, not realising the full meaning and narrowness of specialized "education"—often a soul-destroying repetition of lectures and praeticals and facts and figures on the same subjects with no attempt made to relate them to the outside world and especially poorer developed areas where such knowledge could be put to great use. A few professors and lecturers are trying, but this should be C O L L E G E POLICY—we've got to show our continued support for them, and aid them.
The Exam System is very closely related to the above. Initiative is needed to help move away from three hour hit-or-miss exams, and the rigid lecture system to one incorporating assessed projects, tutorials, open book exams, and maybe eventually continual assessment.
Representation is a means to getting some of the important ends listed above. Much has been achieved, but important power pockets of resistance, secrecy, and regression must be opened up. A l l decisions must be taken by the college AS A WHOLE. We must use what representation we have better, in order to get our desired aims—make sure it's Y O U R things you want us to do. Come and tell us when we do not —everyone to the Union Office. Come round for a chat sometime. I'll try to definitely be in the Union Office (Beit archway, INT 2488) every Friday afternoon, to hear what Y O U want so say. After all, that is what is important round here. John M c C u l l o u g h .
| This issue of Felix, the newspaper of ImperialJ I Colege Union, was edited and produced by John' I Rogers, with assistance from John West, Tony| IKirkham, John McCulough, Jane Cornish, Mike| | Griffiths, Tony Sims, et al. The next edition villi i be edited by Dave Sugden, Maths 2, Beit Hall. The! I article on pages 4 and 5 appears by courtesy of! I Felix, copyright 1969, edition 280. The advertising! | agents are University Press Representation, Grand | | Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London, WC2, thei | printers are F. Bailey and Son Ltd., Dursley, Glou-J are always welcome, and should be placed in the I cestershire, and Felix is published by the Editor on! Felix rack, Union lower lounge, by noon on the W e d I behalf of Imperial Colege Union Publications!'Colcutf is the pseudonym under which a Union personality, nesday publication. The copy date for the ! Board, London, SW7 2BB, (01) 589 2963, Int 2881.known j only to the Editor, writes in each issue of FELIX. next issuebefore is Wednesday, 13th October.
ATI0N DAY Thurs. 28th Oct. Royal Albert Hall 2-30 p.m. Entrance free without ticket at the main door
A t 12 noon the Commemoration Day Service will be held in the Great H a l l , College Block. Address by Miss Pauline W e b b , V i c e Chairman W o r l d Council of Churches. A l l day Conversazione; the buildings of the Royal College of Science will be on view to visitors. Special Visitor: M r . D. Nicholson B Sc (Eng), F C G I , C Eng, FIMechE, FIProdE, F B I M , FRSA, former Student, now Governor and Fellow of Imperial College. Report on College by the Rector. Presentation of Associates, Diplomates and Fellows of the College. Tea, for students, will be served in the Union. Tickets free of charge from Union office.
October 4, 1971
Page 3
USK RAG 7 1 In addition (to I.C., the may be found such stalwarts This year, in commonother Colleges involved in as Rob Armitage (I.C. Rag with previous years, this effort are Byam Shaw Chairman, and the USK of Art and Painting, entertainments co-ordinator), I.C.U. is again running School Institut Francais (I.F.), Pete Clark (Treasurer), and a fund-raising appeal inthe Queen Elizabeth College Phil Jeanes (USK Stunt co(QEC), Maria Assumpta ordinator). Any of these will aid of charity. The College (MA), Royal Col- be pleased to welcome any usual solo-effort has lege of Art (RCA), Royal offers of help and/or new of Music (RCM), fund-raising ideas. been superceded this College and the West London Colyear by a combined lege. This year in addition to attack on the pockets ofEach College will have its Tiddleywinks up Oxford and a Channel swim Londoners by I.C.U. own rag committee which Street will be an excellent (?) There be responsible for inand other Colege will dividual efforts, but in addi- rag mag to be sold as a focal tion there will be a co-ord- point for other activities. unions in the area. An-inating committee consisting There will be a Rag Fortother unusual feature of representatives from night from February 19th to The combined include a rag walk, Ragballs, about this year's appeaeach leffort College. etc. But collections is that the emphasis has will be called S.U.K. concerts, and local stunts will take been changed from place all year to finance the street collections to theThose Responsible escapades of rag fortnight. massive sale of Rag The USK Rag Committee Mags and to other mowill re have its offices in the Charities Committee Room B, profitable fund - raising former The money raised will be at the foot of the east stairefforts. The culminationcase split in the following way: in the Union Building, of the appeal will be aconveniently near the Union 164% goes to each of: rag fortnight in Febru- Bar. This room doubles as NSPCC, Multiple Sclerosis ary. the I.C. Rag Office, where Society, Mental Health Trust,
Beauchamp Lodge Settlement and the St. Mungo Community. The remainder will be split 2\% each to Advise, Release, St. George's Men's Care Unit, Notting Hill Housing Trust, Cobden Trust, Samaritans, and Westminster Human Rights Committee.
STUDENTS! This is no
So it's up to Rob, Crimsoc . . . and Y O U ! Licences and collecting tins available lunchtimes in Committee Room B. ROB A R M I T A G E .
A memorable event from a previous C arnival effort, w h i c h raised over £4,000 for the Westminster C o u n c i l for Social Service — T he G o r i l l a invites itself to the D a v i d F r o s t Show.
Academic Affairs
Who? Why?
This article by Ian Mackenzie, I.C.U. Academic Affairs Officer, is aimed at clearing up the great "What is Academic Affairs?" mystery.
who sits on all the S.S.C.s in his college, and hence coordinates their activities. Finally, it's my job to co-ordinate the whole lot through the I.C.U. Academic Affairs Committee, which has the three Constituent College Academic Affairs Officers and all the Department Reps on it. This is where overall student policy is formulated.
Academic Affairs is a subject of student activity that on the whole receives very little publicity, yet it is the one area that concerns and involves every student, whether u.g. or p.g. In (the broadest sense, it covers everything to do with your education here at Imperial College from straightforward complaints about a poor lecturer to fundamental questions such as "Should we be getting a more specialised or more general education?" or "What should be the scientists' role vis-a-vis the community?" T h i s notebook c u m folder c u m writing pad c u m p e n h o l d e r is B a r c l a y s free gift for students w h o open an a c c o u n t with us in 1971/ No bank c h a r g e s for you, either, provided you keep your a c c o u n t in credit. Call in soon.
BARCLAYS a good bank to get behind you.
STAFF/STUDENT COMMITTEES One of the main concerns is collecting students' views and putting them across to the staff. The heart of Academic Affairs is the STAFF/STUDENT C O M M I T T E E (one in each department) where staff and students discuss any departmental matter from an unsatisfactory course to the provision of common-room facilities. Staff are always willing to hear suggestions for improvements and numerous changes in courses are made yearly as a result of student opinion. Each u.g. year has at least one A C A D E M I C R E P on this committee (the first year elect theirs near the end of October). He should be constantly probing you for your Views and keeping you informed. In addition, there should be at least one p.g. rep on the committee—to enable p.g's. to become more involved—and two other students: The first is the I.C.U. Departmental Rep (one for each department); he (or she!) is the main organiser on the student Side and resident 'expert' on what's what! The second is the Constituent College Academic Affairs Officer,
REPRESENTATION On a wider front, I.C.U. has gained a good deal of representation in the last two years on important College committees. For example, the President and the four Academic Affairs Officers are on the B O A R D OF STUDIES, which, chaired by the Rector, decides basic Academic policy for the College. We're now beginning to use these opportunities properly to put over student views at the highest level. And so, albeit slowly, students are becoming more involved in future plans for Imperial College. The other side of Academic Affairs is to encourage you to think more about your education, and one of the major issues in the last couple of years has been student pressure for the option of a less specialised education. To try to stimulate some greater interest, we're organising a series of three informal lunch-time discussions (tea and sandwiches available) to be held in the UNION SCR (that's above the lower lounge) at 12.30-1.30, on Friday 15th, 22nd and 29th October. The first one's called " T H E SCIENTIST IN SOCIETY"—there will be two speakers. So come along, Freshers and old lags alike! F R I D A Y 15th OCTOBER
12.30 UNION S.C.R.
Page 4
October 4, 1971
TO On arrival at the printers the photos are separated from the copy and sent to the room shown below. In this photo the machine operator can be seen setting up the raw material for making a photographic block. The photo is placed under the plate, and the machine arm is lowered. Hey Presto, ten minutes later, a plate, wonderful stuff this science you know.
Born in a beery, smoky hole, or perhaps several, mishandled by illeterate students, how does F E L I X ever reach the newstands ? The initial preparatory work on the next issue is due to start the Thursday the previous F E L I X finally emerges by some miraculous process. Throughout the following week articles trickle in, are sub-edited and sent for typing. The page layouts are concocted and sent by special messenger (G.P.O. for short) to our printers, Baileys. The type is then set, the proofs returned for checking and finally F E L I X is printed to reach us on the Wednesday before publication. Felicity is churned out on the Wednesday, collated into F E L I X , and the finished literary masterpiece is unveiled.
That is the theory; now for the practice. O.K. Day one is the day of recovery and conception; the editor sits in the press room with the rest of his staff, scratching his head and saying "Well lads, what shall we put in the next one?" This process continues sporadically between pints until the weekend when the first pages have to be sent to Baileys. Alt this point the press room telephone glows red with constant use as the reporters and other contributors are chased for their articles. When the articles, mainly features at this stage, finally arrive they are sub-edited and typed, then the fun starts. The articles, now readable, are proof read and instructions relating to size and type of print, column width and other mysterious instructions are included for the benefit(?) of the type setters. The layout of each individual page is then decided upon. This is the real hairy stage of the process — trying to squash or stretch each article to fit the available space, decide roughly the shape and size of the photographs which depends on the subject and the aesthetic tastes of the editorial staff. Many thanks to These conceptions are then transferred into semi reality on the Bailey's staff for their co-operation in the layout sheets which then accompany the copy to the printers. production of this This process continues throughout the week until the Sunday before article. publication.
amongst more
Expert, We
customers at
f o r w a r d to
I.C. B o o k s h o p get
given meeting
you !
. . .
The copy or the actual wording of the articles, however, follows a different process and is taken to the type setters. In the photo on the far left, one can see the various linotype machines in the background which are used for setting the type. In the foreground of the same photograph can be seen the pages of type, photos, etc., being set in their frames ready for printing. The type is set by two different means, depending on the size and style of type face being used. The large letters are set by hand from ready made type one letter at a time and this process is shown in the photograph directly above. The two photos to the left show how the bulk of the type is set by linotype machine. Each letter has its own individual die or matrix. These are selected by the keyboard from the magazine which can be seen at the top of the upper photo. The words and spaces formed in this way are assembled in a line, which when complete forms a mould into which is pumped a molten alloy of lead, tin and antimony, which forms the actual print used to produce the newspaper. The line is then trimmed and ejected onto the storage galley (which can be seen above the keyboard in the photo bottom left). The dies used to mould the lines are then returned automatically to their respective spaces in the storage magazines. As a large number of magazines are available, many different sizes and styles of type can be used such as BOLD, R O M A N , ITALIC. When the pages are set up, the type is inked and proofs returned to F E L I X for checking.
October 4, 1971
The photo below shows in greater detail the PROOF CHECKING process of setting up the type, photos and adverts in the frames ready for printing. Each frame con& NEWS PAGES. . . tains two pages so in fact this whole article has On the Sunday before publication the sports, features, letters and editorial pages are returned in proof form. This is when we realise what a mess we made of the initial layout and articles are again expanded or cut to get them to fit.
been set in a frame as shown below. The person in the picture can be seen setting the clamps contained in the actual frame which hold the material firmly in position during printing.
At about four o'clock on Sunday when this stage is finally completed the work starts on the news pages. The editorial staff can be again seen scratching their greying heads and asking what happened during the week that is interesting and printable. At the same time as this is happening, the photographic editor is busily trying to transform the vertical pictures to fit horizontal spaces and vice-versa. The final pages then begin to shape up by a process not dissimilar to that of the first pages. One member of the staff is then detailed to entertain the printers' representative, our great friend Mr. Milsom, while this process is completed with great haste. He then transports the pages to the printers who bring these ten days' work to harsh reality.
Page 5
When the pages have been printed they have to be collated together to form the newspaper. The photograph below shows the folding machine used to fold the double pages in half. The girl in the photograph can be seen feeding the printed sheets into the machine by hand. The photo on the right is a general view of the workshop where the type is set. The news pages thus follow the same process as the earlier pages but are not returned for proof reading because of lack of time, instead they are errors at Bailey's. Greater checked for any obvious care is therefore needed over
the last pages to try and ensure they fit the available space. The picture below shows the exterior of the printing works of F. Bailey and Son at Dursley in Gloucestershire. The two thousand copies of F E L I X are finally completed by Bailey's on the Tuesday and Wednesday before publication and transported to London by the illustrious Mr. Milsom.
The photos below show various views of the printing machines which produce F E L I X . The process is described in the captions below the photos.
AND FINALLY f ^ - f H ^ B f f " TO Y O U . . . During t h e Wednesday afternoon and evening the unfortunate Editor of Felicity works his fingers to the bone, collecting and, where necessary inventing instant news to fill Felicity. He then embarks on a mini version of the preparations for FELIX, but as he is also the printer things are a lot quicker, especially if he gets some assistance. Behind the protective grill the pages of type reciprocate under the printing cylinder. The cylinder, complete with sheet of paper, is iii the centre of the picture. Above this is a sheet of paper "queuing up" to be printed.
Here at the back end of the machine, the board at top holds the unprinted sheets. Above the pile, the last sheet to be printed is about to descend.
A battery of the German 'Heidelberg' letterpress printing machines.
Vast quantites of paste letraset and limitless supplies of patience are poured on to an odd scrap of paper. This is turned into a stencil which looks surprisingly tidy by comparison. Now into print. The revered old Felicity head stencil is exhumed from the archives behind the dustbin and virgin paper is deflowered with the contents of FELICITY.
Tuesday, October 12th, 18.00 hrs. Union Upper Lounge. SEASOC Freshers' Sherry Party. Food and drink (fruit juice also available). A L L welcome. Worldwide Occult, Witchcraft introductions, etc. All ages. S.A.E. without obligation to:—
The final glowing masterpiece, still hot from the presses, or duplicator as we call it, is collated, along with any pieces of advertising bumph we have been given, into its parent paper.
The Golden Wheel Liverpool 15 Lanes.
Bundles are now assembled in mysterious fashion, by the L A M L E Y ' S circulation people, and the beautiful creation at last graces its newsstands in the deserted hours of early Thursday. A You now give it a brief glance, before making it into a paper dart, or if you are one of the rare ones, actually read it. If it interests you, perhaps you will do your bit for the next issue by contributing something from your club or society, or even, as a last resort, joining our staff. So if you feel gifted with writing ability, you own a camera or have some knowledge of developing, or both, can brew tea or fetch beer from below, then come along to a press meeting and say so. These are on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes, at about 12.45. So anyone can come and do a little — there's always plenty to do !
for your BOOKS ^
| Y
October 4, 1971
Page 6
ater-Polo in Yugoslavia
Boat Glub Successes The Boat Club have been extremely successful over the last season, and have accumulated a vast amount of silverware for their efforts. In the University of London Allom Cup regatta IC overwhelmed the other constituent colleges to win five out of eight points. In the Open event, the Allom Cup, a very strong IC crew containing Four Purples made easy work of Middlesex Hospital and U.C.&H. In the Junior division the going was a bit tougher, the 2nd VIII holding off Guys Hospital to win the Roderick-Hill trophy. The highest number of entries was in the Novice
division, where IC beat the favourites Middlesex Hospital and then went on to win in the final against Q.M.C. and Guys. The final was a most traumatic affair with 6 catching a crab 30 seconds from the finish, but IC recovered their composure to win by 2 lengths. IC also won the coxless IV's and the pairs. The outstanding crew in the club have been the 2nd VIII who through the determination of their captain Andy Hill won Juniors at Brent regatta, after having picked up U.L. Juniors two weeks previously. Victory also came to the
1st VIII in the Metropolitan Regatta, where they beat Westminster School and London ' B ' to Win the coveted Forster Cup. In coxless IV's IC won at Cambridge Regatta. The crew was: D. H . Bardsley, P. Rowley, B. Mc Doual, C. Nicholls. The results of the internal regatta were as follows: Pairs: D. Sorton, V . C. Spencer. Senior Sculls: A . Ponsford. Junior Sculls: H . Evans. Novice Sculls: S. Rotherham. New members will be made very welcome, no previous rowing necessary — and coxes too. B. N . Black.
The Yugoslavs won the 1968 water-polo Olympics. They also have an exquisite coastline bordering the A d riatic Sea. What better place could there be for an enjoyable holiday and an opportunity to see some very professional water-polo. With this in mind, the I.C. waterpolo club arranged for a ten day tour to Yugoslavia in mid-August. Water-polo is a passion in Slavic countries. In Yugoslavia, 5it ranks second to football as the national
sport. Every child living by the sea or near a pool will eventually come into contact with this sport. Therefore it is understandable that the quality is very high and that much can be gained from contact with Yugoslavian teams, L C . did not win very many matches during their stay. However they did learn a great deal from some very high class players. The advice and suggestions were given freely and most of all enthusiastically. Improvement was visible over the period of our short ten day stay. It consisted mainly in a rearrangement of our priorities. To play good water-polo, three qualities are desirable in a player: good swimming, good ball handling and good shooting. Over and above this, a team must be able to play a coherently and cannot rely on individual superstars. Most British teams have good individual players but seem to lack the skill of playing as a team. I think this fact was demonstrated quite clearly to us during our stay. On the lighter side, what is there to be said about our holiday? Oh the usual I guess: blue sky, sunshine, clear cool water, good food, cheap wine, all that sort of thing. One last thing. In Yugoslavia, you may be surprised to learn that it's difficult to get a seat to watch a waterpolo match unless you come very early. Marc Garraeau.
Summer Conferences Each year the main lecture theatres in Imperial College are let out to various noted institutions and societies so that they can hold their annual get-togethers, and the College can make some money. Among the more intesting was the 2nd World Conference on Smoking and Health. This attracted several noted people, including Tory Minister of Health (what about school milk?) At the end of the week of lectures an International Campaign was launched against smoking (retiring editor of F E L I X please note). Another conference was entitled Disaster Technology. It was run by an I.C. student John Murlis, who had been to Bangla Desh doing relief work. Whilst there he felt that there were several inadequacies in the work being done by the so called relief organisations out there, and so he and other students started a group called the London Technical Group to investigate the many problems facing these organisations. One conference, which slipped by almost unnoticed was one sponsored by NATO. It seemed to be a gathering of all the world's greatest Uranium geologists. In a time when there is increasing opposition to military research projects at I.C. perhaps it would be a good idea if the organisations using I.C. facilities should be vetted to see if their aims are in agreement with those of the students. John Sommer. S I T U A T I O N S V A C A N T
Articles for the sports page of the next F E L T X must be put i n the F e l i x rack before n o o n o n Thursday, 21st October.
Wm-M .iii?:?:™ PI iMp f -
FELIX 'Soldier Blue' is one of those unfortunate films that every time it opens its mouth it lets out a cliche. The final massacre is a mixture of 'The Wild Bunch' stylistics and crude close-ups of amputated limbs and dripping gore. Symbolic massacre aside 'Soldier Blue' is a fairly average Western with almost two hours of yawn producing celluloid. It's a shame about Luchino Visconti being such a variable quantity in the Cinema: his last film, 'The Damned', was a very bad film but his latest film, 'Death in Venice', is a masterpiece. The excellently
filmed story of a German composer's (Dirk Bogarde) emotional attraction to a young Polish boy (Bjorn Anderson). The film is beautifully photographed, acted and directed. Dialogue is kept to a minimum and the attraction between the composer and the boy comes over very well even though they never speak to each other. Altogether the decaying splendour of Venice in 191.1 is the atmosphere that Visconti has managed to capture in this excellent film. I'm sure that Tchaikovsky wasn't as troubled by sex as Ken Russell portrays him in his film 'The Music Lovers'.
His story attributes all his problems to his sex life. But ignoring the basic premises of the script the film is very good. It is in no way as good as 'Death in Venice' but it was a very good film. Ken Russell is a relative newcomer to films coming from television where his films on other composers also used the same basic premise as in 'The Music Lovers'. His grasp of film techniques is excellent and he has used them to the full. Yet his handling of one major incident in Tchaikovsky's life (his attempted suicide) where he changed the attempted drowning on a bitterly cold night to a short paddle on a
Large numbers of o a r s m e n are required by l . C . Boat Club. A p p l y to the Boathouse, Putney.
REVIEWS Summer afternoon. The music is very good (but a little loud) and the fantasy scene for the 1:812 Overture was very enjoyable. Overall a film worth seeing if only to compare it with the proposed film on Tchaikovsky which ought to be very similar ito 'Song of Norway' and very Hollywood-ish. A couple of films that are really for aficionados of stars: Pennebaker's the 'Don't Look Back': the documentary film of Bob Dylan's tour of England in 1965. And 'Joan' (American title 'Carry it on') about Joan Baez or more particularly her husband David
Harris, and is a documentary of Joan's life just before and after he went to prison (for resisting the draft). Both films are made in the best tradition of cinema-verite. This is where you have to really like the artists, because you can't hear the dialogue for most of the time; a lot of the dialogue ha 'Don't Look Back' was, apparently very amusing, and I didn't hear a word: a lot of the dialogue in 'Joan' was very meaningful and again I didn't hear a word. I'm not complaining about all the cinema - verite techniques; the camera movements can be very effective, but it wouldn't take too much
effort to improve the quality of the soundtrack. Another very good film I have seen was 'Bronco Bullfrog' which as Filmsoc. members will know (when they join!) is being shown at I.C. in February. This was yet another film that was ignored by the distributors. I shall review the film nearer the showdate because the chances of seeing ait in a commercial cinema are very slim, but it is well-worth seeing so go to see it when it comes to I.C. John Bryan. (Chairman Film Soc 19711972 F E L I X Film Critic).
October 4, 1971
Page 7
T h o s e
R e s t s
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W h o
5 l i t !Ills* •Mf If "SS
sonal reasons. There are those who glory in their subject . . . I have heard a senior Physics Professor say: 'If Physics students have any spare time, then they should use it for doing more Physics' . . . and this affects the development of Imperial College. There are those who care for Imperial College as part of their job and the results of their efforts are seen in the new buildings. Regrettably these are too small. A size nearer to 20 stories is needed for each technology to provide a balance in space between new
F r o m
t h e
M a n L o r d
W h e e l
a t
t h e
P e n n e y
F e l i x gave me some holiday h o m e w o r k a n d asked me to write about the future of the College. T w o methods are c o m m o n l y used as a n a i d to planning for the future. O n e is to take data from the last few years a n d project a growth rate. T h e other is to make a " m a r k e t " survey. B o t h methods are fallible. Projections of total U . K . fuel demand have gone awry; a n d we are a l l watching to see if C o n c o r d e w i l l achieve its predicted market. A market survey about university places would estimate the numbers of school students each year reaching present university entrance standards. It seems to be generally agreed that over a decade the numbers might double. There is little prospect that the number of university places will double over ten years—the capital cost is too great. Pro rata, Imperial College could grow by more than 300 students per year compared with an average of 130 per year over
Do you want to read books by:Ernest |-Jemingway
James y^ldridge Marghanita Laski Alan Qrury Margery ^llingham Vladimir Klabokov George Fliot Get them from thhe
o f
y s
H .
F a i r b r o t h e r
and growing points and old and dying points. The Safe Loading Weight for the new buildings is 1 cwt./square foot and if this is forgotten and if the buildings fill up with persons and equipment, it could be that one day many of them will fall down. It may be thought that there are only a minority who 'care' but this is not so. All over the College people show that they care by adding personal touches to offices, workshops, stores and labs . . . these are everywhere, from the pinned up cartoon, that is pertinent to somebody working nearby, to the exotic plant, that thrives on the central heating. Over the years the hierarchical system in Imperial College has exerted direct and indirect pressure on in-
dividuals to prevent them from doing anything about the development of I.C. It is only recently that this pressure has been blocked and the voice of those who care about the people forming I.C. Community has become strong. The future of I.C. lies with this latter group since they face up to the basic need of life. Consequently assuming this is so, it is likely that in 20 years time, I.C. will start to be completely rebuilt as an interdisciplinary college with no clear separate departments and centred around a central computer complex. A t some point in time before then, there will be a massive change in environmental conditions which will include re-designing the open spaces, making the whole precinct a pedestrian only area with vastly improved cultural and recreational facilities, and cleaning the air of the city pollutants . . .
tit - .
H a n d s
C a r e
Probably one of the most complex of problems today is planning for s a an uncertain future. Even in the simplified case of our own college, the There are those who 'care' about developments for perproblem can be taken to almost unlimited depths. How does one allow sonal reasons . . . It was for technical innovation or the whim of some future group of school-Professor (now Lord) leavers, neither of which follow well-behaved curves. Thanks to the Blackett who I believe the title 'Professorial writers, who in their own way, give valuable pointers as to what IC cancoined Barons' and this labels some expect. of those who care for per-
t h e
Level 2, Library Block Open Mon. to Fri., 10 — 5.30
the last few years. We have been given general guidance to plan for 210 extra each year and sightly to reduce the proportion of postgraduates. So the College will grow steadily. More interesting, perhaps, is whether the College will change from its strong departmental structure with highly specialised courses. In spite of the many changes since I was a student, the ethos of the College has hardly changed at all. The majority of our students have always wanted a specialised course and have been willing to work hard for a good degree. They have expected, and usually obtained, a good job using their speciality. There is now, I believe, a need to broaden the options, to have more interdisciplinary possibilities at the undergraduate level, to integrate some of our groups (e.g. biology) into Divisions or Institutes, with some common courses and also, within the limits of our finance, to provide more carefully chosen courses in some fields outside science or technology. We must, I suppose, continue to have the honours degree with its classes for the fore-
seeable future but we should extend the basis on which the assessment is made, in the directions some departments are already moving. If the national economy deteriorates, the resources available to the College will be reduced but these educational changes should go ahead. The present industrial recession is partly connected with changes in the pecking order. The technical society in which we live has many sensitive spots where pressure can be exerted on the system. However, the modern industrial state could not survive, with its population numbers and its standards of living, without efficient and progressive technology. I therefore cannot visualise the technologist and the applied scientist losing the influential positions they have today. The College will continue to have national importance. Less certain is whether we can fill all our places with good Students willing to make the effort which science and technology demand. The next few years will see further liberalisation for student participation in central and local College affairs but we must surely avoid the extreme positions taken in some other countries, where sooner or later academic quality is bound to suffer. The most serious College problem where no complete solution is yet in sight is Student accommodation. We need an extra 400 places in six years time. Money given to the Appeal will enable us to provide at most only half this number. Apart from this, the College can look to the future with considerable confidence.
. A
P a s t
P r e s i d e n t ' s J u d i t h
V i e w W a l k e r
In m y opinion, the College has no future as ' I m perial College'. A l t h o u g h the name is apt enough, since overseas students are still taught a science more relevant to imperialism than the technological needs of their o w n countries. If I . C . is to survive as a true institute of higher education it must go out — towards the nearby community, to society at large to the liberation of the T h i r d W o r l d . A t present the College — or rather the professors a n d lecturers w i t h private consultancies — relates very well to the outside w o r l d of b i g business, the miltary a n d government, but not so well to its students or to the people. Y e t paradoxically the very graduate processed by the Imperial College system is out of favour vs ith employers.
EDUCATION'S NO PRIVILEGE Jobless graduates will soon be used as a cudgel by the Tories to 'regretfully' call a halt to expansion in higher education. But elitism is no longer acceptable — everyone has the right to continue his or her education. The degree is no job passport, nor should it be. Education is more than vocational training on the cheap for a job in big business.
IC IS KILLING SCIENCE Education here should mean the teaching of socially related technology. Science is anything but politically neutral, so why should it not be turned to the needs of the people? (One good answer— because capitalism does not work like that!!) Why isn't the College (not just the union) helping the people of Notfing Hill—our neighbourhood, we have the technology and the people? Be warned—diversification will
come to I.C., but there will be no fundamental change— no university preaches its own destruction.
YOUR LOCAL COMPREHENSIVE ? The only form of education which could be acceptable as a future would have no selection procedures (e.g. the City College of New York), no restricting exams, no discrimination. Discrimination?—is that the reason why there are so few women, so few British black Students, and only 30% or so working class students? They have had little chance, oppressed by the capitalist system all along the line, to make it to the citadel. I.C. looks down on the technical colleges yet is itself only a 'high class' version. In fact, relatively speaking, some of I.C.'s courses are narrower than at 'lesser' institutions. The so-called Binary system relegates the technical colleges, colleges of education, and the poly-
technics (still) to a second class status, with much less money for many more students, often crowded into older buildings. Equal opportunity for all means an end to the iniquitous binary division which keeps the majority of students (in non-university colleges) down.
IC NO: USK YES: USK, the student-inspired 'University of South Kensington', could be the model for the future—the bringing together of all the institutes in Kensington. These first Steps towards uniting the students have, however, been taken by the Unions and not the College authorities. The comprehensive university is a logical step, which will have to be fought hard for. It's students may Study full or part time, but in either case they should receive a wage rather than a grant. 'The student wage assumes that higher education is producing an economically desirable output i.e. the economy needs you. 'The loan sees higher education as a personal consumer good'. Student unions are becoming more like trade unions and in industry the white collar workers (i.e. you, the technocrat) unionise. How can the future be changed and I.C. destroyed/ reconstructed? The college will not dissolve the department structure, be governed by a general assembly and become a community college by sweet reason. And repressive tolerance is a British byword—despite the present government. Think and act. The future lies the way of Lennon, Jackson, Freedom brothers.
Page 8
October 5,1971
machines in the Union bog, facilities for 1800, in a year when student numbers only bring a bird along you might increased by 100. The openeven find a use for them. The final loss in running the College catering services lasting of College Block was the The only remaining session is now known to be around £2,313, considerably less sign for the run-down of facifind a new trouble is to Well, you have got past the title anyway which probably in fact than had been originally feared before the various lities in the Union building, name for this place, and to economy measures and price rises were put into effect. and also, through an addi- means you either don't know what the Union Lounge is andencourage suggestions the Although the College will write off the deficit this year, it is tional wages bill of £16,000, are curious to find out, or you wonder what there is to write Union are offering one hunnot willing to do so next session. In an attempt to break even,contributed to the £30,000 about it, well read on. dred pence worth of free The Union Lounge is situated in the ground floor of the goodies from the new . . . . a price rise of 8 per cent in the cafeterias was agreed upon,deficit that session. Union Building somewhere between Tarn's office and the Well, it's up to you to think with effect from Ist August. One obvious choice in Union Bar. Its only purpose in life up till now has been to of a new name for it and The Catering Manager is at variance with Catering rationalising the Refectories house that relic from the days of I.C's. mascotry, Mike, our give your suggestions to John had originally asked for a Manager, Mr. Mooney, and would be to close the Union ex-mascot. However since Queen Mary College decided it McCullough. rise of 13%, but the Union also with the latest Univer- building; however, Miss would make a nice souvenir and nobody at I.C. can be bothsity Grants Committee memo fought this down to about Cowell points out the un- ered to get it back, our beloved union officials decided to find 8%, on the understanding to Universities, which recom- desiirability of this, as it a new purpose in life for the lower lounge. that there would be no fur- mends that the bars should would deal a heavy blow to In order to give you someThe lighting level has been ther price rises within the keep the refectories solvent. the concept of the Union as thing to do in the evenings decreased and lis being renext 12 months. the hub of student life. Simi- and somewhere to go and do placed partly with coloured The same U.G.C. memo larly, the staff dining room it, they have had those old lights which do not flash yet also advocates the 'mothThe Union won a further balling' of surplus facilities, at 170 Queensgate loses boards listing their pre- but should improve the atconcession — that the prices the need to detect and follow heavily, but this also should decessors names removed, mosphere a lot, who knows in the Union Buttery (open the trend towards cheaper be retained, as it provides an moved to the top floor the they might be able to lower continuously from 11.00 a.m. meals and snacks, and the element of gracious Irving. old waiting room type chairs, the ceiling a few feet which to 6.00 p.m.) would only advisability of cutting down However, if 170 is kept open, and repainted the lounge would make it even better One July evening the rise by 5%, so that snacks over-elaborate or unecono- Miss Cowell suggests either with a splattering of orange still. Having set this atmos- drugs squad payed Piers in the Union would be mic services such as week- finding an alternative source here and there amongst the phere they decided to add Corbyn a visit in his shared slightly cheaper than in Col- end meals, and waitress ser- of money to subsidise it, or light green. The seating now further to the attractions by flat in Notting Hill. They closing some of the other consists of comfortable easy installing a juke box for those had a search warrant for lege Block or Southside. vice. Staff facilities. chairs, and low coffee tables of you who haven't got your drugs, soon after entering the have been installed to prop own record grinder, Pin flat they found a filing cabiMeanwhile the outlook is A more detailed report on tables for you to waste your net. So quite naturally for distinctly rosy in the Bars the catering services offered On the management side, up the odd pint or four. The apology that used to grants on and possibly a few them, they radioed the — too rosy, say Union at I.C. was received over Miss Cowell found the manofficials, looking at the the vacation. The Senior agement was efficient and be known as the ladies bar more of those bar football Special Branch who being startling £6,255 profit, repre- Catering Advisor to the the operating staff of good is gone and has been re- tables to reduce the queues just around the corner were senting nearly 10% of the U.G.C., Miss F. M . Cowell, calibre; but she did recom- placed by a fully stocked at the existing ones. In addi- there within five minutes. turnover! About a quarter carried out a three day sur- mend the appointment of a bar which is actually equip- tion to all these goodies a The F U Z Z found about of this profit comes from the vey of I.C. refectories in Deputy Catering Manager to ped with its own pumps, Mooney coffee machine is £2 worth of hash — not Union Bar, an eighth from May, mainly at the request ease the workload — this (that's one up for Women's being installed for out of Corbyns he can't take the College Block, and the rest of the Union. has in fact already been Lib.) The bar also doubles hours drinking, so why not stuff — and arrested Piers as a Snack Bar selling all come along? Why not bring for admitting his premises to from Southside Bar. agreed by the College. the best that Mooney a few friends? it will make be used for the smoking of The report now has to Her report points out the minions can't ruin, with per- a pleasant change from the hash. You might think that Union officials are con- gross over-provision of cater- wend its way via the various haps even a barmaid for all atmosphere of Southside, you was enough but not for the cerned that Bar profits ing in the College, which was College Committees for offiyou lucky freshers to chat up. mieht even find those new special branch, they also should not subsidise Refec- caused by the opening of cial comment. accused him of handling tories, though here the Union College Block, with eating stolen property (i.e. one traffic cone, one roadside nni sighted view. If all the money lamp, and one local authwas used to acquire new acority sign pertaining to dogs commodation then more stufouling the footpath). This year, as last year, Linstead Hall was used as a hoteldents would benefit from However the main event cheaper accommodation in scheme during the summer vacation. The scheme served two of the night was a search of purposes: to provide cheaper accommodation for students the long run. his political files during staying in London over the vacation than otherwise available which the S.B.'s took notes and to raise money to be used specifically for providing a new During future vacations it and asked him numerous is hoped to let between 100 hall or student house for Imperial College. questions. After being kept and 500 rooms at £1.60 a The scheme was run this in jail for one hour and then After a series of meetings night for students. This will released on £100 bail, being summer by Sue Rossell, Ian over the summer it was de- include breakfast in Southrefused legal aid he appeared cided that all rooms not Burgess, Pete Totterdell and being used by conferences or side, and thus help to keep at magistrates court on refectories viable over the Tim Russell, with the help I.C. students next year will summer. Sept. 21st. Piers pleaded guilty and of other I.C. students who be used either for block was committed for trial at F E L I X wishes Sue Rossell acted as cleaners. Ninety-five bookings or for casual lettings along the lines of Linthe 'London Sessions. The rooms in Linstead were let stead this year. It was also and Tim Russell the best of case should come up some luck with the scheme next for twelve weeks at £1 a decided that the profits from year, but hopes that the time during the coming year. night or £6 a week raising the casual bookings should powers that be will have go to the Union for improvhoped that Piers' Sennet ediapproximately £3800 for a ing student accommodation, second thoughts about the N O W A R N I N G distribution of profits. torship would not be used to new hall or house. Last year by obtaining leases on flats Judith Walker (retiring condemn him as it was an the scheme raised £3000 with for students, for example. President) wrote to Prof. integral part of London stuMatthews on July 22nd mak- dent life. less rooms available for let- The money from block bookings would be divided beusually forced to submit their ing the points that:- Piers ting; the profit this year tween halls and houses to theses by any fixed date at had a right to be represenCLIVE JENKINS being not as large as expec- maintain their present level this stage. ted by ASTMS if he wished; Anyway the fight dragged ted because the cleaners of rents, He also took the some- that he had not been given wearily on with a petition adequate warning; trial there bread increased and also the John Halas will be lec- what drastic step of submit- is no college requirement that from 24 physics PG's, and F E L I X thinks that this ting a report of his work to Clive Jenkins lending his laundry bills rose. allocation of money to keep turing at Imperial College the department without one Ph.D students have to satisfy weight to the IC ASTMS, shortly, as a guest of the hall rents at their present being requested. His case their supervisors of any par- and Digby Jacks NUS preLinstead Bar was kept level is giving gold to the Film Society. was at this stage taken up ticular state of progress by sident joining in the fun. open over the summer to well-off. Nobody, least of all As well as being an ex- by ICU and ASTMS. Prof. the end of their second year; Throughout the summer provide a drinking place for F E L I X staff, wants to see pert on the production of Matthews refused to listen to and that Post Graduates have Piers was working in the the occupants and the takings hall rents rise but we do feel animated films, Mr. Halas the ASTMS as he said that as many rights as undergra- physics department and trytrebled over those during that people in hall are well is well known as a speaker they were not supposed to duates. ing to ignore the political machinations of IC which term time, the profits being enough off already and that on the subject, and has ap- take up students cases even On August 3rd the auththe money could 'be better used to refurbish and stock used to provide more hall- peared at the National Film though they had fought on orities changed their position was bubbling on apparently the side of students several and SRC said that Mr. Cor- ignorant of the vacation. Theatre. the bar, hence the new tables places so that some of those times in the past. Anyway to cut a long story byn's grant could be continand chairs, taped music, not fortunate enough at His lecture will be illusued if the department so short the outcome should Also at this stage a dishall will present to get into trated with several short coloured lights and new bar agreement started as to recommended by 30th Sep- keep Piers out of union actifittings to be seen in Lin- have a better chance in cartoons, and also an extract whether or not SRC should tember. Towards the end of vities for the coming session future. What about the other from the famous featurestead. The success of the 3000 students not lucky length film, "Animal Farm". have been previously in- summer John McCullough, and has started the ball rollscheme over the previous two enough to get into hall — The Film Society promises formed of Piers unsatisfac- Union president, joined the ing for student and Technitory state of progress in the battle by writing to Prof. cal staff acting as a united years has ensured its con- will their rents remain ample advance publicity. Matthews, stating that he concern. eyes of the department. stable? Surely this is a shorttinuation next summer.
continued from page one
Illustrated Halas
The FELIX F E L I C I T Y i s needed b e c a u s e days b e f o r e publu c a t i o t ) •
News Supplement
even t h e l a s t pages o f F E L I X must go t o p r e s s
During term t i n e FELICITY day b e f o r e p u b l i c a t i o n .
p r o d u c e d on Wednesday a f t e r n o o n
and e v e n i n g ,
A n y t h i n g i n t e n d e d f o r p u b l i c a t i o n i n F E L I C I T Y s h o u l d be p u t i n t h e F E L I X l e t t e r r a c k by t h e Wednesday i u n c h t i m e . A l t e r n a t i v e l y i t may be b r o u g h t up t o t h e p r e s s room d u r i n g p r o d u c t i o n , , The E d i t o r . o f F E L I C I T Y r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o r e j e c t o r e d i t m a t e r i a ] as s p a c e r e q u i r e s , REGISTER'FOE
You c an no-., v o t e a t e i g h t e e n , and s h o u l d r e g i s t e r t o v o t e i n t h e c o n s t i t u e n c y i n v' i c h y o u r e s i d e w h i l s t a t College*, Y o u r l a n d l o r d o r H a l l o r S t u d e n t House warden s h o u l d have r e c e i v e d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e f o r m " A " w h i c h he must r e t u r n by O c t 1 0 t h « Ho s h o u l d r e g i s t e r a l l e l i g i b l e r e s i d e n t s , i n c l u d i n g y o u . Make s u r e y o u a r e registerode ?
I f you miss the d e a d l i n e the Union o f f i c e between 2 8 t h Nov and l 6 t h Dec
can h e l p y o u i n the a p p e a l p e r i o d ,
Please r t h a t t o vc according your vote
u i t e l e g a l t o be r e g i s t e r e d b o t h h e r e and a t home, b u t g a i , When e l e c t i o n s come y o u c an d e c i d e where t o v o t e , t t h e t i m e « F o r l o c a l government e l e c t i o n s you- c an u s e c n c J e a , MAKE SURE YOU ARE REGISTERED YOUR VOTE .COUNTS.
UNIOH MEETINGS The f i r s t I Ml IrOOpm i n t h e C
COLLEGE UNION MEETING w i l l be h e l d on Tuesday 5th f a l l , College Block,
uonstxtuent j o i l c . U n i o n M e e t i n g s a r e on T h u r s d a y 7th R„C»S. a t 1,00pm i n P h y s i c s L e c t u r e T h e a t r e 1, 0 c (xh j 1 tech Ena- 220 and M i n e s a t l.-OOpra i n . . l i n i n g L e c t u r e T h e a t r e 1, L
Oct a t
ANTI-IMMIGRATION B I L L RALLY The f i n a l r e a d i n g o f t h e I m m i g r a t i o n B i l l has been b r o u g h t f o r w a r d t o Oct and A l a r g o r a l l y i s ' b e i n g o r g a n i s e d a t Hyde P a r k C o r n e r on Sunday s t a r t i n g a t 3»OOv. , and f o l l o w e d b y a march t o Downing S t r e e t ,
11th Oct
The B i l l , i f 3.:; e d , w i l l a f f e c t many I m p e r i a l C o l l e g e s t u d e n t s and t h e i r r e l r a t i v e s * 22l o f s t 1'nte i n I m p e r i a l C o l l e g e , t h e l a r g e s t p e r c e n t a g e i n t h e c o u n t r y , come f r o m o v e r s e e • '..'hoy, and a l l o t h e r s , a r e u r g e d t o a t t e n d . CON SOC ( S I C ) The U n i o n C m s e r v e n z e e , who w i r ;rnmont as of Conservati" j v e r -h 1 % m a k i n g me-
l o c i e t y a r e s h o r t l y t o be h o s t s t o D r W i l l i a m v a n S t r a u b l e c t u r e t h i s week. The D o c t o r h o l d s o f f i c e i n t h e T o r y \ ' B l a c k e y , and I s a l s o v i c e - p r e s i d e n t o f t h e F e d e r a t i o n to which the C o n s e r v a t i v e S o c i e t y i s a f f i l i a t e d . l i n e d government p r o p o s a l s r e g a r d i n g S t u d e n t U n i o n s
no iri y be enpowered t o v e t o t h e h o l d i n g o f U n i o n General
A p p a r e n t l y the F e d e r a t i o n o f C o n s e r v a t i v e Students w i l l support the second p r o p osed a t t h e f o r t h c o m i n g C o n s e r v a t i v e C o n f e r e n c e , T h e r e i s a d a n g e r t h a t s h o u l d t h e D o c t o r a d d r e s s a m e e t i n g s o l e l y c o m p r i s i n g Con Soc l o y a l i s t s he may g e t t h e m i s t a k e n i m p r e s s i o n t h a t s u c h p r o p - s a l s w o u l d meet w i t h g e n e r a l s t u d e n t s a s s e n t .
. ]:
No? Then t r y t h e West London S t u d e n t A c c o m o d a t i o n B u r e a u i n t h e U n i o n O f f i c e ( s e e HELIX f r o n t page a r t i c l e ) . I F THAT F A I L S fOU CAN SLEEP I N THE UNION BUILDING, T h i s i s f r e e , and camp hod's a r e a v a i l a b l e , b u t y o u must go t o t h e U n i o n O f f i c e f i r s t t o r e g i s t e r * '. . L a s t y e a r about Twenty s t u d e n t s w i t h nowhere t o l i v e s l e p t I n t h e Unions; t h e r e must have been many more s l e e p i n g on f r i e n d s ' f l o o r s . - T h i s ; y e a r t h e ^ N a t i o n a l U n i o n o f S t u d e n t s i s r u n n i n g an a c c o m o d a t i o n c a m p a i g n , t h e f i r s t p a r t o f w h i c h w i l l be about ' s h o r t a g e o f a c c o m o d a t i o n i n . s p e c i f i c a r e a s , ' I n o r d e r t o s u p p l y t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n , and b r i n g i t home t c t h e p r e s s , t h e U n i o n must know o f y o u r d i f f i c u l t i e s , oven i f y o u ' r e nc s l e e p i n g i n the U n i c . . I f y o u ' r e h o m e l e s s and s l e e p i n g on t h e U n i o n f l o o r ( p a r t i c u l a r l y on S u n d a y , Monday' and Tuesday) t h i s w i l l h e l p t o f o o u c jr.".'. to ' ' ; o n t i o n on t h e g r a v i t y o f t h e s i t u a t i o n 0
CARNIVAL CRAMP Comni oteo "Room B i s now an o f f i c e f o r t h e Rag Committee ( l a t t e r l y known as C a r n i v a l ) , and c l u b s and i n d i v i d u a l s who .have d e p o s i t e d a s s o r t e d equipment t h e r e , f o r i n s t a n c e l i n e s m e n ' s f l a g s , r o p e s , a m a l l e t , two l a r g o t e n t p o l e s and a s i x i n c h d i a m e t e r r u b b e r r i n g , s h o u l d e n d e a v o u r to remove them w i t h due h a s t e , l e s t t h e y i n c u r t h e w r a t h o f one Eob A r m i t a g e . T h e r e i s ample a l t e r n a t i v e s t o r a g e i n B e i t basement,, m e n t i o n e d j u n k has . a l r e a d y bean removed t h i t h e r .
much o f t h e
IMPERIAL COLLEGE - GATEWAY TO INDUSTRY? What a r e y o u g o i n g t o do when y o u l e a v e C o l l e g e ? ( i n c i t e s S t e v e Cann) The c u r r e n t p o s i t i o n w i t h employment- i s p o o r . T h i s C o l l e g e , and .hence y o u , i s f o r t u n a t e i n t h a t i t s ' r e p u t a t i o n has c a r r i e d a l o t o f w e i g h t w i t h e m p l o y e r s » M o s t d e p a r t m e n t s have b e e n a b l e t o p l a c e s t u d e n t s i n some f o r m o f o c c u p a t i o n e i t h e r v i a t h e w e l l known " i n t e r v i e w " and " o l d b o y " m e t h o d s . Even s o , t h e r e a r e l a r g e numbers o f s t u d e n t s u n e m p l o y e d w h i c h w i l l add t o t h e c o m p e t i t i o n f o r j o b s i n t h e c o m i n g y e a r . T h e r e w i l l bo l i t t l e o p p o r t u n i t y t o i n d u l g e i n " w a i t and s e e " t a c t i c s when f i n d i n g j o b s t h i s y e a r . A p p l i c a t i o n forms must go i n e a r l y , , . s h o w i n t e r e s t i n e v e r y i n t e r v i e w (yes—man) and remember y o u m i g h t n o t g e t o f f e r e d t h e j o b y o u e x p e c t . ( a t l a s t , he s e e s t h e t r u t h - ed) Ana s e c o n d y e a r s , i t s too l a t o o
t h i n k i n g about what t y p o o f employment y o u want
SITUATIONS VAC. .Si 1 1Q5 c l e r k s needed, f o r t r a d e d e l e g a t i o n . A b i l i t y t o speak R u s s i a n an advantage.- A l l a p p l i c a n t must have a d e g r e e i n a e r o n a u t i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g .
Box 953•
LOST: F u t u r e E d i t o i o f F E L I X * one D o i v e Sugd.en. I f f o u n d p l e a s e k n o c k i n t o m i d d l e o f l a s t week, and r e t u r n t o P r e s s Soom 0
WAJITEDs Some a l t e r n a t i v e t o t h e s e s t u p i d s p a c e — f i l l e r s . I n t e r n a l phone 2881* APOLOGY2 O b s e r v a n t r e a d e r s may n o t i c e t h a t t h e l a s t page w i l l n o t a p p e a r u n t i l tomorrow-. Wo r e g r e t any i n c o n v e n i e n c e t o r e a d e r s w i s h i n g t o s e c t h e s e c o n d h a l f o f t h e P i e r s Corbyn a r t i c l e : , ; WANTED? E i t h e r a new deput, p r e s i d e n t o r a j u k e box f o r t h e U n i o n L o u n g e b y S u n day 3 r d Oct.,. F c r bho f o r m e r p e t i t i o n J o h n M c C u l l o u g h , and f o r t h e l a t t e r a p p l y t o Dave Amos. WANTEDS G i r l s f o r t .e F E L I X Road T e s t . No e x p e r i e n c e n e c e s s a r y . Editor i n person. CHER E D I f E U R , Vous v o u l e z une l e t ! ? s
Apply to
en f r a n c a i s ? L e v o i c i l Une
i e*
ANNOUNCEMENTs The E d i t o r o f FELL-', w i l l be l i v i n g i n no 10, a beautiful brick wall}.
Old Beit (overlooking
F E L I C I T Y t y p e d ana e d i t e d by J o h n A c k e r s who d e n i e s t h e a u t h o r s h i p o f any c o p y container e r e i n . A s s i s t a n c e d o n a t e d b y M i k e G r i f f i t h s and J o h n S o g e r s by k i n d pormissico f t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a u t h o r i t y . T y p e - w r i t e r l o a n e d by Chad. P u b l i s h e l by t h e E d i t o r on b e h a l f o f I m p e r i a l C o l l e g e P u b l i c a t i o n s B o a r d .
The Government i s expanding h i g h e r e d u c a t i o n i n a " b i n a r y s y s t e m " , d i v i d i n g autonomous u n i v e r s i t i e s from T e c h n i c a l C o l l e g e s and C o l l e g e s o f E d u c a t i o n . NUS wants t o b r i d g e t h i s g u l f . 1.
A l l s t u d e n t s s h o u l d have e q u a l academic f a c i l i t i e s BUT £581 i s spent p e r annum on a u n i v e r s i t y s t u d e n t f o r academic f a c i l i t i e s . Only £2^9 f o r a t r a i n e e t e a c h e r .
A l l s t u d e n t s s h o u l d have e q u a l s o c i a l f a c i l i t i e s 9
BUT u n i v e r s i t i e s unions have an average £8 s u b s c r i p t i o n compared w i t h £3 i n C o l l e g e s o f E d u c a t i o n . I n T e c h n i c a l C o l l e g e s t h e Government has now g r a n t e d £3, but o n l y f o r f u l l - t i m e r s o v e r 18. 3«
A l l s t u d e n t s s h o u l d have e q u a l s p o r t s f a c i l i t i e s BUT many T e c h n i c a l C o l l e g e s have f a c i l i t i e s below t h e l o s f e l o f l o c a l s i x t h forms. U n i v e r s i t y s p o r t i s o r g a n i s e d by t h e BUSF, n o n - u n i v e r s i t y s p o r t s l a c k any such b o d y .
A l l s t u d e n t s s h o u l d be e q u a l l y housed BUT, a l t h o u g h u n i v e r s i t y accommodation i s i n a d e q u a t e , accommodation i s v i r t u a l l y n o n - e x i s t e n t .
A l l s t u d e n t s need t o m i x w i t h t h o s e s t u d y i n g o t h e r
Technical College
BUT t r a i n e e t e a c h e r s and t e c h n i c a l c o l l e g e s t u d e n t s are i s o l a t e d from other d i s c i p l i n e s . 6.
T e a c h i n g and t e c h n o l o g y are e s s e n t i a l t o n a t i o n a l BUT s i x t h - f o r m e r s conditions.
n a t u r a l l y t r y t o a v o i d g o i n g t o C o l l e g e s w i t h poor
The B i n a r y System i s : -
Comprehensive u n i v e r s i t i e s b r i n g i n g t o g e t h e r a l l s t u d e n t s and
A f a i r b a l a n c e o f c e n t r a l c o n t r o l and i n t e r n a l freedom f o r a l l c o l l e g e s .
3. E q u a l i t y f o r s t a f f and s t u d e n t s . RECENTLY WE HAVE GAINED: 1. More money f o r LEA C o l l e g e Unions 2. A -promise o f h o u s i n g f o r p o l y t e c h n i c s t u d e n t s 3. I n c r e a s e d c a t e r i n g g r a n t s f o r LEA C o l l e g e s . FOR MORE PROGRESS YOUR HELP IS NEEDED S t u d e n t s s h o u l d t a k e a l e a d i n b r e a k i n g down t h e s e b a r r i e r s by s o c i a l n i x i n g w i t h o t h e r c o l l e g e s , j o i n t u n i o n a c t i v i t i e s and amalgamation o f c l u b s and societies. W r i t e t o NUS f o r a copy o f " D i v i d e d We F a l l " t h e st ude nt c a s e . FIGHT FOR COMPREHENSIVE HIGHER EDUCATION
(5p) i f tou want f u l l SUPPORT U . S . K .
details of