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27th January , 1972

No. 307




Piers returns to I.C.




D e m o

. . .


S K I R M I S H E S A fight marred the start of the Demonstration o n Sunday against the government's proposals for Student Unions. It b e g a n when members of the Liaison Committee for the defence of Student Unions and sympathisers moved forward and surrounded the platform at Hyde Park C o r n e r w h e n directions were being given to the assembled multitudes. They were insisting that a miner should s p e a k to them about their struggle for more money. Despite p r o m i s e s that a miner w o u l d b e o n e of the s p e a k e r s at Trafalgar S q u a r e , the L . C . D . S . U . persisted, shouting that they wanted one there and then, and scuffles b r o k e out amongst the ranks. Eventually, after informing them that the microphone was " b r o k e n " , the mob quietened down and order w a s restored. Imperial College, together with the other USK colleges and the Scottish contingent to whom I.C. had played host the previous night, started the march from Imperial Institute Road at 12.15. I.C. was completely outnumbered by the others even at this stage—there were, in fact, probably only about 200 at most of us. In comparison to this, there were at least twice

as many from the rest of U.S.K., and as many again from the Scottish universities. Flanked by a goodly number of the fuzz, they set off across Hyde Park to join contingents from all over the country at Hyde Park corner. There everyone was split into 23 groups, depending on where they came from. The Central London crew and those from

Wales were probably the largest crowds, whereas others were quite noticeable by their absence. The assembly there was well organised and uneventful except for the scuffle mentioned above which happened just before everyone was due to move off at one o'clock. Marching about eight abreast, the demonstration went first down Oxford Street, through the intricacies of the one-way system to Oxford Circus, down Regent Street, across Picadilly Circus and thence down Haymarket to Trafalgar Square. The NUS earlier predicted that 100,000 would turn out for the march (which is decidedly optimistic—the NUS only has 450,000 members in the whole country); the official estimate at 1.40, by which time the march had reached Oxford Circus, was 20,000, and certainly, if they were marching in the groups of 4,000 that they were supposed to be in, that can't have been far out. However, the march was all the same very impressive— it took 40 minutes for it to pass down Haymarket, from which I have just come. Unfortunately for the cause, many students decided not to

demonstrate on behalf of Student Unions but for other causes instead, notably that of the mineworkers. In fact, while standing at Hyde Park before departure, when the officials asked over the loudspeakers whether everyone knew what they were demonstrating for, everyone tittered merrily—but several near me shouted "For the Miners!!" There were so many slogans on the march that it could have been on behalf of almost anything. Of the dozen or so passers-by that I asked, three thought that they were demonstrating for the miners, two for school milk, and several others thought it was just a general anti-government march. One even thought that it was about about Rhodesia. Only one knew what it was all about—the rest were don't knows and don't cares. After speeches from union officials and leaders from the labour party and trade unions 2,000 of the demonstrators moved on to the National Coal Board headquarters, where they chanted slogans of solidarity with the miners. Perhaps the NUM will have a demo for us, some day.

"I am delighted and very grateful to all the students, messengers and staff in I.C. and also up and down the country w h o were s o v o c a l in their support; especially in political matters". Piers C o r b y n , in c a s e you didn't know, has w o n his appeal against the d e c i s i o n of the C o l l e g e to expel him. In fact, as Piers pointed out, This simple statement gives no hint of the actual events be- since he had been working all hind the apparently suspicious through the summer, he would behaviour of the physics de- need some form of holiday after partment. After all the case is the possibility of expulsion had the first to use the appeal sys- been hanging over his head for tem set up in 1966. What is three months. This would acneeded more than anything is count for the drop in his work an accurate record of what has level. One of the strongest points been happening. Piers began his career with in favour of him is a latter writa Royal Scholarship to I.C. ten by one of the Department where he wrote several scienti- professors saying that he confic papers as an undergraduate siders Piers Corbyn to have (e.g. measuring the eccentricity done a sufficient amount of work. This was later retracted of the Earth's orbit at home!). He graduated with a 1st Class for some ill-defined reason but degree in Physics, whereupon all sorts of possibilities spring he joined the Department to do to mind! It also apepars that he was research in Solid State Physics. He passed D.I.C. Theoretical having great personal difficulties around this crucial time. In his Physics in 1969. It was then that his political appeal to the physics departbeliefs became obvious and as ment he goes into great detail President of I.C.U. in 1969-70 about a "Mr. Farquerson and he was responsible for the dis- friends". Apparently Mr. Fartinctly leftish outlook of the querson was a manic depressive and often invited anyone he Union at that time. He started research again in came across back to his flat. For example, 6 male prostitutes 70/71 and became the editor of Sennet. This is recognised by and a "Hello Angel". Some the College as an "accepted Australians who were living in the flat made several calls to University activity". without saying and the Over the summer vacation an Australia gas meter was robbed by perattempt was made to expel him unknown. This resulted in on grounds of insufficient work. sons a telephone bill for £120 and This dragged on for three an electricity bill for £80! months when, in October, he He says that he probably was allowed to remain only on the grounds that he increased made an error of judgement in not telling his supervisor (Prof. his work considerably. Coles) of these troubles, and At this point the Physics De- admits that if he had asked for partment (in the person of Pro- a holiday at the time, the probfessor Coles) and Piers began lem might have resolved itself. to differ on the account. Having read ail t he docuPiers says that he thought the ments and letters conected with warning in October had left him the case, it seems to me that with a "clean sheet" so far as this is an unfortunate example his college record went, and of lack of communication bethat the letter informing him of tween staff and students. The his expulsion came as a great Physics Department appears to shock. have acted very shortsightedly However, in a letter to Piers, in its aceptance of the apparent Professor Coles made it clear facts of the issue. Perhaps spurthat he never considered that red on by a dislike of Piers' this was the case. Apparently, politics they tried to get rid of he and Professor Matthews had him when an excuse presented assumed that since the "deriva- itself. Piers, as well, is guilty of tive of his work rate" had re- a similar lack of trust in his mained positive during August supervisor. and September, there was a If one thing is to be learnt good chance that this would from this unpleasant affair it is continue. It was on this basis that the appeals system appears that Piers was to be allowed to work, and is the best that can back. reasonably be expected.

$ierg before tfje resolution

Thursday, 27th January, 1972


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15 pancake races



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The highlight of last term was the submission to the B o a r d of Studies of a paper reviewing the Diversification of First Degree Courses. Many departments allow, or even insist, that studies include diversified subjects, both to provide a more general education, and to increase the



A s a result of the d i s c u s sion, the spirit of the paper w a s c o m m e n d e d to all departments, and more detailed discussion was encouraged in departments. A l s o , the appointment of an " A c a d e m i c Director" at Professorial

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stragglers' stomp

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Rem Beethoven

Piano . w i l d a n q e l r a a l ste hoc|<fbotS V d a n d o shaft e linda f

etc etc etc

awareness of the scientist or engineer in society. This trend was w e l c o m e d by our own G o v e r n i n g Body, especially in view of the increasing numbers of our graduates entering diverse career fields. Unfortunately, there are still a few departments where no s u c h options are available.



LOOK BACK - LOOK FORWARD Academic Affairs The start of the spring term heralds the s e c o n d major s e s s i o n of most Union activities, and this is certainly s o with A c a d e m ic Affairs. It's thus a c o n venient time to look at "the story s o far", a s well as "what's in store for this term".

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and we entertain pensioners from Beauchamp Lodge at YEOMEN OF THE GUARD




level, to co-ordinate and stimulate progress in this field, will be made before the start of next session. Departmental staff-student committee systems were d i s c u s s e d at some length last term, and on the whole were thought to be functioning satisfactorily. Their development into central d i s c u s s i o n forums continues, and the links between these c o m mittees and the Union are very strong, thanks to the" Departmental Reps. However, there still s e e m s to be a reluctance to " r e c o g n i s e " staff student committees in the college infra-structure, and communicat io n on this side c o u l d be greatly improved. This term sees us looking in detail at tutorial and assessment systems, as well as the Union-wide disc u s s i o n s on the democratic organisation of the college. S o if you've any strong views on these subjects, just drop a note into the Union Office. Well, do you know when your next staff-student committee meeting is?


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Union Tea Party On Thursday of last week there occurred a Union Meeting in the Great Hall. However, to call it this requires a good many more people than actually turned up. There could hardly have been more than 100 and this dwindled steadily through the whole, long, boring one and a half hours. The dictionary defines "boring" as "to weary by uninteresting talk" and I couldn't agree more. Stopping now would give an accurate account of this disaster but as some important topics were dragged to the surface by various people sitting at the front I must continue. After the reading of the minutes the president woke up to challenge the quorum. Dave Amos then informed us that this meeting of ICU would now be known as "a gathering of IC students". This, therefore, invalidated all the votes taken later although Dave Hobman said the discussion would help to formulate the executives' ideas on certain subjects. There were three main topics to be discussed: Piers Corbyn; Northern Ireland; NUS emergency conference on Jan. 29/30. At the last meeting Piers spent the whole time talking about himself and as a consequence the rest of the agenda had to be postponed until Thursday.

These two subjects would in themselves have taken a long time without the first three-quarters of an hour being taken up by Piers himself. He spent this time in congratulating himself and others in their magnificent struggle against the politically inspired attempt of the college to expel him. In the process he accused John McCullough of helping them and said he considered the union vote in his favour as one of no-confidence in the president. Annoyance (or was it dismay?) flickered across his face as he was told then that the assembly had no power to pay his solicitor's fees and that he would have to wait for the next meeting before this could be discussed.

believes that the British Army is imperialist" giving the general level of his alterations. By this time the first hour and one quarter had just passed and it was difficult to decide who was more bored; the president or the vice-president. Things livened up a bit, however, when they started shouting at each other over the amount of business included in each meeting. Another quarter of an hour was too much and the "group of IC students" quietly dissolved.

Now of course you will say, "Well I'm glad I didn't go. It was just as bad as I thought it would be". But you are making a fundamental mistake. Of course, it was badly advertised, badly laid out, badly planned (?), but these The Northern Ireland motion things are only likely to change was sensibly put forward by if enough people can be bothJohn Sommer as a counter to ered to come along. The worst the likely massive support for striking thing is the amount of the IRA at the emergency con- students at a meeting discussing ference. The essence of this a controversial issue. However, document is the belief that vio- the important everyday business lence of any kind cannot pro- of a union is rarely interesting duce an acceptable solution and but it must be supported. There only a political answer can be is little point fighting to save lasting. As this has not had your your union if no one wants to support the motion will go to make use of its most important the conference under the head- aspect. We might as well have a ing of external affairs. Piers had purely social organisation with recommended that the whole no power to affect college policy. document be changed with the Think twice before missing most ridiculous statement "ICU the next one!

Editorial T h e new term has begun in a mode w h i c h suggests that it intends to be typical. O n Sunday, 23rd January a m a r c h took p l a c e to demonstrate against the green paper on students unions. I.C. had a turn out to lend support to this worthy c a u s e w h i c h w a s even s u r p a s s e d by our lovable p o l i c e forces first c l a s s support of our c a u s e . There have also been two union meetings in the first two weeks of term neither of w h i c h has been quorate. Of course the important issues taking p l a c e in the college bars and at the constituent c o l l e g e fun sessions have, as usual, been well supported, together with even more critical matters to be d e c i d e d on the playing fields of Harlington. Please do not now derive the opinion that I object to any of the activities mentioned in the last sentence, except perhaps to e x c e s s e s of the former. What I am trying to illustrate is the important question of priorities. If you believe that Piers C o r b y n has a reasonable c a s e for complaint then you should be at the union meeting to support it. If you think that he genuinely is a lazy g o o d for nothing and should be expelled from the college they you should be at the union meeting to stop him spending Y O U R money on his solicitors fees, not to mention his attempts to s p e n d your money on I.R.A. bombs (you too c a n kill an Irish c h i l d ) . Whatever you believe in you have a duty to express your opinion at the union meeting above almost every other duty you may have. Y o u may, of c o u r s e , think that unions are silly and how many pints of beer you c a n drink are the more important part of your colleg e life, after all w o u l d y o u be as c a p a b l e of damaging our halls of residence, etc., without them. O n c e again you are entitled to your opinion but surely if you think that unions are silly you should try and support M r s . Thatcher's ideas in every way possible, as they are guaranteed to get rid of it for you (be careful, it may also get rid of a c o u p l e of bars). A s however I have not s e e n anybody actively supp o s i n g Mrs. Thatcher I c a n only d e d u c e that everybody who joins this solid body of apathy believes in true apathy. G o o d for y o u . I'm always p l e a s e d to s e e someone with the c o u r a g e of his convictions, indeed at the present rate I too may give up h o p e for the future and join your m a s s e s . O h ! but c a n I do that if I have actually gone so far as to think about why I don't want to think about anything. I'm c o n f u s e d , better go for a pint! Returning refreshed to my d e s k I am feeling more understanding towards the apathetic majority. It is an historical fact that people are always apathetic until they are united by g o o d leadership. I must agree with the c o n c e n s u s of o p i n i o n in the c o l l e g e that the present technique of leadership breeds apathy in that it breeds b o r e d o m . If w e are to save our union and simultaneously, I believe, a lot of our interest in life, we must urge our leaders to lead us or resign. This unfortunately will never c o m e to pass b e c a u s e to implement this w e need a quorate union meeting. Impossible they c r i e d , and c r i e d , and c r i e d .


ads PUCH Maxi Moped (June 70), 1,700 miles only, £50 o.n.o.— Contact Poon, Man.Sci. COPY TYPING of Theses, Reports, Etc. Rates: 15p per A4 size page, 13p quarto, graphs

Page 3


Thursday, 27th January, 1972

and diagrams extra.—Contact Jamie, Int. 3416 between 12.30 and 2.00. ANYONE wishing to participate in a small experiment 'lasting approx. 20 mins. should contact M. Garneau, Video Lab, Elec. Eng. (Room 1108), Int. 3152. JOB, part-time for UG interested in Elec. Eng., graphics and unconventional. — Apply "Christine Harris", c/o Felix. SAVE TIME AND ££££ on all your print—letterpress, litho, silkscreen, etc.—by dealing through East Anglia's leading print brokers, now in London. —Oily Dowson, Maths. 1.

Renders write... Kouncil Sir, Yes, I'm afraid that it's another slam at Council, last night's in particular. I am convinced that Council in it's present form has ceased to perform as a useful and contributory area of ICU. Last night's mammoth session of 7 i hours adequately illustrates this view in my opinion. On the agenda were some vitally important items, fundamental to the very aims and objects of ICU, yet we were stifled by obstruction, pettiness and dogma. I would at this point like to state quite categorically that all was not wasted. There was some useful and meaningful discussion, but even this was clouded. Piers Corbyn's academic affairs have blown up again, in a very nasty fashion. Council showed unanimity of thought, although Piers was somewhat evasive as to how much work he has actually done of recent. Other points were dealt with moderately efficiently, such as Finance, Minutes of the last meeting, etc., and most of the reports. The one report that caused trouble was the Entg. report. It would appear that too many people are rumouring too much about something they know all too little. Even the President's report was fairly uncontroversiall But then came the needle issues. Student Union autonomy and Structure of ICU. These two issues were reduced to a level of personal recrimination. I believe Council showed itself to be unable to discuss vitally important topics in an adult and rational manner. Within a short space of time, the entire debate was reduced to petty bickering. Council actually managed to pass judgement on an ICUGM, the now infamous Dec. 2nd meeting, condemning the filibustering that led to the passing of a motion of dubious support, and proceeded on the next item of business to push through an amended amendment in a way that amounted to little less than filibustering again. Council spent 45 minutes discussing a procedural motion on a point of order on an amendment to a motion! Both tempers and friends were apparently lost in A\ hours of temporary insanity. I believe that Hobman and Amos were pushing their luck if they really thought that their motion would be passed or even discussed fully. It was perhaps foolhardy to even propose such an extreme motion as thev did. Whether they proposed it



out of sheer spite, as was suggested openly at Council, I wouldn't like to say, but I would like to think that Hobman and Amos are more responsible than that. The opposers of the motion, I believe, stifled discussion to achieve its defeat and aid the substitution of their own, with the result that the whole issue was inadequately debated. The amended motion was then effectively destroyed by further amendments. We reached a point when, after about 4 hours, an amendment was proposed and passed which negated all that had been decided over the past 4 hours. It was at this point that ritual suicide occurred. Council then voted to ignore the vote they had just passed, quite democratically at that, and revots on the amendment. Fortunately it was wittv drawn before any further damage could be delivered. The amended motion was passed in entirety shortly after, with little more fuss. The meeting Jacked an experienced Chair, although the Chairman for the greater part of the meeting should be congratulated for his handling of the proceedings, considering that it was his first experience in Chairing a major meeting. McCullough showed that he was not a good chairman and moreover he showed that he was prepared to go to considerable degrees of obstruction to get his own way when debating a motion. What can be learnt? Council standing orders are totally unwieldy and may require extensive alteration. Council is net sufficiently flexible and relies too heavily on procedure and precedent. Council is motivated too greatly by personal opinion and, dare I say it, personal gain, at the expense of ICU as a whole. Maybe, however, my last comment was too uncharitable, but Council members of the present and future would do well to bear this in mind to avoid this accusation being made with complete justification sometime hence. No one came out of this meeting with anything approaching clean hands, except perhaps Dave Hobman's kitten who was too young to know any better. But there again Zee must have had some thoughts on the matter, as he expressed them with clarity, dignity, and proliferation dead in the centre of the floor. Yours, etc., DISILLUSIONED.

Scene Piggies Great Hall. 3 big pigs, lots of little pigs and a stuck pig (who is stuck). Little pigs: Let's help. What shall we do? We all want to help don't we? He's one of us. 1 st Big Pig: Let's do it my way. 2nd Big Pig: Let's discuss it for a few hours. 3rd Big Pig: Let's do nothing. He might escape anyway. Everyone- Yes. We're bored. Let's go home. Stuck Pig: Help! Exit. Yours, F. DERBYSHIRE J. R. OWEN F. R. SHEPHERD

N o n R e t u r n a b l e P a p e r Dear Sir, We would like to inform members of I.C. that an Ecological Action Group has been formed jointly by I.C. Society for Social Responsibility in Science and Wellsoc Pollution Group. The first project which we have undertaken is that of recycling used computer paper which is at present wasted. We intend giving it to the "Fight for Sight" Charity, who will sell it to paper mills for re-use. We appeal to all computer users to put their used computer print-out in our collecting boxes, which will shortly appear in all depts. If you are interested in the group's activities, please contact one of us. Yours, DOT GRIFFITH, Industrial Sociology (INT 4247) JOHN R. HALL, Materials Sci. II MIKE ROBSON, Chemistry P.G. BASIA ZABA, Maths. III.

Letters to be featured on this page should be sent to the Editor via the union letter rack, where there is a special pigeon hole for Felix. The Editor reserves the right to omit or cut any letters submitted.

Wbftts On Thursday 27 13.00 IC Union meeting. Great Hall. 13.00 Lunch-hour concert: Elizabeth W i l s o n (cello) and Kathron Sturrock (piano). Library, 53 P r i n c e ' s Gate. 17.00 IC B i o c h e m i c a l S o c iety: Dr. D. A. Rees " W h y the jelly wobb l e s " . B i o c h e m 303. 18.00 A r a b Soc. International W e e k of Solidarity with the A r a b People. " T h e Revolution in the A r a b i a n Gulf". M e c h E n g 342. 19.30 W e l l s o c filmshow. " T h o s e Magnificent M e n in their Flying Machines". Mech Eng 220. Friday 28 18.30 Arab Soc. "Oil Monopolies and Arab Liberation Movement" . Mech Eng 122. Saturday 2 9 — S u n d a y 30 Touchstone Weekend. Dr. V e r a de Blue. " S o l i t u d e and the terror from outs i d e " . S i l w o o d Park. M o n d a y 31 19.30 W e l l s o c . Mr. D. B. Longmore. " How and when we should replace the heart". M e c h Eng 220. Tuesday 1 Asia 19.30 South East Society. Ceylon C u l tural Evening (Exotic food, drink, exhibition, dance, song) 30p (25p in advance). Friday 4 19.15 " B r o n c o Bullfrog " and De S i c a ' s " The Bicycle Thieves", Great Hall. Tickets from Tizard 434. Saturday 5 O s i b i s a 60p. Monday 7 19.30 W e l l s o c . Dr. J . Stollery " B e y o n d C o n corde?" 19.30 IC Operatic Society. " T h e Y e o m a n of the G u a r d " . Union C o n cert Hall. Monday 7 until Friday 11.

i Dave Sugden edited this issue of FELIX, newspaper of Imperial j i College Union, with able assistance from Mary Short, Colette • i Robertson and Dave Gribble. Oliver F. Dowser, Ross McBeath • i and Bernard Williams wrote the articles whilst Bob Carter and •

Do you want to read books by :



I Bryan, Bob Carter and Syd Amos. Sports editing by Chris Potter.:



I Photographs were taken, developed and printed by Colin McCall:



I and John Horsefall with typing etc. by Miss R. J . Faulkner.!



j Business and Circulation Management by John Stares. National j





I John Stares concocted the features. Reviews were by John i

j advertising agents are University Press Representation, Grand | i Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London WC2 (Bless their cotton \ i socks).



Get them from the i

FELIX is printed by F. Bailey & Son Ltd., Dursley, Gloucester- j

• shire, and published by the editor on behalf of ICU Publications j | Board, London SW7 2BB. Tel. 01-589-2963 (Int. 2881).



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Level 2, Library Block Open Mon. to Fri., 10—5.30


Page 4


Thursday, 27th January, 1972



Lord Many problems exist at the United Nations; it should be re named "International Frustration", said Lord Caradon whilst speaking at I.C. by invitation ot Third World First—U.N.S.A. Although he spoke only of immediate conflicts, he stated that the more important issues such as Race, Poverty and Population should not be overlooked.

The glamour that one initially attaches to a new job, a new home, a new woman, or even just a new feeling is so seldom realised, it was therefore with great surprise that, within a month of joining the helix staff I received an oner of a free reporting trip. M u c h more surprising was the fact that this was a three-day trip . . . to Paris! All this, long s i n c e past, happened at tne beginning o* last term. Hoverlloyd, the private company providing a Gross-Channel hovercraft service had written making the offer. To gain publicity, they chose to invite (from all the L o n d o n colleges ) a Felix reporter for the ride. The itinerary was explained simply as three days in Paris, travelling there on the first day and back again on the last. We were to travel by a sandwich combination of Coach-HovercraftC o a c h . Little more was said until the departure day gradually drew closer. I went to the bank and withdrew my life savings so that I could at least take advantage of the duty free opportunity that return would offer and then waited. On a typically c o l d December morning I got up at the unusually early hour of 7.00 a.m., four hours sleep behind me, and p a c k e d , ate and made my way to Victoria C o a c h Station. The C o a c h Station was empty, almost ghostly I thought when I arrived, but the c o a c h was there. The engine was running, warming the c o a c h for the c o m ing run to Ramsgate. A charming chatty bird arrived a bit later. That cheered me. Another one, younger but almost as charming arrived after (I

prefer 'em experienced) and we set off. Not quite as simple a journey as I wouid nave liked, b e c a u s e it transpired that tnere were some other men c o m ing too. h o u r s after we got to R a m s g a t e — h e l l , is tne M2 boring! Ramsgate Hoverterminal is like a mini-airport— a Hoverport they call it. Environmentalists may rememoer the prooiems hoverlloyd had in persuading Pegweil Bay locais that what tney had aiways wanted was a hoverport in their front gardens. Hoverlloyd won and a local who was with us tried to assure me that the peasants were now c o n v i n c e d . I mignt have been, had not this particular person spent the whole summer working for the very people organising the trip! In fairness the Hoverport does not look too out of piace, and considering it cost £1.5 million to build, it's not badly finished either. We saw a Hovercraft from the terminal. A big thing, its large snout o p e n , ready to swallow the first 35 cars that might c o m e its way. Like S e a s p e e d ( B R ' s service) Hoverlloyd operate B H C S R . N 4 ' s , now referred to as the Mountbatten C l a s s . These things are certainly impressive, capable of carrying up to 60 ton disposabl e loads at s p e e d s of over 50 knots. After a while we boarded, the local rag's photographer took our photo (never happened to me before!) and the craft rose, gently cresting the waves and speeding into the C h a n n e l — s o o n to cross those notorious G o o d w i n s . The hostesses c a m e round after a while offering their wares (drinks, etc.), (One word

about the hostesses—they are not up to airline standards, at least in looks, most look like 30-40 year old h o u s e w i v e s ) . People's reactions by this stage are variable, some go very white. I found the sensation of travelling in big hovercraft exhilarating. Previously in the year I had c r o s s e d the Soient in a S e a s p e e d side-wall craft, but this was really something c o m pletely different. After a while we were invited uptop. (I forget whether it was the bridge or the c o c k p i t ) . The pilot (1 rememoer that bit) perched upon a high seat had a vastly superior view than the passengers below him. A whole array of instruments before him, his lot is very similar to that of an airline pilot. Gradually they showed us almost everything about the craft (except a look under the skirt). Very safe I thought! I might say that I have sinc e met someone they nearly mowed down midchannel. The French terminal was less impressive. Smaller, yet with much more officious staff — altogether French. (Don't be surprised if I say I really like them). There is, however, a plaque to s o m e b o d y or other—a load of c o c k . The worst part was to c o m e and I think I should say, by c h o i c e , I would not travel from London to Paris by Hovercraft. Four hours in a comfortable French c o a c h wouldn't be too bad if it were c o m fortable, if it had been warmer, and if the driver hadn't c h o s e n to stop in the middle of nowhere with little to see except row upon row of British WW1 war graves; what a lovely war.

A major problem at the U.N., he continued, was that its members tried to assert their nationalist policies at an international level. He had little sympathy for people who criticised the United Nations for failure to solve problems. The agreement made in San Francisco resulting in the foundation of the United Nations is still as valid and correct now as it was then. People tend to think of the U.N. as a large impersonal organisation which can solve any problems. Unfortunately, they always come too late with their problems when they have succeeded in making a mess of them. However, by condemning the U.N'., they are only condemning themselves and their own failure to reach a reasonable conclusion.



the greatest that has ever faced mankind. Lord Caradon went on to explain the function and usefulness ot the U.N. First its use as an "International Forum" where all nations' views can be heard. By way of illustration he recalled that four years ago, Malta had called for a resolution declaring sea-bed mineral resources the property of all mankind. This resolution gained support and was finally accepted unanimously, clearly demonstrating how a small country can contribute to important international policies.

His second point was that the U.N. provides a unique situation for good contact between high-ranking officials of most countries and the eventual understanding of most problems. He gave vivid details of how he walked back and forth down 3rd Avenue in New York trying to settle Arab and Israeli problems and how with his personal understanding with a Russian representative, the Soviet Union did not veto a proposition for its own sake. Whereas in the good old days, a diplomat was forced to travel from country to country, he can now do most of his business at the U.N. This has led to "A New He also warned of the "com- Parliamentary World Diplomplacency" of the predominantly acy" with a public declaration white minority that controls of the results obtained. In other most of the world's wealth words, a problem has to be whilst largely ignoring the pre- solved, or failure admitted. He sence of the coloured majority pointed out that the Paris of the world's population that" Peace Talks between North and is suffering from poverty, over- South Vietnam, the Vietcong population and illiteracy. This and the U.S.A. have and probproblem, he believes, is one of ably will fail to reach a conclu-

I.C. sion for this reason. Finally, he spoke of the ability of the U.N. to act as a "Machine for International Development", to alleviate poverty by population and other controls. He quoted the case of Jamaica, which received a large inflow of cash after the discovery of bauxite. Whilst schools and hospitals were being built, the population (which nobody was concerned about) was rising so rapidly as a result, that after ten years, the people were worse off. Other countries have population problems, e.g. India, where it is increasing at 1 million a month, clearly this problem must be solved before any raising in the standard of living can occur. Race, poverty and population are the international problems of the future, but certain political problems still exist. For example, the Conference on the Environment in Stockholm is imperilled by the political considerations of E. Germany. Lord Caradon continually emphasised the policy of success on the international scene that is required, rather than victory on the nationalist scale. He answered several questions and emphasised this in his replies. On being questioned on Northern Ireland, he replied that ne was not familiar with the situation there which was the reason for his inclusion in the recent B.B.C. investigation. Altogether, he is to be congratulated on a fine delivery, a very amusing, eloquent and agreeable talk.

McLooge Expands Paris had c h a n g e d little since I had last visited her. There's little to tell those who have been and for those who haven't, well you should . We were wined and dined both nights by our hosts. The food was g o o d , the wine was ordinaire, and the meal took a long time to eat. My Whole day in Paris was spent ohrissy shopping, etc., having been unable to rise before 12.00 noon due to the effects of the meal (etc.) the night before. Return was the same as going. Even to the names on those c r o s s e s (you would not forget them either if you saw them). A c o m p a n i o n joined our fold for the return. S h e was called Irene, was attractive, talked knowiedgeably and enjoyed the ride. I mention this b e c a u s e she was probably the fairest test. She had wanted to travel the cheapest way and time was immaterial. Duty free laden, and very tired, I returned to Linstead about 50 hours after I left. I had spent 15 travelling and about 8 sleeping and I had enjoyed it.

We're now getting well into the second term and the Union Autonomy issue is still tending to dwarf some other issues, including:— DIVERSIFICATION Following the Board of Studies Meeting in November, when the idea of an Academic Director was accepted and the adoption of more diversified courses was encouraged to departments, the Registrar sent a note to all Heads of Department asking them to pursue the matter further. This departmental level of representation is where the chance of true participation in College government might be. A new course — "Science in Society" is being prepared by the Industrial Sociology Unit and hopefully will be introduced into most depts. next year. Get details off Chris Sheppard (Civil Engineering Dept. Rep.), and use your staff/student Committee to make sure your Dept. gives you this course as an option next year. POSTGRADUATES Whilst P.G.'s are in no way discriminated against by the Union e.g.) Grants rises, Ravenscourt Pk. Flats, Student Welfare Services, Sports Facilities. Entertainments, STOIC, Felix, Clubs, etc., nevertheless the involvement of postgraduates within Union activities always seems to fall well short of that of undergraduates and some of the P.G. problems that are peculiar to them e.g.) Lab. safety, Demonstrating Fees, etc., possibly don't get enough discussion. This may largely stem from the greater isolation of P.G.'s, both from U.G.'s and also other fellow P.G.'s. To combat this the Union Council will be considering in the near future

plans for a P.G. affairs officer and P.G. association. REPRESENTATION This has been a silent subject for the last year or so, but still the Union lacks representation in such areas as choosing Hall wardens, membership of the Deans' Committee, etc. STUDENT W A G E In the midst of Press discussions of the Consultative Document Proposals, there was a report in the Times of a reconsideration of the loans for P.G.'s question. It is in this context that students must develop the concept of a student wage—a lot of the work P.G.'s do is put to use for industry, government, etc.—P.G.'s should get paid for this work. The concept of a student wage is now widely accepted by students—we must now apply it to areas of difficulty, e.g., long vacations, nature of study, etc. to fix our own boundary condition that would make it feasible and not just a weapon with which students could be even more regimented by Colleges, e.g.) Southampton, where some P.G.'s have to clock in, and must work a minimum of 40 hours a week in the lab. MINERS' STRIKE Men, working in far from pleasant conditions in many cases, are taking home wage packets of less than £20 a week in a lot of cases. When there is an enforced overtime ban by the N.C.B. as there has been recently in many areas, these wage packets can drop as low as £13-£14. How can students, as a part of society, not want to add their voice in this matter. If you've got any comments— come and see us in the Union Office.

Thursday, 27th January, 1972


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SO Y O U W A N T T O SEE A P L A Y There are a great many theatres in L o n d o n , in fact about 50 or s o , ranging from the vast and vastly commercia l Drury Lane Theatre (which will s o o n be mounting a musical, Gable-less ' G o n e With The W i n d ' for a c o o l £150,000), through the diminutive A m bassadors with the everlasting " M o u s e t r a p " , to the non-profit making (well, they say they planned it that way) " A l m o s t Free T heat r e" . Y o u pays your money and you takes your c h o i c e . But, I hear you at the b a c k cry, what money? Grant? A good ticket for a West End play will cost about £1.50 or s o , but there are p l a c e s which are Arts C o u n c i l or otherwise s u b s i d i z e d and are thus cheaper. It is therefore the s o l e m n duty of this article to give an impression of what is available at student rates and what (in my view) is worthwhile that is not. The list is by no means comprehensive and is rather subjective. Tough. Blame S u g d e n .

Shaw Theatre

25p. The productions are generally straightforward and textual, especially the S h a k e s p e a r e , and this will certainly be true of the forthcoming " R o m e o and Juliet" (of which the Y o u n g V i c managed to make s u c h a m e s s ) . The set-up is remarkably plush, with a nicely modern auditorium and about the longest Theatre bar in London . Friendly folks, but be careful about opening the 'envelope' programmes. They spill everywhere.

Young Vic (near Old V i c , W a t e r l o o ) . Michael Croft was consistently refused Arts C o u n c i l money to set up the Dolphin C o m p a n y , but Olivier's s i d e k i c k Frank hand-in-yer-pocket Dunlop got a brand new Theatre, plus working capital without having to ask twice. All tickets are 40p, for which the director demonstrates how m u c h cleverer he is than the playwright, especially Shakespeare. But don't let me put you off. B o o k next door at the National's office.

f t w i x t Euston and St. P a n eras).

Almost Free Theatre

M i c h a e l Croft, founder of the splendid "National Youth Theatre", set up the professional Dolphin C o m pany at the Shaw, largely with the help of C a m d e n C o u n c i l . The aim is " T o provide g o o d Theatre at prices young people c a n afford"; so, on production of a Student C a r d , you zan get a pretty g o o d seat for

(Rupert Street, near P i c a dilly C i r c u s ) . E d B e r m a n , or Professor R. L. Dogg (Dogg R. L — get it?) of Inter-Action Productions runs this curious centre for three fringe c o m p a n i e s (including his own "Dogg's Troupe") providing theatre at any price you want to pay for a ticket. A s well as evening performances there are lunch-time performances starting at 1.15 p.m., fin-

ishing about 2 p.m. Despite their seemingly suicidal financial policy the place exudes an air of artistic endeavour — whether this will survive when the novelty wears off is open to speculation. Don't expect ice-cream in the interval, but just mutter about Pinter, Surrealism, how well lonesco did this, and how important it all is, and you should pass off as trendy.

Royal Court (Sloane S q u a r e ) . The Court is the only Theatre in U.S.K., and is, as the home of the English Stage C o m p a n y , Arts Council subsidized. Any tickets unsold by 5 minutes before the performa n c e are sold to students for 25 pence. There has been a good run of plays from here recently — " T h e Philanthropist", " T h e C o n t r a c t o r " , " H o m e " (recently televised), "The Changing Room" and "West of S u e z " have all attained West End transfers. Small (440 seats) and pleasant. T h e Theatre Upstairs is the Court's experimental wing, and as s u c h produces anything sufficiently novel to attract critical attention.

National Theatre at the Old Vic (Waterloo). The Larry Olivier M o b . It is critically fashionable to slate the National at the moment, but they are not at all bad and the sicklycomic "The National H e a l t h " is well worth seeing. No cheap student sates I'm afraid, but the gallery is great fun (seated 15p, or standing 10p). Programmes are rather expensive, though you do get a cast list free, and bars are plentiful. S o are Student Nurses in the gallery.

Royal Shakespeare Company at the Aldwych World-wide, probably the best English-speaking C o m p a n y just now, but Old Bill would not recognise much of the material in current repertoire here—only one of the plays is his, and that (Midsummer Night's Dream) is a Peter B r o o k directorial rehash. Like the National, this gang are getting a brand-new multi-million pound Theatre in the near future, so they are worth seeing just for the s a k e of

keeping an eye on your investment. However, o n c e again, like the National there are no Student R e ductions as s u c h , but reductions and other benefits c a n be obtained by joining the R.S.C. Club. The National also has one. Economists c a n have fun working out how many tickets must be bought to break-even on the membership fee. No c h e a p gallery tickets.

Theatre Clubs T h e Theatre C l u b s have largely faded out of importance now that there is no Lord C h a m b e r l a i n to stop actors taking their clothes off and saying nasty words. However, the Hampstead Theatre C l u b ( S w i s s Cottage) p r o d u c e s some g o o d stuff as a sort of Londo n Off-Broadway, and Theatre 84 (Margaret Street) as a sort of OffOff-Broadway.

'MM •yM!

If S till i






^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Mermaid (next to Blackfriars Tube) There is a unique aura about this reconstructed riverside warehouse, with its open stage and simple raked auditorium, rugged and evocative without being uncomfortable, t u c k e d away below Blackfriars Bridge in the nightly deserted City. The plays are general unusual (Albert C a m u s at the moment) — but g o o d . No reductions, but the atmosphere makes up for that. My favourite Theatre.

Roundhouse ( C h a l k Farm Tube) Like the Mermaid's warehouse, this building was not originally a Theatre but an engine shed, making the new National and R . S . C . p a l a c e s look rather whitely elephantine. Old timber and wrought iron arches give character to this temple of the vaguely avant-garde, for Tynan's " O h ! C a l c u t t a ! " , Warhol's "Pork", Othello's " C a t c h My S o u l " and T e b e l a k ' s " G o d s p e l l " all started Londo n life here. A sort of young Mermaid. There is a g o o d fish and chip shop a c r o s s the road.

The acting schools R.A.D.A. a n d L.A.M.D.A. also have c l u b s for their student productions. I think.

Others The " O p e n A i r T h e a t r e " in Regent's Park is magical on a summer's evening — just ignore the B o e i n g s —

and it Is not to be c o n fused with Mankowitz's O p e n S p a c e (Tottenham Court R o a d ) , desperately avant-garde, sweetie. T h e Greenwich Theatre ( G r e e n w i c h Park) is cheaper than the West E n d , but less a c c e s s i b l e . The newly rebuilt Westminster Theatre (near Victoria) is run by M.K.A. (Moral Re-Armament) and tends to give away tickets to students if approached.

Dress & fings N o b o d y s e e m s to dress for the Tneatre nowadays, onstage or off. " O h ! C a l cutta!'' calls for a clean overcoat or M a c , but that's aoout it, apart from an obligatory appearance of destitution for Fringe Theatre. Information for West E n d appears in the quality dailies, "Time O u t " and "What's O n ? " carrying the rest. Tickets by 'phone (collect 30 minutes Defore p e r f o r m a n c e s ) , or from Theatre B o x Office (don't expect politeness, they re all failed a c t o r s ) , or Keith Prowse.

Really cheap Theatre Get to know some London stagehands (any pub near a Theatre, but the Playbill bar, St. A l b a n ' s Street is best) and they'll get you 'papers' (useful jargon to d r o p ) . Or join N A T K E (National A s s o c i a tion of Theatre and Kine m a E m p l o y e e s ) . Or review plays for Felix.

McLOOGE SPEAKS One of the very beneficial side-effects of the A u tonomy Campaign has been the basis of this C a m p a i g n on area organisations (like U.S.K.) with such features as area marches, area fund raising events and area General meetings. The development of areas is the student body's way of fighting the Binary System, that regulation educational division whereby you go to a plush University with good R e s i d e n c e Halls, sports facilities and Union facilities, whilst some of your old s c h o o l pals go to the poorer relations of higher education — polytechnics, Colleges of Education, T e c h n i c a l c o l l e g e s , etc. — with their often dreadful lack of residential, sporting, union facilities. A n d this material division is only reflective of the much more potent education div-

ision whereby all the best 6th formers are s u p p o s e d to go to University, whilst the "not-so-bright lads and l a s s e s " go to Polys., Colls , of E d . etc. Whilst the battle against the binary system within s c h o o l education (i.e. Comprehensive v Grammar Schools) is slowly making advances, no s u c h a d v a n c e s have been made within the realms of Higher Education why can't we have Comprehensiv e Universities, where education stuwork alongside dents s c i e n c e students, art students, engineering students, etc.? In supporting the N.U.S. and all the teaching Unions who have c o m e out solidly against the J a m e s Report, we are fighting the battle, for equality in Higher Education equality in society and for justice. L O N G LIVE U.S.K.!

Thursday, 27th January, 1972


Page 6


REVIEWS FILMS I've been writing about films over the last term and have s c a r c e l y mentioned the Film Society. On the 4th February in the Great Hall we are showing Barney Piatts-Mills' B R O N C O B U L L F R O G , which I mentioned when I reviewed his s e c o n d film "Private R o a d " last term. Barney Platts-Mills is perhaps the most promising British Director to have emerged in recent years. There is the same b a s i c theme — the conflict between personal aspirations and the restraints of society, but Platts-Mills has f o c u s e d his attention on Del, a young East Ender in a steady, but soul destroying, job as a welder and the film tells of his attempts to e s c a p e from this mainly to be alone with Irene, his girl friend. Bronco Bullfrog has great glamour for Del

in that he has e s c a p e d from Borstal. Del takes Irene for a trip to the West End which ends abortively in a Wimpy bar. Del's motor bike and their attempts to start a new life in the country are all destroyed. The film ends abruptly where it is obvious that Del and Irene must bow to society's demands in order to survive. It s o u n d s very pessimistic, but even at the most pessimistic points the characters always seem to extract excitement and impromptu fun from their environment. Filmed with an entirely amateur cast, from an improvised script this film is excellent. For a first film from a British director it is very g o o d and due to the lack of either sex or violence in the film it is unlikely to obtain a general release in this country. S o

C E N T E N A R Y Saturday, 4th December 1971 s a w the start of the " Centenary Touchstone " —the 100th touchstone sinc e Sir R o d e r i c k s Hill instigated the idea over 20 years ago. The c o n c e p t of " T o u c h stone weekends" has c h a n g e d little s i n c e its inception and was admirably explained in the last Felix Touchstone report. Something of a nostalgic feeling was instilled into the group by the arrival, from Lever Bros. Ltd., of a replica of the original T o u c h stone symbol. A Port Sunlight s o a p b o x . The box is admirably referred to as "the box of free s p e e c h " with the additional rider "but not free l i c e n c e " . A pity. "America & Asia — a clash of c u l t u r e s ? " the w e e k e n d ' s topic, s e e m e d to cover the whole field of discussion . Philip C a l k i n s , Professor of Indian History at C h i c a g o University was available as Guest S p e a k e r to start the ball rolling and then, very subtly and tactfully, guide it in the right direction. The Professor was much more the Americ a n a c a d e m i c : friendly, sociable , young and interested — some contrast to s o m e of his British counterparts.

on the 4th February at 7.15 p.m. in the Great Hall I.C. gets its c h a n c e . A l s o we are showing Vittorio De S i c a ' s 1948 c l a s s i c " B i cycle Thieves". At last year's (1971) L o n d o n Film Festival the film that opened the Festival was J a c q u e s Tati's latest film T R A F F I C . Eventually I caught up with the film and it has been very difficult to review. There were several very funny parts and many other parts the rest of the audience found funny (perhaps they weren't in as much difficulty with the French as I w a s — a few subtitles help; please distributors!), but overall the film was a little patchy, with long stretches when nothing happened. A very disappointing film c o m p a r e d with his 1952 " M . Hulot's H o l i d a y " .


M u c h was said. The speaker felt we were questioning whether Western technology was something which c o u l d be given to underdeveloped nations, provided we overcame conservative, peasant and religious prejudices. Do you regard the East as exotic? — almost certainly; if not, your mind will probably conjure pictures of religious ceremonies, or a caste system, or just poor, o v e r p o p u l a t e d people. The exotic view has certainly persisted s i n c e C o l o n i a l times. Indeed, it has been encoura g e d . The East cultivated the religious view for being subject. A m e r i c a , the speaker felt, had regarded herself as the protector of the C h i n e s e peoples—it never had been, and was understandably hurt, like an "unwanted parent", by the Communist s u c c e s s in 1948. The title certainly proved sufficiently provocative to attract two A m e r i c a n students to the d i s c u s s i o n , though as a first-timer, I couldn't help feeling that the group was based on a very hard core of regulars. This is not by encouragement, and all are welcome.

I really think it's a pity that more people don't try a Touchstone weekend. It is only £ 1 . The next T o u c h stone speaker will be Mary Whitehouse. I've b o o k e d .

W h e n Rory Gallagher performs on stage he gives his audience the thumbs up sign quite a lot and stomps about continuously. He is undoubtedly one of the most exciting performers in Britain today, but has the advantage over other " e x c i t i n g " performers in that he is an excellent guitarist, particularly on slide guitar where he ranks with J o h n n y Winter and the late Duane A l l m a n . Don't miss the c h a n c e to see him in the Great Hall this w e e k e n d . In the past, however, the excitement of his music s e e m e d to melt away on record. T h e temptations of

DISCS overdubbing in a modern studio must have been too much b e c a u s e he introd u c e d jazzy alto-sax which sounded o.k. but just didn't make it c o m p a r e d to the raw rock which we knew he was c a p a b l e of. Only " L i v e T a s t e " was able to capture the atmosphere he e n g e n d e r e d . But this album is more what I had in mind. Almost certainly recorded live in a studio with a bit of crude production here and there, and the result is the best album he's done. Of c o u r s e it's not just the f e e d b a c k that makes it so g o o d . The s o n g s are a lot more meaningful than the

"I got a woman she's so m e a n " lyrics with which he's been associated. A n d there's bassist Gerry M c Avoy and drummer Wilgar Campbell, so often overshadowed by Rory but both very competent. A s well as the straight-ahead rockers like "In Your T o w n " (the best track) there are Rory's attempts to get into a purer blues bag, like " Should've Learn't My L e s s o n " and "Out of My M i n d " , which sounds a lot like Don Partridge (remember?). But most of the tracks jump off the turntable and p u n c h you in the guts. A fine album.

PLAYS Late last term 1 went to see " D e a r A n t o i n e " and " A Day in the Death of J o e E g g " , both of which have now, unfortunately, c l o s e d . Both deserved the highest praise —+ " J o e E g g " for the grey c o m e d y with which Peter Nichols colours his picture of parents caring for their 'vegetable' child, and " D e a r A n t o i n e " for Anouilh's slowly revealed depths of emotion and a magnificent " C o u p de T h e a t r e " in the third act. But David Storey's " T h e C h a n g i n g R o o m " (Globe) still lives. The play is set in the C h a n g i n g R o o m of a Rugby League Club, and its three acts o c c u r before, during and after a match, as the players arrive and change, c o m e in at halftime and are treated and e n c o u r a g e d , and, eventually bath and drift away,

THe LandsnappEP SnEB2B

less the one broken-nosed player. There are none of the usual motive-laden s p e e c h e s and all that we learn of the players is from their chatter — anything else would have torn the thin fabric of total credibility. The fascination in the play c o m e s from watching these thirteen players c o m e together (all are part-time, though not amateurs) and weld themselves into a unified team, gradually dissembling at the end. The image is of men at work, not of actors pretending to be something they are not, and if I mention none of the cast by name it is only b e c a u s e they are uniformly g o o d . Lindsay Anderson of "If . . . " and " H o m e " directs this transfer from the Royal Court. " G e t t i n g O n " (Queen's) was ultimately slightly dis-

appointing by contrast. Alan Bennett (who wrote the excellent and s u c c e s s ful "40 Years O n " ) has written a great play with G e o r g e (Kenneth M o r e ) , a just middle-aged M.P. arriving, with his younger wife ( G e m m a J o n e s ) , at the point in their existence when they realise that they are "getting o n " in age as well as career. Thrown in are a c o m i c Mother-in-Law, misunderstood s o n , queer Parliamentarian and seductive decorator, to c o m plete Bennett's c o m i c six. There is a lot of very funny material in the first three-quarters of the play, but then the play c h a n g e s down into a series of fromthe-heart dialogue with, I am sorry to say, a drastic crashing of its dramatic gear-box. The play is g o o d , but it c o u l d have been better.

Thursday, 27th January, 1972


5 1

After a 4 goals to 2 away win last term I.C. I. must have taken the field clear favourites to win this League game. Straight from the kick off I.C. took the game to their often predictable opponents. At this stage IC were much quicker and more decisive than Thames, they had practically taken over complete control of the midfield and were continually pressurising the Thames defence. All this pressure deserved a goal which duly came from a corner taken by J o h n Kelly, who found Mick P e a r s o n ' s head; the header was parried but Pearson made no mistake from the rebound. After this goal I.C. maintained

the pressure; a precision pass from J o h n Kelly put Bill Milne clear of a static Thames defence and Milne added the s e c o n d with only the goal-keeper to beat. These goals seemed to give I.C. the confid e n c e they really needed; they began to move the ball very effectively and only some very near misses from Pete Bartlett and Byron Smith kept the goal tally down. I.C. mounted attack after attack and very rarely was M i c k Whitham, the I.C. goal-keeper, brought into the game. It was from one of these att a c k s that a Thames defender was forced to handle the ball and Noel Fryer made no mistake from the spot to make the score 3—0 at half time. The s e c o n d half saw I.C. rather complacent

and their play rather spasmodic. This allowed Thames to c o m e more into the game, but I.C. still seemed to keep them well under control and they added two more goals through Bill Milne and Ian R o d g e r s before Thames snatched a consolation goal. However, even with this convincing result I.C. I. will certainly not have any sympathy for Thames when they meet in the 2nd round of the U.L. C u p on Saturday, 22nd January and hopefully, at least, there will be no c o m p l a c ency. T e a m : — M. Whitman, M. M c G r a t h , A. Baker, G . W i l l c o c k ( c a p t ) , M. Pearson, N. Fryer, B. Smith, P. Bartlett, B. Milne, J . Kelly, I. Rodgers.

Successful Badminton Tour A series of mini-tours was arranged last term for mainly the 1st and 2nd teams. The first of these involved 11 people consisting of seven 1st team men and four ladies. On Friday 14th January such names a s : — Hilary Rowson (Ladies Capt.) Sue Thompson Brenda Dilley Janet Roberts G. Georgiou (Mens Capt.) S. Donald 'Souki' D. Ward R. Palmer C. Gaukvoger D. Thomas set off for the long trek up north, fully equipped with badminton gear, supplies, oranges, oranges . . . oranges. Our destination was Leeds where we were to play L e e d s University on Saturday afternoon. W e played a 'county' style match which we unfortunately lost 1—6; neverthe-

Rugby On the first W e d n e s d a y of the term I.C. 1st X V played City University (again) at Colliers W o o d and came away victorious by 29 points to 0. Although City 1st X V were below strength, it was an excellent performance by I.C. and augurs well for the many (we hope) cup matches this term. City University won the toss and elected to play with a stiff breeze and the sun on their backs. This however was to no avail as I.C. was immediately on the attack. Several hand-

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less a lot has to be said about the team L e e d s turned out and how c l o s e some of the games were. Fielding 5 B.U.S.F. representatives out of their team of 8 we did extremely well to contain them at 11—6. The 1st event was the Mens singles, which involved S. Donald, G. G e o r g i o u , D. Ward. Donald played No. 1 against P. Bullivant, who was B.U.S.F. c h a m p i o n (singles) 69—70. Donald lost two straight sets, but defiantly gave Bullivant a tough time. Fitness was what Donald lacked and not ability. G e o r g i o u was against their Wo. 2 (No. 3 in d i s g u i s e ) , whilst Ward lost narrowly 13—18, 1 8 — 14, 12—15. The ladies, unfortunately, lost both their singles to make I.C. 4—1 down. In the mens doubles there was a great fight back when I.C. won 3 out ling movements by the I.C. b a c k s worried the City defence while the pack was with always prominent their constant backing up. The first try came after Chris Flanagan had made a penetrating run only to be s t o p p e d 5 yards short. From the resulting scrum A n d y Tebbett robbed the opposing scrum half to touch down c l o s e to the posts. J a m e s converted. Other s c o r e s c a m e in the first half when J o h n M c D o n o u g h s c o r e d wide out and J a m e s k i c k e d a penalty to bring the half time score to 13—0. I.C. turned around and were again immediately on the attack. Bill Baines

of 4 games, but the ladies again fell. The final score of 11—6 against included wins by the mixed doubles where special mention must be made about Miss R o w s o n who kept her c o o l whilst facing Bullivant. On Sunday morning we set off to Bradford and fielded the rest of the team who were unable to take part at Leeds. I.C. won 9—6. In the mens singles, I.C. lost both. C h r i s Gaukvoger's inexperience being responsible for his losing to a B.U.S.F. player. Miss Thompso n beat a large girl (handicapped by her weight) and the teams shared the mens doubles. The ladies saved the day by taking 3 out of the 4 games whilst I.C. cruised out winners overall after the mixed doubles.

Winks I.C. Winks team c r a s h e d to a 36—27 win in Southside upper lounge last Tuesday, thus losing their unbeaten beaten r e c o r d , maintained in living memory. The match was the first the team has played in the newly formed London League, the visiting team being from the National Westminster Bank. They tried to gain psychological advantage by appearing in a uniform of suit and tie, but I.C. countered with a display of incredible disorganisation which evidently disturbed their c o o l . The home team's policy of multiple substitution brought a c c u sations of cheating, c o m pletely unfounded, but did cause great confusion on the s c o r e c a r d . The result was agreed upon as the best of the possibilities, but it was I.C.'s game all the way, especially after the s e c o n d round, which we won 18-3, and after the opposition's 10th round from Southside Bar. One member of the Bank team w a s s e e n to be seriously put off a vital shot by the mention of the word 'beer' by a colleague, and thus some credit for our victory must go to them. The match was rounded off by a look at D i c k ' s porno mags to see what we had missed playing winks. K i n g Winker. VAC. JOB INDEX A directory listing thousands and thousands of temporary vacation job opportunities throughout UK and abroad. GET YOUR COPY NOW FROM YOUR STUDENTS UNION OR YOUR LOCAL BOOK STALL or write directly to R. Watson, Dominion Press Ltd., Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C.2.N. 5HJ, enclosing 30p in cheque/P.O.

All copy for the next issue to Chris Potter, sub-warden of Falmouth Hall, by Wednesday, 2nd February at latest.

EDITORIAL T h e term h a s started quietly with c l u b s preparing for the next round in their respective competitions. B e tween the time of writing and publishing, the Rugby, Football and L a d i e s H o c k e y C l u b s should have played in their s e c o n d round matches against tough o p p o s i tion, and w e h o p e to s e e all three C l u b s in the third round (semi finals!). B e c a u s e M r s . Thatcher has m a n a g e d to deflate the situation with respect to Student Union F i n a n c e , it does not mean that Sports C l u b s and their members should forget about the whole issue — s h e may try a new ploy. W e must continue analysing the latest in fanatici w h i c h is to be found in the newspapers and from l . c . U . In the middle of February A . C . C . would like to know what exotic p l a c e s (within the L o n d o n boundary!) C l u b s are thinking of visiting, and what sort of support a tour would receive from within the c l u b . The reputation of tours of being drinking orgies (not subsidised) is quite true! But the honour of the c l u b is at stake and captains have ambitions about winning the o d d match. M e a n w h i l e , it is a great opportunity for people of perhaps lesser ability to play alongside better players and h e n c e learn more about their particular game. Congratulations must be levelled at the Swimming C l u b Committee for taking the initiative and organising a major International Water P o l o tournament in the I.C. pool. T h e competition took p l a c e last week, and it is h o p e d that s o m e of y o u s a w s o m e of the very high standard of P o l o that w a s played.

John Banks Trophy goes to I.C. The C r o s s Country team started the term in fine style by winning the J o h n Banks Trophy for the first Londo n C o l l e g e in the " Q . M . C . 7i" on Saturday (15th). A classy 140 strong field started the gruelling 7\ mile race over heavy plough and deep mud with o c c a s i o n a l ditches and stiles. A promising start by Ed Wiliams ended in injury, but R o b Parker, reaping the benefits of his heavy Christmas training programme, had a fine run in 24th place. The main pack was led by Matthew Smyth (56th) running better than ever, with Ed Williams (57th) after coming through from the back. A n

unfit R o g Phelps was 60th with Pete Lewis (68th) running very well. Paul C l a r k e ran steadily in 69th place and R i c h Wilson was 63rd. Dave J o n e s (107th) completed the scoring eight with Rob M a d d i s o n running as an individual, 112th. The race was won in 40.52 by C h r i s Garforth (Cambridge ) with Doug Gunstone (Cambridge, ex L S E ) , third. The first London runner was Bob Reeves (Q.M.C.) in 9th. Rob Parker was the second Londo n runner. The team result was, 1st C a m b r i d g e , 2nd Leeds, 3rd Oxford, 6th Imperial C o l l e g e . 22 teams were entered.

O n the whole this was a s u c c e s s f u l tour, indicating the standard of badminton at I.C. s c o r e d under the posts, as did Roy (I've got more tries than you J a m e s ) Matthews. J a m e s converted both. The final s c o r e came after a handling movement amongst the forwards (in which even that celebrated prop (eh?) C . M. Wrigley took part) resulting in Ozi touching down in the corner. After this the game tended to stagnate and the final s c o r e was 29—0. T e a m : — J . Hughes, J . M c D o n o u g h , B. Baines, P. Pilkington, J . Hunt, A. J a m e s (capt.), C . Flanagan, C. Wrigley, H. M i c h a e l , M. Surge, R. Matthews, I. Partridge, A. Tebbett, I. Rays, D. Osborne.

A s c e n e from the International water polo


Thursday, 27th January, 1972


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S t o n e C r o w s

America's first ever gig was, I believe at I.C. about 18 months ago, for w h i c h they were paid £25. Their p r i c e is now £750, a testimony indeed to a rapid rise to a fame based on music which is and let's be honest frank, cruel and boring, that of Crosby, Stills, Nash nothing very different from and Young or many other acoustic - guitar based groups. Having become Underground favourites through being adopted by Underground Cult Figure Jeff Dexter and frequently playing Implosion they released a fairly successful album followed by a very successful single whose tune is predictable and whose lyrics are, shall we say, nice-but-unimportant. But, as I said, America are now a very successful group and promoters who (like your own Entertainments Committee, readers) were foresighted enough to book them when their price was a good* deal less than it is now are very successful too. The Great Hall

was bursting at the seams for the concert and some people still had to be turned away. The musical evening was opened by Philip Goodhand-Tait whose set was w e l l , if not ecstatically received by a very receptive and sympathetic audience. Although to many people he may be just a double - barrelled name whom Ents book quite often, he is a successful songwriter, having written " O n e R o a d " for the Love Affair, " T h e song that brings out peoples prejud i c e s " as he put it. His set included, among other self-penned numbers. Buddy Holly's " E v e r y D a y " and I enjoyed it a lot more than his attempt at the Lyceum last term with W i s h bone A s h . This may have been because your reviewer was able to secure a real comfortable seat instead of having to squat on the floor. It was interesting to note that the most popular numbers of both GoodhandTait's and Linda Lewis' act were 12-bar blues sequences. C'est la vie. Miss

m m


Lewis, the coloured folk singer from dahn the East End sang a selection of songs about certain men and certain parts of London; the songs were interesting, and again, and again she was well received. A l l the artists must have sensed the " g o o d vibes, m a n " in the air and talked to the crowd to long lost brothers. America took the stage to thunderous applause normally reserved for heavy groups after a wait which at an outdoor festival would have been t e r m e d " a g o n i z i n g " However it was pretty warm in the Great Hall. They ran through their usual reptertoire of songs whose titles for the most part elude me, but which did include " H o r s e with No N a m e , " "California" and "The S a n d m a n " a great song with an original melody and with lyrics which carry a sense of foreboding. Perhaps it's this song people are buying the single for, but somehow I doubt it. The only other song whose lyrics grabbed one was Arlo Guthries " C o m i n g into Los A n g e l e s . " Anyway the audience enjoyed it and who am l to criticise what people enjoy. I think I'll resign. " L o t s of significant points at this concert folks and another one was the behaviour of the audience. They remained transfixed with attention throughout the act and there was not one out-freaker (or freakerout) even during the encore, so the group must have been good and I'm wrong. Goodnight.

I should like everybody to know about a group called M a n . Not a new group by any means, in fact their fourth album has just been released, but a group that is only just beginning to get recognition in this country. On the continent they are a top band so I doubt the fact that they go out for 50 quid a night worries them unduly. But things are, as I said, looking up, and they must have been delighted with their reception in the Great Hall on Saturday. The line-up (two guitars, drums, bass) is nothing to raise the eyebrows, but the standard of playing, and the empathy which exists between the players and the subtle use of dynamics prompt me to stick my neck out and say that in a years time they will be as big as Y e s . The group played three numbers, including their best-

known (a relative term) song "Daughter of the F i r e p l a c e , " all of them very long, but the shifts of texture ensured that they never became boring. A l l this, too, without organist Clive John who has just left. When he is replaced and the full scope of the band is realised Man will be wowing audiences up and down the country. I thought I had better say this (I did mean it) so that Man were not completely overshadowed by Stone the Crows who were easily the best group to have played at I.C. this year (academic year you fool). A n d to think I thought they were just a rock band with a chick singer. They played music ranging from that like Soft Machine in "the good old d a y s " (keyboard player Ronnie Leahy's influence I think) to downhome country blues and

sounded as if they had been playing them all for years (probably have). For me the highlight of the evening was the keyboards solo; guitarist Les Harvey's solo was just a bit b o r i n g — he seems to have just discovered echo and demonstrated it at length, w o w far out man but hasn't it all been done before? But I dont want to get too critical and no doubt the audience loved it. To the disappointmentjof many Maggie Bell didn't bust the only button on her jacket, but of course it was music that mattered and Crows delivered the goods. It was a measure of their popularity that songs like " B i g J i m S a l t e r " and " M i s t e r W i z a r d " were enthusiastically applauded when introduced. Last term I said that Stone the Crows were going places. It seems they have arrived.

The C.W. Post choir, pictured above, gave a concert in the Great Hall last week. Whilst the choir gave a first class performance they must surely have been insulted by the pathetic turn out. In fact a mere forty people turned up, included in which we have the entire rag committee and the tea makers. Twenty people were needed to pay to break even. They didn't.

FELICITATIONSI And welcome to t h e new c o m p a c t F o r t n i g h t l y Felicity. T h e new s m a l l e r p a g e s i z e i s b e c a u s e we c a n ' t afford a l a r g e r one I I I A n d a n y w a y , we a r e now s a v i n g s p a c e by n o t h a v i n g a n y ego t r i p s , following severe c r i t i c i s m s from other h i ~ e g o p u b l i c a t i o n s i n t h e col-© lege. A n d , to s t r e s s the p o i n t of o u r new l o o k e v e n m o r e , w e ' v e g o t a new h e a d . But we're still h e r e w i t h t h e p u r p o s e of b r i n g i n g F E L I X up t o d a t e .


VEHY E N T - - E R E S T I N G Keen F E L I C I T Y and F E L I X r e a d e r s w i l l n o t e w i t h amazement t h a t t h e r e c o r d - b r e a k i n g n e w s f r o m E n t s c o m m i t t e e t h i s week i s t h a t t h e y h a v e a c t u a l l y K a d e a p r o f i t - a n d a l a r g e o n e ~ f r o m t h e f i r s t two o f t h e i r f v e " S p r i n g T h i n g " c o n c e r t s , i . e . A m e r i c a , and S t o n e t h e C r o w s . Informed sources put the p r o f i t f i g u r e s a t £180 f o r t h e S t o n e t h e Crows c o n c e r t and n e a r e r £250 f o r the o t h e r . L a s t t e r m , f o l l o w i n g a m o t i o n of no c o n f i d e n c e i n E n t s C o m m i t t e e , t h e w h o l e c o m m i t t e e s t o o d f o r r e - e l e c t i o n , and a l l e x c e p t o n e , t h e publicity o f f i c e r , got in a g a i n . C o n g r a t s on t h e p r o f i t s - k e e p i t u p 1

I D E BLUE LIGHT On T u e s d a y e v e n i n g M c C l o o g e r e c e i \ e d a f r i e n d l y v i s i t f r o m t h e l o c a l finr.z, o s t e n s i b l y to c o m p l a i n about t h e s o o t & i n g sounds t h a t r e g u l a r l y emanate f t oiP t h e U n i o n B u i l d i n g . H o w e v e r , i t s e e m e d t h a t t h e v i s i t was m o r e c o n c e r n ed w i t h r e c e n t m a s c o t r a i d s , w h i c h t h e b o y s i n b l u e t h i n k s h o u l d s h o r t l y come t o an e n d . N o t a b l e was t h e a t t e m p t b y c e r t a i n N o b i l i t y o f I . C . t o u n b o l t a n d d i g up a l a m p p o s t f r o m P r i n c e C c n s o r t R o a d ( d o u b t l e s s t o s a v e f » r posterity) and t r a n s p l a n t i t i n the B e i t Quad, The g a n g g o t a s f a r a s t h e q u a d , e a g e r l y c l u t c h i n g l a m p p o s t , b e f o r e t h e y wer e given a ''friendly warning". I

CAN S E A ( * * * * ) Y p U 1 On T u e s d a y l a s t , t h e d a y o f P i e r s ' E . G . M . ( s e e F E L I X ) , t h e a l m i g h t Hr, Carl S*****d was s e e n i n C o l l e g e B l o c k m u t t e r i n g " S o t h e r e ' s a U n i o n Meeting is there? I t ' s i n he r e i s i t ? " , w h i l s t v a g u e l y h e a d i n g i n the d i r e c t i o n of the P r e s s B o x . H e r e , our scout informs u s , there i s a one-way g l a s s , BO t h a t a n y o n e i n t h e b o x c a n s e e a n y t h i n g i n t h e G r e a t H a l l w i t h o u t a c t u a l l y Suggestions that Mr. S * * * * * d being seen. s s p y i n g w o u l d be u n c h a r i t a b l e . w


I'GM TODAY C A N C E L L E D T o d a y ' s UGM h a s b e e n c a n c e l l e d b e c a u s e , q u o t e I . C . U n i o n N e w s , o f a l a c k of b u s i n e s s and t h e f a c t t h a t " a r e c e n t s a t u r a t i o n of UGM's has l e d t o mi n o r i t y i n v o l v e m e n t " . . . . . s e e c o v e r s t o r y i n F e l i x ( P a g e 8 ) . N e x t UGM w i l l be on T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 0 t h .

LOSING BATTLE Our r i v a l s i n t h e v i s u a l m e d i a , STOIC, s e n t a camera crew t o t h e demonstr a t i o n o n S u n d a y w i t h t h e i n t e n t i o n o f m a k i n g a f i l m t o show o n t o d a y ' s p r o g r a m m e . H o w e v e r , we u n d e r s t n a d t h a t t h e y s t r u c k d i s a s t e r w h e n , h a v i n g s h o t o n l y o n e r e e l o f f i l m , they " l o s t " t h e demonstration. T h e y must h a v e b e e n p r e t t y d a z e d , s i n c e t h e F E L I X r e p o r t e r s a w t h e m a r r i v e a t t h e h e a d o f t h e I . C . p r o c e s s i o n a t Hyde P a r k . A l s o a t t h e demo, one o f one o f t h e c o l l e g e B r o a d s h e e t s * e d i t o r s t o o k h i s c a m e r a w i t h t h e i n t e n t i o n o f p r i n t i n g some o f t h e p h o t o s h e t o o k i n h i s o r g a n . However, on h i s r e t u r n , he found t h a t h e ' d f o r g o t t e n t o remove t h e l e n s c a p o f h i s camera!1 S e e F E L I X f o r t h e o n l y c o m p r e h e n s i v e p i c t u r e c o v e r a g e o f t h e demo. A n d f i n a l l y , d e m o w i s e , we u n d e r s t a n d t h a t o f t h e 150 members o f I . C . a t t h e demo, 75 w e r e f r o m G a r d e n H a l l . . . . w h i c h , c o n s i d e r i n g t h e s i z e o f t h e l a t t e r , i s some a c h e i v e m e n t 1 1 C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o y o u - where were t h e r e s t o f y o u b u g g e r s ? AND NOW FOR THE F E L I C I T Y STAR FEATURE OF THE WEEK

. . . . ( b y o u r own r e p o r t e r ) " U N I V E R S I T Y CHALLENGE"

The t r o u b l e a b o u t t h a t o v e r s u b s c r i b e d t r i p t o G r a n a d a S t u d i o s i n M a n c h e s t e r e v e n t u a l l y r e s o l v e d i t s e l f l a s t Monday. T h e c o a c h l e f t w i t h a b o u t 8 drapty s e a t s i n c l u d i n g t h e one o c c u p i e d by R a g a m u f f i n . A f t e r a s t y l i s h 8-wheel s l i d e t h r o u g h K n i g h t s b r i d g e , i n w h i c h we a l m o s t c o l l e c t e d a t a x i , we b e g a n t h e l e n g t h y s l o g t o M a n chester. Once t h e r e , we h a d a q u i c k p i n t a n d t h e n we q u e u e d t o g e t i n s i d e ; P i t e r h o u s e , C a m b r i d g e , o u r o p p o n e n t s , b e a t u s t o t h e f r o n t rows and even C a r o l i n e and D e n i s e had t r o u b l e y e t t i n g RAGarauffin a s e a t t h e r e . A f t e r s e e i n g our- t e a m s b r i e f l y - they hadbeen p r a c t i s i n g a l l a f t e r n o o n , t h e t h i n g s t a r t e d " g o o d and p r o p e r " , w i t h Pampa a r r i v i n g t o a g r e e t i n g c h a n t o f " H a p p y B i r t h d a y ' . T h e p r o d u c e r was v e r y w o r r i e d "Someone o n c e w i s h e d Bamba h a p p y b i r t h d a y i n a r e s t a u r a n t a n d h e ' s n e v e r f o r g o t ten i t " ( I s h e l i k e THAT t o o ? ) t a k e one" s t a r t e d w i t h IC g e t t i n g t h e s t a r t e r (we e v e n managed t o l e a d a n o t h e r t w i c e ) • G r a n a d a i n c r e a s e d t h e %age o f s c i e n c e q u e s t i o n s c o n s i d e r a b l y , a n d P a u l M c C a r t n e y a n d team d i d q u i t e w e l l ( t h i s w i l l b e o b v i o u s i f y o u s e e P e t e r h o u s e s l a u g h t e r O r i e l , O x f o r d b y 370 t o 70 t h e f o l l o w i n g week) We r e g a i n e d o u r h o n o u r b y p i n c h i n g P e t e r h o u s e ' s t e d d y ( t h a t ' s a l l t h e y e v e r go t o b e d w i t h ) b u t Rob A . was v e r y f a i r - " Y o u c a n h a v e i t b a c k f o r a £50 r a g d o n a t ion". The P e t e r h o u s e p e a s a n t s g o t t h e i r r e v e n g e by p i n c h i n g o u r c o a c h wheel d i s c s worth The c o a c h l e f t a t p . m . w i t h s e v e r a l i n e b r i a t e d p a s s e n g e r s , and got back t o SUKland a t about team had r a i l - s l e e p e r s )






2 O u r m t c h s h o u l d b e s c r e e n e d i n t h e w e e k c o m m e n c i n g F e b r u a r y 7th, and those who d i d n ' t s e e i t w i l l g e t t h e r e s u l t s , s c o r e s , e t c . , t h e n . [_ E d ' s n o t e ! I h a v e j u s t r e a d t h a t o u r r e p o r t e r l e f t t h e p a r a g r a p h i n g i n t h e l a s t a r t i c l e t o my d i s c r e t i o n . The f a c t t h a t t h e r e ' s no p a r a s , I h o p e , does n o t i m p l y t h a t I have n o d i s c r e t i o n - I j u s t f o r g o t them CONSOC GOES L I B E R A L J WW C o n t i n u i n g o u r f r e e p u b l i c i t y f o r C o n S o c ( q u i t e a c c i d e n t a l ) , we h e a r t h a t maintaining the l i b e r a l ideals of the aforesaid organisation, following the t a l k to them f r o m a c e r t a i n " l e f t y " ( q u o t e C o n S o c N e w s ) , named M r . P * * * s C o r * * f t , members w i l l b e a t t e n d i n g a d i n n e r a t t h e H o u s e o f Commons, t o b e a d d r e s s e d b y a f o u n d e r member o f t h e L i a s o n Comm. f o r t h e D e f . o f M r . Enoch P * * * l l . Mambers w i l l b e a l s o a t t e n d i n g a m e e t i n g w i t h M r De S t r a w b e r r y - " N o b o t t l e s o f E a u de C o l o g n e , p l e a s e " ( q u o t e C o n S o c News) ,


F E L I C I T Y , l a t e news s u p p l e m e n t t o F E L I S , i s p u b l i s h e d b y t h e d d i t o r o n b e h a l f o f I.C. P u b l i c a t i o n s b o a r d , and i s c o p y r i g h t . F r o n t page s t e n c i l c u t c o u r t e s t y o f C C A ,


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o f

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E N D S L E I G H the

c o m p l e t e


The quality that distinguishes Endsleigh from all other insurance brokers is its c o m m o n identity wi th the student and graduate community. W e were brought into existence by students—for students—to provide-a full insurance service, not merely to arrange life assurance, Endsleigh will insure your car, your holiday, your property and your life. In fact, your N U S membership entitles you to life assurance policies at reduced rates not available elsewhere. To bring the Endsleigh service to you, w e have a network of over 30 N U S Insurance Centres throughout the U.K. There is probably one very near your college, maybe even in your U n i o n . E n d s l e i g h is o w n e d b y n u s E n d s l e i g h offers a f u l l i n s u r a n c e s e r v i c e E n d s l e i g h p r o v i d e s r e d u c e d rates E n d s l e i g h s e r v i c e c o n t i n u e s after g r a d u a t i o n Consult Endsleigh—FIRST

LIFE ASSURANCE A full range of life assurance and savings schemes including a well-known unit trust investment plan available at a discount for NUS members. These preferential terms will continue when membership of NUS ceases. Policies can be arranged with all leading life offices and we can offer Building Society Investment with a view to future House Purchase. The Endsleigh Life Assurance Service is at your disposal throughout your career. MOTOR INSURANCE Highly favourable terms with leading insurance companies for students (STUDENTPLAN) and graduates (GRADPLAN). All policies contain unlimited passenger liability cover and we are usually able to offer an introductory bonus to drivers who have not previously held their own insurance. TRAVEL INSURANCE ISIS Travel Insurance provides cover for European or World-wide cover up to 18 months. Claims paid on-the-spot in most major Western countries. Generous cover at competitive rates. PROPERTY INSURANCE A series of special schemes covering all aspects of property, personal liability and personal accident insurance. MEDICAL INSURANCE Special membership of BUPA for NUS members can be continued after graduation.



address (term or work)

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address (home) tel college

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Life/Endowment Home Purchase Unit Trust Studyplan (Property Insurance) Medical Insurance (BUPA) Studentplan Motor Insurance Gradplan Motor Insurance Overseas Motor Insurance ISIS Travel Insurance

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