Friday, O c t o b e r 12, 1979
Issue N o . 529
G M H U H N T S SOUTH AFRICAN RUGBY MATCH R e g u l a r readers of the Da/7y Mirror will have n o t i c e d the front p a g e ' E x c l u s i v e ' news story about the R o y a l S c h o o l of M i n e s . Last M o n d a y ' s M i r r o r led with the s c o o p that a R u g b y m a t c h between a Dave R h o d e s select team (which c o n t a i n e d m e m be r s of the R S M ) played against a team representing the m i n i n g industry (from the S o u t h A f r i c a n V a a l Reef M i n e ) . T h e m a t c h had to be c a l l e d off at half time. However, the M i r r o r got its facts s l i g h l y w r o n g and s o for the first time F E L I X reveals the truth b e h i n d the M i r r o r news story. - see back page.
Sirs, As Frank James deems it fit to name IC Rugby as one of the "most notable offenders" in his attack against "anti-intellectualism", I feel the record must be put straight. Although I find his expressed views on the C C U s debatable (to put it mildly) I will only concern myself with the Rugby Club. IC Rugby Club have never held initiation ceremonies of any form for its members and never will do. This Mr. James is F A C T - perhaps you should check up? We are a sporting club and as such exist solely to play rugby. We have no desire to "degrade" people or be a "creeping disease" throughout the C C U s . Our club is part of IC Union, not the C C U s by the way. The members of IC Rugby play twice each week and train twice each week - all because they WANT to play rugby for IC - not because they wish to become a "beer-swilling lout" or a "latent homosexual". Heaven knows why our club should be labelled as "detrimental to the life of individual students within the college". You will notice that I have included several quotes from Mr. James' letter: reading them will make you realize just how ridiculous his comments were. Steve Townsend Captain IC Rugby Club PS - I won't be sending the boys round to "clone" you into our way of thinking Mr. James. (Antiintellectualism?) Dear Sir, The Freshers have now been at College for about a fortnight and have probably formed their own opinions about the College, the Union and specifically the C C U s . Many events have been organized in the first week, almost all of them by the C C U s (and the Rugby Club). These events have been well attended and generally well liked. The Constituent College Unions are democratic organizations, anyone can propose motions and/or put foreward new ideas at their meetings, most of which are open to all students. This seems to us to indicate a willingness to help and be helped and to participate with the freshers and everyone else; it does not seem, to us at least, that we are trying to cast impressionable young people in a 'wicked mould.'. 'Once in a C C U all chance of d o i n g s o m e t h i n g e l s e is i m m e d i a t e l y d e n i e d . ' What rubbish! You are free to come and go, as and when yo like. The way FJ goes on, one would think that we strapped freshers down in the
C C U Offices, gave them a quick frontal Ipbotomy and force fed them beer! On the contrary, elected in fair and free elections, we as Presidents take it upon ourselves to involve people in College life and if the C C U s can't cater tor a particular interest, we are the first to suggest who can. Frank James states that anyone taking an interest in academic work is shunned by the C C U s . Why then do R C S U , C & G U and R S M U o r g a n i z e their own Academic Affairs Committees, and elect Academic Reps and Officers who discuss problems with the staff and other students? Are we to assume that Prof. Laithwaite etc are beer-swilling louts with latent homosexual tendencies, just because they take part in the academic clubs which are part of a C C U ? Another important part of a C C U , is R a g , which undoubtedly encourages individuality because of the constant need for new ideas necessary to maintain a year long effort which collects thousands of pounds for charity. Frank James seems to have no compunction about slamming the C C U s , which get out there and raise money for worthwhile causes, perhaps he thinks it more worthwhile to sit a r o u n d composing misleading letters. Here we are speaking for the feeling in our colleges and sign off accordingly, does Frank James' letter present the views of the Social Clubs Committee? Come on Frank, you've missed the point, you rabbit on about distraction from observance of sections of the Union and then pick on one facet of the C C U s , completely ignoring the valuable work done by them in all other spheres. Yours concernedly, Sean O'Boyle (President RCSU) Jo Armitage (President C&GU) Bernie Pryor (Acting President RSMU) Dear Sir, 1
As a postgraduate 'fresher , with experience of how other student bodies are run, may I say that I am in total agreement with Frank James' letter in FELIX (no. 527). I first encountered this incredible state of affairs when I went to the inaugural C & G union meeting in my first week. I was amazed how a group of p e o p l e of s u p p o s e d above average intelligence could behave like absolute idiots. The events of the meeting included holding a coin in your crutch (having previously pretended to stick it up your asshole) and waddling down some steps to drop it in a paper cup. Was this practice really worth taking up even a few minutes of a normal humans life? The whole
process was ended in everyone being instructed to chant some mainly unintelligible nursery rhyme. Are these the events which contribute to t h e s o c i a l development of students? Can you therefore wonder at the public's attitude towards students? Most of the students at the meeting were freshers. I am sure they are not all morons. But from this meeting they were given the impression from their 'peers', that this is the way to behave. I am sure losts of IC students would like to get involved in more important matters. The C C U s should be a meeting place for debate and a centre for organizing action. The gulf between the C C U s and the student movement is shown by the fact that IC s p o n s o r e d a South African student and a RSM team plays r u g b y against white S o u t h Africans! Why don't we give Intelligent, responsible and socially aware behaviour a chance and make the C C U s an agent for student e x p r e s s i o n and not p u b l i c schoolboy pranks. Yours faithfully, Michael O'Connor PG Social and Economic Studies Dear Colin, The two replies which were published in the last FELIX in response to my letter containing various criticisms of the C C U s (FELIX 527) made remarkably interesting reading. Indeed I found them so interesting that I think they go a long way towards proving my contention that the C C U s are highly undesirable institutions. The anonymous letter suggesting that serious consideration should be given to my own abolition is typical of the C C U s reaction to anything with which they disagree. That is a totally unreasoning statement designed to enforce conformity, but which actually demonstrates how utterly pathetic these C C U people are. The other letter, by James Gray, wonderfully illustrates how nonintellectual the C C U s are - he can't even read! Mr. Gray not only ascribes to me views which I did not include in my letter, but also some which I do not even hold. For example, he says, that I believe that the C C U s ought to be 'nationalized' into ICU. He continued by suggesting that I would not be satisfied with that, but would like to see one allembracing national students union. Apart from the fact I never said anything like this, I do not hold these particular views. All I suggested was that since the C C U s appear to be in contravention of our by-laws serious
consideration should be given to their abolition. However, despite his inability to read my letter and his consequent failure to answer my points, I will endeavour to answer the points which he raised in his letter. He suggested that the smoking concerts are 'in moderation, essential to the academic and s o c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t of the student'. The trouble is they are not held in moderation; it has become increasingly apparent this year that any suggestions of moderation are simply rejected by the C C U s though they attempt to employ methods of concealment and dis-information to hide their contempt for those people who have s u g g e s t e d m o d e r a t i o n In the case of sporting standards and academic affairs, Mr. Gray raises valid points. But it should not be beyond the wit of man to devise ways of retaining the present status which these fields enjoy at the same time do away with those degrading aspects of the CCUs which I have Indeed I would highlighted. suggest that by such action more attention could be focused on sporting standards and academic affairs. Finally, I should like to answer Mr. Gray's suggestion that reforms of the C C U s should come from within rather than without. I thus return to my analysis of the tribal structure of the C C U s . By enforcing certain taboos by the degredation which the C C U s imposes on its members, they ensure that no serious innovation will take place within the C C U s . Since to suggest such a thing would be to break the tribal taboo and incur whatever wroth the C C U s can inflict. Thus it is impossible for reform to come from within; it must be from without. Yours sincerely, Frank James PS I presume that no letters from the presidents of the C C U s imply they are too afraid to have their views p u b l i s h e d in F E L I X .
E N T S Films In Muddle 4th O C T O B E R
by our Internal Allairs
"Were they asleep or merely dozing?" was the question on the tip of most observers' tongues at last Thursday's big event - the first Imperial C o l l e g e Union meeting. A meeting with just about the required quorum of thj/ee hundred managed to wade its way through reports, motions and bye-law changes, covering such diverse and controversial topics, as the executive sacking the sabbatical FELIX Editor, some members of the Royal School of Mines playing an invitation rugby match with a South African team, the need to mobilize the student movement to fight education cuts, etc. etc., in little over thrity minutes. A description of the effect of a bar night on Sean O'Boyle's (RCSU president) vocal chords raised the most response from the meeting, with almost a ripple of appreciative laughter. Just after this slight stirring, the Mines Union report was interrupted by a young lady (whose name I did not catch) questioning the right to report an event to a meeting in contravention of union policy. This said event being the proposed rugby match with a South African team. I think it was only reasonable that we could have expected a few good stirring speeches attacking the flagrant reactionary racists in Minesorcommending their protection of the right to freedom of choice in sport. We were, needless to say, disappointed. At last the meeting reached the main item on the agenda - a motion on education cuts proposed by the ICU President (whose vocal chords were holding up quite well). Not an inspired speech - but at least an attempt. O n being told, however, of the imperative for the student movement to get off its arse, our union members were seen to merely slump further in their seats. The chair throughout the meeting was conducted efficiently by the new chairman, Mick Berry, but then he did have little to contend with. The lack of inspired controversy at this meeting could perhaps be blamed on this guy Judice (who is he anyway?).
Political Prisoner Released T h e I C A m n e s t y I n t e r n a t i o n a l G r o u p has h e a r d recently that one of their adopted conscience
has b e e n
prisoners of
H e is M r B e n
M p a b a n g a N y a t h i from Zimbabwe-Rhodesia. H e was arrested i n 1973 u n d e r the e m e r g e n c y regulations, o n c o m p l e t i n g a seven-year
The short life property group, started towards the end of last term and will be continuing its work this term. The aims of the group are to find, renovate, decorate and live in unused housing around London. Rents are as low as two or three pounds on these properties, but they are usually very difficult to find. Last year two members of the group joined a scheme in Hackney, and they are now living there with a very low rent. Anyone interested in joining the group should see Michael Arthur in the welfare office. ICRN
150 p o l i t i c a l detainees were released i n
Z i m b a b w e i n J u l y a n d A u g u s t , i n w h a t seems to h a v e b e e n a n a t t e m p t to increase s u p p o r t for, a n d c r e d i b i l i t y of, B i s h o p M u z o r e w a ' s a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . Nyathi
Refectory Suggestion Boxes Suggestion boxes will replace the complaints and suggestions books in the refectories next week. The idea of the boxes is for students to put their suggestions in them instead of the current books. College decided on the boxes instead of the books because they felt the complaints might be of a more constructive nature, if they were to be read only by student representatives. It will then be up to these representatives to complaifi to the staff involved, in t h e k i t c h e n r e s p o n s i b l e for the food. ICRN
Vso/Iege )aence of i won T h e R o y a l College of Science U n i o n R a g C o m m i t t e e wish to thank everyone who helped collect £733.57 o n the t i d d l y w i n k i n g r a g stunt o n S a t u r d a y . T h e top three R a g collectors were: Z o s i a Z b r e z n i a k w i t h £53.40 James Powell Jane
( M a t h s 1) £30.68 and H e l e n
(both of Life Sciences 1) w i t h £30.40. Y e t again I have been asked to p l u g the Freshers' Dinners. T h e y are exellent opportunities to get to k n o w your department, explore the subtleties o f a formal dinner, a n d appreciate the art of after-dinner speaking, a l l for the b a r g a i n price of £5.
Communist Society M O L E DIGS R E V O L U T I O N
u p h i s case. A t n o t i m e w a s t h e p r i s o n e r
A n y o n e w h o w o u l d l i k e to h e l p i n the w o r k d o n e by A m n e s t y I n t e r n a t i o n a l is w e l c o m e to c o m e to d i e m e e t i n g s o f t h e college g r o u p s at 5 : 3 0 p m o n Tuesday e v e n i n g s , w h i c h a r e u s u a l l y i n the g r e e n c o m m i t t e e r o o m o n the t h i r d f l o o r o f the U n i o n , o r r i n g O w e n G r e e n , i nt. 2 9 6 2 o r H u g h T i n s l e y , i nt. 2575.
On Tuesday evening, a Southside resident ran through a window. Nick Melling, a first year civil engineer, was heading for his room via the main entrance to Southside, and mistookoneofthe windows at the side of the doors for an open door. He appeared to be suffering only from minor cuts and contusions, but was taken to the casualty department of St Steven's for treatment, just in case. ICRN Short Life Property Group
Hardship Fund Abused The College Hardship Fund has been abused by two students who were able to support themselves. One of the students, a Persian whose name has been withheld, applied to the hardship fund for three years, during his first degree, but was caught when he returned for his PhD. The student has since repaid all the money he obtained from the fund. CINA
Just to r e m i n d y o u here are the dates again: Chemistry tonight! Maths 19th O c t o b e r Physics 26th O c t o b e r Life Sciences 2 n d N o v e m b e r (with a disco afterwards i n the J C R . R e m e m b e r , your absence w i l l be noticed if y o u are too apathetic, antisocial o r d o w n r i g h t pathetic to t u r n up. F i n a l l y , there is a R o y a l College of Science U n i o n G e n e r a l M e e t i n g at 12.45 in Physics L e c t u r e T h e a t r e 2 on T h u r s d a y 18th O c t o b e r so come a l o n g to see h o w y o u r u n i o n is" b e i n g managed.
for a p o l i t i c a l offence. H e was n e v e r t r i e d o r e v e n
Window Collides with Southside Resident
c h a r g e d after his arrest, a n d this is w h y A m n e s t y took
Imperial College E N T S have had to rearrange most of their films for this term. Ther films are usually shown in the main lecture theatre of the Mech Eng Building, room 220, but the extensive programme has had to be changed, from that originally shown in the freshers' edition of FELIX. Next Thursday's film will be the 'French Connection' replacing 'Carrie', which will be shown at a later date. 'Rollerball', originally due to be shown at the Rag film night, will not be shown at all, and the 'Kentucky Fried Movie' due to be shown in November is in some doubt. The reason for all these changes has been due to the lateness in booking by E N T S . Films are usually booked towards the end of the s u m m e r t e r m , f o r t h e following session, but this was not done until half way through the summer vacation, this year. The result was that many of the films were no longer available on the nights E N T S w a n t e d them. However, when the situation is sorted out another list will be presented in FELIX. ICRN
"Well," said Kevin, looking at his watch, "how long will it take to get Socialism?" Mole looked aghast. "You'll have to wait for the correct revolutionary conditions," he eventually murmured. "Will it be very bloody?" asked John. "I certainly hope not - don't you?" replied mole. "I think maybe we ought to have a discussion at one of our Monday evening meetings in order to sort out some of these questions." "What a good ideal" exclaimed Barrie. "Of course, the important thing to remember is
that changes in society can only be brought about through mass participation and struggle of ordinary people- beware of liberal porcupines and tory badgers, who would have you believe that socialists are antidemocratic - socialism can only exist in Britain if it is the expression of thedemocratic will of the people" mole said' sagely. Paul at that point stirred and suggested that they discuss all this next week. The others would have agreed but they were already in the bar. Communist Society discussion meeting Roads to Socialism Monday, 15th October 6:30pm ICWA Lounge
Dear Colin, Re
It sinks to depths from which it never recovers starting with the editorial. It is crude, racist and •depraved. Perhaps the only good thing about it, is that it has no 'page 3' type photographs, but this is more than made up for by the sick jokes and the crossword. It is rather ironic that it is being u s e d to r a i s e m o n e y f o r handicapped people when it makes fun of them. Various people have commented that since it is the Rag Mag, it ought to be allowed to have a certain licence but this one has really gone too far. We believe in taking a fairly open-minded view of sex and other matters, but we don't believe in making sick jokes about handicapped people, or producing a mag so blatantly sexist or bigoted especially at a place like IC, where sex and race are rather t o u c hy subjects. It was interesting to notice, that Mr Fox and Ms Rae Snee (Rag Chairman) have disassociated themselves from it, but really this is not enough. The executive should have acted as soon as they realized what was happening especially when the first lot of printers refused to print it, due to it being obscene. The excuse that by the time they realized what was happening it was too late, is not acceptable because the names of two of them are in the editorial disassociating themselves from it. This really is not good enough as it does (and will) offend a lot of people and various student committees are against it. The view taken is that as it has been produced, it has to be sold to recover the cost. This depends on whether you want to project the image of IC students being mindtess depraved zombies. They really should have kept a better eye on how the money was being spent. Although some of the jokes are quite good the mag is really quite obscene and it is rather a pity that such an obviously talented person as Mr Marshall should have produced a Rag Mag without foreseeing the obvious consequences.
Aftab Gujral (O.S.C) Avljlt Chakravarty Mech Eng PG P.S. Sagoo (Chem PG) John Passmore (Pet Eng UG) Richard Earl (Physics PG)
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,
On Friday, 5th October; a poster was hanged in College (a copy of which is enclosed) claiming its source as IC Islamic Society.
I would like to comment on Merche Clark's article on the Corrie Bill in last week's FELIX.
We have not issued this poster; and it is well known to our members that 1-2pm is our FRIDAY PRAYER TIME, a weekly event which continued since the formation of the society. Firstly, I would like to ask whoever played such a childish trick to come out in the open and state his views clearly and not claim them on our society. Secondly, I would like to point out that the Society held a lecture entitled, 'Facts and Events About the Islamic Revolution in Iran' given by Dr Abul Fazl Ezzatti from the University of Tehran. A copy of the poster is also included (and will hopefully be published with this article). This later lecture did take place on 14th September. May I point out our interst in Iran at the moment. An Islamic revolution supported by most Iranians emerged. It ousted the Shah who had the support of the Western world. Khomeini emerged as an undisputed leader. Anyone who has read the Iranian Constitution, and followed up the events leading to the revolution; .as well as after the revolution will realize that the main aim was to establish an Islamic State as an independent system from others such as communism, socialism, imperialism, and secularism. Women were at the forefront of the revolution. Thus destroying the popular myth that women are suppressed under Islam. We pray to G o d to guide the revolution in a righteous path, so that it can demonstrate the much needed Islamic example as a complete way of life: social, political, economic, spiritual, as well as a practical way of demonstrating the law brought by the creator to his creation. May I remind non-Arab speaking f r i e n d s that Islam m e a n s obedience and submission to G o d - named Allah by the Arabs. Finally, I would like to challenge the offender mentioned at the beginning of this letter, to come to our next lecture and discussion about Iran, and to stop being a c o w a r d a n d u n c i v i l i z e d as everyone is entitled to his viewl Yours,
Frank James .... / totally endorse without any reservation the views expressed above.
President of Committee
C^py deadline for next Friday's issue will be 5:30
Merche Clark .... on behalf of IS women attending the ICWA General Meeting Oct 9th.
p m
Monday, 15th October
Firstly, Merche Clark appears to have signed herself as "ICWA President" but I know that the views expressed in her letter are abhorrent to .many members of ICWA. The usefulness of abortion to women students is questionable, and since it is the welfare of these students that Ms. Clark should be concerned with, then surely she is abusing her position. If she wishes to contribute such articles to FELIX she should do so either as an .individual student or as a representative of the anti-life societies such as the National Abortion Campaign. Her article opens by saying that the 1967 abortion act entitles women to abortions in certain circumstances. This is not so. The relevent wording of the act will be found in chapter 87 section 1, and I quote: "Subject to the provisions of this section, a person shall not be guilty of an offence under the law relating to abortion when a pregnancy is terminated by a registered medical practitioner if two registered medical practitioners are of the opinion, formed " in good faith The act then continues with the frequently quoted circumstances in which abortions may be carried out. The wording of the above excerpt does not give any woman a right to abortion, it gives a doctor the right not to be prosecuted for performing an abortion under certain circumstances. The difference is great. I would suggest that when Merche Clark writes any article in future she gets the fact c o r r e c t . Ms. Clark's analysis of the four main areas, as she defines them, of the Corrie Bill is somewhat faulty. For one thing, abortions will not be illegal after twenty w e e k s in c a s e s of foetal abnormality or where doctors say that there are serious medical grounds for the abortion. If the one percent of abortions now performed after twenty weeks are only "the most desperate and serious cases" then Ms. Clark need not worry; such abortions may still be carried out if the Corrie Bill is passed. The changing of the grounds for abortion is primarily to return to the 1967 bill in its original meaning - or rather what the bill's sponsors at the time claimed its meaning to be. The wording was very ambiguous and loose, so that the conditions became meaningless. By going to "charities" like B P A S virtually any woman can have an abortion; the 1967 act has
become weak and meaningless a n d m a n y of its o r i g i n a l supporters are realizing that they were hoodwinked into supporting an act with deliberately loose wording. The B P A S and PAS "charities" involved in the abortion industry, are rightly worried about the Corrie Bill. Their existence is threatened. They can avoid this problem if they cut all financial and personnel links between the agencies and the abortion clinics, and then they will be allowed to  continue. Perhaps what worries them is the loss of one and a half million pounds annual income, not the fact that they will no longer be able to provide women with a " s y m p a t h e t i c s e r v i c e at a reasonable price". Ms. Clark then deals with the rights of conscientious objectors; she seems to believe that people with a moral objection to abortion should not work in the health service. Yet theoretically this is a civilized country - would we force people to peform executions or force nuns to administer drugs for euthanasia? Abortion, Ms. Clark, has nothing to do with the quality of service a doctor provides for his or her patients. A pregnant woman is t w o patients. Finally, I would like to agree with Merche Clark on one or two points. "Have we the right to bring children into a world when we feel we cannot look after them though material reasons, social pressures or whatever?" My answer is that we have an obligation to make the world a fit place to bring the children into; the children have a right to life. I agree that women should be able to control their own bodies; but not if to do so they must kill another human being. Most women who have abortions have already made the choice to risk pregnancy, and the parents are responsible for the child after conception. Abortion is not about whether women have a right to control their bodies, but about whether they have a right to decide the future of another, helpless human being. Abo^t whether they have the right to kill a child. May I urge everybody who is concerned about the present misuse of the abortion act or about the immorality of abortion to write to their MPs requesting them to vote for the Corrie bill in February? I can supply information on which MPs voted • for and against the bill previously, for anyone interested. Yours faithfully, Sean Kelly Chem 2
taken from Monday's Exec News Stotesbury, ICU Hon.
Proposed by: Kirsten Pratt Seconded by: Barry Thyson ICU Notes: 1: The existence of Apartheid in South Africa. 2. That apartheid is a system which embodies racism in its constitution. 3. That the so-called reforms do not change the basic laws descriminating against non-whites. 4. That the regime uses sporting tours as an attempt- to gain respectibility.
5. That there are over 30 laws and regulations which prevent truly multiracial sport being played. 6. That some members of RSMU deceived the Metropolitan Police in their booking of Imber Court. 7. That the Executive decided not to stop the South African Team from using College Bars, which is in total contradiction to existing Union Policy which states 'ICU thus declares opposition to tours by racially selected sports teams from South Africa'.
ICU Notes: 1. The £55m Reduction in central G o v e r n m e n t E x p e n d i t u r e on Education of which £8m is in the University Sector. 2. The proposed 6% cut in Universities intake in 1980/81. 3. The £300m cut in the Rate support Grant of 150m of which is expected to be from LEA Education Budgets 4. The effect that this would heve on grants especially in the distribution of Discretionary Awards. 5. The 32% rise in Tuition Fees for Overseas Students. 6. T h e l i k e l i h o o d that the Government will try and implement the 'Full E c o n o m i c C o s t ' of Overseas Students i.e. £2550. 7. The cut in Nursery School Education from £5.9m to £4m (32%) which is contrary to proposals in the Conservative Manifesto.
by kind permission Secretary)
ICU Believes: 1. No sporting links will be acceptable between Britain and South Africa until there is complete democracy in South Africa. 2. That until such time, no College or Union facilities should be made available to South African Teams. ICU resolves: 1. To censure the Executive for not stopping a South African Team using College Bars. 2. To support 'Stop all Racist Tours' Campaign.
8. The price rise in School Meals from 25p - 30p and the reduction in subsidised Transport which will result in £200m saving for the Government. THe DES proposals for 'Education into the 90's' i.e. the need for expansion of the Tertiarty Sector to accommodate 'the Bulge'. 10. The certainty of Continued Cuts in future years with the possibility of closures of institutions. ICU Believes: 1. IC Students must involve themselves in action against Notes 1 - 10. 2. There should be a large scale Publicity and Education Campaign starting with the IC Students. 3. That these cuts are one step in a move to make education elitist and only within economic reach of the rich.
ICU Instructs: 1. The Union to Occupy a place in College until it has received a personal assurance from Maggie T or Mark Carlisle that Government Education Policy, especially regarding the Tertiry Sector and O v e r s e a s S t u d e n t s w i l l be completely reviewed or until such times as the action is seen to have made a suitable impact. 2. The Executive to write to all Governors and Members of the Board of Studies explaining that the action is not directed specifically against the college. 3. The Executive to write to the Rector inviting him to join us. 4. That this motion be taken to ULU SRC on 24th October urging other colleges' support. ICU Urges: All students to supporTthese aims.
WHAT'S ON Sat 13 Oct FRESHERS' KNOCK-OUT SNOOKER T O U R N A M E N T : held in the S n o o k e r L o u n g e at 10:30am. A d m i s s i o n 25p to m e m b e r s and 50p to non-members.
J E W I S H S O C I E T Y F R E S H E R S ' P A R T Y will be held in C h e m 231 at 7:00pm. M u s i c , fruit a n d drink provided free. R B S I N I T I A T I O N will be held at 7:30pm in the S u n , H o b o r n . Meet at 7:00pm in the T V lounge at B e r n a r d S u n l e y House. Wed 17 O c t
WEST L O N D O N CHAPLAINCY MEETINGP A R T Y , featuring a slide s h o w to introduce freshers to the C h a p l a i n c y at IC, will be held at 7:30 in t h e Bot/Zoo C o m m o n R o o m . A d m i s s i o n is free.
P G G R O U P M E E T I N G to d i s c u s s activities for t h e term will be held in the G r e e n C o m m i t t e e R o o m at 12:30pm. A l e provided. GENERAL MEETING OF T H E SNOOKER C L U B will be held in the U n i o n T V L o u n g e at 1:00pm.
Mon 15 Oct
A D I S C O will be held at 7:00pm in the S a i l i n g C l u b (Welsh Harp).
PAKISTAN SOCIETY'S FRESHERS'TEA: will be held in the U n i o n B u i l d i n g C o n c e r t Hall at 6:30pm. Free food and drink provided. COMMUNIST SOCIETY DISCUSSION M E E T I N G , o n R o a d s to S o c i a l i s m ' , will be held at 6:30pm in the I C W A Lounge F O L K C L U B C O N C E R T : featuring J o h n Kirkpatrick will be held in the U n i o n L o w e r at 8 : 0 0 p m . A d m i s s i o n 5 0 p Refectory (members 25p and singers free).
RASTUS' COOKING POT A busy eight days for the club begins tomorrow. We start this year's competitions with the Freshers' Tournament tomorrow. Anyone wishing to enter shuld be in the snooker lounge by 10:45
at the
latest. T h e entrance fee will be 25p for members and 50p for non-members. As of this year, all of our
Tues 16 Oct
competitions will be open to non-members as well
MOPSOC L E C T U R E , given by D r E K r o n h e i m e r (Birkbeck) o n ' F i x e d Points, Winding Numbers and Three-legged Chairs', will be held in P h y s L e c Theatre 3 at 1:15pm. T H E R I D I N G C L U B will meet between 1:002:00pm in room 110, E l e c E n g t o d i s c u s s activities a n d book rides. S T O I C T R A N S M I S S I O N at 1:00pm in J C R , U n i o n , S o u t h s i d e halls a n d lower T V lounge on c h a n n e l 21.
as members, though non-members will have to pay
ASSOCIATED STUDIES L E C T U R E S 1. 'A Plain M a n ' s G u i d e t o B u d g e t a r y a n d M o n e t a r y P o l i c y ' given by Prof A Prest in the R e a d Theatre, Sherfield B u i l d i n g at 1:30pm. 2. ' T h e Detection of Fakes ' given by Prof E T Hall will take place in t h e P i p p a r d Theatre, Sherfield B u i l d i n g at 1:30pm. P H O T O S O C L E C T U R E on 'Animals and B i r d s ' by E F Stove, u s i n g 2x2 c o l o u r slides will be given in R S M 3 0 3 at 7:00pm.
double the entrance fee. On
Wednesday, we will be holding our first
general meeting of the session. It will be held in the Union On
T V Lounge, and will start at Tournament.
IC S O C I A L I S T SOCIETY GENERAL M E E T I N G will be held at 1:00pm at H u x l e y 340. L I B E R A L C L U B C O M M I T T E E M E E T I N G will be held in the G r e e n C o m m i t t e e R o o m at 12:45pm. S T O I C ' N E W S B R E A K ' T R A N S M I S S I O N will be s h o w n at 1:00pm and 6:00pm in the J C R , U n i o n , S o u t h s i d e halls and lower T V lounge on c h a n n e l 21. ASSOCIATED STUDIES PRESENTS 1. ' T h e T u d o r s ' film in the Great Hall, Sherfield B u i l d i n g at 1:15pm. 2. A l u n c h - h o u r c o n c e r t featuring J o n a t h a n B l a c k l e d g e (violin) a n d E d w a r d R i c h a r d s (piano) in the M u s i c R o o m 53 Prince's G a t e at 1:30pm. 3. A film o n J o h n Davies, factory inspector with c o m m e n t s by A P M c K e n z i e , H M Safety Inspector will be s h o w n in the R e a d Theatre, Sherfield B u i l d i n g at 1:15pm. U L U G A Y S O C M E E T I N G , with Peter R o b i n s talking o n gay literature a n d g a y s in the E d i n b u r g h Festival will be held in r o o m 2D, University of L o n d o n U n i o n B u i l d i n g , Malet Street ( G o o d g e Street u n d e r g r o u n d station) at 8:00pm. Fri 19 Oct S H O R T L I F E H O U S I N G G R O U P will be meeting in the S C R at 12:45pm. A l l interedted please attend.
Saturday 20th, there will be a Pot-Luck
Thurs 18 Oct
available in the snooker lounge. Y o u can also get more information in kthe snooker lounge on the two different lessons we will be giving on how to play snooker. T h e first lessons will be on M o n d a y
Sat 20 Oct T R I A L S F O R U L A N D IC S A I L I N G T E A M S will be held at the sailing c l u b at 10:00am. W o m e n are especially needed for U L Ladies' Team.
22nd; lesson 1 will be from 5:30 to 6:30, and lesson 2 from 5:30 to 6:30 as well. So that those attending
A proposed student geological expedition to the
will get the greatest benefit from these lessons, there
O m a n Mountains (somewhere
will be a limit of eight people per lesson. So if you
November 1980 to January 1981,
would like to attend a lesson please come and put
experience mechanic to maintain two four-wheel Previous
requires good,
your name down for it. These lessons are open to
everybody, not only members of the club. Tuition
expeditions useful but not essential; interest in
will be given by committee and team members.
in Arabia) from
geology optional. If yu are interested or would like more details contact:-
Rastus A d o l f O d i n g a O d i n g a (Prez)
Guy Loltu (Geo 3. 48 G a r d e n Hall) or G a r y Nichols (Geo 3, 129 Beit Hall)
MOTIONS ON:. 1. M O T I O N O F C E N S U R E 2. B A N N I N G T H E R A G M A G _ _ 3. T H E D E A T H O F B L A I R D C / rltHt! PEACH mm 4. A G A I N S T T H E C O R R I E GREAT HALL BILL U G M this T U E S D A Y , 1 p m 5. E D U C A T I O N C U T S A N D BE THERE! OCCUPATION T
(0 UT OF m A HE A
tksjs CF UttsT
, ? O U C E M E N
/ E U D ' E U D ' E U D
O R A T E "
\ C E F R O M
SHOES ...f
AND... TRT<6>M
c o u l c r
ROYAL SCHOOL OF MINES By now everyone should have settled into the routine of College life (lectures, beer, practicals, beer etc). Freshers' week went off with its customary bang, with the Union Meeting, Freshers' Fair, Sports Trials, Bar Night and Pub Crawl. The slopshirt stock was depleted by the Freshers' Fair, so if you still want some regalia get along to the RSM Union Office PDQ! The turnout for the sports trials was good and things look promising for the coming season. On Friday night, if anyone can remember it, the pub crawl 'occurred'; some marshals being in a worse state than the competitors. The fun now is to find out where exactly those pubs arel If you still have your scoresheet, please hand it in to the Union Office. This event inevitably took its toll on the tiddlywinks next morning, but there was a good attendance; many thanks to all those who turned up to tiddle their winks. The infamous Mines Freshers' Dinners are b a c k with t h e i r u s u a l intellectual conversation over a quiet drink. The dates are: Friday, 12th October: Geology Friday, 19th October: Met & Mat Sci. Friday, 26th October: Min. Res. Eng. These dinners are far from dull and sober occasions for freshers and old logs to meet (i.e. fall over) each other and generally get p i s s e d and have a g o o d time. Dress in a suit or anything resembling one, but P L E A S E bring a change of clothing. More extensive details will be given to you over the next few days. Foreign Students Trips We have been invited to send two representatives to the International Weeks in Trondheim, Norway (Oct 28th-Nov 3rd) and Kracow, Poland (Nov 11th-17th). Ask anyone who has been on one of these weeks and you will be told how good they are - the days being taken up by industrial visits and the nights by parties and the odd drink or two. If you have any queries (or if you have any queeries then see Rick Wilson, Hon. Pornographer) then see the R S M U noticeboard or Mike Lee. Remember - whilst there the host universities pay for everything and the RSMU endeavours to subsidize your fare by up to fifty percent..So get a friend or someone and put your names on the list. T H E C O P Y D A T E FOR T H E NEXT MINES NEWSLETTER IS MON. O C T 16TH, S O G E T OFF YOUR B A C K S I D E S AND WRITE S O M E T H I N G AND H A N D IT IN T O T H E UNION OFFICE. Future Events Mines Disco: Sorry about the postponement, d a t e is b e i n g finalized. a new Oct. 18th: E L E C T I O N U G M . This is a very important meeting - please pome along and vote for a new president (if you don't know by now, the last one failed). Oct 31st: Halloween Party Nov 4th: Nottingham Rugby Sevens and Football Sixes. 8
FRESHERS' FAIR This went quite smoothly this year (except for a few little accidents with hot air balloons). I would like to thank Mr. Mooney for his cooperation with our using the refectories, and Mr. Clark of Estates for permission to use the Queen's Lawn. I've received a complaint that some people started playing football on the Queen's Lawn; this is a very carefully kept lawn, which we were lucky to be allowed to use, and I don't expect to see people playing on it again. I've also received some complaints about certain societies who did not appear to be very keen to recruit new members; if you have any experience of this happening, do come and see me (in complete confidence, of course) and I'll have a word with the people responsible. DUTY OFFICERS Could all Council members please come and see me as soon as possible to discuss which nights would be most convenient for them to act as duty officers so that I can draw up a rota.
Later that evening, nine of the players were invited back for a drink in the Real Ale Bar in Southside and signed in as visitors, despite an assurance I had been given the previous day by Bernie Pryor (RSMU Acting President) that this would not happen. A number of people drinking in Stan's Bar, including that evening's duty officer, Kirsten Pratt, objected to their presence and asked me to have them removed, and, if necessary, calling in the police to do so. I refused to do this, since I felt that the anti-apartheid viewpoint had been sufficiently stressed by the events of the afternoon and earlier that evening, and that any further action against them would be unnecessary and possibly counter-productive. However, I would like to apologize to Kirsten for the very upsetting position I had put her in by having appointed her as duty o f f i c e r that e v e n i n g . None of the visiting players caused any trouble during the evening, unlike an exRSMU member whom I had to have thrown out of the bar for a comment he made to the duty officer. I will not put up with people a b u s i n g duty officers under any circumstances - and everybody had better remember it. MINES FRESHERS' DINNERS
C R A S H PAD Only a few people left in Crash Pad at the moment; I hope to be able to close it by the end of the week. SOUTH AFRICAN RUGBY TOUR As most of you will know by now, a rugby match (or at least, half of one) took place on Sunday between a team from a South African mining company and an invitation team comprising mainly members of IC, the match having been mainly arranged by RSMU. After the match, myself and several people who had been demonstrating outside the players' hotel that morning, went to discuss the situation in South Africa with the touring team (at their invitation) in the hotel bar. As a
result of this discussion, I was satisfied that the team realized how strongly the majority of people in this country feel against the apartheid system.
Since writing the last article many things have happened during the first week. On Monday, we held our reception in the Concert Hall with introductions to various Union people and tours with 'small' groups (not more than twenty) around College. The Union Meeting on Tuesday was a great success, most Exec members being hit by flying objects (Nab retaliated very successfully). The assembled Guildsmen and women learnt the Boomalaka and used it with great effect to raise the roof in ME 220. The Bar Night on Thursday was a very well attended and boozy affair. Some excellent yards were drunk, with demonstrations of the wrong way by Mr Kalsi and the right way by Mr Lakin. The Boat Races were won by Elec Eng 2 ('We woz robbed,' P. Leggett), also the singing was very loud. Saturday saw the first Rag collection of the year with Guilds collecting £747.50 bringing our Rag total to over £800, not bad for the first week (better than RCS). The tiddlywinking
I'd like to thank the Mines Executive for their invitation to one of their freshers' dinners; unfortunately I feel unable to accept this, despite having attended one last year (and having thoroughly enjoyed it!). The reason is simple; women are not allowed to attend their departmental freshers' dinners. Certain members of RSMU may give various spurious reasons for supporting this system, but the fact remains that it involves blatant discrimation against women, which I will not accept as being correct under any cirumstances, and therefore feel that it would be improper for me to represent ICU at any such dinners. M A L C O L M BRAIN
took place as usual with some people winking all the way up the steps of Eros. Despite a slight difference of opinion with the boys in blue, all of Guilds made it to the Cockney Pride, even though a large number of winks were lost down drains, up trouser legs or just into thin air. The Events to come are the Freshers' Dinners, so hurry up and buy your tickets (see advert for details). The Roadshow is on Saturday 13th at 8:00pm, buy your tickets soon at the riciculously low price of £1 in advance. Silly sports is the next Rag event on Saturday, 20th, meet in the Union Office at 9:00am for some fun with the shoppers outside Harrods.
Bryan C & G U
" L e t m e b r i n g y o u a l l t h i n g s refined: G a l l i a r d s a n d l u t e songs served i n c h i l l i n g a l e . " W e l l , if t h a t ' s w h a t y o u w a n t , d o n ' t go to t h e A n g l e s e a , f o r a l l that w i l l be f o u n d is the " c h i l l i n g a l e " ; songs,
Hello again! _
w h e t h e r they be lute o r j u k e b o x are absent, as are
Well, the past few days could be described as
peanuts, crisps, straight glasses, space i n v a d e r s a n d
less than uneventful. Some members of the
fruit m a c h i n e s . W h y go to the A n g l e s e a at a l l ? T h e
Union nearly made it on the cover ofthe 'Daily
Mirror' and the ensuing stink that followed has
been been
the R E A L A L E .
T h e r e has been a p u b o n the site o f t h e A n g l e s e a ever since the a r e a was d e v e l o p e d i n the e i g h t e e n t h HARDSHIP The
drunk too many times
c e n t u r y , a n d since t h e n has passed t h r o u g h m a n y
haven't even started yet. But just remember
'Applications for a fee remission on grounds
V i c t o r i a n bars (there were three) a n d screens b e i n g
there are still some posts of a more serious
r e m o v e d a n d the b u i l d i n g o f t h e t w o bars present
c o n s i d e r e d b y some to be v a n d a l i s m r e s u l t e d i n the
already (sorry all!) and the Freshers' Dinners
nature which are not filled with candidates. If
personally liable for all or part of their fees.'
now. T h e l a r g e r b a r serves d r i n k s , w h i l e the o t h e r
'Eligible students wishing to be considered
serves food at i u n c h t i m e . T h e p u b has b e e n a free house for a r e l a t i v e l y short t i m e ; it was p r e v i o u s l y a
constructively to the Union then come and
can obtain a form from Registry (which is on
see myself or the other Officers and we'll talk
the third floor of the Sherfield Building).' Any
queries come and see me. It is important that
Eng. Dep.Rep.
anyone in trouble does apply. If you have any
B e n T r u m a n tied house. A t t h a t i m e it was o n e o f the
p u b s to i n t r o d u c e d r a u g h t G u i n n e s s .
N o w to the most i m p o r t a n t p a r t o f a n y p u b , t h e
particularly ignored. Oh God, I hate writing
friends that are reluctant to apply, push them
beer. T h e A n g l e s e a offers a selection o f six r e a l ales;
over to see me.
Wadworths 6 X , S a m Smiths O l d Brewery Bitter,
here. comes
R u d d l e s C o u n t y , B r a k e s p e a r s Best, Y o u n g s Best CUTS
So you thought you'd get away with it, but here goes. TODAY
and Everards Tiger. D u r i n g the winter a ' W i n t e r
T O W A R D S T H E END ICU is affiliated to Amnesty International and participates in its 'urgent action' scheme
which involves writing letters and sending
gathering in the Beit Arch to go and picket the
telegrams seeking 'lost' peoples in the less
than Just countries. Well I have just got a
in Waterloo over the Overseas Students
A T T E N D . It's not necessary for you to devote all afternoon but it IS necessary that people turn up and show they care.
letter through
t h e m so often
r e c e n t l y that I feel like
g i v i n g it a miss today. I n s t e a d, I ' l l ask y o u to t h i n k a b o u t w h a t y o u c o u l d be d o i n g , a n d h o w w e c o u l d h e l p y o u get it together. S o , i f y o u c o m e u p w i t h s o m e t h i n g , C o m m u n i t y A c t i o n i s h , that y o u w a n t
for do
flowers, so
messages the
brother to
o f s y m p a t h y etc
a n d taste.
consequences o f a life l i v e d to t h e full a n d m a r r e d
follow t h e signs).
by the w o r k s y n d r o m e w i l l be h e l d o n the same d a y as he receives his long-service g o l d w a t c h f r o m t h e Dole
is c o m p a r a b l e
W e are e s p e c i a l l y interested i n p e o p l e w i l l i n g to
is g o o d ,
events o u t s i d e o f college u s i n g t h e p o r t a b l e
the quiche
a n d chilli
c o n c a r n e . W i t h the p l o u g h m a n s , y o u c a n h a v e a piece o f cheese; e i t h e r c h e d d a r , c a m e m b e r t o f b l u e s t i l t o n. p u b attracts
numbers of
especially since it is i n the C a m r a ' g o o d beer g u i d e ' a n d m a n y tourist books. T h e p u b has thus t w o c h a r a c t e r s , one a ' l o c a l ' a n d t h e o t h e r b e i n g a n a t t r a c t i o n for real a l e seekers.
T h e former are
d u r i n g t h e l u n c h t i m e session a n d t h e
l a t t e r after a b o u t 7:30 i n the e v e n i n g . T o m y m i n d , the p u b is a better
to B r a k e s p e a r s , a n d t h e
offered is t y p i c a l o f m a n y p u b s . T h e q u a l i t y o f t h e food
F l a g s at h a l f mast a n d b l a c k a r m - b a n d s , please.
J o h n Whitehouse
T h e Ruddles a n d
S a m s is a m a t t y p i n t t e n d i n g to be a bit ' t h i c k ' , t h e Youngs
The A n official d a y o f d e e p m e d i t a t i o n o n t h e a w f u l
r o o m o n the t o p floor w h e r e w e keep o u r stuff (just
real ale.
F o o d is o n l y served at l u n c h t i m e , the s e l e c t i o n
joint effort o f his m o t h e r a n d e l d e r
o n a r e , o f course,
T h i s t e r r i b l e state o f affairs was b o u g h t a b o u t b y
m a k e M o n d a y s , I s h o u l d be a r o u n d t h e U n i o n
S T O I C is l o o k i n g for n e w m e m b e r s n o w to h e l p
to be t h e sweetest. T h e B r a k e s p e a r s S p e c i a l is a
B u i l d i n g most o t h e r l u n c h t i m e s , possibly i n t h e
W a d w o r t h s are p e r h a p s the strongest a n d also t e n d
i n the J e z G a r a g e
he has spent
y o u a r e n o t used
s u p p o r t i n g t h e fire e n g i n e . T h e o n e o r t w o o t h e r
lunchtimes, a n d we m i g h t tell y o u . I f you can't
o f d r i n k i n g i n the
be c o n s t a n t i n its taste; sweet b u t not too sweet. T h e
then c o m e a l o n g to o n e o f o u r meetings,
h a d , a n d those served t e n d to be s t r o n g i n b o t h
A f t e r t w o years i n P h y s i c s (failed 2 n d y e a r ) , N i g e l
good bet i f the d e c i s i o n is i m p o s s i b l e , as it tends to
S o u p r u n s as u s u a l o n T u e s d a y s a n d F r i d a y s i n
not w e hasten to a d d , e n t i r e l y o f his o w n v o l i t i o n .
if y o u r e a l l y w a n t to find o u t w h a t w e are d o i n g ,
h e l p w i t h o r g a n i z i n g / c a s h , t h e n get i n t o u c h . A n d , Monday
U n f o r t u n a t e l y there a r e n o ' o r d i n a r y ' bitters to be
N i g e l R e d i t t has o b t a i n e d honest
T h e C o m m u n i t y A c t i o n G r o u p has a few r e g u l a r i n , b u t I've
Shock Horror for RCS Motor Club
Community Action be interested
c o m i n g to a n e n d . A l l o f t h e ales are served f r o m a
A n g l e s e a prices h a v e not i n c r e a s e d r e c e n t l y ( a p a r t
nice way to finish the week.
The End.
y o u might
good c o n d i t i o n , b u t o c c a s i o n a l l y a n 'off p i n t ' m a y o c c u r . T h i s is n o r m a l l y , the result o f a b a r r e l
actually tells of the
Stay good!
For the rest see the report of the Joint Action
it is l i k e l y to be
Y o u n g s W i n t e r W a r m e r . T h e ales a r e u s u a l l y i n
recent successes of this scheme, which is a
Meeting on the Cuts.
is i n t r o d u c e d . T h i s y e a r
place d u r i n g the m o r n i n g .
T h e p u b is easy to find f r o m college, it is a t e n m i n u t e w a l k d o w n Q u e e n s G a t e , s t r a i g h t across
c a m e r a a n d r e c o r d e r , since s u c h m a t e r i a l forms an
the O l d B r o m p t o n R o a d i n t o O n s l o w G a r d e n s . It is
of the programme
is p u t
a b o u t t w o h u n d r e d metres o n t h e right f r o m O l d
on Wednesday
cost a n y t h i n g to j o i n a n d a n y o n e
B r o m p t o n R o a d . T a k e m y a d v i c e a n d give the p u b
interested is w e l c o m e , p a r t i c u l a r l y freshers. I f y o u
a visit, " A n d i n t h y joyous E r r a n d r e a c h the S p o t ,
do w i s h to c o n t a c t S T O I C , c o m e to the p r o d u c t i o n
meetings at 1 2 : 4 0 p m o n M o n d a y s a n d F r i d a y s i n
T h e A n g l e s e a A r m s , 15 S e l w o o d
producing, directing, sound a n d vision engineering
the S T O I C O f f i c e o n t h e 4 t h floor o f the U n i o n
O p e n i n g hours:-
as w e l l
B u i l d i n g . A l t e r n a t i v e l y , t u r n u p at the T V studios
near t h e E l e c E n g D e p t o n W e d n e s d a y
4 : 0 0 p m o n w a r d s , u s u a l l y c o n c l u d i n g w i t h a visit to S t a n ' s Bar. at a b o u t 9 : 0 0 p m . The
r a n g e o f a c t i v i t i e s is extensive as o p e r a t i n g the
T V cameras a n d V T R s .
is the
o p p o r t u n i t y o f s i t t i n g o n t h e o t h e r side o f t h e camera, reviews
presenting o r even
U n i o n Executive!
I C news
a n d events, members
h o w it
Grant Richmond
oi the
Junior Treasurer
is d o n e
afternoons the
I made one-turn d o w n a n empty
1 l:00am-3:00pm,
5 : 3 0 p m - l 1:00pm
- 1l:00am-3:00pm,6:30pm-l -
7:00pm-1 0:30pm
Nick Gratfon
SPECIAL Insurance If you live in College properly you will have received, with your bill, a summary of two of the policies (Halls of Residence Property and Personal Injury). Please read this carefully and keep for future reference. Should you wish to make a claim, I can give you a form. The chairman of the majorsub-committees have sent to each club or society a property insurance form. This is so a list of property owned by a club or society can be assessed for insurance purposes. I do urge those concerned to return the form as soon as possible. The importance of this is reflected when one considers that only 60% of clubs and societies are insured and even those are mostly under insured. Duplicating Demo It just so happens, that NO O N E will be able to use the Union duplicating facilities unless they have attended a demonstration. Keys will only be given to those one this elite list of mine. There is now one last chance. The Gestetners in the FELIX Office at 1:00pm on Monday, will demonstrate to the world how they should be used. Environmental Week This is going to be big, but in an attempt to make it huge, there's an open meeting at 12:45pm T O D A Y in the ICWA Lounge. There is a lot to discuss, so please, if you're interested in topics to do with our surroundings, turn up. Union General Meeting This is at 1:00pm on Tuesday in the Great Hall. Unlike the last one this one is packed with contentious motions, debate and elections. If you care about the community you live and study in - B E T H E R E PLEASE! Parking Permits The Unions Parking Committee met over the weekend. Published here is the list of those who have been granted permits. If you are one of the lucky ones tnen you may collect your permit from the Union Office from Monday onwards. Permits will be i s s u e d to s u c c e s s f u l a p p l i c a n t s on production of an authorized Union Card and a log book corresponding to the vehicle and the permit holder. For those unsuccessful applicants you may wish to fill in an appeal form which must be returned to the Union Office by 5:00pm T U E S D A Y , 16th O C T . The permit scheme comes into effect on Monday, 22nd October. After this date, the parking of cars not displaying permits will be prohibited, and very naughty. • Second Week Well that's all for now. I'll see all of you Keoghians tonight at the dinner. Don't forget to take along your sugar lumps and to aim them at Baz.
I. Mauro Cordani/Gregory Kaye 2. Edmond Minassian 3. Bryan Mecklenburgh 4. Peter Wai Hung Wo 5. Geoffrey Richard Monk/Jeremy Tunnard 6. Sydney Wong 7. Eugene Seferiadis 8. Abbas Shahmoradi 9. Bernie Pryor 10. G . Fernando 11. J . Malathronas 12. Alan Clarke 13. R.L.P. Hodgson/C.J. Miller 14. M.L. Salameh 15. Mark Kenrick 16. Paul Zaft 17. Alan Leclezio 18. Duncan Nuttall/A.T. Gregory/W.B.Bowen 19. C.H. Cheung 20. Paul Roberts 21. Vicki Chia 22. Gregory Preston 23. Dale Butcher 24. Zafar Kban 25. Leslie Jackson 26. Richard Jardine 27. Peter Lin 28. D.T. Dalzell 29. Keith Abbott 30. John Guidon 31. M. Najafi Sani 32. Keith Ashworth-Lord 33. Dervish Uman Cy 34. Jahanshahi Shafi 35. John Brynley Hughes 36. Malix T.I. 37. Collins Gardner 38. Fuad Mehraban 39. Christopher Harry 40. Carlo Andrean 41. A. Antoniou/Denis Halil 42. Giannacopoulos 43. Flavo Nobre/Richardo Prada 44. Ugodulunwa F.X. 45. Jonathan Matthews/N. Lindsay 46. Fernando Montero 47. Lisa Lanz/David Barron 48. G.M. De Silva 49. Toyohiro Takahashi 50. David Kuo 51. John Vlatis 52. Ayad A. AI-Mukhtar/A.A.G. Bakr 53. Lee Teck Thiam 54. David Joseph Sherratt 55. Javid A.D.L. 56. Janice Haigh 57. F. Bathael 58. Vivien Fowler 59. Kkoloos Andreas 60. Ouerobino L. De Souza 61. Ammar Nouri 62. R. Chung Nien Chin 63. Gary Fuller 64. M.A. Griffith 65. Glen Lucken 66. W.S. Cheung 67. Norman Gerald Sheriden 68. Anne Keymer 69. Wong Ching-Ming 70. Che Keung Mok 71. H.F. Behbahani 72. M.J. Tulley 73. John Bannister 74. Andrew Jolleys 75. O.B. Smarason 76. Kamal Patel 77. Usama Madi 78. Jonathan Pearson 79. W.R. Laking
RDW 667R/XM6 788J C L G 310F J Y T 295D PPP 657L C E T 537L C M G 908V W G U 414S O Y B 997L HYM 811C SOY 107N HLY 887K M E H 990K G B F 954N/TYN 262F TVL 953L KLL 625K VUF 590K OYL 8L O N O 528K/APG 196T/HLV 91 OP SMY 363M O O 3965 RPS 331L FXC 5095 S G H 387F LGY 112K PPF 370L FKY 850V X T C 921N H G U 600N N R O 463P VAA 360H YBL 452H XDK 300K PPP 856M PUW 647R PUN 506H MGR 75P MHV 692L YXJ 685M SWN 957M SPF 53F YJD 808T/POD 41L PUR 159H WMM 925M/XPA 914N UYK 304M , R U D 815P LKJ 755P T L F 345M NKT 982F UKN 456M DUL 255V LMK 382P J B U 206N LYH 695P S U T 338N YYK 830P R D C 39M B G O 392S G L P 328T VYH 632N ////////
O LD 854P LLM 26P CAR 939P NPT 603P YMU 309T J P U 818N 443 FLA LPW 307L C H L 399H ORW 127M O M F 620R XCK 922M LPM 738P TNB 739K T G T 988R O M M 849R T G F 711F C T N 312J RTP 983S
80. Farzin Sobhanpanah 81. Rar Oattan 82. Peter Naylor 83. R. N. Gorgui Naguib 84. C P . Tavares 85. Roderick Augur 86. Nigel Ward 87. M. Taha 88. Amb Lagesse 89. Francisca Gonzalez 90. Salvador Farina 91. Pedro Pessor 92. Ulrich Schmidt 93. F. A. Rogers 94. Philip Peters 95. Nicholas Fell 96. Alan Burton 97. John Wrigley 98. Jose Ma Regidor 99. Richard Gray 100. Fernando Marcano 101. J.P.S Bloomfield 102. Elizabeth Thomas 103. Tim Perry 104. MathewLO 105. S. Shan 106. Steve Veats 107. Geoffrey Yantian 108. A . E . Fenwick 109. Lucy Parakhovnik 110. Jeremy Stuttard 111. C.H. Wood 112. K.R. Menson 113. Richard Vieror 114. N. Johnson 115. Sukanja Biswas 116. Teh Wy 117. lan Gollop 118. Viresh Patel 119. A.V. Laughton 120. Malcolm Weir 121. Jo Armitage 122. Shona Ward 123. R C S U Transport Officer 124. Michael Wort 125. M.A. Stone 126. Christopher Aterhielm 127. A.R. Middleton 128. Steve Webb 129. Townsend 130. Nick Jeffery/Philip Eastwood 131. J . Koustas 132. Nicholas Billingham/Simon Dunmore 133. Suneel Khurmi 134. F.L. Poon 135. Martin Ogbe 136. Joan Gregory/Andrew Lewis 137. Shukri S. Yahya 138. Timothy Gelman 139. Neil Southern 140. John Beasley 141. M.H. Sharify 142. Sadik A.S. Jamal 143. Paul I. Morris 144. S.R. Gossain 145. All Fehmi Bicen 146. Stephen Wolff 147. Peter S. Mills 148. A . J . Norman/Anthony Lai 149. R.N. Mulnier/Chaltiel 150. M. Winokur/Martin Judkins 151. Jacob Ronen/Helen May Chan 152. Prem Kanwal Athwal/Mark Thompson 153. S. M. Rowka/P.S. Butcher 153. J . Kirshenboim/Jeffrey Pullen 155. Edward Q. Clutton/Henry Curwen 156. Georges Drossopoulos 157..N. Halkoussis 158. Annie Lathan
909 PK WUA 424N YLU 648H T C D 810L KJA 599F C G W 226H FVV 645E ERD 716L PPC 146L G L T 972N XUL 226T WYY 546N KO A M 452 . LLE 49P YNR 476J T F G 514K SBH 283M O K F 250S XON 818T 301 C Y O EUR 544K F T O 885L 4MM 918P PET 497M MMK 438L ELT 135J GKV 884D A R T 645L H U U 230K OYR 5F PPR 699 W L C 381G LUL 370P 893 C X U DPF 172J EKX 771G UHW 180N O C B 159P EYT 120J O D B 904D MYE 995L Bo "Frailer C M Y 171T HMD 880K J G X 529N RRG 578J C N Z 194 O M E 281B HUV 489K DMO 432R FAP 489L G D Y 769N YDH 288G/RDO 160M TYF 330M JVK 662L T T B 985H LPT 20C/BJH 303T A P M 477T RPK 435R PTC 592K T M O 558G ICB 90L O Y O 785R UUV 944F RGK 77L XMF 625N T B H 350L A T M 895L FMW 565D/PDW 933M SRK 681F/66 C S D 75 UUW 762F/987 J T U BMS 226K/CNV 466T LJB 713L/MGU 487D XBD 174J/622 TDV KOY 114P/OVX 843K O U N 700N/VPL 478M J K S 868H J G F 590N MJB 929P
The College sessional fees for session 1979-1980, will be as follows: UNDERGRADUATES UK Students £595 Overseas Students £940 POSTGRADUATES UK Students £890 Overseas Students £1,230 The College will operate a Hardship Fund to assist students still on course who entered the College in or before October 1978 and who have been adversely affected by the extraordinary increases in fees in October 1976, 1977 and the overseas fee increase of October 1979. Assistance will be in the form of partial remissions of fees and will be restricted to those students personally liable for all or part of their fees. Students proceeding from a first degree to a higher degree or from MSc to research in session 1979-1980, will N O T be eligible for assistance from the Fund. J
Application forms can be obtained from Mr Bevan, Room 344, Sherfield Building.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 30 November, 1979. Applications received after this date will not be considered. P E MEE
L a Societe Francophile Fancy grape-picking in France next summer? Do you like sangria parties? How about a party in Paris? Would you like to meet French people? All this and more could be yours chez-nous! We're a newly formed society, so any suggestions for our activities will be welcomed. Come to our first meeting at 12:30pm on Monday, 15th October, in the SCR in the Union Building. Our first major event will take place on Friday, 2nd November, in the Union Concert Hall and will be a sangria party with discotheque and live rock band. A Bientot R.S. Newman (Chem Eng PG) President
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Rhodesia peace talks hit crisis point. Lord Carrington gave the rival delegations until Monday to accept his proposals for the country's independance. He rejected the Front Leaders' objections, but to push the Front could jeopardize the British peace plans. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The engineers' strike, which has cost an estimated billions of pounds in lost production, could be over soon. Employers gave a broad hint at a secret meeting with Union leaders about increasing the pay offer. The talks have save the Confederation of Engineering Unions from an embarrassing public split. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rolls Royce, who laid off 30,000 workers because of strikes have missed out on a £60million order from All Nipon Airways, who decided in favour of Boeing jets with American engines. Mr James Callaghan lost by a slender 848,000 votes his power to determine the party's election manifesto. Mr Callaghan already had several shocks: claims that his defeat would bring election victories and protest on not including the promise to axe the House of Lords in the last manifesto. H e was, however, defended by various people, saying that the N E C was unfit to draw the manifesto and that the voters do not want extreme left wing socialism.
Engineering Unions have won a reduction of one hour in the working week from the e n d of 1981, and an extra holiday week Employers said that it could lead to industrial peace for four years, as Unions c a l l e d for an immediate end to strikes, w h i c h have cost fi rms £2,000million in lost sales Mr Callaghan made it clear, that he has no intention of giving way to the fundamental question of ultimate authority over party policy. This week's d e c i s i o n at the B r i g h t o n Conference, he c o n c e d e d , amounted to a censure of his premiership. But, he said that it was still the parliamentary labour party w h i c h retained fundamental responsibility for action of labour governments Cambodia refuted c l a i m s by t h e International Committee of R e d C r o s s a n d U N I C E F t h a t it authorized t h e t w o international relief organizations to o p e n offices in Phenom Penh or agreed to a large scale aid operation for the famine-stricken country. The US is sellling grain to U S S R and may sell arms to China in a complex balancing act.
A tough package of anti-IRA border securtiy measures was agreed between British and Eire ministers. The measures involve far closer cooperation between the R U C and the Irish police and more intensive patrolling of the perilous area on both sides of the border.
Bishop Muzorewa formally accepted British proposals for the Rhodesian constitution and to take part in new elections under British supervision. T h e Bishop said the agreement was subject to 'suitable and satisfactory' arrangements for bringing the constitution into effect and the lifting of sanctions. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Government is unwilling to pour extra tax payers' money into British Leyiand. Sir Keith Joseph, Industry Secretary, said he would take 'some convincing' of the need for extra money and that the Leyiand board and the National Enterprise board must provide evidence is support of any further funds b e i n g g i v e n to B r i t i s h L e y i a n d .
USSR will withdraw up to 20.000troops and 1,000 tanks from East Germany in the next year. This surprising move is hoped by the Russians to ease the path to detente, but sceptical Western observers say that the catch is that Brezhnev demands N A T O should not increase its own nuclear forces. This could be said to alter the situation in Europe radically and force Warsaw Pact nations to take steps to strengthen its own security. Mr Merlyn Rees, warned that the Labour Party was threatened with extinction. There are growing doubts by others on the right of the Parliamentary Labour Party over the effectiveness of Mr Callagnan's leadership. They argue that since he was out manoeuvred by the left and if the erosion of the leader's authority continues, the left will do m i na t e the inquiry into the party. Mr C a l l a g h a n , however, will carry on as he has the backing of the majority of the shadow cabinet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P o p e J o h n Paul visited the White H o u s e and joined M r Carter in c a l l i n g for n u c l e a r d i s a r m a m e n t a n d agreed with the President, that more international support is needed for the relief of the T h i r d Worl d, starving p e o p l e and refugees. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L o r d C a r r i n g t o n d e s c r i b e d a c c e p t a n c e of the British draft c o n s t i t u t i o n by B i s h o p M u z o r e w a as a major step forward. T h e Patriotic Front Leaders refuse to accept the British proposals as they are deeply s u s p i c i o u s of a secret deal with B i s h o p M u z o r e w a a n d that he is relying o n the front line nations to put pressure o n them. Leaders of the black consciousness movement in S o u t h A f r i c a are about to put the S o u t h A f r i c a n G o v e r n m e n t s reformiost zeal to the test M r Bott, a S o u t h A f r i c a n premier, might have to rely o n the E n g l i s h s p e a k i n g s e c t i o n of t h e electorate to back his onslaught of the outdated a n d c r u d e racial laws in existence
Mr Smith made his position as leader o f t h e white minority clear, by threatening to use his political strength to prevent parliamentary approval of the constitution proposed by Britian and in doing so he acknowledged his alienation from the rest of the Salisbury government delegation. South Africa has
offered to mediate between the B i s h o p a n d Mr Smith. T h e government yesterday hinted that it mioht order a p u b l i c inquiry into the death of B l a i r P e a c h . M r P e a c h died after being struck d u r i n g the S o u t h a l l race riots a n d insufficient e v i d e n c e has c o m e to light d u r i n g the inquest into his death.
The Rhodesia conference reached a critical stage last night after the Patriotic Front rejected British c o n s t i t u t i o n a l plans a n d a d v a n c e d their o w n draft. In their d e m a n d s t h e Front leaders c a l l e d for the negotiations to move onto the s e c o n d stage: pre-independence a r r a n g e m e n t s of a transitional p e r i o d a n d their reservations the British draft being noted. about M e a n w h i l e white M P s in R h o d e s i a gave their u n a n i m o u s s u p p o r t to the strategy being p u r s u e d b y M r S m i t h to prevent removal of white privilege. A s o l d i e r in c i v i l i a n c l o t h e s w a s killed a n d a n o t h e r injured in a terrorist a m b u s h in West Belfast, w h e n their mini w a s attacked by a u t o m a t i c fire by three men from a hardware s h o p off the Falls R o a d . In an u n p r e c e d e n t e d s p e e c h at a private l u n c h e o n to m e m b e r s of the N e w s p a p e r S o c i e t y , M r M a s o n (former minister for N o r t h e r n Ireland) s p o k e of the pressure o n him a n d his family b y h o l d i n g t h e office. T h e post w a s d e s c r i b e d as ' a w e s o m e a n d g r u e l l i n g ' a n d he s a i d that the IRA's powerful p r o p a g a n d a m a c h i n e w a s skilfully u s i n g the British press to u n d e r m i n e British p o l i c y a n d small a l l faith in d e m o c r a t i c institutions.
L o r d C a r r i n g t o n t o ld the Patriotic Front leaders to give him their 'definitive reply' o n the final draft of the Z i m b a b w e a n c o ns t i t ut i on when he returns to L a n c a s t e r H o u s e from the C o n s e r v a t i v e Party conference. M r M u g a b e reiterated that s o m e parts of ;the British draft c o n s t i t u t i o n are u n a c c e p t a b l e a n d that the Front are prepared to step up the guerilla war rather than s u r r e n d e r o n points of p r i n c i p l e , as they believe intensification of the struggle will eventually lead to victory, but a settlement at L a n c a s t e r H o u s e w o u l d be welcome. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Defence Secretary, M r P y m , s a i d that the R u s s i a n offer of troop withdrawal s h o u l d be seen in the proper perspective. Even these r e d u c t i o n s w o u l d leave the Warsaw Pact forces with 140,000 more m e n a n d 9,500 tanks t han N A T O . H e was s p e a k i n g at the C o n s e r v a t i v e Party c o n f e r e n c e and went o n to r e a f f i r m t h e p r e s e n t government's commitment to n u c l e a r w e a p o n s a n d mai ntai ni ng a n effective nuclear deterrent. The Irish government was found guilty by the H u m a n Rights C o u r t of t w o b r e a c h e s of the E u r o p e a n C o n v e n t i o n of H u m a n Ri ghts b e c a u s e it failed to provide civil legal aid o r t o simplify its family courts systems. T h e c a s e was taken to S t r a s b u r g by M r s A i r e y in 1972, after a l o n g a n d bitter struggle to persuade the Irish c o u r t s to bar her estranged h u s b a n d from her h o u s e
Dr. Capra, by bringing to the fore the manifold similarities between Eastern mysticism and modern physics, aims, apparently, to exalt the former and raise its esteem to the high level which the latter has attained with the general public and the political establishment during this century. For this purpose, he claims that 'modern physics is not only based on intuition, but also on experiments of great precision and sophistication and on a rigorous and consistent mathematical formulation.'
The tube station walks to my house every morning, i buy a ticket, get in the train and the earth sets off. Usually I do not take any notice of the train's destination, so I ask the passenger" sitting next to me, 'Excuse me, does South Kensington Station stop at this train?' 'I beg your pardon?!' I apologize for having been carried away by relativity, but ever since I received my formal modern physics training at IC, those exotic principles, weird theories and subtle paradoxes of modern physics (relativity, uncertainty, antimatter, blackholes, big bang, quarks etc.) have really muddled and troubled me. Try to imagine the plight of the physics student. He is taught at school (and I am quoting from a text-book) that 'the earth is our frame of reference, ie it is treated as absolutely stationary (fixed) and all motion is observed relative to it.' I would have thought that this is pretty obvious, for the huge earth c a r r i e S j in p h y s i c a l p h e n o m e n a , an immensely greater weight and gravity than, say, the mere speeding train. But when I came to IC I realized that fashions change in science too - just as in millinery; I was lectured about Einstein's celebrated trainembankment Gedanken experiment according to which one is allowed to describe the hard facts of life in the extraordinary way I ventured to introduce above. The unfortunate physics student is taught relativity and he is also taught quantum mechanics. However, rarely is it pointed out to him that the basic philosophy, concepts and mathematics which underlie these two grand systems are mutually exclusive and often contradictory. Taking into account the fact that gravitation and electromagnetism two less mutually exclusive systems - have defied unification for so long, even despite the lifelong efforts of no less a scientific giant than Einstein, one wonders how the former two theories are ever going to be reconciled. I have come across text-books of electromagnetism and treatises of optics which develop their respective theories on the basis of an 'ether* - light-medium - but towards the end (typically page 600 or so) they deliver a shocking blow to the poor student by s t a t i n g e x p l i c i t l y a n d unashamedly that 'the simpler view seems to be that there is no ether'; I would say that the simplest view is kthat there is no text-book. It is not surprising then, but seen from another angle it is extremely disturbing,that-a famous contemporary p h i l o s o p h er of science, Professor P. Feyerabend, has declared that 'under all circumstances and in all stages of human development (science, of course, includedjanyfh/ng goes.' Right you guys, have a go with your own brilliant ideas.... Nor is it surprising that there is a great deal of talk about revolution in science: in a time of such upheaval, the unfortunate scientist has to suffer the embarrassment and humiliation of abandoning long cherished views and theories in favour of more modern and, as a rule, more esoteric and more abstruse. In addition to this, a fantastic amount of work along the lines of the discredited viewpoint is simply thrown into the d u s t b i n .
The Dance of Shiva pictured by twelfth-century Eastern artists and twentieth-century physicists
Ever since my first days at IC I have always felt uneasy with modern physics and its methods. I could detect in them, (from quite early on), a touch of divine revelation and an aura of metaphysical mystique which at times befogged and obscured the real facts and phenomena of nature. My suspicions grew, slowly but constantly,stronger, when I came across statements like Mach's criticism of Newton's law of inertia that 'this law has attained the dignity and intangibleness of a papal dictum.'j Einstein's own pronouncement that' theories are not fabricated out of results of observation, but they can only be invented'; and Oirac's 'overpowering belief that its (general relativity's) foundations must be correct, quite independent of its agreement with observation', etc., etc. Unpalatable though the thought may be, there are striking similarities between the theories, methods and concepts of modern physics and those of mystics of all times. My fears were amply confirmed when a collegue of mine drew my attention to 'The Tao of Physics' - a book on sale in the IC bookshopwhich, as its subtitle reveals, explores the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism. Dr. F. Capra, theauthorof this book, who is a theoretical high-energy physicist and has done research at IC, argues elegantly and convincingly, that 'a consistent view of the world is beginning to emerge from modern physics which is harmonious with ancient Eastern wisdom'; further,he observes that 'we often encounter statements where it is almost impossible to say whether they have been made by physicists or b y ' Eastern mystics'; furthermore, he remarks that 'Eastern mysticism provides a consistent and beautiful philosophical framework which can accommodate our most advanced theories'; he also provides quotations from eminent physicists to support his arguments.
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On the other hand, there are other books, in particular, 'Science at the Crossroads' by H. Dingle, a former professor of physics at IC, whom the 'Times' described in an obituary notice, when he died a year ago as an 'eminent scientist and philosopher', that argues inter alia that abstract mathematics cannot, by themselves, prove anything in the stark reality of nature; moreover, it explains why expeftments involvfng unobservableand hypothetical, submicroscopic particles (from the more or less 'familiar' proton and neutron to the pretty elusive quark and the like) cannot yield all the data which Is required to test the validity of theories ana nypotheses which are intended to apply to the very familiar macro-world of everyday life. Irrespectively or wno is right and who is wrong, this affair smacks of religion and it is not altogether strange to the unusual fever one might say sheer frenzy - that has swept the entire globe (and not merely the scientific c o m m u n i t y ) of E i n s t e i n ' s c e n t e n n i a l celebrations earlier this year. As a result, practically everybody has expressed, at one time or another, his adulation of Einstein'; stunning genius, but I would rather suggest that they also consider the remarkably spurious techniques which the media regularly employ for promotion purposes. Einstein himself, ' would have been appalled by all the fuss' say people who knew him intimately. There is a good reason, therefore, to ask; 'why all the uproar?' I suspect that the use of expressions such as 'Saint of Science', 'Modern Prometheus', 'Second Isaiah' which we heard or read in connection with Einstein's life and work are not accidental. In times past, 'the opiate of the people' used to be Gods, prophets and saints - religion in general. In our enlightened days, such luxurious 'commodities' have become antiquated and obsolete, and it is rather hard to 'sell' them; apparently, they must be replaced - obviously by the exaggerated cult of Einstein and his incomprehensible (to the uninitiated 'layman' - and to most scientists for that matter) mathematical 'testament'. Portraits and statues of Einstein that have been made for the purpose, run into the hundreds, if not thousands, and the whole world has come to think and talk about him with reverence, awe and piety, a practice which in the past was relevant to deities and the like. This improper 'deification' to the nonscientific public of Einstein and his theories is, irrespective of their scientific value, uncharacteristic and unacceptable to responsible science; further, it is offending to the humble personality of Einstein, who was, during his lifetime, a perfect example of modesty and humility, who always detested megalomania and despised all forms of authority. It is high time that this despicable falsification, misuse and exploitation of science must c o m e to an e n d .
o ITS SSBI SiSBI SESU Further details rfom BBC Local Radio or BBC Television Kensington House Lon-Jon W14
F r e s h e r s Dinners
T h u r s d a y 18th O c t o b e r Elec. E n g . M o n d a y 22nd O c t o b e r A e r o . M o n d a y 29th O c t o b e r
T h u r s d a y 1st N o v e m b e r M e c h . E n g . Tickets on sale now £4.50 for A L L Freshers. £5.50 Otherwise.
Sherfield Main
7.00pm for
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In the midst of the current crisis at Imperial College, Justin Newland relates what it's like to be a Fresher at I.C. 'Freshers, w e l c o m e to y o u r first identity crisis.' A n n e read the poster, red ink on white b a c k g r o u n d , w h i c h was plastered across the face o t h e r S o u t h s i d e H a l l s of R e s i d e n c e . H e r parents, w h o had driven her to the c o l l e g e with all her b e l o n g i n g s , preferred t o ignore its w a r n i n g . H e r mother, a slim, neurotic w o m a n , chatted away in her usual n o n s e n s i c a l way, while G e o r g e , her h e n - p e c k e d father, was in the p r o c e s s of m a k i n g his fifth attempt on the British weight-lifting title - A n n e ' s two suitcases w e i g h e d a ton. Her o w n t h o u g h t s w e r e c o n f u s e d . A l l s h e w a n t e d t o d o was bid her parents a final farewell, yet another part of her felt timid a n d afraid at the idea of being left alone in this huge c o n c r e t e metropolis. With just seventeen years b e h i n d her, the ambivalent figure of i n d e p e n d e n c e now finally stared her right between t h e eyes. It w a s a dreary L o n d o n S a t u r d a y on the week-end before term. T h e hand of a u t u m n lay silently over the quaint, typically L o n d o n gardens: ' W i n t e r is c o m i n g . ' the fallen leaves a l r e a d y w h i s p e r e d M e a n w h i l e , A n n e c h e c k e d the details of her o w n a c c o m o d a t i o n , and a n n o u n c e d that her r o o m was o n the fifth floor of the b u i l d i n g . A s they stood waiting for the lift, n u m e r o u s scruffy-looking people w a n d e r e d about aimlessly, s o m e l o o k i n g c o m p l e t e l y lost, others trying vainly to give the i m p r e s s i o n that they weren't c o m p l e t e l y lost. B e h i n d this foreground of c o n f u s i o n there w a s an air of relaxation a n d contentment. A n n e and her mother set off to walk up the stairs and s o o n reached the fifth floor, where they spent the next ten minutes trying to d e c i p h e r the r o o m - n u m b e r i n g syst em, w h i c h , it is r u m o u r e d , w a s invented by the British Intelligence S e r v i c e d u r i n g t h e S e c o n d W o r l d War. After d i s c o v e r i n g the l o c a t i o n of s u c h essential places as the W . C . and the bathroom, they finally stumbled upon her room. S u d d e n l y A n n e realised that she'd forgotten to collect her r o o m key. Keen to take the o p p o r t u n i t y to e s c a p e from u n d e r her parents' w i n g , she promptly set off to find s o m e o n e w h o c o u l d help her. S h e made her way to the kitchen, where a g r o u p of five or six girls were avidly d i s c u s s i n g the sexual potential of the male student p o p u l a t i o n . O n e girl, who i n t r o d u c e d herself as T a s s y a , provided A n n e with all the information s h e needed. S h e ' d arrived a few days previously, and w a s already s c h o o l e d in t h e difficulties a n d o b s t a c l e s strewn a c r o s s the c o u r s e of fresher students. T o A n n e ' s embarrasment, her mother appeared. S h e began c o m p l a i n i n g about the minute layer of dust w h i c h , a c c o r d i n g to her, c o v e r e d everything. T h e other girls patronisingly agreed with her, then fell into s i l e n c e .
H e had left Cardiff earlier the s a m e day, where he'd been loath to leave his parents. His d a n g e r was that he w o u l d bury himself up to his neck in books, thus avoiding the s u p r e m e l y difficult task w h i c h confronts all a d o l e s c e n t s - the task of developing himself emotionally, as well as intellectually. For a person like R o b i n , a University is also a place to e s c a p e from, a m o n g s t other things, the a n n o y i n g intrusions of the female gender, about w h o m his k n o w l e d g e was negligible, not to say non-existent. A s far as he w a s c o n c e r n e d , Mayfair w a s just a boulevard in L o n d o n , s o m e w h e r e in the vicinity of Pall Mall. Secretly, he l o n g e d for the mellow q u i e s c e n c e of o l d age, when all t h e passions have perished. After all, B e a u m a r c h a i s h a d said that the only difference between men a n d the animals was that men drank when they weren't thirsty and procreated when they didn't need to. He l o o k e d at his watch, then remembered that there w a s an introductory tour of the library he wanted to attend. With an a d o r i n g glint in his eye, he carefully shelved the text-book next to C h a l m e r s ' Twentieth C e n t u r y dictionary, a L o n d o n A to Z, a n d a mass of leaflets a n d student handouts that had been thrust into his g r u b b y little paws the moment he had made his entry to S o u t h s i d e . He s e a r c h e d t h r o u g h this a c c u m u l a t i o n of c o n f u s i o n until he found a map of the locality, the happily m a r c h e d off to the library. J u s t as he r e a c h e d the fifth floor, a g r o u p of girls, chattering away like old w o m e n , e m e r g e d from their dormitary. He was late, a n d in a dreadful hurry, but these girls insisted o n walking d o w n the stairs three abreast, thus barring his way. T h e y sauntered d o w n the five flights as if they were out for a S u n d a y p r o m e n a d e . Indeed, A n n e a n d T a s s y a a n d their friends had d o n n e d their finest S u n d a y dresses for the imminent confrontation with the male p o p u l a t i o n . Clearly, they were about to s h o w that B e a u m a r c h a i s ' witty epigram a p p l i e d equally to w o m e n as to m e n . R o b i n , a s t a u n c h Conservative, d e c i d e d to take an active interest in the I.C. political life, but o n l y in s o far as he voted for a n y o n e w e a r i n g a blue rosette. In o n e election, he tried to vote for a lost C h e l s e a supporter, to the dismay of several West H a m supporters, w h o happened to be c h a s i n g him through the College.
At any rate, A n n e ran off t o fetch the key. S h e q u i c k l y returned. T h e Porter's breath, s h e had noticed, had smelt of a l c h o h o l . Not s u r p r i s i n g l y the key didn't fit the lock. After a return trip, a n d another five flights of stairs, the door was o p e n e d . H o w c o u l d s u c h simple things create s u c h difficulties, A n n e t ho ug h t to herself naively. P e r h a p s it w a s a n o m e n .
A n n e , o n the other hand, w a s more keenly involved, s i n c e she w a s already in the thick of the I.C. political d r a m a . Of c o u r s e s h e was an ardent left-winger, t h o u g h really o n l y b e c a u s e her parents were Conservatives. After a while, the n u a n c e s between the doctrines o f t h e Trotskyites, the Marxists, the N e o - M a r x i s t s , the Leninists, the Stalinists, the C o m m u n i s t s , the A n a r c h i s t s , and the Socialist tended to b e c o m e slightly blurred in her m i n d. What a m a z e d her just as m u c h k , was that a l t h o u g h all these political groups were Left-wing, they s q u a b b l e d and a r g u e d a m o n g s t themselves to s u c h a degree that they never agreed on a n y t h i n g , least of all got anything done.
But before her was her home-to-be for the f o r t h - c o m i n g year. H o w strange is the air of a tidy, un-lived r o o m . There is s o m e t h i n g naked and barren about it, yet it's s o full of potential .... like a blank canvas to an artist. H e r mother went into ecstasies over the view onto the gardens. For t h e s a k e of b e i n g u n c o m p r o m i s i n g , A n n e replied that it wasn't exactly a breath-taking p a n o r a m a . G e o r g e just grunted, then s l u m p e d d o w n o n the bed, e x h a u s t e d .
But o n t h e o c c a s i o n of this U . G . M . , when y o u s e e a hall of people, c r a m m e d s h o u l d e r to shoulder, it's easy to believe that their either elected representatives c a n wave the political gauntlet with impunity and s o generate a force w h i c h no Rector, G o v e r n m e n t , or w h o e v e r else has i n c u r r e d the relentless wrath of the Student' U n i o n , c a n withstand for long. A t a n y rate, the reader c a n draw his o w n c o n c l u s i o n s o n this point, I'm o n l y here to tell y o u about A n n e , R o b i n and their friends.
After a while, T a s s y a p o k e d her n o s e in the door. S h e a s k e d A n n e if she wanted to join her a n d her friends in a s o j o u r n to the bar. T h e y were g o i n g in ten minutes. A n n e a g r e e d readily, s o her parents d e c i d e d it was a propitious time to leave.
T a s s y a w a s elected onto a C o m m i t t e e specifically established to c o n s i d e r ways in w h i c h t h e level of bureaucracy , a n d in particular the n u m b e r of C o m m i t t e e s , c o u l d be r e d u c e d . Later she told me that the task was s o c o m p l i c a t e d , they r e c o m m e n d e d that two more committees be e s t a b l i s h e d to ease their burden.
N o w began an e m b a r r a s s i n g s e q u e n c e of g o o d b y e s , benedictions, and promises to write a n d p h o n e regularly. A n n e ' s mother was clearly distressed at l o o s i n g 'her b a b y ' w h i l e G e o r g e s e e m e d totally indifferent, t h o u g h tacitly c o n c e r n e d . A n n e t h a n k e d t h e m both politely, h u g g e d her mother a n d k i s s e d her father lightly o n the cheek. In the next moment, before her. she w a s alone, three years of Life S c i e n c e s M e a n w h i l e , on the floor above, R o b i n was u n p a c k i n g his suitcase. H e p i c k e d up a text book h e h a d already bought for his c o u r s e in C o m p u t i n g S c i e n c e . T h e s h i n y paperback cover reflected what s c a n t y sunlight that filtered t h r o u g h t h e c l o u d s o n this g r o g g y L o n d o n day. 'What k n o w l e d g e lies between these covers' he m u r m u r e d to himself, mentally l i c k i ng his lips in a n t i c i p a t i o n . H o w wonderful it w o u l d all be. Y o u see, for R o b i n , learning was the s u p r e m e enjoyment, not a c h o r e or a hobby. H e c o l l e c t e d k n o w l e d g e like others c o l l e c t e d buterflies, w o m e n or memories. If h e was fortunate, he w o u l d not e x p e r i e n c e the apathy a n d grand d i s i l l u s i o n m e n t that invariably arrives after a brief taste of University e d u c a t i o n . K n o w l e d g e , he will find, is o n l y a means, but not an e n d in itself.
At this point, we're g o i n g to leave the adventures of R o b i n a n d A n n e until w e rejoin them on the day of the Fresher's Fair. In the meantime, I'll q u i c k l y d e s c r i b e what h a p p e n e d to them in between time, as well as sketching something more about their characters. T o A n n e , it s e e m e d as it she'd met a t h o u s a n d a n d o n e different people. S h e was certainly enjoying her n e w l y - w o n freedom. Indeed, s h e had c o n s u m m a t e d it on the same night as her arrival by s e d u c i n g a C C U President. A l t h o u g h she was unaware of it at the time, this was the best way for her to make inroads into a s o c i a l clique, w h i c h is the one and o n l y s o c i a l division at any University. M i n d y o u , if you'd have pressed her on the point, s h e ' d have told y o u that it was s h e w h o was s e d u c e d by the President. After all, s h e had to retain a s e m b l a n c e of feminine honour. R o b i n , however, had c o n t i n u e d to lead his slavish existence. You've p r o b a b l y seen him a r o u n d : he's the quiet one who seems to be a loner, until one day you see him s o m e w h e r e with a c o u p l e of people, w h o just look his type.
B y now, both of them had been formally i n t r o d u c e d to the favorite pastime of all students at the b e g i n n i n g of a n y a c a d e m i c year....queueing. They q u e u e d to register; they'd q u e u e d for lunch; they'd q u e u e d for their grant c h e q u e s (miraculously, both of theirs had arrived intact and in full); they'd q u e u e d to join queues. At one stage, R o b i n joined a q u e u e s i m p l y because he'd begun to think it was a genuinely edifying'experience. A n n e certainly had s o m e painful waits: she'd had to queue for twenty minutes just to answer the call of nature. R i c h a r d , one of R o b i n ' s new friends, nad reluctantly joined those unfortunate few w h o s e grant c h e q u e s fail to arrive on time. But here a bit of I.C. tradition may be useful to him. If y o u find yourself in a similar position, and happen to be in the U n i o n B a r (when it' open) y o u may b e c o m e an unwitting victim of a nefarious g r o u p who've christened themselves the ' B e l ow the H a n d l e ' brigade. T h e s e philanthropic gentleman, if they c a t c h y o u h o l d i n g a pint w h o s e level of beer has d r o p p e d 'below the handle' they will instantly d i s p o s s e s s y o u of your glass, a n d before y o u c a n utter the first expletive w h i c h c o m e s to your lips, y o u r glass will be promptly returned, full to the brim with the best Engl i sh ale! N o w it' time to return to our hero and heroine, who are at this moment s a v o u r i n g the myriad delights proffered by the Fresher's Fair. This is one of many opportunities in the year w h e n y o u c a n witness what can only be d e s c r i b e d as 'organised chaos'! A s each o f t h e hundred or so C o l l e g e societies c l a m o u r for y o u r c u s t o m , y o u may begin to wonder just w h i c h one(s) to join. R o b i n did join the War G a m e s C l u b , for his secret ambition was to emulate a certain C o r s i c a n w h o ' d taken E u r o p e by storm in the late Eighteenth and early Nineteenth C e n t u r i e s . A n n e j o i n e d Graffiti, a g r o u p w h o do not advocate that y o u waste your creative energy defacing urinal walls, but rather that you make use of them by learning to screem-print. S a m a r i t a n that she is, A n n e also offered her talents to Night-line, a volunteer organisation who answer s t u d e n t S . O . S . c a l l s at a n y t i m e of t h e n i g h t o r d a y . N o w R i c h a r d , w h o was, for y o u r information, a Post-graduate, was one of those fellows who have developed a huge appetite for anything even distantly related to the hop or grape family. A s a result, he forced himself to join the Wine-tasting Society. A s a post-graduate (i.e. one of those students who never stop telling y o u how they've been through it all before) R i c h a r d automatically qualified to b e c o m e a member of the P o s t g r a d group. Alas, the leaflet they sent him early in the term got mislaid s o m e w h e r e in the labrinths of the internal mail system, s o he only di scovered the existence o f t h e group when the letter finally turned up in his pigeon hole just after C h r i s t m a s . R o b i n h a d already e x p e r i e n c e d s o m e of the d i a b o l i c a l whims of the system: he would
London Student Travel issue B r i t i s h R a i l S t u d e n t R a i l c a r d s f r o m t h e i r office i n the U n i o n L o w e r Lounge
d o c u m e n t a r y p r o o f that the i n t e n d i n g purchaser union
is a student, e g - a v a l i d
card, a valid X L Scard, a
registration slip o r a form w i t h t w o signed
a n d stamped FOR
G S 4 0 0 , 5,000 miles, g o o d
t w o years o l d ,£525 o n o
and Satur-
contact G . Wigglesworth, M e c h E n g 3 via internal mail. 42,000miles,
g o o d c o n d i t i o n ,£1,700; N a k i m i c h i D t 6 0 0 cassette m a c h i n e ,£300; M i c h e l l turntable S M E 2 a r m Ortofon U M S 20 £175. C o n t a c t M i k e J e n s e n , p h o n e
B A I Z E (ex s n o o k e r
5 0 p p e r s q u a r e foot. C o n t a c t S a n j i t T e e c o c k ( M a t h s 3) o r e n q u i r e i n the snooker l o u n g e . MODEL Railway
and Model
a v a i l a b l e for e x c h a n g e o r sale. B a c k l u m b e r s also r e q u i r e d , p a r t i c u l a r l y M E and M R N . Contact D R Brough (CCD).
But that night, s o m e h o w he managed to drag R o b i n al o ng to a folk evening. Early on, the a c c u m u l a t e d effect of flashing neon lights, an atmostphere suffused with the fumes of intemperance, a n d a c a c o p h o n y loud e n o u g h to wake the dead, forced our hero to excuse himself. He had migraine, a n d was in grave danger of c o n t r a c t i n g a long list of u n p r o n o u n c a b l e ailments, or so he thought. A n n e , w h o was there with C i t y a n d G u i l d s ' , p r o l o n g e d her c a r o u s a l to fifty-four hours. S h e had never drunk so m u c h for so long for s u c h effect in a l l her seventeen years. This first week is indeed the time when sizeable portions of one's grant d i s a p p e a r d o w n the throat, only to be expelled again at a later date. A s the night draws on, the c o n v e r s a t i o ns at these binges tend to lack refinement....in fact, it degrades into downright vulgarity, w h i c h is t h o u g h t b y a l l a d o l e s c e n t s to be e q u i v a l e n t to m a n - t a l k . These first few d a y s that o u r h e r o p e r s o n s were away from the protection of their family were a kind of mirror of their new-found i n d e p e n d e n c e . They were both c o m p e l l e d to make d e c i s i o n s , both social and moral, that they had never had to make before. A s a result, areas of their personality, previously dormant, now made themselves apparent. This is p r o b a b l y one of the main reasons why a d o l e s c e n c e is s u c h a c o n f u s i n g time, for their d e c i s i o n s a n d actions have no precedent, they have to be w o r k e d out from s c r a t c h . In this way, both A n n e and R o b i n w o u l d learn about themselves, their moral code, their social awareness, and their political views.
(continued on next page)
G O A L KEEPERS Can you stand between three sticks and catch a ball? IC FOOTBALL CLUB needs Y O U ! Contact G.Brereton (Mech Eng 3) or come to the Union Wednesdays
That same evening there was a c h o i c e of entertainments, as there usually is on every night of the first week or term. There's often a film s h o w or perhaps a band playing s o m e w h e r e in the college. If y o u r idea of vice does not consist of listening to s o m e aspiring T o n y B l a c k b u r n or getting drunk in the U n i o n Bar again, kthen y o u c o u l d always follow R i c h a r d . T h e night before he'd g o n e over to the C o l l e g i a t e Theatre in G o r d o n S q u a r e to sample the delights of a m u s i c a l evening care o f t h e University C o l l e g e . H e is always extolling the virtues of the L o n d o n night-life, w h i c h , h e a d d s , can cater f o r a n y vice or perversity y o u c a r e t o mention. Indeed, R i c h a r d has s o m e strong views on most things: H E believes that students have less rights than illegal immigrants: that it is a travesty of justice to expect students to live on a s u m of m o n e y that's not e n o u g h to feed a peasant in B a n g l a D e s h : a n d that it is preposterous that every man y o u meet in the street thinks that the taxes he pays are all spent on keeping Y O U in e d u c a t i o n .
COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP requires people t o i n v o l v e themselves in the essential bureaucratic drudgery behind getting o u r intrepid volunteers out into the community. Won't someone PLEASE give me a hand? Contact: John Whitehouse via ICU Office or come up to the room at the top of the Union Building and grab a free coffee
NEED EXTRA CASH I f y o u are free at the e n d o f
O c t o b e r a n d w o u l d like to d o some s t o c k t a k i n g work Contact: Angela Dashwood Arcs At M A N P O W E R
the w o r k c o n t r a c t o r s Telephone:
Lower Lounge at 12.30pm,
frequently find letters a d d r e s s e d to him (his s u r n a m e was Bignall) either in the 'A' or the ' C compartments.
TABLE TENNIS interested in being coached A n introductory session will be held on Wednesday, 17th October at 2:00 pm in the table tennis room, on the top floor of the Union Building.
Dear Sir, ICU is no better than the governments which it opposes. ICU reels in horror at the restrictions i m p o s e d by Governments on people living within the country and yet ICU happily tries to restrict the freedom of its own members. I refer of course to attempts to dissuade people from banking with Barclays, working for South African companies and playing sports against South African teams.
It is time that ICU realizes that there are people who are capable Secretarial Vacancy of independant thought which S e c r e t a r y w a n t e d b y C o l l e g e Press may well differ from that of ICU. If a n d P u b l i c a t i o n s Officer. G r a d e 3 ICU does not do this then it had (Stafi C l e r k ) , ,£3,018 " A 6 5 7 p a better give up talking of freedom, ( u n d e r r e v i e w from 1-7-79) plus ,£740 because at the moment it would L o n d o n Allowance. Excellent typing appear that ICU's idea is that you a n d g o o d t e l e p h o n e m a n n e r essential. are only entitled to freedom if you I n t e r e s t i n g post, w i t h t r a i n i n g g i v e n to are black and foreign. use I B M C o m p o s e r for setting C o l l e g e Yours faithfully, newsletter a n d d i a r y . Ideal j o b l o r R J GLASS p o s t g r a d u a t e ' s wife here for a year o r Mech Eng 2 so.
546b. S h e r f i e l d B u i l d i n g (int 2884).
Now Richard, who rather fancied himself as a future Whitehall mandarin, thought that an appropriate beginning to such a noble vocation would be to join the Organising Committee of the Oxford Street Tiddlywinks contest, which is traditionally held on the first Saturday after term begins. For better or worse, he was allocated the task of seeing that no one cheated by surreptitiously placing their tiddlys in their pockets, and walking, rather than "winking" the course. On the day, he was posted about half way along Oxford Street, equipped with his two anti-cheating devices,,,,two lumps of flesh, blood, tissue and nerves, four fingers and a thumb. Of course, he had thought that all his job would consist of would be first to indentify the lawbreaking winkers, challenge them, then demand that they turn out their pockets. This ad hoc procedure worked well for a while, until it finally dawned on him that there were members of B O T H sexes participating in the event.
At any rate, after sometime, his Kojak intuition suddenly told him that a buxom wench who happened to be passing him at the time was acting in a grossly suspicious manner. With the unabashed enthusiasm of a spider about to catch a fly trapped in its web, Richard laid both hands on his victim. It was at this point that he realised that his methods of search would have to be radically altered if he was to perform his task properly. With a suspicious glint in his eye, he looked at Anne, then again at what she was wearing frock.
Anne was quite bewildered by all this, although whatever it was, she said to herself, it was far more pleasant than tiddlywinking. All the same, when he'd completed this task, which was obviously so distasteful to him, Richard was chagrined to find no incriminating evidence whatsoever. He now went through a prolonged mental debate. Should he make a more thorough search, or perhaps suffer the humiliation of being outwitted by this foxy lady. All the while, a mischevious voice inside him kept insisting that this regal specimen of womanhood, who stood before him had tiddlys concealed somewhere upon her person.
Without further ado, in the middle of Oxford Street, on a lovely autumn day, Richard Bignall put his hands up a girl's dress and promptly got himself arrested for attempted rape. In reply to Richard's protest that he was 'just looking for tiddlywinks', the arresting officer was heard to comment that in thirty years of dealing with sexual offenders, he'd never heard it put like that before. But that's another story.
a navy blue IC tee shirt over an elegant light blue
'Where could she hide a tiddly or two?' he wondered to himself. First he took the obvious approach: he body-searched her. With cavalier gusto, he felt all over her shapely body, from shoulder to waist and so on.
At the end of the afternoon, the gallant competitors assembled at Piccadilly Circus to pay their yearly homage to none other than that rascal Eros, the son of Aphrodite, the Queen of Lust. It was doubtless one of his arrows which pricked poor Richard's heart, smiting it with blinding passion. Nevertheless, perhaps it is significant that it Is at the statue of Eros, who is both the divine symbol of childhood and the personification of the most playful amorous desire, that a thousand or so IC students congregate each year. Anne joined in the Ring-o-Round-a-Rosie in a state of complete ecstacy: she'd never realised that a tiddlywinks competition, in which, incidentally, she was not even participating, could be such a lascivious and erotic activity. It was only after she'd downed a few lager and limes in the "Cockney Pride" that she began to feel the earth beneath her dainty feet. The last we heard of Richard was that when the judge asked him if he had anything to say before he was sentenced, he replied, "Beam me up, Scottie!" Also there is no more time to see whether Captain James T. will come to Richard's rescue, for here my story ends. As Master of Ceremonies of this tale, it just remains to me to bid you a fond farewell. But if you'H bear with me a while longer, I've penned a few concluding remarks for your edification. -
T h u s w e r e the first few c h a o t i c d a y s of U n i v e r s i t y life for A n n e , R o b i n a n d their friends. B e f o r e t h e n , their lives h a d been virtualy d o m i n a t e d by their parents w h o s e attitudes, c o n v i c t i o n s a n d p r e j u d i c e s were either s o m e t h i n g to be d e s p i s e d o r a p p l a u d e d , the m o r e s e n s i b l e a p p r o a c h is to u s e t h e m as a p l u m b - l i n e in f o r m u l a t i n g a p h i l o s o s p h y of life of their o w n . F o r the a u t o - d i d a c t R o b i n , he h a d t o b e w a r e of t u r n i n g into that s t r a n g e b r e e d of m a n , the c o n f i r m e d a c a d e m i c , the m a n w h o lives his life in a n ivory tower, h i g h a b o v e the w h i r l i g i g of life, n e v e r t a s t i n g f w f or bliss. B e i n g a girl, A n n e ' s p r o b l e m s w e r e of a different nature. H a v i n g learnt to live w i t h h e r w o m a n h o o d , s h e h a d to l e a rn t o b e a w o m a n . What often h a p p e n s to girls like A n n e i n a U n i v e r s i t y e n v i r o n m e n t , is that they use academia
a s a veil
for their
to become
or another, e x p e r i e n c e s o m e difficulty in r e c o n c i l i n g her t w i n roles of s c i e n t i s t a n d w o m a n . ' W e l c o m e to y o u r first identity c r i s i s ' , t h e poster had said. In g e n e r a l , the s c i e n t i s t is a p e c u l i a r fellow; s o m e t i m e s
p r a c t i c a l a n d p r a g m a t i c , at others, he c a n fall foul of the s c i e n t i s t s ' preferred p a s t i m e . . . . e x c e s s i v e t h e o r i s i n g . B u t t h e p u r p o s e of a c o u r s e at a n y e d u c a t i o n a l i n s t i t u t i o n is t w o - f o l d : fist, t o t r a i n the m i n d to think rationally, a n d s e c o n d , to c o n d i t i o n the s t u d e n t to c o n f o r m to the status q u o . I d a r e s a y s o m e will hotly d i s p u t e t h e s e c o n c l u s i o n s , be that as it may.
m e n think
t h e s e a i s green,
it blue.
W h a t e v e r h a p p e n s , A n n e a n d r o b i n will never forget their U n i v e r s t i y days, a n d d u r i n g the three year vigil, will forge m a n y life-long friendships.
n e g l e c t e d . T h i s d a n g e r is all the more real at a p l a c e like I.e., w h e r e o n l y the S c i e n c e s are taught. It is q u i t e p o s s i b l e that A n n e will, at s o m e time Justin Newland
COMMITTEE T h e r e was a m e e t i n g o f the presidents o f v a r i o u s O S C a n d s o c i a l societies o n t h e 5 t h O c t . T h e f o l l o w i n g p o i n t s arose: a) W i l l
t h e f o l l o w i n g societies w h o h a v e n o t
informed J e n o f t h e names o f t h e members o f their
Tolkiens fore w a r d to his best selling and
overseas students w e r e h e l d i n h i g h r e g a r d a n d h a d
highly-praised classic, "The Lord of the
a committee o f their o w n . H e a n d M r Robertson
Rings". That was a trilogy, with the Hobbit, a
then i n t r o d u c e d the students to v a r i o u s services
later-written prequel. This film "tells" the
are; L a t i n American,
a n d Pakistan.
b y the College
and Union.
story of the first book and a half, with a brief
T h e y were o b v i o u s l y very sincere speeches, b y
summary of the Hobbit, and a second and
c o m m i t t e e s please d o so as soon as possible, t h e Bangledesh,
"This tale grew in the telling....", so begins
M r D i x o n , expressed s i m i l a r hopes a n d said that
very helpful a n d h a r d - w o r k i n g people.
I think,
h o w e v e r , that they were a trifle u n r e a l i s t i c . I d o not believe
students c a n b e c o m e a n
book of such proportions (over 900 pages) is
societies a r e
i n d i s t i n g u i s h a b l e p a r t o f this o r a n y college yet.
difficult to transpose to two, two and a half
affiliated to O S C , w i l l they please i n f o r m us w h e n
Q u i t e a p a r t f r o m the fact that there a r e l a n g u a g e
hour films; but what the film lacks in detail,
they h o l d a m e e t i n g a n d also a t t e n d t h e O S C
p r o b l e m s a n d p r o b l e m s o f a d a p t i n g to a different
it makes up for in animation, particularly
m e e t i n g w h e n i n v i t e d o r at least s e n d a r e a s o n a b l e
with the use of a new technique, by which
excuse for n o t d o i n g so.
differentials. T h i s g o v e r n m e n t
b) S i n c e
the various
that overseas
Now, I say "tells" with reservations, as a
the quota
is also c o n s i d e r i n g
r a i s i n g fees to t h e m y t h i c a l ' f u l l e c o n o m i c c) W i l l the societies r e m o v e t h e i r m a i l f r o m the
T h e language p r o b l e m c a n b e solved a n d . the
U n i o n Office a n d check at least o n c e a f o r t n i g h t , as
c u l t u r a l e x c h a n g e is m u t u a l l y b e n e f i c i a l , b u t fees
o t h e r w i s e the m a i l w i l l g o i n t o the b i n . T h i s is t h e
are a n o t h e r m a t t e r . I f the fees a r e raised to the
last w a r n i n g .
'full e c o n o m i c cost' ( a p p r o x ^ 2 , 3 0 0 ) , t h e n u m b e r o f
Please p a y a t t e n t i o n to the p o i n t s a b o v e , as it w i l l m a k e life a lot easier.
students w i l l be l i m i t e d to the very w e a l t h y , b u t i n the e n d , it w i l l be the B r i t i s h p e o p l e w h o w i l l be t h e losers.
B e t w e e n F r i d a y , 14th S e p t e m b e r a n d T u e s d a y , 2 n d O c t o b e r , a b o u t 2 2 0 overseas freshers used t h e
s t u d e n ts a t this c o l l e g e
insights into t h e i r different
they d o a lot of the a c a d e m i c research (50% o f P G s
r e c e p t i o n desk facilities r u n b y the C o l l e g e a n d
are overseas students) a n d e v e n t u a l l y w h e n they g o
Union OSCs.
b a c k to t h e i r c o u n t r i e s , they a r e m o r e l i k e l y t o
live-action is cartoon,
k n o w t h e v a r i o u s ranges a n d services
and turned
into a
battles). However, the true Tolkienophile will find many flaws
or differences
with his/her
impressions of the characters and events. For instance: is Gimli the dwarf, really only six inches shorter than tall, proud Aragorn; does Galadriel, the beautiful elfen queen, so closely
walker; and why does Treebeard the Ent's rear
The hobbits too, are rather akin to human
o r d e r B r i t i s h goods, as they a r e used to t h e m a n d S i n c e the b e g i n n i n g o f t h e t e r m , q u i t e a lot has
children, but the accents, especially lovable
A c c o r d i n g to the L o n d o n conference o n overseas
gardener Sam's West Country burr, are I â&#x20AC;˘
I C C U , I C U O S C , I n d i a n a n d C h i n e s e Societies. It
students, in association w i t h U K C O S A a n d N U S ,
think, excellent. So too is the Jewish accent
was nice to see h o m e students take p a r t i n these, b u t
overseas students are s u b s i d i z i n g
the e c o n o m y to
given to Gollum, an unfortunate early victim
w e need a lot m o r e h e l p . T h e r e w i l l be a n i n f o r m a l
the tune of ^ 5 0 m i l l i o n a year. T h e conference takes
of the evil ring. (Imagine, if you can, Dickens'
by the
di s c us s i on every M o n d a y , i n the S C R f r o m 6:30.
as its s t a r t i n g p o i n t , m a r g i n a l r a t h e r t h a n gross
costs, a s s u m i n g that t h e e d u c a t i o n is for h o m e
overseas students settled d o w n . T e a a n d biscuits
students, it c a l c u l a t e s the e x t r a costs to c o p e w i t h
are p r o v i d e d .
overseas students, M r R o b e r t s o n said in eflecl that
Nor will any mention of Tom Bombardil or Aragorn's betrothed, Arwen Evenster be heard, considerably pruning the events of the first book.
is i n v i t e d , as w e need h e l p i n g e t t i n g
their c o n t r i b u t i o n was s u b s t a n t i a l a n d v a l u a b l e T h e C o l l e g e O S C h e l d its r e c e p t i o n for P G s o n
a n d i n fact some
i n some depart merits
be h a r d , if not i m p o s s i b l e ,
to m a n a g e
T u e s d a y , 2 n d O c t o b e r . T h i s was a t t e n d e d b y the
rector, L o r d F l o w e r s a n d his wife L a d y F l o w e r s ,
w i t h o u t t h e m a n d of course these students b r i n g
M r D i x o n (chairman o f I C O S C ) , M r Robertson
a n d secretary
o f O S C a n d various people providing
a n d social
of I C
f o r students.
T h e rector, i n his address to the students, said that
he wanted
to be
w o r k i n g t i m e a n d energy,
b u t ideas.
I believe that overseas students are a n i m p o r t a n t part o f C o l l e g e
life a n d tfiat
the first
U G M this year,
that while,,,
E n g l a n d , the E n g l i s h a n d t h e i r sense o f fair p l a y .
to destroy a pretty powerful ring,
To conclude, if you've already read the book, this film fails somewhat on certain
the problems
f ari ng us. M r Fox,
T h e r e w i l l fx' a p i c k e t o f t h e D K S O f f i c e o n F r i d a y ,
they c o u l d l e a r n a b o u t
It would be a waste to precis the story, as
levels, but is still technically very impressive
to solve
w e r e a n asset t o t h e college,
system a n d fee increases. H e also h o p e d
Bagginses, my
together a n d l e a r n i n g a b o u t e a c h other w i l l we In-
P r e s i d e n t asked for s u p p o r t against fee iri< reaes.
they were i n t h e U K ,
academically and
the film already does, suffice it to say, it is a
by w o r k i n g
i n d i s t i n g u i s h a b l e p a r t o f t h e college a n d that they c u l t u r a l l y . H e expressed d i s a g r e e m e n t w i t h q u o t a
if you haven't, then it'll be great fun.
support. PS
I C U O S C Chairman
See it at your local cinema, its jÂŁ2.50 in the West End.
'Woyzeck' a film by Werner Herzog This haunting production of a German Romantic play by George Buchner describes the behaviour of a man within whom the embers of sanity are barely alight. Woyzeck, is played with frightening intensity by Klaus Kihski, is an army private at war only within himself. No particular cause of his insanity and obsessional tendencies is emphasised, except that he has been participating in kan inhuman medical experiment; the army physician has been feeding him on peas for three months merely to observe the physiological and psychological effects. As a result, Woyzeck suffers from the consuming symptoms of nutritional deprivation; he hears voices and is visited by apocalyptic hallucinations.
and the Drum-Major, Woyzeck's cuckoldmaker, of his Aryan arrogance and insensate brutality.
Only Marie, Woyzeck's wife, is allowed that human, all too human virtue of selfawareness. She sees into her own rotten nature, and yearns to repent her whorish tendencies, especially after an amorous encounter with the Drum-Major. But Woyzeck, perhaps because of his physical condition, is given no trace of self-awareness. Consequently, there is no 'realisation' scene, an essential feature of the classical concept of tragedy. Indeed, it is Woyzeck's ignorance of his own condition that disbars him from combating his suffering with any dignity. It also explains why he did not turn the knife on himself after slaughtering his wife in a fit of jealousy, a jealousy aroused by his unrequited love for her.
'human' man, he is the only character who has n e i t h e r vice nor n e u r o s i s . A subtle contrast between animal and human runs through the whole drama: Woyzeck's guines-pig status in the Doctor's tragic agent and victimiser, while humanity itself is seen as the tragic central figure. Wrongdoers and wronged alike are the (innocent) victims of lust for power, revenge and illicit sexual desires in a society rancid with cant and the most horrifying callousness. The only sign of hope in this bleak landscape of futility is Andres, Woyzeck's army comrade and friend. A simple experiment; the 'speaking' horse which he and his wife see when they visit the circus; and the bestial impulses which manifest themselves in the Drum-Major's lust and animal cruelty and in Woyzeck's savage butchery of his wife.
It is significant that he is mad from kthe beginning - there is no portrayal of the gradual fall from sanity. One's sense of pity for the anti-hero (for he has none of the qualities of a classical tragic hero - a high station in life, magnaminity or dignity) is at first exacerbated because Woyzeck is so tormented by his masters. It soon becomes evident that they are victims just as much as he: the Doctor, of his obsessional desire for fame through medical discovery; the Captain, of his bourgeois values and hyperchondria;
The pathos of the film is made more poignant by the use of two dramatic devices from classical tragedy: the contrast of the humorous and the pathetic; and irony, with the occasional use of prophetic irony. A n apt example is the reason why Woyzeck first agreed to participate in the Doctor's experiment - he had wanted to earn some extra m o n e y to give to his wife.
Herzog's dispassionate production is set against a peaceful, rural background. As in 'The Enigma of Kaspar Hausar', the vivid natural imagery is used with awesome effect. But this man Herzog has a highly developed sense of the tragic, as well as a rare attribute among film directors, the ability to transpose a (tragic), play onto celluloid without d e m o l i s h i n g it in t h e process.
Thus, although Woyzeck is the tragic'hero' in the sense that he is the focus of attention, it is really society that is condemned as the
Now showing at the Paris Pullman Cinema, Drayton Gardens, SWIO. Justin Newland
the hall. Many of these seemed familiar with Leppard's music, greeting tracks off their recent EP with cheers. How successful the night was can be judged by the fact that the group were brought back for two encores by some enthusiastic applause.
Def Leppard is an apt name for a heavy metal rock group, and the band gave early notice that the name is not undeserved. The warning came via the pre-concert sound check; during which a large number of heads were seen to emerge from Queen Alexandrs House, and a round of applause emanating from this building greeted the end of the track. The actual concert was started by a support band, Guilt Edge, who played a set lasting about an hour. Their vocalist ( who is a postgraduate student at IC) was the most notable member of this five piece outfit, singing vocals that were both aggressive and expressionate. What let the band down, however, was their lead guitarist. His playing lacked attack, and often seemed to subdue the effect of the strong rhythm section of the band. He also lacked stage prescence - both clothes and style of playing admirably qualifying him to be Hank Marvin's understudy. However, it was an enjoyable session from a band who while lacking polish made a very a c c e p t a b l e sound. Def Leppard on the other hand are a very polished and professional band indeed; with the bass guitarist being particularly adept at projecting his personality from the stage. They play loud heavy metal rock in the classic mould. I must admit that with many bands of this genre I have trouble telling one track from another, thus it seemed to me as if Def Leppard played the same track ten different times. I liked this track though, so I didn't object too much. The rest of the audience also seemed to enjoy the band, and by the time the second track had finished there were at least thirty "head-bangers" leaping around the front of
Finally, if any of you want to listen to some Def Leppard, they have a single coming out shortly. In addition to this, they are doing a series of concerts at the Hammersmith Odeon supporting A C / D C , between 1st and 4th November, with a return visit on 17th December.
R e v i e w
Williams Photos by Nigel T o o b y
RUGBY While F E L I X were covering last S u n d a y ' s R u g b y match, the Assistant Secretary of the Metropolitan P o l i c e C l u b c a m e over and said that the match s h o u l d be s t o p p e d . W e n o w print the transcript of the conversation between the F E L I X reporter a n d the Assistant Secretary: FELIX T h e g a m e s got to be s t o p p e d ? A . S . Yeah -according to my governor. Why they didn't tell us the truth I'll never know. Being a police club we can't afford to get involved in bloody politics. If it hadn't been for some fucking loud mouthed fucking reporter, that was here, it would be near enough all right. FELIX: T H E M I R R O R ? A . S . Yeah opening his mouth in the bar. My Governor wants it stopped unless someone can come and convince him that it shouldn't be. He's over in the club house. Me - I'm all for sport because I organise the sport here. Quite honestly, we would never have known if it wasn't for the man from the Daily Papers. I'm all for it. I would let anybody play. As I say - if the bloke comes over and puts it in the national press - then our governors will be on our neck - we're only poor policemen and we run the club for the whole of the Metropolitan Police and I say as much as I'd like the game to go on - and I dare say so would he - we just can't afford to get involved in it. .... You booked it as the School of Mines verses the Mining industry. Now I used to work in the pit and I know what it is all about. I was down there for 11 years. I'd like it to go on because I'd like to come and watch it. I'm only the understudy and I've got to do as I'm told.
Scrum Down
CHRIS PLAYS T O O Amidst controversy s u r r o u n d i n g the S u n d a y R u g b y M a t c h , another game took place last Saturday, w h i c h is threatening to have even more far reaching effects. T h i s w a s a game between the B2s, w h o s e line up include d the I C U President, a n d a team from the Decca Record Company. The B2s used S o u t h African players to make up their numbers. C h r i s apparently did not realise that the S o u t h A f r i c a n s were taking part until the game w a s in progress a n d said that had he known they were playing; he w o u l d have carefully c o n s i d e r e d his participation in the match. RAG M A G WARNING
T h e match w a s c o n s e q u e n t l y c a l l e d off at half time with the score 22 - 4 to the S o u t h A f r i c a n team. T h e S o u t h A f r i c a n s liked the hard fast ground because they are used to bone dry conditions. R a y P a r k i n s o n w a s the scorer of the select teams only try.
Yesterday, C o l l e g e Solicitors warned the U n i o n that the R a g M a g was illegal. The President, C h r i s F o x , took immediate action a n d seized all c o p i e s from the U n i o n offices. T h e reason for the magazine being illegal is that the printers name does not appear o n the Rag M a g .
Central Stores Central Stores require twelve student helpers for two or three hours on W e d n e s d a y afternoon, 17th October. ÂŁ2 per hour. C o n t a c t Stores Superintendant int. 2700.
PHOENIX T h e first Staff Meeting of T H E P H O E N I X takes place in Stan's Bar next T u e s d a y at 8 pm. Andy Lewis on the line
There is a meeting next Friday, 12 October, at 8 pm, for anyone interested in working on FELIX. Come to the FELIX Office and we'll show you how to operate our equipment.
FELIX is published by the Acting Editor, on behalf of the Imperial College Union Publications Board. FELIX is printed on the Union Premises in Prince Consort Road, London'SW7. Acting Editor: C R Palmer FELIX ISSN 0140-0711. Registered at the Post Office. Copyright FELIX 1979.