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******************* * MERRY C H R I S T M A S * * FROM ICU: * Chris, Malcolm, Roger, Jen, Pat, Annie, Michael, Ian, * * Maz and Colin. * ******************* T H E N E W S P A P E R O F IMPERIAL C O L L E G E U N I O N

Friday, D e c e m b e r 14th, 1979

Issue N o .


C H R I S T M A S SPIRIT PRIME MINISTER G I V E S A FIVER T O I C U R A G O n the occasion of the Guild's Rag Carol singing; a visit was made to a well known residence in Downing Street. While they sang there, The Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, arrived and donated Five Pounds to this year's I C U Rag Collection. She gave the money to Chandra Kumar Patni, an overseas student at the college; possibly an ironic action in view of the recent education cuts which particularly affect Overseas Students.

The Prime Minister making the donation




Guilds in good voice

Photo by Ben


Last Friday afternoon, thirty students from the C o l l e g e went to Victoria Station to distribute leaflets about the proposed education cuts. After fifteen minutes, G u i l d s President J o Armi t age was c h a l l e n g e d by a c o n s t a b l e who had apparently been in c o n s u l t a t i o n with the British Rail A r e a Manager. He suggested that she o b t a i n p e r m i s s i o n to c o n t i n u e from the area manager, but w h e n she did so it was refused and the leafletters moved out of the station to c o n t i n u e leafletting outside the station. S o o n they were a s k e d to leave station property and the IC coffin was carried back to IC. London T r a n s p o r t refused to allow it on the tube.

A C T R E S S FROM STANS GUILDS XMAS UGM G u i l d s held their C h r i s t m a s U G M on M o n d a y a n d part of the meeting concerned proposed c h a n g e s to G u i l d s ' c o n s t i t u t i o n . T h e p r o p o s e d c h a n g e , that voting s h o u l d c h a n g e to a paper ballot, was p a s s e d on its first hearing, but must be p a s s e d by a two-thirds majority at a s e c o n d U G M before it is a c c e p t e d . During the meeting Sarah M c G u i n e s s was ratified as the new G u i l d s H o n o r a r y Secretary a n d N a b K a l s i reported that £4,000 for R a g . T h e meeting c l o s e d with a slide s h o w a n d a visit from Father C h r i s t m a s .

R C S XMAS UGM D u r i n g the R C S Christmas U G M on M o n d a y , V i c e - P r e s i d e n t T a n s y H e p t o n reported that over £5,800 had been c o l l e c t e d for R a g so far this year. T h e meeting a l s o heard Barney McCabe's resignation from R C S U Ents C o m m i t t e e a n d a m o t i o n of c e n s u r e was p a s s e d o n Z o s i a for failing to notify a n y o n e that the meeting was t a k i n g p l a c e until the m o r n i n g of the meeting. T h e base for the t h r e e - h a n d l e d pot w a s d o n a t e d by C h r i s Fox, Martin W a t s o n a n d J o n H a l l . T h e meeting was finally c l o s e d with a K a n g o l a .

Actress and barmaid Sarah Kenyon had her first lucky break on Monday, when she was offered her first part as a professional actress. Sarah, a recent arrival in Stan's Real Ale Bar, will be leaving after only five weeks to travel to Belfast, where she will be appearing at the Lyric Theatre in Wedekinde's The Awakening of Spring. After studying with the Welsh College of Music and Drama, Sarah came to London to begin her career in the entertainment business. She was fortunate enough to find an agent soon after arriving.

of this term was held o n M o n d a y night. T h e report prepared by the P W P c o n c e r n i n g U n i o n places in hall, put to C o u n c i l as a m o t i o n was a c c e p t e d and as a result of this the c h a i r m e n of the O v e r s e a s Students, Social Clubs, R e c r e a t i o n a l C l u b s and A t h l e t i c C l u b s committees, P u b l i c a t i o n B o a r d a n d R a g plus the I C W A President will not be a l l o c a t e d U n i o n places in hall next s e s s i o n . C o u n c i l also d e c i d e d to adopt the adventrue p l a y g r o u n d in H o l l y Street, H a c k n e y , this having b e e n previously worked on as part of Environmental Week, a n d IC students are expected to pay a w o r k i n g visit to the site on 19th J a n u a r y . D e c i s i o n s were a l s o taken to hold the last c o u n c i l of next term at S i l w o o d Park, the C o l l e g e field station and to donate £50 to t h e A c t i o n Against Education Cuts Committee. F o l l o w i n g C o u n c i l , it n o w l o o k s as t h o u g h the c e n s o r s h i p of records by the H a l d a n e L i b r a r y will be referred to a b o a r d of studies meeting, t h o u g h there was s o m e talk of p o s s i b l e action, s u c h as an o c c u p a t i o n , being taken in protest at the d e c i s i o n m a d e by the r e c o r d librarian. T h e Positive Alternatives To A b o r t i o n S o c i e t y has now been a c c e p t e d as a member of S C C , this being d e c i d e d at C o u n c i l , in addition to this, the U n i o n is to press for the number of places available for reapplicants for halls to be r e d u c e d from ten to five percent.

LETTERS Dear Colin I am writing in reply to M r H o d g s o n ' s l e t t e r (issue 537) concerning the advertising in last year's Rag Mag. A s Advertising Manager last year, I do not feel that the real problem has been given much consideration. The root of the problem is that we are in London and b e c a u s e of t h i s c o m p a r i s o n s between the advertising i n our mag a n d in t w o f r o m p r o v i n c i a l universities are not possible. Most colleges have their Rag Mags printed by Mcmillan and Graham who do not charge for the printing but take i n all the advertising revenue (and make a healthy profit from it). However, they will not obtain advertising for any London college, presumably because they realise the difficulties involved in getting advertising i n London. Last year I sent out rate cards to about one hundred and twenty firms and received less than ten replies, most of which were negative. In most cities, the students form an integral part of the community, but in London there are so many different colleges that shops are not prepared to advertise for one particular college. M o and I went T h a n k s g o to S u k i , Dave, A n d y , round a lot of local shops (on High St Marek, L e c h , Henry, Peter, B o , Ken, Gloucester Rd, Knightsbridge Tony, Chris, A l e x i s a n d Tarn for and O l d Brompton Rd) and obtained c o n s t a n t l y t u r n i n g o u t a n d four adverts. This was due partly to playing to win (on o c c a s i o n ) . the general lack of interest in T h a n k s also to the other advertising and, to a large extent, to of Volleyball C l u b , the number of chain stores we found. members particularly S h e i l a g h and Diane of One final point is that last year the IF and J u d i t h , all of w h o m began advertising did not start until playing for the first time this term, June/July, whereas this year the Rag and are rapidly improving I s h o u l d Committee should be electing the also mention V i c for s u p p o r t i n g Advertising Manager at the first us, a n d C a r o l y n f o r c h e e r l e a d i n g , meeting next term. In fact, M r writing reports, c u p s of coffee etc. Marshall tells me that he will be Anyway, H a p p y C h r i s t m a s to definitely proposing M r Hodgson as everyone, a n d remember that we Advertising Manager of the next Rag have two hard matches at the start Mag at this meeting. of next term, s o easy o n the mice Yours sincerely pies! V o l l e y b a l l C l u b meet in the Tansy Hepton Union G y m on Wednesdays between 3:00-6:00pm and o n Dear Sir S u n d a y s between 12:00-3:00pm. I apologise to the individuals N e w members always welcome. about w h o m I made u n c o m p l i Mary Young mentary remarks in my last letter. Captain, IC Volleyball Club Their a m u s i n g reply puts me to Dear Sir, shame. S e c o n d l y , I want to We find it disturbing that articles amplify my remark c o n c e r n i n g should be submitted for printing in affiliation to political groups. F E L I X that contain errors which U n d e r the present system of might surely have been corrected automatic m e m b e r s h i p student with a little more time and effort on unions are funded directly by the the part of the author.Being involved taxpayer. Hence, u n i o n funds in the production of F E L I X this s h o u l d only be used for the week,our wrath was aroused by one p ur p o s e for w h i c h they are given, exceedingly long article which made namely, promoting the well-being us question our faith in the ability of of students. Students are rightly our contributors to write with brevity c o n c e r n e d with political issues or even inspiration.May Santa Claus but a student u n i o n s h o u l d not be more liberal with gifts of articles of support, using taxpayer's money, a less turgid composition for the o r g a n i s a t i o n s t h a t a r e n o t coming year. principally concerned with students' interests. Yours, L. Wernberg - Moller Disgusted D. Crabbe D. Everett

Sir T H E FELIX S O C I E T Y I have made serious c o n s i d e r W i t h the thirtieth a n n i v e r s a r y of F E L I X last w e e k , it s e e m s ation of S i m o n J e r o m e ' s recent a p p r o p r i a t e that o u r readers s h o u l d k n o w a b o u t the F E L I X S o c i e t y , letter advocating compulsory w h i c h a i m s to help the E d i t o r w i t h t he p r o d u c t i o n of the p a p e r , by way industrial experience between of a d v i c e a n d feedback. T h e p r o d u c t i o n of F E L I X is a c o m p l e x s c h o o l and university. matter; not only o n the t e c h n i c a l side, v i z . p r o o f r e a d i n g , pasting-up I agree that a 'year out' is usually a n d collating, b u t also i n d e c i s i o n s a s t o w h i c h c o p y o r material t o a g o o d idea. I w o u l d suggest that a i n c l u d e , w h e r e to g o for i n f o r m a t i o n a n d n e w s , a n d h o w to achieve a total break from a c a d e m i c work is well-balanced a n d attractively p r e s e n t e d n e w s p a p e r . A n d that's u n w i s e , w h i l e day-release w h e r e the F E L I X S o c i e t y c o m e s i n , to give a helping h a n d . S t a r t e d b y c o u r s e s at l o c a l t e c h n i c a l last year's E d i t o r , the S o c i e t y is n o w fully o p e r a t i o n a l , with a full c o l l e g e s m y not be particularly c o m m i t t e e a n d a g r o w i n g m e m b e r s h i p . T h e c o m m i t t e e is o r g a n i z e d instructive either. M y main criticism, however, of s o a s t o deal w i t h m o s t major areas of F E L I X ; m e m b e r s b e i n g delegated to deal w i t h n e w s , p h o t o g r a p h y , finances, s p o r t s , reviews M r J e r o m e ' s letter, regards his a n d l i a s o n b e t w e e n t h e o t h e r m e d i a at I C a n d is r e s p o n s i b l e t o t h e s u g g e s t i o n t h a t w o r k i n g i n P u b l i c a t i o n s B o a r d of t h e U n i o n ; c o - o r d i n a t i o n is definitely a major industry makes y o u appreciate university more. Unfortunately, in issue. W h i l s t major d e c i s i o n s o n c o n t e n t m u s t rest w i t h t h e E d i t o r , my case the reverse is true. Quite the S o c i e t y c a n r e c o m m e n d i n c l u s i o n , o m i s s i o n o r a m e n d m e n t of apart from the s p e c i a l i z e d m a t e r i a l r e q u e s t e d b y r e a d e r s a n d has p r o v e d its usefulness in giving problems that IC students endure t he E d i t o r t i m e t o i n c l u d e i m p o r t a n t features s u c h as editorials, U G M to get a degree, I w o u l d p r o b a b l y r e p o r t s , e t c . N e x t term's meetings, w h i c h y o u are A L L w e l c o m e to be irritated an any university by a t t e n d , s h o u l d be h o t stuff i n d e e d . s o if y o u a r e i n t e r e s t e d . G O t o t h e living o n an essentially fixed F E L I X Office a n d either d r a g t h e E d i t o r ( C o l i n ) o u t f r o m u n d e r his i n c o m e , by m i x i n g with an essentially narrow b a n d of p a s t e u p s a n d talk to h i m o r m e . society (students) and by having a large a c a d e m i c w o r k l o a d . Lars Wernberg-Moller Y o u r s until G - D a y Ken Strachan

Dear Editor Prof B r e m s s t r a h l u n g has a s k e d me to write to y o u about a most grave a n d d i s t u r b i n g matter. Last week, t w o and a half years after his retirement from F E L I X , he was astou nded to read that y o u are reissuing his biography for sale to the public without notifying him first. T h e Professor wishes to r e m i n d y o u that a l t h o u g h many F E L I X readers may not remember him, he has kept himself well occupied forcing back the frontiers of knowlege, fully justifying his c o n t i n u i n g status as the most brilliant intellect this side of the B i g B a n g . S u c h a n intellect is not to be treated in s u c h an offhand a n d c o n t e m p t u o u s manner. Even worse, the Professor's g o o d friend and colleague, M r T o n y J o n e s , is in a severe state of s h o c k after the news w a s b r o k e n to h m by a scruffy u r c h i n in a lift. I c a n n o w reveal to y o u that the Professor w a s intent o n releasing of his genetic the contents m a n i p u l a t i o n laboratory into your p r e m i s e s , but that I m a n a g e d to persuade h m to desist from this precipitous a c t i o n on the g r o u n d s that the p r o c e e d s from the sale of t he book will g o to a more deserving c a u s e than y o u r g o o d self. In the c i r c u m s t a n c e s , the Professor will be satisfied with a grovelling apology. ' Y o u r s faithfully Quark Chief A s s i s t a n t to Prof Bremsstrahlung


Dear I C U I hope y o u are aware that last night the S c h o o l of M i n e s h a d a strip s h o w in the U n i o n S C R . M a n y p e o p l e object to this type of 'entertainment'. It e n c o u r a g e s m e n to look at w o m e n only as objects for their amusement, however w o m e n are real people with m i nds a n d personalities. Strip s h o w s attempt to s u p p r e s s a n y recognition of this fact, they instead seek to s h o w that a w o m a n ' s p h y s i c a l a p p e a r a n c e is the only important thing and thus serve the exploitation of w o m e n . Presenting w o m e n as objects of m e n for the amusement e n c o u r a g e s m e n to look u p o n as their property, women women's bodies to be used at will, the awful c o n c l u s i o n of this state of mind being rape, a most violent violation of women's rights. It is time we questioned whether U n i o n facilities s h o u l d be used in this way. L u c y Scott Maths 1 Dear C o l i n I w o u l d like to take this opportunity to thank all members of IC Volleyball team for giving up their time a n d (some of) their energy to play for Imperial. A l t h o u g h at the start of the term we lost the first three matches, o n c e a team framework was established we pulled off four c o n s e c u t i v e wins, o n e of w h i c h was against U L U , a n d therefore very satisfying.




It's nearly the end of term Ho! Ho! H o ! Tis the season to be jolly falla la la. Festive greetings in this Yuletide Cliche Session. I'm told this issue is going to be bursting at the seams with totally Fab Fiction, so all I can do is weigh in with some more. Christmas had, in all honesty held little significance for our hero. A plethora of gifts and frivolities. A festival of Greed (he'd never let greed get in his way before) but when it came to significance, all this god bit really didn't cut much ice. Indeed the timing of the whole festering was coincident with a Pagan Fest. Far more appropriate! Never, however, had a Christmas been more eagerly awaited. Not since the good old days of stocking and brothers had the count down seemed so long. Each day opened a window in the Advent Calendar, but each day seemed longer. So as December entered double figures and the term its ulimate week, he could hardly contain himself. T o help pass the time he compiled a list of Christmas presents he would like to receive: Dad — a new bike M u m — a train set Mr Burridge — a telephone for my room Granny F — money Roger — interesting minutes for boring committees Grannie L — money Malcolm — anything I can understand Frank — some of his weird logic Father Christmas — a long holiday Merry Christmas Merry Chris Merry X

JUST A CHRISTMAS S E C S o a decade has nearly gone by, and WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? Whilst we might be all that much older, what have we really achieved? Anyway, enough of these ramblings. Christmas is here once again, a chance to drink everything in sight as well as catch a little time with mum and dad. The holidays also signal the end of a ten week term. We all have our own favourite memories of the term. I would like to think that your term has been made more enjoyable by the Union. Perhaps it was a member of a club, a sports team etc. Whatever it was I'm glad that we've been able to help you, and I speak for not just the other members of the Executive but also the officers. What will be happening next term?

OVERSEAS STUDENTS We will continue to try and preserve their very numbers here. A s a start we did the leafletting of the underground last week and have written to all members of staff.

ICWA A number of women at College feel that this should be disbanded. They feel that it serves no purpose in its existing form. I will not commit my own views to print, but will be very interested to hear the views of any women. Please come and tell me what you think.

REFECTORY COMPLAINTS I bet you cant't wait for Monday 7th January and the chance to complain about the quality of the food and make constructive suggestions. O n that day the boxes will not only be up but well displayed, with large signs.

ELECTIONS The spring term is the time when the elections for all Union posts are held. Above is just some of the things going on. All that's left is have a marvellous holiday. Be good! Roger x x x



The festive season is upon us; hordes of students, will soon be speeding back to their parental abode a n d i nstantaneousl y become almost civilised human beings again. But spare a thought for those of us who will remain at College still working away postgraduates, overseas students, sabbaticals Actually, College isn't at all a bad place without the rest of you lot: Roger can happily sit in his office all day revising U G M a n d C o u n c i l policy documents instead of having to keep showing people how to use the badge machine; Colin can go to sleep on Thursday nights instead of spending all night tying more knots in the elastic bands which hold the F E L I X paper folding machine together; Chris can sit on his throne and survey his kingdom without telling the rest of us what we're doing wrong; I can curl up under my desk and drink Newky Brown all day without Football Club using my office every lunchtime to rearrange their fixtures, and we can all go down to the bar at lunchtime without people pointing and making comments about why we have sabbaticals anyway. Thanks to everyone for having helped make ths such a good term, especially Guildsheet for suggesting that someone buy me a Learn-Yourself English manual — it's not necessary, I did it at school as a second language. Congratulations again to Roger and Rae for both having organised extremely successful events this term. Happy Christmas to you all.

LST The L S T Office will close at 1:00pm T O D A Y (Friday). Anyone who hasn't got a railcard by then can get one from the main office at 117 Euston Road. Remember, although the British Railcar form asks for the signature of your head of department, all you need to get a railcard from L S T is your Union card, two Dhotoqranhs and eight pounds.


CRISIS A T C H R I S T M A S There are hundreds of people homeless and destitute on the streets of London. We wish you as

M I N E S So the term draws to its close, and everyone indulges in the traditional seasoned activities: photocopying notes, panic revising for tests and all-night reportwriting. This past week has been Foreign Students Week (if you didn't know — you should have done!). Sunday was the GluckAuf Celebration; everyone who came to Stan's Real Ale Bar met our guests and indulged in the customary international chat over the odd drink or two. T O D A Y is the M I N E S B A L L ! Even if you're not going to it, Stew Vine would greatly appreciate some assistance in getting things ready so if you've some spare time today roll along to the Union Office and help. Bernie, Simon and Trev wish everyone a very M E R R Y Christmas!

HAPPY A CHRISTMAS as you can give them Please help us to help the single homeless at Christmas and everyday (it doesn't take much). Please bring all contributions of food or clothing to the Maths C ommon Room (HB 345). clothing to the Maths C ommon Room.

In case you hadn't heard yet, Brendan is leaving the bar at the end of this term. O n behalf of everyone who uses the Union Bar I would like to wish him every happiness and success in his new job, and also to congratulate Jimmy on his appointment as the new Bar Manager.

M O N S T E R G E O R D I E X M A S PISSUP Yes, this year's Annual Imperial College Newcastle Christmas Pub Crawl will take place on Friday 28th December, starting at the Geordie Pride (just a few yards up a street almost opposite Newcastle Central Station, ask anyone for directions when you get there) at 6:00pm. Like last year, I promise to drink at least a pint of Scotch. Everyone welcome, see you there!


B U M P E R I.C.

Friday; 14th





11.00 1.00

Saturday 8.00



999kHz the




Standing morosely in front of the bathroom mirror the other morning, I had The Idea. 'Gorrunnghhf was my first reaction, as I stood there , desperately trying to gain an overall view of my body in the mirror, between the large spaces where the reflective coating had disappeared altogether. Then as the idea appealed to me more, and I attempted to remove a layer of oily substance from my tongue, I thought 'Mmmrrmghaa'. A s I teetered dangerously on the platform of the District Line, only inches away from high voltage death, I mused that Archangel, Russia, is one ofthe coldest places on earth. It is also one of the places whose inhabitants will next term be deprived of the Fifth Dimension of Aural Exitement that I.C. Radio provides for its listeners. The Idea which had been born that morning filled the air with a sense of anticipation , and formed a silly smile on my face, which slithered about before falling, chuckling, to the ground, where the rats got it. H o w well I remember England's 4 - 2 victory over the Germans in the '66 cup final. H o w well I remember I.C. Radio Sportsdesk, with in-depth coverage of college sport - a feast of sporting delight; available from your local radio station all next term. A thrill ran through my body, and twice round, the tube, frightening an old lady and two schoolgirls. The Idea was gaining energy and pulsating ominously. A screaming chorus of V A T zero - rated

Juilan Pitt (left) with his guest Neal K a y in the l.C. Radio studio last Saturday. shivers ran down my spine as I thought of I.C. Radio's weekend programmes - a feast of music, news and information to fill the whole of Saturday and Sunday. "Where else", I asked a lampost, "can you go to bed with Jeremy at 11 and wake up with Sarah at 8 the next morning?". H o w I wished that I lived in Hall. The Idea had by now escaped from my cerebellum and was trampling on my synapses. Suddenly , many of my extremities turned green with envy at the thought of all those people in Hall listening to I.C. Radio's gorgeous weekday programmes on 301 metres medium wave. A wave of uncontrollable hysteria ran round my fevered brain as I considered the prospect of the five specialist music programmes rampaging their " way across the airwaves, not to mention the return of Kaptain Kremmen each evening at 7.30. Dripping with sweat, I contemplated the medium wave service that lasts until one in the morning every day. Finally, the pressure was too much. Running screaming through the streets of South Kensington, The Idea went out of control, eating everything in its path; there was no escape - I was going to have to write about I.C Radio in F E L I X . Slimey Mildew (no relation)

This last week was again fairly guiet with very little happening until the Year Rag on Saturday, with lots of money, about £1,850 being collected b y various means. Hit Squad hit Carnaby Street with one slight difference, they got the public to hit themselves for a small donation, Chem Eng 1 must be hit mad: Ruth collected £161 all by herself and others got more than £100 each. Many thanks to all those who collected. Also on the Rag front, carol singing took place with about one hundred and fifty people in Scarf. A n onslaught in London took place with Guilds choosing to arrive in Downing Street just as Maggie arrived. She was greeted by renderings of a few carols and by a Boomalaka. She gave five pounds to our collection. It would have been more but the education cuts are starting to bite. M e r r y C h r i s t m a s to y o u all. Bryan


complete contrast to the previous programme. 3.00

Fiddler's Dram Fan Club Show - Tony Ferguson everything from Floyd to Fiddler's Dram. The Light Alloy Show - Shep; Rock Music in the last decade - How has it changed? Nights in White Satin was first released in 1967, and recently entered the charts aqain. The Gramaphone Request Programme Peter Bennett Through Midnight - Karen; is this the end? Closedown - For the last time this decade, I.C. Radio present this popular spot.


9.00 11.00 1.00



Wake Up With J o n - Jon Firth; if you're getting up early to pack, if you're not then tune in anyway for some great early morning music. The S & B Show - Sahara Blott; Superb and Brilliant: have a dose of sand before you go. Lunchtime Lunacy Jeremy Nunns; a




Tune In - Karen American Rock - Dave Hodes Viewpoint • Chris Dalton; including: Roger Sprocket reviews 'Bean Island', preview of weekend television & a look at things to come Roundabout - Tony Ferguson; one of the few programmes in which Sahara Blott will not (hopefully) appear. Through Midnight - Chris Watts Closedown

5.00 6.00 7.00

Well, Christmas is here again; turkey and Xmas pud, crackers and mince pies — oh! yes those little tartlets of wonder which you can stuff down open gullets, hit the market again and you too can taste some of the most varied offerings in the mince pie gendre from I C W A today at lunchtime. A s an added attraction we have invited some of the College personalities to pit their wits against one another in a spectacular balloon debate. Each candidate has to pick a woman from history, eg Frank James has chosen Mary Summerville (and you can join in too) and convince you (the audience) why they should remain in the balloon whilst the others are thrown over board. See you at one o'clock in the I C W A Lounge. I shall take this opportunity to advertise some of the events we shall be holding next term. The I C W A Lounge will be open all day with books, newspapers (Guardian and Mirror), magazines (Time Out, Spare Rib and Cosmopolitan). For the first couple of

I.C. Radio j




Electric Light O r c h e s t r a

- C o n f u s i o n / Last

T r a i n to L o n d o n 2


B o o m t o w n Rats



Status Q u o



Joe Jacckson






Tarney Spencer Band






M i k e Oldfield



R o c k y Burnette






















- D i a m o n d Smiles

- Living o n an Island - It's Different for G i r l s

E t o n Rifles

^ -

Cathy's Clown

The Walk - Blue Peter - T i r e d of towing the line

- O n e Step Beyond - Y o u K n o w that I L o v e Y o u

Michael J a c k s o n Jah

- Off T h e W a l l


- W o r k i n g for the Y a n k e e Dollar

After T h e Fire

- Life in the C i t y

T o m Petty and the H e a r t b r e a k e r s B.A. Robertson





Stevie W o n d e r



Gary Numan

Carolyne Mas



- K n o c k e d It Off - Quote Goodbye Quote - Send One Your Love



T h i s chart of the most played r e c o r d s o n I.C. R a d i o over the last two w e e k s is c o m p i l e d by S a r a h T a l b o t , with assistance from T o n y F e r g u s o n .

weeks of term there will be free coffee, tea and biscuits with the possibility of music (has anyone a tape machine?) and the likelihood (spot the statistician) of lively conversation! Bring all your friends and have lunch here. (Has anyone a tape measure to measure the windows for curtains?) There will be a Women's Bar Night on Sunday 17th February in the Union Bar so let me have any songs you want to sing and we'll get a song sheet together. Following a small but enjoyable trip to the ballet, we shall be arranging other such events so come forward with your suggestions. Finally, with respect to certain people questioning the necessity/role/function of I C W A , we are holding an Open Meeting (it is important that as many people as possible attend) to discuss The Role Of ICWA on Tuesday 15th January in the I C W A Lounge. If there is a question of changing I C W A it is us who should decide and be involved implicitly in any discussion.

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Mining & Metallurgical Society

Royal School of Mines

R O B E R T N PRYOR MEMORIAL L E C T U R E TI-- 4'm'mg and Metallurgical Society is sponsoring the First Annual Memorial Lecture to the late Professor Robert N Pryor. The lecture will be given by Sir Mark Turner, Chairman and Chief Executive of Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation Ltd, on Monday 14 January 1980 at 6:00pm in the Mining Lecture Theatre at the Royal School of Mines, South Kensington, London SW 7. The lecture will be on the topic of International British-based Companies in a Nationalistic World. All are cordially invited to attend.



By the time you read this IC Committee on Overseas Students will have had its second meeting of this session. At the last meeting, IC Union was represented by Aftab Gujral and Mick Berry and topics included allocation of Hall places to overseas postgraduates (at present 10%), the T O E F L test (Teaching Of English as a Foreign Language) and the successful Introductory Arrangements (in future to include liason with Michael Arthur, Union Welfare Adviser). " A S U B S I D Y T O BRITAIN" A n y campaign against the government's proposed reduction in grants to universities (eg for IC, from £22.37 million now to £17.29 million in 1983-84 — the latter figure — including no fees for overseas students — money those students will presumably have to find themselves) must urge a broad viewpoint if it is to carry any weight. A s Lord Bullock points out in a recent letter to the Observer "there should at least be an attempt to analyse the advantages, as well as the costs" of the presence of overseas students, especially postgraduates at British universities. The benefits of unpaid research work and to international trade (with British-educated students returning home and maintaining links with British industry


and its modus operandi) are obviously more difficult to evaluate than costs of running courses and maintaining establishments, but without them we only have half the picture. Indeed the British educational system would have to be paid for even if we sent all overseas students home, and many advanced courses would have to close, and levels of academic and cultural stimulation fall as a result. The Government seems to have dropped the 'Full Economic Cost' line (and understandably so!) but the fictitious £100 million subsidy paid by taxpayers towards degree courses for foreigners seems to have replaced it and last month the Telegraph q u o t e d this, t h o u g h the u n d e r l y i n g calculation is far from clear. Even if one is opposed to granting overseas aid, the present government's policy towards overseas students makes economic nonsense. The most charitable thing that can be said is that it hasn't been thought through fully. P r e v i o u s Conservative leaders would surely have considered such unpleasant discrimination "un-British". A s Lord Flowers said on Commemoration Day: "It makes our partnership in Europe much harder to achieve It impoverishes our society. It is wrong."

All overseas students entering British universities in 1980 will face minimum fees of £2,000 (arts courses) and £3,000 (science courses) excluding all accommodation and living costs. A s you go home for Christmas reflect that saying "Happy Christmas" to an overseas student at IC may be impossible by Christmas 1985 — there would not be any and Britain would be poorer economically, intellectually and culturally. Mick Berry

O v e r s e a s s t u d e n t s at t h e M a y o r ' s P h o t o by Aftab Gujral


A n n u a l IC Newcastle Christmas Pub Crawl starts on 28th December at 6:00pm in the Geordie Pride (opposite Newcastle Central Station). Anyone welcome! For details see Malcolm Brain.





To encode a word using a P L A Y F A I R codesquare proceed as follows. Construct a 5x5 square of letters beginning with the code word, which must have no recurring letters, continue with the rest of the letters in the alphabet except J . I does for I and J . Ex — Codeword — outspreadingly. Code Square:

a T S ? R 1 A N G L Y 3 o



F H K h V w X Z






To encode a word, which must have an even number of letters, split'it into pairs of letters. If a pair of letters both appear in the same column take the letters appearing directly below them IN O R D E R . If a pair are in the same row, take the letters to the right (OR, if at the end of a row or column the letter at the beginning or top). If not, take the respective opposite corners of the rectangel, obtained by the pair. Eg 1 D E L A W A R E - D E / L A / W A / R E DE-» IA LA*HL WA-»TL RE-»EA Eg 2 S W I N G S - SW/IN/GS S W - » T X N O T X T which would be W S IN-»RB GS-»YU Puzzle: Having solved all the clues and completed the diagram, notice that the leading and reverse diagonals are all white squares, the first six

N O B letters and the last three letters of the leading diagonal and the first letter and last four letters of the reverse diagonal are to be compared with the letters of the phrase "Sean wishes you a drunken Christmas", where they appear when the phrase is spelt out along the diagonals in order, not ehe middle H appears one (twice!). Compare the required letters in pairs (ie the last letter of 35 across and the first letter of 8 down make a pair). This S H O U L D yield seven pairs of code equations from which the code square used in the first place is to be deduced! Having reconstituted the code square, the code word(s) (ten nonrecurring letters) is to be read. The first solver to send in the code word(s) and complete diagram to F E L I X and to my satisfaction wins £5. All clues are normal apart from scientific definitions at 1 across, 10 down and 8 down. Warning: The answers may be obscure words, all to be found in Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary. '

ACROSS 1 9 11 13 15 16 18 20 22 25. 27 29 30 33 35

Member of the group of Gasteropods (8) Tiny tree will transform, but in a long time (8) Sean's cry baby sibling (9) Lover with three loves swooning with mars (7) Ancient Irish doctor living in Knoll Avenue (5) Work box that seems essential (10) Red hot coal firing Reb and me (5) Bit of tranquility, we hear (5) White map? French letter? (5) Setting right while clothing (10) Lawyers being awkward with a mule (5) C h u r c h festival with religious beer (7) Monster, from sea, with an attempt, English (9) Semitic Syrian idiom (8) Lame Pyre formed of pure light (8)

DOWN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 17 19 21 23 24 25 26 28 31 32 34

Wander about with a goblin (5) He rapes violently — to disfigure (7)1 Septic cat (3) River letter (3) Alternative precious metal (2) Tree with girl — acceptable one? (6) Product of two gametes (6) The spiderwort genus (12) Opposite of 9, yes and no (12) Headless drink, procured from malt-house (4) London enterprise giving unit (3) Establish cause of plant (4) Long hair, in the first place, we hear (4) Greek letter, last and first letters (4) G o o d team in overalls, tar-stained (7) Hesitation with a long time (3) Heater made to work again (6) More Greek badly slated (7) M r A Z , I, terribly learned fellow (5) Uncle, me? I'm there somewhere (3) Lips, losing first bit, wrapping round drink (3) Denoting position of Astatine (2)

Y o u too can stand on the threshold of the world, travel free and enjoy (?) free meals as well as earning £2.66 an hour with IC Football C l u b as a qualified referee. The Club hope to run six, two hour weekly sessions in the spring term, at the end of which you can qualify as a class 3 referee. Anyone interested, please contact either:

The Rector and Lady Flowers wish everyone a Happy Christmas and Good Luck in 1980.

Paul A r c h e r , M e c h Eng 3 Steve Veats, Physics P G Kevan Reeve, C h e m 3


A Q u e s t i o n of F a i t h The joyous sound of church bells pealing resounded through the winding alleys of the small village, cheerfujly knocking on every door as it passed, as if to proclaim the dawn, the coming of Christmas. A light fall of snow had decked the streets and rooftops with a mysterious, comfortable glow. The gas-lights flickered lazily from side to side, swayed by the gentle breeze that had sprung up after the snowfall. A gorgeous calm rested over the country village, set deep within the bosom of the Black Forest. His gaze fixed wearily to the ground, a man trudged along the deserted streets, oblivious to the Christmas spirit that rang out from every door he passed. His lips, maroon with the cold, remained tightly shut: he would not be joining in the hymns this Christmas day. Neither would his gloveless hands, thrust deep inside his tatty • overcoat, be pressed together in pious prayer to the Lord. But why? W h o was this y o u n g soldier with only his shadow for company? A n d why did this solitary figure divert his eyes to the ground as soon as someone approached? The day before, on Christmas Eve, K — had been ignominiously discharged from the Army. Stripped of rank, honour and self-esteem, the shameful humiliation of that day still hounded him whichever way he turned. He had come to his home town to spend Yuletide with his ageing parents, but it was the very thought of facing them that filled him with dread. Twice already he had reached the door, but had slunk away each time, disgusted with himself. He sought refuge in the warm anonymity of a tavern where he'd spent some time before his recruitment, some nine or ten months before. The familiarity of the rough, oaken pews, the low, panelled ceiling and the pungent odour of hops rekindled vivid memories of tranquil, untroubled past. He thought it was appropriate that he should find himself in this nether-world of drunks and thiefs. H e ordered a cognac, then sat alone in the corner. Sitting opposite him was a middle-aged man, a most disreputable-looking character wearing a threadbare suit beneath an equally worn overcoat. T o add to his dishevelled appearance, the fellow hadn't shaved for several days, and clearly needed a good wash. It wasn't long before he tried to strike up a conversation with K — , who at first just frowned whenever the fellow said , anything. But from his accent and speech, K — realised that the man, who by now had embarked on his life-story, was by no means a tramp. In a voice hoarse with self-pity, he told him that his occupation had been Sub-Clerical Officer in the local government departments. He had a wife, three little children and a home, all waiting anxiously for him to return bearing gifts and benedictions, but he wasn't going home. He couldn't. H e ' d been fired from his job three days ago, and in a desperate attempt to double his paltry earnings, he'd gambled and then drunk away the lot. His tiny blue eyes were shiny with tears as he told K — that he couldn't possibly face his consumptive wife and three darlings emptyhanded. He'd rather die than see his children starve! A s often happens when men, whether they be strangers or not, are brought together under the same troubled roof, these two quickly came to a kind of sympathetic understanding. Cheered somewhat by the velvet warmth of the cognac . K — proceeded to relate to his companion his own woeful tale: one month ago, he'd been arrested for a theft he hadn't committed. The quarters of one of his commanding officers had been ransacked and the thief had made off with a princely sum of money.


The following day, a thorough search of the barracks revealed the stolen money in K — ' s belongings. Relieved from guard duty, he'd spent the night in question reading alone in the barracks and therefore had no alibi. His insistent proclamations of innocence only berated his superiors all the more; they glibly suggested how dignified it would be for K — to admit his guilt, and be done with it. But despite their threats and advice, he'd maintained his innocence with a stubborn pride. For three weeks, he'd festered in the Army dungeons, racking his brains to think who had planted the money in his chest. He swore on his parents' lives that if he ever caught up with the brigand, he'd chop off his hand. Finally, on Christmas Eve, the travesty of justice was completed: he'd been court-martialled. The identity of the criminal would have astonished him. Thinking that the truth is always hidden in the shadows far from our view, we scour the distant horizons and beyond forgetting to look at what is nearest. For unbeknown to K — , his best friend in the Army had been the agent of his misfortune. The motive for the theft, unlike the deed itself, had been decidedly honourable; L — had wanted to give his elderly parents a bountiful Christmas, and had succumbed to temptation with this noble intention in mind. L — had carefully concealed the booty in his friend's chest without either his knowlege or consent: he had thought to leave it there until their Christmas leave, but to the calamatous results we have described above. At any rate, by this time K — ' s eager listener had fallen asleep. W i t h his c o n s c i e n c e unburdened by confession, K — took his leave and soon found himself outside the door of his parents' house. What had he to fear from then, anyway? He was innocent, or was he? He'd been found guilty of theft and dishonourably discharged from the Army. Yes, these were the facts. Then would his parents too condemn him unjustly, would they believe the word of their son, a convicted thief, over the decision of an Army court? Would they bear his shame and disgrace with him, or oust him from their company? With these thoughts beating around his head, he knocked three times on the door. To his amazement he was not met by his bespectacled father, but by another elderly gentleman, a stranger! Not without some embarrassment, the old man informed K — that his parents were deceased. Somehow K — had already guessed as much. His father had died of a sudden stroke three weeks previously, and as so often happens when one partner of a long marriage is laid to rest, his mother had died of grief just two days later. Of course K — hadn't heard the news earlier because he had not been allowed to receive any mail during his detainment. He was more disappointed at not being able to atend their last rights and their funeral than at their actual deaths; after all, they were both old, and it was right that they should receive the last call at the same time. The old gentleman nervously explained how they'd been desperate to escape from the city, and had moved into the dwelling within a week of it being put up for sale. By now K — was in a state of mild shock. He did not even think to ask who had given the permission for his abode to be put up for sale. The old man took pity on him, and humbly asked K — to spend at least one night in his home. The self-consciousness of K — ' s disgrace suddenly paled into a thin shadow beside the tragic loss of his begettors. But no sooner had he been given the chance to overcome his

By Justin Newland bereavement than his sense of humiliation returned once more. For as soon as he stepped into his old livingroom he was met by L — , his army friend. There he was warming his hands by the warm glow, of the fire in the very place his father had sat and smoked his pipe for so many years. The room, the furniture and the ornaments had all changed; only the distinctive smell of the place had remained. There are some moments in a man's life that are like watersheds: in them he seems to see all his strivings, his hopes and his misgivings in an entirely new and brilliant perspective. It is at this time that his life is stripped of illusions; truth is no longer fragmentary but, on the contrary, it appears to him as an integrated whole. It is like a man in a labyrinth, who, after years on aimless, endless wanderings down dead-ends, suddenly realises and knows the way to the centre. At the moment when L — stood up to greet him, K — had such a revelation. Was it the shy, reluctant way his friend had offered him his hand, or the confused look in his eye that acted as the catalyst? K — did not think about it. He knew it was L — who had committed the theft and hiddened the money in his belongings as sure as a man knows that the sun will rise on the morrow. In the moment of recognition L — too realised that he had unwittingly revealed his guilt. A sharp pang of disappointment stung K — ' s heart. He remembered the promise he'd made to himself in the tavern. He looked across at the nativity scene in the corner of the room, and at the dining table laid for the Christmas meal. fn that instant of emotional turmoil, he made an unconscious decision. This was a watershed in his life, if he but knew it; his choice led either to wrath and vengence or to forgiveness and mercy. It was then that the sorrowful glint in his eye turned to one of the most sublime happiness. All that had happened, he realised, was good, it could be no other way. It is the vicious sentiments of jealousy, avarice and anger that have to be overcome; man has paid for his victories over them with much blood, and will continue to do so. Let earthquake break the ground beneath your feet, let nations be toppled, let your love be unrequited; what matter! The nightingale will still sing, the butterfly dance and the apple tree blosom. K — dug into his pocket and took out his last gold coin. Timidly he offered it to L — who immediately understood the symbolic meaning of this act. There are times when a single deed can say more than a thousand eloquent words, and whose meaning is quite unequivocable; this was one of them. L — accepted the coin, and as he did so, resolved to confess his guilt, not to K — but to those who would not forgive him so readily. JUSTIN N E W L A N D

T H E D E V I L S - Epilogue For anyone who went to see this gruesome production and came away emotionally disturbed or just plain mystified as to how the real Christians of today live and behave there are groups in College always willing to see you. Among these are: IC Christian Union, which meets on Fridays at 6:30pm at 53 Princes Gate; The Senior Christian Fellowship which meets at 1:00pm on Wednesdays in Huxley 341 and also the College Chaplaincy which meets in most departments on Thursday lunchtimes.

If you're a high-flyer, it's best to start young!

A c c o u n t a n c y is a d i s t i n g u i s h e d a n d c h a l l e n g i n g profession a n d a l l t h e o p p o r t u n i t i e s i t offers i n p r a c t i c e , i n c o m m e r c e a n d i n i n d u s t r y are i n c r e a s i n g yearly. B e i n g y o u n g is n o disadvantage. In T h o m s o n M c L i n t o c k , w e e n c o u r a g e e a r l y s p e c i a l i s a t i o n a n d offer p r o m o t i o n a c c o r d i n g t o y o u r a b i l i t y - n o t t h e n u m b e r of c a n d l e s o n y o u r l a s t birthday cake. We also ensure that y o u receive t h e first class t r a i n i n g essential to s u c c e s s . E a c h of o u r 2 0 offices i s r u n i n d i v i d u a l l y w i t h l o c a l p e o p l e i n control. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a n d d e t a i l s of o u r v i s i t t o y o u r u n i v e r s i t y c o n t a c t y o u r careers office o r o n e of t h e staff p a r t n e r s l i s t e d .

Aberdeen AGMcBain Blenheim House Fountainhall Road Tel: 29107 Aberdeen AB11JE Belfast DABradshaw 33 Church Lane Belfast BT1 4QN Tel: 21452 Birmingham S G Mills 5 St Philip's Place Birmingham B3 2PU • Tel: 236 7991 Bristol Cardiff & Exeter GK Cairns 15 Pembroke Road Bristol BS8 3BG Tel: Bristol 32291 Darlington DACourtney 1 Blackwell Lane Darlington Tel: 66031 DL38QF Dundee R T Leslie Royal Exchange Dundee DD1 1DZ Tel: 22763 Edinburgh BJ Rankin 33/34 Charlotte Square Edinburgh Tel: 2251516 EH24HF Glasgow G N Simpson 216 West George Street Glasgow G2 2PF Tel: 248 5181 Inverness Fort William & Thurso JIBrough Albyn House Harbour Road Inverness IV11UA Tel: Inverness 39100 Leeds JPadley Royal Exchange House City Square Leeds LS15NU Tel: 450527 Leicester JRNLowe Arlen House Salisbury • Road Tel: 51621 Leicester LE17QS London & Basingstoke R D W Mead 70 Finsbury Pavement London EC2A1SX Tel: 01-638 2777 Manchester Liverpool & Sheffield B G Drew 12 Booth Street Manchester M24AW Tel: Manchester 236 8241 Newcastle JLHinkley 7 New Bridge Street Newcastle • upon Tyne NE18BB Tel: 28042 Norwich PFJellrey 3 Princes Street Norwich NR3 1AS Tel: 20516

Thomson McLintock & C o


FILMS Due for release in the next week are two very interesting films.


APOCALYPSE NOW (X, Francis Coppola) The guilt and fears of the American people over their involvement in Vietnam have fostered several features on the subject. By far the most impressive and direct is this truly grim epic of carnage and destruction. Captain Willard (Martin Sheen) is a young agent who is sent on a mission t o 'terminate' the command of Colonel Kurtz (Marlon Brando). He is told that Kurtz is mad; he is told Kurtz is a murderer; he is told Kurtz must be terminated. Yet despite this Willard cannot believe that one of America's best Colonels has done anything with no reason. Kurtz has become the G o d of an army of ruthless natives who follow his orders to the limit. H e has a renegade army at his control and wages a path of terror and destruction. Willard, the 'messenger boy' of the American military must locate and also destroy. He journeys up a river in a patrol boat with a crew of four; during the trip he is influenced by their experiences and attempts to understand Kurtz's actions. Coppola believes he has created a film which will communicate the full horror of war — he bases it strongly o n visuals a n d leaves the plot deliberately thin. There are some stunning sequences, notably the destruction of a village by Lt Colonel Kilgore (Robert Duval!) who blasts out Wagnar from his helicopters as they spew bullets, rockets and napalm. I cannot comment on the ethical and political side of it, but can say that the message seems to be that good and evil can be mixed where it is convenient. This was done in Vietnam and Coppola wishes to expose the lie that the people of that time were living. Don't kid yourself, it applies to you as well. A mosf enjoyable film which should not be missed.


Persis Khambatta Enterprise.







as Ilia,

the Deltan


of the

O n a completely different theme and bias is this feature based on the cult T V series. The technology is better, the effects more stunning, but the characters and ideas are the same. Not many people have dared to portray the optimism and joy that Gene Rodenberry has in Star Trek. He delights in the idea that the human race can and will survive, becoming more benevolent and understanding as they grow. Less of the ideas, what about the film? A s a keen fan of the series I expected a great deal and was only partly rewarded. The crew of the Enterprise are reunited to face an imminent peril; Earth is threatened by a mysterious cloud which is approaching the planet rapidly. The Enterprise is in 'dry dock' following re-design and is the only available starship which can investigate. Admiral Kirk takes over command after spending several years on Earth. He is unfamiliar with the new ship but will not allow Captain Decker to face this ultimate threat alone. Spock, M c C o y and all the other crew soon arrive, as well as the beautiful Ilia, a bald headed woman from the planet Delta. I found the film very enjoyable, even though tedious in places. The story is a little disjointed but as the characters are already so familiar, they compensate for this. The only disappointment was the ending. I think that in an attempt to emulate 2001: A Space Odyssey that they lost a lot. Here though significance is pointed out and strange circumstances clearly explained, leaving little to the imagination. The message of optimism is great, but you needn't ram it home quite as clearly. Anyway besides that it was very enjoyable. Fans of the series will not want to miss the return of their favourites, but I feel that the appeal will not be much greater. Treat it as escapism and you'll end up feeling warm inside. Otherwise don't bother.



N U C L E A R POWER P L A N The building of at least one controversial American-style pressurised water nuclear power station has been approved by a cabinet committee. According to the minutes of the meeting this will be "subject to satisfactory safety clearances being obtained". Sizewell in Suffolk is the favoured site for the P W R reactor, construction of which would begin in 1982.

RHODESIA CEASEFIRE P L A N The deadlock on the ceasefire plan for Rhodesia was broken when the P F were given assurances that the Rhodesian airforce will be kept in check and disarmed, that the Commonwealth monitoring will be large enough to do the job and that South Africa will be asked to keep out of Rhodesia during the ceasefire and elections. The final task is working out the military logistics to implement the plan, which could take a week.

MINERS A C C E P T 20% D E A L Over fifty-one percent of the miners voted against their executive's advice in an 87% poll and accepted the National Coal Boards. The P M told a parliamentary lunch that she was heartened by the result which was one of the signs that her philosophy and beliefs were in accord with those of ordinary people.


General Strike in 1926. the decision was described as a 'tragedy' by the B S C Chairman and he said that the only winners would be foreign steelmakers.

BRITAIN O U T ' C A L L Demands by the Irish Republic for a British commitment to withdraw from Ulster are expected soon. This follows the election of M r Charles Haughey as Prime Minister designate and ieader of the ruling Fianna Fail party. M r Haughey said he stuck by his party's policy on Ulster which began with a decieration that "we want to bring about unification".

SATURDAY 8 The U S A F admitted that on 30th October a formation of its fighters on a refuelling exercise missed collision with an A i r France Concorde by milliseconds, the near disaster was the fault of the U S A F traffic controllers who did not warn the U S A F pilots that a C o n c o r d e was flying in a 20 mile wide corrider between two forbidden military air zones. The lead plane in the formation of four F-15s missed the underside of the C o n c o r d e ' s n o s e by just ten feet and the second plane missed C o n c o r d e ' s cockpit by 15 feet.


NATO MOVE The four big powers in Nato — American, Britain, Germany and Italy — are to press ahead with their decision to build and install new medium-range nuclear missiles, despite growing opposition among their smaller allies. They plan to build 572 missiles with nuclear warheads at a cost of £4,000 million to be spread through Western Europe. The Russian's have warned that there would be no disarmament talks if the Nato missile programme went ahead.


I NCREAS E IN V I O L E N T CRIME Home Office figures reveal that violence agains.t the person in the first three quarters of the year rose by ten per cent compared with the same period last year. Criminal damage offices have increased by three per cent. However, offences of robberies, burglaries, theft and fraud show a decrease — robberies showing a seven per cent decrease.

FRIDAY 7 N A T I O N A L S T E E L STRIKE A n all-out national steel strike was called from 2nd January by leaders of th 90,000 British Steel C o n workers in protest at the pay offer of 2% made earlier this week. This will be the first national strike in the steel industry since the

M O N D A Y 10 END OF SMALLPOX A 17 nation commission of the W o r l d Health Organization in Geneva concluded that smallpox has been totally eradicated. They recommended that all vaccination against the disease should be abolished, although 200 million doses of vaccine are to be kept. Research is now only to continue in four centres, one of which is St Mary's Hospital, Paddington.


The L o r d President of the Council announced that 40,000 Civil Service jobs are to be axed over the next three years. These cuts, which will save £212 million a year, are in addition to the 20,000 jobs lost by the three-month ban on Civil Service recruiting after the General Election. British Steel, who are also cutting jobs, announced that the 2,400 workforce at the River Don Plant, Sheffield is to be reduced by 400.

The Prime Minister has ordered a Government inquiry into the leak of a Cabinet paper about the siting of a nuclear power station. The paper revealed that the Goverment has approved the building of at least one pressurised water (PWR) nuclear power station. The paper, which was published in the press, also states that they should keep a low profile over the programme to minimize the expected opposition from anti nuclear protesters.

J A C K S O L O M O N S DIES Jack Solomons, who rose from being a fishmonger in the East E n d to become Britain's top boxing promoter died today, aged 77. During his career he promoted 26 world title fights. He was closely associated with Randolph Turpin, Freddie Mill, Bruce Woodcock and many other boxing headline-makers of the 1950s.

SPANISH C O N C U B I N E S M r Bias Pinar, the leader of the Spanish Fuerza Nueva party received loud cheers from his blueshirted facist followers, when he suggested concubinage as a solution to marital problems in Spain, where divorce is not permitted. Some of his female followers, however, were less enthusiastic although one admitted that "concubinage is hardly new here in Soai:;".

T U E S D A Y 11 B S C C U T S 52,000 J O B S British Steel is to cut 52,000 jobs in its efforts to imDrove productivity and bring capacity in line with demand. B y next August the work force w: be reduced to 100,000. The cut-back is the bigges. than any nationalised industry has ever had to endure. B S C was warned by M r Sims, General Secretary of the Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, the largest union in the industry, that it could expect 'mass trade union action'.


SUNDAY 9 C E A S E F I R E IN D O U B T The weekend raids by Rhodesian ground and air forces into Zambia and Mozambique against bases occupied by the guerillas of the P F . have thrown doubts over the conclusion of an early ceasefire at the Lancaster House conference The reaction of the P F was bitter and the twin operations by troops of General Walls were described as 'outrageous' especially as the General was a key figure in ceasefire negotiations.

KHOMEINI'S FOLLOWERS RIVALS Five people were killed in fighting between the supporters of Iran's two most powerful religious leaders for control of the broadcasting station a! Tabiz. The fighting was between the followers of Ayatollah Khomeini and Ayatollah Kazem Shariatmadian.

Despite anxious protests from the opposition the Government launched the fuel stage of the Rhodesian gamble by sending L o r d Soames to take up his duties as Governor of the revived colony of Southern Rhodesia, even before the P F leaders had accepted the final"terms of the ceasefire proposals. L o r d Soames will be met by Bishop Muzorewa, the outgoing P M , who has acknowledged that all legal powers rest with Britain. He will face demands from the PF to abolish by decree all legislation restricting their activities including ail emergency powers introduced in 1965.

FEES RISE M A Y S H U T T H R E E LONDON COLLEGES L o r d Annan, London University s ViceChancellor, warned that it faces redundancies a n d closures of three colleges because of government spending cuts. In a letter to the University Grants Committee he appeals for tne university to be made a special case for funds t; ease it's 'specially disastrous plight'. This ha^ been caused by the Government's plan to cu* finance to universities in direct proportion to numbers of overseas students they admit and so force them to charge 'full-cost fees'.



A DAY AT THE RACES or NOVICES AT READING REGATTA We reached R e a d i n g after an indescribable exhibition of rally-driving d o w n the M 4 (in a Landrover) i n c l u d i n g ' C a d e n c e ' braking and s k i d - c o n t r o l by J o h n (I've d o n e s k i d - p a n training — honestly) Vedy! We arrived to find our reputation had p r e c e d e d us a n d G o n v i l l e and C a i u s College, C a m b r i d g e had s c r a t c h e d . S o our first race in the N o v i c e Regatta (which was o n l y for people w h o started r o w i n g this term) was against R e a d i n g University. In this race, w h i c h was not our greatest achievement, we s h o w e d R e a d i n g what seven men r o w i n g is all about. After about fifty strokes we were about one length do w n, this was too m u c h for Stuart w h o d e c i d e d to s w i m it. After a s p e c t a c u l a r ' C r a b ' he f o u n d himself ejected from the boat and as we swept oast h i m he was s m a c k e d on the h e a d by Pete M a n c e ' s ("I t ho ug h t he was a s w a n " ) blade. Exit main c o m p e t i t i o n . H o w e v e r all was not lost (yet), w e were now eligible for the plate (a c o m p e t i t i o n for first' time losers). After a c o m p e t e rethink of our strategy (we d e c i d e d to lower the rating and lengthen the stroke by o p e n i n g out the angle. T e c h n i c a l ! ) , we were ready for the first r o u n d . In this we ably s h o w e d the inferiority of the W e l s h by t h r a s h i n g Cardiff University with the a m p l e m a r g i n of three feet! We were now in the semi-finals! O u r opponents, the R o y a l Military C o l l e g e of S c i e n c e , S h r i v e n h a m , never really s t o o d a c h a n c e . After r a c i n g the w h o l e c o u r s e side by side we w o n comfortably. S o to the final. After a very c l o s e race we were narrowly beaten by J e s u s ("We only row five days a week — we walk on water") C o l l e g e , C a m b r i d g e by o n e length. T h e indomitable N o v i c e c r e w were: P Tebbutt, J Vedy, S A l l i n s o n , A Purdy, R R e d h e a d , J M a r s d e n , P M a i n c e , M A g n e w and S Crampton. GLIDING Despite poor weather I C G C has had an excellent year with eight new c r o s s - c o u n t r y pilots c o m p l e t i n g silver d i s t a n c e (50km), Pete R e a d i n g attaining d i a m o n d g->al (300km triangle) in the C l u b Libelle, a n d Phil G u t h r i e attaining m u c h e m bar r as s m e n t (280km in the A s t i r o n the s a m e day!)T h e Easter c o u r s e was highly s u c c e s s f u l with e v e r y o n e on it g o i n g s o l o by the end, t h o u g h perhaps the s a m e c a n n o t quite be s a i d of the L o n g M y n d e x p e d i t i o n . Suffice to say that the A s t i r is recovering nicely after an a r g u m e n t with a fence, a n d s h o u l d be flying again by the N e w Year. However, s o m e interesting 'wave' a n d 'ridge' s o a r i n g was achieved before the accident, a n d afterwards d u e entirely to the generosity of the M i d l a n d G l i d i n g C l u b , w h o let us fly their m a c h i n e s . N o w with the onset of winter it's back to^ o v e r h a u l i n g the gliders ready for next s u m m e r — yes, those bits of fibre glass in the A e r o basement really fly! If you've got this far, are still reading and aren't yet a member, then you're o b v i o u s l y a natural glider pilot. W h y not c o m e a l o n g to one of our meetings a n d find o u t ? T r a i n i n g c o n t i n u e s t h r o u g h o u t the winter and for a r o u n d eight p o u n d s y o u c a n get d o w n to L a s h a m o n e w e e k e n d a n d have a fly r o u n d a n d that i n c l u a e s s o c i a l m e m b e r s h i p , a flight transport a n d a c c o m m o d a t i o n — all y o u need is a s l e e p i n g bag. We meet at 5:30pm in A e r o 254 every ' Thursday. Chris Starkey EE3


W e also had one ladies crew entered in this event — the ladies c o m p e t i t i on that is. I n their first race, they took o n the might of the Billygoats (Fitzwilliam C o l l e g e , C a m b r i d g e for t h o s e of y o u w h o didn't know) and w o n by about two lengths. T h i s put them in the s e m i final, where again they had C a m b r i d g e o p p o s i t i o n , this time from C h u r c h i l l C o l l e g e. They led for the first part of the race, but they c o u l d not h o l d off C h u r c h i l l ' s c h a l l e n g e over the s e c o n d half of the race a n d lost by about one length. After four races in four hours the sympathetic reader will realise we needed s o m e t h i n g that refreshes the parts that a certain lager doesn't! C o n s e q u e n t l y we went back a l o ng the A 4 (because there aren't any p u b s on the M4) and a l t h o u g h we missed Dr W h o , I don't think a n y o n e really m i n d e d . N o w for the p l u g ! If Ithere are any of y o u out - there w h o w o u l d like to have a go, take the p l u n g e (sorry about that one!) and c o m e d o w n to the B o a t h o u s e on the first W e d n e s d a y afternoon of next term and find out what it's all about. It's just a l o n g the E m b a n k m e n t from Putney B r i d g e , on the s o u t h side of the T h a m e s ; y o u c a n get there by tube or n u m b e r 14 bus (from the tube station at S o u t h Ken). Steve C r a m p t o n

IS THERE NO STOPPING THEM? IC V o l l e y b a l l reached new heights of s u c c e s s this week w h e n they beat the team from West L o n d o n C o l l e g e of Further E d u c a t i o n on their home g r o u n d at Osterley on Tuesday 4th D e c e m b e r . We (the supporters) all thought that the s c o r e was g o i n g to be really impressive when the first two sets were w o n , 17-15 and 15-10 by the IC team, but this thought was s o o n shattered when the next two sets were d r o p p e d 2-15, 14- 16 d u r i n g the final set we shouted ourselves hoarse c h e e r i n g the team on to a 15- 13 victory w h i c h will give us five more valuable points in the 'Seetech' League. Every member of the team deserved congratulations for playing well both individually a n d as a team, especially C h r i s Wachnicki, whose general play was e x c e p t i o n a l and Henrey S z y s z k o and A n d y C i u k s z a who were both ' s p i k i n g ' very well. A l s o a s p e c i a l mention to T a m a n d M a r c for c o m i n g al o ng even if they d i d not get the c h a n c e to prove how g o o d they are! T h e team c o m p r i s e d : M B a n a s i a k , L Bogdanowicz, A Ciuksza, P Diaz-Lalcaca, B H e r m a n s s o n , D Penty (Capt on court), S T a m , H S z y s z k o , C W a c h n i c k i and M Y o u n g . Carolyn Wainwright Team mascot





O n Saturday, IC 4ths faced their toughest test yet in the c u p against A M C 3rds. A side w h o are not o n l y in the d i v i s i o n above us but w h o also k n o c k e d out IC 3rds in the last round. Q M C got off to a s h o c k start by s c o r i n g in the first five minutes but this only h e l p e d IC to adapt to the tighter g a m e and c o m e back at them fiercely. Twenty minutes of intensive pressure mainly inspired by s o m e s u p e r b play by R i c h a r d D o l a n r o c k e d the Q M C defence b r i n g i n g s o m e fine saves from their keeper. D e s p e r a t i o n s o o n s h o w e d in Q M C ' s play, ruthlessly b r i n g i n g d o w n any of our forwards w h o got near the ball. T h e n the b r e a k t h r o u g h c a m e w h e n A n d y Hartland finished R i c h a r d s fine a p p r o a c h work by rifling a s u p e r b low shot wide o f t h e keeper's full-stretch dive. T h e game p r o c e e d e d at a furious p a c e . T h e s e c o n d half c o n t i n u e d m u c h the same till A n d y struck again s q u e e z i n g the ball in between keeper a n d post. IC l o o k e d po i s ed to take firm c o n t r o l of the g a m e till a surprised goal was defelected past Steve Veats from an uncharacteristic loose ball from the corner. The next five minutes were very s h a k y for IC with Steve Veats m a k i n g two fine saves from forwards w h o were clear t h r o u g h . At about this time Paul G a l v i n , w h o s e j i n k i n g 'Barnes' like play on the right got him regularly flattened by the definitely nasty Q M C defence was s q u a s h e d by the hairiest leftback in the c o u n t r y . He later had to c o m e tired of w a n d e r i n g r o u n d in ever tightening circles w o n d e r i n g what century he was in. C o n s e q u e n t l y s u p e r b s u b Dave B r a n n a n had to c o m e on and add his o w n exciting brand of e x h a u s t i o n to the team for the last ten minutes. T h i s move c o i n c i d e d with A n d y b e c o m i n g 'Hatrick' Hartland a n d putting IC ahead 3-2 and t a k i n g their rightful place in the semi-finals. T h i s was a fantastic team performance a n d everyone in the side deserves credit. However, last w o r d s must go to Steve Kaye's d r a m a t i c (even traumatic) sixty yards run d o w n the left w i n g beating at


least five players and leaving Q M C grateful that he was playing at left back. T e a m : Steve Veats, Neil M o r r i s, Steve Kaye, Neil R e d m a y n e , Dave Griffiths, D a m i a n N n o c h i r i , Paul G a l v i n , Steve S i m s , R i c h a r d Dolan, R a m s e y H a w a , A n d y Hartland and Dave B r a n n a n .

S E C O N D S IN SEMI-FINALS At 12:30pm on Saturday 8th November, the heroes o f t h e IC 2 n d XI began to c o n v e r g e on the U n i o n L o w e r L o u n g e . O n arrival it was o b v i o u s there were two sorts of players. There were the quiet, sober, well-behaved gentlemen s u c h as A l Betts, Brian S c a n n e l l and G i l e s Brereton, who had sensibly had a quiet Friday evening in, as a suitable prepartation for this important quarter-final game. T h e other sort was typified by Phil N i c c o l l s , w h o staggered in, with the help of Kevin B u c k l e y a n d A n d y H a r a l a m p o u s b e m o a n i n g the fact that he had lost all recollections of the previous evening's 'one garment' party (I won't mention the 'lurex' body s t o c k i n g , Phil!) and s t a u n c h l y denyi ng he had o n l y worn a smile! T h e w h o l e team a s s e m b l e d and carried out the t i m e - h o n o u r e d IC tradition of waiting half-an-hour for C a p i t o l C o a c h e s to turn up O n eventual arrival at H a r l i n g t o n , the usual pre-match c e r e m o n i e s were performed (notice how I avoid giving details!) a n d IC 2nd XI took to the field. At full-time IC had w o n by two goals from Kevin B u c k l e y and Phil N i c c o l l s . R u m o u r has it that A n d y H a r a l a m p o u s hit the bar (crossbar!) and J u l i a n G a m b l e cleared off the line. Three jugs, one s h o w e r and one of Arthur's teas later (not necessarily in that order!) six of us realised we had missed the last c o a c h back to C o l l e g e ! T h e five travelled by tube, while Barry (I've got two crutches!) Hatton got a lift. B a c k at the U n i o n celebrations c o n t i n u e d . T h e team: A l Betts, J i m Beer, J u l i a n Gamble, Declan McGuckin, Goldilocks Brereton, Brian S c a n n e l l , Dave Dean and J a m e s Rowley. Y o u r s l i b e l l o u s ly Giles Brereton

THE OSTERLEY PARK RELAY O n W e d n e s d a y 5th December, the c l u b c o m p e t e d in the Osterley Park Relay. T h e relay is four legs of just over three miles a n d is of a high standard attracting many of the t o p university teams in the country. T h e level of interest in the relay was raised by the presence of S e b a s t i a n C o e , u s i n g the race in his b u i l d - u p for the 1980 O l y m p i c s . The IC A team in the guise of the U L team, were led off o n the first leg by Mark P r i c k a r d who s h o w e d a n excellent turn of s p e e d to hand over to Steve Kirk in fourteenth place, recording the fastest time for an IC runner. M e a n w h i l e at the front, o n the s e c o n d leg, S e b a s t i a n C o e ( L o u g h b o r o ' ) h a d set off i n pursuit of the leading B o r o u g h R d runner, c r o s s - c o u n t r y international Dave C l ark. Unfortunately he lost his shoe, halfway r o u n d a n d a l t h o u g h he c a r r i e d o n , it r u i n e d h i s c h a n c e s of taking the fastest time of the day. O u r very o w n Steve, also lost his s h o e o n the s e c o n d leg, but being a d o w n - i n - t h e - p o c k e t student, unable to afford to leave r u n n i n g shoes lying a r o u n d , c o o l y s t o p p e d to tie his s h o e up, losing four places in the p r o c e s s ! Evan C a m e r o n , ran a steady third leg to pull back four places whilst l a n M o r t o n r u n n i n g last leg, gained a c o u p l e more places to finish the team in a fine twelfth p o s i t i o n . S o onto the fortunes of the S a n d C teams (alias the A a n d 8 teams). R i c h a r d G r e e n , r u n n i n g for the A team, kept t h i n g s s e n s i b l e , finishing ahead of Mark Thwaites (8). T h e n , on the i n c i d e n t - p a c k e d s e c o n d leg, p o s i t i o n s switched, with R i c h a r d Seville, on his debut run, g a i n i n g n o less t h a n twelve p l a c e s to bring the 8 team in, in 29th p o s i t i o n , o n e ahead of the A team, with M i c k Kelly, having a T A B L E TENNIS December 5th, remember that date, b e c a u s e it c o u l d g o d o w n in the annals of IC Table T e n n i s history as J E F F S T E A N D A Y . It all began with the C h r i s t m a s C o m p e t i t i o n w h i c h I h a d o r g a n i s e d (with h a n d i c a p scores) as a s e m i - s o c i a l , s e m i - s e r i o u s episode. First of all Jeff defeated a University of L o n d o n first division player without (in the third game) the need of his eight point start. This alone w o u l d make most IC team players day, but then c a m e the third teams match that evening (Jeff is the Captain) and a d i s p l a y of sheer d o g g e d ' b l o o d a n d guts' (pardon the vulgarity S n o o k e r C l u b ! ) . B a c k g r o u n d info: I C 3 equal t o p of t h e i r ' division with INT S T U D E N T S H O U S E 1 (their opponents) a n d having both w o n all their matches very easily, this m a t c h was c r u c i a l to the c h a m p i o n s h i p . A l s o , u p to this mat ch Jeff had a 100% w i n n i n g average (and all his o p p o n e n t s were 100% or over 90%). After l o s i n g the first t w o matches (despite g o o d play by Stanley W o n g a n d Hong-tai Man) Jeff's first victory instigated an IC recovery to 4-2. T h e n , however, H o n g - T a i played a player, w h o , t h o u g h not his e q u a l in ability, r e s p o n d e d better to the pressure. (Man needed to w i n the game, to settle the match.) T h i s left Jeff, facing the o n l y other player in his league with a 100% average prior to the match, a n d n e e d i n g to win, as the final match w a s very unlikely to fall to IC. He p u s h e d , served, looped, s m a s h e d , b l o c k e d a n d most of all T H O U G H T his w ay to a great third g a m e 21-19 victory a n d this means that IC n o w have a marvellous c h a n c e of w i n n i n g the league c h a m p i o n s h i p (barring fatal injuries or death). The other league m a t c h e s were as follows (if a n y t h i n g c a n follow): IC1 vs T W A 1 : 7-2

bad day. H a p p i l y , for M i c k t h i n g s turned out better in the U L C h a m p i o n s h i p s , but o n with the relay. B y t h e e n d of the third l e g , the A team were ahead again, with G a r y L o n g h u r s t overtaking C h r i s S m i t h . F i n a l l y to the last leg, where o u r guest Q E C runner, r e n o w n e d orienteer, H u g h D i x o n finished the A team in 26th, whilst A l a n M u r r a y h a d a respectable run for the 8 team finishing them in 32nd position. T h e relay itself w a s w o n by the h o m e team B o r o u g h R d , with L o u g h b o r o ' s e c o n d a n d B i r m i n g h a m third, but it w a s g o o d to see the IC team put up o n e of their best performances in a relay, for the last few years.

UL CHAMPIONSHIPS Even without the services of o u r new marathon star, Mark P i c k a r d , w h o was displaying his talents on Wimbledon C o m m o n for his c l u b , the IC team h o p e d to retain the team t r o p h y they w o n last year. O u r Scottish international, Evan Cameron, despite being off-form recently, s h o w e d he c o u l d still put out a big o n e w h e n it mattered, in w i n n i n g the i ndi v i dual c h a m p i o n s h i p by being the first student home, t h o u g h w e l l beaten into s e c o n d place overall by a past m e m b e r of the university w h o w o n the race. Next runner h o m e , in eighth place, w a s five million dollar m a n (cuts affect us too) Steve A u s t i o n - K i r k , who, never h a p p y with just o n e race a day, used this as a w a r m - u p for the over-night British Orienteering C h a m p i o n ships, o n l y three hours later. M i c k Kelly, recently returned from the d e a d , a n d l o o k i n g after the race a s t h o u g h he'd be j o i n i n g them again s o o n ran very well to finish in sixteenth place.

O u r valiant C a p t a i n , lan M o r t o n , aw ar e t hat every position was important in the team race s t r u g g l e d to finish in nineteenth place, despite badly p u l l i n g a m u s c l e half-way r o u n d the c o u r s e . With four of o u r team, in and six to c o u n t , it was painful to s e e o u r main o p p o n e n t s , University C o l l e g e , start p a c k i n g their runners i n , but four of o u r o w n team were fighting it out for t h e r e m a i n i n g t w o team places. A l a n M u r r a y a n d R i c h a r d Seville finished 29th and 32nd, with C h a r l e s de B o n o 33rd a n d Mark T h w a i t e s 35th h e l p i n g us to win the event for the s e c o n d year r u n n i n g . With half the field n o w finished, there w a s g r o w i n g anxiety over what had h a p p e n e d to G a r y L o n g h u r s t , w h o had not yet c o m p l e t e d o n e of the two lap c o u r s e . Unfortunately, he never finished a n d has not been seen s i n c e , leaving his distraught girlfriend waiting for him to c o m p l e t e the first lap. M e a n w h i l e , F r a n c i s S m i t h , w h o h a d p r e s u m a b l y stayed well d o w n the field l o o k i n g for the m i s s i n g G a r y , finished near the back in 64th p o s i t i o n . S p e c u l a t i o n about G a r y m o u n t e d w h e n at the prize-giving, lan limped up to receive six g o l d medals, o n e o'f them being for the w o m e n ' s race! N o w a plea for help. With o u r two most important fixtures c o m i n g up next term, w h e n our top three or four runners are certain to be n a b b e d for the U L U team, it is essential w e have a better turn-out for races. T h e s t a n d a r d does not need to be high, but this c o u l d be y o u r c h a n c e to c o m p e t e a l o n g s i d e S e b C o e at the British S t u d e n t s C h a m p i o n s h i p s (with 600 others!). However, if a n y o n e wants to run over a few t h i n g s with a c o a c h , don't try the C r o s s C o u n t r y C l u b , apply instead to the N a t i on B u s C o m p a n y to b e c o m e a driver. "WATFR POLO

O n T u e s d a y 4 D e c e m b e r IC Water P o l o C l u b p r o d u c e d two teams to c o m p e t e in the U L U K n o c k o u t . O u r first team had a two goal h a n d i c a p a n d o u r s e c o n d six goals. IC2 were the first to play, the s c o r e at the start w a s 6-6, p l a y i n g against Barts H o s p i t a l 2nd team. W e d i d not start off very well a n d Barts s c o r e d a goal to take the lead. O u r front players were very u n l u c k y , Dimitri P a p c o n s t a n t i n o u ' s shot hit the c r o s s b a r and then the g o a l k e e p e r in the head but the ball didn't g o in a n d A d r i e n Butler hit the goal post twice s h o o t i n g from in front of the goal, but finally he s c o r e d a goal to equalise. In the s e c o n d half, Barts were c o m p l e t e l y out-played, N i c k Ajderian a n d A k e W a l l i n were m a r k i n g tight at the back a n d d i d not give them another opportunity to break. M i k e C a s e y s c o r e d o u r s e c o n d goal after b r e a k i n g from his m a n . J o h n Heffernon was p a s s i n g the ball a c c u r a t e l y up front and B o b B r a d l e y Yes, another excellent w i n for the firsts (also top of their division). Kartick hit a peak for the s e a s o n , w i n n i n g all three matches s u p e r b l y a n d Pete a n d H o n g gave s o l i d d i s p l a y s w i n n i n g two matches e a c h . IC2 vs D A V I E S , L A I N G & D I C K : 6-3 O n e g o o d player doesn't make a team as D L D f o u n d t o t h e i r c o s t . A l l the IC heroes w o n two sets. IC4 vs N C B 3 ( A W A Y ) : 8-1 T h e slowest table, the hottest r o o m and the deadest bats it has been m y misfortune to e n c o u n t e r and we still thraped 'em! C o n s i d e r i n g that, o n arriving home, I was w r o n g l y a c c u s e d of stealing half a bottle of k e t c h u p from a flatmate (and h a d the other half t h r o w n all over me!) I a m quite p l e a s e d I m a n a g e d an un-nasty report. Pete Hewkin

s c o r e d o u r third goal, p o s i t i o n e d in front of the goal. Finally, B o b s c o r e d another g o a l to make the final score 10-7 to us. S o IC2 went t h r o u g h to the quarter-finals, where we were u n l u c k y to play against G u y s H o s p i t a l first team, last year's winners of the c o m p e t i t i o n . G u y s were a very fit a n d e x p e r i e n c e d team, a n d despite o u r efforts they c o m p l e t e l y d o m i n a t e d the game. W e started off with a 6-0 lead, but they m a n a g e d to p r o d u c e four goals in the first a n d three goals in the s e c o n d half from ' c a n n o n ' s h o t s to make the final s c o r e 6-7, a very c l o s e win for them. T h e team was: B Bradley, M C a s e y , J Heffernon, A Butler, N Ajderian, A W a l l i n a n d D Papaconstantinou. IC 1 were the next to play, it was a g a m e against Barts first team, we started off with a 2-0 lead. Dave D u n s t o n e s c o r e d the first g o a l for them (!) w h e n he tried to pass the ball back to our goalie Dave Roberts. O u r defence w a s rather d i s o r g a n i s e d , B arts w e r e fast s w i m m e r s a n d they always m a n a g e d to have a free m a n up front whenever they w e r e attacking. N o w o n d e r they m a n a g e d to s c o r e seven more goals to go t h r o u g h to the s e m i finals, w i n n i n g by 8-2. A poor result for I C I . w h o didn't play up to their usual s t a n d a r d . T h e team: D Roberts, P Mills, P Porter, N B u c k l a n d , D Dunstone, N Last and B A s h w i n . Finally, we played the last g a m e s for the 1979 M i d d l e s e x League. IC1 took part in the 2nd D i v i s i on with three more teams, a n d they finished joint first with eight points. IC2 took part in the 4th D i v i s i on with s i x more t e a m s and they m a n a g e d to finish fourth with t e n points. T h e players of both teams s h o u l d be congratulated for their excellent performance t h r o u g h o u t the year. Dimitri Papaconstantinou


major part in life at IC. A new Society would take at least a year to get going. I C W A has the ability to be able to reach full potential faster than a completely new Society.

EDITORIAL There is no end, no beginning just new calendars taking the place of those that indicated the passing of the seventies. O n into the eighties spins the earth • a space ship hurtling through space slowly being polluted and no-one knowing where it's going. Enough of complex imagery .... I'll leave that to the F E L I X fiction writers. We have the good fortune to know where we're heading (at least in the short term). Most of you will be going home, this weekend, back to your family life sharing Christmas with your friends and relatives. At this point I would like to welcome a new reader to F E L I X - the British Prime Minister, M r s Thatcher. If I wanted to be political I could write al length about the cuts but that would be taking advantage of 10 Downing Street's current interest in F E L I X . The leader of the Conservative Government must be aware that she is losing the student vote but we don't remain students for long! I believe cuts can be beneficial if they only stop wastage and if the enforced discussions and modifications produce a more efficient system. However, if cuts restrict development and rreale stagnation then they must be condemned. Within the last few weeks an important new club has been formed al Imperial. The Microcomputer club has emerged rather late considering that we are one of the foremost Universities of Science and Technology in Ihe U K . The importance of hands-on experience of micro-processors is clear to everyone who has dabled in computing. I have pledged my help to give the club a hand during their early development but the signs are thai interest is likely to snowball as we begin to try to cope with the micro-processor 19R0s. Large mainframes will become strange museum pieces like, their parents, the valve calculators of the fifties. It was a shock to see a micro simulating a game of space invaders. The whole package was just sitting at the end ol a table in the Lower Refectory. The program had been written in a mere five hours. Imperial students may be able to understand the workings of the latest computers but coping with human beings could become difficult as we spend more time with machines that to some extent are becomming human substitutes.

THE GETAWAY Steve M c Q u e e n , A l i M c G r a w , S a m Peckinpah; low brow entertainment but never a dull moment. O n general rerelease this month, this film bears the unmistakable stamp of Peckinpah, with slow motion death scenes and some excellent photography; A l i M c G r a w never looked so lovely as when she made her exit from a refuse truck. Beginning with a sequence of shots, each abruptly frozen after a few seconds, the film revolves around the progress of D o c M c C o y (Steve McQueen) as he blasts his way across the U S A , accompanied by wife C a r o l (Ali M c G r a w ) after a bankraid he has carried out, his side of the

Playing a solo game against a machine is often addictive. G o n e are the days when nearly all students played card games to pass the time .... there are only four years to go to 1984! Having managed to get the editorial around to mentioning the social lives of students I will now begin a contraversial discussion on the role of I C W A (Imperial College Women's Association). At the start of next term it is strongly rumoured that a motion will be put to a U G M which, if passed, would effectively destroy I C W A . I hope that the pages of the first F E L I X of the eighties will contain contributions from both sides of the I C W A debate. A s Editor of F E L I X I have to decided to print my own views to start the debate: 1: I C W A needs to change .... any organisation isn't perfect and so change in the right direction is always for the best. The question that has to be answered is how the change should take place and what will be the end result. 2: I C W A could be disbanded. If so we must decide what should replace it or whether it needs to be replaced. Has it outlived its initial purpose? At the end of the debate YOU will be given the chance to vote at a U G M . Merche Clarke has written on page four of this newspaper that if there is a question of change in I C W A then it is I C W A who should decide and be involved in any discussion. Every female student at Imperial is a member of I C W A and I have not considered the arguments without consulting several members of I C W A . I note that there are few occasions where girls at Imperial have the opportunity to meet in a large group. F E L I X has given extensive coverage to the Ladies Rugby team. Involvement in women's rugby is one of the rare chances for girls at IC to be involved in an activity which is their own. I C W A does organise events purely for women and some where men are invited as well e.g. the I C W A Ball. However, I am certain that there is a need for more events regularly each week. More events mean that more people would have to help with the organisation. That brings me to the criticism of I C W A i.e. not enough people get involved. It is easy to say that I C W A should be abolished because few are interested, but there is a good chance that with radical change I C W A could quickly become an Association that plays a the bargain with a politician who has arranged his prison parole. Several people are gratuitously killed, and car-chases abound. For all his neat tricks, M c C o y loses faith in Carol, after she guns down the politician and a theme of doubts and chances taken is quite subtly introduced. There is a nice touch in the film, where M c Q u e e n does a car-stunt and actually gets it wrong; long live the human factor. Unfortunately for the film as a whole, there is a happy ending, but all in all, if you don't wince at the idea of Steve M c Q u e e n saying What seems to be the problem, Officer?, at a roadblock, then I can guarantee you'll enjoy yourselves. Lars Wernberg-Moller


Girls need help on a wide range of topics. I C W A can play a major role in the welfare of a woman Imperial.Advice on contraception e.g. The advantages of L o w Oestrogen Pills when considering the side effects of being on the Pill. Advice to Freshers on how to cope with the multitude of problems that crop up during their first year. The Fresher can benefit from the experience gained by Second and Third year students. I C W A events are ideal for encouraging informal discussion that might not be started in a more formal environment. Male students can only benefit from a strong women's organisation. More girls will be encouraged to come to Imperial and when they arrive they stand a better chance of being happy here if they have the support of a well organised women's association. Once the year is underway it is difficult to meet new people. A lot of students waste their 'social' time. M e n and women can be trapped in the search for unreachable goals. I believe that I C W A can help the Fresher shorten the period when she learns about Imperial. I C W A could be one of the important aids to women at IC. Y O U will be given the chance to influence the live of students in the 1980s. By writing to F E L I X the I C W A debate can be thrashed out before the frantic discussions at the next U G M . If you're still reading this Editorial then you deserve an extra special medal for perserverance. I must close by thanking everyone that has helped produce F E L I X this term. Few realise the long hours that have to be put in to bring you F E L I X . It is quite usual for me to get up on a Monday and not return to my Linstead hall room until Friday afternoon (there are always chances of taking short F E L I X cat-naps during the long nights). O K that's my job but dozens of students, studying for degrees, give many hours to help me get F E L I X pasted up and collated. A s I sit at the F E L I X computer typesetter my digital watch says that its 6:10 a.m. Fo r most of the night there have been a least half a dozen students working in the office. Soon the sun will be rising heralding the start of another Thursday at Imperial. I still need more help. Everyone is welcome to join the F E L I X Society. F E L I X is your newspaper. If you think we can make specific improvements then either help us carry them out or at least pop in for a chat. Have a great Christmas. Enjoy your brief respite from the pressures of Imperial. Colin Palmer (FELIX Editor) WHAT'S ON F R I 14 D E C : I C C h r i s t i a n U n i o n F e l l o w s h i p E v e n i n g at 6 : 3 0 p m i n t h e M u s i c R o o m ,


Princes Gate.

TUES 18 DEC: IC Chem Postgrad Christmas Cheese and Wine Party at 5:30 in Room 231. Tickets 80p. MON

7 J A N : IC Folk C l u b present Roaring

J e l l y in t h e U L R

at 8 : 0 0 p m . T i c k e t s 3 0 p


m e m b e r s , 60p to n o n - m e m b e r s .

THURS 10 J A N : Gliding Club Meeting at 5:30pm in Aero 254. THURS

10 J a n : E n t s F i l m : C o n v o y i n

2 2 0 at 6 : 3 0 p m . E n t r a n c e



FELIX Is published by the Editor, on behalf of the Imperial CollegÂť.Union Publications Board. FELIX is printed on the Union premises in Prince Consort Road, London SW7. Editor: C R Palmer FELIX ISSN 0140-0711. Registered at the Post Office. Copyright FELIX 1979.

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