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In the summer of 2022, the City of Buena Vista sought design assistance from the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government. Due to the financial support of the U.S. Department of Defense through the RVCCD project, this program was provided without any cost to the community. Buena Vista worked with Franco Conocchiari-Scherer of UGA’s College of Environment and Design to create a vision for future development in downtown Buena Vista. This Georgia Downtown Renaissance Fellowship design assistance was made available to Buena Vista through a partnership of the Valley Partnership, the Georgia Municipal Association, the Georgia Cities Foundation, the Department of Defense, the UGA College of Environment and Design, and the UGA Carl Vinson Institute of Government. This document helps visualize and conceptualize options for the future growth of downtown. The renderings and plans created for the city represent solutions to transform the built environment. These design interventions can be either short-term, like painting a prominent building or cleaning up rear service areas, or more involved longterm developments like streetscaping. Whether they encompass small or large projects, the designs speak directly to the priorities and vision articulated by community members, their ideas and solutions captured and brought to life on the page. These designs represent the goals and objectives of the community. Together, they illustrate the community-determined vision of how the town will look and feel in the future. Designs are then used to guide strategic planning, prioritize decision making, and inform local officials who will direct the future of the town. Included designs respond to unique challenges and opportunities found in downtown Buena Vista, including the desire for streetscape improvements and beautification throughout downtown. Developed with the assistance and oversight of Buena Vista Mayor Kevin Brown, the proposed designs included in this document reflect the vision of local citizens.