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This concept shows the city/county-owned former mill building and adjacent public parking area as the site of an active downtown mixed-use infill development. A new east-west road following existing city-owned right-of-way further connects this new development while enhancing Carrollton’s street network. This design relocates the five parallel spaces in front of the mill building to create an expansive sidewalk and outdoor seating area facing Bradley Street. A new three- or four-story mixed-use building on the southern end of the site could bring new live-work-play opportunities downtown.


Throughout Step One of the RSVP process, many residents cited structural issues that may prevent the restoration of the historic mill building along Bradley Street. This redevelopment concept transforms the parking area and former mill along Bradley Street into an active neo-traditional development, if the building isn't able to be adaptively reused. Anchored by two multi-story mixed-use buildings, this concept could bring new life and activity to this area of downtown. This concept is shown ringed with wide sidewalks to improve pedestrian connectivity. While the existing parking area includes approximately 126 parking spaces with an additional 11 onstreet spaces, this concept shows 149 parking spaces interspersed throughout the development. An additional 14 angled on-street spaces along Bradley Street help augment these spaces. In total, this concept shows 163 new parking spaces to replace to 137 lost in the redevelopment of the existing parking area.

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