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Existing, Ivy Street
Proposed, Ivy Street
Butler Courtyard
EXISTING: This vacant space between two restaurants in downtown Butler could be programmed to enhance these local businesses.
PROPOSED: This concept shows the same space transformed into an attractive dining courtyard with string lights, Chinese elm trees, and an inviting new mural.
Main Street
EXISTING: This photo shows existing conditions of Main Street in downtown Butler, including an attractive new mural.
PROPOSED: Incorporating large bump-outs at corners reduces pedestrian crossing distances, removes unnecessary paving, and creates spaces for attractive large-canopy street trees. These trees frame the beautiful new mural downtown and add much-needed shade to the area. A proposed EV charging station at the corner could give drivers passing through a chance to recharge while enjoying downtown restaurants and shopping.
Ivy Street
EXISTING: This photo shows existing conditions at Ivy Street on the eastern side of the courthouse square in downtown Butler.
PROPOSED: This design concept shows new sidewalks and bump-outs along Ivy Street in downtown Butler. Features like large sidewalks, formalized on-street parking, and landscaped bump-outs with large trees could easily be incorporated within the large paved right-of-way. These features make exploring downtown on foot safer and more enjoyable and invite motorists driving through the area to stop and enjoy downtown businesses and restaurants. This design includes a convenient corner EV charging station at the new downtown mural.
Reynolds Streetscape Plan
Downtown Reynolds is located at the intersection of two large highways. Several unused paved areas along these corridors and secondary streets could be converted to bump-outs to make traveling through downtown on foot safer and more enjoyable. This concept plan adds both large-canopy and smaller ornamental street trees to screen parking areas and create welcoming cover and shade.
Efforts are underway to extend the Flint River Water Trail (flintriverwatertrail.com) from Spalding County down to Lake Seminole, which includes Talbot and Taylor counties.
Improving the experience of visiting downtown.
Reynolds Fa Ades
EXISTING: In downtown Reynolds, this existing façade and streetscape features underused buildings, stunted street trees, and a lack of shade.
PROPOSED: Adding large-canopy street trees, an EV charging station, and patio seating could improve the experience of visiting downtown. The repainted façades shown include new upper-story windows and refurbished storefronts.