COM-HPC Answers concerns for Performance at the Edge By John Reardon, Editor The hurdles to achieving what has been dreamed up in the board room continue to challenge design engineers wanting to host the most advance, high-performance solutions possible at the edge. The need for an open standard that meets these computing requirements may have just been introduced by our friends at PICMG with COM-HPC. The enthusiasm surrounding COM-HPC may just propel it to be the solution of choice for those wishing to address the most
COTS Journal | May 2021
compute-intensive applications that also involve the need for greater memory and I/O. Although too new to understand its broad appeal, the enthusiasm has brought forth a variety of products bound to capture a design engineer’s heart. The new standard modular design continues for easy and quick deployment from system to system. The standardization in architectures
allows for the next generation solutions to be employed without changing the carrier board and the surrounding system enclosure. COMHPC extends beyond COM Express to offer greater performance, higher density memory, and next-generation performance I/O. So, although the impact on COM Express is unclear, COM-HPC holds a unique place higher on the performance curve.