1 minute read
Sun Valley Boulevard Improvement Project
by rtcwashoe

Construction continues to improve Sun Valley Boulevard from 7th Avenue to Highland Ranch Parkway. The project will increase safety, access, and mobility in the neighborhood and benefi t drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users.
Sun Valley General Improvement District Community Service Award at the SVGID - October 22, 2020

Design: Jacobs Engineering Construction Management: NCE Contractor: Q&D

Phase one of the project includes improvements on Sun Valley Boulevard from 7th Avenue to Highland Ranch Parkway, including: • Two new pedestrian-activated rapid flashing beacon crossings at Quartz Lane and Middle Fork Drive • Dedicated left-turn lane from northbound Sun Valley Boulevard to Staci Way • ADA improvements • New sidewalks and bike lanes • New pavement • An upgraded traffic signal at Sun Valley Boulevard/7th Street and a reconfiguration of the intersection to improve safety • 4 new bus stop pads The project is substantially complete from Staci Way to Highland Ranch Parkway. The segment of Sun Valley Boulevard from Staci Way to 7th Avenue will be completed during the 2021 construction season. Phase one of this project represents an approximately $8 million investment in our community funded with local fuel tax revenue.