2 minute read
by Sino General condition.
by rtfzine
One of the biggest issues with our food supply is that we cannot trust most grocery store food. In fact, foods made by corporations absolutely cannot be trusted. The chemicals inside their foods are often mislabeled, making it challenging to know what we're consuming. It's essential to take matters into our own hands by cooking our own food and growing our own food.
Convenient food is what will take away your health, making your own food and growing your own food is the only way forward. The government's health recommendations cannot be trusted, nor can their foods deemed safe be trusted. Your health is on the line, so when you're eating, you always must be conscious of what you're putting inside your body's environment.
One of the biggest dangers of our food supply is the prevalence of GMO foods. These foods are genetically modified to resist pests and disease, but the long-term effects on human health are still unknown. In addition, most foods cooked in vegetable oils become carcinogenic and can cause inflammation inside the body.
Another danger to our health is the use of non-stick and aluminum pots and pans. These materials can leach into our food and cause neurological damage like Alzheimer's and dementia. Instead, it's recommended to use cast iron or wooden utensils to keep your body in pristine
It's important to treat food as medicine and consume clean, organic food. Water is also crucial to keep clean. We can no longer trust any water that comes out of our tap. It has to be filtered and have minerals inserted. We also have to have a good mind while we eat because our energy and what we say around our food affects the food and the atoms, right down to the molecular structure.
Starting your own garden is a great way to ensure that you're consuming clean, organic food. Not only does it allow you to control what goes into your food, but it also provides a great opportunity for exercise and stress relief. You don't need a lot of space to start a garden, and there are many resources available to help you get started.
In addition to starting a garden, it's important to be mindful of the cooking utensils you use. Non-stick and aluminum pots and pans are dangerous and cancerous, and can have long-term effects on your health. Instead, use cast iron or wooden utensils to ensure that you're not exposing yourself to harmful chemicals.
It may take some time to get into the routine of consuming clean, organic food and being mindful of the products you use to cook with. However, it's a must if you want to keep your body healthy and avoid chronic diseases like cancer. By being conscious of the dangers of foods, you can make the proper choices for your family and create a better habit of consumption.