September / October 2013
Manresa Memos
Debuts with September/October Edition New Publication to Provide Timely Information
On top of that, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of different kinds of spiritual offerings at Manresa, the timing for which often does not align to the schedule of our traditional communications well. A group of us were discussing the gap between the publications and the obvious constraints of what we can afford, when one of us pulled out a catalog from an organiza-
After some investigation, we found we can offer more frequent communications, better timing with Manresa Matters, and not “bust the budget” as our lovable Controller might intone. The result is what you hold in your hand. Manresa Memos: is intended for those who live in the local area who are able to attend workshops, special days of reflection, unique offerings for women, AA groups, caregivers and others. Our distribution area extends from Toledo to Flint and from Ann Arbor to Windsor. Generally, this includes all those
Advertisers Wanted During our discussion about the launch of Manresa Memos, we talked at length about how we could afford the publication and devote the proper resources to make it timely and useful to you.
Upcoming Events
Manresa Memos
Manresa’s staff keep busy in the spring and summer designing and planning new offerings or sprucing up traditional ones to begin in September each year. But how to get the word out? While Manresa’s website and Facebook reach many, there still seems to be others who tell us, “I didn’t know that was offered!”
tion that seemed to have the same issue and solved it through increasing the number of publications through Liturgical Press (see the article below).
The “resource” part of it is currently being addressed by dividing the tasks between those on the staff who have a vested interest in getting this out to you. It’s a TEAM EFFORT! The cost solution was found when we investigated how the parishes handle their bulletins. Liturgical Publication printers do the vast majority of the parish bulletins in the mid-west, generally at no cost to the parishes. They fund the publications through very affordable local advertising. We would like to encourage you to participate, especially if you own a business, by taking out an advertisement in support of Manresa Memos. You would be helping in two ways. First is enabling Manresa to bring timely announcements to those who most needs them. Second, when others see you are committed enough to support us, it communicates a recommendation. Representatives will be making calls or call us at 248.644.4933 and ask for Hugh Buchanan.
who have attended these kinds of spiritual nourishment sessions in the past. Manresa Memos: will be sent in August, September, November/December, February, April, May and other special editions as needed from time to time. Manresa Matters will move to November and March and will concentrate on a broader scope of what is happening at Manresa along with the schedule of events. Look for the latest issue in your mailbox or pick one up when you stop by Manresa. It is our hope you will find these new publications timely and useful to you and that you pass your copy on to others when you are finished with it. Everyone an Evangelist! God bless, Hugh
September / October Schedule of Offerings: Event For the Body, Mind and Spirit: Yoga
September 19
Seminar in Ignatian Spirituality
September 11
Women to Women: Come as you are...
September 16
Genesis: From Eden to Egypt
September 17
Praying with St. Luke
September 17
A Reading Seminar w/Fr. Kelly, SJ
September 10
Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life
By Appointment
Becoming Barbara: A Spirituality for the Second September 26 Half of Life October 6
Leszek Bartkiewicz in Concert Head and Heart Women’s Book Club Mary, Mother of God: Strength in
Conference Retreats including the Healing
September 30 October 29 See back page
Seminar in Ignatian Spirituality Manresa offers a series of minicourses which constitutes a “Seminar in Ignatian Spirituality”. The Seminar considers three areas: Ignatian Spirituality
ber 11 at 7 PM 1st Mini-Course: Ignatian Spirituality Topics: Ignatian Spirituality, Consolation, Desolation, and ‘Our Way of Proceeding’
The Spiritual Exercises: An Overview
Discernment. It also includes two weekend retreats: the first on the Discernment of Spirits and the second on Discerning God’s Will. The mini-courses are open to any and all interested persons. Participants may take as many or as few of them as they wish. Five sessions beginning on Septem-
The Dynamic of the Exercises and Ignatian Prayer The Examen and Ignatian Contemplation
Wednesday, 7 pm – 9:30 pm on September 11 & 25, October 9 & 23, November 6 Cost: $150
A Manresa Seminar with
Justin Kelly, SJ University of Detroit Mercy, professor of literature and theology, systematic theology, and world religions Come and explore the relationship between poetry and mysticism, including the ways poetic and religious intuition serve to reveal the mystery we call God. Beginning with William James' classic description of the nature of mysticism, addresses a series of texts from the Christian tradition, including The Cloud of Unknowing, Juliana of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love, and writings of St. John of the Cross. We will study a variety of mystical poets, chiefly English, with special attention to Gerard Manley Hopkins and T. S. Eliot's Four Quartets. Join us on Tuesday Evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 PM: September 10 & 24, October 8 & 22, November 5 & 19, December 3 & 17 The cost is $150 for this unique and insightful journey. Advanced registration required.
For the Body, Mind and Spirit: Christian Yoga Silence is the deepest, clearest prayer we can offer our noisy, wounded planet today. Stilling the mind and basking in the silence of the heart is a healing balm for ourselves, and radiates an active energy of peace into the world. Join us at Manresa for this healthy, healing practice in an atmosphere of prayer, sacred music and scripture.
Fall sessions begin on September 16 and continue on Monday evenings (12 in all) at 5:30 PM—6:45 PM through December 9 Registration is required. Cost for the complete session is $120. You can “drop in” for $10. Please bring your own exercise mat and yoga block.
Women to Women: Come as you are... We gather to break open Scripture and to share our journey as sisters in Christ. Beginning with coffee and time to socialize, we then gather for prayer and faith sharing. We come away refreshed, renewed, heard, affirmed, supported and spiritually nourished. Life is challenging, and we all need to re-energize.-come and Women to Women Facilitators Mary McKeon & Diane Neville plug in.
Monday Mornings: September 16 and 30; October 14 and 28; November 11 and 25; December 9 We meet in the Manresa Library Facilitators are Mary McKeon and Diane Neville 9:30 AM Coffee and Fellowship 10:00 AM Prayer and Faith Sharing
Genesis: From Eden to Egypt
The Spiritual
Exercises in Daily Life Would you like to make a thirty-day retreat, the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, but do not have a month to spare? St. Ignatius foresaw this situation and provided for it so that you could pray and reflect on the meditations and themes of the Spiritual Exercises even in the midst of your ordinary daily life. The Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life require a commitment of 60 to 90 minutes of daily prayer centered on specific Scripture selections and a weekly meeting with a director for a period of about nine-months. Readiness for this intensive retreat ordinarily grows out of shorter directed retreats, daily prayer, and regular spiritual direction with someone who reflects with you on your experience of God in prayer. This is a way to grow in prayer; to develop a real and personal relationship with God; to see more clearly God's presence in creation, your personal life story and current life circumstances; to know Jesus more intimately, love Him more deeply, and follow Him more closely. If you are ready for this retreat experience, Manresa can provide you with an appropriate director who has been prepared to guide you and help you discover a deeper relationship with God. It is recommended to begin this retreat in mid-September so that the usual sequence of prayer and reflection can be in harmony with the celebrations of the liturgical year.
For many of us Genesis was the source of the first Bible stories we learned: Adam and Interested? contact Ann Dillon at 248.644.4933 ext 13 Eve, Noah and the Flood, Abraham and Sarah, Joseph and his brothers, among others. for further details and information. But Genesis is not a book for children. On the contrary, Genesis explores the great mysteries of life and death, suffering and hope, the human capacity for evil and the love Register by mailing deposit check to Janis Fletcher, and kindness of God. Tuesdays, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Cost: Page 2
Sept 17; Oct 1, 15, 29; Nov 12 & 26; Dec 10,
Facilitator: Jan Fletcher
28511 Lathrup Blvd, Lathrup Village, MI 48076
Calling All Marthas—
Becoming Barbara: A Spirituality for the Second Half of Life Inspirational, Musical, Fun Theater! Back by popular demand… Please join Ignatian Spirituality interns Kathy Parker, Crystal Davidson, Patty Ward and Mary Dudley as they present this readers’ theater program on getting beyond the Barbie Syndrome and becoming Barbara, a woman of mature faith.
The presentation was received with great enthusiasm and will not want to miss this fun and faith-filled presentation. Date: Thursday, September 26 Time: 6:00—9:00 PM Registration and time for personal prayer—5:30—6:00 PM; Dinner at 6:00 PM; Program starts at 7:00 PM Cost: $35
Praying with St. Luke: A biblical journey in prayer Manresa offers you the opportunity to study the Good News and pray in a way that will make the Gospel come alive. The course will focus on the Gospel of Luke to help us develop our relationship with God and others, as well as ourselves. It will help us understand that the God of creation is the God of grace and that our relationship with God touches all other relationships.
Returning to Manresa! We are very proud to present Details: Tuesday, 7 pm – 9 pm September 17, October 1, 15 & 29,
Praying with St. Paul...a
November 12 & 26 Cost: $125
Presenters: Members of the Manresa Staff
Mary, Mother of God: Strength in Surrender Please join us for a day of prayer and reflection for women. Sr. Mary Finn will begin our day with a reflection on Mary, Mother of God: Strength in Surrender. The Day of Reflection will also include time for prayer, lunch and the celebration of the Eucharist. Tuesday, October 29, 2013; 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Cost: $40.00 per person; $30.00 for seniors
Leszek Bartkiewicz Sunday, October 6, 2013 3:00 pm Leszek is a premier pianist who developed his extraordinary talent in European Schools and perfected it during his illustrious career as a music director and musician. He performed at our initial concert in our first full season and simply astounded the audience. Do not miss this opportunity to see and hear this master. WRCJ personality Chris Felcyn attended Leszek’s performance at Manresa and called it “extraordinary.”
Something New for Women: Head and Heart Women’s Book Club A spiritual book club for women offering opportunities to…
Read inspiring books Enjoy being with other faith-filled women Share and gain new insights in a focused, openended discussion format Learn how to apply what you read to your own life and grow in faith, hope and love. Facilitator: Diane Neville; Cost: $40
The Four Teresas by Gina Loehr Purchase your own copy and read the Introduction and Chapter One by Sep 30. ISBN: 978-0-86716-944-7
Servant Books
Mondays: Sep 30, Oct 28, Nov 25, 2013 & Jan 6, 2014
Tickets for this concert are $25 each. The series of four concerts can be secured for $75, yes, that means one concert for free! Cantate! Choir is performing on Dec 8 with a Christmas concert which will bring the season to life. Two great groups perform on Jan 26th, Wisaal and the Klezmer Fusion Band. Our final concert is on March 2 with the return of Carl Cafanga and his Metro Jazz Voices.
Registration for any of the offerings in this brochure can be made by calling Manresa at 248.644.4933 or through the Manresa website at (click on registration) S E PT E M B E R / O C T O B E R
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E-mail: Phone: 248.644.4933
1390 Quarton Road Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304 M A N R E S A J E S U I T R E T RE A T H OU S E
Retreats and Other Days of Reflection
Conference Retreats Dates
9/6 - 8
Leonard Stumm Group
9/6 - 8 9/6 - 8
St. Bede
9/13 - 15
The Twelve Steppers McDonald - McHardy Group
Men Men
9/13 - 15 9/13 - 15
Serra Club of Oakland County Shrine-Reichenbach
Men Men
9/17 - 19 9/20 - 22
Manresa Ladies VII (midweek) Manresa Healing Retreat II
Women All
9/27 - 29 10/4 - 6
Manresa Ladies III (Sept.) Berry Group
Women Men
10/4 - 6 10/4 - 6
Feuerstein Group Maher Group
Men Men
10/4 - 6 10/4 - 6
St. Anthony-Temperance
10/4 - 6
St. Elizabeth St. Louise
Men Men
10/10 - 13 10/17 - 20
Weisenburger/Serra Manresa Ladies VIII (4-Day)
Men Women
10/25 - 27 10/25 - 27
Catholic Lawyer's & Physicians Ford Tractor Group
Men Men
10/25 - 27 10/25 - 27
Fr. Cotter K. of C. Talbot
Men Men
10/25 - 27
Vincent DePaul Oakland County
Healing Retreat: September 22-24 There are quiet places hidden in our hearts where we have placed doubts, memories, hurts and fears which need the loving hand of Jesus to heal. Receive His embrace during a precious few days of retreat in quiet and serenity. It is a place of peace where directors Fr. John Esper and Debbie Tourville can help light a path which can lead to freedom, forgiveness, healing. God is waiting for you. Don’t miss the invitation. Retreat Directors: Debbie Tourville and Fr. John Esper A $40 deposit is required at the time of registration