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TABLE OF CONTENTS Outgoing National Council Annual Reports National President National IRO National Secretary National Treasurer

Letters 41Club Melita Ladies' Circle Matthew Gatt Mark Refalo

ARTM Annexes Incoming National Council Agenda 2020-2021 Incoming National President President’s Awards Updating of Rules Road to Round Table 3 Commemorative Tree Incoming National IRO Agenda

Minutes of AGM 2019 Minutes of EGM 2020 Minutes of AGM 2020 Annual Accounts and Report Annual Budget

Table Reports Round Table Malta 1 Round Table Malta 2

Editor’s Welcome Christopher Mintoff The idea behind the Annual Report is to compile all the documents and information presented during the Association’s Annual General Meeting, as well as other records worth including. The idea is adopted from other Associations that might normally need to keep a much larger audience updated with the goings-on of their National Association, as opposed to a small one as ours. Yet I feel a need for something similar for us. When I look back at my years in RT, and realise that many of them have been poorly recorded. While this edition is not as professionally published as I would aspire for, I believe it is an important first step that can be improved upon. Future editions can include: • Unclassified updates on the lives of our brothers as well as former members, (births/deaths/marriages) • Snippets of the History of Round Table Malta, • Information on merchandise and regalia, • Improved statistics on members, and Table demographics • Travel Reports, • Additional information from Tables, (Fellowships, charity, travel, and other stories)


Jonathan Xuereb

Vice President:

Christopher Mintoff


Matthew Gatt


Simon Soler


Josef Debono

Past President:

Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti

RT1 Chairman:

Jonathan Xuereb

RT2: Chairman:

Mark Refalo


National President Report Jonathan Xuereb

Gentlemen, Distinguished guests,

being retained as SEM Media Officer for this term.

One word that would best describe most of the past year is Covid. The covid-19 pandemic brought about lots of heart-aches and let-downs, with the cancellations of too many events and get-togethers. We couldn’t hold our annual inter-table football tournament which was to take place on International Round Table Day back in March. The situation also brought abrupt our Travel plans throughout the past year. Exchanges were cancelled, Europe One & Europe Two meetings postponed, World Meeting postponed, SEM Tabler’s Meeting postponed. But of course, health came first on our Agenda.

As National President, and also in my capacity as Round Table Malta 1 Chairman, I attended as best and at most I could any Round Table Malta 2 meetings, and as National President, had the honour of inducting 4 new members to Round Table 2 (Jeremy Parnis, James Muscat, Manuel Galea & David Borg) and another 2 to Round Table 1 (Mike de Graaff & Tayfun Spielberg). Through the assistance, and persistence, of incoming President Christopher Mintoff, the Road to Round Table

Malta 3 was set up and an Introductory meeting set up and a couple of other meetings held. Unfortunately, due However, it was not all bad, and I would prefer to talk to Covid, this was put semi-on-hold, and I have no positive. My council worked hard at achieving the most doubt, that this will be brought back to life once the we could, as best we could. restrictions are lifted and we return to normality. Mr. Firstly, given the situation we were in, we still managed Incoming President, I avail myself to assist you further to hold 9 meetings at council level. We did have a break should you need. when all Malta was on a standstill and lockdown and we did not know what the situation would be like. We held some meetings online and others in Person. Following the outcome of last year’s Annual General Meeting, and as I had mentioned in my incoming President’s presentation, we also held the Extraordinary General Meeting online, whereby it was unanimously approved that the age for council members on the National Board could be raised to 45, only for that year, and only if there would be nobody else to contest the post. The new updated statute was sent to all members via TablerWorld prior to this General Meeting.

On Travel, National IRO Simon Soler and myself, represented Malta at the Half Yearly Meeting in Luxembourg, just before the lockdown was eventually announced. I would also like to congratulate Simon for being awarded the SEM Tabler of the year and also congratulate him on


National IRO Report Simon Soler

We started off the year like any other year! Kicking off with loads of excitement and looking forward to our Travel Exchanges, Euro Meetings as well as the RTI Half Yearly Meeting, Southern Europe & Mediterranean Regional Meeting and the World Meeting. I represented Round Table Malta at the Round Table International Half Yearly Meeting held in Luxembourg last February along with National President Jonathan Xuereb and Past S.E.M. Chairman Joseph Meli Attard. This Years HYM was attended by a record number of participants and as always it was a great opportunity to share ideas, to meet and catch up with old friends and make new ones as well as to discuss important RTI matters during the HYM AGM which was held at the local Parliament Building with a surprise visit from the Prime Minister and ex Tabler himself who took the opportunity to share his past Table experiences with us. Last March I also had the opportunity to attend the annual Round Table Italy International Carnival held in Venice along with other members and past members from Table 1. Little had I known that this would have been my last international event for my term as on our last day all hell broke lose as the global pandemic hit home and all airports started to shutdown we barely made it back home since our flight was one of the last to leave Venice. As restrictions started to tighten both locally and internationally due to the ever increasing numbers, Round Table International along with the support of Local Clubs we found ways to keep in touch with one another via various social media platforms as well as meetings held via Zoom. Amongst the many events held on line where fund raisers, social meets, disco parties, cookouts as well as the many meetings I participated in both Regional and International. One of which I had the pleasure of representing RT Malta was at our Southern Europe & Mediterranean Regional Meeting where I was awarded the ‘RTI SEM Tabler of the Year’ by outgoing RTI SEM Chairman Raffaele Giordani (RT Italy) in recognition for my work and support for the region having served as Secretary and Media Officer for a number of years. It was a wonderful surprise and caught me totally off guard. I believe for once I was lost for

words!! Towards the end of the meeting Incoming RTI SEM Chairman Luca Carbone (RTI Switzerland) asked me to remain on as SEM Media Officer. An offer which I have accepted with great pride. This year’s World Meeting which was to be held in India was held on-line like all other meetings these past few months with the stepping down of Sebastian Walker (RT Germany) as RTI President and the new incoming President D.K.Singh (RT India) taking over the reigns. As I step down as National IRO and from Council I would like to take the opportunity to Thank both local and International Tablers, Past and Present in supporting me in this role and previous ones as well as the great memories I will cherish. I would also like to wish the very Best of Luck to Incoming National IRO Jonathan Xuereb who I know will do an excellent job having travelled with him for many years as well as the rest of the National Council who together have many years of experience and lots of energy to drive RT Malta forward! ⬤


National IRO Report Simon Soler

At the RTI HYM AGM along side National President Jonathan Xuereb (left)

Along with local and past Tablers from Table Malta 1 during the RT Italy International Carnival

With RT Italy National IRO Daniel Cusi (left)

Southern Europe & Mediterranean Regional Meeting held during the RTI HYM.

National Treasurer Report Josef Debono

Memo covering points raised during AGM in presentation of Annual Accounts for the year ending 30th September 2020 and proposed Budget for the year ending 30 th September 2021

Difference between accruals-based and cash-based accounts ARTM is classified as a Category 1 Voluntary organisation, given the fact that revenue and income does not exceed €50,000 annually. This effectively means that accounts must be prepared and presented to the CVO on a cash basis. Cash basis account would not take into consideration income generated but not yet settled and/or expenses incurred but not yet paid. The association had a number of dues to be settled, both in terms of income and expenditure, during the year ending 30th September 2020. This would have caused confusion to the members, who have been provided with accounts based on what the actual income and expenditure for a particular year was, what in accounting terms is referred to accruals based accounting. In this respect, two sets of accounts were prepared, one for the benefit of the members, showing the actual income and expenditure generated during the year, and another one of a cash basis, effectively detailing the receipts and payments over the year, which shall be used for the annual submission requirements with the CVO.

General query as to why the cash and bank balance was less at the end of the year Even though past dues from Round Table Malta 1 were settled, the dues from Round Table Malta 2 were not, which shall be explained further in a separate item. Apart from that, the payables which were presented in the last AGM were fully settled by the end of this reporting year. One must also keep in mind that certain expenditure related with the SEM which took place in mid 2019, was paid in October, hence on a cash basis this would be re-

portable in the following year. Full details of the actual payments can be found in the Income and Expenditure [Cash Accounting] found on page 5 of the Annual Accounts found in the Annexes.

Details about receivables as at end of year Receivables totaled €5,524 in comparison to €9,971 in 2019. The €5,524 solely pertain to Round Table Malta 2 [RT2]. An amount of €1,818 were settled by RT2, however due to banking issues, whereby HSBC decided to terminate its banking relationship with RT2, these payments were not honoured by the bank. RT2 shall settle primarily the balance of €1,818 once the banking issue is solved. It was also communicated that the plan is for RT2 to settle the rest of the dues by end of reporting year ending 30 th September 2021. ▶

National Treasurer Report Josef Debono

What is meant when we refer to the accounts as audited Issues raised on the Proposed Budget accounts Several members raised their concern on the fact that the ARTM, being a Category 1 Voluntary Organisation is not re- Capitation fee is proposed to be increased. The main conquired to prepare audited accounts. Category 1 VOs, are cern was that there is a timing issue whereby clubs could solely required to prepare accounts on a cash basis, using potentially suffer the increase, without being able to pass it the proposed template as Subsidiary Legislation 492.02. The on to their members, in the first year. Several proposals accounts need not be reviewed by an accountant. In com- were raised; parison, Category 2 VOs [having income between €50,000 • The Association should inform the individual clubs in and €250,000] are required to prepare financial statements advance, say about August about the proposed inon accruals basis in conformity with GAPSME requirements. crease so that this could be included in their budget, These financial statements are required to be prepared by • The Clubs should have a mechanism in place, such as an external accountant. In the case of Category 3 VOs RT2, whereby the Capitation fees charged to their [having income exceeding €250,000], the accounts need to members is a fixed fee over and above what is be prepared on accruals basis and in conformity with IFRS charged to them by the Association, requirements. Such accounts need to be verified and signed • A proposed increase in the Capitation fee to be apby an auditor. plied from the year following the budgeted year. As per ARTM statute, two ‘auditors’ are appointment on a The statute clearly states that the budget is to be presented yearly basis during the AGM. Such auditors should be conduring the AGM, however it is the council’s premise that sulted by the Association’s treasurer in the case of doubts or going forward a different approach is adapted when it comes clarifications needed on accounting matters. Furthermore, to such increases. The budget was ultimately approved, the accounts should also be presented to the auditors for hence increase shall be adopted with immediate effect. their review on behalf of the members. Other comments As per the latest communication from RTI, it was confirmed that travel grants shall going forward not exceed 70% of solely the cost of flights. This is another financial burden for ARTM, as it needs to have various income from other sources to maintain a strong financial position. The current main sources of income are derived from the surplus generated from the sale of merchandise and from the yearly AGM. Council to further discuss any other potential sources of revenue for the future.⬤


National Secretary Report Matthew Gatt Tables: No change. The Association started the year with two Tables. Despite an effort to recharter a third, we close the year with the same two Tables.

Meetings: The National Council had 8 Council Meetings, some of which took place remotely via Zoom or similar software. This was a first. During the year we had an Extraordinary Meeting and an Annual General Meeting. This brings the total number of meetings to the required minimum of 10.

Membership: Membership within the Association remained stable. The existing two Tables started off with 12 and 14 members respectively, and finished with the same numbers at the end of the year. Despite a nice number of inductions, this was cancelled out with exits and retirements. Round Table 1 currently has 4 prospective members, which augurs well for the future. Reports in the coming years should have more statistics on the average age of Tables and the Association.

Tabler World:

Almost all members have their details updated on Tabler.World, with most of them able to access their accounts. The process is not yet complete. The services available on the website are still being underutilised.⬤


Christopher Mintoff

Vice President:

Joseph Meli Attard


Sebastian Attard


Jonathan Xuereb


Josef Debono

RT1 Chairman:

Keith Camilleri

RT2 Chairman:

Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti


National President Christopher Mintoff Incoming National President Christopher Mintoff outlines Association: his inspirations for his year ahead, and the targets he set The association depends on its Tables to justify its existout for Round Table Malta. ence. It depends on Tablers for its budget. It can only fulfill its raison d'etre, locally and internationally, by having enough members to help fund its operations. A duopoly is When I decided to embark on this mission a year and a not healthy for the Association. It's a limited poll of peohalf ago, I did not expect to take over in this situation of ple and ideas. This is not healthy. social distance. While the situation might hinder some of Growth for the sake of growth is not acceptable either. All the projects I had planned, it definitely did not diminish growth has to be healthy. This includes bringing in the my energy and enthusiasm to work for the Association—it right people. I don't want numbers, I want Tablers. I'm actually spurred me on even more! pretty confident that each one of us knows one viable I’ve come to appreciate RT as a support structure. In prospect, but I will not make demands on my brothers to 2020, during the age of “Social” media, people have never bring in people. What I will demand from all of you, is to felt more lonely. While RT might no longer fulfil the needs welcome the prospects others bring in. To show them the it has 20 years ago, I believe it has become more im- ropes. To mentor them. To show and teach our Table spirportant than ever to meet new social and personal chal- it. lenges. In summary, the Association is strong when it has strong This is why the theme for Round Table Malta for 2020- Tables, which have viable Tablers. This is the sustainable 2021 is Healthy Growth! This applies to both the healthy structure we seek. Only with strong Association will we be able to Maximise our Collective Tabling Experience. growth of the Individual, as well as the Association. Our agenda for 2020-2021 includes other milestones which I explain in better detail on the next pages. I look Individual: Many veterans of Table will tell you how it has forward to experiencing and appreciating this journey helped them personally, we could hear anecdotes all day. with you. Stay Safe, stay happy!▶ Table should be focused to spurring more of these outcomes, while also helping members grow in ways they Yours in Table might not know they need to. I will be encouraging my -Christopher Mintoff brothers to experience mindfulness during their activities, which will lead to more fulfilling events and increased happiness and satisfaction, which will make us all better people with our friends, family and the community we form part of. This will be coupled with an agenda of awareness of mental wellness. Men are by far less likely to seek help in mental wellness due to long established stigmas. I have come to learn that mental wellness is not just for people who might be “unwell”, but is important for everyone. We don’t use the gym because we are physically unwell, but because we want to remain physically strong. Mental health is just the same. If I only reach this milestone this year, I would consider it a major achievement.

Agenda 2020-2021

President’s Awards Christopher Mintoff

During the year, I plan to launch a new form of merchandise, which will be known as “President’s Awards”. These segment shaped pins will have a standard base, but each one will include a milestone one can reach within their Tabling life. Every four awards will combine to form a full rondel. Each Tabler’s collection of Awards be a brief summary of their complete Tabling life. Such milestones will include: • Being the Godfather of a number of Tablers, • Receiving Tabler of the Year, • Surviving beyond the age of 40 in RT, • Anniversary Milestones – 5/10/more years, • Filling a National Role

While not all of them can be achievable by every Tabler, the gamification of Table milestones will give a better indication of the potential experiences one can have. I feel having these milestones to look back on give one a better appreciation of time spent and make memories easier to recall.

The awards might potentially be a small source of revenue for the Association. Once the milestones will be acknowledged by the President, the Tabler will be allowed to purchase one of the limited edition exclusive pins. The system can be improved upon and added to by future Councils, and might also find its way onto a more international scene…..

• Filling an International Role • Many Travelling Milestones • Being an Immigrant Tabler • Having family members within Table.

Besides these awards, I would also like to re-establish previously awarded, yet forgotten awards such as “Most Promising Tabler” and “Best Travelled Tabler” by the next Annual General Meeting.▶

Agenda 2020-2021

Updating our Rules Christopher Mintoff

During the potentially more quiet months during social distancing times, I would be an extremely important to update our Constitution and Rules to better reflect the current status of the organisation and its needs. Therefore, I will be appointing a subcommittee to address a number of issues. The task will be to update the Constitution and Rules to • Remove linguistic ambiguities,

This book will then act as the All-in-One document for all Maltese Tablers.

The process has become more urgent, as each individual Table will be seeking to become a legally recognised Voluntary Organisation, and must therefore have proper and clear regulations.

• Add a glossary of terms, • Remove expired commitments, • Reflect today’s situations, • Allow digital solutions, • Clarify rules and roles of Council Members,

• Update the rules to conform to RTI and VO regulations, • Include a basic Code of Conduct for members, • Remove ambiguities between written rules and procedures which have been established by tradition,

The updated constitution and rules will be combined in a book which includes:

•Short History of ARTM •National AGM Standing Orders, •Template Table Rules, •Induction Procedures, •Travel Exchanges,

I have committed to concluding the process within the year, such that the next Annual General Meeting is governed by the adapted and improved regulations. I look forward to constructive feedback from all of those interested and committed to our great organisation. ▶

Agenda 2020-2021

Road to Round Table Malta 3 Christopher Mintoff

Tablers. It would be so beautiful to observe Tables competing to see which would contribute the most to charity. With more meetings and fellowship, a Maltese Tabler will never feel alone, and will have a calendar of activities always at hand. More members isn’t the only target; Round Table is extremely beneficial to prospective members. It is a support structure what has proven to be indispensable to many of us. It’s a fantastic opportunity. It’s a networking community. I genuinely feel that keeping this organsation to ourselves and not sharing with more likeminded gentlemen is selfish and unethical. RT is a gift that rewards the giver every single time.

One of our targets for 2020 was to re-charter Round Table Malta 3. The campaign was kicked off in January, when we targeting expats from Facebook and friends of Tablers. We invited them to an information session that was held at HOLM Boutique & SPA, where Council sponsored refreshments. I made a presentation explaining “briefly” what Round Table is, and what prospective members were to expect should they join the organisation. Simon Soler then shared some personal anecdotes of how Round Table changed his life for the better.

Unfortunately, the momentum was lost just two months later when the first wave of Covid cases hit Malta. Successive attempts to restart the momentum between waves were short-lived. Starting a social group during social distancing imposed by the State proved to be problematic. The Association of Round Tables Malta needs at least one more Table to be a healthy organisation. Primarily, the Association’s main income comes from capitations. These funds allow the Association to meet its international obligations and to enact its local agendas. Secondly, the National Council will greatly benefit from a larger pool of people with more ideas to contribute to the cause. Having more Table improves healthy competition which pushes

The dream of a third table hasn’t died yet; it’s merely on the backburner. As soon as socialising becomes socially acceptable again, I will commit to reigniting that fire. I look forward to doing so with all Tablers, 41Club Melita, and past Tablers alike. ▶

Agenda 2020-2021

Commemorative Tree: 45years Christopher Mintoff

During 2019, National President Jonathan Xuereb had the idea of commemorating the 45 years of Round Table in Malta by installing a tree in a public space. After many options were discussed, works for new traffic measures opened up an opportunity for us in Balluta Square, St Julian’s. After a successful meeting with the Mayor, we worked to acquire all necessary permissions to be able to carry out the works in legal manner. To get planning permission, we had to get clearances from Transport Malta, the Arts Council, the San Giljan Local Council, ERA, and the Lands Authority. Eventually, all of these documents were collected. The proposed works are therefore covered by DN/00964/20 as approved by the Planning Authority. The tree will have a large basin for soil, and will be surrounded by a large rondel in the ground made of concrete with marble chippings. A curved bench and commemorative plaque will complete the space. The design is similar to a rondel located in Norwich close to a shop once own by Louis Marchesi. The tree will be a Holm Oak tree, known in Maltese as a Is-Siġra tal-Ballut—which gives the area, Balluta, its name. The location is ideal for our Association. It is no secret that many international guests prefer to find accommoda-

tion in this part of Malta. The site will become a landmark for international guests who will have their photo taken with their hosts there. It will be a great tease for other Tablers to make the pilgrimage to Tabler landmark. With all permits in hand, the next steps will be to get complete costings for every aspect,. We will seek sponsorships and funding for it. Once we have a clear ideas of timelines, we aspire to hold a formal event to present the landmark. ⬤


National IRO Report Jonathan Xuereb

While travel might continue to be disrupted in 2020-2021 due to Covid, we do have a preliminary program of travel that will be open for our members. These will always be subject to change, and it is important to keep in touch with your IRO for the latest information on trips and budget. Round Table Malta will always encourage it members to travel as it is a vital aspect of Tabling life.

TRAVEL 2020—2021

1. RTI HYM: Sri Lanka 4-7 March 2021 2. RTI SEM TM: Plovdiv, Bulgaria: 17-20 June 2021 3. RTI World Meeting: New Delhi, India: 22-26 September 2021 4. RTI Travel Bingo 2020/21: Cancelled for this year due to Covid 5. Malta Annual General Meeting Exchanges:

5.1. Belgium: April 2021 5.2. France:

May 2021

5.3. Austria:

May 2021

5.4. Italy:

June 2021

5.5. Germany: June 2021 5.6. Morocco: June 2021

6. Round Table Malta 1: EuropeOne Meeting:

Tallin, Estonia: May 2021

7. Round Table Malta 2: EURO2 Meetings: Southern Africa: March 2021 Malta:

May 2021

ROUND TABLE MALTA 1 Reports 2019-2020 •

Outgoing Chairman

Round Table Malta 1 Council for 2019-2020



2020-2021 •

Incoming Chairman

Round Table Malta 1 Council for 2020-2021

Round Table Malta 1 Outgoing Chairman: Jonathan Xuereb

Incoming Chairman Jonathan Xuereb shares the outgoing speech he made the Round Table Malta 1 Annual General Meeting.

Gentlemen, this past year and past few months were definitely not as we expected. Definitely not as I expected. But we managed to get through, nonetheless, and for that I would like I would like to thank my council for the support they gave me, and to each and every one of you members, past members, honorary members, new members, prospectives and members from other clubs. Citing the Covid-19 pandemic, our year was nothing like we had planned to do. Our travel plans were disrupted, our business meetings were disrupted, our fellowships were disrupted and the events which we wanted to hold, eventually, were all thrown out the window. We kept postponing our plans to an inevitable end of our term. However, we adapted to the ever-changing new normal, we adopted new rules and regulations, and we ultimately tried to improve, at least the situation we were in. Travel plans to our annual meet up that is the Numbers Meeting Euro One, were cancelled. However, we did manage to travel to Sicily for one day. Yes, we truly enjoyed it. We all had breakfast together. By breakfast I mean a lot of Aperol Spritz. We had a truly awesome lunch together, and by lunch I mean WHAT-A-LUNCH that was, with wine and all. We then swam and spent some time together crashing in the waves. We then licked some sun, others had Mojitos.. well, the beach was called Mojito beach club, so what the heck, right?! How awesome was that day?! That day gave us all a sense of Hope during the pandemic, a glimmer of hope that all will be well, eventually. All I seen was smiles on our faces, and that made me happy. Then some words were said, but let’s say it was the wine that talked.

none other than the organiser. Ah yes, and by “we ALL spent some time together”, I mean almost all. One member joined us for breakfast and lunch as he was in Sicily, but someone couldn’t make it, and for that I ask again for our Master-at-arms to serve a fine to this person. For some of our Business meetings, we couldn’t meet up together, so we zoom called each other a few times. It was not ideal, and I know a couple of members couldn’t stand the fact that we were not meeting up physically, but we did what we thought was best, safest, legal, and in everyone’s interest. For some fellowships we had to cancel, for other/s we went online such as when we held the online poker fellowship For others we physically met up, we went to archery, bowling & Sicily.

So this year was not as we wanted, and not as we expected, but at least we are all here today, to say goodbye to one year and to greet another one. Let us consider this as a pre-pre New year’s Eve. Between us, let us all be thankful for what we have, for what he had, and look into the future with a sense of responsibility and of hope, But we all love each other, so we forgive and forget. But hope that one day all we be good, and we can resume our let me ask Master-at-arms to serve a delicious fine to lives.▶

Round Table Malta 1 Outgoing Chairman: Jonathan Xuereb

….. Our attendance today shows the support from our club, as well as from the other clubs. For this, again, it is each and everyone of you we should be thanking. On a personal level, this was a very hard year for me, with my personal issues and all. But Table kept me sane. I could have done more, that’s true, and for that I will take a fine…. make that a triple. I deserve it. However, I would like to personally thank Owen for his personal touch, not as a council member, not as a tabler, not just as a friend, but as a human being. He reached out to me in times of need and with just a morning message, a let’s grab a drink message, a call, or a naughty pic here and there, Without him realising, he gave me a taste of hope, and that is all one would need sometimes. For this, I would like to personally present him with a bottle of this year’s edition of the School of Hope Champagne, because he gave me something to hold onto. Hope. Thank you Owen. Now, on this note, I would like to wish the upcoming Chairman Keith Camilleri and his new council a year of hope and success, and forever I have you and table at my debts. My final two words: Jonathan - Out.⬤

Yours in Table Jonathan Xuereb

Round Table Malta 1 Council for 2019-2020 Chairman: Jonathan Xuereb Vice Chairman: Joseph Meli Attard

Secretary: Bruno Gutierrez IRO: Jeremy Camilleri Treasurer: Owen Bonello

Round Table Malta 1 Membership

Membership in RT1 remained stable. David Xuereb exited at the start of the year due to personal reasons, while Simon Soler retired due to age. Two new members were inducted towards the end of the year, these being Tayfun Spielberg and Mike De Graff.⬤

Full Members of Round Table Malta 1 Jonathan Xuereb Josef Debono Bruno Gutierrez Owen Bonello Keith Camilleri Daniel Thornton Joseph Meli Attard Jeremy Camilleri Keith Debono Tayfun Spielberg Mike De Graff Michael Camilleri Honorary Members Simon Soler Edward Asciak Life Honorary Member George Lewis

RoundTable Malta 1 Fellowships Online: In Person:

“Gianni TALKS Covid” Poker Tournament Archery Sicily Trip Bowling

Despite the current circumstances we managed to achieve an overall attendance of 73% from the members, which is not bad at all considering the circumstances we had this year.

Round Table Malta 1 Incoming Chairman: Keith Camilleri

Incoming Chairman Keith Camilleri shares a list of items he intends to work on during his year of Chairmanship of Round Table Malta 1.

The first thing I would like to have are Recruitment officers – one or two members, that are ideally not from the council. Their role is to encourage other current members / council to bring in new prospective members into the club. They must also work themselves to try pull in new members. New prospective members shall be vetted by themselves and forwarded to council. I want to get over this concept of the council are up there, high and mighty and the rest are just members that attend meetings, but I know can give much more than they do. As of this year, the Chairman is choosing a Slogan and theme for this year. The theme I have chosen is, ‘Keeping Traditions, Breaking Boundaries‘, to summarize on this This year we must remember that many more people are selected Slogan: suffering then we could have ever dreamt and imagined In our first BM we will be going through certain code of of. People related mainly to jobs in the entertainment conduct, basic items, as I feel that in the last few years, industry, many people had to accept much lower wages, we have lost some of our traditions as a club. We will also many people got fired from their jobs. I personally have forward to all our members the RT regulations and statbeen approached by certain companies and see if we ues, so that older members can refresh their memories could work together with Round Table to promote alterand new members can grasp what is going on. native ways of how their business could work. This is As for fellowships, although we have scheduled an almost something that could almost be considered as charitable complete calendar for the year, it is essential always ten- this year. The more we can help out when they are in tative. For the coming months we are trying to keep fel- need, the more that they will be help us out when they lowships as much as possible outdoors and as much as get back on their feet. I have no doubt that we will later possible related to fitness and down that line of thought. next year go back to normal. And this would be the perCome January we will have to assess the current situation fect and opportune moment to get back to them for a return favour. that we are found in and will decide accordingly. Same is applicable for Charity events. If the situation remains as dire as it is, we cannot really commit to hold events at this time. I would really love to help as many charitable institutions as we can, and if we remain stuck with not socializing then we will have to come up with something that we can work out remotely. When there is a will there is a way, this is what I strongly believe in .

For instance, I have been approached by an English language school, which as you can imagine has had no work since last March. They are offering online courses for confidence in the English language, for corporate companies that have managers, Maltese or foreign that are not confident in English, something that we must all agree is a problem in Malta. I have offered that they will be able to attend one of our business meetings and give a brief ▶

Round Table Malta 1 Incoming Chairman: Keith Camilleri

talk on what they are offering, and hopefully attract one of our members to use this service in their companies or the company that they work for.

I intend to use business meetings for similar instances, its all about helping each other in these dire times, and as mentioned above, I have no doubt that but doing these little gestures we can make more people aware of who we really are, what our club is about. Its all about good promo for our club as well. Think about it… Lets take what just happened to the world as an opportunity that show we care, and work it to our benefit. Our secretary is scheduling everything in a calendar of events , so that all members can block important dates and not have excuses because they were not aware. Obviously calendar will have to be amended this year at some points, but we will amend as least as we can. I believe that my vision for this year is achievable and realistic, and we will strive our best to get to a target and have a great year ahead.⬤

Yours in Table Keith Camilleri

Round Table Malta 1 Council for 2020-2021 Chairman: Keith Camilleri Vice Chairman: Joseph Meli Attard Secretary: Daniel Thornton IRO: Jonathan Xuereb Treasurer: Owen Bonello

ROUND TABLE MALTA 2 Reports 2019-2020 •

Outgoing Chairman

Round Table Malta 2 Council for 2019-2020



Quarantine 40th Charter Gala

Quarantina Pin

2020-2021 •

Incoming Chairman

Round Table Malta 2 Council for 2020-2021

Round Table Malta 2 Outgoing Chairman: Mark Refalo

Brothers, This year Round Table Malta 2 turned forty, and as no doubt you will recall we found the motto “Life begins at forty” to be apt. I want to start by thanking my Council and congratulating them for a great year: Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti (Vice Chair), Chris Mintoff (Secretary), Keith Vella (Fellowship Officer), Sebastian Attard (Treasurer), Matthew Sammut (IRO), Antoine (Sargeant). I must also thank Alex Abela as the Council mentor. It is thanks to them and the rest of you brothers that we have had a great year. The year started off well enough, with grand plans for a year-long celebration of forty years of fellowship and brotherhood that would allow us to rediscover our mojo and regrow, with some super events planned. The truth was that the previous years had been years of consolidation and we felt that we needed a flashy year to put us back on the map. But the world had other ideas! Our first major project for the year, the Christmas Celebration Pack headed by Keith Vella. Started well enough: we successfully evolved and mashed our traditional mince pie sale with the Maltese hamper tradition. We would assist in the spread Christmas cheer by delivering sponsored party packs to those unfortunate souls who had to work in the last days prior to Christmas. Thanks to Antoine Camilleri, most of these packs went to doctors and nurses working in hospitals and the joy in their eyes was already more satisfaction than we could have expected.

Two particular projects deserve special mention. Firstly we did a virtual twinning with Round Table Two Nine – Rovereto, Italy. It started simply by reaching out to our Italian brothers up in the North during our mutual lockdowns, and continued with joint (virtual) meetings, the discovery that we both turned forty this year and the development of paired commemorative pins (Thanks to our inhouse regalia-guru Chris Mintoff). Unfortunately the plague has meant that we were unable to give our a twinning a physical touch however I sincerely hope we will be able to meet and exchange pins as soon as travelling becomes feasible once again.

Secondly our Virtual Charter which was not only the first charter event that did not make a loss, but also the best attended charter I can recall, including with the largest number of foreign guests. We were all in our own bubbles but we connected and celebrated the fortieth anniUnfortunately with the new year and the new plague that versary of Round Table Malta 2 together until the next crept in with it all the rules had to be rewritten. Now morning. Special thanks must be given to Chris Mintoff events had to be done at a “social distance” a concept for being the perfect Master of Ceremonies. that is opposed to Table’s motto of bridging the gap, of These are the two virtual table events that were successmeeting and being introduced to old friends. ful, but they are not the reason for this year’s success. Our plans were swallowed up whole: trips abroad were Our success is due to our fellowships which went on unalost, events cancelled. We had to adapt. And I am proud bated throughout the year, with the virtual ones no ▶ to say that we did. We more than adapted, we improved.

Round Table Malta 2 Outgoing Chairman: Mark Refalo

less fun and interesting as the physical ones (once again thanks goes to our fellowship officer, Keith Vella, who could turn even a simply meeting in a restaurant into a gastronomical adventure). And herein lies the eternal truth, that Table isn’t found in grand projects but in our fellowships and business meetings. So long as we are enjoying ourselves in these simple events everything else will fall into place. The result is evident. This year in the midst of a pandemic that has kept us homebound for half the year, we have been introduced a whole new generation into table. Our table has increased by 7 members – of which one is that lost sheep, Keith Vassallo, who was found again and another (Mats Pettersen) is an experienced Tabler in Malta here for a few months. Not only has Table had an infusion of new blood, but it is enthusiastic blood that forms the backbone of the new council, and that leaves me no doubt will be able to eat up any adversity that the year may throw at them. Round Table 2 is forty ... forty years young!⬤

Yours in Table

Dr. Mark Refalo

Round Table Malta 2 Council for 2019-2020 Chairman: Mark Refalo Vice Chairman: Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti Secretary: Christopher Mintoff IRO: Matthew Sammut Treasurer: Sebastian Attard Past-Chairman: Antoine Camilleri Fellowship Officer: Keith Vella

Round Table Malta 2 Membership

Membership of Round Table Malta 2 started off the year 2019-2020 with 13 members, and one honorary member. During the year we had three members exit: Richard Vella (lack of interest) and Ethienne Axisa (emigrated) during the start of the year, with Nicholas Psaila Savona (scheduling conflicts) at the very end.

Despite the social distancing, we still managed to induct a total of 6 new brothers into our Table, namely: Gareth Micallef, Jeremy Parnis, Keith Vassallo, James Muscat, Manuel Galea and David J. Borg. We also had two temporary inductions of visiting Tablers, with Mats Pettersen from RT Dublin 203 finishing the year with us.

Mark Refalo retires at the end of the year due to old age. ⬤

Full Members of Round Table Malta 2 Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti Keith Vella Keith Vassallo Gareth Micallef Tortell Nicholas Micallef David J Borg Matthew Sammut Sebastian Attard Christopher Mintoff Jeremy Parnis Antoine Camilleri James Muscat Manuel Galea Andrea Bonanno Kris Farrugia Honorary Members Matthew Gatt Alex Abela

RoundTable Malta 2 Fellowships November: Filipino Food Experience at Pinoy December: Qormi Police Station & Shelter tour January: HOLM Hotel SPA evening February: Lecture on Quantum Physics in Malta March: Show and Tell on Zoom May: Online Ragu’ Cooking Lesson June: HOLM Rooftop Socially Distancing meetup July: Beer tasting and pairing August: Covid BBQ

RoundTable Malta 2 Quarantine 40th Charter Gala Since we couldn’t organise a face to face Gala for our 40th Anniversary Charter, we decided to organise a remote event . That way we could still mark the occasion while conforming with social distancing guidelines. That’s how we gave birth to “Online, Wine & Dine”. Guests were invited to join our zoom meeting, cook their own pizza and pair it with a lovely wine. This allowed us to invite people from all over the world. For this reason, for the first time ever we had guests from Estonia, RTBI, Norway, Italy, South Africa, Switzerland, India, Nepal, including a special intervention by RTI Vice President DK Singh. During the gala, we still managed to induct two new members into RT2 with the assistance of their respective wives! This was closed off with an International remote “LaLa”. All in all, this turned out to be our most international and our least expensive charter anniversary ever. ⬤

RoundTable Malta 2 Quarantina Pin 2020 was the 40th anniversary of Round Table Malta 2. 40th in Italian would translate to “Quarantesimo”

This coincided with the initial social distancing measures in Malta while other countries were experiencing lockdowns due to Covid. We therefore decided to combine the two events to mark our unique milestone with a logo for the year, thus the QUARANTINA pin was born.

The pin was designed during on our first Zoom calls, with the remote input of many members. It serves as an example of collaboration during difficult times by adapting to a new reality.

It prominently features a maroon coloured 4 while the rondel completes the 40, the year RT2 was established, as well as the unforgettable 2020, and the word quarantina at the bottom. The crown is a reference to the Corona Virus— while it takes the name, we still wear the crown and we will conquer it. The crown is not not exactly straight on top of the rondel—it was shaken a bit with the events that took place—yet it remains on! We feel this perfectly embodies the spirit of our Table during the year.

The design got deeper significance, when we supported Italian brothers from Round Table Italy 29—Reverto, who were under full lock down. During our web conference, we realised that coincidentally their Table was also founded in 1980, and therefore shared the same anniversary. We then collaborated to adapt our design to their Table. They decided not to include the word quarantina at the bottom, as the expected the lock down not to last. Two RT2 Malta were attending their AGM in November, but all social events were cancelled in the last minute due to a surge in cases the week before.

Thus our pin now has an Italian sister pin, waiting for us to collect it from Italy once we start travelling again.⬤

Round Table Malta 2 Incoming Chairman: Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti

Incoming Chairman Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti shares a clear and concise list of targets he intends to work for as part of his vision for his year of Chairmanship of Round Table Malta 2.

RT2 to become a fully registered VO,

Reach target for accounts to be back in order by 2021-2022,

Involvement of new members in EURO2 numbers meeting this May,

Grassroots transformation of our Table by our new members,

Travelling to missed 2020 opportunities,

Increase membership by two. ⬤

Round Table Malta 2 Council for 2020-2021 Chairman: Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti Vice Chairman: Keith Vella

Secretary: Keith Vassallo IRO: Nicholas Micallef Treasurer: Gareth Micallef Tortell Past-Chairman: Mark Refalo Fellowship Officer: David J Borg EURO 2 Convener: Matthew Sammut

Letters to ARTM •

41Club Melita

Ladies' Circle

Matthew Gatt

Mark Refalo

41 Club Melita Chairman

__________________________________ Date: 7th November 2020 Dear Mr. President, Council, Members and Distinguished Guests, On behalf of 41 Club Melita Council & Members, I would like to thank you for extending the invitation for me to join this meeting whist I wish The Association of Round Tables Malta a most enjoyable and fruitful AGM. It gives me great pleasure to be here amongst Tablers who hold their respective Clubs so much at heart! It is because of the very existence of such Clubs that I am here today representing a Club, which is an extension of Round Table but beyond the age of 40. Moreover it gives me even greater pleasure to note that in this very hall today, there are 3 Tablers present and who will most likely be making their move to the Club I lead. A most logical and natural progression for them! May I take take this opportunity to thank the incumbent Council for this past year, hard as it may have been whilst I wish the incoming one a most successful year ahead. I promise you all my full support for the coming year, be it by joining as much as possible events and by helping identify prospective fine gentleman who have the right attributes to become Round Table Malta Members! It is only by doing so that we can sustain RTM and which will guarantee our future as 41 Club Melita! Without Tablers, as our current Statute stand, there is no more future for us! May we work closer and together as Clubs in order to fulfil the objectives of the “Memorandum of Understanding” we had signed some years ago! Yours in friendship.....

Massimo Cachia Chairman 2019-2020

__________________________________________________________________________ ‘Tas-Surmast’, 38 Parish Street, Mqabba - MQB 1511 - MALTA m: + (356) 9926 9075 e:

On behalf of Ladies Circle Malta, I would like to wish you a successful AGM. Thank you for the work you did during this year and best wishes for the coming year to the incoming Council.

Yours in friendship, Stefania Camilleri President 2020-2021 Ladies Circle Malta

Letter from retiring brother,

Matthew Gatt Dear (non-biological) brothers and friends, I was inducted into Table at the late age of 36. When Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti first explained what Table was, he mentioned the main facets. Charity, fun, friendship, travel and personal growth. I’m sure that these also resonate with each and every one of you. That’s exactly why you’re here too. Time is the most precious asset you have. Make sure to spend it with people who want to be with you. Take all you can from this experience cause the years just like sand in your hands just slip through your fingers. I take with me memories of laughter and a vast addition of knowledge. I shared many personal experiences with my brothers as they have also kindly shared with me. It was amazing to see everyone around me grow into the incredible persons you are now. The environment helped me grow through your experiences too. Table gave me a shelter in rough times as I battled through mental illness. I played sports, climbed, tracked, discussed, worked, cooked, cleaned, helped, worked on Council and association, travelled, twisted an ankle, ran naked through a hotel, got lost innumerable times abroad, found myself in ludicrous situations, risked my life a couple of times and also trained my liver up to Olympic standards.

Travelling with Table gave me the opportunity to experience other countries in a way that’s unprecedented. I was amazed as strangers opened their homes to me and organised the perfect opportunity to savour a multitude of different cultures, foods and beverages. The bonds formed here are strong. We don’t get to choose our biological brothers but we do get to choose our Table brothers.

The journey is different for each one of us but we share one thing. Through Round Table, today we are better persons than the day we were inducted. Enjoy the ride as much as you can.⬤ Yours in Table, - Matthew Gatt

Letter from retiring brother,

Mark Refalo Dear Friends, After reaching the big Forty, I formally have to retire as a Tabler, and I have thus been given this space to give my last words in Table. It is a bitter-sweet opportunity that I accept gratefully. When I was first introduced to table, some ten years ago by Raphael, I wasn't too sure what to make of it. I didn't need Round Table to find friends. Plus, Table required a commitment to meet up at least twice a month, and to work towards common charity goals. I always felt I was too busy so time commitments were problematic for me. So initially I was hesitant. And yet. And yet Round Table meetings were always fun. More than that, meetings were satisfying, fulfilling: Through table I had the pleasure to meet brothers, I didn’t know I had, from all walks of life and around the globe. Through Table I travelled and found family.

work and other duties and just relax with brothers and have drinks, some great discussions and even greater adventures together.

My personal secret for finding fulfilment in Table was the commitment it required. Initially just meeting up for a couple of drinks was fine, but I found that the more time I committed to Table, the more I enjoyed Table and the more time I was willing to commit and the greater was my personal satisfaction. I guess you reap what you sow. The months have now turned into years, and I am rather surprised to find myself now firmly in Club 41 territory, however I hope that after reading this you will understand and allow me to say: “You haven’t seen the last of me, I’ll be around!” ⬤ Yours in Table,

Even though my day work often overwhelmed me, Table gave me a space where I could ignore

- Mark Refalo

ARTM Annexes Minutes of AGM 2019— Approved during 2020 AGM Minutes of EGM 2020— Draft, to be discussed Minutes of AGM 2020— Draft, to be discussed

Annual Accounts and Report for year ending 30/09/2020 Annual Budget for year ending 30/09/2021


Adopt, Adapt, Improve


AX The Palace, Sliema Saturday 26th October 2019 10:30

MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1. Welcome by President: Outgoing President Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti (RBEV) welcomed all present and thanked SEM Chairman Raffaele Giordani (RG) personally for travelling to be present with us. John Messina & Jeremy Camilleri were appointed Masters-at-arms. Raphael suggested that fines be set at €5 Euro but the floor protested so fines were gracefully halved. 2. Roll Calls & Apologies: Present for Table 1 were Jonathan Xuereb, Keith Camilleri, Daniel Thornton, Jeremy Camilleri, Josef Debono, Michael Camilleri, Bruno Gutierrez, Simon Soler, Joseph Meli Attard. Apologies from Owen Bonello & Keith Debono. Present for Table 2 were Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti, Mark Refalo, Chris Mintoff, Kris Farrugia, Matthew Gatt, Matthew Sammut, Nicholas Micallef, Richard Vella, Keith Vella. Apologies from Antoine Camilleri, Sebastian Attard, Andrea Bonanno (leave of absence) & Nicky Psaila Savona. Also present were RT2 Prospect Jeremy Parnis and a number of C41 members. The floor was asked if anyone was forgotten and it hence transpired that the roll calls had forgotten Massimo Cachia (C41). 3. Aims & Objects: Read by Matthew Sammut 4. Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting together with the notice convening the AGM. Minutes were read out by Stand-in-Secretary-for-the-day Mark Refalo and corrections made. The minutes were approved by Keith Camilleri and seconded by Kris Farrugia.

National Association President National Association Secretary

Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti Nicky Psaila-Savona


Adopt, Adapt, Improve

5. Matters Arising from minutes. John Messina (JM) asks what the loss on the scuba event was, the treasurer explains it was a small loss of around €100 doesn’t have the figure, because he is struggling to cope with keeping minutes and cannot consult his books. He gets fined on behalf of the Secretary. The master-at-arms JM proceeds to point out that the notice of the meeting was sent out two days late and that the agenda was not yet approved. He demanded to know what was going to happen. Raphael acknowledged his concerns and asked the floor to propose the waiver of the notice period and the approval of the agenda as sent by email to the delegates. 6. Approval of Notice convening the AGM & Agenda. Chris Mintoff (CM) made the proposal which was seconded by JMA, the proposal was thereupon approved unanimously (nem contre) by the meeting. It was also agreed that then outgoing Secretary General, Nicholas Psaila Savona, be fined in absentia. The Master at Arms then requested that the approved Agenda be shown on screen. It was not available to the acting secretary and the Secretary was thus fined in absentia. A scrum took place to find the agenda. CM took advantage of the commotion to kidnap RBEV. Eventually Edward Asciak (from C41) forwarded his copy of the agenda and it was transmitted to the screens. CM also brought RBEV back wearing mostly his birthday suit plus table jacket and tie. 7. President’s Report. Thus dressed, the President commenced this item of the Agenda by thanking the members for their support. The major project for RTM this year was the SEM, convened by Jonathan Xuereb. The SEM was a gamble that RTM took in organizing at such short notice, but it was a gamble well taken and was an excellent event. It put RTM on the map and was an example to everyone on how to step up and man up to the rising occasion. The President pointed out that once again our finances on the right track. Tabler World has resulted in the termination of the directories project and we have lost income there, however this year we have managed to replace this income. Another method for generating income was to use RTM branded items however to work correctly it came down to each and everyone of us to push the brand. Last but not least, the President pointed out that membership of the clubs was worrying, however he is seeing growth especially in the efforts to reactivate the third club and growth is long term. National Association President National Association Secretary

Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti Nicky Psaila-Savona


Adopt, Adapt, Improve Finally, the President declared that it was an honour to serve the association as President and wished the best of luck to the incoming President. He also thanked JMA for doing an incredible job as ambassador for RTM. Ladies Circle then came in and stole the President (in birthday suit) for their reasons…. 8. IRO’s Report: Simon Soler (SS) thanked all the foreign guests for coming and gave a presentation on his foreign adventures. He especially thanked SEM Chairman, Raffaele Giordani (RG) and Previous SEM Chairman Joseph Meli Attard for their work. SS invited RG to say a few words. RG thanked the floor, he was elected to the post a few months ago in Malta and was happy to be back. He thanked Simon for his work that helped him grow the FB page. RG challenged JX to grow up, and stated that when he came back next year he wanted to see RT Malta 3 up and running. SS then invited all foreign guests to come up and introduce themselves. A toast was taken to the guests and CM was buffaloed for illegally calling out a buffalo when he was not wearing the appropriate pin. After everyone settled down, SS went on to finish his report. SS wanted to expand, last year RTM had 4 exchanges, this year he entered into other agreements such that there were 6 + 2 exchanges: 6 directly with groups and 2 as a result of the travel bingo. He spoke about the Instagram project which is growing by 2 followers a day, he is also working on the expansion and re-chartering of RT3 in this he is helped by JMA, CM and some other members, he invites the members to involve themselves and help in the project. He is particularly looking at RT ex-pats in Malta but also other prospects. 9. Treasurer’s Report: Mark Refalo (MR) puts down the secretarial pen. He explained that this year was a good year with a surplus being reported. The accounts were prepared on a cash basis in line with the law of voluntary organisations and given these obligations it was decided to treat cash at Council Members as petty cash accounts. There were 3 petty cash accounts: Mark, Jonathan and Simon. Simon’s required some auditing to be concluded. Looking at the accounts from this perspective showed that until the first October 2019 the surplus was of €7,042.

National Association President National Association Secretary

Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti Nicky Psaila-Savona


Adopt, Adapt, Improve In fact if we moved the line forward until a few days ago, to look at other liabilities that were settled the accounts showed that the surplus was of €4,280. In reality these results could be misleading because they included income from prior years. MR therefore showed a report on an accrual basis for the year 2019 compared to the budget. This report showed income and expenditure that was directly incurred in 2019. It showed that for 2019 there was a surplus of at least €1,552. MR used the phrase “at least” advisedly because they still had to factor in income from marketing items, since the report only included confirmed income. With regards to debtors there were three principal debtors: Round Table 1, Round Table 2 and Club Melita 41. In the case of C41 in fact RTM owed them more than was owed by them. SS interjected that around 50% – 70% of branded items had been disposed of generating a surplus. MR stated that the inventory had to be verified and the amount confirmed, in any case the surplus should be larger. MR did not mention any names, but everyone was looking at SS. SS kicked MR under the table. It was clear that the financial position had improved, however more had to be done particularly in relation to finding a stable source of income. This year we were lucky with the SEM, it meant we avoided costs incurred for travelling there and made a small surplus from the event. MR was treated to two standing ovations and cheers. Daniel Thornton asked about why doesn’t RTM organize events to generate an income. RBEV explained that RTM didn’t want to compete with the local groups. George Lewis stood up and started brandishing some papers, these were the 2014 accounts. According to him these meant that in 2014 the financial position of Round Table Malta was €54,000 he was confused and wanted to know what was being done. He wanted to know what was done with regards to collecting outstanding dues from the tables. MR explained that given the surplus made this year and the difficulties faced by RTM2 he hadn’t pushed the situation. A question arose as to the capitation fee owed by RT1 for 2015 MR explained that when in 2016 RT1 had settled their dues this had neither been settled nor set-off because it hadn’t been invoiced. With regards to the AGM participation fees owed by RT2, these should have been collected by RT2 directly from their members but as a result of a lack of transition as yet they hadn’t been able to determine what the situation was. George Lewis continued to wave the papers in his hand, and the general meeting agreed that the debts of the individual tables should be settled as a matter of priority. National Association President National Association Secretary

Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti Nicky Psaila-Savona


Adopt, Adapt, Improve After a good deal of discussion, it was decided to go to a vote. Daniel Thornton proposed that the Accounts for 2019 be approved. JMA seconded the proposal. The accounts were approved unanimously (nem contre). 10. Budget for 2019/20: Moving on to the budget, Mark explained that given the small surplus made he was recommending that no discretionary travel be set. He continued to explain that Table travel this year would take the IRO / President to Luxembourg (RTI HYM), Bulgaria (RTI SEM TM) and New Delhi (RTI WM) factoring the flights meant that we had to budget €3,529 for travel. Out of these we would get around 70% or €700 Euro as grants from RT. Simon Soler pointed out that these may be reduced depending on how early we acquire the flights. MR then proceeded with the rest of the budget, expenses should be more or less in line with this year. Regalia did not need any further updating however we had to factor in some funds for unforeseen expenses. The difficulty of working out the present budget was that we did not have any knowledge on the income generated from branded goods and whether it was sustainable or not. SS kicked MR (again). We further had to identify a long-term project to provide a stable income. John Messina asked since when was the capitation fee raised to €60 Euro as he remembered it being set at €35. Mark explained that the capitation fee was included in the budget. John Messina also stated that if funds were an issue RTM should revisit its exchanges. Exchanges came at a cost and they should be budgeted for in the Travel fund, if we couldn’t afford exchanges, we should suspend them. George Lewis stood up, and contradicting his previous discussion, asked why wasn’t an amount being set aside for travel by Joe Tablers. It was important that RTM encouraged and supported travel by members. He stated that maybe we could raise the capitation fee with a travel surcharge. Jeremy Camilleri noted that the Scuba Event was a valid event that should continue. Daniel Thornton proposed that the Budget for 2020 be approved. JMA seconded the proposal. The accounts were approved unanimously (nem contre). National Association President National Association Secretary

Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti Nicky Psaila-Savona


Adopt, Adapt, Improve 11. Nominees of Posts: Raphael presented the Nominees for the posts: Simon Soler for IRO, Josef Debono for Treasurer, Matthew Gatt for Secretary and Chris Mintoff as Vice President. John Messina (JM) wanted to know how Matthew Gatt was being proposed as Secretary because Matthew was no longer a member. Raphael explained that this was done on the basis of a new rule of RTI that allows persons having a leadership role in round table to remain members until the age of 45 years. JM does not agree with this rule, old members should give way to younger ones, is it possible that no one wanted to do these roles. Bruno interjects and explains that he had initially expressed an interest in the role of secretary however he was already going to be secretary for RT1 and upon reflection he thought it better to take it step by step. George Lewis suggests that in that case Bruno should shadow Matthew and assist the national board to gain experience. Alex Abela raises a point of order. He asks whether the RTI rule is in conflict with the National rules. If so shouldn’t the national rules take precedence? Raphael explains the national rules and it is confirmed that in fact the current situation is in breach of National Rules. An EGM would be required to amend the national rules. It is therefore confirmed that as things stand there is no valid nomination for the posts of IRO and Secretary. Raphael invites the members present to volunteer for the role, however the floor remains silent. Raphael therefore states that in the current situation the way forward is for the current nominees for IRO and Secretary shall be kept in an acting role, and this until such time as their position may be confirmed by an EGM. Jonathan Xuereb confirms that as incoming president he will call an EGM to amend the rules and regulations. Edward Asciak suggests that the EGM should also look into increasing the capitation fee as discussed. 12. Resignation of Officers and Council. This being agreed, the current Council stands down. 13. Appointment of new Council for 2019/20: The New Council & acting Councilors took the stage.

National Association President National Association Secretary

Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti Nicky Psaila-Savona


Adopt, Adapt, Improve 14. Incoming President’s Speech: The acting secretary having stood down, no longer has anywhere to continue taking minutes (and the laptop was kaput – out of battery), and minutes are therefore sketchy from then on. However, the speech of Jonathan Xuereb was a good speech brimming with Hope and Glory. He looked forward to welcoming Round Table 3 once again and a very active year. 15. Appointment of Auditors: Nick Micallef and Keith Debono were appointed as auditors for 2019/20. 16. Other Business. There being no other business than the collection of fines, the Masters- at-arms proceeded to lock the doors until payments were effected. They collected €183 Euro which sum was handed to the incoming Treasurer for safekeeping. 17. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 13:20

National Association President National Association Secretary

Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti Nicky Psaila-Savona


Adopt, Adapt, Improve


Zoom Online Meeting Friday 9th October 2020 18:30

MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING 1. Welcome by President: National President Jonathan Xuereb (JX) welcomed all members online to this Extraordinary General Meeting to amend the rules & constitution of The Association of Round Tables Malta to approve on the motion of increasing the age limit of members sitting on the national council. President Jonathan Xuereb gave a brief description of why we are amending the rules. At 18:30 a quorum was reached and thus the meeting went ahead. 2. Proposal: The proposal to the change of the Rules as previously discussed in previous council meetings as well as mentioned in the business meetings of both Clubs Round Table Malta 1 & 2 were read by Round Table Malta 2 Chairman Dr. Mark Refalo. 3. Any queries: With no queries by the floor, we proceeded to take a vote. 4. Vote on the Motion: In Favour: All in favour. Against: None. Abstentions: None. With all voting members in favour, the amendment was unanimously approved. President Jonathan Xuereb thanked everyone for taking the time to attend this short, but important EGM and informed all that the rules and regulations of The Association of round Tables Malta will be updated accordingly and sent to all members prior to the Annual General Meeting of The Association of round Tables Malta via TablerWorld. YiT

Jonathan Xuereb National President Round Table Malta 2019/20 National Association President

Jonathan Xuereb

National Association Secretary

Matthew Gatt


Adopt, Adapt, Improve


Corinthia San Gorg, St. Julian’s Saturday 7th November 2020 10:00

MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1. Welcome by President: National President Jonathan Xuereb (JX) welcomed all to the 45th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Round Tables Malta, and thanked SEM Chairman Luca Carbone (LC) personally for travelling to be present with us along with Lugano, Switzerland IRO Christian Wiltzig (CW). John Messina (JM) & Alex Abela (AA) were appointed Masters-at-arms for the 45th Annual General Meeting. Fines were set by National President at €2. 2. Aims & Objects: were read by SEM Chairman & Guest Luca Carbone. 3. Approval of Notice Convening the AGM: Proposed by incoming RT1 Chairman Keith Camilleri and seconded by Daniel Thornton. 4. Roll Calls & Apologies: Present: Outgoing National President, Outgoing Round Table Malta 1 Chairman, Past National Secretary, Past National Treasurer & Past National IRO Jonathan Xuereb (JX), National Vice-President, Past National IRO & Past Round Table Malta 2 Chairman Christopher Mintoff (CM), Past National President & National Secretary Matthew Gatt (MG), National Treasurer Josef Debono (JD) & Past National President & National IRO Simon Soler (SS). Present from Table 1: Incoming Round Table Malta 1 Chairman Keith Camilleri (KC), Past SEM Chairman Joseph Meli Attard (JMA), Past Round Table Malta 1 Chairman Jeremy Camilleri (JC), Daniel Thornton, Bruno Gutierrez (BG), Owen Bonello (OB), Mike de Graaff (MG) and Tayfun Spielberg (TS). Prospect: Christopher Mallia (CM2), Apologies from: Michael Camilleri (MC) & Keith Debono (KD). Present from Table 2: Past National President, Past & Outgoing Chairman of Round Table Malta 2 Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti (RBEV), Past Round Table Malta 2 Chairman Mark Refalo (MR), Past Round Table Malta 2 Chairman Sebastian Attard (SA), Matthew Sammut (MS), Keith Vella (KV), National Association President

Jonathan Xuereb

National Association Secretary

Matthew Gatt


Adopt, Adapt, Improve

David J. Borg (DB), Manuel Galea (MG), Jeremy Parnis (JP), James Muscat (JM2). Temporary Member: Matts Petersen (MP) from Round Table 203 Dublin. Apologies from: Antoine Camilleri & Andrea Bonanno (leave of absence). Present from 41 Club Melita: Current 41 Club Melita Chairman Massimo Cachia (MC), Current 41 Club Melita IRO, Past 41 Club Chairman Alex Abela, Past 41 Club International IRO, Past Round Table Malta National President & IRO, Past Round Table International Treasurer (AA), Past Round Table Malta National President & IRO, Past Round Table Malta 1 Chairman, Past 41 Club Melita Chairman & Past EMA Tabler of the Year John Messina (JM). International Guests: SEM Chairman Luca Carbone (LC) and Lugano Switzerland IRO Christian Wiltzig (CW). Online Guests: Local Members from Round Table Malta 1 & 2, Local members of 41 Clun Melita as well as a few International Guests joined us online via zoom. Locals that joined us via zoom were double-fined by our master-at-arms. 5. Appointment of Two (2) Scrutineers: President Jonathan Xuereb appointed Luca Carbone and Massimo Cachia as scrutineers should the need arise. 6. Appointment of Voting Delegates: From Round Table Malta 1: Bruno Gutierrez, Keith Camilleri, Owen Bonello, Mike de Graaff, Jeremy Camilleri & Daniel Thornton. From Round Table Malta 2: Sebastian Attard, James Muscat, Manuel Galea, David J. Borg, Keith Vella & Matthew Sammut. 7. Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting 2019: Minutes were read out by National Secretary Matthew Gatt and one minor correction made. The minutes were approved by Jeremy Camilleri and seconded by Bruno Gutierrez. 8. Matters Arising from the previous minutes of AGM 2019: Master-at-arms John Messina hands National President a fine for taking a long time to organize the EGM to satisfy the membership age matter. Receives another fine for calling Alex Abela ‘past everything’ during roll call. Apologizes and takes the fines with honor. The master-at-arms proceeds to hand out fines from improper attire amongst members.

National Association President

Jonathan Xuereb

National Association Secretary

Matthew Gatt


Adopt, Adapt, Improve 9. National President’s Report: Outgoing National President gave his report by mentioning that this past year was best described as the Covid era, which brought about let-downs and disruptions in our plans. We had to cancel our annual football tournament, International Round Table Day, as well as disruptions in our Travel plans. World Meeting, SEM Tabler’s Meeting, Europe One & Europe Two Meetings all postponed. Although it was mentioned that both President and National IRO managed to travel to the HYM in Luxembourg in February, just before the pandemic was brought about. Despite this, and even though we had a few months of national lockdown, council still managed to hold 9 meetings at council level, the EGM whereby we approved the age raise to 45 for that year and only if nobody else would contest the post on National level, as well as managed to carry out almost everything on our annual agenda. As National President and Chairman of Round Table Malta 1, Jonathan attended many meetings of Round Table Malta 2 and 41 Club Melita, and has also inducted 4 new members for Table 2 and another 2 for Table 1. Table 3, with the persistence of incoming President Christopher Mintoff was being set up and a couple of introductory meetings set up. However the pandemic brought this to a stand still for the time being due to Covid. The Voluntary Organization (VO) matter was being solved and finalized, however due to lack of help from past council members, we were not able to close off in time for this meeting, however, as Immediate Past President, Jonathan would close this issue with immediate effect, and include this year’s accounts, and thus close off the documents for the past 5 years as required by the commissioners of voluntary organizations. One other small project he had planned, was to plant a mature tree to commemorate the 45 years of Round Table in Malta. With the assistance of Incoming President and as architect, Perit Mintoff helped us obtain all the necessary permits. With the new president’s permission, Jonathan would like to see this through, and hopefully get this done by the next International Round Table Day in March 2021. Jonathan thanked his council for their hard work and dedication and gave a special thanks to Matthew Gatt and Simon Soler for stepping into their roles on National Level.

National Association President

Jonathan Xuereb

National Association Secretary

Matthew Gatt


Adopt, Adapt, Improve 10. National Secretary’s Report: Secretary Matthew Gatt receives several fines for not being able to reason out abbreviations and initials on the previous year’s report. Gives a brief presentation of numbers: Meetings held, members in each table, new members, expired members and other statistics. Matthew given a few more fines for just being Matthew. 11. National IRO’s Report: National IRO Simon Soler gave a record of online attendees to this meeting. He explained that he visited the HYM with President Jonathan in Luxembourg back in February. He explained that there should still be some international activities happening. This coming March, the HYM will be held in Sri Lanka. The SEM TM will be held in June in Bulgaria, and World Meeting in India. Simon mentioned the exchanges with Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Austria & Morocco. RTI decided to cancel the Travel Bingo for this year due to the uncertainty of Covid. 12. National Treasurer’s Report: National Treasurer Josef Debono presents his accounts to the floor and explains the 2 sets of accounts as one of which is required by the commissioners of the Voluntary Organizations. Accounts were detailed and were appreciated by all by the way they were presented and explained. He explained that he collected old debts from Table 1 & 2 as well from 41 Club Melita and gave thanks to the clubs chairmen and treasurers accordingly. Josef receives a standing ovation and will hereon be referred to as the Minister of Finance within Round Table Malta. Josef receives a drink for his achievement. Accounts were proposed by Jeremy Camilleri and seconded by Keith Vella. A set of accounts will be attached to the minutes of this annual general meeting.

National Association President

Jonathan Xuereb

National Association Secretary

Matthew Gatt


Adopt, Adapt, Improve 13. Budget for 2020/21: Moving on to the budget which will also be attached, Josef explained that the capitation fees are proposed to be increased to €70 per member. A heated discussion ensued when the increase in capitation was mentioned. It was said that this should have been proposed much prior to the AGM. However, incoming President Christopher Mintoff explained that the Rules state that the capitation fee is decided for the coming year within the GAM. The problem was that members should have been informed earlier, and prior to the individual clubs’ annual meetings. The issue is whether to vote on the current budget and make this increase active as from next year, however it was decided to take a vote on the increase to commence this year, and the budget was approved. 14. Nominations of Posts on National Council: Incoming President Christopher Mintoff explained that all the posts for National Council are all uncontested with two members withdrawing their nomination, and this no election required. 15. Election of Vice-President, Secretary, Treasure & IRO: With all the posts for National Council being uncontested there was no election required and thus the members of the new council for 2020/21 are: National Vice-President: National Secretary: National Treasurer: National I.R.O.:

Joseph Meli Attard Sebastian Attard Josef Debono Jonathan Xuereb

A “brief” speech from incoming Vice-president Joseph Meli Attard: It was an honor for him to step up to this position. He has been a Tabler for the past 8-9 years in different positions in club, national and also international posts. Joseph believes in involving every member and will be encouraging local events and international relations. Joseph was fined for exceeding his 30 second allocated time for his speech. 16. Resignation & standing down of Officers and Council. A peaceful resignation was appreciated by the Incoming President Christopher Mintoff. National Association President

Jonathan Xuereb

National Association Secretary

Matthew Gatt


Adopt, Adapt, Improve 17. Presentation of Incoming Council: The New Council were handed a welcome drink by the Masters-at-Arms. 18. Appointment of Association Councilors and Deputies: Councilors:

Table 1: Keith Camilleri Table 2: Raphael Borg Ellul Vincenti


Table 1: Daniel Thornton Table 2: Keith Vella

19. Incoming President’s Address: New President Christopher Mintoff insisted on the importance of growth. Originally Round Table offered a very significant vehicle for socialization. Now more than ever in these times of Covid, this is of utmost importance. Supporting each other. Table depends solely on its members, both in numbers and in quality. Everyone is table has received a lot. If you haven’t received a lot yet, you’re wither new or you haven’t made of it yet. Due to Christopher’s obvious background, his presentation included a lot of roads and pavements. Christopher plans to: • • •

Organize an individual history profile for each member; Update the constitution to clarify any ambiguities; & Produce a book that will include all the important information that a Tabler should know and be aware of.

Alex Abela discussed the MoU between Table and Club 41 and how the smooth transition would help sustain the system and the happy Journey of a Tabler to Club 41. Luca Carbone appreciated the President’s Welcome and his targets. He is happy to see such energy especially in these troubled times. The One Brings One philosophy is expected to be successful. 41 Club Melita Chairman Massimo Cachia would like to put the MoU to more practice and is looking forward to attend more Table events. National Association President

Jonathan Xuereb

National Association Secretary

Matthew Gatt


Adopt, Adapt, Improve 20. Appointment of Auditors for 2020/21: Alex Abela and Nicky Micallef were appointed as auditors for 2020/21. 21. Any Other Business / Matters Arising. There being no other business than the collection of fines, the Masters-at-arm collected €325. Late fines increased the amount to €350. Fines being collected by national Treasurer Josef Debono. Brief speeches from online guests including Thami Benkirane from Morocco and Daniele Cusi IRO Italy.

22. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 12:50

National Association President

Jonathan Xuereb

National Association Secretary

Matthew Gatt

Association of Round Tables Malta VO/0852 Annual Accounts and Report For the year ending 30th September 2020

Association of Round Tables Malta Contents

Page Statement of income and expenditure


Statement of financial position


Statement of income and expenditure [Cash Accounting]


Other statements


Notes to the annual accounts


Association of Round Tables Malta Statement of income and expenditure For the year ended 30th September 2020

2020 € Income Capitation fees receivable Net AGM surplus SEM Income Sale of Merchandise Other charges Bank interest Travel grant

Expenditure Capitation fees payable Regalia costs Merchandise cost SEM Expenditure Subscriptions Travelling Other expenses Prior AGMs additional cost [Net] Bank charges


2019 €

1,380 1,078 1,238 298 1 176

1,380 2,355 16,034 1,326 99 1 1,830



82 130 914 164 1,090 172 2

82 1,187 927 10,240 105 3,232 182 28






Association of Round Tables Malta Statement of financial position For the year ended 30th September 2020

Notes Assets Non-current assets Regalia


2020 €

2019 €





1,398 5,524 26,297

2,312 9,971 27,027

Total current assets



Total Assets



Liabilities Current Liabilities Payables



Total liabilities



Net Assets



Accumulated Fund Opening balance Surplus for the year

32,604 1,616

25,562 7,042

Closing balance



Total non-current assets Current assets Inventory Receivables Cash at bank and in hand

5 6


Association of Round Tables Malta Statement of income and expenditure [Cash Accounting] For the year ended 30th September 2020

2020 € Income Capitation fees received Net AGM 2019 surplus Prior AGMs additional revenue [Net] Sale of Merchandise Other charges Bank interest Travel grant

1,920 171 3,574 2,416 186 1 176 8,443

Expenditure Capitation fees payable Regalia costs AGM 2017 Dues SEM Expenditure Subscriptions Travelling Bank charges

82 130 2,836 4,870 164 1,090 2 9,174





Association of Round Tables Malta Other statements For the year ended 30th September 2020

Cash/Bank Deposits

Cash in hand Current account Savings accounts

Other assets and liabilities

Regalia Inventory Receivables

As at 01.10.2019 €

Movements €

As at 30.09.2020 €

5,688 515 20,825


4,060 176 3,153

1,628 691 23,978





As at 30.09.2020 € 1,000 1,398 5,524


Association of Round Tables Malta Notes to the annual accounts For the year ended 30th September 2020

1. General Information Association of Round Tables Malta is registered in terms of Article 3 of the Voluntary Organisations Act as follows: Identification Number: VO/0852 Principal Purpose: Date of Enrolment: Enrolment Classification:

2. Basis of Preparation The accounts have been prepared on an accruals basis for the benefit of the members. A separate set of accounts have been prepared on a cash basis, as per the Category 1 Voluntary Organisations rules in accordance with Subsidiary Legislation 492.01 Malta.

3. Income The income for the year, as listed in the statement of income and expenditure, is mainly made up from Capitation fees, surplus from the organisation of the AGM, Sale of Merchandise and Travel Grants.

4. Regalia Regalia is reported on a cost basis. No depreciation has been accounted for.

5. Inventory Inventory is made up of merchandise and is reported on the lower of cost and net realisable value. No provision for impairment was deemed necessary. 6. Receivables Receivables are made up of a number of invoices due from Round Malta Table 2. It is expected that the balance will be settled within the coming financial year.


Association of Round Tables Malta VO/0852 Annual Budget For the year ending 30th September 2021

Association of Round Tables Malta Budgeted Statement of Income and Expenditure For the year ending 30th September 2021

Notes Income Capitation fees receivable Net AGM surplus Sale of Merchandise Other charges Bank interest Travel grant

Expenditure Capitation fees payable Regalia costs Merchandise cost Subscriptions Travelling Net prior AGMs additional cost Bank charges


1 2



Budget 2021 €

Actual 2020 €

1,820 245 1,750 300 1 1,680

1,380 1,078 1,238 298 1 176



82 130 1,292 164 4,000 10

82 130 914 164 1,090 172 2





Notes 1. Capitation fees shall be increased to 70 Euro per Member. 2. Sale of Merchandise includes sale from current stock, and additional stock bought during 2020 - 2021. 3. A provision for travelling is being taken into account in case there will be no travel restrictions in place.

Association of Round Tables Malta Budgeted Statement of Financial Position For the year ending 30th September 2021

Budget 2021 €

Actual 2020 €

Assets Non-current assets Regalia



Total non-current assets



Current assets Inventory Receivables Cash at bank and in hand

2,106 31,232

1,398 5,524 26,297

Total current assets



Total Assets



Liabilities Opening balance Surplus for the year

34,220 118

32,604 1,616

Closing balance



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