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TurningPoint Student Response System (SRS) TheHow, What & Why of TurningPoint

Questions: • Do not hesitateto ask questions along theway! I lovequestions and thereis no such thing as a dumb or bad question (unless it’s theoneyou don’t ask).

“That was easy!”

What is TurningPoint? • Softwarein conjunction with thestudent response cards createa wireless audienceresponseand voting system • Enables real-timeassessments of student participation within Microsoft PowerPoint

How does all of this work? TheTurningPoint systemconsists of two (2) parts: – Software – Hardware

Software • TheTurningPoint softwareallows theteacher the ability to createand managematerial and/or questions desired to present to students in order to determinetheir knowledgebased on a desired subject.

Hardware • Thehardwareconsists of a student responsekit which includes: 32 student responsedevices and a USB RF (radio frequency) receiver. Thereceiver is plugged into the laptop to activatea wireless systemallowing each responsedeviceto “talkâ€? to thelaptop sending the information to thesoftwareprogram.

What amI going to usethis for? • • • • • •

Collect statistics for general classroominformation Collect individual student progress Administer tests and quizzes Assessing thelearning process Assessing theteaching process View curriculumstandards

How can I usethis effectively? • Pre-unit surveys – What do your students already know? • Checkpoint quizzes – Areyour students understanding theconcepts your are teaching? • Post-unit quizzes – Haveyour students mastered theskills and information of theunit? • Competitions • Skills practiceas a game • Opinion surveys – What is theclass view on a topic or question? • Fastest Responder – a great motivational tool and effectiveway to engage students

What aretheend results of using this technology? • • • •

Students areengaged! Provides instant feedback to students and teachers I nspires competition and teamwork I nterprets data into measurableresults, such as scores, charts, graphs • Helps makelearning interesting, focused and fun!

What does a TurningPoint kit look like? Each kit comes with: • A black carrying case • “32” student responsedevices • A USB RF (radio frequency) receiver • And, software(version 2008).

How many kits areat my school? • Thestandard has been: – 13 kits per middleschool. – Onekit for every fiveclassrooms – elementary and high Note: Someschools haveelected to purchaseadditional kits. However, thecounty purchased based on thestandard above.

Timeto get started‌.. • Wearegoing to learn thefour (4) basic steps to creating a successful TurningPoint presentation.

Step One • Set-up – TaketheUSB receiver out of theTurningPoint kit and plug into thelaptop – Fromthedesktop, find the“TurningPoint” icon and doubleclick to open

Stop! HandsOn exercise coming up….

The USB RF receiver is a “key” component. If the USB receiver is “not” plugged into the laptop prior to opening the TurningPoint software, the student response devices will not work. Once the software has been launched, identify the TurningPoint toolbar. TurningPoint is simply a PowerPoint plug-in and the only difference you will note in appearance is an extra toolbar.

The toolbar can be identified by the TurningPoint icon to the far left.

Hands­On • Remove the RF receiver from your kit and plug it into a USB port on your laptop. • Launch the TurningPoint software • Locate the TurningPoint toolbar • STOP!

Step Two • CreatePresentation Slides – FromtheTurningPoint toolbar click on “Insert Slide”

Just follow along – there is a hands-on exercise coming up!

By clicking on the drop-down tab, a menu of various slides are offered.

If you wish to create a presentation that consists of only questions and answers but wish to graph those answers, choose a graph slide. Or, for simple yes/no or true/false questions, choose from the menu selection here. You can even choose the “generic slides� option that will allow you to create a question with multiple answers.

Hands­On From the TurningPoint toolbar, locate the “Insert Slide” option From the drop­down menu, select a “True/False” slide Create a question When finished, insert another slide, but this time insert a generic slide with “three” answers Create a question Insert your answers STOP!

Step three •

Creating a participant list allows theteacher to collect student specific information (i.e., administering a test). Both theteacher and thestudent can haveimmediatefeed-back. • Therearethreedifferent types of participant lists: – Anonymous – simply just that….thereis no way to track a student’s response(i.e., “How many prefer lunch at 11:30?”) – Auto – data can becollected via thedeviceID only. – Created Participant List – this is a participant list that a teacher can createusing thestudents fromeach individual class (example: princeblock1; princeone, princetwo, etc.)

Follow along as I createa participant list……

Creating your very own participant list! FromtheTurningPoint toolbar, find thetab marked “Participants”. Thereis a drop-down box that will allow you a menu choiceof obtaining a participant list. To createyour own, choosethe “Participant List Wizard”

Next, choosethe“customtemplate” option

Then click “next”

You will beprompted to enter a namefor this “template� (thedefault will enter a dateand timestamp unless you renameyour template). Remember, a templateis something that serves as a master or pattern fromwhich other similar things can bemade. You can reusethis templatefor similar classes.

Someexamples might look like: T. PrinceTemplate English Classes Math Classes History Class, etc

Therearemany fields you can add to makeup your custom participant list. However, it is recommended that you keep it simplefor starters. Last nameand first namearegreat starters for your customtemplate.

To choosethefields you wish to incorporateinto your custom participant list – click on a specific field fromthebox on the left “AvailableFields”. Next, click on thearrow to moveit over to thebox titled, “Selected Fields”. When finished, click “next”. Hint: You can also doubleclick on an availablefield to moveit to the“Selected Field” box.

Adding a group to your participant list is optional. This is a great tool for tracking certain information such as: gender, race, NCLB, free/reduced lunches, etc...). But wearegoing to leavethis blank and just click “Next�.

Now, weareprompted to nameour participant list. Remember, we originally created and named a template(themaster copy containing all of theinformation wewant to usein futureparticipant lists). Hereweare going to nameour actual participant list.

Click “Finish�

Finally, wearegoing to add our DeviceI Ds, Student Last Names and First Names. When wehaveentered this information, wewill click “Done�.

Step 1: Open oneExcel spreadsheet Step 2: On pageoneof theExcel spreadsheet, typein thedeviceIDs Step 3: On pagetwo of theExcel spreadsheet, typein column A, student’s last nameand in column B, the student’s first name. Step 4: Namepageoneaccording to thekit # labeled on theoutsideof theTurningPoint kit (i.e., kit 1, kit 1, kit 3, etc.) Step 5: Namepagetwo according to class period (i.e., Period 1, Period 2, etc.) Step 6: Savedocument as “TurningPoint Kit Set-Up”

This should bedoneprior to creating your participant list…

DeviceI D? Huh? Each student response clicker has a unique deviceI D.

For this particular clicker, theDevice I D is: 087E41

Hands­On • Create a participant list using the device IDs from four of your clickers. • Input the following students: – – – –

Roger Rabbit Elmer Fudd Minnie Mouse Petunia Pig


Step Four “Bells & Whistles� This is wherewelearn how to dress up our interactive slides with things likesetting thecorrect answer, correct answer indicators, timers, etc. Believeit or not, theselittlethings that weadd to dress up our slides arethevery things students find fun and engaging!

Setting a Correct Answer By setting a correct answer value, you can show thecorrect answer after each polling. This is just another way for students to havethat instant feedback.

Onceour slideis created, wewant to set thecorrect answer. – Step 1: Highlight thecorrect answer fromour answer list – Step 2: Right click and click on “set as correct”. I t’s that easy!!

Hands on • Create a generic slide with three answers. • Set the correct answer • Stop!

Correct Answer I ndicator A Correct Answer I ndicator gives a visual cueto theaudienceto indicatethecorrect answer after polling for a question is finished. A Correct Answer I ndicator appears during a presentation when you advancetheslideafter displaying the chart.

When setting an answer as the“correct answer” and whilethe answer is still highlighted, fromtheTurningPoint toolbar, click on “Insert Object”. STEP 1: From the TurningPoint toolbar, click on the “Insert Object” Tab.

STEP 2: Click on “Correct Answer Indicator”

Step 3: Choose your correct answer indicator

Hands­On • From the last slide created, set a correct answer indicator. • Stop!

Countdown • A Countdown I ndicator gives theaudiencea visual cuethat polling for a question is about to close. TheCountdown Indicator shows thenumber of seconds remaining and counts down to zero. A countdown can havea maximumlength of 999 seconds. The indicator appears during a presentation when you advancethe slideduring polling. When thecountdown expires, theCountdown I ndicator disappears and polling is automatically closed.

Reset • You can usethesamepresentation to createa new set of responses. TheReset menu on theTurningPoint toolbar gives you theoption of deleting theresults in order to redo a session or present a new session. You also havetheoption to redo only onequestion slidein a session. • Note- you cannot undo theReset function, so becertain that you wish to deletetheresults. • Reset beforeeach session and after any changes aremadeto the presentation. • This is as important as having theRF receiver plugged in prior to launching thesoftware!

Let’s see what it all looks like together: How many different participant list types are there? One Two Three Four


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1. 2. 3. 4.

TurningPoint is madeof two parts. 1. True 2. False

Yep! It is madeup of softwareand hardware.

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I n order for thestudent responseclickers to work, theRF receiver should beplugged into thelaptop after the softwarehas been launched.

1. True 2. False False. TheRF receiver should beplugged in PRIOR to launching thesoftware. This would bea troubleshooting tip!

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TheTurningPoint systemconsists of how many components? 1. One 2. Two 3. Three Two: hardware& software

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What timeof day do you prefer? 1. Morning 2. Afternoon 3. Night


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Extra! • No need to re-createthewheel if you already have a PowerPoint presentation you haveeither created or used fromanother source. • Import it and insert your interactiveslides.

Hands­On! • From the internet, type in “branches of government.ppt”. • Download a PowerPoint presentation into TurningPoint • Insert two interactive slides within the presentation. • Stop!

Understanding Your “Showbar (or Polling Toolbar)

Advanceto next slide Non-responsegrid ResponseGrid – seewhich participants haveresponded Re-poll option Display graphing options Displays answer values in either percents or numbers Closes theShowbar for theduration of thesession.

Denotes open or closed polling session green = open Red = closed

Reflects number of responses submitted during polling session Allows theshowbar to bemoved anywhereon the screen Expands theshowbar to display responses, user feedback and polling status Insert a slidewith a dropdown box to select slidetype Opens “participant monitor” (an “in themoment” assessment of content knowledge)

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