50 Introduction and objectives
Our people
Education and skills Public engagement
The RTS Board of Trustees sets the Society’s strategy and is legally responsible for the charity’s management and performance 18 GOVERNANCE The Board of Trustees met seven times in the course of the year (in February, March, May (two interim meetings), June, September (another interim meeting) and November). The Trustees have complied with their obligation to have regard to the Charity Commission’s guidance on public benefit. The guidance is the benchmark against which the Society’s activities are measured. Conference reception (RTS London Conference 2018)
Attendance at Trustee meetings was as follows: Jane Turton (Chair), 7/7; Lynn Barlow, 7/7; Julian Bellamy, 6/7; Tim Davie, 3/6; Mike Green, 7/7; Yasmina Hadded, 1/1; David Lowen, 7/7; Anne Mensah, 2/6; Jane Millichip, 7/7; Simon Pitts, 7/7; Sarah Rose, 6/7; and Rob Woodward, 4/7. The Trustees receive no remuneration for their work on behalf of the Society.
Thought leadership Recognising excellence Nations and regions Membership and volunteers Financial support Our people
Governance review
National events
At its AGM in June 2020, the Society approved a new set of Articles of Association. These were formally approved by
Centre reports Governance and finance