1 minute read



Today’s Guiding Question:

How might companies’ assets, liabilities, market share and market cap impact investors’ fnancial decisions?


1. Welcome 2. Attendance 3. Norms 4. Review Agenda 5. Stock Market Review 6. Additional Case Study Components 7. Project: Financial Analysis for Janella 8. Whole Group Refection 9. Reminders for Next Session

Stock Market Review & Yahoo! Finance

Review Last Week’s Investment Key Terms:

Mutual Fund

A professionally managed fund that pools lots of investors’ money in order to buy a basket of investments.

ETF (Exchange Traded Fund)

A collection of stocks and bonds (or other securities) pooled into a single fund. You can buy and sell shares of ETFs on a stock exchange the same way you buy and sell stocks. Although they’re very similar to mutual funds, unlike mutual funds, you can trade ETFs throughout the trading day.

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