3 minute read
TRACK 1: Continue LinkedIn Profile, Create a Cover Letter and Applications
Use this whole group activity to split the RTSWS cohort into their mentorship groups.
• Lead Volunteer - Instruct all RTSWS students to stand in the middle of the room. • Students should be facing the front of the classroom and the Lead Volunteer will be facing the students. • The Lead Volunteer should point out to students which side of the room is the students’ right side and which side of the room is the students’ left side. • Read each of the below statements, one at a time, and ask the students to “pick a side.” • Students may choose to stay on the same side of the classroom if they continue to agree with that “side.”
1) If you prefer winter over summer, go to the right side. If you prefer summer over winter, go to the left side.
2) If you prefer dogs, right side; if you prefer cats, left side.
3) If you would rather list to Taylor Swift all day, go to the right side. If you would rather listen to Harry Styles all day, go to the left side.
4, 5 & 6) LEAD VOLUNTEER: Makeup 3 of your own fun statements to have students switch room sides.
7) If you already know what you want to study in college/university, go to the right side. If you are still undecided on what you want to study, go to the left side.
8) If you are 16 or older, go to the right side. If you are under the age of 16, go to the left side.
Next - ask those on the right side (those 16 and older) if they have participated in RTSWS SPRING Mentorship before. If they have, have those students go to the left side of the room.
You should now have students on the right side of the room and the left side of the room. Students on each side of the room should be grouped together in their mentoring pairs. Dependent on the number of students vs number of mentors, have mentors join the student sides and create groups with 1-3 students.
Introduction, RTSWS Career Quiz & Potenial Career Paths
Protege Name & Contact Info: ________________________________________________________________
Take time to introduce yourself and meet your protege. Share your story!
Using the following page, take 5 minutes to fill in the prompts and answer the various questions.
Once you have completed the page, share your answers with your protege and ask them to share their answers with you.
Take the RTSWS Career Quiz
Both you and your protege will take the RTSWS Career Quiz to help your protege learn more about possible careers within the finance industry. Scan the QR code to the right or visit the “resources” tab in your app.
As you get your results, please make sure your protege understands that the job types are just a sampling of the many rewarding careers available within the finance industry. To explore additional job types, they can visit the RTSWS Internship & Job Portal: https://rockthestreetwallstreet.com/internship-job-portal/
Discuss Potential Career Paths
Read through the below questions with your protege and take a few minutes on each question to talk through each of your thoughts:
Were there any jobs that stood out to your protege from the RTSWS Career Quiz?
What types of jobs is your protege interested in? Share with your protege how skills they learn during current jobs can apply to future jobs they are interested in.
Take time to introduce yourself and meet your protege. Share your story!
My go to playlist:
Summarize what you do at work on a day to day basis: Where did you go to college and what did you major in?"
My name is:
I One thing i am hoping to learn/gain from RTSWS Spring Mentorship? I am good at:
I need help with:
What is your job title?
In my free time I like to...
2. One day, I hope to... Family or friend who inspires me: