2 minute read

Article: Best Jobs with Finance Degree

New Investment Key Term:

Stock Market Review (14 minutes) S&P 500

Introduce the new investment key terms to students.

Read through the definition out loud and discuss the Napkin Finance graphic.

Discuss that during the last session, we introduced ETFs and mutual funds. The S&P is an INDEX, which means it provides an estimate of how the overall market is doing. Although you can’t invest directly in the S&P itself, you can invest in any of the handful of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or index funds that track the S&P.

Share with students that SPY or the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust is one popular ETF that follows the S&P 500 companies.

Tip: Recommend that students add SPY to their Yahoo! Finance watchlist.

With Yahoo! Finance pulled up, review and record as a whole group SPY’s…

• Today’s price & date

• How much the ETF is up or down since market open

• WHY might the ETF be up or down since market open

• The YTD movement of the stock

• WHY the YTD movement fluctuates and WHAT might cause SPY to fluctuate?

Project Time: (15 minutes)

Have students physically split back into their groups.

Any new students can either join a group of their choice or you can help introduce them to a group to be a part of.

Once students are in their groups, read steps 1-4 of today’s task (as shown under the “TO DO”).

After reviewing the directions, set a timer for 13 minutes. Let students know once there is 10 minutes remaining, 5 minutes remaining and 1 minute remaining in group project time.

As students are working, walk around the room and listen in on different groups. Help individual groups for a few minutes at a time.

Be sure that students determine how much Janella should budget for each line item and also prepare them to give their reasoning.

Note: Some of the expenses are outlined for them within Janella’s notes and some have not been discussed. Instruct students to use Google to look up the average costs of each expense in Janella’s city.

Ultimately, each group will make recommendations for Janella on how she spends her money. Should she purchase Netflix instead of Cable TV? Or do they recommend Janella not purchase any type of TV entertainment? Their recommendations are up to them!

At the end of time, have students move desks/chairs back to their original place and return to their seats

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