Intonicate Yourself

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Integrated Marketing Communications Plan By: Molly Buice, Heta Patel, Shaniya Shabrach-Ortiz, Audrey Thames, and Rebecca Tummers


Executive Summary The iconic French brand Perrier, is known for its refreshing sparkling water, and the elegant curves of its emerald green bottle. One’s enjoyment of Perrier is derived from its unique balance of minerals and distinct effervescence. Perrier has been branded as the ultimate refreshment to quench thirst. To become more relevant amongst the rising American Millennial consumer, Perrier will reposition itself as a necessary accessory that will add excitement to any nightlife setting. Perrier has formulated an integrated marketing communication plan to achieve its repositioning. The goal of this project is to increase consumer reach and appeal among target customers. Primary and secondary research has been conducted that include qualitative and quantitative methods. This campaign will integrate a multitude of channels. Social media is the primary communication medium as it is the most effective way to reach the American Millennial. Secondary media utilized include print magazines, public relations, pop-up events, and billboards in metropolitan entertainment districts. For this campaign, Perrier has branded itself with the slogan “intonicate yourself� to communicate the goal of its repositioning efforts.

Introduction The French brand Perrier, owned by NestlÊ S.A, produces natural bottled mineral water captured at its source in Vergeze, France. The spring’s unique balance of minerals and the addition of light effervescence, provides a distinctively fresh and pure taste. Perrier is best known for its naturally occurring carbonation, distinctive green bottle, and high levels of carbonation. Perrier Sparkling Natural Mineral Water has a rich history and became part of Nestle Waters North America in 1992. Perrier is one of the best selling sparkling natural mineral waters in the U.S.A and is enjoyed in more than 140 countries around the world. Perrier’s sales in 2017 are USD$254.9 million.

Natural spring known as ‘Les Bouillens’ during the Roman times

Sir John Harmsworth bought the spring and named it Perrier. The product was advertised as champagne of mineral water and coined the drink of the elite



A local doctor, Louis Perrier, bought the spring and operated it as a commercial spa

Nestlé S.A. bought Perrier



Perrier celebrated their 150th anniversary by launching a limited edition bottle that was inspired by Andy Warhol



Sponsored annual comedy award in the UK (Perrier Comedy Awards) until 2005



Perrier became available in 100% recyclable PET bottles

Launches two new flavors in its flavored sparkling water line: strawberry & watermelon. Its campaign for this features artist AKACORLEONE

Industry Overview The bottled water industry (including bottled sparkling water) has experienced healthy growth and strong performance in recent years. This is a result of a healthier mindset among consumers, the increased realm of bottled water, and the high value associated with bottled water. This presents an opportunity for retailers to earn higher revenues and thus higher profit margins. It is clear that consumers have been, and will continue to, shift their focus to “better-for-you� products. Health and wellness oriented decision making has led to an increase in the consumption of bottled water. It has become trendy and stylish to openly lead a healthy lifestyle, and players in the bottled water industry are taking note. Such products effectively communicate their purpose or function and how it will ultimately benefit its user. In the American market, retailers are responding to this market shift by offering more health-conscious beverages that include but are not limited to bottled and sparkling water. The introduction of flavored sparkling water in addition to the increased function of the product has allowed for further growth and popularity among industry players. Since 2000, an increase of 120% has been observed in this category. Drinks that provide functional low-calorie hydration are projected to see a double-digit growth by 2020 in the U.S. Perrier falls under the health and wellness category of Nestle and the company’s annual report suggests future plans of investments in this category.

The New Initiative Perrier’s new initiative is repositioning itself to be more appealing to the American Millennial in an upscale nightlife setting. Perrier wants to be the first-choice for consumers who seek an alternative to alcohol while in a party/night club atmosphere.


Iconic Sparkle


Elegance Magnetic


• Presence in international market

• Limited target market

• Unique and recognizable design

• Overly sexually evocative ads

• Strong points of Sales like hypermarkets, supermarkets and restaurants

• Brand perception being too “pretentious”





• Growing demand in sparkling water market

• Rising competition from existing brands

• Product line extensions

• Rising competition from new brands

• Growth of mixology

• Substitutes for carbonates available

Competitor Analysis In identifying the competitors of Perrier, research was focused on the 2017 year. The International Bottled Water Association defines bottled sparkling water as bottled water fortified with carbon dioxide. Perrier is a luxury sparkling water brand of NestlĂŠ Waters, which is also the parent company of direct competitor San Pellegrino. The factors for competition include market share, sales, price, distribution, functional benefits, source and craft appeal. The direct competitors analyzed include San Pellegrino, La Croix, Sparkling Ice, Gerolsteiner Brunnen, and Topo Chico Agua. High Price

Limited instances of use

Many instances of use

Low Price


Sparkling Ice

Headquarters Paris, France

Products Flavored & Unflavored sparkling water

Headquarters Washington, USA

Products Flavored sparkling water

Sales 254.9 million USD

Price of Product $12 for 12 pack of 16.5-oz bottle

Sales 380.29 million USD

Price of Product $9.99 for a 12 pack of 17-oz bottles

Market Share 5.6%

Parent Brand NestlĂŠ Waters S.A.

Market Share 18.2%

Parent Brand Talking Rain

San Pellegrino

Gerolsteiner Brunnen

Headquarters San Pellegrino Terme, Italy

Products Flavored & unflavored sparkling water

Headquarters Gerolstein, Germany

Products Sparkling mineral water

Sales 130.55 million USD

Price of product $9.98 for 12 pack of 16.5-oz bottle

Sales 175.98 million USD

Price of Product $12 for 12 pack of 16.9-oz bottle

Market Share 5.4%

Parent Brand NestlĂŠ Waters S.A.

Market Share less than 2%

Parent Brand Gerolsteiner GmbH & Co. KG

Topo Chico Agua

La Croix Headquarters Wisconsin, USA

Products Flavored sparkling water

Headquarters Montery, Mexico

Products Sparkling Mineral Water

Sales 321.77 million USD

Price of Product $3.99-$5.99 for 12-pack of 12-oz cans

Sales 74.31 million USD

Price of Product $7.99-$9.99 for a 12-pack of 12-oz bottles

Market Share 15.6%

Parent Brand National Beverage Corporation

Market Share 3.1%

Parent Brand The Coca-Cola Company

Target Consumer Analysis DEMOGRAPHIC TARGET Age 21 to 35 years Location Metropolitan America Income $55,000+ (or from middle to upper class families that offer financial support) Education Level University bachelor’s degree or higher Occupation Respected careers with healthy compensation and benefits Marital/Family Status Single or newly married with no children

PSYCHOGRAPHIC TARGET Values Personal success, openness in relationships, concern for personal well-being, indulging in life’s pleasures, living an enjoyable life, socially conscious Personality Outgoing, social butterfly, open, agreeable, conscientious Attitude “The world is my oyster” type of outlook on life Interests and hobbies Art, fashion, in-the-know on trends, fitness, beauty, culture, live music, travelling, nightlife, keeps informed of the world’s current events, likes to dine out



Age 24 years old

Age 28 years old

Lives Manhattan

Lives Manhattan

Job Public Relations Assistant at Mariposa Communications

Job Hedge Fund Analyst at J.P Morgan

Education Bachelor of Fashion Marketing from the Fashion Institute Hobbies SoulCycle, Juice Bars, going to cocktail lounges with her girlfriends, Instagram, almond milk lattes, The Hamptons

Education Bachelor of Financial Mathematics from Yale Hobbies Reading the Wall Street Journal, Hanging and Partying with Friends, regularly attends New York Rangers Games, Fitness, planning his next vacation for his 2 weeks off

The Business Issue The target market perceives Perrier as a beverage that is only consumed in sophisticated restaurants or special events such as dinner parties. Therefore, the product has little reach amongst the American Millennial. Perrier’s marketing communications lack the element of fun that ultimately attracts the American Millennial. The brands website and social platforms illustrate Perrier as a cool and vibrant brand, but this image is inconsistent with its advertisements. Perrier focuses on the element of physical refreshment and executes this message in a sexually evocative manner. This method has little relevancy to the American Millennial and thus has proved unsuccessful for the brand.

Key Success Factors

Opportunities + Challenges As the sparkling bottled water market in the United States continues to grow, Perrier has the opportunity to rebrand itself and become more relevant amongst the powerful American Millennial consumer. This will allow Perrier to be a strong competitor and gain greater market share. Perrier’s distinct bottle, highly recognizable logo, and rich history give them an upper hand in the competitive landscape. The brand is part of the Nestle Waters family, who is not only the world’s largest water bottler, but is also pushing towards water premiumization in the near future. One of Perrier’s successful initiatives was introducing and extending its flavored sparkling water assortment. As consumers seek healthier alternatives to sugary beverages, Perrier has the opportunity to extend its flavored waters and market them as a healthier option. One of Perrier’s largest challenges is to overcome its snobbish and elitist perception amongst American Millennials. Perrier struggles to reach a younger demographic and will continue to lose market share to new competitors who are perceived as trendy and relevant among Millennials.

Key Consumer Insights


1. What are consumers’ current perceptions of the brand?

2. How is the target consuming carbonated water? (specific to a nightlife setting)

3. How likely is it that the target will consume non-alcoholic beverage while out?

SELECTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF RESEARCH FORMAT Secondary research was used first to understand what Perrier has done in the past in addition to what they are currently doing. Historically, Perrier has targeted those 25-45 years old with interest in contemporary culture and art. The Perrier connoisseur chooses the brand based on what it stands for and the status boost received for consuming the beverage. Perrier has been described as cutting-edge, daring, iconic, and magnetic. Perrier is unique - it has a unique bottle, taste, and positioning in the mind of consumers. Finally, Perrier is viewed as a premium carbonated water and allows one to have a sense of indulging. Primary research was then conducted to find how the brand is currently viewed among American Millennials. This included observations and interviews in upscale nightlife settings. Subjects of the primary research were found in a cocktail lounge, a bar, and a house party. The cocktail bar waitress and the bartender at the bar were also observed and interviewed. Findings from observations and interviews were gathered to create a survey that would help form addition al insight about the brand.

Key Consumer Insights


ANALYSIS OF RESULTS The survey had a total of 109 respondents but only 67 replies were relevant as this accounted for those aged 18-34 years of age (within the target market). 50% of respondents either consume sparkling water in a restaurant setting or at home, with only 4.5% consuming it in a nightlife setting. Some of the words survey respondents associated Perrier with are: premium, luxurious, expensive, French, refreshing, classy, green, bubbly, and snobby. Target consumers do not always consume alcohol on nights out. Instead, they may drink water, carbonated water, or soda. The target mostly consumes Perrier at home with a nice meal or in nice restaurants when it is accompanied by a meal. Otherwise, Perrier would be too pretentious to drink. To change this perception Perrier must illustrate how the product can be consumed in a setting relevant to the target market, communicate the social function of Perrier, and the benefits received during and after consumption.

Positioning Strategy POSITIONING STATEMENT For American millennials living in metropolitan centers, Perrier is a premium carbonated water that can be enjoyed in a social nightlife setting.

High Price

Limited instances of use

Many instances of use

Low Price

Communication Objectives

1. BRAND ORIENTED Objective: Ensure Brand Awareness Perrier’s goal is to be perceived by American Millennials as a trendy beverage that can be enjoyed in an upscale social nightlife setting. This will help the brand to overcome the stigma that it is only consumed to accompany a meal in fancy restaurants or dinner parties. The target market views the brand as pretentious and elitist, but Perrier aims to reposition itself in the target consumer’s mind as vibrant and fun. The theme of “in(tonic)ation” will be prominent throughout the various media channels utilized. A commercial will be created and broadcasted on television, YouTube, and Perrier’s website. Print advertisements will be placed thoughtfully in magazines and billboards in locations relevant and appealing to the target consumer. 2. PRE PURCHASE Objective: Ensure the Demographic Participates in Promotions Sweepstakes will be organized and promoted over Perrier’s social media platforms. Social users will be entered in the sweepstakes by following Perrier on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and YouTube. Users will have the opportunity to be entered multiple times by sharing, commenting, and tagging friends on specified posts. Perrier will target micro influencers; people who are already consuming Perrier and have tagged the brand in their pictures. Share, earn, and win is a great way to create a buzz around the brand. 3. POST-PURCHASE Objective: Trial, Repeat To keep customers interested and inspire repurchases of Perrier, Perrier will hold a contest. The idea is simple: take a picture with Perrier and use the hashtag “#intonicateyourself”. The person with the best picture will win a free trip to one of the hottest nightclubs in Las Vegas. This communicates the idea the social function of Perrier in a party/nightlife atmosphere.

Communication Strategy 1. Attention The overall goal of the Perrier rebrand is to grab the attention of American millennials through various social platforms and then reinforce it through out-of-home advertising. 2. Knowledge The target market currently shows a high demand for sparkling water due to its taste, quality and health benefits over soft drinks, juices and other artificially flavored beverages. 3. Liking Perrier will no longer be perceived as pretentious or a drink only consumed at fancy settings and will now be liked as a brand by American millennials 4. Preference Not only will consumers prefer Perrier over competitors, but when in a nightlife environment, it will be a preferred drink over regular water and/or alcohol. 5. Conviction Through rebranding, Perrier will now be seen as a cool, fun beverage that people want to be seen with and enjoy just as much as alcohol. 6. Purchase American millennials will gain a sense of loyalty to Perrier by consuming it more regularly and repeatedly purchasing it through retailers.

Communication Mix For this campaign, Perrier is focusing on increasing and establishing on-premise point of sale. The brand will achieve this through a mix of primary and secondary mediums. PRIMARY MEDIUM

American Millennials represent the most connected generation ever. 83% connect with companies online, and 64% see social media as one of the most effective channels for reaching brands. American millennials are tech-savvy so it is best to develop an omni-channel approach to reach out to this consumer segment. This includes digital advertising that will be extended to television commercials. It is important that advertisers strategically leverage digital content and social media as 90% of 18-29 year-olds are active users of some sort of social media. Thus, Perrier needs to enhance their online presence to meet the American Millennial where they already are - online. To create a “buzz” around the Perrier brand, the company will encourage the sharing of conversation and content among widely used social platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram. The creation of the Perrier hashtag #intonicateyourself will be present throughout the campaign and communicate the idea of how Perrier will bring fun and excitement to any night out. Perrier should incentivize its audience to create consumer generated content - this will be achieved through the use of #intonicateyourself, tagging the Perrier brand, and taking advantage of “liking” and “sharing” options on these platforms. Perrier will use the “Share, Earn and Win” concept across multiple digital channels, featuring tagged social media posts captured in real time. User-generated content will be used to generate word-ofmouth buzz. Perrier will encourage creative self-expression when interacting with others and creating posts on social platforms. Perrier will partner with influencers on social platforms to establish authentic and relevant communication with the target. The share of influencer voice has emerged as a critical indicator of market share and competitive advantage. Perrier is seeking out some of the top American Millennial social influencers to help spread the word about the new campaign. Some influencers that will be Emily Luciano (NY style blogger), Gregory DelliCarpini Jr (former fashion editor for Billboard), Angela Fink (LA tylist), Thania Peck (fashion blogger), and Casey Neistat (YouTube Vlogger).

Creative Ideas and execution triggering decisive action

SECONDORY MEDIUM The secondary media to be utilized in Perrier’s campaign are print, out-of-home advertising, and public relations.

Online activities (Websites and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and Youtube)

Online destinations (Website landing page and social media page)

Offline activities (Print, PR, Billboards and Television)

Billboards are to be placed in the entertainment districts of major American cities. The propinquity of the billboards to nightlife establishments allow for high exposure and relevancy to the intended consumer. This has been done to reach the target “metropolitan” American Millennial. All billboards will showcase the tagline of the campaign with its hashtag, #intonicateyourself. Some of the cities chosen for billboards are New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Dallas, Houston, Boston, Charlotte, Seattle, Atlanta, Miami, Chicago, Phoenix, Austin, Washington, Denver, Portland, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Cincinnati. Offline destinations (Nightclubs and bars and events)

Desired outcome

Print media will include the American magazine publications Esquire, GQ, Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, Glamor, InStyle, Elle, Vanity Fair, Women’s Health, and Men’s Health. These publications were chosen based on their appeal to the informed and cultured American Millennial. On all print advertisements, #intonicateyourself will be present.

To introduce consumers and the media to the new campaign, Perrier will host interactive pop-up experiences in New York and Los Angeles. This public relations effort will sponsor live music events at upscale nightclubs and will create socially sharable platforms. Through this event, Perrier hopes to increase awareness and develop experiential digital content to inspire consumer product trial. The campaign hashtag, #intonicateyourself will be used, and a Perrier microsite will be created to serve as a digital hub for creative and social influencer content.

Budget Allocation Perrier’s sales in 2016 were reported to be USD$244.92 million. With these sales and suggested synergies in mind, projected sales would be USD$330.64 million (35% increase). The budget allocated for the campaign will be USD$49.45 million (15% of projected sales). The budget is kept at 15% because Perrier’s market share (SOM) is 10.6% and in terms of Share of voice (SOV), Perrier faces competition from various brands in the market. Increasing the budget to defend is suggested. Maximum budget is allocated to television as it is the most expensive media in terms of executing the collaterals and reach, followed by print media due to the per page costs and frequency. The budget is further divided among various primary and secondary mediums: Television USD$19.83 million

Print USD$9.91 million

Website/Microsite USD$4.9 million

Billboards USD$2.47 million

Social Media USD$7.43 million

PR USD$4.95 million


A) TELEVISION Objectives • To change the brand perception by selling a lifestyle • Television advertisement will help potray emotions with combination of sound, color and motion Measurements • Ratings and audience share • Gross Impressions Task • Create Television advertisement featuring Perrier in a less formal environment like a bar and showing that the drink makes a good night out better B) WEBSITE/MICROSITE Objectives • Increase click through rate • Make interesting content easily visible Measurements • Click per view • Website Traffic Task • Act as host of interactive elements by creating a URL and create microsite for campaign C) SOCIAL MEDIA (YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter) Objective • To reach out to American Millennials in a space where they spend much of their time Measurements • Like and Comments • Subscriptions • Conversion Rate • Retweets Task • Instream video ads, overlays, onsight ad, interactive


Objective • Use of size, color, and positioning to grab viewer’s attention Measurements • Cost per thousand • Cost per page • Circulation readership Task • A two page spread in relevant magazines such as GQ, InStyle, Vanity Fair, and Glamor BILLBOARDS

Objective • Built in frequency of exposure which helps build brand awareness Measurements • Create separate URL • Sales of Perrier at bars around the billboards Task • A short branded message placed in metropolitan cities near upscale nightlife venues PUBLIC RELATIONS EVENT

Objective • Create a buzz around the new Perrier campaign with a socialy shareable PR event Measurements • Brand mentions in Press releases • Brand mentions on social media platforms Task • Invite social influencers and celebrities that have a large presence on social media to create a news-worthy campaign

Timing of the Launch The timing of our launch will be from May to September. The pre-launch will take place in May, the launch from June to August, and the post launch in September. Since the summer is a popular time for nightlife activities, going out and party atmospheres, demand for the product will be high.. Perrier is aligning its demand for this campaign with alcoholic beverages, which have the biggest peak during the summer season. For this reason, Perrier has chosen to use the same MAY Facebook


Snapchat Twitter Instagram Pop-up Experience Facebook YouTube


Instagram Snapchat Twitter Print Ads Commercial Facebook


Instagram YouTube Twitter Snapchat Las Vegas Trip





Creative Idea THE BIG IDEA Perrier is a necessary accessory that will add excitement to your alcohol-free night out. So please, intonicate yourself. In the commercial, the target will be shown at a cocktail lounge that is lacking in excitement. The bartender knows the best way to turn the mood around is to introduce Perrier to the party. As soon as he touches it, all those in the lounge become filled with thrill and rush to get their hands on it. The tagline is “intonicate yourself,� rather than intoxicate yourself, highlighting that people receive that same feeling from sparkling water as with alcohol. Once they take that first sip, the mood completely transforms and the party finally begins. THE TAGLINE

Intonicate yourself


Hedonistic Entertainment Persuasion Style - The purchase driven by hedonistic desires and processing Execution is easygoing Idea of pleasure-seeking and good-time


EXECUTION TACTICS With this advertisement, Perrier aims to amplify its branded message in a compelling and creative execution. The brand will be highlighted in a simple and coherent manner. To prevent decay of the campaign in the long-run, Perrier will rotate executions using the same message, emotion, and ambiance through the pulsing method. To capture the targets attention, this advertisement will showcase a slice of life and create a sense of ‘emotional resonance,’ that is relevant amongst the American Millennial. The Perrier brand will be highlighted at the end of the commercial with a clear brand logo and the campaign tagline “intonicate yourself.’ The ultimate goal of this advertis ment is to reposition Perrier in the mind of the American Millennial consumers and to trigger their decisive purchase and repurchase action. • • • • • • • • •

Variation of the Theme Same creative idea in different executions- prevent decay Gain Attention of American Millennials Solve a problem Show a slice of life- “emotional resonance” Use music Rotate executions- every 2-3 months Brand prominence- logo at end of commercial Enticing Headline






Campaign Evaluation CAMPAIGN TRACKING TECHNIQUES AND TIMING Continuous tracking will be used to assess the success of the campaign. Tracking will start just before the beginning of the campaign, in order to obtain a pre-campaign benchmark. It will then continue until the campaign ends. The pre-launch of the campaign starts in May 2018 so tracking would start at this time and would continue through the launch and post-launch. AD DIAGNOSTICS Ad diagnostics used in the campaign will diagnose the campaign’s effectiveness in strengthening Perrier memories. Perrier will specifically focus on campaign effectiveness and message take-out and image tracking of its campaign. Since Perrier is repositioning itself, this ad-diagnostic is most effective as it assesses what consumers perceive the main message of the ad to be. This will be carried out by gathering focus groups of 20 members of the target market every two weeks. In addition to this, the team will quantify the number of impressions on social media. The number of hashtags posted, shares of Perrier’s posts, and mentions of the Perrier brand will be quantified.




Survey Results

Behind the Scenes


FASH 763- Fall 2017 Professor Alessandro Cannata Executive Producers Molly Buice Heta Nilesh Patel Shaniya Shabrach-Ortiz Audrey Thames Rebecca Tummers

Production Manager Jude Kawwa Xixi Zhu

Cast Maximiliano Acevedo Garcia Karen Banegas Molly Buice Brandon Crocker Kate Dingwall Caroline Mickley Faith Newton Madison Ottenbacher Brittianna Revels Catalina Rodriguez William Santiago Frank Sessa Marshall Showalter Rebecca Tummers Heidi Vu

Cinematographer Andy Amores

Director Vu Nuyen

Storyboard Artist Raj Ramalingam

Assistant Camera Nyres Colbert Editor Izzie Titberidze Vu Nguyen Sound and Music Abhijit Roy Graphics Dhaval Vora Still Photographer Aman Anand Shakya Parnika Kejriwal Location Alley Cat Lounge, Savannah, Georgia

Citations Beverage Industry Magazine. “Market Share of The Leading Bottled Sparkling Water Brands in The United States in 2017, Based on Sales.� Statista - The Statistics Portal, Statista,, Accessed 8 Nov 2017 html

LXFM 763 - FASHION PROMOTION Fall 2017 Professor Alessandro Cannata TEAM Molly Buice Heta Patel Shaniya Shabrach-Ortiz Audrey Thames Rebecca Tummers

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