English_twitter 19

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19 English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR have against tener en contra I have nothing against you, but I don’t like what you’re saying. No tengo nada en contra de ti, pero no me gusta lo que estás diciendo. have around/round tener cerca, tener alrededor Laura hasn’t been around in a long time. Laura no ha venido por aquí en mucho tiempo. have down as tener hecha una idea acerca de alguien sin conocerlo Are you working? I had you down as an eternal student. ¿Estás trabajando? Creía que eras un estudiante etern.o have in llamar a alguien para que venga a tu casa We had to have the electrician in to fix the short circuit. Tuvimos que llamar al electricista para que viniera a arreglar el cortocircuito . have off librar en el trabajo Don't call me, please. I have the afternoon off so I'll be having a siesta. No me llames, por favor. Tengo la tarde libre así que me estaré echando la siesta. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Blasts in northern Nigerian city of Kano hit Christian area previously targeted by Islamic militants - witnesses say Prison housing hundreds of Taliban is attacked by militants, Pakistani officials say At least 40 people injured, four seriously, after trains collide in Switzerland Huge explosions as militants attack prison in northwest #Pakistan in apparent attempt to free colleagues At least 7 dead as coach carrying about 40 passengers crashes near Avellino, southern Italy Death toll in Italian coach crash rises to at least 24, rescuers say Spanish train crash driver Francisco Garzon provisionally charged with negligent homicide Iraqi capital Baghdad rocked by series of car bombs which kill at least 20 people, police and medical officials say At least 29 killed & 100 wounded by blasts in mostly Shia areas of Baghdad Two men die & 13-year-old girl critically ill in Manchester after stabbing at house & car crash, which police are linking At least 44 killed in attacks on mainly Shia areas around Iraq, officials say Syrian government forces have recaptured key district in country's third city Homs after fierce fighting, state TV says Key district in #Homs recaptured by Syria government forces after fierce fighting, state TV says NHS Direct seeking to pull out of 111 non-emergency telephone service in England due to severe problems Several car bombs target mostly Shia areas of Baghdad, killing at least 48 people Pope Francis tells reporters: Who am I to judge gay people? Pope Francis (@Pontifex) on women priests: "The Church has spoken and says 'no' ... that door is closed." Jewels stolen in #Cannes on Sunday were worth $136m - more than double original estimate, French prosecutor says Juror jailed for 2 months in London for Facebook post describing man on trial as "a paedophile" Man arrested in Manchester after female campaigner received rape threats on Twitter is bailed until September Head-on collision between trains in western Switzerland leaves several people injured, fatalities possible Reports of at least 30 people injured in train collision in Granges-pres-Marnand, Switzerland At least 12 Egyptians die in a brawl between street vendors over spaces in Cairo, reports say English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR "No doubt" significa "seguramente, probablemente, supuestamente". Para decir que algo va a ocurrir con seguridad, o que algo es cierto, que no hay duda de ello se usa "without any doubt" o "there is no doubt that" . No doubt it'll be a dry year. Supuestamente este será un año seco. There is no doubt that this year is being dryer than others. No hay duda de que este año está siendo más seco que otros. Jane will be late, no doubt. She says there's a huge traffic jam. Jane llegará tarde, seguramente.Dice que hay un gran atasco. Without any doubt we will be late for dinner. We're in a huge traffic jam. Sin duda alguna llegaremos tarde a la cena. Estamos en un atasco enorme. go back (a) on - volverse atrás en, incumplir (b) over - examinar o pensar en algo de nuevo o una vez que haya sucedido (c) to - datar (d) to - recordar (e) to - volver a tener una relación romántica con alguien She promised she was going come with me and now she's gone back on what she said. Ella prometió que iba a casarse conmigo y ahora se ha echado atrás en lo que dijo. We should go back over the plan, our results aren't good enough. Deberíamos volver a pensar el plan, nuestros resultados no son suficientemente buenos. This book goes back to 1900 and was found in a monastery. Este libro data de 1.900 y fue hallado en un monasterio. My grandfather is always going back to his days in the army. Mi abuelo siempre está recordando los días en el ejército. James went back to Rose after their argument. James volvió con Rose después de su discusión. go before enjuiciar If we don't agree after this meeting, we'll go before a judge. Si no nos ponemos de acuerdo después de esta reunión, nos pondremos delante de un juez. go by (a) pasar por (b) guiarse por (c) transcurrir We'll have to go by the petrol station before taking the motorway. Tendremos que pasar por la gasolinera antes de coger la autopista. I don't know how to do it either so let's go by common sense. Yo tampoco sé cómo hacerlo, así que vamos a guiarnos por el sentido común. As time goes by, wrinkles appear on your face. Según va pasando el tiempo, las arrugas van apareciendo en tu cara.


19 English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR go down (a) descender, bajar (b) pasar a la historia (c) on - arrodillarse I'm going down to the cafe, do you want me to fetch you a tea? Voy a bajar a la cafetería. ¿quieres que te traiga un té? English on the Rocks will go down in history because of its phrasal verbs' articles. English on the Rocks pasará a la historia por sus artículos de phrasal verbs. He went down on his knees apologizing for being such a bad son. Él se arrodilló disculpándose por ser tan mal hijo. itchy - itchier - the itchiest : que pica Do you have a cream that will help soothe an itchy rash? ¿Tienes alguna crema que ayude a calmar un sarpullido que pica? The more you scratch the itchier it'll get. Cuanto más te rasques más picará. My grandmother knits the itchiest jumpers in the Universe. Mi abuela teje los jerseys que más pican del Universo. to cast pearls before swine echarles margaritas a los cerdos You're casting pearls before swine , she'll never take your advice. Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones 1.ERROR COMÚN: Ten cuidado con el uso correcto de he/she, him/her, his/her. Causa mucha confusión si te equivocas 2.Ejemplos de errores típicos: My GIRLfriend is very beautiful; HE's a model. SHE works a lot and HIS friends are models too. cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles Each vs. Every Tanto "each", como "every", significan todo, pero "each" enfatiza cada uno individualmente o por separado, como en "uno por uno". "Each" se puede utilizar delante de un verbo y se usa cuando se refiere a dos cosas. Each student will receive a different theme for their final project. Cada estudiante recibirá un tema diferente para su proyecto final. We each took turns making dinner while our mother was away. Cada uno de nosotros nos turnamos para hacer la cena, mientras que nuestra madre estaba ausente. There are holes in each sock. Hay agujeros en cada calcetín. "Each" se puede usar con la preposición "of". En esta construcción, "each of" va seguida por un pronombre o un sustantivo con un determinante. Each of them is expected to do well on the exam. Cada uno de ellos se espera hacerlo bien en el examen. Each of his sisters received a new car for their graduation, so he expects one too. Cada una de sus hermanas recibió un coche nuevo para su graduación, por lo que él espera uno también. "Each", a diferencia de "every", puede utilizarse también como un pronombre indefinido. The whole office is playing the lottery this week and each has an equal chance of winning. Toda la oficina juega a la lotería esta semana y cada uno tiene la misma oportunidad de ganar. I like both dresses, but each costs more than I want to spend. Me gustan los dos vestidos, pero cada uno cuesta más de lo que quería gastar. Mediante el uso de "every", destacamos el grupo y sólo se puede utilizar con grupos de tres o más personas o cosas. "Every" se utiliza para generalizar o para expresar la frecuencia con que algo suceda y siempre va seguida de un sustantivo. Every student will be given a project to complete by the end of the semester. Cada estudiante recibirá un proyecto para completar al final del semestre. I don't know, but every summer it just seems to get hotter and hotter. No sé, pero cada verano parece más y más caliente. We have practice every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the school year. Tenemos entrenamientos todos los lunes, miércoles y viernes durante el año escolar. They suggest you have your teeth cleaned once every six months. Sugieren que hagas una limpieza de boca una vez cada seis meses. Each vs. Every "Every" se puede utilizar con sustantivos abstractos. I have every reason to believe that it will happen. Tengo muchas razones para creer que ocurrirá.) no I have each reason to believe that it will happen. "Every" se usa con adverbios. Almost every answer was incorrect. Casi cada respuesta era incorrecta. We go to California to visit our grandparents nearly every summer. Vamos a California para visitar a nuestros abuelos casi todos los veranos. lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit "A fool and his money are soon elected." To whinge ser un quejita “Stop whinging and be positive for a change RANDY - feeling sexual desire caliente "I'm randy" Estoy caliente. “Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be.” SPLIT (on someone) to inform on somebody chivarse de alguien. “Why did you split on him?”


19 English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR go back (a) on - volverse atrás en, incumplir (b) over - examinar o pensar en algo de nuevo o una vez que haya sucedido (c) to - datar (d) to - recordar (e) to - volver a tener una relación romántica con alguien She promised she was going come with me and now she's gone back on what she said. Ella prometió que iba a casarse conmigo y ahora se ha echado atrás en lo que dijo. We should go back over the plan, our results aren't good enough. Deberíamos volver a pensar el plan, nuestros resultados no son suficientemente buenos. This book goes back to 1900 and was found in a monastery. Este libro data de 1.900 y fue hallado en un monasterio. My grandfather is always going back to his days in the army. Mi abuelo siempre está recordando los días en el ejército. James went back to Rose after their argument. James volvió con Rose después de su discusión. go before enjuiciar If we don't agree after this meeting, we'll go before a judge. Si no nos ponemos de acuerdo después de esta reunión, nos pondremos delante de un juez. go by (a) pasar por (b) guiarse por (c) transcurrir We'll have to go by the petrol station before taking the motorway. Tendremos que pasar por la gasolinera antes de coger la autopista. I don't know how to do it either so let's go by common sense. Yo tampoco sé cómo hacerlo, así que vamos a guiarnos por el sentido común. As time goes by, wrinkles appear on your face.Según va pasando el tiempo, las arrugas van apareciendo en tu cara. go down (a) descender, bajar (b) pasar a la historia (c) on - arrodillarse I'm going down to the cafe, do you want me to fetch you a tea? Voy a bajar a la cafetería. ¿quieres que te traiga un té? English on the Rocks will go down in history because of its phrasal verbs' articles. English on the Rocks pasará a la historia por sus artículos de phrasal verbs. He went down on his knees apologizing for being such a bad son. Él se arrodilló disculpándose por ser tan mal hijo. to turn on the waterworks echarse a llorar como una magdalena Don't turn on the water works , I said "no" and thats final! BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Third Army reservist dies of injuries sustained in training exercise in Brecon Beacons, UK Ministry of Defence says Wikileaks founder Julian Assange condemns Bradley #Manning verdict, calling him a "hero" UK police investigating Twitter abuse aimed at Caroline Criado-Perez and MP Stella Creasy arrest 25-year-old man Bradley Manning faces more than 100 years in prison after being found guilty in #Wikileaks case. Live updates: Second man arrested on suspicion of harassment as part of investigation into Twitter abuse, UK police confirm Bradley Manning found guilty of 20 charges, but acquitted of most serious charge of aiding the enemy US army private Bradley Manning convicted of all but two charges in Wikileaks case Peer apologises over saying fracking should happen in North East of England because there are 'desolate' areas Mid-East negotiators to meet in two weeks - the aim to reach final status agreement in nine months, John Kerry says Spanish driver was on the phone at the time of last week's crash that killed 79 people, data recorder suggests Train that derailed in Spain last week killing 79 people was travelling at 192km/h (119mph) - data recorder Economist Vicky Pryce, jailed for taking speeding points for ex-husband Chris Huhne, is stripped of official honour US President Barack Obama is to meet Israeli and Palestinian negotiators at the White House Twitter likely to be summoned by UK MPs as they investigate online abuse, senior Tory John Whittingdale tells Disabled families lose court challenge against social housing benefit cuts for UK residents with spare bedrooms EU Foreign Policy Chief Ashton says ousted Egypt President Morsi is well, but does not know where he is being held Nelson Mandela "continues to show improvement" & remains in critical but stable condition, South African presidency says Series of explosions at propane gas plant in US state of Florida leaves 15 workers unaccounted for 15 of 24 workers unaccounted for in gas plant explosion in Florida as people living within 1 mile (1.6km) evacuated All workers now accounted for at propane gas plant hit by explosion in Florida, officials say EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton meets ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi EU foreign policy chief Baroness Ashton has "in-depth" talks with Egypt's ousted President Morsi at unknown location cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles To get To get To Receive Recibir Did you get my email yesterday? ¿Recibiste mi email ayer? I got my drivers license in the mail this morning. He recibido el carnet de conducir por correo esta manaña. To Obtain Conseguir/Obtener Peter got his Master's degree from Boston University in 2005. Peter obtuvo su Master de la Universidad de Boston en 2005. We got permission to build the extension on our house. Conseguimos la autorización para construir la ampliación de nuestra casa. To Buy Comprar Can you get some milk while you are at the supermarket? ¿Podrías comprar leche mientras que estás en el supermercado?


19 To get cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles Carrie is getting a new car next week. Carrie comprará un nuevo coche la semana que viene. To Earn/Charge Ganar/Cobrar How much do you think I can get for my old car? ¿Cuánto piensas que podría cobrar por el coche antiguo? I get overtime pay when I work more than 8 hours a day. Gano pagos extras cuando trabajo más de 8 horas al día. To Fetch Traer/Recoger/Ir a buscar/Llamar Can you get my jacket for me? ¿Puedes recoger mi chaqueta por mí? She got a cup of coffee and sat down to talk. Se sirvió una taza de café y se sentó para hablar. To Arrive Llegar Cuando utilizamos "to get" con el significado de "llegar", hace falta la preposición de dirección o movimiento "to". What time do you get to work in the mornings? ¿A qué hora llegas al trabajo por las manañas? Greg didn't get to the party until 11 o'clock. Greg no llegó a la fiesta hasta las 11. To Reach Alcanzar Oliver can you help me? I can't get the book, the shelf is too high. ¿Podrias ayudarme, Oliver? No puedo alcanzar el libro, el estante es demasiado alto. "To get" + adjective ("To get" + adjetivo) To become (Ponerse, hacerse, volverse) En este sentido, "to get" indica un proceso o un cambio de estado. Don't get angry, I was just joking! No te enfades, sólo estaba bromeando. We better go inside, it's getting dark. Mejor nos vamos dentro, está oscureciendo. Winter is almost here, it's getting colder every day. El invierno se acerca, está haciendo cada día más frío. I'm getting tired, I think I will go to bed. Me estoy cansando. Creo que voy a acostarme. I heard you are sick. I hope you get better soon. He oído que estás enfermo. Que te mejores pronto. Brad jumped out of bed and got dressed quickly because he was late for work. Brad saltó de la cama y se puso la ropa rápidamente porque era tarde para ir al trabajo. When did you get married? ¿Cuándo te casaste? "To get on" / "To get in" Subir Cuando hablamos de subir, en inglés utilizamos "to get on" con autobuses, trenes, aviones, pero "to get in" con coches y casas. Where do you get on the train? "The Broadway/Lafayette stop." ¿Dónde te subes al tren? "En la parada Broadway/ Lafayette." The flight was delayed. We didn't even get on the plane until 11:30. El vuelo se retrasó. No subimos al avión hasta las 11:30. Get in the the house, it's raining! ìEntra en la casa, está lloviendo! She got in the car and immediately started crying. Subió al coche e inmediatamente se puso a llorar. "To get off" / "To get out of" Bajar En inglés" utilizamos "to get off" con autobuses, trenes, aviones, pero "to get out of" con coches, casas y habitaciones. We have to get off the bus at the next stop. Tenemos que bajar del autobús en la siguiente parada. John got off the plane at 6 o'clock. John bajó del avión a las 6 de la tarde. Get out of my room immediately! ¡Vete de mi habitación de inmediato! She got out of the car and slammed the door. Bajó del coche y cerró la puerta con mucha fuerza. "To get by" Sobrevivir How are you getting by right now without a job? ¿Cómo estás sobreviviendo ahora sin empleo? We can't get by on just one salary. No podemos sobrevivir con un solo sueldo. "To get over" Recuperar/Superar Alice still hasn't gotten over her ex-boyfriend. Alice todavía no se ha recuperado de la separación con su ex novio. Has your mother gotten over the flu yet? ¿Tu madre se ha recuperado ya de la gripe? "To get up" Levantarse The children get up at 7 o'clock every morning. Los niños se levantan a las 7 de la manaña. I didn't get up until 11 o'clock this morning. No me levanté hasta a las 11 de esta manaña. Other Uses of "To get" Otros usos de "to get" To Understand Entender/Comprender I don't get it, can you repeat what you just said? No entiendo, ¿Puedes repetir lo que acabas de decir? Henry didn't get the joke and so was the only one not laughing. Henry no entendió la broma, así que fue el único que no se rió. To Persuade Convencer I tried to get Jane to come to the party, but she just wouldn't be convinced. Intenté convencer a Jane para venir a la fiesta, pero no se convenció. Can I get you to change your mind? ¿Puedo hacer que cambies de opinión? GraspEnglish ?@GraspEnglish merecer (verbo transitivo) deserve He doesn’t deserve it No se lo merece The team deserved to win El equipo mereció ganar a much/well-deserved holiday unas vacaciones bien merecidas They got what they deserved Les dieron su merecido merecer/valer la pena to be worth (doing sth) It was worth waiting La espera mereció la pena It’s worth reading/seeing Vale la pena leerla/verla It’s worth trying Merece la pena que lo intentes It’s not worth it No merece la pena lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit 5


"desert" y "dessert" El blog para aprender inglés DÉSERT. DESIERTO. Se escribe con una "ese". Me gusta el desierto. I like the désert. Nunca he estado en el desierto. I have never been in the désert ¿Has estado alguna vez en el desierto?. Have you ever been in the désert? Nunca llueve en el desierto. It never rains in the désert. El desierto de Atacama es el más seco del mundo. Atacama's désert is the driest in the world. DESSÉRT: POSTRE.Se escribe con dos "eses". ¿Cuál es tu postre favorito? What is your favorite dessért? Mi postre favorito es el helado de chocolate. My favorite dessért is chocolate icecream. Quiero tomar un postre. I'd like to have dessért? Ella nunca toma postre porque está a dieta. She never has a dessért because is on a diet. English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR To lay - laid - laid : Poner, colocar, tender sobre I should lay a blancket on the floor so the baby could play there. Debería poner una manta en el suelo para que el bebé pudiera jugar ahí. The dog pissed on the checkered tablecloth we laid on the grass. El perro meó en el mantel de cuadros que tendimos en la hierba. We've just laid all the cables for the concert. Acabamos de tender todos los cables para el concierto. to go bad echarse a perder Don't buy from that shop, most of their fruit goes bad as soon as you get it home. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Syria allows UN inspectors to visit three sites where chemical weapons allegedly used UN to send chemical weapons inspectors to Syria 'as soon as possible' Syria allows UN inspectors to visit three sites where chemical weapons allegedly used Libyan court sentences former Gaddafi minister to death for inciting violence during the country's civil war Egypt charges Muslim Brotherhood leader with inciting violence and orders police to end sit-in protests Mother and partner found guilty of murdering four-year-old Daniel Pelka in Coventry, UK Egypt's military-backed cabinet orders police to end sit-in protests by ousted President Morsi's supporters Facebook shares rise above their $38 launch price for first time Third soldier who died from injuries sustained during SAS training in South Wales named as Corporal James Dunsby The scandal-hit Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust should be dissolved, administrators say The US economy grew at an annualised pace of 1.7% in the second quarter of the year, official figures show Unemployment total in eurozone falls for first time since 2011 but proportion out of work stays at record 12.1% "Substantial" donation to @Soldierscharity from law firm which leaked JK Rowling's pseudonym Judge quashes UK government decision to cut services at Lewisham Hospital in south-east London British man Paul Lamb, who wants to be helped by doctors to die, loses case at Court of Appeal UK man identified as "Martin", who has locked-in syndrome, told he can challenge official policy on assisted suicide Widow of Tony Nicklinson, who also lost UK right-to-die challenge, tells BBC News Channel she plans further appeal Singer @rihanna wins UK court case ordering Top Shop to stop selling T-shirts featuring her picture TV chef Nigella Lawson and art collector Charles Saatchi granted decree nisi at High Court in London JK Rowling accepts "substantial donation" from UK law firm which revealed she'd written book as Robert Galbraith People with history of domestic violence to be banned from owning firearm or shotgun in England & Wales lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit TO PICK (s.o.) UP phrasal verb) Ligar con algn. "A guy tried to pick me up in the pub last night." Won't be long! ¡Enseguida acabo! “Wait for me in the car. I won’t be long.” cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles Either vs. Neither We can go to either the beach or the swimming pool. Podemos ir a la playa o la piscina. Either we wait for the rain to stop or we must change our plans. Esperamos que pare de llover o debemos cambiar nuestros planes. Neither Henry nor Chris want to go to the beach. Ni Henry ni Chris quieren ir a la playa. Neither the school nor the parents want to take responsibility for the problem. Ni la escuela ni los padres quieren asumir la responsibilidad del problema. Neither of the students studied very hard. Ninguno de los estudiantes estudió muy duro. Either of my assistants can do it. Who do you prefer? Cualquiera de mis ayudantes lo puede hacer. ¿A quién prefiere? Greg can't eat fish because he is allergic and neither can I. Greg no puede comer pescado porque es alérgico y yo tampoco puedo. Greg can't eat fish because he is allergic and I can't either. Greg no puede comer pescado porque es alérgico y yo no puedo tampoco. I don't know, neither color really suits you. No sé, ningún color realmente te queda bien. Either vs. Neither Either job could be interesting. Cualquier trabajo podría ser interesante. Either my sister or my brother is going to get their own bedroom, but I still have to share. Mi hermana o mi hermano va a conseguir su propio dormitorio, pero todavía tienen que compartir. Neither the dress nor the shoes are appropriate for the party. Ni el vestido ni los zapatos son apropiados para el partido.) 6



Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones to be over acabarse, que algo ha terminado The game’s over. El juego / partido se acabó. The relationship was over long before they actually separated. La relación se acabó mucho antes de que se separaran de verdad. The war will be over soon. La guerra se acabará pronto. After losing the first leg 4-0, the tie was practically over for Barcelona FC even before the home leg. Después de perder la ida 0-4, la eliminatoria prácticamente se acabó para el FC Barcelona incluso antes de la vuelta en casa. to overbook reservar demasiado, hacer demasiadas reservas We weren’t able to get on the plane because the flight was overbooked. No pudimos subir al avión porque habían aceptado demasiadas reservas para el vuelo. to overwork trabajar demasiado, hacer trabajar demasiado Our company overworks us. Nuestra empresa nos hace trabajar demasiado. We’re overworked. Tenemos demasiado trabajo. to overprice fijar un precio excesivo, ser demasiado caro The food was good but a little overpriced. La comida estaba buena pero un poco cara / demasiado cara para lo que era. over the weekend durante el fin de semana over the summer durante el verano over Christmas durante la Navidad over dinner durante la cena We can discuss it over dinner. Podemos abordarlo durante la cena overnight durante la noche It snowed a lot overnight. Nevó mucho durante la noche. It cost over €1000. Cóstó más de 1000€. There were over 200 people at the presentation. Había más de 200 personas en la presentación. The BBC received over 300 complaints related to a joke made by a TV presenter which was considered by many to be sexist. La BBC recibió más de 300 quejas relacionadas con una broma que hizo un presentador de televisión que muchas personas consideraron machista. They hung the painting over/above the fireplace. Colgaron el cuadro encima de la chimenea. There’s a cold front over the UK at the moment.. Hay un frente frío sobre Reino Unido en este momento. The government built a new bridge over the river. El gobierno construyó un nuevo puente sobre el río. Planes fly over our house all day every day. Los aviones vuelan por encima de nuestra casa todo el día, todos los días. The burglar jumped over the fence and got away. El ladrón saltó por encima de la valla y se escapó. We walked over the bridge. Caminamos por encima del puente. He looked over his shoulder. Miró por encima del hombro. The army advanced over the mountains. El ejército avanzó por las montañas. The safety announcement was made over the loudspeaker El anunció de seguridad se hizo por el altavoz. overland por tierra They live over the road from us. Viven al otro lado de nuestra calle. We crossed over the road. Cruzamos la calle (de un lado a otro). They walked hand in hand over the bridge. Cruzaron el puente caminando cogidos de la mano. over the other side por el otro lado over here por aquí over there por allí to fall over caerse Babies always fall over a lot while they learn to walk. Los bebés siempre se caen mucho mientras aprenden a caminar. to knock over tirar, volcar He accidentally knocked over his glass of wine and stained his trousers. Volcó / Tiró sin querer su copa de vino y manchó su pantalón. overall en general, en total, en global over and over una y otra vez to overcome (formal) superar to get over superar, recuperarse de, pasar por encima to be over the hill ser muy mayor Carlos - InglesTotal @InglesTotal English Prepositions 1.In / Inside (en, dentro de) cuando algo está en el interior de un objeto de 3 dimensiones. She is in her office. They are in the cinema. 2.On (en, sobre) cuando algo está en la parte superior de un objeto o superficie. The books are on the table. I like the clock that is on the window. 3.At (En) expresando ubicación en un lugar específico. She is at the door. She is at the bank. 4.Near (cerca de) a poca distancia de (un lugar). Is the restaurant near here? Brian works near here. 5.Under (debajo de) The cat is under the bed. Go under the bridge please 6.Over en la parte superior de, pero sin tocar la superficie. The picture is over the Clock. s on i t i 7.Below directamente debajo – opuesto de “above” It’s supposed to drop below freezing tonight. os ep 8.Above sinónimo de “over”. Planes fly above the clouds. r P sh i 9.Round / around alrededor There are many trees around my house. l g En 1o.Through (A través de) The thief got in through the window. 11.Among (Entre). Lo mismo q “between” pero entre mas de 2 objetos o personas. Although it was a sad moment, he was among his friends. 12. Between (Entre) en el espacio entre dos objetos o personas. Laura es between Jack and Simon.



19 English Prepositions Carlos - InglesTotal @InglesTotal 13.Behind (Detrás) Where is Peter? He is behind you. There is a person behind the tree. 14.In front of (En frente de) lo opuesto de “behind”, una posición en la parte frontal de algo. There is a car in front of the house. Wait for me in front of the supermarket. 15.Along (A lo largo de) que se mueve en una dirección constante o de forma paralela. Go ahead along this street.. 16.Across / Across from (Al otro lado de – de un lado al otro) The park is across from the park. Diana ran across the park. 17.Up hacia más arriba. David went up the stairs. 18.Down hacia más bajo. They drove down the road to get Marcia. 19.Opposite Opuesto, en el otro lado. Sheila lives opposite my house. Karl is the one sitting opposite Ramon. 20.onto mover a una ubicación (la superficie de algo). He jumped onto a rock. 21.off lo apuesto de onto Move the cat off the table. 22.into en (movimiento) It golf you have to put the ball into the hole. 23.out of lo apuesto de into He walked out of the cinema because he was feeling ill. 24.Past (pasado) He drive past the stop sign. 25.Next to / by / beside al lado de Put the box beside the table. 26.Against (Contra) en contacto físico con algo I was so tired I sat down and slept against the wall. 27.Over expresando paso o movimiento a través de la parte de algo.superior The ball went over the net. 28.From … to desde el punto en el espacio donde se inicia algo hasta el punto en el espacio donde algo termina. He drove from his house to the airport. The class is from 8 to 10am. 29.Towards (Hacia) en la dirección de. Please walk towards me. English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR set in establecerse, empezar We should leave now, before the snow sets in. Deberíamos irnos ahora, antes de que empiece la nieve. set off (a) provocar, desencadenar, hacer estallar (b) salir de viaje The bomb was set off in the bank. La bomba fue estallada en el banco. We'll be setting off on Monday, and we won't be back until September. Saldremos de viaje el lunes y no volveremos hasta septiembre. set on agredir, atacar George was set on by a a group of angry teenagers. George fue atacado por un grupo de adolescentes cabreados. Set out (a) exponer, presentar, exponer (b) salir, partir She set out her vacation photographs on the table to her guests could see them. Ella expuso las fotografías de sus vacaciones en la mesa para que sus invitados pudieran verlas. We are setting out next week, would you like to come? Nos vamos la semana que viene, ¿te gustaría venir? set to empezar, ponerse a trabajar If you set to work right now you will have finished for the summer. Si empiezas a trabajar ahora mismo habrás acabado para el verano. set up colocar, construir, establecer They set up the business a year ago. Ellos empezaron con el negocio hace un año. to go to waste echarse a perder Would you like a slice of cake? If you don't eat it it will go to waste. GraspEnglish ?@GraspEnglish depender (verbo intransitivo) - 1 (estar condicionado por) to depend on sth/sb/whether… It depends on the weather Depende del tiempo que haga ‘Will you be coming?’ ‘That depends.’ ¿Vendrás? Depende It depends on whether we get the grant or not Dependerá de si nos conceden la subvención o no That depends on whether I get permission or not Eso depende de que me den permiso o no Depender - 2 (estar en manos de) to be up to sb (whether…), to depend on sb (whether…) (más formal) It’s not up to me No depende de mí Whether we go on holiday or not is up to you Depende de ti el que nos vayamos de vacaciones Depender - 3 (necesitar) to be dependent on sb Babies are dependent on their parents Los bebés dependen de sus padres Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones Food Idioms 4 Simon failed the exam and to rub salt in the wound, his teacher told him that all his friends had passed. Simon suspendió el examen y metiendo el dedo en la llaga, su profesor le dijo que todos sus amigos lo habían aprobado. Take Uncle Albert’s old war stories with a pinch of salt; he doesn’t remember everything very clearly and he has a tendency to exaggerate. No te tomes al pie de la letra las historias de guerra del tío Albert; no recuerda todo muy claramente y tiene tendencia a exagerar. No wonder Rachel got the promotion; she’s always buttering up her boss. No me extraña que Rachel consiguiera un ascenso; siempre le dora la píldora al jefe.


19 Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones Food Idioms 4 Although I knew that Natalia had written on the wall, she just looked at me with her innocent eyes which seemed to ask: “What? Me?”. Butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. Aunque sabía que Natalia había escrito en las paredes, simplemente me miró con sus ojos inocentes que parecían preguntar: “¿Qué? ¿Yo?”. Es una mosquita muerta. Don’t let her carry the vase; she’s such a butterfingers. No dejes que lleve el jarrón; es tan manzanas. ¡NO CONFUNDAS! apart from aparte de; a part of una parte de lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit "When you realise that there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. " (to lack faltar) FRUITCAKE - a mad, eccentric person "he's a fruitcake" Es un locatis. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking "People are trying to paint me as a monster and I'm not a monster" Police investigating rape of 12-year-old girl in east London on Saturday arrest 17-year-old boy US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden leaves Moscow airport, his lawyer tells the BBC Eurozone interest rate held at 0.5% by European Central Bank More than 1,000 killed in violence in Iraq in July, UN mission says - highest monthly toll in years Bank of England keeps UK interest rates at 0.5% John Downey, accused of killing four soldiers in IRA bombing in London's Hyde Park in 1982, granted conditional bail There was a 25% rise in the number of drink-drive deaths on Britain's roads in 2012, provisional figures show Zimbabwe election "seriously compromised", largest group of poll observers says Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy tells parliament corruption claims have "started to damage the image of Spain" UK banking group Lloyds back in profit in first half of 2013, making £2.1bn, compared with £456m loss a year earlier Uruguay's lower house approves bill to legalise sale of marijuana UK police investigate bomb threats on Twitter against female journalists from Guardian, Independent and Time magazine British Gas plans to offer free power at weekends to one million UK customers "You made a calculated decision to do wrong" - Judge Michael J Russo at Ariel #Castro sentencing Judge tells Ariel Castro he is imposing maximum sentences because "these are the worst forms of the offences" Ohio kidnapper Ariel Castro sentenced to life without parole, plus an additional 1,000 years Italy's supreme court confirms prison sentence for ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi New York jury rules against ex-Goldman Sachs trader Fabrice Tourre in fraud case US stocks close at record highs, S&P 500 rises above 1,700 for first time Vaughan Classroom "When" en el futuro Cuando hablamos del futuro empleando la palabra "when" es imprescindible emplear el presente simple inmediatamente después y no el futuro. "Will" siempre va en la otra cláusula. Cuando me jubile, iré a pescar todos los días. When I retire, I will go fishing every day. Cuando ella llegue, estará cansada. When she arrives, she'll be tired. Cuando tenga 40 años, estaré más gordo que ahora. When I'm forty, I'll be fatter than I am now. Cuando empiecen, ¿me avisarás? When they start, will you let me know? Cuando deje de llover, ¿vendrás a dar un paseo? When it stops raining, will you come out for a walk? Por supuesto, como en español, se puede invertir este tipo de frase. Lo importante es que después de "when" hay que usar el presente simple. Te lo diré cuando te necesite. I'll tell you when I need you. Ella te echará una mano cuando pueda. She'll give you a hand when she can. Será demasiado tarde cuando tengas 50 años. It will be too late when you are fifty. Bajaré cuando termine. I'll come down when I finish. Maullará cuando tenga hambre. He'll miaow when he's hungry. Key learning: Cuando subimos a un coche o entramos en un ascensor decimos "to get into / in", mientras que para medios de transporte más grandes (autobuses, aviones, trenes) decimos "to get on". Don't get into the car. No entres en el coche. One expression: To make ends meet. Llegar a fin de mes. One phrasal verb: To settle down calmarse / tranquilizarse Wait for the audience to settle down before you start your speech. Espera a que la audiencia se calme antes de empezar tu discurso. One adjective: Face-up boca arriba Place the card face-up. Coloca la tarjeta boca arriba. English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR look back on recordar el pasado My grandfather always looks back on his days in the army fondly. Mi abuelo siempre recuerda sus días en el ejército con cariño. look for buscar I'm looking for a job and I'll get it if I improve my English. Estoy buscando un trabajo y lo conseguiré si mejoro mi inglés. look into estudiar, investigar She's looking into Egyptian civilization for her thesis. Ella está estudiando la civilización egipcia para su tesis. look around buscar, visitar recorer


19 English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR We looked around a thousand apartments before finding the one we liked. Nos recorrimos mil apartamentos antes de encontrar el que nos gustaba. hairy - hairier - the hairiest : peludo My dad has hairy nostrils... I hope mine aren't like that when I'm older. Mi padre tiene las fosas nasales peludas...espero que la mías no sean como esas cuando sea mayor. Shaving will not make you hairier, it's a myth. Afeitarte no te hará más peludo, es un mito. There's a guy at the gym with the hairiest back I have ever seen. Hay un tipo en el gimnasio con la espalda más peluda que he visto nunca. to go to pot echarse a perder, venirse abajo If you don't take this project seriously it could all go to pot BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking UK Foreign Office "particularly concerned" about security in Yemen at end of Ramadan - embassy to close 4-5 August Conservatives hire @BarackObama's campaign manager @messina2012 for UK general election team President Mugabe's Zanu-PF party has won two-thirds of seats in parliament in Zimbabwe's elections, the electoral commission announces US state department issues worldwide travel alert for US citizens, warning of threat of al-Qaeda attack in August Mother and stepfather of murdered Daniel Pelka, 4, jailed for life in UK, with minimum terms of 30 years Energy company #Cuadrilla starts its exploratory oil drilling in West Sussex amid anti-fracking protests Incidents could have been avoided but will not change outcome of #Zimbabwe election - African Union observer mission Zimbabwe's election was "free and fair" unless proved otherwise, says African Union observer mission head Royal Bank of Scotland announces that Ross McEwan will be its new chief executive Royal Bank of Scotland reveals pre-tax profit of £1.4bn for 6 months to 30 June, against loss of £1.7bn year earlier lamansiondelingles @mansiontwit KNACKERED - very tired "I'm knackered" Estoy hecho/a polvo. You must be joking! ¡Estás bromeando! cursoingles @curso_de_ingles Speaking on the Telephone bad line mala señal caller interlocutor collect call cobro revertido directory guía telefónica directory enquirie información telefónica switchboard operator telefonista to call/ring back volver a llamar to cut off cortar to dial marcar to hang up colgar to hold [on] esperar Pto pick up descolgar to put through pasar la llamada to transfer call pasar/conectar la llamada Answering the telephone (Contestar al teléfono) Good morning/Good afternoon, Susan [your name] speaking. (Buenos días/Buenas tardes. Le habla Susan [su nombre].) XY Company [Company name], this is Susan [your name] speaking, how can I help you? [Nombre de empresa], mi nombre es [su nombre], ¿cómo le puedo ayudar? Asking to speak with someone Preguntar por alguien May I/Could I speak with Mrs. Swanson please. ¿Podría hablar con la Sra. Swanson, por favor? I'd like to speak with Mrs. Swanson, please. Me gustaría hablar con la Sra. Swanson, por favor. I'm trying to contact Mrs. Swanson. Estoy intentando contactar con la Sra. Swanson. Asking for caller's name Preguntar el nombre del que llama May I get your name, please? ¿Podría darme su nombre, por favor? May I say who's calling? ¿Puedo decirle quién está llamando? With whom am I speaking? ¿Con quién hablo por favor? Who's calling, please? ¿Quién llama, por favor? Explaining the reason we're calling Explicar el motivo de la llamada I'm calling to ask about... Llamo referente... I'm calling in regards to... Estoy llamando en cuanto a.. I'm phoning to tell you about... Estoy llamando para explicarle... Asking to wait Poner a alguien en espera Can you please hold a moment? ¿Puede esperar un momento, por favor? One moment, please. Un momento, por favor. Hold the line, please. Manténgase en línea, por favor. Please hold. Espere por favor. Transferring a call Conectar/Pasar la llamada Thank you for holding. Gracias por esperar. I'll transfer you now. Ahora le paso. I'll put you through now. Ahora le paso. I'll connect you now. Ahora le conecto. I'm sorry, but he/ she is not available right now. Lo siento, pero no está diponible ahora. I'm sorry, his/her line is busy. Lo siento, pero su línea está ocupada. He/she is in a meeting at the moment. Está en una reunión en este momento. Could you call back later? ¿Podría volver a llamar más tarde? We don't understand or we can't hear the caller No entender o no oír bien al interlocutor I'm sorry, I don't understand. Could you repeat that, please? Lo siento, no he entendido. ¿Me lo podría repetir, por favor? I'm sorry, I can't hear you very well. Could you speak up a little, please? Lo siento, no le oigo bien. ¿Podría hablar más fuerte, por favor? Could you spell that, please? ¿Me lo podría deletrear, por favor? Messages Mensajes Would you like to leave a message? ¿Quiere dejar un mensaje? May I leave a message, please? ¿Puedo dejar un mensaje por favor? Could you give him/her a message? ¿Puede darle un mensaje? Coud you tell him/her that I called? ¿Podría decirle que he llamado?


19 Speaking on the Telephone cursoingles @curso_de_ingles Could you ask him/her to call me back, please? ¿Podría pedirle que me llame, por favor? What's your name, please? ¿Cómo se llama, por favor? What's your number, please? ¿Cuál es su número de teléfono de contacto, por favor? When is a good time to call back? ¿Cuándo es un buen momento para volver a llamar? Ending a call Cierre de la llamada Thank you very much for your help. Gracias por su ayuda. Thanks for the information. Gracias por la información. Thank you for calling/your call. Gracias por su llamada. Good-bye/Bye. Adiós Take care. Tenga cuidado. Have a nice day! ¡Que le vaya bien!/¡Que tenga un buen día! Conversation 1 Receptionist: Good morning, XY Company, Susan speaking. How can I help you? Recepcionista: Buenos días, Compañia XY, le habla Susan. ¿Cómo puedo ayudarle? Mr. Smith: Hello, my name is Mr. Smith and I'm calling for the Purchasing Department please. Sr. Smith: Hola, mi nombre es Sr. Smith y llamo para hablar con el Departamento de Compras por favor. Receptionist: Okay, which company do you represent? Recepcionista: Vale, ¿a qué empresa representa Ud.? Mr. Smith: Smith Office Materials. Sr. Smith: Materiales de Oficina Smith. Receptionist: I will transfer you now. Recepcionista: Le transfiero ahora. Mr. Smith: Thank you. Sr. Smith: Gracias. Conversation 2 Sarah:Purchasing Department, this is Sarah speaking. Sarah: Departamento de Compras, le habla Sarah. Mr. Smith: Hello Sarah. My name is Mr. Smith and I am calling from Smith Office Materials. You have ordered materials from us in the past. Sr. Smith: Buenos días, Sarah. Mi nombre es Sr. Smith y llamo de Materiales de Oficina Smith. Uds. han comprado materiales nuestros en el pasado. Sarah: Yes, of course. I'm familiar with the company. Sarah: Sí, claro, les conozco. Mr. Smith: We have just printed our new catalog of office materials and I would like to make an appointment to show it to you and tell you about some of our new products. Sr. Smith: Acabamos de editar un nuevo catálogo con nuestro material de oficina y quisiera programar una visita con Uds. para enseñarselo y comentarles sobre algunos de nuestros nuevos productos. Sarah: Okay, let's see. Can you come on September 15th at 9:00am? Sarah: Bien, vamos a ver. ¿Puede venir el 15 de septiembre a las 9:00 de la mañana? Mr. Smith: Yes, that'd be great. I'll see you on the 15th then. Sr. Smith: Sí, estaría muy bien. Les veo el día 15 entonces. Sarah: Okay, great. See you then. Sarah: De acuerdo, muy bien. Hasta entonces. Conversation 3 Receptionist: Good morning, XY Company, Susan speaking. How can I help you? Recepcionista: Buenos días, Compañia XY, le habla Susan. ¿Cómo puedo ayudarle? Mr. Jones: Hello, my name is Mr. Jones from Jones Computer Service and I'm calling for Mr. Kendall please. Sr. Jones: Hola, me llamo Sr. Jones, de Servicios Informáticos Jones y llamo para hablar con el Sr. Kendall por favor. Receptionist: One moment, please. Recepcionista: Un momento, por favor. Receptionist: I'm sorry. His line is busy right now. Would you like to leave a message? Recepcionista: Lo siento. Su línea está ocupada ahora mismo. ¿Quiere dejar un mensaje? Mr. Jones: Yes, please tell him that Mr. Jones called and to call me back when it's convenient. Sr. Jones: Sí, por favor digale que ha llamado el Sr. Jones y que me llame cuando le sea más conveniente/posible. Receptionist: Can I get your phone number, please? Recepcionista: ¿Puede decirme su número de teléfono, por favor? Mr. Jones: PlayYes, it is 888-564-7781. Sr. Jones: Sí, es 888-564-7781. Receptionist: PlayOkay, thank you. I'll give him the message. Recepcionista: Muy bien, gracias. Le daré el mensaje. Mr. Jones: PlayThank you. Good-bye. Sr. Jones: Gracias. Adiós. Receptionist: PlayHave a nice day! Recepcionista: ¡Que tenga un buen día! Aprentias @Aprentias Adjectives ending in -ed or -ing. -ed: excited, interested, bored, annoyed, surprised. -ing: exciting, interesting, boring, annoying, surprising. The words above are a few of the adjectives that end in -ed or -ing. Their meaning can sometimes be confusing.


19 Adjectives ending in -ed show what has happened to a person or thing. He was surprised by the result of his test. Adjectives ending in -ing show the effect which something has on a person or thing. The test results were surprising to him. If you are watching a film on television and the film is good it will be interesting. You will be interested in it. If the film is boring then you are bored. If you meet someone who makes you laugh then he is amusing. You are always amused when you speak to him. There/here/where is/are Here is the book you asked me for. Here are the books you asked me for. There is a policeman at the door. There are two policemen at the door. Every After every we use a singular noun and verb. Every dog has his day. Every individual has the right to a good education. None With none it is correct to use both a singular or plural verb. None of them are coming to the party. None of them is coming to the party. A lot of If a lot of refers to a plural then is requires a plural verb; if a singular then use a singular verb. A lot of the spectators were disappointed by the result. A lot of time is wasted commuting from home to work. One of the/more than one Use a singular verb with one of the and also with more than one even though the meaning is plural. One of the neighbours in these flats is German. There is more than one way of doing this. The – of the In this expression the subject is the first noun and the verb agrees with this. Look at these examples: The results of the survey were interesting. The decision of the board members was interesting. There/here/where is/are In expressions like ‘There are the shops’, the subject (shops) comes after the verb. This must still agree with the verb. Here is the book you asked me for. Here are the books you asked me for. There is a policeman at the door. There are two policemen at the door. Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones ¡OJO! terrible (Eng) = terrible (esp); terrifying espantoso, aterrador. PERO terrific formidable, estupendo, fantástico, genial English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR to put to death ejecutar The prioner was put to death for comiting murder. English has borrowed words from almost 150 languages: Everything from "ivory" to "banjo" and hundreds of other words started out in other languages. El inglés ha adoptado palabras de casi 150 idiomas: desde “ivory” (marfil) a “banjo” (banjo) y cientos de palabras más se crearon en otros idiomas. bring to reanimar Frank came to the hospital unconscious, but the nurses brought him to. Frank llegó inconsciente al hospital, pero las enfermeras lo reanimaron. bring along traer, llevar consigo If you come to the wedding, don't bring your friends along. Si vienes a la boda, no traigas a tus amigos. bring in (a) traer, servir (b) presentar Now that all the guests are here you can bring the cake in. Ahora que todos los invitados están aquí puedes servir la tarta. You will be paid only if you bring in your invoice. Se te pagará sólo si presentas tu factura. bring on producir, causar, estimular, hacer crecer Smoking can bring on many illnesses. Fumar puede causar muchas enfermedades. to get cold feet echarse atrás It's very common for grooms to get cold feet before the wedding. let down decepcionar My sister let me down when I counted on her. Mi hermana me decepcionó cuando conté con ella. let in dejar entrar (b) on - revelar Let me in, please! It's pissing down! ¡Déjame entrar, por favor! ¡Está lloviendo a cántaros!. Don't let me in on the secret. I don't want to be your accomplice. No me reveles el secreto. No quiero ser tu cómplice. let into abrir la puerta para permitir entrar The bouncer let us into the club for free. El portero nos dejó entrar en la discoteca sin pagar. let off (a) liberar (b) explosionar The judge let the murderer off by mistake. El juez dejó al asesino en libertad por error. At the end of the wedding, the guests let off beautiful fireworks. Al final de la boda, los invitados hicieron explotar bonitos fuegos artificiales. let on revelar un secreto Rose let on to Lucy that she was going to be fired. Rose le contó a Lucy que iba a ser despedida. let out (a) dejar salir (b) contar, revelar Let me out, mum! I want to meet my friends! ¡Déjame salir, mamá! ¡Quiero ir con mis amigos! Do what I want or I'll let your secret out. Haz lo que digo o contaré tu secreto. let up (a) mejorar el tiempo (b) no dejar de hablar When the storm lets up I'll drive home. Cuando pare la tormenta conduciré a casa. Jane never lets up when she drinks beer. Jane nunca deja de hablar cuando bebe cerveza. to break wind echarse un gas Rule no. 1: don't break wind in an elevator. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking US says it will keep some embassies closed for up to a week, due to caution over possible militant threat


19 BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Actor Peter Capaldi is the new Doctor in BBC sci-fi series Doctor Who, replacing Matt Smith Australian PM Kevin Rudd calls election for 7 South African President Zuma congratulates Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe on re-election in "successful" vote Bishop of Aberdeen Hugh Gilbert, one of Scotland's most senior Catholics, expected to apologise for 3 decades of abuse at a boarding school UK roadside restaurant chain Little Chef has been sold to a Kuwaitowned business UK restaurant chain Little Chef sold to Kuwaiti-owned business for £15m Public inauguration of new President Hassan #Rouhani is taking place in Iran's parliament Iranian President Hassan Rouhani takes oath of office before parliament "The great Iranian nation has voted yes to moderation & to reason" - President Hassan Rouhani's inauguration One of biggest priorities will be "to further women's rights & freedoms", says Iran's new President "Iran is seeking peace and stability in the region", says new President White House says President Rouhani will find a 'willing partner' in US if he seeks serious engagemen Explosion strikes near Indian consulate in eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad, followed by reports of shooting 8 killed in attack on Indian consulate in #Jalalabad, Afghanistan, but most victims thought to be from nearby mosque Twenty-five police given life sentences for their part in 1992 Carandiru jail massacre that left 111 prisoners dead Hassan Rouhani officially installed as new Iranian president Cleric Hassan Rouhani officially replaces Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president of Iran President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF wins more than two-thirds of seats in #Zimbabwe's parliament, electoral commission confirms Germany and France join the UK in closing their embassies in Yemen on Sunday, after US issued a terror alert Zimbabwe PM Morgan Tsvangirai says President Mugabe's Zanu-PF has stolen parliamentary election, claims victory in his own right Zimbabwe's President Mugabe wins seventh term in office, officials say, amid claims of electoral fraud SELVA inglés ?@SELVAingles Present Perfect vs. Past Simple "Quiero que aprendas ingles!" This lesson will help you more than you may think! cursoingles @curso_de_ingles El pasado simple: Did you eat breakfast this morning? [*Significa: La mañana ya ha terminado] I had three exams this week. [*Significa: Como en el ejemplo anterior, el uso del pasado simple significa que esta semana acaba de terminar] El presente perfecto: Have you eaten breakfast yet this morning? [*Significa: La mañana aún no ha terminado.] I have had three exams already this week. [*Significa: Como antes, el uso del presente perfecto implica que esta semana aún no ha terminado.] El pasado simple: I went to Cuba last year. (Fui a Cuba el año pasado.) They saw a movie yesterday. (Vieron una película ayer.) El presente perfecto: I have been to Cuba in the last year. (He estado en Cuba este último año.) They have seen a movie. They have seen a movie yesterday. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Russia's supreme court cuts jail term for former oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky by two months US says Yemen security threat level is "extremely high" as it tells citizens and non-emergency govt staff to leave: US State Department orders citizens and non-emergency government staff to leave Yemen due to security threats Gunmen abduct & kill 13 bus passengers at fake checkpoint in south-west Pakistan, officials say Pakistan denies any unprovoked gunfire as 5 Indian soldiers killed in disputed Kashmir region Five Indian soldiers killed in Jammu & Kashmir state, its chief minister says Australia's main interest rate at record low of 2.5% after quarter-point cut by central bank US paper Washington Post (@washingtonpost) & affiliated publications to be sold to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos for $250m (£163m) "in cash" Flight from Heathrow to Hong Kong lands safely after heading back to London because of technical problems Flight from Heathrow to Hong Kong heading back to London after technical problems, #BA confirms London's police force apologises to family and agrees settlement over death of Ian Tomlinson at G20 protest in 2009 "We got it wrong" - Met Police Dep Asst Commissioner Maxine de Brunner in apology over Ian Tomlinson's death HSBC reports 10% rise in profits to £9.2bn for first half of the year. Thanks largely to programme of cost cutting & restructuring Ian Tomlinson's widow Julia says police apology over G20 protest death is "as close as we're going to get to justice" Former England football star Paul Gascoigne admits two charges of assault and one of being drunk and disorderly One of the assault charges against Paul Gascoigne withdrawn; awaiting sentence on other charges Paul Gascoigne fined £600 for assault, £400 for drunk & disorderly charge and ordered to pay court costs: Admiral Sandy Woodward, who led the UK's Falklands Task Force, has died after a long illness, his daughter tells BBC


19 BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Former Turkish army chief General Ilker Basbug sentenced to life in jail over plot aimed at toppling the government World's first lab-grown burger is being cooked in London as part of project funded by Google's co-founder SergeyBrin Sergey Brin says if research behind artificial burger created by Dutch scientists works, it can transform the world: "A truly courageous and decisive leader" - UK PM @David_Cameron pays tribute to Adm Sir Sandy Woodward The match at Old Trafford has been abandoned as a draw. England have retained the #Ashes England retain cricket's prized #Ashes trophy after third Test against Australia at Old Trafford ends in a draw Spanish child rapist Daniel Galvan Vina arrested in Spain after Moroccan king revoked a controversial royal pardon Australian entertainer Rolf Harris arrested by Operation Yewtree police over further allegations of sexual offences English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR to get off to a good start empezar con el pie derecho Read up on the subject before class, then you'll be off to a good start have on (a) llevar puesto (b) llevar algo consigo (c) tener información de (d) have somebody on, tomarle el pelo a alguien I have on the dress he gave me for my birthday. Llevo puesto el vestido que él me regaló en mi cumpleaños Do you have your keys on you? I think I left mine at home. ¿Tienes tus llaves? Creo que me dejé las mías en casa. I've been asking people and I have something on your new friend that you're not gonna like. He estado preguntando a la gente y sé algo sobre tu nuevo amigo que no te va a gustar. Aren't you realizing that he's having you on? ¿No te estás dando cuenta de que él te está tomando el pelo? have out with intentar hacer las paces I'm gonna have it out with my sister to solve our problem. Voy a hablar con mi hermana para resolver nuestro problema. have down as tener hecha una idea acerca de alguien sin conocerlo Are you working? I had you down as an eternal student. ¿Estás trabajando? Creía que eras un estudiante eterno. have in llamar a alguien para que venga a tu casa We had to have the electrician in to fix the short circuit. Tuvimos que llamar al electricista para que viniera a arreglar el cortocircuito . have over tener visita I'm gonna cook for dinner. I have my parents over tonight. Voy a cocinar para la cena. Mis padres vienen a visitarme esta noche. have up llevar a alguien a juicio Winona Ryder was had up for shop-lifting. Winona Ryder fue llevada a juicio por robar en tiendas. crispy - crispier - the crispiest : crujiente There is nothing as delicious as crispy bacon. No hay nada más delicioso que un bacon crujiente. Don't order a pizza from there, I know a place that makes pizzas with a crispier crust. No pidas una pizza allí, conozco un sitio en el que hacen pizzas con el borde crujiente. Those are the the crispiest french fries I have ever eaten. Esas son las patatas fritas más crujientes que he comido nunca. GraspEnglish How many hours does it take to be fluent in English? InglesParaUsted @InglesParaUsted "¿Crees que podemos vender esto?":"You think we can sell this?" "¿Por qué tan serio?":"Why so serious?" BBC News (UK) @BBCNews Foreign Office says all staff at Yemen embassy have been flown home to UK due to increased security concerns Report into patient safety at English hospitals calls for new criminal offence of "wilful or reckless neglect" Prof Don Berwick's report on English hospitals says patient safety must become the top priority for the NHS Two men die and another is injured in shooting at a farm in South Lanarkshire Iran's new president Hasan Rouhani says Iran prepared to enter "serious" negotiations on #nuclear issue, speaking at first media conference Former US President George W Bush has successfully undergone a heart procedure after blockage was found in an artery Iran's new President Hassan Rouhani says #nuclear concerns can be resolved, but "solely through talks, not threats" US senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain, visiting Cairo, call for the release of political prisoners in Egypt Lawyers acting for honeymoon murder suspect Shrien Dewani launching bid to take his case to UK's Supreme Court Ask.fm say they're co-operating with police after UK father blamed death of teen daughter on bullying on the website Bombings in Iraq, mostly targeting markets in #Baghdad, kill 31 people on Tuesday Tunisia's constitutional assembly suspends work until government & opposition begin talks, amid crisis sparked by killing of politician 10 killed as car bomb explodes in #Baghdad, taking day's death toll from blasts in Iraq's capital to more than 40 US government sues Bank of America for civil fraud over sale of $850m (£553m) of mortgage bonds in 2008 US actor Dustin Hoffman treated for cancer & is now "feeling great & in good health", spokeswoman says Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones hace dos años two years ago hacía dos años two years before Life goes on. cursoingles @curso_de_ingles big grande circle círculo curved curvo deep profundo enormous enorme flat plano giant gigante tall alto gigantic gigantesco high alto huge inmenso large grande little pequeño long largo low bajo massive enorme


19 cursoingles @curso_de_ingles medium mediano narrow estrecho oval ovalado pointed puntiagudo rectangle rectángulo round redondo shape forma short corto size tamaño / talla small pequeño square cuadrado straight recto thick grueso/gordo thin delgado / fino tiny diminuto triangle tringulo wide ancho InglesParaUsted @InglesParaUsted "Este año va ser fabuloso" "This year is going to be fabulous" "Es un nuevo año, es un nuevo comienzo" "It's a new year, it's a new start" "Mañana será un día mejor" "Tomorrow will be a better day" "Yo aprenderé Inglés este año" "I will learn English this year" "¿Sabes lo que eso significa?" "Do you know what that means?" "Regreso al colegio mañana." "I go back to school tomorrow." "¿Tienes suficiente dinero?" "Do you have enough money?" "Aceptamos el amor que pensamos que merecemos" "We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve" "Tal vez deberíamos correr." "Maybe we should just run." "¿Está estresado?" "Are you stressed out?" "No puedo dormir." "I can't sleep." "No seas honesto." "Don't be honest" "Todos estamos conectados" "We are all connected." "¿Puedes ayudarme?" "Can you help me?" "Déjame quitarte la ropa" "Let me take your clothes off" "No me hables de esa manera." "Don't talk to me that way." "¿Quién tiene hambre?" "Who is hungry?" "¿Deberíamos tener una cita?" "Should we go on a date?" "Tienes una llamada." "You have a call." "¿Qué es un planeta?" "What is a planet?" "Mira las estrellas." "Look at the stars." "Enfréntate a tus miedos." "Face your fears." "no me olvides" "don't forget me" "No me toques" "Don't touch me" "Hoy fue mi último día." "Today was my last day." "No quiero manejar." "I don't want to drive." "Sonríe" "Just smile" "No lo creo." "I don't think so." "Creo que estoy sordo" "I think I'm deaf" "Suenas tan aburrido." "You sound so boring." "¿Qué tan bien lo conoces?" "How well do you know him?" "Imperialismo" "Imperialism" "Quiero el poder." "I want the power." Cambien Brazil" "Change Brazil" "No sé qué hacer con mi vida" "I don't know what to do with my life" "Guerra" "War" "Vamos a terminar esto juntos.." "Let's finish this together." "Economía" "Economics" "Haz cosas pequeñas con gran amor." "Do small things with great love." "No tengas miedo" "Don't be afraid" "Yo no soy culpable" "I'm not guilty" "¿Por qué tiemblas?" "Why are you shaking?" "¿Quieres un helado?" "Do you want ice cream?" "Feliz día de la Independencia!" "Happy Independence day!" "Come tu desayuno" "Eat your breakfast" "Tengo que ver Mad Men." "I need to watch Mad Men." "Odio clases por la mañana." "I hate morning classes." "Yo no he hecho nada hoy" "I haven't done anything today" "Tienes que confiar en mí." "You have to trust me." "Nadie te quiere." "Nobody like you" "Quit your job, and start doing what you love." "Renuncia tu trabajo, y empieza a hacer lo que amas." "¿Crees que podemos vender esto?" "You think we can sell this?" "Mi cumpleaños se acerca." "My birthday is coming up. BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking Egyptian presidency says foreign efforts to mediate with the Muslim Brotherhood have failed Spanish PM Rajoy offers to reduce Gibraltar border controls after "constructive" call with UK's Cameron, No10 says Fire completely closes main international airport in Kenya's capital, Nairobi "Smoke billowing out of departures & arrivals" - listen as BBC reporter describes fire at Nairobi airport Fire crews "dangerously low on water", Kenya government says, as blaze badly damages Nairobi airport Fire shuts Nairobi airport, East Africa's busiest. Cause not clear UK police arrest man, 32, in connection with investigation into threats made on Twitter At least 62 rebel fighters are reported killed in ambush by the Syrian army east of Damascus, monitoring group says UK PM David Cameron has called Spanish counterpart Mariano Rajoy to raise serious concerns about situation at Gibraltar border, No 10 says Interest rates will remain at 0.5% until the unemployment rate has fallen to 7%, Bank of England governor announces English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR to get a kick out of something encontrar placer en algo I enjoy cooking, I get a kick out of people complimenting my food. cursoingles @curso_de_ingles At the Hotel Are you going to stay at a hotel this summer? reservation reserva reception recepción lobby vestíbulo full board pensión completa half board media pensión single/double room habitación individual/doble vacancies habitaciones libres no vacancy completo porter, bellhop (US) portero to check in registrarse to check out pagar e irse del hotel to stay quedarse I have a reservation. Tengo una reserva. I would like a room for the night. Quisiera una habitación para la noche. Are there any rooms available? ¿Hay habitaciones disponibles? Would you like a single or double room? ¿Le gustaría una habitación individual o doble? How long will you be staying? ¿Cuánto tiempo va a quedarse? Does the room have a private bath? ¿La habitación tiene un baño privado? Is breakfast [dinner] included? ¿El desayuno [la cena] está incluído? What time is breakfast [dinner] served? ¿A qué hora sirven el desayuno [la cena]?


19 cursoingles @curso_de_ingles At the Hotel Please charge it to my room [bill]. Por favor cárguelo a mi habitación [cuenta]. Is there parking? ¿Hay aparcamiento? How much is the room? ¿Cuánto cuesta la habitación? What time is check out? ¿Cuándo hay que dejar del hotel? Do you need the porter to assist you with your bags? ¿Necesita al portero para que le ayude con su equipaje? Here is your room key. Your room number is... Aquí está su llave. Su habitación es... My room key, please. La llave por favor. If you need anything, dial 0 for reception. Si necesita cualquier cosa, marque el 0 para contactar con recepción. Can you please call me a taxi? ¿Puede llamarme un taxi por favor? May I have some more towels? ¿Puedo tener algunas toallas más? Please clean the room. Por favor, limpie mi habitación. Please do not disturb. Por favor, no molestar. Is there a safe in the room? ¿Hay una caja fuerte en la habitación? Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones Thank you very much! I'm very glad it's finally underway (en marcha). Correction: Congratulations on NOT for The answer to the weekend's question coming up: diferencia "to go out", "to go away" & "to go abroad" to go out salir, normalmente en el sentido de "salir con alguien" o "salir a divertirse", por la noche, a un bar/restaurate, etc to go out apagarse, cuando se refiere a un fuego o una vela The candles went out due to the strong wind. to go away irse fuera (de la ciudad), alejarse, marcharse. Implica poner una distancia entre una persona y otra persona o un lugar I'm going away for the weekend Me voy de fin de semana. He went away and never returned Se marchó y nunca volvió to go abroad irse al extranjero, They're going abroad on holiday this year Van de vacaciones al etranjero este año está a la derecha it's on the right está al lado derecho / a la mano derecha it's on the right-hand side está a la izquierda it's on the left está al lado izquierdo / a la mano izquierda it's on the left-hand side paso a paso step by step poco a poco little by little I'll have a tea please Tomo un té por favor. Utiliza la forma "will"+"have" para pedir algo en un bar/restaurante 1.una taza de té "a cup of tea" si te refieres al contenido de la taza pero "a tea cup" si te refieres al tipo de taza. 2.De la misma manera: una copa de vino "a glass of wine" (contenido) o "a wine glass" (tipo de copa/vaso) 3.una taza de café "a cup of coffee" (contenido) o "a coffee cup" (tipo de taza), I'll have a cup of coffee in a coffee cup please voy a buscarlo I'm going to look for it sólo si no sabes donde está. Si lo sabes, se dice: I'm going to get/fetch it voy a buscarlo (en el sentido de "voy a recogerlo") I'm going to pick it up / pick him up ¿Qué quieres decir? (en el sentido de "¿Qué tienes ganas de expresar?") What do you want to say? ¿Qué quieres decir? (en el sentido de "¿Qué quieres decir con eso?" o "¿Qué significa eso?") What do you mean? "What do you mean?" could be used for ¿Qué dices? although "What are you saying?" is also used. ¿Qué más? What else? Algo más Something else ¿Algo más? Anything else? Nada más Nothing else. Welcome to Twitter Gabriela! Make sure you check it on a regular basis! Enjoy! Frases negativas: No quiero nada más I don't want anything else. La "no" cambia a "any" para evitar una doble negación 1.Use "will" for future predictions: Who do you think WILL win the European Championships? ¿Quién crees que ganará la Eurocopa 2.I think Spain WILL win the European Championships (Creo que España ganará la Eurocopa) 3.I don't think England WILL win the European Championships (No creo que Inglaterra gane / Creo que Inglaterra no ganará la Eurocopa) 4.FIJATE: No se suele decir: I think it won't... Si es negativo, haz que "think" sea negativo: I don't think it will ... Thank you very much Raul. I'm glad you like the blog; I hope you find it helpful. The Liberty lesson went down well with both a group and an individual class. Thanks a lot! to be in your shoes estar en tu lugar I wouldn't like to be in your shoes when the boss finds out you missed the meeting Si yo estuviera en tu lugar If I were in your shoes. Usa "were" y no "was" para estuviera/estuviese o fuera/fuese después de "if" If I were a rich man.... (Si yo fuera un hombre rico....) muy conocido well-known (literalmente: bien conocido) It's a well-known song (Es una canción muy conocida) "It sounds funny to me" would be ok. It sounds..... to me but NOT It sounds me ..... to put it on a plate for ponérselo en bandeja a He put it on a plate for you Te lo puso en bandeja antes de ayer / anteayer the day before yesterday (literalmente: el día antes de ayer) pasado mañana the day after tomorrow (literalmente: el día después de mañana) the icing on the cake la guinda del pastel The 4th goal was the icing on the cake El 4º gol fue la guinda del pastel existe un coche que a car exists that (sujeto + verbo). O más común en inglés There is a car that hay un coche que I send him it Se lo envío a él I sent him it Se lo envié I've sent him it Se lo he enviado


19 Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones I spend gasto I spent gasté I've spent he gastado I lend presto I lent presté I've lent he prestado pronto (dentro de poco tiempo) soon pronto (temprano) early I must go to bed soon because I have to get up early tomorrow Thank you for helping - preposition + verb+-ing worse than bad English. worse peor the worst lo peor. 1.preposición + infinitivo (Esp) = preposition + verb+-ing (Eng), e.g. Thanks for coming Gracias por venir 2.After eating Después de comer interested in seeing interesado en ver without paying sin pagar Hey Jacobo! Thanks for following me! Try and check Twitter regularly and I hope my tweets will be useful for you. 1.to increase /inkrís/ aumentar, subir acento en la segunda sílaba. The government is increasing /inkrísin'/ taxes 2.an increase /íncris/ un aumento, incremento acento en la primera sílaba. There's an increase /ínkris/ in unemployment. 3.pasa lo mismo con "to decrease" /dikrís/ disminuir, bajar y "a decrease" /díkris/ una disminuición, un descenso verbo "jugar" "to play". Pero para "un juego" normalmente se dice "a game". Y "un juguete" "a toy" Clear explanations and good examples of useful English expressions, verbs and vocabulary Se/Te lo agradecería si pudieras... I would appreciate it if you could... Para "Se/Te lo agradecería" di "Lo apreciaría") You too! Let's see if I can help you with your English, although you both speak well! WANT /uont/ ("o" como en "hot") and WON'T /uohnt/ ("o" como en "Oh" My God o "Hotel") Similar sounds but different The grammar is key, the TO or lack of TO: I want TO go /ai wona goh/ o /ai wonta goh/ v I won't go /ai wohnt go/ only sólo, solamente, único. just sólo, solamente, justo, extacto/exactamente/precisamente, simplemente, un poco, Thanks for the questions. You've given me an idea for a post on how to use JUST and ONLY. We think more rationally in a foreign language imprevisto unforeseen. im-pre-visto un-fore-seen. im un (para negar) pre before = fore visto seen. Good morning. Actually, it's gone midday so Good afternoon! Pleased to meet you As the European Championships are currently taking place (teniendo lugar actualmente), it's time for some footballbased tweets ganar un partido to win a match ganar A alguien / un equipo to beat "to win England" "to beat England" Italy won their quarter-final beating England on penalties Italia ganó su partido de octavos ganado a Inglaterra en los penaltis I imagine you have more passion for football than for other subjects so that interest motivates you more and makes it easier. Thanks for following me; I hope you find my tweets useful perder un partido to lose a match el infinitivo y el presente (yo pierdo) es "lose"; el pasado y "perdido" es "lost" England lost to Italy in the quarter-final Inglaterra perdió contra Italia el los cuartos perder contra to lose to/against I've just realised that Spain are playing Portugal tonight! ¡Acabo de darme cuenta de que España juega contra Portugal esta noche! I hope Spain don't lose against Portugal tonight Espero que España no pierda contra Portugal esta noche un delantero a striker /straika/ un centrocampista a midfielder un defensa a defender un portero a goalkeepe un arbitro a referee asistentes assistant referees. to miss a chance fallar una oportunidad de gol If you miss too many chances, you're likely to lose the match. to miss a chance fallar una oportunidad de gol Bayern Munich lost the Champions League final because they missed a lot of chances to look to shoot buscar el disparo The German striker looked to shoot at every opportunity. to look forward to (+ verbo+-ing) esperar con ilusión I'm looking forward to watching the European Championship Final on Sunday I look forward to hearing from you Espero tus/sus noticias I wait for your news!!!!! to get away from escaparse de The criminals got away from the police Los criminales se escaparon de la policía I'm looking forward to getting away from the city this weekend Espero con ilusión escaparme de la ciudad este fin de semana GraspEnglish @GraspEnglish I've had enough to eat He comido (lo) suficiente Open up abrir, abrirse, desinhibirse, surgir There's a new Thai restaurant opening up in town Van a abrir un nuevo restaurante tailandés en la ciudad The country is now opening up to foreign investment El país se está abriendo a la inversión extranjera A whole range of possibilities opened up Se nos abrió toda una gama de posibilidades After a few drinks he began to open up Empezó a desinhibirse después de unas copas A clear gap had opened up between the two leaders Una clara diferencia había surgido entre los dos líderes He opened up the boot of the car Abrió el maletero del coche Cutting down the trees opened up the view from the house Al talar los árboles, la vista desde la casa se abrió


19 GraspEnglish @GraspEnglish The department store is opening up a branch in the town Los grandes almacenes van a abrir una sucursal en la ciudad United have opened up a three-point lead at the top El United va en cabeza por tres puntos Uninterested (in sb/sth) indiferente (a algn/algo), no interesado (en algn/algo) Disinterested desinteresado She is uninterested in eating No tiene interés en comer He was disinterested in the film No le interesaba la película Los votantes también parecían ir perdiendo el interés en el proceso electoral The voters, too, seemed increasingly disinterested in the electoral process She was uninterested in our plans No tenía ningún interés por nuestros planes A mailing to 200 interested clients is better than one to 20000 uninterested Un envío a 200 clientes interesados es mucho mejor que un envío a 20.000 clientes no interesados Used to + infinitivo se utiliza para describir hábitos y situaciones del pasado que no se dan en la actualidad You used to smoke a pipe, didn’t you? ¿Antes fumabas en pipa, no? I used to live in London Antes vivía en Londres Life isn’t what it used to be La vida no es lo que era They used to spend their holidays with us Solían pasar las vacaciones con nosotros We used to come here often Veníamos aquí a menudo He used to go for a walk every morning Solía dar un paseo cada mañana Las oraciones interrogativas y negativas se construyen generalmente con did... Didn’t you use to go out with Mary? ¿No salías antes con Mary? He didn’t use to be fat Antes no estaba gordo He didn't use to drink coffee Antes nunca tomaba café Where did they use to live? ¿dónde vivían antes? She never used to smoke Antes no fumaba nunca Did he use to like it? ¿le gustaba? 1.move on seguir Let's move on before somebody sees us Sigamos antes de que nos vea alguien Shall we move on? ¿Seguimos? 2.move on (ideas, creencias) cambiar, progresar Things have moved on a lot since those days Las cosas han cambiado mucho desde aquella época This debate does not seem to have moved on much Esta polémica no parece haber progresado mucho 3.move on (to sth) pasar a otra cosa, pasar a algo If we're agreed on that point, shall we move on? Si estamos de acuerdo en ese punto, ¿podemos pasar a otra cosa? Let's move on to the next item on the agenda Pasemos al siguiente punto del orden del día 4.move on cambiar de trabajo/actividad She moved on to become senior editor of a magazine Cambió de trabajo y se convirtió en jefa de redacción de una revista 5.move on (tiempo) transcurrir, pasar As time moved on, his strength grew Con el paso del tiempo, se fortaleció ¿Cuándo usamos "do" y "make"? Usamos "Do" para referirnos a actividades y a ideas generales Usamos "Make" cuando se trata de construir, crear, fabricar He has to do the shopping El tiene que hacer las compras She has to make breakfast Ella tiene que hacer el desayuno John doesn't like to do his homework A John no le gusta hacer sus deberes He is making a lot of money Está haciendo un montón de dinero I'm not doing anything today No estoy haciendo nada hoy Mark doesn't like to make mistakes Mark no le gusta cometer errores She does her best to improve her company Hace lo mejor que puede para mejorar su empresa. His employees make fun of him Sus empleados se burlan de él "Can you do me a favor?" ¿Me puedes hacer un favor? They were making love in the back seat of their car Ellos estaban haciendo el amor en el asiento trasero de su auto "What are you doing here?" ¿Qué estás haciendo aquí? Some of his decisions don't make sense Algunas de sus decisiones no tienen sentido 1.sign in firmar (al llegar a un sitio) All visitors must sign in on arrival Todos los visitantes deben firmar cuando llegan 2.sign in fichar Staff should sign in on arrival El personal debe fichar a su llegada 3.sign sb in firmar para que permitan la entrada de algn You have to be signed in by a member Para que te permitan la entrada, un miembro tiene que firmar Ever Alguna vez Have you ever been to India? ¿Has estado alguna vez en India? Has it ever happened before? ¿Ha pasado ya alguna vez? Would you ever go parachuting? ¿Te tirarías en paracaídas? I’ve tried it once or twice Lo he probado en alguna ocasión Have you ever been there? ¿Has estado allí alguna vez? Do you ever see him? ¿Le ves alguna vez? If you ever go there Si vas allí alguna vez 1.sign sth away firmar la cesión de algo Without realizing it he had signed away his rights Sin darse cuenta había firmado la cesión de todos sus derechos 2.sign for sth firmar el recibí de algo The postman asked me to sign for the parcel El cartero me pidió que firmara el recibí del paquete 3.sign off (GB) despedirse (en una carta) I'll sign off now and post this Me despido ahora para echar la carta al correo She signed off with “Lots of love, Janet” Se despidió con “Con todo cariño, Janet”. 4.sign sb off (GB) (médico) dar la baja (por enfermedad) a algn The doctor signed him off for a week El médico le dio una semana de baja 5.to sign on (GB, coloq) apuntarse al paro, firmar en la oficina de desempleo He signed on the day the factory closed Se apuntó al paro el día que cerró la fábricI


19 GraspEnglish @GraspEnglish sign on every other Tuesday - Tengo que ir a la oficina de desempleo a firmar cada dos martes 6.sign out firmar (al salir de un sitio) Don't forget to sign out when you leave Acuérdate de firmar cuando te vayas 7.sign sth over (to sb) ceder algo legalmente (a algn) He signed the house over to his daughter Le cedió la casa legalmente a su hija 8.sign up inscribirse, matricularse, alistarse, firmar un contrato She's signed up with an employment agency Ha firmado un contrato con una agencia de empleo I've signed up for a yoga course Me he matriculado en un curso de yoga She went to the recruitment office and signed up Fue a la oficina de reclutamiento y se alistó Never se utiliza cuando la oración es afirmativa en inglés Nunca he estado en París I’ve never been to Paris Ever se utiliza cuando la oración es negativa, o contiene palabras negativas como nothing, without, etc.. Nunca pasa nada Nothing ever happens 1.hook up (to sth) conectarse (a algo) All the speakers hook up to a single amplifier Todos los altavoces van conectados a un solo amplificador 2.hook up (with sb) asociarse (con algn) We've hooked up with a firm in Ireland Nos hemos asociado con una firma irlandesa 3.hook up (with sb) juntarse, hacer amistad (con algn) On vacation we hooked up with some Texans - Durante las vacaciones hicimos amistad con unos tejanos 4. hook up (with sb) liarse (con algn) They hooked up at Kyle's party - Se liaron en la fiesta de Kyle 5.hook up (with sb) quedar,verse (conalgn) Let's hook up when you get back ¿Por qué no quedamos cuando vuelvas? Tanto ill como sick significan enfermo, pero no son intercambiables... Ill tiene que ir detrás de un verbo.... Está gravemente enferma She is seriously ill Dos de mis compañeros están enfermos Two of my colleagues are off sick He fell ill on holiday Se puso enfermo durante las vacaciones The secretary's off sick La secretaria está de baja por enfermedad We look after the mentally ill Cuidamos a enfermos mentales En inglés británico, sick con un verbo como be o feel, no significa encontrarse enfermo, sino tener ganas de vomitar... I feel sick Tengo ganas de vomitar Sin embargo en inglés americano, enfermo siempre se dice sick... to be sick estar enfermo to get sick caer enfermo to let/get sb off the hook dejar que algn se salve/sacar a algn del apuro He's off the hook Se ha librado The headmaster let him off the hook El director le perdonó She paid my fine to get me off the hook Pagó la multa que me habían puesto para sacarme del apuro off the hook descolgado (teléfono) The phone's off the hook El teléfono está descolgado They must have left it off the hook Lo han debido de dejar descolgado 1.stamp sth out apagar/extinguir algo pisándolo He stamped out the flames before they spread any further Apagó las llamas a pisotones antes de que se extendiesen más 2.to stamp sth out acabar con algo, erradicar algo They aim to stamp out drug dealing in schools Quieren acabar con el tráfico de drogas en los colegios They tried to stamp out resistance to the regime Intentaron sofocar aplastar la resistencia al régimen The coast is clear no hay moros en la costa You can come out, the coast is clear Puedes salir, no hay moros en la costa I’ll tell you tomorrow, the coast isn't clear just now Mañana te lo cuento, ahora hay moros en la costa I hope you all had a great Easter! ¡Espero que hayáis tenido una buena Semana Santa! 1.brighten up (tiempo) aclarar, despejarse After a dull start, it should brighten up later El día empezará nublado pero saldrá el sol más tarde It brightened up at about five Despejó a eso de las cinco 2.brighten sth up alegrar algo I've brought some flowers to brighten the room up a bit He traído unas flores para alegrar la habitación un poco The news brightened up my day La noticia me alegró el día take your pick elige or escoge el (or los etc) que quieras Take your pick from ten luxury hotels Escoja or elija el que quiera de entre diez hoteles de lujo You can also take your pick of any type or colour También es posible elegir el tipo y el color Just take your pick for the four corners of your homescreen Sólo tienes que elegir una de las cuatro esquinas de la pantalla de inicio Take your pick from among the 100 films offered Podrá elegir entre de las 100 películas que se ofrecen Night life la marcha The night life in Madrid La marcha nocturna de Madrid There's some great night life in Ibiza! ¡Menuda marcha hay en Ibiza! This weekend I'm going out partying in Madrid El fin de semana me voy de marcha a Madrid to have a ball or a great time pasárselo bomba o en grande They had a ball with Anita Lo pasaron en grande con Anita To nibble Picar Is there anything to nibble? ¿Hay algo para picar? To go for tapas Ir de tapeo Why don't we go out for tapas tonight? ¿Por qué no nos vamos esta noche de tapeo? to go round the bars ir de tapeo Have a great weekend! ¡Que tengas un buen fin de semana!


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