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Ways to figure out if your ankle mobility is restricted
Continued from Page 14 ankle rolling inward. In this position, the front leg which is being tested, should have some weight on it and you should be able to bend down and forward getting the knee over the toes as in a good skating position. Check both sides and look for symmetry.
If you are unable to perform this easily, you may have limited ankle mobility. If you have failed this test, there are a few simple things to do to improve.
First, use a foam roll or lacrosse ball and roll out your calves from your Achilles all the way up to your knee to loosen the soft tissue.
Then repeat the testing procedure, also known as ankle rocks ten times pausing each time you have rocked forward.
Add a calf stretch as well by placing your foot flat on the ground be- hind you with a straight leg, feeling the stretch up higher this time. Hold this stretch for 15 seconds.
Repeat these steps three times daily on the road to increased ankle mobility and a better, more efficient skating stride.
-- Chris Phillips