Reading and Note taking Simple steps to help you find information and make notes.
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Y o u already know most of the steps, but let’s go over them once more.
Use your prior knowledge of the area to help with the context.
Quickly read through the text to get an idea of the main points.
Do not stop at the words you do not know.
Underline them. You will look at them later.
Read the titles and subtitles. Write down the information these give.
Look at any images in the text.
Look at different colours used in the text. Add more information.
“What is the writer trying to tell me?�
Make brief notes of what you understood.
Work through each paragraph again.
Add more information to your notes.
Look up the words that are absolutely necessary.
Make a note of these for Quizlet.
Take a break and then continue‌
Graphic organisers or mind maps can help you organise your information. Write only the most important words.
Check your notes against the information in the text.