Cetmar Report 2009

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Copyright Centro Tecnol贸gico del Mar - Fundaci贸n CETMAR, 2009 Eduardo Cabello, s/n E36208 Bouzas - Vigo T. +34 986 247 047 - Fax +34 986 296 019 www.cetmar.org - info@cetmar.org

0: Summary

1: Prologue of the Conselleira do Mar


2: Prologue of the Director of CETMAR


3: The Centre


4: Summary for 2009


5: Events in 2009


6: Projects of the Work Areas


Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources


Technology of Fish Products


Fishing Socioeconomics


Technology Promotion and Transfer


International Cooperatiin




General Secretariat


Marine Technologies Unit


7: Economic Data


8: Staff List


9: Organizations that Collaborated with CETMAR


10: Board of Trustees 2009



Prologue of the Conselleira do Mar These pages are a true account of the work undertaken by the Centro Tecnológico del Mar throughout 2009. They show a clear example how assignments are undertaken for which CETMAR was established, a representation of its actions, directed at sustainable development in coastal communities, ecosystems and marine resources. The development of I+D+I activities is an investment for the future which CETMAR is working towards and one of the Consellería do Mar’s principle aims. With this aim, research, science and technology come together and the cooperation amongst institutions and centres is encouraged, in trying to keep a balance between economic growth, improving social conditions and respecting the environment. This impulse for research, development and innovation contributes to the increase in efficiency in the fisheries, shellfish,

acquaculture and processing sectors. Finally, it benefits Galicia, making it a geographical reference point in this field. CETMAR’s actions benefit all the public and private sectors related to the marine environment in general, including those in other areas whether National, European or International. With this institution, Galicia is worth even more, as CETMAR is synonymous with prevention, quality, research, innovation and training. This translates into an investment for the future and progress that crosses borders. We have to add projects, research, collaboration agreements and training activities undertaken in 2009 and that are described in this paper to the Centre’s intensive course of development. Some have served to reinforce its presence beyond our borders, promoting fishing and acquaculture partnerships or in training local fisheries sectors in African and Latin American

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countries. Others continued encouraging environmental management of Galicia’s fishing grounds. Writing down these actions demonstrates the benefits that can be obtained from the sea and helps reinforce our consciences in looking after them and complies with our objectives. It helps us perceive that thanks to the connection between government, companies and research, this organization gives us the opportunity to contribute to the conservation of our seas and resources.

Rosa Quintana Carballo. Conselleira do Mar.

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Prologue of the Director of CETMAR The Centro Tecnológico del Mar experienced quite a lot of activity in 2009. The actions of the CETMAR Foundation developed under the general framework of giving continuity to the task of promoting cooperation between institutions, research centres and the maritime-fisheries sector; to act as an interinstitutional and interdisciplinary meeting place; to encourage the involvement of sectors dependent on the sea in I+D+I activities and help in the efficiency of all activities related to the use and exploitation of the sea. The institution was involved in around 80 projects in which CETMAR played the main role in the I+D+I area. It did it encouraging diligent research to acquire new knowledge; an experimental development consisting of systematic works which makes use of existing knowledge obtained from research and/or practical experience and is directed at the production of certain materials, products or devices, to start up new processes, systems

and services or to substantially improve those which already exist; and innovation dedicated to the introduction of new products or services, processes, methods of commercialization or a new organizational method in the company’s internal practices, organization of the workplace or outside of it. The activity in other areas has been no less intense. Training continues to be an area in which CETMAR contributes its grain of sand, not only managing the A Aixola Centre in Marín, through which nearly 800 students passed through in 2009 attending the 56 courses undertaken that year, but also through the organization of different training and publication actions. The Centre’s experts are also called upon continuously to undertake research and technical services of diverse nature. The Foundation’s machinery maintains its unstoppable rhythm, which enables it to continue contributing its efforts to the

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improvement and preservation of the marine environment and to increase the efficiency of the sectors related to its development, that continue seeing the Centre as a shoulder to lean on and a way to improving competitiveness. The interest in the actions that CETMAR promotes, as well as those it takes part in together with other research centres, institutions or companies is ratified by the economic support from the Xunta de Galicia for a large percentage of its initiatives, and is also backed, as in previous years, by the Government and the European Union, who also continue financing the majority of the

Centre’s activities. I would not like to end without highlighting the large address-book of collaborators that our institution has been able to put together since it started in 2001, an address-book in which organizations and institutions from more than 30 countries are present. Only in 2009, we worked with more than two hundred, a cooperation whose impulse continues and will continue being one of CETMAR Foundation’s main objectives. Paloma Rueda Crespo. Managing Director of the CETMAR Foundation.

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3: The Centre The Sea Technology Centre is a Foundation of Galician interest that was created in 2001 on the initiative of the Consellería do Mar and the Dirección Xeral de I+D+I of the Xunta de Galicia and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. The Centre’s fundamental objective is to promote cooperation between institutions, research centres and the marine – fishing sector, as well as to encourage involvement by the sectors dependent on the sea in I+D+I activities and to help the efficiency of all the activities related to the marine environment’s use and development. CETMAR’s actions extend to the National, European and International fields, whereby all public and private sectors related to the sea and its resources, and the marine environment in general, are beneficiaries of its activity. The Centre is organised around eight work areas: Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources: Aimed at the

protection, regeneration and improvement of the management of the marine environment and resources. Its basic lines of action are prevention, response and abatement of marine contamination of natural or anthropogenic origin and the development of studies on the state of the environment and its resources, besides other actions aimed at minimising the environmental impact of fishing and aquiculture. Technology of Fish Products: Food security and nutritional quality, as well as the adjustment of undervalued species and waste recovery, are fields in which this area carries out its activity, as well as working on projects to assure the quality of new products. Fishing Socioeconomics: It promotes studies on the economic impact of the different activities of the sea-industry complex, and on commercialisation and markets of fishing products, on consumption habits or price monitoring. It also offers support to institutions and companies for the analysis and monitoring of public policies, management models and the assessment

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of the impact of national, community and international regulation. Finally, it tackles the social aspects of fishing as organisation systems, group dynamics or aspects related to the diversification of the sector.

improve the quality of life of the maritimefishing sector through training. The department’s activity focuses on training in the strict sense of the word -courses and training plans- and scientific dissemination.

Technology Promotion and Transfer: From this area, special emphasis is placed on favouring the connection and communication between the scientific-technological environment and the productive environment. The analysis of the scientific and technological capacities of the environment and of the technological tendencies and needs in the sectors related to the sea and its products, is a key task in order to achieve its objectives.

International Cooperation: Its objective is to promote and support the development of marine sectors of third countries through the cooperation in fields such as conservation of the natural environment, the development of rural aquiculture, maritime-fisheries training or the promotion of the small-scale fishing sector, among others. It also provides its support to fishing companies for their internationalisation in Latin America and Africa.

Marine Technologies Unit: This Unit focuses on the development of capacities and initiatives in the field of marine technology, favouring its growth and transfer, as well as the provision of highly qualified services. Training: Its fundamental objective is to

Management Area: The management and administration of the centre is the responsibility of the Management and the Secretary General, who also develops specific projects in collaboration with all other areas.

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93 workers took part in 80 research projects. The impulse of I+D+I activities in the maritime fisheries sector and cooperation between this, research centres and institutions to boost this line of performance were the exercise for 2009, the axis on which the activity of the Centro Tecnológico del Mar-Fundación CETMAR gravitated. One more year, the actions derived from the research projects in which the institution is involved were the focus of its staff’s work, which also diverted efforts to fulfilling contracts, agreements or commissions from different organizations and institutions. The eight areas in which the Centre is structured worked this way throughout last year on nearly 80 research projects. Of them, 25% they finished in 2009, whilst the remaining two thirds will continue throughout 2010. This was possible thanks to establishing agreements with more than two hundred institutions, research centres and companies

in the maritime-fisheries sector, not only in Galicia and Spain but also with another 30 countries in the world. As for the financing, slightly more than half of the projects were supported by the Xunta de Galicia, whilst one in four received financing from the Administration of the State. The European Union made possible the start up and fulfilment of another 12 projects with its funding. Marine pollution or the use and assessment of resources, residues or by-products of fishing activities were two of the plans of action that have continued in 2009, in addition to aquaculture, technology transfer, management of solid waste derived from maritime-fisheries activities, marine technology or training. The majority of the Centre’s work once again focused on international cooperation, with actions directed at improvements in the sector in African and Latin American countries.

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In addition to the research projects, last year the CETMAR foundation staff carried out 18 contracts, agreements or commissions signed with administrations and institutions on a Galician, National, European or International level, which enabled the start of training activities, fishing extension programmes and other actions framed inside their own research projects which were previously mentioned. So that this work could be carried out the involvement of all the Centre’s workers was necessary. A total of 93 were employed by CETMAR during 2009. 28 of them are on the staff. The rest were temporary contracts associated to projects. We must also highlight that two thirds of the people had top qualifications and amongst them there were 10 doctors. There were 48 women and 45 men amongst the total of workers.

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The Centre obtained its ISO 9001:2008 certification after an adaptation process of its management system in which all the staff were involved. The execution of ongoing research projects or the development of actions derived from contracts, agreements or commissions meant that these were the backbone of the activities the staff of the Centro Tecnológico del Mar undertook in 2009. Nevertheless, the CETMAR Foundation’s work went further, and one more year, the institution was the stage for numerous events of diverse nature, many associated with the main activity of the Centre. This is the case of the project meetings, which attracted to the foundations headquarters, experts from all over Spain and from abroad, as well as the diffusion congresses from the results of the above mentioned projects, which reunited at CETMAR members of government, researchers and representatives of companies from the maritime-fishing sector.

The Centre has also been present in various fairs and forums. The majority of its staff has gone through the foundation headquarters’ doors in Vigo not only to contribute to the investigative work in a strict sense but also to show what the institution is about to different people and share their knowledge in certain forums, by means of exchanging experiences or giving conferences. Participation in diffusion, publication and training activities was also important in 2009, when these areas certified their assistance at more than a hundred events of the above-mentioned characteristics, both at a national and international level. During the last year, the Marine technology Unit at last materialized and therefore it became the eighth CETMAR area which in 2010 will see its advance defined with the start up of the calibration laboratory, with its headquarters in the same Centre.

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We must also point out as a notable milestone in 2009 the change of management. In July Paloma Rueda Crespo replaced Alberto González-Garcés Santiso as head of management at the Centro Tecnológico del Mar. The Foundation’s Patronage, which last year met on three occasions, approved at the end of June the cessation of the till then director and the appointment of his successor. Also in June, the Centre took a step forward in improving its management system when it obtained its ISO 9001:2008 certification, a process which culminated in the middle of the year after several months work with the involvement of all the institution’s staff.

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6: Projects of the Work Areas

Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources title : acronym : partners :

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Atlantic Regions Coastal Pollution Response & Preparedness. ARCOPOL. CETMAR; CIIMAR (PO); Conseil Bretagne (FR); Conseil d’Acquitaine (FR); Conselleria de Medio Ambiente-Meteogalicia; Consellería do Mar (Dirección Xeral de Ordenación e Xestión dos Recursos Mariños, CIMA); EGMASA; Intecmar; IST (PO); Marine Institute (Irlanda); Pembrokeshire County Council (UK); Vigipol. CETMAR. European Union. Programa de Cooperación Transnacional Espacio Atlántico. 2009 - 2011. The principal ARCOPOL objective is to improve the abilities of the local and regional authorities for the preparation, response to and mitigation of accidental marine contamination, especially regarding fuel, dangerous and harmful substances (SNPP) and inert discharges. The project’s specific objectives are: - Include the EROCIPS results in contingency plans. - Improve the ability to respond to a harmful or potentially dangerous or inert substance (SNPP) spillage. - Contribute to the training of local and regional authorities and to encourage the involvement of the agents that respond to an incident. - Promote cross-border collaboration between neighbouring countries to improve response strategies and mutual assistance. - Develop a network of experts in the Atlantic region, to advise organizations and agencies who respond to an incident. - Improve the mitigation abilities evaluating the current mechanisms for claims and compensation, as well as for compensation claims for ecological damage. - Develop standard guides, tools and methodologies. ARCOPOL will prepare operational guides, protocols, methodologies and tools for the organizations responsible for the response to incidents in local and regional areas. These products will be transferable to all the member states with the objective of adopting an integral approach regarding preparation, response to and mitigation of accidental marine pollution from fuel and SNPP.

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Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources

title : acronym : partners :

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Atlantic network for the prevention and risk assessment of the coast. ANCORIM. CETMAR; Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM); Centre Régional d‘Expérimentation et d‘Application Aquacole (CREAA); Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine; Conseil Régional de BretagneCap L’Orient; Deputación Provincial da Coruña; IAAT Poitou-Charentes; Instituto de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos (IHRH); Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC); Mayo County Council; National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG); Udaras na Gaeltechta; Universidade de Vigo; Universidade de Coimbra. Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine. Programa de Cooperación Transnacional Espacio Atlántico. European Union. 2009 - 2012. ANCORIM’s objective is to reinforce the operative abilities of the Atlantic region authorities to confront risks in coastal zones, especially those related to climate change. This development of abilities needs practical use of scientific and technical information, for it to be translated, interpreted and given to the coastal management organizations, so that it becomes more relevant in the decisions regarding coastal management and planning (in prevention terms) and to manage possible crises due to damage caused to the integrity of the coastal systems. The project hopes to strengthen relations and capitalize on an exchange and dialogue tool between the scientific community and the authorities involved: politicians, the private and inter-professional sector, special interest groups, at different local, regional and national territorial levels. Through the different actions set out over a period of three years, the project will support the development of innovative interfaces that will allow easy access to a large amount of practical, useful, quality information about the different areas regarding risk prevention on the coast. In addition to the awaited specific results, the development of the thematic work packages will allow a collaboration network to be established between the different people who carry out their activities on the European Atlantic area coasts and know and value the different initiatives and good practices that exist.

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Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources

title : acronym : partners :

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Biotechnological exploitation of marine products and by-products. BIOTECMAR. CETMAR; IFREMER (Fance); Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas-CSIC; Indigo Rock (Ireland); IPIMAR (Portugal); Irish Seaweed Centre (Ireland); Museum National d´Histoire Naturelle (France); NET-Novas Empresas e Tecnologias, SA (Portugal); Technopole Quimper-Cornouaille (France); University of Western Brittany (France); University of Nantes (France). University of Western Brittany. European Union. Programa de Cooperación Transnacional Espacio Atlántico. 2009 - 2011. BIOTECMAR tackles biotechnological evaluation of marine resources by obtaining compounds of high added value and its principal objective is to consolidate an Atlantic network that will integrate research laboratories in processes and biotechnology, technology transfer centres and all participants in development, production and evaluation of the marine resources chain: collectors and producers, processors and manufacturers of active ingredients/compounds. For this the following actions are considered: - Trans-national cooperation and network connection of laboratories in the biotechnological evaluation of marine resources field. - Information actions (Internet platform, conferences), training (seminars, on-line training) and technology transfer directed at the PYMES of the European Atlantic area. - Support to develop new industrial activities in the Atlantic regions. BIOTECMAR will help European Atlantic area companies to benefit from the use of biotechnology for an optimum evaluation of marine resources, and will contribute to a diversification of the activities derived from the development of this biomass under the framework of sustainable management of the natural resources.

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Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources

title : acronym : partners :

coordinator :

Coastal and Marine Environment Technological Protection Platform. PROTECMA. Dirección General de Marina Mercante; Dirección General de Sostenibilidad de la Costa y del Mar (MARM); Salvamento Marítimo; Puertos del Estado; Asociación Nacional de Agentes Marpol (ANAM); CODISOIL, S.L.; Federación Empresarial de la Industria Química Española (FEIQUE); Geotecnia y Cimientos, S.A.-GEOCISA; REPSOL YPF; Sociedad Gallega de Residuos Industriales, S.A.-SOGARISA; Instituto Español de Oceanografía; Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas-CSIC; CETMAR. CETMAR.

financing :

National I+D Plan.

period of execution :

2009 - 2012.

objectives :

The general objective of the Technological Platform for the Protection of the Coast and Marine Environment “PROTECMA“ is to develop and implant an investigation strategy, technological and innovation development directed at: 1. The protection of the coast and marine environment. 2. The prevention, response to and mitigation of marine pollution caused by anthropogenic activity. 3. The control and improvement of marine, coastal and estuary water quality. The above mentioned plan will allow for the improvement of technological capacity and competitiveness of companies and Spanish organizations that carry out their activities in this area, and will contribute to implementing the current environmental legislation and regional and international agreements to protect the sea and coasts. The specific objectives of PROTECMA are the following: - To build and develop a forum. - To define a strategic investigation agenda. - To give support to the administration and to issue recommendations. - To encourage the development of new technologies and services in areas dealt with. - To establish the mechanisms to boost National and International I+D projects. - To encourage the development of scientific and technological infrastructures. - To encourage and facilitate the implantation of the Directivas Marco del Agua y Estrategia Marina.

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Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources

title : acronym : partners :

coordinator :

Environmental Protection of the Coast and Marine Environment. PSE PROMARES. CETMAR; AIDO; Asociación de Investigación Metalúrgica del NoroesteAIMEN; Astilleros Murueta; Autoridad Portuaria de Vigo; Codisoil SA; Consultores Investigación Tecnológica CIT; ELEMPO LABS; Flota Proyectos Singulares FPS; Fundación AZTI-Tecnalia; Fundación Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria; Fundación Leia; Fundación Robotiker; Geocisa; Incaplas; Inerco; Ingenieria de Sistemas para la Defensa de España-ISDEFE; Insituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados-IMEDEA; Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas-CSIC; Marine Instruments, SA; Meteogalicia; Organizations linked to la Red PREVECMA; Peter Taboada; Prebetong; Prefabricados Marinos; Puertos del Estado; Qualitas Instruments, S.A; Repsol Petróleo SA; Repsol YPF, SA; SIMO; Starlab Barcelona SL; Tecnología Marina XIMO-MAREXI; Universidad de Cádiz; Universidad de Huelva; Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran CanariaCEANI; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; Universidade de Vigo; Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña-LIM. CETMAR.

financing :

National I+D Plan.

period of execution :

2009 - 2013.

objectives :

The project has as a general objective the development of technology, tools and direct application systems, through the different agents who carry out their activity in the coastal environment, which will allow the improvement of control capacity, monitoring the quality of marine, coastal and estuary waters, as well as the prevention, prediction, control, and mitigation of contamination originated from diverse origins, including processing and treatment systems and the assessment of mud and contaminated marine sediments. The specific objectives of the project are: - Development of a “System of Operational Coastal Oceanography that can be relocated”. - Design, development and starting up of an integral system for crisis management caused by accidental contamination in the marine environment. - Set up an integral system for detection, follow up and prediction of fuel spills. - Design, development, application, ratification and optimization of mechanical processes, skills and assessment methodologies, dredging, treatment and assessment of polluted mud and marine sediments in coastal areas. - Set up a technological diagnosis on the problems of contamination derived from the activity of shipyards, dry docks, sports ports and ports. - Development of a technology for the management and the effective processing of ballast waters. - Design, development and start up of an autonomous submarine vehicle to control water quality.

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Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources

title : acronym : partners :

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Monitoring and modelling the contamination produced hydrocarbons, harmful, dangerous and inert substances.


DRIFTER. Meteogalicia; Instituto Tecnolóxico para o Control do Medio MariñoIntecmar; Universidade de Vigo; Instituto Superior Técnico de Portugal; Centre de Documentation de Recherche et d’Expérimentations sur les Pollutions Accidentelles des Eaux- Cedre; CETMAR. CETMAR. Dirección Xeral de I+D+I. Consellería de Economía e Industria. Plan INCITE - Eranet AMPERA (6th Framework Programme). Xunta de Galicia. 2008 - 2010. To improve the capacities for detecting, monitoring and predicting the path of sea spillage by working on the development and improvement of different systems, strategies and technologies. The project considers different actions such as technological developments and trials with drifters in different meteorological and oceanographic conditions and with different contaminants and trials using colourings to monitor colourless spillages. It is also planned to draw up guides and manuals for the use of buoys and colourings, the development and calibration of models to predict the path of the spillages, the application of remote detection sensors and the development of spillage detection algorithms. The development of protocols and tools that improve the communication and transmission of information between the different agents, operators and managers that play a part in an emergency of this type is another of the specific objectives of the DRIFTER project, of which the result will be directly applied by the agents which at all levels have responsibilities in the prevention and response to sea spillages.

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Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources

title :

Toxic episodes of phytoplanktonic origin in bivalve molluscs in Galicia.

acronym :


partners :

Centro de Investigacións Mariñas (CIMA); CETMAR; Instituto Tecnolóxico para o Control do Medio Mariño-Intecmar; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Centro de Investigacións Mariñas (CIMA). Dirección Xeral de I+D+I. Consellería de Economía e Industria (Plan INCITE). Xunta de Galicia 2008 - 2011. This project aims to mitigate the consequences of the appearance of toxins de phytoplanktonic origin in molluscs. For this purpose it acts on various channels, but fundamentally on the correct regulation of tolerable levels, on the installation of an effective and optimised control system, in terms of economic cost, and on the development of methods to reduce the accumulation of toxins in bivalves, either by acting on the processes that regulate accumulation (physiological approximation) or on the actual organisms (genetic approximation). Among the actions planned we can mention obtaining key data for the correct epidemiological assessment of the problem, developing techniques that improve the operability of the current ones, improving the control system by equipping it with a greater capacity for prediction and determining the involvement of the biochemical mechanisms of accumulation, degradation and elimination of other substances in the accumulation of biotoxins. Furthermore, it aims to discover whether the differences in the accumulation of toxicity among the mussels are inheritable and, therefore, whether it is possible to reduce the accumulation by selecting the cultured populations. Another fundamental objective of the project is to enhance the exchange of information between research groups and from these to the bivalve aquaculture sector, as well as to discuss the advances that are produced and the future lines of action.

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Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources

title :

Boost Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) farming in different Galician rias-II.

acronym :


partners :

Dirección Xeral de Recursos Mariños. Xunta de Galicia; Centro de Investigacións Mariñas (CIMA); Instituto Tecnolóxico para o Control do Medio Mariño-Intecmar; Instituto Murciano de Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario (IMIDA); CETMAR.

coordinator :

Dirección Xeral de Ordenación e Xestión dos Recursos Mariños. Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2006 - 2009.

objectives :

Oyster production in Galicia is mainly based on the cultivation of the flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) suspended on rafts. At present, due to the incidence of the parasite Bonamia ostreae and overfishing, the natural populations are in a state of decline. Because of this, the Galician Administration has taken measures to recover the flat oyster banks, and are also studying alternatives with the introduction of the foreign oyster species Crassostrea gigas, which does not have the previously mentioned problems The specific objectives, for which this programme was started, are made up of the following actions: - To evaluate the reproductive success of this species in Galician waters by quantifying the sourcing (in commercial collectors and natural substrate) and evaluating the influence of certain environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, air exposure, currents) on this area. - Commercial collector layout. - Evaluation of sourcing at fixed stations defined in the intertidal area. - Register of environmental variables. - Identification of wild populations of the species in the rias. - Carry out a comparative study between wild oysters and cultivated oysters regarding the gametogenic development cycle and the main possible parasites and pathologies that might affect C. gigas in Galicia. - Evaluate the viability in establishing an integral cultivation of the pacific oyster in the intertidal area of the O Barqueiro ria and its possible introduction in the fishermen guild’s activities

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Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources

title :

Action plan to recover the shellfish beds in “Lombos do Ulla” and “O Bohido”.

acronym :


partners :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia; CETMAR.

coordinator :


financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2007 - 2009.

objectives :

This action plan’s main objective is to improve the understanding of the resources in the Galician shellfish banks of “Lombos do Ulla” and “O Bohido” and to optimize their management. For it, tasks are undertaken to guard, control and manage the area and fishing activities during shell-fishing campaigns, as well as the design and monitoring of development plans. The following actions are considered: - To study the effect of water temperature and salinity on the population parameters (sourcing, growth and mortality) of the four bivalve species of business interest exploited in “O Bohido” (carpet shell clam, golden carpet shell clam, grooved carpet shell clam and dosinia clam) and in “Lombos do Ulla” (cockle, grooved carpet shell clam, Japanese carpet shell clam and carpet shell clam). - To analyze the effect of seaweed cover on fixing and sourcing the bivalve species on the “O Bohido” bank, and the effect of the Portodemouros reservoir on stock mortality in “Lombos do Ulla”. In this latter case, an environmental alert system is being developed, in collaboration with Intecmar, which allows it to document and even predict incidents of high death toll in bivalves provoked by adverse meteorological situations. - To analyze the reproductive stock relationship- sourcing in the areas which are in the study. - To inform the Consellería do Mar and the sector about the state of the bivalve stock of business interest in order to improve bank management.

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Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources

title :

Monitoring the abundance of Mytilus galloprovincialis larvae and the securing of seed on the rocky intertidal area of the Galician Coast .

acronym :


partners :


coordinator :


financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2008 - 2010.

objectives :

This project’s main objective is to obtain information regarding the abundance of larvae phases and on sourcing mussels on the Galician coast, so as to advise the Consellería do Mar and the mussel sector itself on its plans for collecting seeds for cultivation. For this, weekly samples of the water column at thirteen stations are undertaken in the Galician rias (three in Vigo, two in Pontevedra, three in Arousa, two in MurosNoia and three in Ares-Betanzos). The samples collected are processed by applying immunofluorescence techniques that allow the mussel larvae to be identified and marked in a selective way. With the results obtained, weekly reports are compiled on mussel larvae abundance and these include recommendations on the time of placing collecting ropes to capture post-larvae. Another of the project’s objectives is to analyze the spatial and seasonal changeability of mussel sourcing in intertidal rocky areas, identifying the areas of maximum biomass and the best times for its collection. For this, the seed cover on the rocks is evaluated monthly together with the size distribution of the individuals which make up the mussel population in 24 experimental areas situated in six places of the Galician coast: A Guarda, Cabo Udra, San Vicente, Monte Louro, Muxía and Malpica.

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Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources

title : acronym : partners : coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Optimization of bivalve mollusc seed production in lightly covered installations. CAMARIÑAS-SEMENTE MOLUSCOS BIVALVOS. CETMAR; Dirección Xeral de Desenvolvemento Pesqueiro. Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia. CETMAR. Dirección Xeral de Desenvolvemento Pesqueiro. Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia. 2009 - 2011. This project has as an objective, the optimization of seed production in bivalve molluscs in facilities under light covering and concentrates on carrying out the following procedures: - Carry out the necessary productive processes to cover obtaining seeds: preparation of the parents, inducement to lay, larval technique culture and post larva and pre-ongrowing up to size T-7 according to the commercial plant prototype scale. The above mentioned processes are carried out at the facilities of the mini-nursery situated in the port of Camariñas. - Carry out a follow-up and control of the whole productive process and improvement and innovation proposals to optimize the equipment and process. - Review the design, correction proposal and viability evaluation of the same by carrying out tests and trials. - Development of culture protocols not only in the larvae phases but also in the pre-ongrowing process. - Appropriateness study of uses and technical and economic viability. - Integral management of facilities of the mini-nursery of Camariñas. - Carry out information and technological transfer activities by organizing visits to the facilities and informative chats on seed production at the mini-nurseries.

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Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources

title :

Import Guide.

acronym :


partners :

Sanidade Exterior; CETMAR.

coordinator :


financing :

Caixa Galicia.

period of execution :


objectives :

The Import Guide is a dynamic virtual information tool, which is permanently updated and extended, aimed at facilitating access and understanding of the organisational, administrative and regulatory framework associated with operations for importing sea and fish products which was carried out in collaboration with the offices of Foreign Health in Vigo. The Guide abridges and connects a large volume of information and enables an easy way to reach from the countries authorised for import, authorities, operators, organisations, products that are imported and parameters indicative of the health quality to the legal texts which uphold each element of the import process. This on-line information service (www.cetmar.org) is free to use and is aimed at the Foundation’s target sectors and lines of activity: aquaculture companies, business sectors for the import, export, extraction, processing and commercialising of fish products, agents and customs commission agents, forwarding agents and ship brokers, food control laboratories, bodies and authorities with areas of competence in import operations or in the health quality certification of products for export, and research centres and institutions that work in the area of fishing and aquaculture products.

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Technology of Fish Products title : acronym : partners :

coordinator :

Multipolar Centre for Marine Resource Assessment IBEROMARE. CETMAR; Departamento de Física Aplicada (ETSII-Universidade de Vigo); Departamento de Tecnología Farmacéutica (Facultad de Farmacia-Universidade de Santiago de Compostela); CIIMAR; FEUP (SLRE); Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas-CSIC; Universidade do Minho (Grupos 3B’s); Consellería do Mar; UCP-ESB. 3B´s Research Group (Universidade do Minho).

financing :

European Union.

period of execution :

2009 - 2011.

objectives :

The IBEROMARE Project has as its objective the creation of a Multipolar Centre that thinks about how to find alternatives to assess marine resources and waste from the fisheries, acquaculture and food industry (processing fish and seaweed). In more specific terms, IBEROMARE’s objectives is to increase the added value of natural resources like the rias, coastal regions and river basins of the regions involved, allowing the continuity of exploiting these resources in a sustainable and economically viable manner; to promote networking interaction between industry and I+D institutions on both sides of the border, or the development of sustainable technologies to convert waste into products that have an industrial use in the different areas. Other objectives are the establishment of simple, efficient methods which respect the environment and are economically viable for the extraction and purification of substances that are present in the marine flora/fauna, which is marine, coastal, river or from activities linked to acquaculture; the establishment of innovative techniques in different industrial sectors with products/materials/methods developed and, finally, the innovative creation of a Multipolar Centre for Marine Resources Assessment to exploit these methods and consequently strengthen the local economies, still highly dependent on resources generated by low dynamism sectors.

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Technology of Fish Products

title : acronym : partners :

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Development of packaging with natural active releasing antioxidant ingredients to improve the conservation of fish products. ENVACFISH. CETMAR; Departamento de Ingeniería Química de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidade de Vigo; Departamento de Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; Grupo de Polímeros de la Escuela Universitaria Politécnica y del Centro de Investigacións Tecnolóxicas de la Universidade da Coruña. CETMAR. Plan Galego de I+D. Consellería de Economía e Industria. Xunta de Galicia. 2009 - 2012. The intention of the Project is to advance the methodology of manufacturing active food packaging by including in the plastic source different active ingredients (antioxidants, antimicobians), as well as observing their efficacy on the organoleptic characteristics of fish products packaged under this system.

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Technology of Fish Products

title :

Development and ratification of PCRS-Diagnosis for the myxozoa species which cause Milky Flesh sydrome in merluccid hakes of commercial interest.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Marine Investigation Institute-CSIC.

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

CETMAR. Plan Galego de I+D. Economy and Industry Department. Xunta de Galicia. 2009 - 2012. Myxozoas of the Kudoa species are intercellular parasites that can infect the muscular tissue in fish which are commercially important, and produce a milky softening (“soft-milky flesh” syndrome) post capture in the whole edible part of the fish and its derived products. MOLFISH’s latest objective is to develop valid protocols based on PCR techniques which will allow a quick distinguishing diagnosis of the pathogen agent which causes “soft milky flesh” syndrome. Once the ring tests or inter-laboratory ring trials have been made, the biotechnological tools developed will allow the Administration and sector to offer an epizootic diagnostic service that assures the muscular quality of fish products, whether fresh or frozen, whole or obtained through complementary processing, of stocks that are of commercial interest and infected by myxozoas. The commercial advantages of this tool for agents that operate in the processing-retailing are clear, they are are centred on improving product quality, production processes and brand guarantees. This project’s idea allows I+D+I to be a factor to improve company competitiveness in the fish processing and retailing sector; and allows I+D to be promoted as an essential element for the generation of new information which will boost competitiveness in sector’s food companies.

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Technology of Fish Products

title :

Development of an automatic dividing system for mussels.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Centro Tecnológico del Automóvil (CTAG); Centro de Investigacións Mariñas (CIMA).

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

CETMAR. Plan Galego de I+D. Consellería de Economía e Industria. Xunta de Galicia. 2006 - 2009. Despite the contrasted experience and its relevance at global level, the aquaculture of Galician mussels is not a totally controlled resource, which implies continuous ups and downs in the productive and commercial aspects. To be precise, basic aspects exist related to the farming phases which can still be considerably improved and could have an impact on increasing the tonnage produced per raft or on the homogeneous nature of the specimens as an aspect to increase sale prices. In this sense, the roping and seed fixing phase is essential for the future results of a farm as it determines the homogeneity of the distribution of the specimens along the ropes and, as a result, the growth rates and the homogeneity of the specimens, an aspect which is very highly valued by the producers and the target markets. This phase is currently carried out manually or semi-automatically; however, the irregularity in controlling the parameters that govern the current machinery (speeds of the belts, volume of seeds in the hopper, etc.) entails a lacks of precision that goes unnoticed and leads to the irregular density of seeds across the whole of the space available. Therefore, it is relevant to pay great attention to the initial conditions of each of the farming phases (roping the seed and dividing), not just adjusting the roping densities but also considering the arrangement of the mussels on the ropes and the type of materials used to make these. The overall intention of this project is to introduce robotic control systems in the current machinery to guarantee that during the roping phase the seeds have been laid under constant conditions, which, would probably lead to a substantial improvement in the size of the mollusc.

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Technology of Fish Products

title :

Genetic dynamics of space and time of Galician populations of European hake.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Universidade de Vigo.

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

CETMAR. Plan Galego de I+D. ConsellerĂ­a de EconomĂ­a e Industria. Xunta de Galicia. 2006 - 2009. This project is included in the new European exploitation and conservation plan for the population of European hake in the north, distributed from the North Sea to the Bay of Biscay. The plan is an urgent measure to alleviate the drop in this resource given the absence of spawning-stock biomass in the sea, and it obliges all member states of the European Union to adopt measures to control fish mortality for the recovery of this resource in the short term. Further to the south is the southern stock of European hake, from the west of the Bay of Biscay along the southern coast of Europe. This stock is characterised for having less biomass and for being fished locally, but is of extreme importance to the regional economy and the ecological balance of the marine ecosystem. The studies carried out at European scale on the genetic diversity of European hake highlight a complexity between the Atlantic populations which is currently not entirely understood. The lack of genetic studies made in Galicia to indicate whether we are dealing with one or several spawning-stocks, whether migratory barriers exist that define the state of the fishing grounds or whether genetic reservoirs exist free from fishing equipment and susceptible to special conservation, make it relevant to design and put into operation a plan for the protection and sustained exploitation of the resource, based on the detailed study of its genetic diversity in the local fishing grounds. This way, the Mercagal project has the aim of genetically characterising Galician hake with the application of suitable genetic markers. This leads to a rapid view of the genetic situation of the resource (interannual spawning grounds, degree of inter-annual genetic erosion, effective size of the spawning populations, etc.) and to clearing up scientific ambiguities about its situation.

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Technology of Fish Products

title :

Enriching starter feed in aquaculture using enzymes from the recovery of fish species.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidade de Santiago.

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

CETMAR. Plan Galego de I+D. ConsellerĂ­a de EconomĂ­a e Industria. Xunta de Galicia. 2008 - 2011. Data provided by the FAO highlights that the tonnage of discards and by-products (entrails) from the commercial fishing activity that are wasted at this time are more than just worrying. At a time in which the terms sustainability and sound and total re-use of resources are heard at all social and political levels as an imperious need, underutilising or making no use of such disproportionate resources is still an incongruous fact. The entrails generated onboard fishing vessels accumulate large amounts of bioactive compounds, enzymes, etc., for which the application in different areas of food (human or animal), cosmetics or pharmacology would provide a much higher added value to that of their mere use as fish meal. This wide range of molecules includes the proteases of the actual digestive system. The alevins and first stages of the different species of fish in aquaculture have yet to develop their digestive system morphologically and physiologically, and lack a large part of the proteases that they will have as adults. This means that the alevins are not ready to digest and make the most of the whole protein content of the feed they are given, and they would require special diets. Some of these special feeds, called starter or weaning feeds, include proteases obtained from microorganisms and fungi to complement the deficiencies of the immature specimens. These are proteases studied initially from the digestive system of mammals and therefore their PH conditions and optimum temperature are perceptibly different from those of poikilotherm animals, which is why their effectiveness is more than questionable. The global objective set by this project consists of studying the range of proteases present in entrails from the commercial fishing activity from different fishing grounds, and once they have been purified and characterised, to establish their suitability in order to be incorporated to formulations of starter feed, with the intention of complementing the enzymatic supply (from the feed) of alevins or immature specimens and aiding their assimilation. In short, the project combines two perfectly complementary aspects: the possible recovery of by-products from the fishing activity obtaining enzymes and their incorporation to starter feed to improve the digestibility of the feed.

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Technology of Fish Products

title :

Development of an integral traceability system for the inshore fleet and derivatives based on new technologies and specific software development.

acronym :


partners :

Riveira Peixe Fresco; AUTEC S.L.; CETMAR.

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Riveira Peixe Fresco. Plan Galego de I+D. ConsellerĂ­a de EconomĂ­a e Industria. Xunta de Galicia. 2007 - 2009. The objective of the project is to equip the company as a whole, which is understood to be the ship-owner and the processing and commercialising areas, with a system specifically developed in line with their needs regarding traceability which covers the above-mentioned three main areas and does so by adopting more advisable technologies and perfecting a CIT development. These tools are necessary in order to carry out rigorous and ideal traceability with the introduction of new technologies (EAN 128 codes, telematic management of the information, automatic data capturing, etc.). The fishing sub-sector which is the object of the study is commercial fishing, to be precise inshore fishing. The aim of the study has been set out and, it obviously covers from the design of specific software covering all the tasks to the specific allocation of barcodes to the various products in order to be retrieved by automatic reading of the information encoded in these codes.

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Technology of Fish Products

title :

Pilot study to establish a technologic alert service at source for parasitosis in commercial fishmongers.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Ecobiomar (Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas-CSIC).

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

CETMAR. Plan Galego de I+D. Consellería de Economía e Industria. Xunta de Galicia. 2007 - 2010. This project is contained within the new legal framework of food safety in the European Market, within the context of the FAO-WHO Food Safety and Quality programmes of the “Codex Alimentarius” and “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points” (HACCP), reflected in turn in Spanish regulations. In the context of this new general legal base, emphasis is given to the regulation of processes and to fair allocation in the distribution of responsibilities regarding this matter, which means greater reinforcement of self-control in all phases of the value change: from the commercial fishing sector to the consumer. In this point, it is peremptory to develop for the commercial fishing-ship owning sector a series of useful procedures and tools in the advice, control and management of the degree of health of fish and fish products at the time of capture. In this sense, the EPISTOCK project has the objective of carrying out a pilot study of parasitological diagnosis in the fishing grounds where the Galician offshore fleet fishes. Via the epizootiological study of the fishing target species that are representative of the exploited ecosystem, a diagnosis will be obtained that will enable the business assessment of the health and commercial risk of the captures by the ship owners. This study will enable the fishing sector to develop a Technological Alert Service of parasitosis at source in commercial fishmongers, with the aim of helping the business environment to adapt to the new Community legislative framework.

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Technology of Fish Products

title :

Management plan for the development of technical and commercial standards for fishing products from the freezer trawler fishing fleet.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Cooperativa de Armadores de Vigo -ARVI-; Serviguide.

coordinator :


financing :

Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2008 - 2010.

objectives :

Unlike other food industry sectors, the fisheries sector is characterised by a lack of harmonisation/common criteria regarding the name of the different captures generated by the activity of the Galician deep-sea freezer trawler fishing fleet (between the different ship-owners and ships of the same owner) and there is no agreement regarding the formats and range of sizes associated with each of them (weights, lengths, preparation methods, etc.). This situation entails an associated problem which is felt throughout the entire value chain, where we can highlight the following: 1. Problems for the preparation/processing companies, which use these raw materials as a production source. 2. Commercial instability by offering similar products with a different name (and vice versa) and consequently, distrust from the endbuyer. 3. Problems in unloading and cold storage. 4. Difficulties in the light of the possibility of establishing an electronic market. 5. Obstacles to take traceability to the terrain of the new technologies.. 6. Creation of incorrect statistics that prevent the right policy measures from being adopted. By setting up XESPEICOM the aim is to create a compendium of standards for each of the raw materials generated by the activity of the Galician deep-sea freezer trawler fishing fleet, with contents agreed on by the representatives of the fleet which enable the sector to be equipped with its own terminology. This is turn facilitates the commercial transactions between the different agents involved in the value chain and improves operability on board and in processing industries and cold stores. Meeting these standards will be voluntary, however, from the actual sector and via ARVI, their monitoring and implementation will be encouraged.

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Fishing Socioeconomics title : acronym : partners :

coordinator :

Sustainable development of small-scale fisheries of the Atlantic Arc. PRESPO. Instituto Nacional de Recursos Biológicos-IPIMAR de Portugal; Agria, Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Explotation de la Mer (IFREMER) e Réseau d’Information et de Conseil en Economie des Pêches of France; Universidade de Porto; AZTI-Tecnalia,;Universidad de Cádiz; Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Rural del Principado de Asturias; Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de Producción Ecológica; CETMAR. Instituto Nacional de Recursos Biológicos-IPIMAR.

financing :

European Union. FEDER Funds; Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2008 - 2011.

objectives :

To develop alternative instruments for the integrated management of coastal fisheries, which improve the current policy for the management of common fisheries resources in the Atlantic area used by the smallscale fleet. PRESPO aims to contribute to the organisation of the coastal fisheries and the promotion of their sustainability by guaranteeing jobs in the sector and in the industries associated to it. Both the methods and the instruments to be used to reach the objectives of the project stand out for their innovative nature. This way, among other actions, the creation of observatories of small-scale fisheries at local and regional level are planned, which will act like debate and discussion forums among professionals, scientists and authorities. The commitment to the diversification of activities of the fishing professionals and to the recovery of products represents another two channels to be used to guarantee the sustainability of this activity.

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Fishing Socioeconomics

title :

Developing sitting and carrying capacity guidelines for Mediterranean aquaculture within aquaculture appropriate areas (SHOC MED).

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; FAO; Universidad de Alicante; University of Biology of Crete (Greece); University of Haifa (Israel).

coordinator :


financing :

European Union.

period of execution :

2009 - 2010.

objectives :

The principal objective of the Shocmed project is to generate criteria that reinforce the integration of aquaculture in the Integral Management of Coastal zones (GIZC) by means of improving the site selection process for aquaculture activities as well as for standards of load capacity; with this we will try to provide a base for the harmonization of standards, policies and legal guidelines in the Mediterranean, ensuring equal competition in the marketplace and minimizing the environmental impact of marine aquaculture. In this project’s framework, CETMAR’s Socio-economic Fishing area is responsible for the following activities: analysis of principal lakes under the standard guidelines that regulate aquaculture; comparative procedure analysis for site selection for marine aquaculture used in the Mediterranean; and assessment of the impact of the standard guidelines as well as of those of the procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA).

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Fishing Socioeconomics

title :

Development of Best Practice, Grading & Transportation Technology in the European Crustacean Fishery Sector.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Norwegian Seafood Association; Associaçao de Comerciantes de Pescado (ACOPE); Welsh Federation of Fishermens Associations (WFFA); Isumar; Hitramat; Winnslustöin; McBride Fishing Co.; Saeplast Dalvik ehf; Killybegs Electrical Refrigeration Services; National Institute of Technology (TI); Production Engineering Research Association (PERA); Westmannaeyjar Research Center; IPIMAR.

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Norwegian Seafood Association (NSS). European Union. Sixth Framework Programme; Horizontal Research Activities Involving Smes; Collective Research. 2006 - 2009. This group project is focused on improving the infrastructure of the crustacean fishery sector and increasing the level of innovation and utilisation of technology in relation to global competitors in the US, Canada, as well as in some Asian countries. The aim is to regain participation in the growing global market by improving the quality of the crustaceans, increasing efficiency and reducing costs. In order to achieve these challenges, the industry of the sector needs to innovate and develop improved and effective methods of production via the product’s value chain. The idea is to achieve the main objective via the exchange of scientific knowledge and operational experience. This way it will be possible to design better technical solutions for the classification, handling and transport of live crustaceans, besides facilitating the development of protocols and systems to handle, store and transport live crustaceans via the entire value chain.

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Fishing Socioeconomics

title :

Research on production and markets of marine acquaculture in Spain.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Secretaría General del Mar.

coordinator :


financing :

Administración del Estado. Secretaría General del Mar.

period of execution :

2009 - 2010.

objectives :

Research and follow up of the marine acquaculture sector’s productive capacity and analysis of the market tendencies to respond to growth forecasts and the real potential of the target species in substituting other fishing products. These research results will allow us to respond not only to growth forecasts but also to the real potential of the target species to extend market niches with their capacity of being able to be substituted for other fishing products. At the same time, analysis of conclusions from research and recent reports which could be put into operation, are included, paying special attention to those that tackle the difficulties of expanding production and differentiating offers in economically viable terms.

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Fishing Socioeconomics

title :

Updated research on the Strategic Plan of Spanish Marine aquaculture 2009.

acronym :


partners :


coordinator :


financing :

Administración del Estado. Secretaría General del Mar.

period of execution :

2009 - 2010.

objectives :

The Strategic Plan of Spanish Marine aquaculture (MARM, 2008) defines mid-term (2010) and long term (2015) stages where production volumes, the needs to occupy new spaces and the increase in the number of facilities in the Spanish aquacultural sector are estimated. The analysis developed in the Strategic Plan’s framework has emphasized two fundamental aspects: on the one hand, that there might be a slow- down of potential growth of the sector fundamentally due to the characteristics of the institutional guidelines framework of our country; and, on other hand, due to the necessary combination of the trinomial - production - zones-markets to reinforce competitiveness in Spanish marine aquaculture. Because of this, research on need for space and marine aquaculture development in Spain is included as an update of the forecasts carried out in the Strategic Plan.

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Fishing Socioeconomics

title :

Fishing-Tourism for the Atlantic: A new tourist model based on the cultural and gastronomic heritage of Galician coastal towns.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Instituto de Estudos e Desenvolvemento de Galicia –IDEGA-.

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

CETMAR. Plan Galego de I+D. Consellería de Economía e Industria. Xunta de Galicia. 2007 - 2009. To define a new tourist model linked to Galician sea culture and cultural and gastronomic heritage of rural coastal towns, which is sustainable and included within the Galician trademark “Galicia, Atlantic destination”. The “Fishing-Tourism” tourist service aims to export to the coast and the sea a similar model to rural tourism, in such a way that is helps to keep alive the historical legacy and cultural heritage of the fishing towns of Galicia. At the same time, the aim is to make the fishing activity compatible with other activities that also contribute to the profitability of the sector.

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Fishing Socioeconomics

title :

Best practices of innovation in the Galician Fisheries Sector.

acronym :


partners :

Devalar Consultoría S.L.; CETMAR.

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Devalar Consultoría S.L. Plan Galego de I+D. Consellería de Economía e Industria. Xunta de Galicia. 2008 - 2009. To identify good practices for innovation in the inshore fishing sector in Galicia in the spheres of extractive activity, transformation, commercialisation and organisation and sorting of the production. Besides analysing the good practices identified as regards their fields of application, the agents that carry them out or the channels for their introduction, among other aspects, their diffusion is planned via the participation in three workshops aimed at managers and executives of fishermen’s associations, as well as inshore fishing business owners.

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Fishing Socioeconomics

title :

Integral management of the goose barnacle fishery.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Confraría de Pescadores de Baiona; Confraría de Pescadores de Bueu; Confraría de Pescadores da Guarda.

coordinator :


financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2008 - 2009.

objectives :

To draw up a proposal for the recovery and introduction onto the market of by-products from goose barnacle fishery, providing a solution to the common problem across Galicia of what to do with the discards that are generated in this activity. The project aims to obtain information to articulate measures in that sense, ensuring a space in the market for the by-products of the extractive activity, which would lead to an increase in the economic performance of the sector in Galicia. Therefore, measures will be designed for the sustainable exploitation of the so-called “percebe de sombra”; and the analysis and definition will be made of markets and methods of commercialisation of the products made from the by-products of the fishery for its global management and, finally, a economic feasibility study will be drawn up in order to choose the ideal business formula for commercial use of the by-products.

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Fishing Socioeconomics

title :

Local Action Groups for Coastal areas.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

coordinator :


financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :


objectives :

To articulate the necessary mechanisms to set up the so-called Grupos de Acción Costeira, supra-municipal bodies formed by different public and private agents from different areas of Galicia, with special emphasis on those belonging to the fishing world or related to that sector. These are the key elements for the development of actions which, within the Common Fisheries Policy, are promoted from Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund. Besides favouring their creation, they are also monitored and controlled. The Consellería do Mar has created a total of seven Grupos de Acción Costeira in the areas of the Ría de Vigo, Ría de Pontevedra, Ría de Arousa, Seo Muros-Fisterra, Costa da Morte, Golfo Artabro and A Mariña-Ortegal.

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Fishing Socioeconomics

title :

Legal status report on the occupation levy on public domain.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; APROMAR-Asociación Empresarial de Productores de Cultivos Marinos.

coordinator :


financing :


period of execution :

2009 - 2011.

objectives :

To write a report on the legal status of the occupation levy and use of marine - terrestrial public domain for acquacultural activities where the ensuing operating permit had expired. To determine if the above mentioned levy is totally subjected to the fiscal regime of article 84 of the Ley de Costas, after the it was last edited by Ley 42/2007, on December 13 regarding Natural heritage and Biodiversity, or if, on the contrary, the above mentioned rule only establishes the occupation levy for facilities and occupied areas in the public domain when the operating permit is normally valid, excluding the occupation levy’s figure for places that have reverted to the State under the assumption that a new occupation permit has been authorised to the same title holder.

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Technology Promotion and Transfer title :

PSE-Mar Marine Energy. Divided into two subprojects: SP1: Technological development of a multiple system for the collection and enhanced transformation of energy from the sea’s waves. SP5: Impact of marine energies.

acronym :


partners :

Tecnalia (Robotiker, Inasmet, Labein, Azti); Hidroflot; PIPO Systems; CETMAR; Arteche; TER-TAMOIN Energías Renovables; GAMESA Energía; Iberdrola Iberenova; Intekia; Vicinay Cadenas; Team; UPC-CIIRC.

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

TECNALIA-Robotiker. Coordinator of SP1: Pipo Systems. Coordinator of SP5: AZTI. Plan Nacional de I+D. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. SP1 has additional financing from the IN.CI.TE Plan. Dirección Xeral de I+D+I. Consellería de Economía e Industria. Xunta de Galicia. 2005 - 2010. The project has a two-way objective: The technological development of equipment to utilise the energy from waves in order to generate a new industry in this area, and the development of an experimentation infrastructure for this energy that enables the testing of the developments that are generated in this project and other national and international products to be installed on our coastlines. All of the above will enable Spain to become an international reference in the wave energy industry, as it has its own technology and industry, and due to its unique experimentation infrastructure, Objective of SP1: Technological development of a multiple system for the collection and enhanced transformation of energy from the sea’s waves, based on the idea patented by PIPO SYSTEMS, including design and analysis activities, prototype made to scale for laboratory testing, prototype made to scale for experimentation in ocean conditions, and, finally, the construction of a real scale prototype. Objective of SP5: Development of methodologies and protocols for the assessment of the environmental impact of the facilities aimed at obtaining energy from the waves, as well as to identify the necessary steps for the installation at sea of these infrastructures.

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Technology Promotion and Transfer

title :

Strategic Singular Project REDES. It improves the selectivity and selection of fishing methods to reduce losses. Development and possible aftereffects in the extractive sector. CETMAR takes part in three of the five subprojects in which it is organized: SP2: Design and construction of tackle and devices for selective fishing. SP4: Analysis of the main effects derived from the introduction and generalization of the use of selective fishing tackle. SP5: Technical office: coordination, diffusion, standardization and support for technology transfer.

acronym :


partners :

SP2: CETMAR; CEPESCA; Cooperativa de Armadores de Vigo-ARVI; IEO–Grupo Descartes; Marexi; Tecnopesca PYM. SP4: CETMAR; CEPESCA; Cooperativa de Armadores de Vigo-ARVI; IEOGrupo Descartes; IEO-Grupo MERVEX; Universidade de Vigo-Grupo de Economía Pesquera y grupo de Inferencia Estadística. SP5: CETMAR; CEPESCA; Cooperativa de Armadores de Vigo-ARVI; IEOGrupo Descartes; Marexi; Tecnopesca PYM; AENOR.

coordinator :

SP2: Tecnopesca PYM. SP4: CETMAR. SP5: CETMAR.

financing :

Plan Nacional de I+D. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

period of execution :

2009 - 2013.

objectives :

The general objective of the Project is to learn about the current situation and distribution of discards from the operational units and to define the species and/or sizes to be avoided, its distribution and behaviour, both spatial and seasonal, so that from this knowledge, modifications to the fishing tackle and devices can be designed to improve selectivity and the choice of tackle. The purpose is to design selective fishing systems to advise and diffuse the use of these systems in the fisheries sector and obtain information about possible side-effects, in all sectors involved and affected by fishing: the environment, the extractive sector, and the technical fishing tackle design sector. Amongst the effects to be analysed would be the possible reduction of the use of fuel and the analysis this effect would have on results.

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Technology Promotion and Transfer

title : acronym : partners : coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Compilation of technology watch newsletters for the fishing and aquaculture sectors in collaboration with the OPTI Foundation. OPTI VTACUI-VTPESCA. OPTI Foundation (Observatorio de Prospectiva Tecnológica Industrial); CETMAR; Centro Tecnológico AINIA. OPTI Foundation. Agreement between the OPTI Foundation and the Secretaría General del Mar. Renewed annually. The Sea Technology Centre collaborates in compiling a quarterly technology watch newsletter on aquaculture of fish and molluscs and the publishing of a pilot technology watch newsletter for the fishing sector, which would be published every six months. By setting up both newsletters, the Secretaría General del Mar aims to provide and make available to the sector the necessary information for the decision-making process in developing an innovation policy in the fisheries sector. This information refers to both the current technological situation and the future evolution of the most significant technologies and Spain’s position in this field.

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Technology Promotion and Transfer

title : acronym : partners :

coordinator :

Coordinated Action Plan for the technological development of the maritime-fisheries sector. MARKETECH II. CETMAR; Anfaco-Cecopesca; Universidade de Santiago; Universidade de Vigo; Universidade da Coruña; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. With the collaboration of the Centro de Investigacións Mariñas and the Instituto Español de Oceanografía. CETMAR.

financing :

Plan Nacional de I+D. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

period of execution :

2006 - 2010.

objectives :

To contribute to the technological development of the maritimefisheries sector in Galicia. For which the definition of an action plan is set out to favour the integration of the existing capacities in this scientifictechnological area and which guarantee the response to the specific needs of this productive sector, as well as the direct and relevant involvement of its most representative agents, such as companies, associations or producers’ organisations. This project is the continuation of another -Marketech- which favoured a methodology to improve the commercialisation of research results and a series of strategic recommendations for each sub-sector of activity and specific to each sectoral demand identified. In this way, it improved the response of the Galician R&D&I system to the needs of the maritime-fisheries sector.

report cetmar 2009 : 49

Technology Promotion and Transfer

title :

Catalogue and means of support to enhance the visibility and opportunities for the transfer of technology, results and research capacities from the IEO centres.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Instituto Español de Oceanografía.

coordinator :


financing :

Plan Nacional de I+D. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

period of execution :

2006 - 2010.

objectives :

Introduction of a computer tool to manage, group and classify the scientific and technological supply of oceanographic centres of the Instituto Español de Oceanografía is the fundamental objective of this project, which aims to strengthen the Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados (OTRI) of the IEO and enhance its activities. The ultimate purpose is for the opportunities of technology transfer, its research results and its capacities to be more visible to both the agents involved in the R&D&I actions and to society in general. Parallel to this, the aim is to consolidate the figure of the OTRI of CETMAR as an intermediating body, as well as to enhance the cooperation opportunities between the two institutions.

report cetmar 2009 : 50

Technology Promotion and Transfer

title :

Invasion of the Sargassum muticum alga in Galicia: Scope and factors that affects its expansion.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Universidade de Vigo; Universidade da Coru単a.

coordinator :


financing :

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural e Marino.

period of execution :

2007 - 2010.

objectives :

To obtain information about the scope of the distribution of the invasive alga Sargassum muticum along the coastline of Galicia is the fundamental objective of the Sargal project, via which we also aim to identify the characteristics of the ecosystem that affect the capacity for invasion of this species. Therefore, a study is planned on the distribution of the alga along the intertidal coastline of the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula and the monitoring of the invasion process in certain areas of special interest for shellfish fishing and ecology. Other actions planned are to perfect the remote sensing systems to map the populations of Sargassum or the study of the effect of the Lira Marine Reserve of Fishing Interest on the populations of this invasive alga.

report cetmar 2009 : 51

Technology Promotion and Transfer

title : acronym : partners : coordinator :

TECNOPEIXE Technological Platform. TECNOPEIXE. 157 organisations from the Galician fisheries sector are currently participating. CETMAR.

financing :

Plan Galego de I+D. ConsellerĂ­a de EconomĂ­a e Industria.

period of execution :

Renewed on a yearly basis.

objectives :

With the involvement and integration of the efforts of agents from the Galician fisheries sector, to set up a technological platform to develop a strategy for research, technological advance and innovation and which guarantees and boosts competitiveness in the sector. With around 150 members, this platform has become a forum of reference and an element that favours collaboration between the agents of the fishing sector in Galicia and which increases its efficiency using R&D&I. The Sea Technology Centre is in charge of the Technical Secretariat of the TECNOPEIXE Platform, which, in 2008 and among others actions, is published by the Strategic Research Agenda, a document that enables the identification of research priorities for the sector in Galicia in the coming years.

report cetmar 2009 : 52

Technology Promotion and Transfer

title :

Factors that affect the distribution and expansion of Sargassum muticum in Galicia.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Universidade de Vigo.

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

CETMAR. Plan Galego de I+D. ConsellerĂ­a de EconomĂ­a e Industria. Xunta de Galicia. 2007 - 2010. To obtain information about the scope of the distribution of the invasive alga Sargassum muticum on the coastlines of Galicia and to identify the factors that affect its invasive capacity. For this purpose, its current presence on the Galician coastline is assessed as well as the effects of the beaching of Sargassum on the shellfish beds. Another of the objectives is to provide recommendations to the agents and authorities involved in implementing plans and management actions on invasive marine species. For this purpose, the creation of a website is planned on the problems of invasive species in general and Sargassum muticum in particular, as well as the organisation of talks, workshops and workgroups with the affected groups.

report cetmar 2009 : 53

Technology Promotion and Transfer

title :

Observatories for the strategic plans of the frozen food and canning sector.

acronym :


partners :

Consellería do Mar; CETMAR.

coordinator :


financing :

Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

Annually until 2013.

objectives :

To start up a mechanism to following up strategic plans for the frozen food and canning sector -whose creation was also the responsibility of the Centro Tecnológico del Mar Sea as requested by the Consellería do Mar-. Its mission is to periodically analyse the policies and measures adopted in the framework of these strategic plans. For this, follow up plans are instigated by carrying out reports and research, and by institutional coordination, whilst at the same time action and revision proposals are put forward together with reorientation plans. Both observatories must also favour communication between the public administration responsible for executing those strategic plans and the agents of both sectors, establishing communication and collaboration channels.

report cetmar 2009 : 54

International Cooperation title : acronym : partners : coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Technical assistance to reinforce maritime-fishing education levels at the Namibian Maritime Fisheries Institute (NAMFI) in fishing technology and responsible fishing. NAMFI. CETMAR; Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo(AECID); Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia; Namibian Republic Ministry of Fishing and Maritime Affairs. CETMAR. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia. 2009 - 2010. The collaboration with the Namibian Nautical-Fisheries Training Institute -NAMFI- continued throughout 2009, when activities were carried out to strengthen the Namibian school so that they can offer qualified professionals to the fishing industry in this African country.

report cetmar 2009 : 55

International Cooperation

title : acronym : partners : coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Development of small-scale rural aquaculture in Northern Namibia based on the principals of productivity, efficiency and sustainability. ANN. Agencia Espa帽ola de Cooperaci贸n Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); Xunta de Galicia; CETMAR. CETMAR. Agencia Espa帽ola de Cooperaci贸n Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); Xunta de Galicia. 2008 - 2010. Since 2002, the Sea Technology Centre has collaborated with Namibia in the promotion of rural aquaculture as a social and economic development strategy in the North of the African country. From 2007, new measures of action were undertaken with the objective of reinforcing the sustainability of the actions in progress at that time and related to the fattening and distribution of alevins of tilapia and catfish. These actions are aimed at improving the capacity for extension between the alevin production plant and the rural fish farmers, as well as to replace the importing of feed. This last aspect is focused on generating greater technical capacity and infrastructures that enable feed to be produced using local raw materials. In short, it is a case of improving the productive capacity of small farmers in the region of Owambo, in the north of Namibia, with profitability, efficiency and sustainability criteria.

report cetmar 2009 : 56

International Cooperation

title : acronym : partners : coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Programme of Necessary Training for the growth and progression of the fisheries and acquaculture sector in Morocco for the period 2007-2008. PROGRAMA FORMACIÓN MARRUECOS. CETMAR; Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); Secretaría General del Mar; Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración e Políticas Públicas –FIIAPP-. CETMAR. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID). 2007 - 2009. To continue the training sessions started in 2008, directed at strengthening and stimulating the Moroccan fisheries and acquaculture sector, there are training sessions regarding the implementation of quality control systems in fisheries management.

report cetmar 2009 : 57

International Cooperation

title : acronym : partners : coordinator :

Diagnosis to create a Development Plan for Local Fishing in Cape Verde. DIAGNÓSTICO CABO VERDE. CETMAR; Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); Ministerio de Desenvolvimento Rural e Recursos Marinhos de Cabo Verde. CETMAR.

financing :


period of execution :

2009 - 2010.

objectives :

To carry out a diagnosis on local fishing in Cape Verde and create a local fisheries development programme in that country which will promote the activity and improve the living conditions of the people that depend on those resource.

report cetmar 2009 : 58

International Cooperation

title : acronym : partners : coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Promotion of associationism as a development tool for the small-scale fishing and aquaculture sector in countries where the official language is Portuguese. ASOCIACIONISMO PALOP. Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe Ministries of Fishing; Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); Consellería do Mar; CETMAR. CETMAR. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia. 2008 - 2009. To support and reinforce the role of women in the fishing and aquaculture sector in countries such as Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe. It is the third action of a strategy started in 2006 which includes training actions, on the one hand, and systemisation and homogenisation of the information available in the participating countries. The aim is to compare their situation and establish codes of good practices, in order to strengthen the fishing and aquaculture organisations in those countries, always with special focus on the gender aspect.

report cetmar 2009 : 59

International Cooperation

title : acronym : partners : coordinator :

Cooperation project for the sustainable development of aquaculture in the province of Niassa (Mozambique). ACUICULTURA MOZAMBIQUE. Consellería do Mar; Mozambique Ministry of Fishing; CETMAR; Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID). CETMAR.

financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia; AECID.

period of execution :

2008 - 2009.

objectives :

To carry out actions aimed at sustainable development of the fish farming activity in the province of Niassa, in Mozambique. For this purpose, it promotes the implementation of measures that favour the reinforcement of the extension system and the increase in the aquaculture research capacity in that country. The construction, installation and start-up of the necessary aquaculture equipment to guarantee the development of the sector are also planned.

report cetmar 2009 : 60

International Cooperation

title : acronym : partners :

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Training seminar for the fight against illegal fishing (IUU) in Africa. PESCA ILEGAL ÁFRICA. Agencia Española para la Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); Secretaría General del Mar; Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas (FIIAPP); Casa África Las Palmas; CETMAR. CETMAR. Agencia Española para la Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID). 2008 - 2009. In the framework of the fight against illegal fishing (IUU) and the coming into force of the new Community Regulations, a training and dissemination action is set up in the following: Guinea Conakry, Senegal, Morocco, Cape Verde, Sao Tomé and Príncipe and Guinea Bissau. The objective is to undertake actions that reinforce the capacities of the authorities involved in the fight against illegal, undeclared and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

report cetmar 2009 : 61

International Cooperation

title : acronym : partners : coordinator :

Definition of the acting strategy for the development of the marine sector in S ão Tomé and Príncipe. DIAGNÓSTICO SANTO TOMÉ Y PRÍNCIPE. CETMAR; Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); Ministerio de Agricultura, Pescas e Desenvolvimento Rural de São Tomé e Príncipe. CETMAR.

financing :


period of execution :

2009 - 2010.

objectives :

Technical assistance to carry out a diagnosis in the local fishing sector and a definition of the performance strategy for the development of the São Tomé and Príncipe area.

report cetmar 2009 : 62

International Cooperation

title : acronym : partners : coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Diagnosis and formulation of actions to be performed in order to promote the institutional development of small-scale fishing and aquaculture in Liberia. DIAGNÓSTICO LIBERIA. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); Oficina Nacional de Pesca de Liberia; CETMAR. CETMAR. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID). 2008 - 2009. To carry out a diagnosis of the fishing and aquaculture sector in Liberia and the National Fisheries Office of the African company that enables a view to be obtained of its status of development and to identify actions aimed at strengthening.

report cetmar 2009 : 63

International Cooperation

title :

Support for the Namibian National Marine Investigation and Information Centre Investigation Programme (NatMIRC).

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas-CSIC; MFMR.

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

CETMAR. Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia; Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID). 2009 - 2011. Reinforce the function of the Namibian National Marine Investigation and Information Centre as a scientific support institution in the decision making process regarding the Namibian government’s conservation policies on resources. For this training and technical assistance sessions are given to scientists at NATMIRc.

report cetmar 2009 : 64

International Cooperation

title :

Fishing extension programme aimed at small-scale fishing communities in northern and central Peru.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Consellería do Mar; Ministerio de la Producción de Perú.

coordinator :


financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2008 - 2010.

objectives :

This project was a continuation of the collaboration that began in 2007 via which the aim was to strengthen the fishing extension service in Perú and favour the social and economic development of the smallscale fishing sector in that country. Among the actions performed and still to be carried out is the development of training workshops and accompanying those carrying out the extension, as well as the evaluation and proposal of recommendations aimed at strengthening the commercialisation of the product derived from the small-scale fishing activity.

report cetmar 2009 : 65

International Cooperation

title :

Support plan for occupational training of small-scale fishermen in Central America.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Xunta de Galicia; Organización del Sector Pesquero y Acuícola del Istmo Centroamericano –OSPESCA-.

coordinator :


financing :

Secretaría Xeral de Relacións Exteriores. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2007 - 2010.

objectives :

The objective of this action is to support the professionalisation of the small-scale fisherman in Central American countries. For this purpose, within the framework of the Support Plan for Small-Scale Fishing in Central America, a line of action is developed based on training aimed at the small-scale fisherman and the fisheries management and research authorities. In the case of small-scale fishermen, a training plan has been designed which will be taught by Central American teachers from the fisheries and educational authorities of each country. These teachers have in turn been qualified in the framework of the project. The countries involved in this project are Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Belize.

report cetmar 2009 : 66

International Cooperation

title : acronym : partners : coordinator :

Technical assistance to reinforce the traceability and health inspection systems for products of small-scale and semi-industrial fishing in Mozambique. MOZAMBIQUE TRAZABILIDAD. CETMAR; Republic of Mozambique Ministry of Fishing; ConsellerĂ­a do Mar; European Commission. CETMAR.

financing :

ConsellerĂ­a do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2008 - 2010.

objectives :

The project, which got underway at the end of 2008, includes the execution of different activities with the objective of diagnosing and defining the procedures to be introduced in order to specify a traceability system for fishing products from small-scale and semi-industrial fishing in Mozambique.

report cetmar 2009 : 67

International Cooperation

title :

2nd Acquaculture and Development Cooperation Course.

acronym :


partners :

Consellería do Mar; CETMAR.

coordinator :


financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :


objectives :

With the aim of training young specialists in acquaculture who are interested in third world country development, the 2nd Development Cooperation and Acquaculture Course was held. It was during October and December and technical staff took part in it from the acquacultural area together with those from international cooperation from the Xunta de Galicia, from the United Nations Organization for Agriculture and Feeding (FAO), from CETMAR and the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID). It also had National and International experts who gave conferences about those topics. The training took place at the installations of Instituto Galego de Formación en Acuicultura (IGAFA), the headquarters of the Consellería do Mar situated in the A Illa de Arousa .

report cetmar 2009 : 68

International Cooperation

title :

Development programme for acquaculture activities in the Pisco area, Ica Province, Peru.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia; Ministerio de la Producción - PRODUCE (Perú).

coordinator :


financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2008 - 2010.

objectives :

To support the recovery of productive activities in the coastal area of the Paracas-Pisco_Ica National Reserve through strengthening and developing acquacultural activities and operations through social organizations of local fishermen.

report cetmar 2009 : 69

International Cooperation

title :

Development of rural and small scale acquaculture in South America and the Caribbean.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Xunta de Galicia, FAO.

coordinator :


financing :

ConsellerĂ­a do Mar, Galician Cooperation. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2008 - 2010.

objectives :

Joint and agreed formulation of the GALAQUA Project between FAO, Xunta de Galicia and CETMAR and the countries involved: Central American isthmus, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. This project’s objective is that it is trying to formulate and promote rural acquaculture as a tool for sustainable social and economic development in rural communities.

report cetmar 2009 : 70

International Cooperation

title :

II IberoAmerican Symposium on “Reproductive Ecology, Recruitment and Fisheries”.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas-CSIC.

coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas-CSIC. Xunta de Galicia; Caixanova; Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas – CSIC; Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO); Secretaría Xeral de Relacións Exteriores. 2009. The first Latin-American Symposium about “Reproductive Ecology, Recruitment and Fisheries” arises due to the worries of the LatinAmerican fisheries researchers who wish to encourage collaboration between the countries on both sides of the Atlantic. Fishing, whether industrial or local, is a vital economic resource in Latin America, Spain and Portugal. Despite the clear interrelation on an economic and industrial level between the Latin-American countries on the subject of fishing, the collaboration between research organizations is very limited or even non-existent. This is why this conference came about with the aim of encouraging and upgrading the creation of work networks, where not only established investigation centres but also those that have just started up can participate. This symposium also wants to be a forum of communication between Latin-American countries that will allow the identification and definition of different investigation lines with a common interest, as well as promoting joint projects which will encourage collaboration between countries with a wide trajectory in investigation, assessment and fishing management with countries that are just developing.

report cetmar 2009 : 71

International Cooperation

title :

Recopades. Biodiversity awareness.

acronym :


partners :

Lonxanet Foundation; CETMAR.

coordinator :

Lonxanet Foundation.

financing :

Lonxanet Foundation.

period of execution :

2009 - 2010.

objectives :

To guarantee the future of local fishing as a productive sector making sure there are sufficient biological resources and a market that demands them, so that it becomes a viable economic activity which is valued on a social scale, it is the objective of a network where the fishing communities of Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Brazil as well as Galicia and Spain participate. CETMAR has been collaborating with this since 2008. In 2009, efforts were centred on supporting the creation of Fisheries Interest Reserves (RDIP) in fishermen’s organizations as a tool to sustainably manage resources and to be aware of preserving biodiversity. CETMAR joined in a process that had been started by the Lanxanet Foundation with specific tasks mainly related to reinforcing the communities’ skills, diagnosis and environmental education.

report cetmar 2009 : 72

Training title :

European training in the fishing sector.

acronym :


partners :

CESPIV (Societá Cooperativa Sociale); Lega Pesca-Asociazione Nazionale tra Cooperative della Pesca; FAP PCM (Fonds d’assurance Formation Pêche et Cultures Marines); CETMAR.

coordinator :


financing :

European Union.

period of execution :

2008 - 2010.

objectives :

This proposal promotes the strengthening of continuous training of workers in the maritime-fisheries sector, particularly those over 40 years of age from countries outside the European community. It consists of a series of encounters with experts for the exchange of experiences and good practices regarding maritime-fishery training and their analysis. The results will be disseminated in the participating countries.

report cetmar 2009 : 73


title :

Pescalex 2.

acronym :


partners :

AMC Ltd; AquaTT; Stirling Institute of Aquaculture (Scotland); AQUARK, (Greece); CETMAR (Spain); Karadeniz Technical University (Turkey); Faculty of Marine Science (Hungry).

coordinator :

Aqualex Multimedia Consortium (AMC) Ltd.

financing :

European Union. Leonardo da Vinci Programme.

period of execution :

2008 - 2011.

objectives :

As a continuation of the Pescalex project, via which on-line modules were developed to teach languages and aquaculture contents of interest to the areas of Europe where that sector is important at economic level. Via this new project (www.pescalex.org) the diffusion of that material will be extended both geographically and to other languages, by translating into Turkish, Hungarian and Galician, in addition to the already existing ones: English, Greek, Norwegian, Polish, French, Portuguese, Swedish and Spanish. Besides, the glossary for fish health and diseases will be transferred to the new users.

report cetmar 2009 : 74


title :

SEREA – Sea Side Reorientation Activities – Socioeconomic and labour restructuring model in the fisheries sector 2006-2008.

acronym :


partners :

Consellería do Mar (Xunta de Galicia); CETMAR; Universidade da Coruña (UCD); Universidade de Vigo; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; CEIDA; Federación Galega de Confrarías; Confraría de Pescadores de Lira; Confraría de Pescadores de San Antonio (Cambados); Confraría de Pescadores de Cedeira; Societa´Cooperativa Pescatori “COPEGA” (Italia); Cooperative Audierne Port (Francia); The National Board of Fisheries (Letonia); The Latvian Fisherman Federation (Letonia).

coordinator :


financing :

European Union.

period of execution :

2006 - 2009.

objectives :

To facilitate the culture of change within the inshore fishing and shellfish fishing sector, ensuring its socioeconomic and labour restructuring in order to tackle problems such as overfishing, high petrol prices or the deterioration of the social image of both sectors (www.serea.org). In the scope of this project, a strategic observatory of the traditional fisheries sector was created, at the same time as activities were carried out to experience the innovative initiatives that the sector carries out in the participating regions. In addition, a communication campaign was carried out which aimed to improve the image of Galician inshore fishing and shellfish fishing which included the development and diffusion of an advertisement highlighting the more positive aspects of working at sea.

report cetmar 2009 : 75


title : acronym : partners :

2009-2010 programme of training courses at the “A Aixola” training centre. AIXOLA 09-10. Autoridad Portuaria de Marín; Consellería do Mar (Dirección Xeral de Desenvolvemento Pesqueiro); CETMAR.

coordinator :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2009 - 2010.

objectives :

A training programme taught at the A Aixola training centre, based in Puerto de Marín. Twenty courses are planned covering different subjects and four business creation occupational modules (20 hours) in two years. The planned training actions cover subjects such as polyester laminator, filler for ship building, wooden deck production and fitting, polyvalent repairs or construction and mending of nets and tackle. Courses are also organised for polyester modeller-laminator, for new wood working techniques, for boat woodwork and polyester, for sail making, repair of pneumatic boats and handling of polyethylene and polypropylene on fishing and aquaculture boats. The offer is completed with boat building courses, mechanic installer of polyester vessels and maintenance of sea cages. The duration of the courses ranges from 200 to 600 hours, depending on the subject. Further information: www.cetmar.org/aixola

report cetmar 2009 : 76


title :

Service for the integration into the labour market at A Aixola training centre.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; A Aixola; Consellería de Traballo e Benestar.

coordinator :


financing :

Consellería de Traballo e Benestar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2009 - 2010.

objectives :

This service consists of an Employment Agent and a Support Unit. Its objective is to provide support for people who have been trained at the A Aixola Centre with an eye to their integration into the labour market. With this fundamental objective, it offers help to those interested in the search for employment and in creating companies, at the same time as it monitors the integration into the labour market of its users. It also offers advice with an eye to setting up business projects. In addition, it is in charge of spreading the centre’s training offer and looking for students, of promoting the hiring of people trained at A Aixola and continuous training in the companies via the creation of tailormade courses and the management of grants for their organisation. Parallel to this, the Support Unit for this service is carrying out the sorting and cataloguing of the library at the Aixola training centre. Further information: www.cetmar.org/aixola

report cetmar 2009 : 77


title :

Galicia and Marine Sciences 09.

acronym :


partners :


coordinator :


financing :

ConsellerĂ­a de EconomĂ­a e Industria. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :


objectives :

To create an interactive microsite on the Galicia e as Ciencias do Mar website, www.galiciaeascienciasdomar.org. This way, the current selection of didactic resources to teach sea science is completed by interactive activities, so that students can reproduce virtually a series of experiments whilst they enjoy themselves. Also, the teaching centres are offered an activity which makes them aware of the importance of research for the conservation of the marine environment and its use, it is directed at 5 to ten year olds. This project was released to the nonspecialist media and to everybody through a results exhibition during science week; the exhibition was introduced with a representation of a theatre play on awareness.

report cetmar 2009 : 78


title :

Poccupational risk prevention programme in fishery activities.

acronym :


partners :

A Aixola; CETMAR; Consellería do Mar.

coordinator :


financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2008 - 2009.

objectives :

Teaching of two types of training courses, one over 30 hours aimed at inshore fishing and shellfish fishing workers who work on boats or beaches and another over 50 hours designed for inshore professionals who work underwater or in high-risk areas, mainly people who work collecting specific resources and goose barnacles. The objective is to provide the participants in these courses with precise training to carry out the functions attributed by the Lei de Prevención de Riscos Laborais, as well as the necessary knowledge to interpret the legislation, promote the culture of prevention in business management and provide basic tools to assess, manage and control occupational risks. The training is given at the A Aixola centre, in fishermen’s associations and other professional associations. Further information: www.cetmar.org/aixola

report cetmar 2009 : 79


title :

Courses for Companies: Maintenance and painting of leisure boats.

acronym :


partners :

CETMAR; Marina Seca S.L.; Consultora P&A.

coordinator :


financing :

Hiring through Marina Seca company.

period of execution :


objectives :

This is course is directed at sailors who handle boats, raise them, lower them and launch them, according to the boatswain’s directions, as well as undertaking the tasks of cleaning, sanding and painting them.

report cetmar 2009 : 80


title :

Internal training plan 2009.

acronym :

PIF 09.

partners :


coordinator :


financing :

Fundación Tripartita para la Formación en el Empleo.

period of execution :


objectives :

To contribute, by means of continual training, to the development of human resources of the CETMAR Foundation, in order to optimize them so that it can guarantee, with the greatest possible probability, the quality of the jobs undertaken. To identify the competence needs of the staff that carry out these jobs, linked to CETMAR Foundation’s Management Quality Control System, to provide adequate training and facilitate information and the necessary resources to satisfy these needs.

report cetmar 2009 : 81

General Secretariat title : acronym : partners : coordinator :

Integral management m odels recovery and recycling of the proper solid wastes from fishing and port activities. 3R-FISH. Portos de Galicia; Autoridad Portuaria de MarĂ­n; Universidade da CoruĂąa; Centro TecnolĂłgico Leitat; Plastimar; CETMAR. CETMAR.

financing :

European Union. Life-Environment Programme.

period of execution :

2008 - 2011.

objectives :

To improve the quality of the waters and sea beds through the correct utilisation and recycling of the tackle and equipment used in the fishing activity is the fundamental objective of this project, which aims to promote the sustainable development of fishing and port activities. For this purpose, the aim is to develop a management and recycling system for three of the most significant types of solid waste generated by these activities, which are nets, polystyrene and batteries and light devices. A pilot plan will be set up for each of them in representative fleets and fishing ports at European level. Parallel to this, the aim is to introduce good practices at sea and in ports for the correct management of this waste, by encouraging practices and stable collaboration commitments of all the players related to this waste. The project is completed by training and raising awareness among the crew and port workers on how to manage this waste and with a technical and economic assessment to extend the experience to the ports of Galicia and Portugal.

report cetmar 2009 : 82

General Secretariat

title : acronym : partners :

coordinator :

Adaptation to the effects of climate change. ADAPTACLIMA. CETMAR; AGADER; Intecmar; Associaçao Industrial de Aveiro; Associaçao Municipios do Vale do Ave; Cámara Municipal de Mirandela; Centre Detudes Techniques Dud Ouest; Chambre Dagriculture de la Dordogne; Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas; Instituto Galego de Vivenda e Solo; Fundaçao da Facultade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa; Junta de Andalucía; Mancomunidad de Municipios Sostenibles de Cantabria; NEIKER. Instituto Galego de Vivenda e Solo.

financing :

European Union.

period of execution :

2008 - 2010.

objectives :

Carry out detailed studies in diverse territories that allow, on the one hand, to prepare forecasts on the effects of climate change at a local level, and on the other hand design plans to adapt to the change with special thought given to the special features of the local area.

report cetmar 2009 : 83

General Secretariat

title : acronym : partners : coordinator : financing : period of execution : objectives :

Nothing overboard: Protecting and cleaning the sea beds. NAPOBOR. CETMAR; Portos de Galicia; Autoridades Portuarias de A Coruña, Vigo y Marín-Pontevedra. CETMAR. Secretaría General del Mar. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino. 2009. Implement during a six months period (in close relationship with the fisheries sector) a handling/management protocol integrated with waste gathered by small fishing boats and the coastal fleet. It was carried out with the collaboration of the Autoridad Portuaria de Marín y Ría de Pontevedra, Autoridad Portuaria de Coruña, Portos de Galicia and la Asociación de Armadores de Artes Menores de Galicia (ASOARARMEGA), present throughout the Galician coast. The boats used, which had experience in this matter, landed the waste collected during their ordinary fishing duties and the port recorded this and managed the waste accordingly.

report cetmar 2009 : 84

General Secretariat

title : acronym : partners :

coordinator :

Improving the health and working conditions in on-foot shellfish fishing in Galicia. SAÚDE. CETMAR; Centro Tecnológico Leitat; Asociación Galega de Mariscadoras; Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia; Universidad Politécnica de Valencia; Centro de Seguridade e Saúde Laboral –ISSGA-. CETMAR.

financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2008 - 2010.

objectives :

This project aims to work together with the on-foot shellfish fishing community with the aim of carrying out a study of the health and working conditions of this community in order to determine the technological and medical elements, and those characteristic of this specific profession, required to create equipment that improves the health and quality of life and work of this professional sector. Once the study and the subsequent research on fabrics and types of Individual Protection Equipment (IPE) have been carried out, the prototypes will be developed. A pilot test will be carried out with professionals of the sector with the aim of defining the improvements from the correct use of the abovementioned prototype. The results will be checked after being transferred to the everyday situation of on-foot shellfish fishing and where necessary those aspects that show deficiencies will be improved. Via the Individual Protection Equipment to be developed, the aim is to improve the health of the abovementioned community, the job quality, quality of life, as well as avoiding or reducing the risks involved in onfoot shellfish fishing via techniques, measures and equipment required for this purpose and to promote occupational risk prevention via the application of technology and innovation.

report cetmar 2009 : 85

General Secretariat

title :

Environmental observatory on solid waste from the aquiculture, fishing and port activity.

acronym :


partners :

Consellería do Mar; Portos de Galicia; CETMAR.

coordinator :


financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :

2007 - 2009.

objectives :

This project enables the creation of an environmental observatory aimed at issuing reports for the fishing authorities and the port authorities. It also contemplates the dissemination to the different agents that carry out their activities in the coastal-port area of Galicia with the objective of favouring the information, intercommunication, enquiry, awareness and training on the problem generated by the management of waste from the fishing activity and on its environmental impact, as well as the guidelines and techniques to establish the best possible practices for its collection and management. It will also analyse the possibilities for the recycling of this waste, among other actions. Likewise, for Portos de Galicia and the Consellería de Pesca e Asuntos Marítimos a protocol was drawn up for organic waste management in fish markets and a logistic plan for delivery in authorised manager.

report cetmar 2009 : 86

General Secretariat

title : acronym : coordinator :

Study on the special protection plan for fishermen’s huts and heritage elements of Carnota Council. CARNOTA. CETMAR.

financing :

AGADER and Instituto Galego de Vivenda e Solo. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :


objectives :

Undertake a study on the special protection plan for a set of fishermen’s huts and the heritage elements tied to the sea and update the ethnographic elements of Carnota council’s constructed heritage. Integration of the heritage elements tied to water in guidelines for local sustainable development.

report cetmar 2009 : 87

General Secretariat

title : acronym : partners : coordinator :

Compilation and provision of contents and information and news services about fishing via the Mundopesca website. MUNDOPESCA. CETMAR; Consellería do Mar. Dirección Xeral de Desenvolvemento Pesqueiro. CETMAR.

financing :

Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia.

period of execution :


objectives :

To offer contents and information services on fishing via the website mundopesca.org, by setting up a daily newsletter on the web that includes all the news regarding fishing and the fisheries sector and which is reflected in the daily press or on other information portals. In addition, a system of subscriptions to this news service is maintained as well as an annual newspaper library service. It also offers information about all kinds of events regarding fishing.

report cetmar 2009 : 88

Marine Technologies Unit title : acronym : partners :

coordinator :

Oceanic Observatory of the Iberian Margin. RAIA. CETMAR; CIIMAR (Portugal); Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas-MeteoGalicia; Facultade de Ciencias da Universidade do Porto; Facultade de Engenhería da Universidade do Porto; INEGI - Instituto de Engenhería Mecanica e Gestao Industrial; INESC Porto Instituto de Engenhería de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto; Instituto de Investigaciones Mariñas-CSIC; Instituto Español de Oceanografía; Instituto Hidrográfico (IH); Intecmar; Universidade de Aveiro - Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar (CESAM); Universidade de Vigo. Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas-MeteoGalicia. Xunta de Galicia.

financing :

European Union.

period of execution :

2009 - 2011.

objectives :

The main objective of this Project is the development of an oceanic observatory made up by a cross-border infrastructure for ocean observation and by an extensive network of operational oceanography based on monitoring and predicting the ocean through the use of numerical models and the construction and development of new ocean-meteorlogical platforms at the mouths of the Duero and Miño rivers and on a coastal platform at Porto and Cabo Silleiro.

report cetmar 2009 : 89

Marine Technologies Unit

title : acronym : partners : coordinator :

Development of an Autonomous Vehicle to Control Water Quality. VACCA. CETMAR; AIMEN; ELEMPO LABS; IMEDEA-CSIC; INCAPLAS; Intecmar; MAREXI; Marine Instruments; Universidade de Vigo; Universidade de Santiago. CETMAR.

financing :

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n.

period of execution :

2009 - 2012.

objectives :

The objective of this sub-project which is contained in the strategic singular project PROMARES (Environmental Protection of the Coast and Marine Environment) is to design and get an autonomous submarine vehicle (AUV) up and running for it to control sea water quality, and from a supply base routinely carry out water quality measurements in a specific area. This design will allow, following the concept of a network of sensors integrated into the environment, a system that reacts to the measurements of other facilities present in the area, carrying out specific samples when another operational installation in the action radius of the AUV requests it, and as a result predefined environmental conditions can be reached. The information gathered by this type of instrumentation will serve both for the diagnostic phase of the ecological state of the different regions, and for the development and implementation of follow-up programmes to be established. It will provide initial conditions and those of the surrounding area, which would be difficult to obtain via other sampling methods, for high resolution models that can be relocated and used in situations of accidental spills and other types of emergencies. And finally, they will be useful for tourism, acquaculture and shellfish management in coastal regions.

report cetmar 2009 : 90

Marine Technologies Unit

title : acronym : partners : coordinator :

Technologies for Observing and Prediction of Oil Spills. OCTOPOS. AIDO; Autoridade Portuaria de Vigo; CETMAR; IIM-CSIC; MAREXI; QUALITAS INSTRUMENTS; REPSOL PETRÓLEO S.A.; REPSOL YPF, S.A.; Universidade de Cantabria; Universidade de Vigo. QUALITAS INSTRUMENTS.

financing :

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

period of execution :

2009 - 2012.

objectives :

The objective that this initiative follows is the implantation of an integral system that allows the detection, follow-up and prediction of oil spills in port installations, singular facilities and protected natural areas and that will help obtain a good ecological state of its water in accordance with the current legislation. It is a subproject that is contained in the strategic singular project PROMARES (Environmental Protection of the Coast and Marine Environment).

report cetmar 2009 : 91


Economic Data Summary of CETMAR’S income and expenditure 2005-2009 Main Expenses

















6.950.000 *Provisional data

Progress of income and expenditure 10.000.000 9.000.000 8.000.000 7.000.000 6.000.000 5.000.000 4.000.000 3.000.000 2.000.000 1.000.000 0

Income Expenditure 2005





Pending the final closing of accounts for 2009, provisional data places the income of the Centro Tecnológico del Mar-Fundación CETMAR for this period at around 7 million euros. Expenditure, also provisional, is also about that amount. The institution’s economic figures are therefore based on previous years, with the exception of 2008, a year in which income experienced a considerable growth due to the exceptionally large workload from specific jobs from the public administrations.

report cetmar 2009 : 92

8: Staff List Abollo Rodríguez, Elvira

Comesaña Romero, María

Aguiar Couto, Cándido

Costa Costa, Diana

Almécija Pereda, Ana

Chapela Pérez, Mª Dolores

Álvarez Ballesteros, Marta

Chapela Pérez, Mª Rosa

Álvarez Belín, Carlos Emilio

Chapela Portela, Juan

Álvarez Raña, Eva Coromoto

Darriba Santiago, Consuelo

Amoedo Lueiro, Xoan Inacio

De Santiago Meijide, José Alberto

Arenaza Gomory, Mª Florencia

Diez Arenas, Raquel

Armesto Fernández, María

Félix Lamas, Javier

Bañón Díaz, Rafael

Fernández Barreiro, Jesús Ángel

Bao Domínguez, Miguel

Fernández Cañamero, María Luisa

Barreiro Guisande, Félix

Fernández Estévez, Benedicta

Borrás Carnero, Gonzalo

Fernández Otero, Rosa Mª

Buceta González, M. Abigail

Fraga Lago, Lucía

Cacabelos Reyes, Antón

Gancedo Baranda, Asunción

Campelos Álvarez, José Manuel

García Lago, José Manuel

Carreira Vázquez, Pablo

García Romero, Javier

Cesar Aldariz, Javier

García Rozamontes, José María

report cetmar 2009 : 93

García San Quintín, Fernando

Molares Montero, Yolanda

García Tasende, Manuel Antonio

Morales de la Fuente, María del Carmen

Garrido Vispo, José Manuel

Mucientes Sandoval, Gonzalo R.

Gómez Gesteira, José Luis

Otero Barberena, José Enrique

González Casal, Guadalupe

Parada Encisa, José Manuel

González Fernández, Marta

Pardo Vuelta, María Josefa

González Garcés-Santiso, Alberto

Pérez Gómez, Juan Pablo

González Pérez, Juan

Pérez Miser, Luis

Graña Pérez, Lucía

Pérez Pérez, Patricia

Gueiro Cagiao, Alba

Pérez Rodríguez, María

Herrera Cortijo, Juan Luis

Pérez Veres, José Manuel

Iglesias Ferreiro, Mª Isabel

Pesqueira Portas, Rita

Iglesias Rodríguez, Jesús

Pombal Juncal, María del Mar

Incera Filgueira, Mónica

Pouso Vidal, Óscar

Juncal Caldas, Luisa María

Pungín López, Mª Belén

Lago Monroy, Mª Victoria

Quintero Fernández, Fernando A.

Lamas Rodríguez, Fabio

Regueira Ces, María

Lampón Lampón, Dolores Vanessa

Ribo Landín, Jorge

López Álvarez, Olalla

Rueda Crespo, Paloma

López González, Francisco José

Sánchez Vega, José

Macho Rivero, Gonzalo

Sieiro Piñeiro, María del Pilar

Maril Cerquide, Miriam

Taboada Pérez, Julio

Mariño Crespo, Alexis

Torres López, Silvia

Maroto Leal, Julio

Troitiño Dapena, Xulio

Martín Pardo, Guadalupe

Val Otero, Ángeles

Martínez Lago, José María

Vázquez Ferreiro, Uxía

Martínez Rodríguez, Guillermina

Vidal Martínez-Anido, Irene

Martínez Táboas, Mercedes

Vilela López, Bernal

Martínez Verde, Genma

report cetmar 2009 : 94


Organizations that Collaborated with CETMAR Associaçao de Comerciantes de Pescado. ACOPE (Portugal)

Asociación Empresarial de Productores de Cultivos Marinos. APROMAR

Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo. AECID

Aquark (Greece)

Ardora Formación e Servicios Sociedade Cooperativa Galega Asociación de Oceanógrafos de Galicia Asociación Española de Normalización. AENOR

European Network for Training and Technology in Aquaculture. AquaTT Asociación de Armadores de Galicia. ASOAR-ARMEGA Asociación de Productores de Rodaballo de Galicia. AROGA

Association du Grand Litoral Atlantique AGLIA (France)

Asociación Galega de Mariscadoras/es

Asociación Galega de Carpinteiros de Ribeira. AGALCARI

Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes de Conservas de Pescados y Mariscos. ANFACO-CECOPESCA

Instituto Tecnológico de Óptica, Color e Imagen. AIDO AMC Ltd. Advanced Modular Computers Ltd. ANAM.

Asociación de Investigación Metalúrgica del Noroeste. AIMEN Associaçao Industrial de Aveiro Associaçao Municipios do Vale do Ave

report cetmar 2009 : 95


Cofradía de Pescadores de Marín

Astilleros Murueta

Comité Económico y Social Europeo. CESE

Autoridad Portuaria de A Coruña

Concello de Marín

Autoridad Portuaria de Ferrol

Concello de Pontevedra

Autoridad Portuaria de Marín

Confederación Española de Pesca. CEPESCA

Autoridad Portuaria de Vigo Autoridad Portuaria de Vilagarcía Axencia Galega de Desenvolvemento Rural AZTI-TECNALIA. Instituto Tecnológico Pesquero y Alimentario Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minières (France) Cámara Municipal de Mirandela (Portugal)

Conseil Regional d’Aquitaine (France) Conseil Regional de Bretagne (France) Consellería de Economía e Industria. Xunta de Galicia Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas. Xunta de Galicia Consellería do Mar. Xunta de Galicia Consellería de Sanidade. Xunta de Galicia

Capitanía Marítima de Vigo

Consellería de Traballo e Benestar. Xunta de Galicia

Cardno Agrisystems

Consultora P&A

Casa África. Las Palmas

Consultores de Investigación Tecnológica S.L. CIT

Central Folque Centre de Documentation de recherche et d’expérimentations sur les pollutions accidentelles des eaux. CEDRE (France) Centre Detudes Techniques Sud Ouest (France) Centre Régional d’Expérimentation et d’Application Aquacole. CREAA (France) Centro de Investigacións Mariñas. CIMA Centro de Menores Avelino Montero Centro Tecnológico AINIA Centro Tecnológico Leitat

Cooperativa de Armadores de Vigo. ARVI. Centro Tecnológico de Automoción de Galicia. CTAG Devalar Consultoría S.L Diputación Provincial de A Coruña Dirección General de Marina Mercante Dirección Xeral de Innovación e Desenvolvimento Pesqueiro. Xunta de Galicia Dirección Xeral de Ordenación e Xestión dos Recursos Mariños. Xunta de Galicia


Dirección Xeral de Relacións Exteriores. Xunta de Galicia

Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigaçao Marinha Ambiental. CIIMAR-UP (Portugal)


Chambre Dagriculture de la Dordogne (France)



Escola Obradoiro “Mar de Vigo IV”

Ciudad Infantil Príncipe Felipe. Deputación de Pontevedra

Faculty of Marine Sciencie (Hungary)



Codisoil S.A.

Fonds d’assurance Formation Pêche et Cultures Marines. FAP PCM

Cofradía de Pescadores de A Garda


Cofradía de Pescadores de Baiona


Cofradía de Pescadores de Bueu

Flota Proyectos Singulares FPS

report cetmar 2009 : 96

Fundación Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas. FIIAP Fundación Leia Fundación Lonxanet Fundación Robotiker Fundación Ronsel Fundación Tripartita para la Formación en el Empleo Geocisa Hidromod (Portugal) Hitramat (Norway) IAAT Poitou-Charentes Instituto de Estudos e Desenvolvemento de Galicia. IDEGA

Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas-CSIC Instituto Galego da Vivenda e Solo. Xunta de Galicia Instituto Hidrográfico Instituto Nacional de Inspeçao do Pescado. Mozambique Instituto Superior Técnico de Portugal Instituto Tecnolóxico para o Control do Medio Mariño de Galicia. INTECMAR Intervir Mais Instituto Portugués de Investigaçao das Pescas e do Mar. IPIMAR Irish Seaweed Centre (Ireland) ISUMAR Junta de Andalucía Karadeniz Technical University (Turkey) Killybegs Electrical Refrigeration Services

Instituto de Seguridade e Saúde Laboral de Galicia. ISSGA

Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil. LNEC

Instituto Español de Oceanografía. IEO

Lega Pesca. Asociazione Nazionale tra Cooperative della Pesca (Italy)

Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Explotation de la Mer. IFREMER (France) Instituto Galego de Formación en Acuicultura. IGAFA

Mancomunidad de Municipios Sostenibles de Cantabria MAREXI. Tecnología Marina Ximo S.L.

Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados. IMEDEA

Marina Seca S.L.

Instituto Murciano de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario. IMIDA

Marine Instruments, S.A.

Incaplas Indigo Rock (Ireland) Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestâo Industrial. INEGI Inerco INFOPESCA Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España. ISDEFE Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de Producción Ecológica. IFAPA Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia Instituto de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos

Marine Institute (Ireland)

Mayo County Council Mc Bride Fishing Co. (Ireland) Meteogalicia Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino Ministeria das Pescas. Angola Ministerio das Pescas. Guinea Bissau Ministerio das Pescas. Mozambique Ministerio de la Producción. Perú Ministerio de Pesca. Marocco. Ministerio de Pesca. Santo Tomé y Príncipe


Ministerio de Pesca y de Recursos Marinos. Namibia

Instituto de Engenheria de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto. INESC

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Agricultura y Pesca. Cape Verde

report cetmar 2009 : 97

Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (France)

Societá Cooperativa Sociale. CESVIP

Namibian Maritime and Fisheries Institute. NAMFI

Sociedade Galega do Medio Ambiente.

National Institute of Technology (TI) National University of Ireland, Galway NEIKER NET-Novas Empresas e Tecnologías S.A. (Portugal) Norwegian Seafood Association. (Norway) Oficina de I+B de Marín Oficina Nacional de Pesca de Liberia Observatorio de Prospectiva Tecnológica Industrial. OPTI Organización del Sector Pesquero y Acuícola del Istmo Centroamericano. OSPESCA Pembrokeshire County Council (United Kingdom)


SOGAMA Starlab Barcelona S.L. Stirling Institute of Aquaculture (Scotland) Strengthening National Health Control Capacity for Fishery Products (Mozambique) TECNOPEIXE Tecnopesca PYM Technopole Quimper-Cornouaille (France) Udaras na Gaeltechta Universidad de Alicante Universidade de Aveiro. Centro de Estudios do Ambiente e do Mar Universidad de Bretaña Occidental

Production Engineering Research Association. PERA

Universidade da Coruña

Peter Taboada

Universidad de Cádiz

Pescanova S.A.

Universidad de Cantabria

PIPO Systems, S.L.

Universidad de Coimbra


Universidad de Creta

Portos de Galicia

Universidad de Haifa

Prebetong Prefabricados Marinos

Universidad de Huelva Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran

Puertos del Estado


Qualitas Instruments, S.A.

Universidad de Lisboa

Repsol Petróleo S.A. Repsol YPF, S.A.

Universidad de Nantes Universidade de Porto

Réseau d’Information et de Conseil en Economie des Pêches (France)

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Riveira Peixe Fresco S.L.

Universidade de Vigo

Saeplast Dalvik ehf (Iceland)

Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña-LIM

Sanidad Exterior

Universidade do Minho

Sociedad de Salvamento y Seguridad Marítima-Salvamento Marítimo. SASEMAR



Welsh Federation of Fishermens Associations. WFFA

Secretaría Xeral de Relacións Exteriores. Xunta de Galicia

Westmannaeyjar Research Center



report cetmar 2009 : 98


Board of Trustees 2009 President of the Board of Trustees:

1st Vice-President:

Presidente da Xunta de Galicia Mr. Alberto Núñez Feijoo Conselleira do Mar da Xunta de Galicia Mrs. Rosa María Quintana Carballo

2nd Vice-President:

Directora General de Cooperación Internacional y Relaciones Institucionales do Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Mrs. Montserrat Torné Escasany


Conselleiro de Economía e Industria da Xunta de Galicia Mr. Javier Guerra Fernández Director General de Investigación y Gestión do Plan Nacional de I+D+I do Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Mr. José Manuel Fernández de Labastida y del Olmo Director Xeral de Investigación, Desenvolvemento e Innovación da Consellería de Economía e Industria da Xunta de Galicia Mr. Ricardo Capilla Pueyo

report cetmar 2009 : 99

Director Xeral de Competitividade e Innovación Tecnolóxica da Consellería do Mar da Xunta de Galicia Mr. Juan Carlos Maneiro Cadillo Director General do Instituto Oceanografía Mr. Enrique Tortosa Martorell



Vicepresidenta de Investigación Científica y Técnica do Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Mrs. María del Carmen Peláez Martínez Vicerreitora de Investigación da Universidade da Coruña Mrs. Concepción Herrero López Vicerreitora de Investigación e Innovación Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Mrs. María José Alonso Fernández


Vicerreitora de Investigación da Universidade de Vigo Mrs. Elsa Vázquez Otero Director General de CECOPESCA Mr. Juan Manuel Vieites Baptista de Sousa Secretario General del Mar do Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino Mr. Juan Carlos Martín Fragueiro Director Xeral de Sostibilidade e Paisaxe da Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas da Xunta de Galicia Mr. Manuel Borobio Sanchiz Secretario Xeral de Universidades da Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria da Xunta de Galicia Mr. José Alberto Díez de Castro Subdirector General de Coordinación Científica da Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición do Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo Mr. Jesús Campos Amado


Directora Xerente do Centro Tecnológico del Mar Fundación CETMAR Mrs. Paloma Rueda Crespo

report cetmar 2009 : 100

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