1 minute read

PAIGE INDRITZ If I’d Grown Up Here

I’d see the mountains as separate peaks, rocks, points, towering over the small green valleys that I’d watch turn into yellow, orange flames as fall approaches And winter would ride on the wings of the wind at night as I’d stand and watch the stars naming every shape I saw as my own and I’d shiver under the depths of the sky. One day I’d plant an Aspen, watch it grow spires to the sky. It would be a simple moment.

I’d see small embers ignite in the summer and I’d watch in awe as the landscape change and for the first time I’d feel like I was changing too. I would learn to feel the wind and rain in my face and not feel the coolness dampen my spirit. I would learn to see every snowflake, every drop of rain, every moment as clear as the bright blue sky when the clouds evaporate into nothing and I would learn to call this place home.

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