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Ultimate fights for club visibility in athletics
from April 2023 Issue
Ultimate Frisbee is one of three club sports in spring, alongside sailing and trap shooting. The group is led by captains Theo Bonin and Henry Hilton. Due to both its uniqueness as a sport and its varying levels of success and popularity, Spartan Ultimate has a complicated history.
The club has been subject to changing coaches, team format, and—to the dismay of many team members—practice time and location, as they often resort to off-campus practices on short notice.
“It’s a mess,” parent and club adviser Karissa Baker said.
Spartan Ultimate began as an entirely male team; a girl’s ultimate team was created due to a high female interest in the sport. However, with fewer numbers and a gender imbalance, the team transitioned to coed last year and has remained that way this season. read more clubs coverage at the: RUBICON online
Members feel like they are treated unfairly by the athletics department, considering their popularity and success.
They believe they deserve to be an official sport, to have convenient practice space, equal resources, and for the captains to be pictured on the Team Leaders wall.
The common consensus about these complications is overwhelmingly frustrated, especially for cutter David Kopilenko: “Tell them to make us an official sport,” he said.
Despite the setbacks the team is still one of the most successful spring sports, placing 9th overall in the state last year.