Hillel Strategic Plan

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Enriching Lives, Inspiring Commitment, Delivering the Jewish Future


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Enriching Lives,

Inspiring Commitment,


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Š 2006 Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life For additional copies contact: Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life Charles and Lynn Schusterman International Center Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building 800 Eighth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 Telephone 202-449-6534 Fax: 202-449-6434 www.hillel.org/future n ii

Contents n 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillel’s Challenge n 2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . With Appreciation

n 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delivering the Jewish Future n 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillel’s Stakeholders n 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillel’s Aspirations n 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillel’s Goals and Objectives n 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillel’s Implementation Priorities n 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measuring Success n 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Realizing the Dream n 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chart: Implementation Priorities

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Hillel’s Challenge Hillel’s Five-Year Strategic Plan for the USA

The demographics of today’s young Jewish adults underscore Hillel’s unique positioning to reach the most valuable asset of the Jewish community, our students. Referred to as the “Millennials:” • 85 percent attend college; • 74 percent feel a sense of pride when someone Jewish is cited for a significant accomplishment; • 48 percent believe that raising their children as Jews is very important; • 34 percent participate in Hillelsponsored events.

But within these statistics, there are daunting challenges: • 36 percent indicate that marrying someone Jewish is very important; • 47 percent do not have two Jewish parents; Ours is a bold and all-encompassing vision: “for every Jewish student to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life.” To make this vision a reality we seek to “double the number of Jewish students who are involved in Jewish life and who have Meaningful Jewish Experiences.”

By focusing on both the breadth and depth of our offerings, Hillel will create opportunities that will attract and impact a greater number of Jewish students across a broad level of Jewish identification. To accomplish this, we will: •

emphasize the relevance of Jewish life to today’s student for exploring their Jewish identity, advancing their personal and professional development, and enriching the world; recruit, develop and retain outstanding campus professionals and Jewish educators; expand, diversify and decentralize student leadership, and seed student-led initiatives; prioritize and deepen collaboration between national and local Hillel boards and professionals; position Hillel as the platform for Jewish life on the campus through partnerships and alliances at both the local and national level.

These are heady aspirations, which will require the commitment of significant resources, but if we are to fulfill our obligation to both these young adults and the community, we must succeed in pursuit of our mission: “To enrich the lives of Jewish undergraduate and graduate students, so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world.”

( ) “To enrich the lives of Jewish

undergraduate and graduate

students, so that they may enrich

the Jewish people and the world.”

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With Appreciation This document provides an overview of the comprehensive Strategic Planning Report that was approved by the Board of Directors of Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life (FJCL) in February 2006. The complete Strategic Plan may be obtained at www.hillel.org/future. Many thanks are in order for the impressive commitment of time and talent given to this planning process. A special debt of gratitude is owed to the extraordinary work of the Strategic Planning Committee, the Senior Management Team of Hillel’s Charles and Lynn Schusterman International Center, work teams of field professionals, and the FJCL Board for their dedicated leadership, insightful recommendations and guidance. Finally, we acknowledge the hundreds of students who took the time and shared with us their thinking. Without their input, we would not have been able to complete this task.

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We also wish to acknowledge the vision and professional leadership provided by Kinney Zalesne, who directed the Strategic Planning Process while she served as executive vice president for the United States, and by Amy Morgenstern, president of Main Stream Enterprises, Inc., who served as the lead outside consultant on this project and who became an important member of the Hillel family during this process. We are grateful to Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, Inc., who conducted an online student survey on a pro-bono basis and whose insights are integral to the plan. We dedicate this report to the generations of Hillel leaders who have laid the foundation for our work today, and to the generations of students who will be touched by our work in the years to come.

Edgar M. Bronfman Chairman International Board of Governors Randall Kaplan Chairman Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life Julian Sandler Chair, Strategic Planning Committee Avraham Infeld International President Wayne L. Firestone International President-Elect

The Strategic Planning Committee Julian Sandler (Chair), Dix Hills, NY Adam Bronfman, Paradise Valley, AZ Jennifer Chestnut, Kent State Hillel Adina Danzig, Stanford Hillel Jevin Eagle, Needham, MA Lisa Eisen, Washington, DC Wayne L. Firestone, President-Elect Avraham Infeld, International President Randall Kaplan, Greensboro, NC Joseph Kohane, Ohio State Hillel David E. Levy, Drexel University Hillel Bea Mandel, Los Angeles, CA Neil Moss, Columbus, OH Chuck Newman, Ann Arbor, MI Liz Rutzick, University of Maryland Hillel Greg Steinberger, University of Wisconsin Hillel Kinney Zalesne, Washington, DC Staff: Danny Greene, Graham Hoffman

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Delivering the Jewish Future

( ) “I wasn’t raised

Jewish. I always

had known I was Jewish, but I

didn’t know what that meant.” – Student

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The American Jewish community has achieved remarkable success in the United States due, in part, to its pursuit of higher education. Hillel, the oldest and largest Jewish campus organization in North America, has played a critical role in ensuring this success by helping to create campus environments in which students can grow intellectually, professionally, socially and Jewishly. Throughout its history, Hillel has worked with universities to educate Jewish students who are both distinctively Jewish and universally human. Jews of all backgrounds and beliefs continue to look to Hillel to provide undergraduate and graduate students with a Jewish resource on campus, to advocate on behalf of students and, often, to serve as a home away from home. If the American Jewish community is to grow and thrive, Hillel's success is essential.

The publication of the 1990 National Jewish Population Survey underscored Hillel's role in ensuring the Jewish future. Since the release of that study, Jewish Federations and communities have invested unprecedented resources in a renaissance of Jewish life on campus. Hillel's renaissance has resulted in the creation of vibrant campus communities across North America, with cadres of student activists, devoted adult leadership, trained professionals and state-ofthe-art facilities. Working in the ever-changing environment of the college campus, Hillel must continuously reassess its work in order to be responsive and effective. In 2004, Hillel began the most comprehensive Strategic Planning Process in its history. The process unfolded through:

> > > > >

Stakeholder Research Using surveys, facilitated group discussions, and social research to understand students, professionals, board members, community partners and the environmental factors that shape campus life.

Setting Aspirations Establishing the overarching purpose and values that guide Hillel.

Goals and Objectives Shaping the plans for achieving Hillel's mission and vision.

Implementation Priorities Prioritizing our work for the next five years.

Measuring Success Creating objective, measurable standards to evaluate Hillel's achievements.

With the completion of this process and the adoption of the final Strategic Planning Report by the Hillel Board of Directors in February 2006, the organization is poised to advance Jewish renaissance to new levels. This strategic plan sets forth a bold five-year blueprint for Hillel. It is multi-tiered and multi-faceted, complex and comprehensive. However, at its core is one central goal: “To enrich the lives of Jewish undergraduate and graduate students so that they may enrich the Jewish community and the world.� All other objectives derive from this single ambition. This Strategic Plan is neither a departure from Hillel's founding principles nor does it deviate from the objectives of Jewish renaissance. Rather, it is a response to the needs of today's Jewish students and a realignment of the organization's resources to better fulfill its historic mandate: to deliver the Jewish future.

FACTS&RESPONSES Fact: The majority of

students are proud of their Jewish heritage and are likely to participate in distinctively Jewish experiences but only 34 percent of Jewish students are actively involved in Hillel.

Response: Hillel will double the number of Jewish students who are involved in Jewish life and who have Meaningful Jewish Experiences.

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Hillel’s Stakeholders The strategic priorities presented in this plan were developed in consultation with Hillel's key stakeholders: students, board members, Hillel professionals, Federations and other community partners. Hillel has sought to discover what today's Jewish students seek; what Hillel's professionals require; what Hillel's board members – both national and local – expect; and what community partners require. Hillel's new priorities were also determined in light of the major trends found within the Jewish, campus, nonprofit and private sectors.

“Millennials are said to be special, sheltered, confident, pressured, and achieving. That’s who Jews have always been! If everyone who gets to college is now like us, no wonder Jewish students today don’t feel the pull, or the need, to be distinctive.”– Hillel Director

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The Strategic Planning Committee – comprising Hillel professionals, lay leaders and consultants – undertook a multi-tiered research program. More than 1,000 individuals were consulted in over 10,000 hours of research and deliberation. The committee conducted over 250 individual multi-hour sessions at the national, local and regional levels. It held direct conversations with over 500 adult stakeholders ranging from field staff, to local and national boards, to Federation representatives and communal leaders. The committee arranged facilitated discussions with students on four geographically dispersed campuses. It reviewed research related to the "Millennial" demographic cohort – today's college students. Finally, Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, Inc., conducted a large survey of randomly-selected Jewish undergraduate and graduate students.

Based on responses to a series of questions on their level of Jewish identity, affiliation and behavior, students were segmented into three groupings.

High Identification (Actively Involved) 28 percent


Middle Identification (Moderately Involved) 32 percent

Fact: Students desire a

Low Identification (Not Involved) 40 percent

Response: Hillel will

Students are more likely to self-identify as Jewish by ethnicity than by religion. •

93 percent of Jewish students identify “ethnically” as Jews while 71 percent identify “religiously” as Jews.


93% 80


Among mixed-parentage students (47 percent of all respondents), 91 percent identified as ethnically Jewish vs. 50 percent as Jewish by religion.



Identify as Ethnically Jewish


71% Identify as Jewish by Religion

Identify as Ethnically Jewish

broaden its reach by involving a wider cross-section of Jewish students on campus; by supporting an array of compelling, student-initiated programs; and by repositioning its image in the minds of students.







welcoming Hillel staff and environment.

50% Identify as Jewish by Religion


All Jewish Students

Mixed-Parentage Students

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“Jewishly, I was not involved at all. I

always felt I had a Jewish connection, but I was never

able to express it.” — Student

Students are proud to be Jewish and are likely to participate in distinctively Jewish experiences. • •

• •

83 percent light Chanukah candles; 79 percent strongly associate a sense of responsibility for the Jewish people with Jewish identity; 78 percent say that being Jewish is important to them; 74 percent feel a sense of pride when someone Jewish is cited for a significant accomplishment; 70 percent are likely to participate in Jewish holiday celebrations, 66 percent in High Holy Day services and Passover Seders, and 66 percent in Holocaust remembrance activities.

• • •

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67 percent are likely to participate in “chances to build my resume with real leadership experience;” 60 percent in job-placement services 60 percent in community-service opportunities in the local area 59 percent in cultural events focused on Jewish movies, music or art




100 83%

Lighting Chanukah Candles


Sense of Responsibility for Fellow Jews


Being Jewish is Important to Me


Pride in Jewish Achievements

Participate in Holiday Celebrations

Universal student interests present opportunities for expanded student engagement. •




High Holiday/Passover Seders


Holocaust Remembrance



Leadership Experiences


Job Placement Services

Local Community Service 60%

Jewish Cultural Events 0






59% 60



Students desire a welcoming Hillel staff and environment. •

• •

88 percent say a welcoming atmosphere for all Jews, regardless of background or affiliation is important; 85 percent say a Jewishly knowledgeable staff is important; 85 percent say an ability to create a strong sense of community is important; 84 percent say an ability to adapt to the changing modern world is important.

Welcoming Atmosphere for All



Jewishly Knowledgeable Staff


Create Sense of Community


Adapting to Changing World







Hillel professionals and board members at the local and international level offered their assessment of the organization’s strengths and weaknesses. Their analysis of students’ needs and desires gathered through online

qualitative surveys and through facilitated discussions, echoed the findings of the online student survey. At the same time, in-depth conversations exposed important professional and organizational issues, such as staff burn-out.

Hillel’s Strengths

Hillel’s Weaknesses

• •

• •

• • •

Brand and profile; Provision of valuable student resources; Organization’s international network; Organization’s pluralistic approach; Dedication, creativity, and enthusiasm of Hillel’s staff.

FACTS&RESPONSES Fact: The majority of

Jewish students are interested in career-oriented programs.

Response: Hillel will

explore providing opportunities for students to advance their professional goals.

Low student involvement; Image as being “uncool,” “too religious,” “exclusive,” “cliquey;” Inadequate funding, lack of financial stability year-to-year, limited human resources; Lack of multi-faceted approach to campuses and appreciation of campus differences; Employee burnout; lack of professional opportunities.

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Hillel’s Aspirations

“The first two years

( ) I was dragged kicking and

screaming to Hillel. Eventually, either I sucked them in

or they sucked me in, I’m not sure which one.” —Student

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Clarifying vision, mission and goals is the single most important step an organization can take to move to the next level in its evolution. McKinsey & Co. found that nonprofits experiencing the greatest gains in building capacity were those that tackled high-level questions of mission, vision and goals, concepts that reflect aspects of overall organizational purpose and which McKinsey bundles under the term “aspirations.”

Through the Strategic Planning Process, Hillel has created a unified, national vision and mission, and has articulated a set of values and goals to guide the entire organization. The result is a vision and mission that are energizing and inspiring, link Hillel’s efforts to a larger purpose, and provide all constituencies with an understanding of the desired — and ambitious — outcomes Hillel is striving to produce.

Hillel’s Vision

Hillel’s Values

Every Jewish student is inspired to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life.

Hillel is committed to:

Hillel’s Mission To enrich the lives of Jewish undergraduate and graduate students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world. Equally important in this planning process was agreeing on and effectively conveying Hillel’s values, the essential and enduring tenets that will guide how Hillel operates. What behavior will help Hillel move toward its vision and fulfill its mission? What would an observer see the entire organization doing over time, even as the environment changes?

Creating a pluralistic, welcoming and inclusive environment;

Fostering student growth and the balance in being distinctively Jewish and universally human;

Advancing social justice, Jewish learning and spirituality;

Embracing Israel and global Jewish peoplehood;

Delivering excellence, innovation, accountability and results.

FACTS&RESPONSES Fact: More Jewish students

identify ethnically as Jews than religiously. Most are interested in social justice.

Response: Hillel is

committed to creating a pluralistic, welcoming and inclusive environment in which students can be both distinctively Jewish and universally human.

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Hillel’s Goals and Objectives With effectiveness our paramount objective, Hillel has developed a set of measurable goals for the next five years, together with relevant, attainable and measurable objectives.

( ) “Influencing the future of young Jews is what motivates me to work at Hillel.” — Hillel Professional

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1. Hillel will double the number of Jewish students who are involved in Jewish life and who have Meaningful Jewish Experiences. •

Hillel will broaden its reach by being regarded as attractive and welcoming to a vast majority of Jewish students; Hillel will increase its impact by providing Meaningful Jewish Experiences; Hillel will inspire the next generation of leaders and strengthen the future of the Jewish people.

2. Hillel will recruit, develop and retain highly talented professionals. •

Hillel will be an employer of choice for talented professionals;

Hillel will increase professional development and training opportunities in order to strengthen staff performance and satisfaction; Hillel will develop paths for career advancement to support professional growth and retention.

3. Hillel will be regarded by the campus community and administration as an indispensable partner in enhancing student life.

Hillel will connect its work to that of the campus’ culture, goals, and activities.

4. Hillel will embrace a culture of high-performance, excellence, and collaboration.

5. Hillel will dramatically expand and diversify its funding sources. •

Hillel will align its resources, systems and structures to conform to the organization’s goals and priorities; Hillel will strengthen the relationship between the Charles and Lynn Schusterman International Center (SIC) and local Hillels;

Hillel will establish a system-wide integrated database to support knowledge management and collaboration; Hillel will track and report on the organization’s performance; The work of Hillel’s boards will model national non-profit best practices.

Hillel will double the amount raised for Hillel’s annual campaigns; Hillel will double the number of donors in each tier to Hillel’s annual campaigns; SIC will double the financial resources and dollars provided to local Hillels; SIC will increase its endowment ten-fold to $100,000,000.


professionals feel overworked and underappreciated.

Response: Hillel will invest

additional resources to train and retain professional leaders and to become an employer of choice.

“Make a major investment in staff

development and provide high-quality

continuing education to retain the best and brightest and remain on the cutting edge.” — Federation Leader

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Hillel’s Implementation Priorities

( ) “Hillel is our insurance policy for the Jewish community and its future… and the dividends are the best.” — Member, Board of Directors, Hillel

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By focusing on both the breadth of our reach and the depth of our offerings, Hillel will create a continuum of opportunities that will attract and impact an even greater number of Jewish students across a broad array of Jewish identification. In developing and employing breakthrough approaches and programs, Hillel will emphasize the relevance of Jewish life to today’s student for exploring their Jewish identity, advancing their personal and professional development, and enriching the world.

Additionally, Hillel will expand and diversify student leadership and seed student-led initiatives, with an eye on the distinctions between different types of campuses. A cornerstone of this plan is to position Hillel as the platform for Jewish life on campus through partnerships and alliances at both the local and national level. The Strategic Planning Process has strengthened the relationship between Hillel’s headquarters staff in the Charles and Lynn Schusterman International Center and the field. This partnership is fundamental to our success and will be further enhanced as the SIC develops its role as a value-added service center to local Hillels.

Short-Term Goals (Years 1-2) Hillel will: •

Champion and advance excellent professionals — recruit, develop and retain outstanding executive directors and Jewish educators for target campuses; Develop a system-wide fundraising campaign using a newlycrafted case statement that will result in doubling the annual campaign and in a ten-fold increase in the endowment over five years; Develop strategies and initiatives for reaching graduate students;

FACTS&RESPONSES Fact: Hillel must expand its

Realign all offerings, resources and systems to advance targeted strategic priorities;

resources to meet the objectives of the Strategic Plan.

Institutionalize measurement, evaluation and accountability throughout the organization;

Response: Hillel will double

Broaden Hillel’s reach by being more welcoming;

Strengthen strategic alliances to provide and connect students to Meaningful Jewish Experiences;

Revitalize Hillel’s brand and market Hillel to support its new position.

the amount of money raised for Hillel’s Charles and Lynn Schusterman International Center and local Hillels in the next five years.

“Hillel has at its fingertips a laboratory of college students who are acquiring the

intellectual maturity and capacity to think

about and try new approaches and programs. What an opportunity!” — Federation Leader

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Measuring Success Hillel is committed to the development of each individual student. It is impossible to measure the impact an experience will have on the life of a student or the impact a single student will have on the world. At the same time, Hillel must establish a number of specific performance measurements in order to assess its effectiveness. The following measures will assist Hillel in pursuing its objectives.

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“My vision of a successful Hillel

instills the majority of Jewish students with Jewish pride and knowledge. I want a Hillel that makes it cool to be Jewish on campus.”

— Hillel International Board of Governors Member


GOAL 1: Jewish students involved in Jewish life and who have Meaningful Jewish Experiences •

Student participation, including repeat participation, in Hillel offerings;

Number and reach of diverse student leadership networks;

Number of Jewish students participating for the first time in Meaningful Jewish Experiences;

Longitudinal tracking of on-campus and post-campus student experiences, beliefs and behaviors relating to Jewish life.

GOAL 2: Professional recruitment, development and retention •

Number of qualified applicants competing for staff positions and percent who accept offered positions;

Level of staff satisfaction;

FACTS&RESPONSES Fact: Hillel cannot succeed

Number and quality of professional development opportunities offered each year and percentage of staff participating in them;

GOAL 4: Organizational effectiveness •

Percentage of SIC resources dedicated to local Hillels and cost per dollar raised;

Percentage of Hillel professionals evaluated on an annual basis;

Turnover rate by category of professional;

Budget growth over time compared to the number of students having Meaningful Jewish Experiences;

GOAL 3: Hillel as an indispensable partner in enhancing the campus community and student life •

Number of collaborative activities between Hillel and the broader university community;

Number of local Hillels aligning their planning and operational efforts, as well as performance measurements, to the Strategic Plan.

locally or internationally without strong cooperative relationships with universities and other academic partners.

Response: Hillel will connect its work to that of the campus culture, goals and activities, and will expand the number of its collaborative activities with the broader academic world.

GOAL 5: Financial strength

Total university dollars invested in Jewish life;

Total dollars raised annually (and as a percentage of stated goal);

Number of positive acknowledgements in university materials and media coverage;

Number of (new) donors in each tier (and as a percentage of stated goal);

Number of campuses where a gift to Hillel is recognized in some way by the university development office.

Cost per dollar raised;

Endowment dollars pledged and received.

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Realizing the Dream

( ) The campus is the

crossroads where Jews of all backgrounds

meet on their journey to adulthood. Hillel

has the opportunity,

and the obligation, to guide them in the right direction.

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Will Hillel succeed in doubling the number of Jewish students who are involved in Jewish life and who have meaningful Jewish experiences? Will it achieve all of the ambitious goals of the Strategic Plan?

Without adequate financial support or the focused leadership of professionals, board members, students and community partners, the Strategic Plan will remain an unfulfilled promise.

The success of the plan does not rest with one individual or one group but with the combined effort of Hillel’s stakeholders and partners on campus and in the community. Jews who attend institutions of higher education – 85 percent of our community – have benefited from Hillel's presence on campus and yet relatively few have volunteered their financial support. If Hillel is to accomplish its mission, it must attract a broader cross-section of our community. Those who enjoy the benefits of higher education should share in the cost of supporting Jewish life on campus according to their ability. The pursuit of higher education should go hand-in-hand with financial support for Hillel.

As we have seen, today's Jewish students are unlike any generation before them. Raised in a multicultural milieu, they often profess several identities simultaneously. Proud of their Jewish heritage, they yearn to be distinctively Jewish and universally human. Hillel must find opportunities to enrich their lives so that they may enrich the Jewish community and the world. The campus is the crossroads where Jews of all backgrounds meet on their journey to adulthood. Hillel has the opportunity – and the obligation – to guide them in the right direction. Working with partners on campus and in the community, we will deliver the Jewish future.

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Delivering the Jewish Future

Implementation Priorities Year One Communicate the Strategic Plan to all vested stakeholders with special emphasis on field professionals, local boards and students.

Create a culture in which Meaningful Jewish Experiences are understood, modeled and admired.

Expand, diversify, and broaden student leadership.

Create relevant and compelling offerings based on students’ primary aspirations and pursuits for post-college life.

Train informal Jewish educators who can develop and create a welcoming and attractive environment for different kinds of Jewish students and deliver Meaningful Jewish Experiences. Deepen cooperation and establish strategic alliances with key partners in providing immersive, transformative Meaningful Jewish Experiences.

Double the amount of SIC direct grant allocations to local Hillels based on demonstrated commitment to, and achievement of, Hillel’s strategic objectives. Create on-campus opportunities to facilitate a connection to Israel and Global Jewish Peoplehood.

Launch “Great Place to Work” Initiative to improve the appeal of Hillel as a workplace.

Connect students to mentoring, professional, Jewish communal and volunteer opportunities.

Revitalize Hillel’s brand to support its new positioning based on a comprehensive marketing plan.

Incorporate best practices in interview and selection protocols.

Align the Accreditation and Self-Assessment Surveys with Strategic Plan priorities to provide appropriate standards, data gathering and feedback.


For immersive experiences, expand and develop opportunities for students to connect before and after such experiences to Jewish life on campus.

Foster and provide grant funding for outstanding student initiatives.

Institute a process for evaluation, accountability and consequences through performance management, feedback and review of professionals.


Year Two

Develop a comprehensive system-wide five-year fundraising campaign.

Recruit from a wider pool of candidates including the most talented graduating students. Create partnerships with key university academic programs and departments. Apply national non-profit best practices at both the national and local board levels. Deepen relationships with and support from Federations.

Years Three-Five Develop and launch strategies and initiatives for reaching graduate students. Foster significant spiritual and/or intellectual growth experiences. Create new and innovative staffing models and/or positions for Jewish educators to provide more Meaningful Jewish Experiences. Create a $10 million Campus Grant pool. Develop initiatives to ensure that current staff see themselves and act as Jewish role models. Institute performance-based financial rewards for Hillel professionals. Accommodate talented employees seeking relevant advanced studies. Identify areas where Hillel is best suited to train professionals and where Hillel should work with outside partners. Encourage partnerships with all student life and services entities. Create multiple forums for the SIC and other Hillel units to interact and learn from each other. Strengthen system-wide data collection and tracking. Integrate the use of Internet and technology into fundraising efforts. Pursue alternative revenue sources.

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HILLEL: THE FOUNDATION FOR JEWISH CAMPUS LIFE Charles and Lynn Schusterman International Center Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building 800 Eighth Street, N.W. • Washington, DC 20001-3724 Phone: 202.449.6500 • Fax: 202.449.6600 Email: info@hillel.org • Internet: www.hillel.org

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