portfolio architecture and urbanism

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RĂşben Marques


Recomendation Letter


Motivation Letter


Collective Habitation


Bairro Alto




Be square or be there

Reintroduce the landscape

Other Projects

Lisbon, Rúben Marques

This is to confirm that Rúben Marques has worked in my studio in Berlin in January 2017, supporting my submission for the second phase of a competition for several large-scale, permanent architectural art installations in London. His tasks included architectural drawing, digital photo editing, layout and developing presentation concepts. Rúben is very hard working, conscientious and has a wide range of skills which he keeps developing. I recommend him strongly for work in architecture and other creative disciplines.


Anton Burdakov www.antonburdakov.com



To whom it may concern,

After several years of architectural education, I found that architecture has allways allowed me to combine my interests and the strongest aspects of my personality, an enthusiasm in art and design, and a manner of precise solution for pratical problems. I was fascinated with art and design at very young age, and i have always been confortable when I am being creative. Meanwhile my characters of sorting problems with calmness and sense were also the features I would like to keep in my future career. Since architecture is a perfect combination of these, I started my study of architecture based on a strong interest and motivation which is absolutely a fortunate chance for me. Now i’m finishing my graduation from Lisbon school of Architecture and I’m working on my final master thesis about “humanization of cities” on a small town in Portugal, Covilhã as a case of study. I’m a multidisciplinary creative and attentive to technical inovations. I Feed my projects with my travels and passions. I believe Architecture and Urbanism must mean something positive, something possible to create spaces where people would like to be. I really want to start to work in an office, to have the opportunity to learn every day and develop my skills, work in team, see others perspectives and other way’s to do architecture. I really have motivation and will to work, if you call me i can assure you I will do my best, I’m ready!

November 2018



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Collective Habitation Alcântara | Lisbon

professor orientation Arc. Carlos dias Coelho Arc. Alessia Allegri

Subject Laboratory of Project III

Space Types small apartments, apartments for family, Neighborhood, Public Space, Acess, Galery, Habitation.

Ground Floor floor

Plan 3rd and 4th floor

The urban proposal presents one quarter, over 4 floors. However the ground floor creates a private and cozy square presenting spaces of services and trading. The exercise was create two kinds of apartments, one big with 3 rooms, and a small one for sharing or indivudal apartment.







Construction section 1/50

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Apartments 1/50




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Galery of Acess


In the heart of the city of Lisbon we can find the most emblematic neighborhood of the town, Bairro Alto. It´s an historic part of the city and has been taked by the nightlife lovers and the massive tourits, and they stoled the privacity, safety and lifeability of the people who live’s in that place.

Urban Project

This project it’s about to requlify some strategical areas and use the big potencial which they have and transform in usefull spaces for who live, study and work on here. In this neighboorhood we have many schoosls like Elementary School,

Superior Institute of Dançe anda many many plastic artist’s studio’s. This proposal presents a route were conect 5 spaces: The first start’s with a rehabilition of a devolute bulding, and i’ll give a new function of a auditorium for rehearsal for the student’s of the Dançe School, Workshoops and activities for the most small students and for the people wgo’s wants to participate of tha activities. The second Building to be a new proposal it’s the second area, and it’s a library, sugested by the city council of Lisbon.

and Rehabilitation

professor orientation Arc. Sofia Morgado

Subject Laboratory of Project V

Space Types Multiply: Squares, Parks, Neighborhood, Rehabilitation, more.

Colaboration with Lisbon Council for the project of revitalization of Lisbon


The next two areas it’s a renewal of public spaces, to give a new oportunities of meeting points, stimulations of Social Living, an Outdoor Library, using resources like urban furniture to give the possibility to the people remain

in the squares and avoid the small streets (to not disturb the residents) like for example the last square have a wood structure to reunite people in that space, and make to them enjoy the environment.





Mobility Plan

REINTRODUCE THE LANDSCAPE Lisbon at the edge of Tagus By the begining of the collaboration by Lisbon Council, promoting many interventions in front of riversde of Lisbon, I pretend to reinforce an iniciative in this trajectory of Tagus as an integral part of a strategy that is already being started.

Urban Project Riverside

professor orientation Arc. JoĂŁo Pedro Costa

I intend to requalify and revitalize the area of Xabregas both for its culture / history importance as well as for its potentials, as also for paisaigistic potencial. The point is to integrate the zone of Xabregas according to the nature surroundings, where is necessary to get better the quality of life of residents recognizing the potential of the environmental edifications by assigning functions to the public esteem.

n o i t


c e n

Devolute Urban Area

Subject Laboratory of Project VI

Space Types Multiply: Squares, Parks, Neighborhood, Rehabilitation, Green Gardens, School, Factory, Habitation.

Urban territory development








Other Projects

Tideway London Competition

M10b - Städtebauliches Entwerfen im großstädtischen Verknüpfungsbereich - WS 2016/17

Verdichtetes Wohnen auf der Spreeinsel

Axonometry of the Urban Intervention “Spree Island” BERLIN_ Plans 1/200 of Level’s

roßstädtischen Verknüpfungsbereich - WS 2016/17

reeinsel Cascais Park Clumping

Plans 1/200 of Level’s Tipology of The Apartments_

Berlin, Hybrid Building


Social House, Lisbon

24 Façade_1/200

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