NEW HOPE WESLEYAN CHURCH: 25 year celebration brochure

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Celebrating 25 Years of God’s Work through the Ministry of New Hope Wesleyan Church


I am beyond adjectives in expressing gratitude! God is using our church to help change lives in incredible ways. We have changed a lot over the last 25 years, and words cannot express how thankful I am for all the wonderful things the Lord is doing in this place. God’s blessings and your faithfulness in supporting the ministries of New Hope have made us strong, vibrant, and effective. As you read through these pages, please do so with a prayerful heart. More than words and numbers, this is in part our story. This year will be the beginning of a new discipleship strategy for all ages and, just like this past year, we fully expect the Lord to bring many new families and ministry opportunities our way. We will also be launching effective ways to communicate and promote what God is doing through New Hope.

This next year we want to advance our:

Weekend experience: We will invest into others through genuine hospitality, responsive worship, engaging and practical teachings, and simple next-steps for adult discipleship, as well as through relational and intentional children and student ministries. Life Groups: The ministry of Life Groups will be a key aspect of our church community and they aren't just about a weekly meeting (though that happens, too.) These groups are about doing life together, deepening our faith and living out the gospel together to point one another and our communities to Jesus Christ. Mission and Outreach: New Hope will be offering more opportunities for individuals and families to connect their faith with the mission of God across the street and around the world. We will continue to provide missionary support as we also endeavor to strengthen our local partnerships. It’s an honor to serve as your pastor and I cannot wait to see what the New Year holds as we continue fulfilling our vision of “Disciples Making Disciples.” You are loved,


New Hope Wesleyan Church “A Place of New Beginnings” Committed to making history rather than becoming historical Make History: to do something important that has not been done before and will be recorded publicly and remembered for a long time Do something memorable or spectacular enough to influence the course of history his·tor·i·cal: concerning history; concerning past events, belonging to the past, not the present Pastor David Mitchell contacted Dr. Bardsley, The District Superintendent for the Indiana North District of the Wesleyan Church, about purchasing the property from Chrysler Corporation. On June 7th 1992 at 4:00 P.M. New Hope began life and held its first service with 46 people in attendance. October 4, 1992 the 4:00 P.M. service ended and began its first morning service. Pastor Barry Faucett arrived with his wife Wanda October 23rd, 1994 to continue the ministry of New Hope and lead it to become “A Place Of New Beginnings” where individuals, marriages and families would discover their new beginning in Christ.

On September 26th, 1999, we dedicated our 3,800 square foot multi-purpose fellowship hall. This enabled us to grow the ministry and outreach to a place where New Hope would vote unanimously to purchase an additional 18 acres and build a new multi-purpose worship center in 2008. Our first service in the new building was January 2010 where we kicked off our Mission Conference reminding us this isn’t about us or for us but for those who have yet to say yes to Jesus. September 3rd, 2001 Pastor Jason Tash joined the staff and accepted the call to become lead pastor June 2009.

A Fresh Vision Soon after, the church voted to call as the new lead pastor Jason Tash, who at the time had been serving on staff for the previous nine years. God began to cast a vision to “Reach others to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.” This was a God-inspired vision of a church that would REACH the community with the love of Jesus; GROW in relationship with Jesus; SERVE one another like Jesus; and GO make disciples of Jesus across the street and around the world. In short a church where disciples make disciples of Jesus Christ.

“Reach others to become fully devoted followers of Jesus” Disciples making disciples would create a shift in New Hope’s ministry approach. Previously the lead pastor was the primary person responsible for shepherding, discipling and evangelizing. With a new identity, it was time for a new beginning. This would invite the body of New Hope to take ownership of the vision. With a strategy of “Reach, Grow, Serve, Go” the body would be invited to participate in reaching the community with the love of Jesus, Grow in relationship with Jesus, Serve one another like Jesus and Go and make disciples of Jesus. Within the next couple of years, it became clear that God had even bigger plans. God revealed to pastor Jason that New Hope would reach more than the walls could contain, raise up more ministers than there are ministries, and provide all that is needed and necessary to accomplish it.

A Church Movement In 2014 Pastor Jason and the leadership of New Hope began a formal relationship with Albion Wesleyan Church (AWC). AWC was within three months of having to close its doors. As New Hope began to invest by sending leaders and helpers, God began to restore AWC. After finding new pastoral leadership and continuing to help mentor their growth, AWC was able to begin to pursue its own course once again! Beginning in 2017 New Hope began a “Residency” program. This would be yet another “new beginning” for New Hope. While New Hope has a rich history of having those within the body answer a call into ministry, this would be the first time we would offer formal training that would complement their formal education.

A Mobilizing Church Our Pledge goal was exceeded for an all-time high as we committed over our goal to $52,000 which included digging three wells for villages who currently have no sustainable life source. Soon, additional staff was added both paid and unpaid. New ministries and outreaches began that both focused on serving those inside and outside the church.

Our jail ministry began to grow and have a significant influence; our homeless ministry took off, our backpack ministry providing meals for under-resourced children and their families began, and a building was donated which became “Bridge of Hope” where free clothing is given out to those who want it. Our mission efforts grew as we continued to pursue the unreached as well as the poor. We partnered in striving to end human trafficking and child sex slavery, partnered in helping to start new churches, train pastors in Africa and help start formal pastor training there. Recently we helped provide three wells for Liberian villages, and the first has already been started.

At the same time, many individuals in the church began putting their “yes” on the table in a different way—in their obedience to the Great Commission. Many began desiring not just to go across the street but around the world to share Jesus. We began multi-generational mission trips where families could encounter God in different cultures as they shared the good news of Jesus. God has truly done more than we could ask or imagine. He has blessed New Hope for a purpose. By God’s grace, as he continues to move at New Hope, the church will continue to pour themselves out for the mission of God.

“Across the Street . . . Around the World!

CHANGED LIVES A Multiplying Church

Salvations 1000+

Baptisms 580+

Family Dedications 190+

DISCIPLESHIP Behind everything we do is to reach people for Christ so that lives are transformed. Francis Chan said, “It’s impossible to be a disciple or a follower of someone and not end up like that person.” Our heart is to see lives transformed into the likeness of Christ and there is not an age limit!

FAMILY MINISTRIES As a parent, you matter Did you know that you, as a parent, are the single greatest influence on your child’s life? We don’t just value your kids, we value you! This is why we partner with you as a parent to help you have the best influence possible on your child. New Hope believes that families matter, and we work alongside parents to provide Christ-centered, Biblebased, and life-changing discipleship resources in order to grow children and students at home.

One Thing Has Not Changed…

I consider myself blessed to know Barry Faucett. I met him when I first came to New Hope as an attendee in 1997. Instantly our family loved him. Pastor B. invested in me and I soaked in (most) everything he taught. He showed me that people are not the means to ministry, but people are the ministry. He helped me learn that if we are not discipling leaders while doing ministry, the ministry won’t last. He poured into me that the local church should always be a people and place where the lost find new hope in Christ. New Hope has always been a generous and selfless people. I have witnessed so many giving beyond expectation of themselves and their resources to extend God’s Kingdom. We have always seemed to be blessed with those that go beyond expectations. So many devoted volunteers that have made New Hope a special place. In fact, the heart and soul within our volunteers continues to inspire an already incredible staff to lead well. I have had the privilege to serve alongside those on a staff team where their role is not limited by a ministry title but rather defined by the character attribute of servant. They show up each day with an attitude of “How can I help?” Serving on staff for the last 15 years, the last nine years as lead pastor, my passion for the Gospel and the urgency to multiply His church has grown.

New Hope is more than just a place… It is a people… on a mission to be disciples who make disciples!

While many things have been tried, different methods attempted and countless ideas explored, one thing that has not changed…I am still convicted that we must reach the lost, disciple the believer, multiply the leader, and take His good news across the street and around the world with enthusiasm.

We want New Hope to be a place where your kids and grandkids will want to engage! New Hope has always been a multi-generational church. When Patricia and I first came to the church, the families here immediately welcomed us. I remember seeing grandparents, parents, and grandchildren worshipping and serving together, with a vision to reach the world with the gospel. I am excited the way that Pastor Shane and Jill reach and equip our children and students. They are not content just to occupy their time, but rather they build incredible teams and foster an awesome environment that allows children and students to know God, grow in their relationship, practice their faith and be a vital part of the life at New Hope. I am thrilled how Pastor Phill has built a worship team and environment in which children and students want to participate. We continue to hear parents talking about how their kids are looking forward to church, singing the songs at home, and being a part of the mission endeavors. Though the message cannot and will not change, the methods change with each generation. New Hope we must be committed to giving our best effort to reach the next generation in a way that engages them and compels them to participate. I hope we love to tell the story when it is our story to tell. I hope we tell a story that reveals how we created a culture of passing on a ministry to the next generation in such a way that they were set up to win!

I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU! THANK YOU FOR MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE! Your love, partnership in serving and giving, your devotion to growing and fellowoship is making a difference!           

200+ VOLUNTEERS Countless meals provided through life groups and women’s ministry Meals provided for the underserved in our community Free resources given through Bridge of Hope Restored lives through the Jail and Work Release ministry Homes and cars repaired through Mr. Fix-It Yards mowed, wood cut, needs served through New Hope’s Youth Marriages mentored, disciples restored, families healed Kids loved, encouraged, and mentored Teens valued, discipled, and empowered to serve Several returning to Christ or discovering Him for the first time!

New Hope is more than a place…It is a people…on mission to be disciples who make disciples!

THANK YOU! As a church we want to say thank you, not only to those who faithfully and tirelessly serve, but also to those who remain obedient to the Lord’s command to give, even in the face of financial difficulties. Our operating budget this year is $11,200 a week to maintain our current ministry. Our prayer is not to maintain but to be available to God’s opportunities when He invites us into them. Our mission pledges this year totaled $52,000. This is on top of our normal giving. These funds help take the good news of Jesus across the street and around the world! There is a mission resource called “Multiply” showing this in detail in our mission area in the foyer.

New Hope Church We must continue to grow as a church where disciples make disciples! A people that is committed to REACH the community with the love of Jesus; GROW in relationship with Jesus; SERVE one another like Jesus; and to GO make disciple of Jesus across the street and around the world!

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