Ruby winter 2015

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Ruby for Women A voice for every Christian woman Winter, 2015

“Her worth is far above rubies . . .” Proverbs 31:10

Ruby for Women A voice for every Christian woman Winter, 2015

Winter can bring challenges and difficulties for many of us, but it also gives us the opportunity to be still and seek God’s guidance. We trust that you are having time to be in God’s Word and grow in His grace. Here at Ruby for Women, we continue to reach out to women all over the world with God’s words of hope, inspiration, and encouragement, and provide a place where every Christian woman has the opportunity to tell her story. Won’t you join us on this journey of discovery and share your story with us soon? We would love to hear from you! Contact us at Cover image courtesy of Katherine Corrigan of Katherine’s Corner. Senior Editor: Nina Newton Assistant Editor: Amanda Johnson Poetry: Keith Wallis Creative Assistant: Katherine Corrigan Family Fun Editor: Beth Brubaker Gardening: Dorothy Kurchak Devotions: Lynn Mosher Feature Writers: Connie Arnold, Miranda Hanchar, Theresa Ceniccola, Mimi Spurlock, Marilyn Dawson, Sharon L. Patterson, Carol Peterson, Gloria Doty, Kristi Burchfiel, Yvonne Carson, Christie Browning, Amanda Stephan, Miriam Jacob, Michelle Lazurek, Connie Chandler, Ruth O’Neil, Maxine Young, Debra Ann Elliott, Corallie Buchanan, Heather King, Angie Hiskett, Lanette Kissel, Kathleen Stamer, Donna B. Comeaux, Melissa Zelniker-Presser, Jean Ann Williams

In This Issue . . . Page



What’s Your Social Media Personality? Nina Newton, Sr. Editor


The Value of God’s Word Amanda Johnson, Asst. Editor


Ruby Pearls Beth Brubaker


Snowflake Sudoku Puzzle Beth Brubaker


New Year’s Eve Keith Wallis


Snowdrops Keith Wallis


Mama Always Said . . . . Gloria Doty


Then Sings My Soul Book Review by Miriam Jacob


Do Not Be Afraid Miranda Hanchar

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A New Year’s Letter to a Friend Lynn Mosher


A Broken Marriage Donna B. Comeaux


I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Yvonne Carson


Only Some Get It Kim Lengling

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Ruby for Women is an online Christian women’s magazine that offers words of hope, inspiration, and encouragement to women everywhere. Knowing that every woman has a story to tell, we seek to give a “voice to every Christian woman,” from all walks of life, of every age, from all around the world. For advertising inquiries, please contact Nina Newton at If you would like to share your story with Ruby for Women, please email our Assistant Editor, Amanda Johnson, at Also, please visit our blog at where you can connect with other Christian women. 1 Ruby for Women 2731 W 700 N Columbia City, IN 46725




Yummy Winter Recipes Vintage Mama


Are You Free? Melissa Zelniker-Presser


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Eucharist Keith Wallis


The Last Light of the Year Keith Wallis Printable Recipe Cards Vintage Mama


Ingenuity . . . and Grandma’s Delight Sharon L. Patterson



My Heart Belongs to You Angela Hiskett



Your Glory Angela Hiskett

Ask Beth Beth Brubaker


Word Logic Puzzle Beth Brubaker


Why Am I Not Vulnerable with my Wife? Michael Morrison



Split Words Puzzle Beth Brubaker

Deepest Trial Miriam Jacob



Crafty Creations from Around the Blogosphere Vintage Mama

A Sweet Song Miriam Jacob


Something Out of Nothing Vintage Mama


Refashion Your Way to Fun! Vintage Mama


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Footprints in the Mud: Starting Over (Again!) Beth Brubaker Dominion Lanette Kissel




Customized You Michelle Lazurek

Do You See God Angela Hiskett


Give Thanks Angela Hiskett


Snowflake Sudoku Puzzle Answer Key Beth Brubaker


Split Words Puzzle Answer Key Beth Brubaker


Word Logic Puzzle Answer Key Beth Brubaker


Meet the Ruby Writers


Credits and Copyrights

Aleyamma Jacob Miriam Jacob Page 41

Daisy Dolly Aleyamma Jacob


For Faith: NIKE Carol Peterson


Let’s Celebrate! Vintage Mama

In a Fix as to What to Fix! Sharon L. Patterson

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God Must Like Menopause Sharon L. Patterson

Boggy Aleyamma Jacob

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Miriam Jacob

Aleyamma Jacob 46

The Reason Miranda Hanchar

Page 35

Infinite Faith Lanette Kissel

Sing a New Song Yolonda Hairston


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Ruby for Women Magazine and Blog You have a story and we want to hear it! God has given a voice to every Christian woman and we celebrate YOUR voice.

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Please visit us at the

Ruby for Women blog and share your story with us! * * * *

Inspirational posts Featured bloggers FREE seasonal online magazine Crafts, recipes, poetry, and stories We would love to hear from you!


Jan. 1: New Year’s Day Jan. 4: Trivia Day Jan. 5: National Bird Day Jan. 6: Cuddle Up Day Jan. 8: Bubble Bath Day Jan. 10: Peculiar People Day Jan. 12: National Pharmacist’s Day Jan. 13: Make Your Dream Come True Day Jan. 14: Dress Up Your Pet Day Jan. 15: National Hat Day Jan. 16: Appreciate a Dragon Day

Jan. 16: National Nothing Day Jan. 18: Thesaurus Day Jan. 18: Winnie the Pooh Day Jan. 19: Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan. 20: Penguin Awareness Day Jan. 23: National Handwriting Day Jan. 24: Compliment Day Jan. 27: Chocolate Cake Day Jan. 29: National Puzzle Day Jan. 31: Backward Day 4 Jan. 31: Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

What’s Your Social Media Personality? Nina Newton, Sr. Editor

With all of the snow days we’ve been having, following right after the mixed up schedules of the holidays, I’ve taken a bit more time to cruise around the internet. Even though a great deal of my work is online, I don’t typically have much time just to visit different websites, blogs, or social media sites unless it is for work. So with days of traveling from one state to another, waiting for kids (older and younger) to arrive for one event or another, and a bit more quiet time than usual, I took the opportunity to just “play around” on the internet for a while. I hadn’t really noticed it before, probably because when I am out and about, I’m looking for specific articles, recipes, craft projects, or ideas for Ruby – but as I was out “visiting” these various social media site, I noticed something interesting. Perhaps you have recognized it, too, so this might be old news to most of you . . . . but it was interesting to me to observe the different “social media personalities” that are out here in this big world of the internet. Of course, I’m sure there are lots more different “social media personalities” out here than the ones I encountered – because I’m very careful what sites I visit – but here are a few of the intriguing personalities I noticed: 1. Perpetually Perky: This is the social media poster whose life is always portrayed as perfect. We (frequently) hear about their wonderful marriage, their amazing kids, their immaculate house, and their bountiful garden. Not that this is a bad thing! But unfortunately, I just can’t relate, so I tend not to pay much attention to those posts.

2. Continually in Crisis: These are the social media personalities who tell the whole world every annoying thing that ever happens in their life, all day long, every day. Of course we want to know about your life so we can be an encouragement and pray for you. And maybe it’s just me, but I tend to worry about my friends if they are in trouble, so this one wears me out. 3. Repetitive Reposter: I love those inspirational quotes! Frequently we are encouraged by just the right words for the challenge we are facing, or the questions we are seeking to answer. I would really like to hear the voice, however, of this social media personality. I can’t quite tell if they are really out there somewhere, of if they are just on autopost. 4. Insistent Insulter: These are the ones I avoid at all cost – they surf around looking for posts to attack and insult the writer. It doesn’t seem to matter whether the topic is politics, religion, sports, fashion, or the weather, they just love to throw out nasty little jabs that make others feel a bit threatened. This one is close in personality to . . . 5. Constant Combatant: Even more determined than the Insistent Insulter, the Constant Combatant seeks every opportunity to start conflict and argument, and then fuels the flames of debate with posts that use personal attacks on anyone and everyone who has a different opinion. 6. Happy and Healthy: I love these guys! Some days they inspire me and encourage me, and other days they just make me feel like quitting. With their frequent posts about healthy diet, exercise, and the latest nutrition advice, I find myself wanting to jump on that bandwagon – and then wandering around in the fog of defeat when I fall off that wagon. 7. Silent Surfer: These are the ones you can’t see, so we don’t know much about them. But 5 occasionally they will jump out of the shadows and “LIKE” something, but rarely do they actually ever post any real words.

8. Just Junk: I don’t know if it really is “just junk” or not; it is probably a matter of opinion, but there does seem to be a lot of silly quizzes, games, and surveys that must take up a great deal of time. Lots of fun, I’m sure, but I had just never noticed how much of this stuff is out here! 9. Openly Opinionated: Sometimes I admire these folks, but sometimes they just annoy me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but having someone’s opinion right out there in public every other post, gets a bit overwhelming. I get it! Your political, personal, parenting, and professional opinion is just what it is . . . yours. And I respect that, but I get it. 10. TMI: We all know what that means. But really, does the whole world need to know what you had for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and afternoon snack? Complete with pictures? And do we really need to know what you are wearing to the gym, or to the grocery store, or to the park with the kids? Makes me wonder how anyone gets anything accomplished in a day besides taking personal and food “selfies.” Just sayin’.

11. Lazy Lurker: That’s me. Not because I’m lazy actually, or a “lurker” in a negative sense, but mostly because I just don’t have the time to respond to everything that it out here. It wears me out. So when I have a few minutes, I’ll check some of the places where I know my friends hang out so I can see what they’re up to on any given day. And I will frequently “LIKE” their updates, and occasionally even reply with something short and sweet. Like, “I love you!” or “Thinking of you and praying for you today.” But I am really bad at engaging in the social media world. 12. Obviously Oblivious: I think this is where I am headed. It really takes up a lot of time to engage with all of the amazing and interesting “stuff” that is available through this wonderful thing called the internet. And it is wearing me out! Maybe it’s time we re-evaluate our relationship with the whole social media scene. In this new year, I think I’ll give it a try – I’m going to slowly back away from this keyboard, at least for a while, and focus on a few other projects. I guess I need to hang out in the Real World for a while. If I see you around, I’ll be sure to wave and “LIKE” you!

Creative inspiration and craft tutorials from Vintage Mama’s Cottage


The Value of God’s Word by Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor The women's group at my church is currently reading Beth Moore's Seeking a Heart Like His, a study about the life of David. One of this week's key points was both a challenge and a reminder to "value God's Word over the opinions of others." The context of this involved the time when David was sent to check on his brothers on the battleground. His brothers were fighting alongside Israel against the Philistines. When David arrived, the Philistines' champion warrior Goliath was insulting the Israelites and God himself. David believed the army could defeat Goliath and the Philistines through God's power, but David's brothers had other opinions. Thankfully, David valued God's promises of power and victory over those who are against Him over the selfish and insulting opinions of his brothers (I Samuel 17:17, 23-32). If you know the story (I Samuel 17), David defeated Goliath with a simple stone thrown from his slingshot. He called on the name of the Lord and relied on His strength to defeat the enemy (I Samuel 17:48-50). We can learn a lot from David in this particular instance. Each of us have been called by God and equipped by Him with the tools to pursue various paths in life. Some of those paths may seem outlandish to those around us and their opinions on the matter could be hurtful. However, when we are rooted in God's Word and prayerfully seeking Him and His path for our life, we can stand strong in our choices and push aside the negativity from those around us. It's not an easy task to go against the crowd, but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). With God on our side, who can stand against us? (Romans 8:31). David was a mere shepherd boy facing a giant of a man. But David knew where his strength came from, "You (Philistines and Goliath) come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel...This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands" (I Samuel 17:45-46).

Ruby Pearls “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” ~Vince Lombardi “Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” ~Francis of Assisi “We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” ~Ronald Reagan


Snowflake Sudoku Puzzle by Beth Brubaker Each box contains the letters to the word “snowflake.” The object is to place the letters of “snowflake” in the empty squares so that each row, each column, and each 3 X 3 box contains each letter only once.

Answer Key on page 69. 8

New Year’s Eve by Keith Wallis

New Year’s Eve: the days have gone like Autumn leaves fallen, bright with colour, or abandoned and trampled a muddy carpet of discarded days. We choose what we take beyond the gate into another year bright with promise. We choose what grows on unwritten days and blooms from branch and twig. Surprise birds may come: cling and nestle in our arms warm with life and their noisy chatter, or leave in argument, their detritus defecating stains the sign of trespass. */* As the days come, so the longing of light fondles the chilled gnashing of twigs into the passionate embrace of bud and leaf - and tomorrows bright with promise.


Snowdrops by Keith Wallis

The choir are queuing, white heads dipping in the breeze, and the soft greeting of sunlight playfully dubs their obeisance. They sing their blizzard upon the green carpet; a prelude to Spring, a wake-up call to the dormant trees.


Mama always said, "Life is like a ......snowed-in driveway." by Gloria Doty Ha! You thought the title was going to be 'a box of chocolates,' right? Nope, not today. The boxes of chocolates left from the holidays have disappeared and many, many inches of snow have taken their place. I'm pretty certain everyone is getting sick of looking at pictures and reading about the temperatures and snow accumulations in the Indiana / Illinois section of the country this past week, but this really isn't about how much snow or cold we received; it is about the similarities between my driveway and my life. Perhaps you will recognize some of your life situations, also. For the most part, my cement drive is always clear and something I rarely think about, unless someone parks there and then I can't get to the garage. My life is relatively clear of obstacles, too, as most of my 'problems' are minor compared to others' lives. Then comes winter and between the snow and ice and wind, my drive can end up being solidly packed with snow. Due to a neighbour taking a fence down last summer, the space between her house and mine must now be the ultimate wind tunnel for drifting snow. Great. The first snowfall wasn't too bad, but my grandson decided to just 'plow through' the white stuff instead of shovelling first. Needless to say, that didn't work. How many times in my life have I decided to 'plow through' situations without seeking God's advice or making any preparations? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is, "Way too many." That results in my getting stuck, just like my car did. Instead of taking a few minutes to prepare and then continue on my journey, it took all kinds of effort to become 'unstuck' from the situation so I could get on with life. I have a fairly long and wide drive, so it takes some effort to clean it. It isn't a 20 minute job. I don't own a snow blower, but I do have a 20-year-old grandson. His efforts were hindered by the depth of the snow. When I was helping shovel, I took the top layer off and then the bottom layer, while he scooped the entire depth at one time. Sometimes, I approach a problem in my life, one layer at a time and sometimes, I try to pick up the whole thing at once. I find the latter way to be tiring and exhausting. Also, without Jacob 11

doing 90% of the work, I would be stuck in my garage until the spring thaw. How many times do I try to shovel my way out of a situation by myself? If I ask God for help, it becomes so much clearer and so much easier. After a problem is solved, I am always grateful but certainly do not expect another 'situation' immediately following. Jacob was happy to have the entire drive cleaned, have a cup of hot chocolate, and hang up his heavy clothes. Shortly thereafter, we heard the rumble of the snow plow coming down the street. A few days ago, that was a very welcome sound, but now...."No-o-o-o." Yep, the end of the drive had snow stacked up about 3 feet deep again. After a brief rest, he went back out. I sometimes find myself fighting my way through the same problems over and over. Perhaps I need to change the way I approach them or at least be thankful the problems become a bit more manageable each time. These are some things I hope this analogy is showing me (and you): #1 We can't always predict what messes we will find in our lives and many times have no more control over them than I had control over the snow that fell. #2 It is ALWAYS better and more advantageous to ask for God's help in any situation before we decide to get through it in our own way. #3 Sometimes we need to tackle a problem a layer at a time, instead of one big chunk. #4 Resting is good and prepares us for the next effort. #5 Just when we think we 'have it all together' and are finished, circumstances can, and often will, cause us to start over. #6 God is always there to help and knows the end result of our efforts long before we do. Read more of Gloria’s humorous and inspiration posts on her blog, Writing by Gloria, and follow her daily journey as she writes, speaks, and lives for the glory of God. 12

Then Sings My Soul The Story of Our Songs by Robert J. Morgan Book Review by Miriam Jacob THEN SINGS MY SOUL by Robert J. Morgan presents the classic hymns of the faith in a magnificent two-thousand year repertoire of music in Christian hymnody that reverberates awesomely through the ages of time. By learning the splendid legacy of our past, we create a beautiful legacy for our future. All creation sings God's praise in a magnificent crescendo of sights and sounds. The Lord created us with an extraordinary capability for music and song. We are designed and destined to sing His glorious praises. "God lives in the praises of His people." Our spirits respond to God's truth in a musical form. Hymns are "distillations of the richest truths of God," "bursts of devotional richness, “portable units of praise," and "miniature Bible studies" that lead us to worship and praise God. Hymns have "an indestructible freshness and power." A hymnbook is one of "the richest fountains of edification." Sifting through the overarching heritage of our hymnody, we come to the root core of praise. The history of our hymnody is a rich and varied study of inspiring legacies, selfless heroes and astounding stories. The history of the church is recorded in her soul-stirring hymns while the story of Christianity can be read in its inspiring songs. Just like the well-gleaned promises of the Bible, a unique hymn is available for each particular need of ours; covering every single circumstance we will ever face in life. God loves music. He recorded it in the Bible. God loves it when His children sing His praises. Hymns and songs proclaim God's truth. God blesses people in every age and clime with the amazing ability to compose songs and music to glorify His Name in all the earth. God the Holy Spirit sings through the voice of His church. "When we sing to the Lord, it is the Holy Spirit welling up and overflowing in our hearts!" God is praised and honored when we sing to Him! To God alone be all the glory! Read more of Miriam’s book reviews, poetry, and devotionals on her blog.


Do Not Be Afraid by Miranda Hanchar About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost!” But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said, “Take Courage. I am here! –Matthew 14:2527 (New Living Translation) When Jesus was coming towards the disciples on the water, the disciples were scared. Who was this man who was coming towards them? Who can actually walk on water anyway?

Jesus Christ came to them and said: Do not be afraid! I am here. Take courage. This scripture gives us encouragement that Jesus Christ is there with us. Whatever we are going through, we can call out and he will help us. Reading this scripture basically comes down to ‘He WILL NEVER leave my side and he WILL REMAIN beside me every day of my life’. When storms come and when curve balls are thrown at us, he is there to calm it. He is never too far away and attending to someone else. Don’t let your fears take away the joy God has given you! In scriptures such as this one, hang it on your wall. Type it out at least 10 times a day so you get it in your heart and mind. The devil kills to destroy. Jesus Christ came to give you peace, joy and freedom. Apply to your life: -Keep reading Matthew 14:25-27 for peace of mind that Jesus is with you every day.

Read more of Miranda’s posts and devotionals on her blog, Miranda’s Mission with a Purpose.


A New Year’s Letter to a Friend by Lynn Mosher My dearest friend, The Lord has placed it on my heart to write to you, to encourage and uplift you, and maybe even to inspire you to live your life a little closer to Him throughout the New Year. Though you stand on the verge of this land of the unknown, you will find this year to be no different from the last, in the sense that life offers no smooth rides. Deuteronomy 11:11a says, “But the land you are about to go into and take for your own is a land of hills and valleys.” (NLV) Hills and valleys will be present just as they were last year. They will supply an abundance of opportunities, interests, learning, joys, sorrows, and, yes, even testing and discipline. However, dear one, take courage from God’s Word. Deuteronomy 11:12 says, “The Lord your God cares for this land. His eyes watch over it from the beginning to the end of the year.” (NLV) And so His eyes are upon the land of your journey, for He cares for it from the beginning to the end. In your journey, you will encounter lush, green hills of the Lord; stand upon their summits and take in those sweeping vistas, not necessarily as telescopic views into the future but as windows upon the present, to give you a God’s-eye-view of your circumstances, of God’s working in your life. Just over some of those fruitful mounts may be valley lows and wilderness days. You may feel blighted by the frost of relationships or swept away by the winds of adversity, but the Lord of the hills and valleys walks beside you through each one. Not all valleys are parched, devoid of verdant beauty. Someone once said, “The hills collect the rain for a hundred fruitful valleys.” The land of your new year is cared for, watered from heaven and watched 15 over by the eyes of the Creator, and He will make all your valleys


How is this to be? As the Lord told Israel through Hosea, He says to you, “All your fruit comes from Me.” (Hosea 14:8b NLT) And Jesus reiterated that assertion, “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit.” (John 15:5 NKJV) Abide in Him, my sweet friend, in this year’s journey and you will be fruitful through all you undergo. When you come upon a misty valley of uncertainty, depression, or unforgiveness, do not linger in there. You will miss the beautiful heights of glory just ahead. And when a mound of circumstance rises up before you, do not be afraid to ascend that hill. You may be dismayed by its height and vastness but one step at a time will bring you to those heights of glory unknown before. And no matter how steep the way seems, keep your eyes on the way before you; your climb will be that much easier. The Lord will lead you gently through each day, each season, each circumstance. As Jacob said to Esau in concern for the herds and the children in their journey, so you can take this verse to your heart as from the Lord, “I will lead on slowly at a pace which...the children, are able to endure.” (Gen 33:14 NKJV) The Lord knows the way; He leads on gently. Not allowing more in your path than you can handle. Do not be disillusioned at the seeming darkness on your path; He will be your Light, your Guide, your Strength, your Peace, and your Comfort. There are miles to cover this year, tests to take, new things to experience, gifts to discover, moments to breathe in, promises to possess, and sins to release. May you go forth to possess each gift, each promise, and each day’s delivery of the Lord, to conquer each challenge you encounter, and to be the victor and not the victim of its confrontations. May your journey through the New Year be guided and protected and may it be filled

with abundant blessings. And remember, He will watch over you from the beginning of the year until the end.


Blessings, Lynn

A Broken Marriage1 by Donna B. Comeaux An Inspirational Study About Our Relationship with God Bible Readings: II Kings 22:14-20; 23:4-15, 19-20 II Chronicles 34:3-7, 22-28 (400 Years of History) NIV Version of the Bible

JOSIAH Introduction Within the pages of II Kings and II Chronicles is a story of a rich child king raised in an ungodly home. He is not only an eyewitness to sin; he is also surrounded by an idolatrous nation. When faced with becoming king at the tender age of eight years old, he had every right to suck his thumb and squat in a corner and hide from those much older than he. With his childish mind, he could have beheaded any number of servants who disagreed with his whimsical ideas. Yet, in the eighth year of his reign, he sought out God Almighty and discovered that he and his people had not been living according to God's commands. In his twelfth year, he began to make a change. (II Chronicles 34:1-3) It not only disturbed Josiah to discover he and Israel waddled in sin, he ripped his clothes when he heard that his people would be taken captive because of their adulterous behavior toward the Holy One. When was the last time you considered the consequences of your sin? It takes a humble person to admit wrong. But to spend time examining how far-reaching your sin can be is mind-boggling and may leave you in despair. There are so many lessons embedded in the story of Josiah that the only way I know how to tackle each one is to go through the story in chronological order as it is written. In each line of this series, we will discover how closely related Josiah's life is to our own. We will make note of the many lessons learned from his life and from the life of his forefathers. Together, we will discover that our past should not keep us from a better future. As a matter of fact, because of our past we should indeed become better people—a holy people; a people as intimately connected to God as a marriage. This study, however, won't mean much to you if you don't read the scriptures noted above. But if you'll indulge in the reading, God will change how you look at His relationship with you. For he is indeed a God who has . . . ". . . plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11) 17

Lesson One JOSIAH . . . A Child Who Would Be King

II Kings 22:1-2

Reflection As you go through the course of your day, who have you influenced? ——— I don't know about you, but I'd be offended if my son recognized his grandmother as mother. To me that would be a blatant disregard of my existence and I'd have a few harsh words to express my disdain for his lack of respect. After all, I brought him into the world. How dare he ignore me and regard my mother as his mother. Humph! That's exactly how God describes Josiah's faithfulness. Josiah was like his father, David. Not like his father, Amon. If you've read the books of II Kings and II Chronicles, you understand why. King Amon, like many kings before and after him, infested the nation with evil. There were signs of their sin everywhere. Asherah poles. Idol worshippers. Human sacrifices. You name it. Israel wreaked with sin. So much so that God promised to send them into captivity. King Amon failed to see how his self-centeredness not only pulled him away from God, but it also destroyed his people. Left unchecked, sin breeds sin. If you're not accountable to anyone, chances are you're headed for disaster. And what's amazing about the disaster about to befall you is that it doesn't feel disastrous at first. You ease into it. It feels comfortable for a time. Along the way, you persuade others to follow you. And if you didn't persuade them verbally, then you've convinced them by your example. If left alone too long, you can't or won't turn back. And not only are you in danger of destruction, but those who follow you are also close to death. Discovery Our sin carries far more weight than we expected. Coming from an ungodly home explains your past, but it doesn't control your future. Your past has taught you the wrongs of this life and what to avoid. But more importantly you have the freedom to make different choices. No matter what your circumstances. 18

Inspiration All of us want to impact the world in some profound way. Maybe you want to write an inspirational book that turns the world on its heels. Maybe you want to put an end to hunger. Or maybe you want to become President of the United States and return governing to the people. Whatever you set out to do, your impact will be felt along the way. Perhaps your impact won't be on the scale of a presidential candidate, or that of a pop rock star. Your influence might come in small doses. Like the time you spent two hours on the phone talking a stranger out of killing himself. Or by bringing a woman who has come to church for the first time in months a bouquet of roses. Or inviting a struggling mother of three to your home for dinner. Or doling out food from your freezer to a family in need. No matter how large or how small your impact becomes, you will indeed leave behind a trail to be followed by others. The question is this: Will it be a godly trail? Or will it be a trail of destruction? Response: Make a list of ways you have influenced others today. Prayer: Oh Holy Father, please correct me and hold me accountable for all I do and say. Please forgive me. Wash me clean. Dwell in me and use me as an instrument to spread your word. Help me to recommit my life to you . . . to put no other gods before you. That I remain one with you in body and in spirit. PostScript: We are the body of Christ. ". . . The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us from the dead also. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh.' But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit. Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body." (I Corinthians 6:1320) ————— 1 Portions of this lesson comes from my inspirational series entitled "Impact - A Series That Explores How We Affect Each Other." This series is expected to be published in 2016.


Katherine’s Corner . . . . Be sure to stop by and enter to WIN the winter GIVEAWAY!

20 Visit Katherine’s Corner for seasonal giveaways, weekly blog hops, recipes, and crafts.

I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by Yvonne Carson The world says if I don’t measure 34-26-34 and wear a size 2 my body is flawed in some way. Who are “they” to tell me I don’t measure up, that my body is not beautiful When the God of the universe tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made! You judge me because I don’t fit your ideal of beautiful. Well, I’ve decided I don’t care what you think! And why should I? Who are you to tell me I’m not beautiful When the God of the universe tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Whether my eyes are big, slant, or crossed I’m still God’s unique one-of-a-kind design I’m beautiful just the way I am! Yes! I think I’m all that! Why should I hide or feel ashamed When the God of the universe tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made!


I may have kinky, straight, curly, dreadlocks or gray hair. Who are you to define the beauty of my mane? When the God of the universe tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Whether I’m Petite, Junior, Misses, or Plus My body size doesn’t define my worth, my beauty or self-esteem. I’m beautiful and I got it going on! You say you disagree? Well, I’m tired of what you think! Why should I care? When the God of the universe tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made! My skin may be black, brown, yellow, red, or white Who are you to tell me what color is “better” or “superior” Or what color is ugly or beautiful? God made our skin as beautiful and colorful as the rainbow! You say your skin color is better? I say there’s none better- just different! You disagree? Why should I care if you disagree? When the God of the universe tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made!


Only Some Get It by Kim Lengling, Embracing Our Veterans I speak with so many veterans throughout the year, at social gatherings, veteran events, working through Embracing our veterans and Project Support Our Troops. There is one emotion that stands out to me. Loneliness. Whether the person I am speaking to is married, divorced, or in a relationship, there is a loneliness that seems to seep through the conversations. A sense that something is a bit unsettled. Many of the veterans I speak with I have known for many years either in a friendship that has grown or just as a social acquaintance. In getting to know them, you find that a large percentage of them have been married and divorced, some have been married and divorced several times. This is true for men and women. I have to count myself in there as being divorced. It isn’t something you plan on and I certainly don’t recommend it if there is something there worth saving; it is just something I have noticed over the years. I’ve been wondering what the statistics are of veterans and divorce, so I did some research. As of 2012, the military divorce rate was at 3.5% as compared to civilian divorce rate of 3.5% The military statistic is for active duty military from the year 2000 to 2011. Source: The recent wars are having a negative impact on military marriages, as the rate of divorce is the highest it has been since 1999. The dissolution rate across the various branches was 3.7%, which was up from 3.6% in 2010 and holding fast to the steady increase from 3.1% in 2005.* Interestingly enough, the rate among female service members is 7.9% while only 3% for service men. Source: and After doing some research, and in thinking back on the veterans I know, all of them, literally all of them have been divorced at least one time. Is it something about veterans, or as mentioned above, is it that having served in combat creates a negative impact on a marriage? Is it simply that many veterans carry so many memories with them, and it just makes them different? You become a different person when you serve in the military. No matter what job you had, your time serving your country changes you. You see things differently and at times it is hard to explain to someone who has not worn the uniform. It may seem to your friends and family that you speak another language, or just think differently than most.


Family members are the hardest to try to explain it to. They want to know what you did, where, when, all the details. You’re asked; How did this happen? What did you do? How did you feel afterward? Are you ok? Details, details, they want details. Of course they do! They are trying their hardest to understand. They want to understand. But one thing needs to be made clear. There are things that you just cannot put into words at times. It is a part of you that is ingrained in your core. It is more than a feeling or an emotion. It is now a part of you, just as your heart is a part of you. It may be anxiety, anger, fear, patriotism, love or compassion. It can or could be all of those things wrapped so tightly around and within you, that to let it go could be overwhelming. Some folks may overcompensate or show too much of one emotion or another. It’s overwhelming for the person receiving all of that emotion. Some withdraw, because the emotions are just too strong and they need to keep them bound together. At times a person may just need solitude. Quiet; a “safe” place to just breathe. For others, you lock it away behind a smile and keep on keeping on. Veteran to veteran? We can notice it in one another. I’ve noticed in many over the years, and I am sure that some may have noticed it within me. For a civilian to try to look or figure it out is difficult. They may see something entirely different. They may not realize all that is bottled up and they wouldn’t because it has not been shared with them. What a cycle it can be for many. Is this meant to be a negative commentary on veterans or civilians? Absolutely not. It is just my own perspective in trying to put words to something that there may be no words for. Honestly? Who am I to try to explain? I am a woman who has lived with those emotions and “things.” I am a person who has tried, and failed, to explain that part of myself to my family and loved ones. I am a woman who is complex, stubborn, strong, proud and passionate about what I believe in and in protecting those I care for. I am a woman who cares deeply about people and I do my best to help where I can. I am a woman who can’t be pushed. I am a woman who has a difficult time answering the question, “What was it like being in the military?” I am also a veteran who can sit with another veteran over a cup of coffee and we “just get it,” without having to explain ourselves. I am a female veteran. A complex and at times confusing person to some. Would I change any of my experiences that have built me into who I am today? No. I am who I am, just as all of my brother and sister veterans are who they are. Scars, hurts, triumphs and joy; and when you are with other veterans, being a part of that community, you don’t have to explain. We just “get it” and we can breathe. Kim Lengling is an author and co-chair of Project Support Our Troops and Co-Founder of Embracing Our Veterans. She can be reached at or visit 24

Yummy Winter Recipes for your family on a snowy day!

In every issue of Ruby for Women, we search the blogosphere for the best seasonal recipes to share with our readers. Winter is really the perfect time to try out new recipes for our families, partly because we are inside where it is warm and cosy, and many of us have a bit more time to try something new and different. If you like to cook or bake, here are a few of our favourites that we found on some of the blogs we visited. Be sure to stop by and visit these bloggers and be sure to tell them that Ruby sent you!

Apple Gingerbread Muffins from the kitchen of Strength and Sunshine After the holidays, isn’t it great to get back on a routine? We always enjoy baking muffins, and these Apple Gingerbread Muffins are a sweet addition to our weekly menu plan. Apples are available year ‘round, and gingerbread just seems like it belongs with “winter.” If you are making a pot of soup or stew, pop a batch of these Apple Gingerbread Muffins in the over for a complete meal. Your family will love them!

Double Chocolate Chip Muffins from the kitchen of This Silly Girl’s Life But if you are looking for something that is warm, sweet, and delicious, these Double Chocolate Chip Muffins would be just what you need. For a quick and easy dessert, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, or even with a cup of hot tea, these muffins will fill your daily quota of chocolate! We can never get enough chocolate, so bake up a batch of these sweet treats and watch them disappear. 25

Easy Salsa Verde Chicken from the kitchen of Sherri at Luvabargain Chilly winter days are a great time to pop something in the oven at dinner time and fill your home with the smell of a warm and tempting new dish. This recipe from Sherri at Luvabargain is super easy! Sherri says, “This is one of those recipes and is fool-proof and full of flavor. I love making it when I need to whip up something quick. While it’s baking, cook the rice or quinoa and it’s ready in less than 30 minutes.” You can find the complete recipe at Sherri’s blog, Luvabargain, for all of the ingredients and step-by-step instructions for making Easy Salsa Verde Chicken for your family.

Monthly Mean Plan from The Gracious Wife To get your new year off to a great start, why not get organized? Planning meals in advance helps us work within our budget, have what we need to make supper (which saves a lot of time!), and provides more opportunities to include healthy foods in all of our meals. Check out the Monthly Meal Plan from The Gracious Wife and we’re sure you’ll find that it offers lots of ideas for making the most of your time, energy, and resources. Visit The Gracious Wife for all the details and to get started with your own Monthly Meal Plan. 26

Are You Free? by Melissa Zelniker-Presser For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him, since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have." Philippians 1:2930 In this introspective period in my walk with God, I have learned to wait. I have learned to listen. I have learned that's it's good to struggle. I have learned to stay quiet in a profound way, and enjoy the solitude that has built up a lasting peace within me- a real, tangible sustainable peace that can only be found in Christ. I have learned that contentedness comes from Christ alone. I have learned what contentedness is. I have learned to pray more fervently, believing God for the promises He's made and seeing the miracles in what He has done. I have seen Him use me in ways that are unimaginable. I have cried in my gratitude, in worship, holding the hand of my husband. I have been without words on days where I messed up but was able to forgive myself- and allowed God to forgive me. I have been on my hands and knees asking why, and He has shown up every time. His real, tangible presence is sometimes almost too much to bear. I had read about Him in the Torah, and not known it. I had been dissuaded from ever saying His name. I have had people give up on me when I needed them the most. I have been betrayed and I have been broken. I have been led down roads with the promise of worldly fulfillment only to find there was no satisfaction there at all. I have wondered and wandered until I finally found the well that never runs dry. I have stood with people in their affliction and have braced myself for my own. I have hated people for hating me for being me. I have let God change me. I have seen wonders and tragedy. I have watched others destroy each other, and cried for them. I have seen Judas appear on many occasions, and I have prayed. I have understood the struggle in the crucifixion and rejoiced in the lasting mercy of the resurrection. I have seen lives changed. I have seen lives destroyed. I have remained steadfast in it all. I have seen what heaven looks like. I have decided to live for Jesus even if He is not real. I have decided to pray more, eat more, and love more. I have decided to be a servant and take a beating even when I didn't deserve it. I have decided to love my husband more, to let him be the head of my household as the Word proclaims it. I have decided the world has absolutely nothing to offer. I have seen the glory of His goodness, and I have seen the pain. And yesterday I saw His rainbow. When I need help, I ask for it. When I need to be loved I say it. For God lives in the heart of the believer, who will extend his hand to me when I need it. I believe people can change if they want to. I believe it's possible only though Christ. And I don't care whether you disagree. I'll still love you anyway. So here is my other cheek, and the other one. Here is me saying I love you. Here is all of me pouring out for all of you, the way He did. Here is what He's done for me. It is good to be alive, to have hope, to have love, mercy and forgiveness. It is good to have suffered. It is good to have toiled. I am still in an isolated state of introspection. But I am free. Are you? 27

Ingenuity… and Grandmother’s Delight by Sharon L. Patterson I will not bore you; I will not stretch this simple story, but I hope it will light up your face with a flash of upturned corners of your mouth in a piqued smile. That is what happened to me when my daughter-in-law emailed me about the event. Here goes…catch it before it is gone: It seems my seven year old grandson had let several days of cleaning up his room lapse in favor of more preferred activities, which, if I know him, and I do, included busy little thumbs and favorite hand held games. Mother had warned of the consequences, but they were ignored until “the last straw” had been reached. The look in her eyes must have let my grandson realize this was it…no more warnings, no more games. Had any question of her intent been misunderstood, her voice drowned out all other possibility of interpretation: “Corby, go to your room and do not come out until your room is totally cleaned up!” Head down, shoulders shrugged, he entered his disheveled room and closed the door. A few moments later, my daughter-in-law thought there should be the sound of activity…opening drawers or his closet. She listened…nothing. She crossed the den to his room. There, on the floor protruding from the closed door was a note that read:

Help wanted from , c o r b y Needless to say, the door opened, ingenuity trumped the order of the day. He got the help…from Momma and a smile from the rest of us.

Sharon Patterson, retired educator, career military wife, and leader in women's ministry, has written inspirational encouragement in various forms from greeting cards to short stories, poetry, and Bible studies for over thirty years. She and her husband Garry live in Round Rock, Texas. They have three sons and five grandchildren. 28

My Heart Belongs to You by Angela Hiskett Oh Lord, my heart belongs to you my hands belong to you my head belongs to you my will belongs to you my feet belong to you my life belongs to you my heart will love, forgive, and cherish for you my hands will work, serve, and give for you my head will learn, decide, and focus on you my will will bend, flex, and bow down to you my feet will follow, lead, and deliver for you my life will be lived for you my heart belongs to you my hands belong to you my head belongs to you my will belongs to you my feet belong to you my life belongs to you Amen. 29

Your Glory by Angela Hiskett Your glory feeds my soul, dear Lord! Your glory is everywhere, all around, seeping into my senses, wherever I look, touch, taste, smell, and feel, I am faced with your glory!! It surrounds me, it soothes me, it proves your presence, you use it to heal me. The peace of a sunrise, the flaming majesty of a sunset, the brilliant colors of fall; you are everywhere! Your footprints are spread across this beautiful earth Lord, and I submerse myself in them!


Why am I Not Vulnerable with My Wife? by Michael Morrison __________________________ I consider myself a pretty open book. I normally tell people how I am feeling and what I am thinking. Per a conversation I had recently with my wife, I am becoming more self-aware that I do not always tell her how I feel or what I am thinking. This revelation began to bother me; as which it should. Why do I find it so easy to converse with a coworker about something that bothers me or even what God is showing me in my life but I stay mute when it comes to revealing the same thing to my wife?

I need to allow my wife to carry out Hebrews 3:13, “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” By withholding my thoughts and feelings from my wife, she is unable to know what is going on with me and therefore unable to encourage me in Christ!

Isn’t this one of the reasons I married her; so I can be open and honest with her? Is it because I am scared of what she will think of me and my viewpoints or feelings?

There is another layer to this issue though. What effort was I making to become a better spiritual leader of my household? Was I getting up every morning and reading my Bible? No. Was I praying with my wife before work or bedtime? No. Was I praying myself? Most days yes. Was I doing my part in connecting with God by truly seeking Him? Sadly no.

I do find myself fearful of what my wife will say to me, but I am fearful for the wrong reasons. My wife is a very smart woman. She loves God and knows more about His Word than I have ever dreamed of.

I can remember a time in my life when I was fully seeking God and His will for my life, but suddenly “stuff” got in the way. I got married, got a “big boy” job, and had kids. I thought my focus should be on those things.

But at the root of it, I am fearful that she will speak truth into my life or show me in God’s word what I should cling to (like passage of scripture). You’re probably thinking, “Why would you be afraid of such a thing?”

I need to carve out time to fully invest in God’s word. I need to pray out loud with my wife. She is the sounding board that God has given me to help me through this life. I need to utilize her more as an iron. Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

And you are absolutely right! Why am I?! It’s because I feel that as the head of my household, I should be the more spiritually sound person. I think that I should be the one spouting off scripture to her and telling her about God’s love and mercy and not the other way around.

To better illustrate this, look at the story of King Josiah. While Josiah was king, they rediscovered the book of the covenant (Deuteronomy) that included all the laws of Moses.

OBVIOUSLY this is ridiculous thinking on my part BUT it is how I processed the situation.

After reading the book, Josiah ripped his clothes in sorrow because he read about an angry God that 31 would destroy His people if they did not obey his commands.

Instead of sitting around, Josiah took action and read the book to his people. He then took it upon himself and renewed the covenant. Then the most important thing happened; Josiah destroyed EVERYTHING that was ungodly in his land.

2 Kings 23:25 says, “Neither before nor after Josiah was there a king like him who turned to the Lord as he did—with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength, in accordance with all the Law of Moses.”

It specifically says that Josiah took his people and went around to different ungodly pillars, temples, priests, and shrines and tore them down, grounded everything to powder and burnt it ALL.

I want to be like that. I want to be so convicted of things that I turn from everything that would cause me to sin AND prune the things from my life that might cause me to sin in the future.

Michael Morrison currently resides in Lynchburg, VA with his wife and two children. He is originally from Virginia Beach, VA but moved to Lynchburg to attend Liberty University. He has a BA in Communications and an MA in Education. He enjoys spending time with his family, exercising, and writing in his free time. You can find his blog website at

Split Words Puzzle by Beth Brubaker Words are split into three sections. Starting from left to right, find the right combination of letters to form five words that describe this beautiful season!

Answer Key on page 70. 32

Crafty Creations from Around the Blogosphere by Vintage Mama of Vintage Mama’s Cottage Winter is the time of year when many of us have more time to work on crafty, creative projects. Of course, we are ALWAYS busy, even on the coldest, dreariest days of winter, but since we tend to stay indoors more often this time of year, it is fun to fill our days with creativity. At Vintage Mama’s Cottage, where we have been designing and creating a variety of home décor projects, clothing for women and children, and writing eBook tutorials for several years, this is a focused time of productivity. We are working on designing and creating a new line of refashioned patchwork sweaters, as well as writing up the next eBook patterns so you can make your own, unique sweater. We are also in the process of creating a new collection of designs for women of all sizes and shapes! Be sure to check back at Vintage Mama’s Cottage for updates! While we are traveling this creative journey, it is great fun for us to share with you, our readers, some of the amazing creative, crafty ideas and projects that have been designed by our favorite bloggers. Here are a few fun ideas that you can try on a blustery winter afternoon. Be sure to visit these bloggers for step-by-step instructions for their designs, and be sure to tell them that Ruby sent you!

Mitten, Mitten, Who’s Got the Mitten? Adorable mitten wreath project from Kidney Garden Classroom Ideas This sweet little wreath was originally a kit from Oriental Trading, according to the Kidney Garden Classroom Ideas blog, but since it is no longer available as a kit . . . . why not just make one yourself? It looks super simple, but you could make it just about as elaborate as you want. The original one might have been made from craft foam sheets, but it could also be made from construction paper or card stock that has been painted in your favorite winter colors. Cut out a batch of mittens and attach them to a foam wreath form, or even a cardboard cutout wreath form. You could use hot glue, regular glue, or straight pins if you have a foam wreath form. Add a few polka dots and snowflakes, and a ribbon tie at the top and voila! You have this cute little mitten wreath to decorate your home as you celebrate the joys of winter. Visit Kidney Garden Classroom Ideas for more crafty and creative ideas for your home or classroom. 33

Salt Dough Necklaces from Amazing Mae This one is for the kid in all of us! Wouldn’t these necklaces be fun to make? You could make them any time of year, but the bright colored heart shapes are perfect for celebrating Valentine’s Day. And they are easy and inexpensive enough that you could make up a whole bunch of them with the kids or grandkids. We love finding craft projects that include the whole family, and this is definitely one that we would recommend! You can find the step-by-step instructions for making these cute salt dough necklaces by visiting Amazing Mae.

Mason Jars with Solar Lights Brighten up a winter day with these beautiful handcrafted lights There seems to be no end to what you can make out of Mason jars! These beautiful lights have been created using embellished Mason jars, and inserting a solar light inside each one. For more inspiration for how to decorate and use Mason jars in your home, please visit Indulgy.


Footprints in the Mud Starting Over! (Again) by Beth Brubaker It’s that time of year again; time to take the previous year in review and seek out new ways to take the crazy out of the chaos. Some of us even make lists of what we want to do, intending on getting at least a few things accomplished on that nefarious list. Some of us are smart and take one step at a time, and then there are those few that think they can accomplish everything within the next month, burning themselves out entirely, then giving the rest of the year up to kismet. Guess which one I am. Within the first month I’ve joined a gym, gone to nutrition counseling, signed up for six different classes on writing, living rich, cleaning, videomaking, culinary skills, and public speaking. I start next week. I’ve also started three bible classes at church, as well as reorganizing my house and improve family life by rearranging my time with the husband and kids. Oh yeah, this is going to work out splendidly. By day one I’m already frustrated because two of the three classes happen at the same time, and I haven’t even gone to the gym yet for my morning workout. Breakfast happens at lunch because I woke up late and ran out of time to eat, and in my rush I never took the chicken out of the freezer for dinner that night. I come home having done the Super Workout of the Century, my body screaming at me so I know I’m no longer twenty-two, and I’m met with piles of laundry I didn’t have time to fold. The cats are nestled in the baskets of clean clothing and have no intention of moving, so I give up on that chore and clean the house instead. The kids come home from school right before I have to start preparing dinner. My sweet babies (okay they’re teens, but still my babies) open the door to hear me yelling at the chicken to defrost, while trying to find a recipe that uses frozen chicken as the main ingredient.


I answer the phone and hear the voice of my fellow student, asking me for the notes to tonight’s class- that I thought was next week. My children (who are very smart) don’t even announce themselves and quietly slink upstairs and lock themselves in their rooms. My husband arrives home to a semi-clean house, the kids schoolbags left on the floor and the cats still sleeping on the laundry. His loving, beautiful wife is beating a chicken into submission to crack the ice crust, all the while yelling at the poor bird because her arms, body and even eyelashes hurt from the gym. My husband does an about face and heads back out the door. Smart man. I never notice the kids or my husband, because the stupid chicken won’t submit, so I have no idea what time it really is. As I wipe the sweat from my weary brow, I glance at the clock and stop dead. Is that really the time? I have a class in less than an hour, no dinner to eat and where is everybody? Before I get into a panic and call the police, my husband returns - with pizza and a smile. My Knight in Dented Armor has come to save me! I run to him (okay, I’m actually limping because I pulled a muscle) and wrap my aching arms around his neck, giving him a huge, welcoming kiss. The kids got a whiff of the pizza and trample down the steps like a herd of elephants, snatching the pizza from their father like a baton during a relay race and start setting the table for dinner. We manage to have a few minutes of family time while we eat, then off to class I go. By the time I return home, my body threatens to die out of rebellion, my brain is full, and everyone else is asleep. I look at my now messy house, sigh, and then look at my schedule for tomorrow. It’s almost the same one as today, except now I have to add laundry to the list. I look over to the baskets. The cats still haven’t moved. This was Day One. There will be no Day Two. Ever. Tomorrow I will take my time, make a new list that is actually achievable, and start over. Again. And that’s okay. God likes it when we keep trying.

Visit Beth Brubaker at her blog, Footprints in the Mud, to read her humorous and inspirational articles on family life, parenting, and her adventures as a Christian wife and mother.


Dominion by Lanette Kissel Will we fear a natural disaster, a hurricane, earthquake, or flood? Or will we believe in the infinite power of the One, who for us, shed His blood? Will we fear a demon’s touch, lament how Satan’s presence fills the earth? Or will we trust in our Shield of protection, believing in the One of humble birth? Do we fear the onset of disease, what the medical tests might start to reveal? Or will we trust that, if it’s His will, He has the unquestioning power to heal? Are we concerned about our mortality? Do we worry about a premature death? Or will we trust the One who said, “Father, forgive them,” with His final dying breath? Will we trust the One who said, “Be still” who can calm our personal storm, and believe the One who cherishes us will always keep us safe from harm? Will we defer to public opinion? Or will we trust the One who has dominion? Originally published in The Catholic Leader Volume 11 – 9-5-11


Infinite Faith by Lanette Kissel I want to say with complete confidence that I trust in the Lord for everything. I want to feel that comfort and peace total reliance on Him can bring. I want to take faith the size of a mustard seed and make it grow into a mountain, where my trust is evident and infinite, overflowing from an eternal fountain. I want faith that refuses to recognize the boundaries of time and space, A faith that is simply so strong nothing could ever take its place, A faith that no trials or troubles will ever be able to erase. I desire for my faith to stand alone when Satan puts me to the test, A time when putting my trust in the Lord will be what I do best, Faith as far as the north is from the south, as the east is from the west. Just when will I have enough? How far can my faith extend? It’s only when my trust in Him will seemingly have no end. Originally published in Halo Feb. 2011


Customized You by Michelle Lazurek

In the movie Clueless, Alicia Silverstone prepares to get dressed for school. As she enters her walk-in closet full of thousands of sweaters, skirts, and shoes, she presses a button and releases the conveyor belt that lets her see each pair of shoes individually. Then she plays virtual dress up by using a computer program that features a picture of her body. She picks and chooses her outfit based on coordinating colors, mood, and day of the week. You are much the same as that computer program. God has created you with unique stories, circumstances and situations that only you have experienced. People want to know you because of who you are and what you have gone through. They want to see you share that story in a way that points them to Christ. Holley Gerth, author of You’re Made for a God Sized Dream exhorts, “You are who you are for a reason. God could have designed you in any way that he wanted. After all, he spoke the world into being. Customizing you wasn’t a challenge. So why would he create you in a way that didn’t match up with the biggest dreams he has for your life?”i Every one of your experiences is unique to who you are and designed to transform you into Christlikeness. You just have the boldness to share your story in order to engage them in the overall mission of God. What if God is calling you to impact others with your story, in the same way that people have impacted my spiritual growth? Although they probably have no idea how their words and stories have shaped me, you have no idea the impact your words have on others and where they are in their spiritual journey. All you need is a willingness to provide a forum for people to become vulnerable, and as you share your story and listen to theirs, God will touch lives in ways you never even imagined. 39

Sing a New Song, for the World is Waiting by Yolanda Hairston We all have had those moments when it feels like God is not listening or speaking to us. We pout, cry, throw up our hands, and the small violin begins to play our favorite song, “Woe is Me”. Just as we get caught up in the song and sing our hearts out, the phone rings, or you receive a text or your weekly devotional just alerted you through email. Our prayers and concerns have just been answered, chiming in giving us new hope. It’s amazing how the Lord loves us so much that He uses us, our fellow siblings in Christ to exhort one another. Yet, we get so distraught because we feel all alone. Paul wrote, “Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering.” (Eph. 5:9 NLT) All over the world, those of us who are walking in faith are faced with the same kind of hurt, pain, and afflictions. That makes us a value resource for one another. Each day we should be praying to God to use us to help our siblings and also to be receptive when God leads our siblings to us. The Greek word to encourage is Parakaleo; it means to console, strengthen, comfort and exhort. It does not mean to compliment, although that is helpful, but God implores us to implore one another. When we exhort one another, look after one another, putting ourselves aside for a moment and help another, we are responding as Christ. Our walk is not about just about ourselves; we represent Christ; we are His official earthly ambassadors. Think about that and ask God to lead you on how to comfort your sibling today. As we uplift each other, we are strengthen and in better shape to help those around us. I promise you, when you have the mind to help someone; your own troubles seem to become unimportant. Uncurl yourself from your fetal position, unfold those arms and stretch out those hands, ring in the New Year, singing a new song, for the world is waiting. “Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfish or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves. Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for interest of others. Have this attitude in yourselves, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:1-5 (NASB). Yolonda Hairston, servant of the Most High, mother, friend, daughter; no longer damaged goods but completely restored with a blood finish. Visit Yolonda at her blog, Peculiar Grasshoppers. 40

God Must Like Menopause by Sharon L. Patterson God has never been in a hurry in my life with one exception… That being my present physical condition:

Menopause While other friends are at play With grandbabies, I am loading the S.U.V. on my way To a middle school track meet As sweat is pouring off me…

Menopause The air-conditioner is turned to “max” And no way can I possibly relaxFor the hot flashes know only one terrible Unbearable Temperature… Is this my reward for being “mature?”

Menopause Motherhood at thirty was a bit late But not so my present state:

Menopause 41

There are, however, a few benefits to revere: For God’s good use of time has taught me to persevere. And live in the present goodness of His timely grace: As I come face to face…with

Menopause I‘ve found the treasure of patience and clarity of the far-sighted view While I, mercifully, bear the other few Things about life that seem unfair: Learning to trust in the One who always will care… about my…

Menopause I know that God does not have to give me a reason Why He has chosen such an interesting, though comical season When nearly every phone call is spent With my head bent Inside the freezer My family screaming, “We can’t find a temperature to please her!”

Menopause Now, I know the Lord surely doesn’t make flaws, So, for now, I just have to simply surmise that God must like…



Aleyamma Jacob Author, Poet, Christian Servant by Miriam Jacob Miriam Jacob, a member of the Ruby Blogger Team, shares her mother’s story and poetry with Ruby for Women. We hope you will enjoy reading about this beautiful Christian woman, and be inspired by her poetry. Here is her story. A beautiful rose grows among thorns. The rose bush is not very attractive, but its rose is very beautiful. I grew up as a little rosebud among thorns. I had a most unusual childhood with a poignant touch of sorrow. It would shape my life into a vessel fit for God's service. I grew up with God's divine hand upon me, guiding me through distressing circumstances, and filling me with love and compassion for people. God blessed me with a wonderful education, which was quite rare at that time. I got the chance to attend a prestigious University for my Master's Degree in History. After a promising academic education, I flew across the seven seas to work as a teacher in a foreign land for twenty-five years. I had the great privilege to spread the Gospel among students eager to hear God's Word. I subsequently returned to my home-land, and I continue to serve the Lord along with my husband, three children and their spouses. The greatest desire of my life is to spread the love of Jesus Christ. I have only one goal, one thought and one action - all towards Christ. He is everything to me - my life, my joy and my peace. All my thoughts revolve around Him. He is my Rock, my Refuge, my Fortress, My Deliverer and my Shield. I am marching forward in faith till I meet my Saviour face to face. O, how I am waiting for that precious day to come! God inspired the publication of SANNY - GOD'S CHILD. He wrote the book, and I am His pen. To God be the glory. Amen. Here Aleyamma Jacob shares with us a few of her poems for children. Š Aleyamma Jacob 43

Boggy My deaf white kitten Boggy was chasing moths in the moonlight. Boggy and I were great friends, A bond of love tied us together. She never left my side, Except when I was at school. She would wait for me at the gates, Jump on my shoulders, And home we would go together. One day, while we were strolling, A desperate squealing emanated from the coconut grove. I whirled around and saw Boggy with a squirrel in her mouth. 'Let it go, Boggy! ' I shouted, But Boggy would not listen. I grabbed it from her mouth and let it go wild and free. Boggy glared angrily at me, She taught me that I should respect her natural instincts too. Š Aleyamma Jacob


Daisy Daisy was grazing, All of a sudden, She was not regurgitating. I ran to her side, Where she was pasturing. 'Daisy, my darling, what is wrong? ' She was uneasy, Neither chewing or drinking. Off I went to call the Vet. There came the Vet, Examined her thoroughly, Nothing was found amiss. Right came a village farmer, To extend a helping hand. There and then He found out That Daisy was alight, Only thing is that Inside her mouth Was a ball of plastic Which she swallowed while grazing. I thanked the farmer, For His quick intervention. His arrival saved Daisy's life. 'Long Live My Daisy.' Š Aleyamma Jacob


Dolly My loving Dolly, I like to gallop on the snowy grounds with her. I would get up early, and run to the barn, to see my dear little Dolly. I pat her mane, And give her my morning hug. I cannot spend a day without my Dolly. One day on my spotted pony, I rode towards the other end of the forest. A pack of shepherd dogs ran out of the forest and barked at us furiously. I shuddered with horror, I was totally shattered. Off went the reigns from my hand. My heart missed a beat. I asked my Creator to protect my Dolly and me. A man appeared from somewhere, and shouted at the dogs. They stopped barking instantly. The God-sent man saved me and my beloved Dolly. Š Aleyamma Jacob


For Faith: NIKE by Carol Peterson, Author Each year I set goals—things I want to accomplish during the brand new year. But each year I also try to find a one-word focus—a word that I can remember easily that will help me remember what’s important during busy days or gloomy nights. Last year my one-word focus was courage. This year it has been firm. For 2015, my one-word focus will be Nike—yes, as in the shoes. Because that word reminds me of their slogan: Just do it. This past year, I have been writing my Bible study series, With Faith Like Hers. In the writing, my own faith has been strengthened and encouraged by looking at the faith of women whose lives have been recorded in Scripture. During the writing of each study, God has given me a single verse of Scripture to help me focus on the writing. The most recent study, I am Mary, looked at the character and circumstances of Jesus’ mother. During the writing of I am Mary, God gave me the words Mary spoke to servants at a wedding in Canaan: Do whatever he (Jesus) tells you. (John 2:5) I should carve that verse on my desk. I should tattoo it onto the palm of my hand. I should breathe it with every microspeck of air I take in. In all things and in all circumstances I should do whatever Jesus tells me—through prayer and meditation; through Scripture; through revelation. I should also do things I know I should do but may be afraid to do or unwilling to do because they are cumbersome, tedious or messy. I should “just do them.” I should also just do what I know is right in God’s eyes even if it is unpopular or contrary to public opinion. In all things, I should seek to just do it.


But “Just do it,” is three whole words. The beauty of a one-word focus is that it’s one word. So I’ve settled on Nike—even though my feet don’t fit the Nike shoe design; even though I don’t need new shoes at all. Even though. Because it will signify my focus for 2015 and my desire to do what is right, courageous and godly. WHAT ABOUT YOU? What has been your one-word focus for 2014? What will be your focus for 2015? Visit Carol at her blog to read more of her inspirational posts and discover her other Bible study books that are available.

Join Carol’s Book Club and read along with the other members of the group! We’ll be sharing more of Carol’s book reviews in upcoming issues of Ruby for Women as well as on the Ruby blog. 48


Let’s Celebrate! February, 2015 February 1: National Freedom Day National Freedom Day celebrates freedom from slavery, and recognizes that America is a symbol of freedom. National Freedom Day was established in 1948 to remind us that America stands for, and is a symbol of freedom for all people. The roots of this special day come directly from the end of slavery and the signing of the 13th amendment outlawing slavery. Celebrate this day by reflecting upon your own freedoms that you enjoy by being fortunate enough to be in America. Millions of people in the world are not free. Origin of National Freedom Day: Major Richard Robert Wright Sr., a former slave, created National Freedom Day. He believed that there should be a day when freedom for all Americans is celebrated. President Lincoln signed the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery on February 1, 1865. So, February 1st was chosen to celebrate National Freedom Day. On June 30, 1948, President Harry Truman signed a bill proclaiming February 1st as National Freedom Day.

February 10: Umbrella Day Umbrella Day is in honor of one of the world's most invaluable inventions. On a rainy, day, we are sure glad that someone was smart enough to invent it. It's also increasingly popular to use umbrellas to shade ourselves from harmful UV radiation, and the heat of the sun. Umbrellas come in all sorts of sizes, colors, shapes, and, designs. Businesses and organizations use them for advertising. The smallest umbrellas fit inside a purse or glove compartment. Golf umbrellas are popular sizes. Then, there are lawn and beach umbrellas. There's one (or two) made just for you. Celebrate Umbrella Day in a couple of ways. First, make sure your umbrella is handy. Second, use it, or walk around with it. If you don't have an umbrella, isn't it time to get one? February 16: Cherry Pie Day February 16 is Cherry Pie Day. Cherry pie is America's second most popular pie, behind only apple pie in popularity. However, in the month of February, it's Number 1. As a young boy, George Washington made the cherry tree popular, with his famous quote "I cannot tell a lie, I chopped down the cherry tree." We celebrate George Washington's Birthday and President's Day in February. Appropriately, it’s traditional to bake cherry pies in honor of the occasion. Being the "hot pie" of the month, it is only fitting that Cherry Pie Day falls in February. On Cherry Pie Day, celebrate with a piece of pie. 50

Eucharist by Keith Wallis With the aching breaking of dawn and a shallow sun the snow begins to shuffle away; like inverse communion turning from holy white to blasphemous grey as it gathers its sin.


The last light of the year by Keith Wallis The heavy lidded curtain is dropping, the last light of the year burning out behind the rooftops and the hasty cosmetics of the partygoers begin their labour. Palette cleansing the washed out darkness of shadows claims these moments and the hush of birds heralds a sense of expectancy. The last of the hours tick away the moments to ‘launch’ when unfamiliar friends will greet each other at the ‘lift-off’ with unholy kisses leaving a vapour trail of stale alcohol. First-footing of returning home to undo the revelry of the evening and the greeting, on the morrow, of an undiscovered country. Time passes. The requiems begin.


Printable Recipe Cards for your Favorite Recipes from Ruby for Women

We found these cute FREE printable recipe cards at Fishtitch and wanted to share them with you, along with a few more winter recipes from around the blogosphere. The internet is an amazing thing! With just a few clicks you can find just about anything you are looking for . . . so take a peek at some of the recipes we discovered, and be sure to visit a few new bloggers soon.

Roasted Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese Croutons We found this recipe on a Disney blog with recipes for babies and toddlers – but I’m sure you will agree, this looks like a truly scrumptious bowl of soup for a frosty, snowy afternoon. Those grilled cheese croutons would be perfect with lots of different soups, so head on over to see how they are made. We would love to hear from you and have your share some of your favorite seasonal recipes with the readers of Ruby for Women. 53

Vermont Cheddar Cheese Soup Who can resist the creamy, cheesy perfection of this yummy Vermont Cheddar Cheese Soup? This recipe was also found on the same Disney blog as the Roasted Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese Croutons. With the added touch of a few chopped veggies, and the unexpected twist of chopped apple, this one is sure to be a family favorite. I think we’ll give this one a try this coming week!

Winter Cabbage Soup On those days when a cold or the flu has you under the weather (so to speak!), this soup is the perfect remedy. We found this recipe at Allrecipes and it is called “Healing Cabbage Soup.” It might be a good idea for all of us to make up a big batch of this healthy soup and put it in the freezer. That way, when someone in your family comes down with a cold, or just the shivers, it will be easy enough to pull it out and heat it up. Putting this one on our list of soups to make in January.

Cheesy Potato and Corn Chowder This recipe is one of our favorites here at Ruby for Women! We’ve been making this hearty and delicious Cheesy Potato and Corn Chowder for many years, and all of the kids love it! You can find the recipe at Allrecipes, too, or you could just take a peek into my vintage recipe box. That recipe card is so old and tattered, but really I don’t even need to use it anymore. I’ve made it so many times that I just toss in the ingredients, stir and heat, and after it simmers on the kitchen stove for a while, everyone is clamoring for a bowl of Cheesy Potato and Corn Chowder. I’m sure your family will love it, too! 54

Ask Beth by Beth Brubaker

Dear Beth, After the holidays are over and things get back to normal, the kids don’t like going out to play for long periods of time because it’s too cold (and not always safe here in the city). What can I do to keep my kids occupied and active?

Finished in Frezno Dear Finished, Since you’re in a city, there should be a recreation center close enough for the kids to get to. Recreation centers offer a wide variety of programs for both boys and girls, and the best part is in winter, most of these activities are indoors. You can also check with the managers running the center for active classes they can take, like dancing, basketball, karate or cheerleading. They can still have fun when out of the house, meet new friends, and play in a safe, warm environment. Don’t forget to get them signed up early for springtime activities! Most recreation centers and clubs (like PAL- the Police Athletic League) do their sign-ups in the beginning of the year. So register early to keep your kids moving!

Stay warm and have fun! Beth

Visit Beth Brubaker at her blog, Footprints in the Mud, to read her humorous and inspirational articles on family life, parenting, and her adventures as a Christian wife and mother.


Word Logic Puzzle by Beth Brubaker

These words follow a logical progression: ape tub cat odd ear oaf gal ooh ick taj Which of these would be next? lid man keg fad

Answer key on page 70 56

Deepest Trial by Miriam Jacob In times of deepest trial, people who suffer most speak right words of truth, give wise comfort and counsel, as they pay a huge cost to bind up aching wounds and bitter heartache. They suffer more than most, to see the glowing lamp of life extinguished in a blaze of glory, their cup of joy snatched away at the pinnacle of happiness. Suffering is very hard to bear but it makes us nobler and equips us to help others. Wrest out of suffering all you can to help others, as God wills it of you. Š Miriam Jacob


A Sweet Song by Miriam Jacob A sweet song wafts into the air like a tender prayer. Where is the singer Of this soulful song, sorely wounded, by a cruel thorn? A soul in serene sadness, its wings painfully clipped, sings of love, hope and joy to comfort the hearts of a weeping world; A life of sweetness and pain a stricken soul sings with its heart pierced by a thorn. The Healer’s grace is sufficient for a heart pierced with pain. like the bird singing so sweetly, its heart bled by a thorn. Š Miriam Jacob


Something Out of Nothing by Vintage Mama I remember the story my mama used to tell me about making a little coat for me when I was four or five years old. She was a very resourceful mama, having grown up during the Great Depression, so she had learned over the years how to make something out of nothing. Of course, I didn’t realize we were “poor” and it wasn’t until I was grown up that, looking back, it became apparent to me that we really didn’t have the things that many other families had. She was so proud of herself and her accomplishment! It was autumn or late summer, and it must have been as she was getting ready to send me off to school for the first time . . . . . and as she tried to pull together all of the things a little girl would need to go out into that great big world on her own, she realized I would need a coat for the coming days of winter. One of our favorite things to do when I was a girl was to take a trip to the “city” (about 20 miles away, so we didn’t get to go very often) and visit the thrift store. Actually, that was the only place we were likely to go because we could get a whole paper grocery bag filled with clothes for 25 cents. And so, if we went “shopping” and spent 50 cents (or maybe a whole dollar!) we were set for a very long time. This particular trip to the thrift store included the purchase of a ladies winter coat. I actually can’t remember it, only have the “memories” of the stories she used to tell me about this coat. I don’t even know what color it was, but it must have been a very special coat. And it was probably several sizes too big for her, because she had no intention of wearing it. She was going to make something out of it! She brought that beautiful winter coat home and carefully cut it all apart, saving as many of the larger pieces of the wool fabric as possible. And then, she cut it up some more and made another, little, coat out of those pieces. That winter I had a pretty winter coat that my mama made for me out of that discarded coat she bought at the thrift store for 25 cents (or maybe she actually got several more items that day in her brown paper grocery bag for her 25 cents!) I wish I had pictures of that coat – but back then, people didn’t take as many pictures of their kids as they do nowadays. Not even sure we owned a camera. But in my mind, and in my heart, I can see that little coat that my mama made for me. I’m pretty sure that she might have not had a very warm coat that winter, because she didn’t come across an extra 25 cents every day back then.


It’s interesting how our perspectives change over time. I never felt deprived or even noticed that other people had more than we did. I actually remember feeling quite happy as a little girl because we had a little house by a lake, and my mama always had flowers growing in our shabby little yard. Her rock garden always was spilling over with the colorful blooms of flowers she had started from seeds. I had a tire swing in the back yard, right in front of the woods where I played for hours on end, building forts, and slaying imaginary dragons. We didn’t worry about “death by mosquito” back then, and when we played hop scotch in the country road in front of our house we didn’t worry about being kidnapped. I rode my bike down the hill by our house and skinned up my knees plenty of times, and got my legs switched with a prickly branch from a Weeping Willow tree for going by the lake when I had been told NEVER to go down there alone. Winter days, in the absence of real sleds, we would slide down that same hill on pieces of cardboard begged off the bag boy at the local grocery store, and one time when I found a magnifying glass, I spent hours laying on one of those pieces of cardboard as the snow drifted down, investigating the size and shape of the snowflakes that fell all around me. Perhaps that is why I still like to “make something out of nothing.” A trip to the thrift store is like opening a beautifully wrapped present for me. All of the treasures I can find, and all of the “new” stuff I can make out of the “old” stuff that someone else no longer wants . . . . that is really one of my favorite things to do! That little coat my mama made for me apparently made a big impression on my heart and on my life. I’m still pretty happy with the little things in life, still hate to shop (because, after all, it really is no fun at all to go shopping if you’ve never had the money to actually buy anything!), avoid malls like the plague, and find great joy in my accomplishments when I “make something out of nothing.” I guess we all have our own ways of expressing the creativity that God has put into each one of us. My creativity just seems a bit different from most other people – but then life would truly be boring if we were all the same. Right? You can find some of my creations, “something out of nothing,” at my Etsy shop, Tatters to Treasures. We are currently designing and creating our winter collection of patchwork sweater coats, so be sure to stop by for a visit! 60

Refashion Your Way to Fun! Making something NEW from something OLD with Vintage Mama Here are a few fun projects that I found in my journey around the blogosphere – lots of ideas for making something new out of something old!

Mittens from Recycled Sweaters I am always amazed at the beautiful sweaters I find at our local thrift store . . . . sometimes I even find a brand-new sweater, with the tags still on it. Well, whatever the reason for these lovely garments to land in a pile at the thrift shop, I’ll take them! And make something out of them. You can find the complete step-by-step instructions for making mittens out of recycled sweaters HERE.

Refashioned Headband Even though I’m not exactly a fashion diva, I do like to see what people are wearing so that I can focus my creative attention in a direction that might be appealing to potential customers. I’ve been making this kind of headband from upcycled sweaters for years, so when I came across this one, I was quite impressed! It appears that there is a store, or a website, called Anthropologie where you can find lots of really beautiful, fashionable, and “chic” stuff. And then there are the “Anthro” knock-offs and copy cats. This adorable headband looks quick and easy, and it has just enough “bling” to make it sparkle and shine. I love it! Think I’ll pull out a few scraps of sweater fabric out in my studio and see what I can come up with this week. If you want to check out the tutorial, please visit the Flaming Toes blog.

Fingerless Gloves from Vintage Mama’s Cottage Who knew? Not me, that’s for sure . . . . so when I discovered that lots (and lots!) of people were asking for “fingerless gloves,” I stopped asking “Why?” and just got busy making a bunch. We are working on several more pair of these fun and funky little gloves, and the tutorial will be available soon. If you want to learn how to make your own “fingerless gloves,” be watching for the tutorial at Vintage Mama’s Cottage. 61

Make Your Own Valentine’s Day Cards with Printables from Pretty Byrd Designs

And you can make your own set of Little Note Cards with printables from Pretty Byrd Designs!


The Reason by Miranda Hanchar Once there was a time in Bethlehem, When Jesus was born, He was here for a reason. He loved his parents, And he spoke in great wisdom, He loved the Word of God. He was here for a reason. When he was old enough, He started to do his mission, Telling the Good Truth, He was here for a reason. He loved everyone, No matter how small, tall, broken or happy, He was here for a reason. He was mocked and persecuted, He told everyone the Truth, That he was the way to have eternal life in heaven. While he prayed, It was time that he was betrayed, By a betrayer, but still there was a reason. He was whipped, and spat on, He was hated, Blood rushed down his forehead, He was alone, But he came for a reason. When he was on the cross, He thought of you, To destroy each sin you did He took it upon himself, He died that day. But after three days, Jesus stood, in front of many disciples And He is alive today! He wants you to know he loves you, He came for that reason!


Peace by Miriam Jacob Peace comes after sorrow, hope deferred, defeated, surrendered, unfulfilled; peace gazes at the once-raging tempest now so calm and still, peace of conflicts fought and won, bitterly endured, under the sun; peace in sacrifice, subdued and free; peace that triumphs in Gethsemane. Š Miriam Jacob


In A Fix as to What to Fix by Sharon L. Patterson It’s six o’clock and I’m frantic! Rushing home, I panic Flying through the door That I almost tore Several times from its hinges As being late is one of the fringes Of negative benefit for the working mother. I’d much prefer to smother Myself in Bath and Body’s bubbly delight Than try to decide what to fix tonight For our evening meal. “Oh well, no big deal.” Opening the frig I look over the cheese with molded ridge And reach past Last Thanksgiving Day’s turkey that I froze: Nausea ad finitum, so I close The door and dash to the pantry “No, we’ve already had chicken tenders plenty!” “Voila…a can of Spam… With some seasoning and a little prayer, he’ll think its ham!” Not much else sounds tasteful to my palette So, maybe, I’ll add a nice tossed salad: I’ll get out ‘La Machine’No, I’ve changed my mind…some Lean Cuisine. “Hi, Sweetheart…mmm…I spent The last hour working my culinary talent.” Little does he know What china’s best and candle glow Did to convert Frozen dinners to a home-cooked meal and dessert! 65

Visit Lynn at her blog to read her inspiring and encouraging posts.

Visit Katherine’s Corner for monthly giveaways, weekly blog hops, recipes, and crafts

What’s on your winter reading list? You can find some great ideas at Ruby’s Reading Corner . . . . . Please visit

Ruby’s Reading Corner Every purchase made through

Ruby’s Reading Corner helps support the ministry of Ruby for Women


Do You See God by Angela Hiskett Do you SEE God? Do you see his hand wherever you look? Do you feel him in the wet kisses of a gentle rain? Do you see him in the majestic height of the mountains? Do you hear him in a rolling rumble of thunder? Do you feel him in the gentle caress of a soft breeze? Do you smell him in the floating scent of lilacs in the spring? Do you hear him in the crunch of fallen leaves beneath your feet? Do you see him in a bright striking flash of lightning? Do you taste him in the sweet tang of a freshly picked apple? Do you feel him in the chill of a snowflake melting on your cheek? Do you see him in the soft petals of an opening rose? Do you hear his gentle direction? Do you see him in his word? Do you feel him in your heart? Do you KNOW God?


Give Thanks by Angela Hiskett I hear so much grumbling, so much jealousy, and derogatory mumbling. Haven’t you received blessings from God? Recognize your gifts! In the trees standing tall above, God shows his love. With the tears on your face, God shows his grace. In the flowers gentle scent, God shows his time spent. With the nudging of the Spirit, He urges us to hear it. In the eagle’s spreading wings, God shows he is in everything. With a baby’s bubbling gurgle and bright smile, God shows us he is willing to go the mile. Each and every person in the land, God wants to hold us in his hand. But most of all; God gave his only son, Jesus stepped forward to be the one, to take upon his shoulders all of your sin, so that you still have a chance to win. Recognize all that God has done for you, and give him thanks in all you do!


Snowflake Sudoku Puzzle Answer Key by Beth Brubaker Each box contains the letters to the word “snowflake.” The object is to place the letters of “snowflake” in the empty squares so that each row, each column, and each 3 X 3 box contains each letter only once.


Split Words Puzzle Answer Key by Beth Brubaker Words are split into three sections. Starting from left to right, find the right combination of letters to form five words that describe this beautiful season!

• winter • chilly • frozen • snowed • icicle

Word Logic Puzzle Answer Key by Beth Brubaker Answer: KEG The words begin with a, end with b, begin with c, end with d,….


Christie Browning is an award-winning writer with four Hoosier State Press Association Awards. She founded reVision, a personal and professional coaching company for women. Christie is newly married and resides in Northeast Indiana with her husband Mat. Follow Christie on her blog, ReVision, and read her inspirational magazine, ReVision for Women, for more articles and posts on personal and professional growth.

Carol Peterson writes to educate, entertain and inspire. Her books for the classroom (grades 4-7), supplement curriculum—math, social studies, history and science. Available on or and from Ruby’s Reading Corner. Carol also writes a With Faith like Hers Bible study series. When we understand the ways in which our character or circumstances are similar to women in Scripture, we get a glimpse of how God might see us as He saw His daughters of old. Available are I am Eve, I am Esther and I am Ruth. I am Mary will be released winter 2014 for a Christmas study of Jesus’ mother. From Honor Bound Books and available at as well as from Ruby’s Reading Corner. Carol is a member of the Ruby Blogger Team, and she can also be found at


Custom Blog Design Art and Styling Blog Art by Katherine

Visit Craft Supply Things for all your crafting needs!

Visit Donna Comeaux at her blog, A Writer First, to read her inspirational posts and short stories.

Visit Heather King at Room to Breathe to read her inspirational posts. 72

Visit Kathi Macias at her website for more information about her books and her speaking schedule.

Please join us at Carol’s Book Club and read along. We would love to include you! Stop by Carol’s website at Carol Peterson, Author, and get reading!

The Early Years by Keith Wallis The poems in this omnibus were written quite a while back. Whilst fairly contemporary at the time, some may well have been written differently today. However, some still remain firm favourites in the author's portfolio. “Coaled” (in Marketplace of Masks) found a new lease on life as a short story (“Clive's Journey”) published by Bewildering Stories (issue 333). Read more: 73

Daily devotions for every day of the month from Kristi Burchfiel

Becoming the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved: Discover Your Character in God’s Love Story by Michelle S. Lazurek Becoming the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved: Discover Your Character in God’s Love Story by Michelle S. Lazurek (Winepress Publishing, October, 2011) invites readers to engage with the story God is writing for their lives and discover their role as a character in that story. The book also asks the reader “What’s Your Story?” and provides thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter to allow readers to interact with the material. Becoming the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved is available from Ruby’s Reading Corner. It is also available on her website at , and . You can follow her on Facebook: or Twitter.


Discover your own creative expression with eBook patterns and tutorials from Vintage Mama’s Cottage Create your own handcrafted, one-of-a-kind, heirloom quality “wearable-art” garments for your little ones.


A River of Small Stones by Keith Wallis A beautiful and inspirational book of poetry, perfect for gift-giving for every season of the year! Poems written as “small stones,” polished moments of paying proper attention to life Available at

By Still Waters by Keith Wallis A celebration of life; poems and associated photographs of faith and experience. The light touch of a poet rejoicing in creation. Read more:

“poems from the pit” by Keith Wallis The words and photographs offer a view that there is beauty even in the ‘detritus’ left behind by industry and the litter discarded by the thoughtless. The poems are all inspired by his photographs but may be a little oblique – often showing a train of thought rather than a description. Sample can be viewed at: where you’ll also find his other books.


Stop by Ruby’s Reading Corner the next time you are shopping online for books . . . . every book purchased from Ruby’s Reading Corner helps support the ministry of Ruby for Women. 77

Meet the Ruby for Women Writers Aunt Dots, Master Gardener Aunt Dots has been writing for Ruby for Women since the very beginning. Her love for gardening started early in her life: “I believe I got my love for growing flowers from my mother. She had a large flower garden with annuals and dahlias. I had my first flower garden after I married and we lived in a garden apartment.� She now has perennial gardens, rose gardens, grape vines, asparagus, currants, gooseberries, walnut trees, apple trees, and hazelnut trees. In the winter months, Aunt Dots sews, making quilts that she has donated to a Mennonite Relief auction.

Beth Brubaker, Footprints in the Mud and Ask Beth Beth is the "Family Fun" editor here in the Ruby for Women community. Her biggest thrill is to make others laugh, but also come away with a little wisdom. She is a humorist poet and songwriter, and her day jobs include homemaking, writing, and paper and fabric arts. Beth has been a Christian since her early twenties, and has been married to her "Knight In Dented Armor" since 1997. She is the mother of two teenage children and two cats (she still hasn't told the cats they were adopted...Shh!) Her oldest child has Aspergers, which helps her see things a little differently through his eyes. Beth's passion is the written word, and is developing ways of sharing her brand of humor with the world through poems, songs and stories. She enjoys sharing her struggles and experiences with others, to encourage them to find their own passions and attain what they want out of life- and to find joy and humor along the way. Don't miss Beth's columns and puzzles in every issue of Ruby for Women! You can read Beth's posts on her blog Footprints In The Mud at or emails her at

Lanette Kissel lives in southern Indiana with her adopted Yorkie-Poo, Benjy. She enjoys singing in her huge choir at Crossroads Christian Church. She has been a freelance writer of Christian/Inspirational poetry for twelve years. Recently, she has been writing Inspirational articles and essays, as well as devotions. Her work has appeared in: Mature Living Magazine, Purpose, Live, The War Cry, The Lutheran Journal, The Catholic Yearbook, Silver Wings, Inspired Women Magazine, and others. 78

Lynn Mosher, Devotions

Since the year 2000, Lynn Mosher has lived with fibromyalgia and other physical conditions. During this time, the Lord placed the desire in her heart to write for Him. Now, armed with God’s purpose for her life and a new passion, she reaches out to others to encourage and comfort them through her writing, giving God all the glory. She lives with her husband in their empty nest in Kentucky. On occasion, their three offspring, who have flown the coop, come to visit, accompanied by a son-in-law and three granddaughters. Visit Lynn at her blog, at

Katherine Corrigan, Recipes and Crafts Katherine is a blogger at Katherine’s Corner, an artist, designer, tea drinker and hug giver. She has been a contributor to Ruby for Women for three years. She is originally from England. But she has lived in the USA since 1975. She holds a rare dual citizenship with the UK and the USA and is a proud citizen of both. She greets each day with grace, dignity and gratitude. Thanking God for her strength as she continues to encourage others and moves forward despite her physical challenges. She is happily married and has five grandchildren. After 30 years of working in the medical field and managing other people’s businesses Katherine has her own online shop and graphics business. She never hesitates to contribute to Ruby for Women. She says, “Being part of Ruby for Women is like getting a big hug every day.” Blog Blog Graphics at Shop

Heather King is a wife to a wonderful husband and a mom to three beautiful girls. A former English teacher, she now lives a life of doing dishes, folding laundry, finding lost toys and mending scraped knees. She treks to the grocery store more times a week than she’d like and struggles to keep up with chores, appointments and the to-do list that refreshes itself day after day. In addition to all that, she’s the worship leader at her church in Virginia, a Bible study teacher and women’s ministry leader. You can find her blogging about these times with God at her devotional site: Room To Breathe:

Angie Hiskitt

“I am a child of God, a mother of four, wife to one, teacher to many, a daughter, a sister, a sister-in-law, an aunt, a granddaughter, a pet owner of 7, house-cleaner of 1 husband 4 kids 2 dogs and 5 cats... and a writer. I am also a teacher. I just finished up my first year as a Level 3 special education teacher at the same small town school my children attend. Before that I was the teacher in a self-contained classroom for students with emotional and behavioral disorders in a bit larger district for 7 years. I love the Lord!” You can connect with Angie on her blog, Grant Me Wisdom, Oh Lord.


Miranda Hanchar currently lives in BC Canada with her family and the pet bird (a fiery-shouldered conure) named Kiwi . Miranda grew up in a Christian family and accepted Christ when she was six, but because of backsliding, she recommitted her life to Jesus Christ in grade 9 when she was 15 years old. She hopes with her blog that she can encourage many people to stay closer to Jesus and also that many will receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. She loves to read, watch Sid Roth: It’s Supernatural, browsing the web and spending time with family. You can find her at

Hey y’all! My name is Taylor DeVine. I live on a ranch in the middle of nowhere but I absolutely love it! Riding horses, working cattle, working with horses, reading, writing, running, and cooking are my passions. A mantra of mine is "Fearlessness." Never be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, what you're passionate about, and what you know you have been equipped by the Holy Spirit to do. Follow me on twitter: www.twitter.come/tndevine Subscribe to my blog

Jean Ann Williams is a writer and the author of God's Mercies after Suicide: Blessings Woven through a Mother's Heart, a devotional book written following the death of her son, Joshua. You can connect with Jean Ann on one of her blogs:

Maxine Young

“I was born into a Christian family, attended church every week and church schools even, but it is now as an adult that I am truly learning how to have a personal relationship with the Lord.” You can read Maxine’s articles and posts on her blog, His Work in Progress.

Carol Peterson, Author My mission as a writer is to educate, entertain and inspire–children, their teachers and parents, other writers, and readers of all genres. As a children’s writer I try to “Make Learning Fun” by helping busy teachers address curriculum accountability standards, and encouraging other writers to do the same. You can connect with Carol at her blog, Carol Peterson, Author 80

Ruth O’Neil is a member of the Ruby Blogger Team and she blogs at Ruth’s Real Life. She has recently had her book, Belonging, published. Please visit Ruth at Ruth’s Real Life to read her blog posts and for more information about her new book. Full time mother and author, Corallie Buchanan, is a woman who writes from her heart. Corallie writes regularly for the Christian Woman magazine, Australia's premier magazine for Christian women. In addition to her editing her own work, she contributes material to a number of magazines in the US including The Haven Journal, Inspired Women Magazine, and Ruby for Women. Sharing God's message of love and forgiveness, and mentoring other young writers is her passion. Corallie is also the author of Watch Out! Godly Women on the Loose; a book which won her the award of Young Australian Christian Writer of the Year in 2007. She lives her with husband and daughter in Brisbane, Australia.

Theresa Begin writes her blog, Shoestring Elegance, as a means of ministering to other women who are interested in learning to live well, even on a budget. “I began writing my blog, Shoestring Elegance, because I found that living on a tight budget didn’t mean compromising on style or standing.” Theresa’s favorite verse, which guides her writing, is “Nothing is Impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37) Visit Theresa at her blog at

Gloria Doty: I am a mother of 5 and grandmother of 13. I have owned a catering business, and a Grade A goat dairy. I have managed a restaurant, worked in retail and was Dir. of Children’s’ Ministries for a large church for 10 years. I have been writing since I was in third grade. I currently write 2 blogs about my youngest daughter, Kalisha, and our journey together through the world of mild mental retardation, autism and Aspergers. One blog is written for and is titled “Not Different Enough”. The other blog is I write freelance articles for magazines and am a contributor to two devotional publications: Living the Gospel Life and Hope-Full Living. I do not believe it is possible to make it through a day without faith and a sense of humor, even in the darkest times and I try to always reflect that in my writing.

Marilynn Dawson has authored several books and a series since 2012.

She sings with a community gospel choir and handles both computer tech and sound tech at her church. She lives with her two grown kids, cat, and gerbil in Kelowna BC Canada.For more tidbits of advice, you can order Marilynn’s book, Mom’s Little Black Book: Godly Advice for the High School Graduate, from Ruby’s Reading Corner. You can read Marilynn’s posts on her blog, Song Dove Musings. 81

Connie Arnold, Poetry lives in North Carolina, is married and has two children and three grandchildren. In coping with lupus, fibromyalgia and other difficulties, she has turned to the Lord for inspiration and offers her inspirational poetry to offer encouragement, comfort and hope to others who are suffering. She is the author of Beautiful Moments of Joy and Peace, Abiding Hope and Love, and Abundant Comfort and Grace plus a 2012 inspirational calendar, Glimpses of Grace. She also writes for children and is the author of Animal Sound Mix-up and has two other children’s books under contract. You can visit Connie at or her blog,

Melissa Zelniker-Presser lives with her wonderful husband Shlomi and their three children Avery, Collin and Meadow in South Florida. Melissa was born and raised in a Jewish home and later found Jesus at the age of 35. Shlomi, an Israeli Jew, was not far behind, finding the Lord shortly thereafter. Both Melissa and Shlomi are practicing attorneys in the criminal justice field. Their journey is one of brokenness, mercy and redemption. You can read her blog posts at Work for the Cause Not the Applause. My name is Yvonne Carson, CEO/Founder of Empowerlicious Woman ™. Our tagline is “Feeling Good About the Woman Inside.” When a woman feels good from the inside out she exudes confidence, faith, and assurance in who God created her to be, not by the dictates of society. These attributes are needed, among other things, to live an authentic, purpose-driven life and for fulfilling her unique calling in life. Amanda Stephan is a multi-published Christian romance author who loves sharing God’s love with others. A homeschooling mother and stay at home wife, she finds pleasure in many things from sewing, to baseball and karate, to writing. She is currently working on a three book Christian romantic suspense series and resides in Columbia, TN, with her real-life hero husband of 8 years and two children. You can find Amanda at her website

Sharon Patterson, retired educator, career military wife, and leader in women's ministry, has written inspirational encouragement in various forms from greeting cards to short stories, poetry, and Bible studies for over thirty years. She has authored three books: A Soldier's Strength from the Psalms (2007); Healing for the Holes in Our Souls(2008); and Where Is Happy?(2011). She is a contributing author for Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Book of Miracles and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Answered Prayer; also Gettin' Old Ain't for Wimps (Karen O'Connor,2004) and Special Strength for Special Parents (Nina Fuller, 2006). She and her husband Garry live in Round Rock, Texas. They have three sons and five grandchildren. 82

Connie Chandler lives in a Hobbit Hole in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where she teaches and serves in international refugee ministry. She loves studying the Bible, trying new things, listening to stories, going on adventures, and drinking hot tea. She sits in a wheelchair because she has a disability that weakens her muscles but not her spirit. She shares the stories of God’s strength and faithfulness in her life on her blog:

Christie Browning has more than 20 years of writing, developmental coaching and teaching experience. She is a four-time Hoosier State Press Association Award winner with two first-place designations for her editorial feature stories. Originally from Tennessee, Christie now resides in Indiana.

Miriam Jacob is an author and poet in cyberspace, having published a series of E-Books at She is a book reviewer at CHRISTIAN BOOK DISTRIBUTORS, BARNES AND NOBLE, GOOGLE BOOKS and HARPER COLLINS CHRISTIAN PUBLISHING (BookLook Bloggers). She writes reviews for Christian books, in the categories of literary fiction, non-fiction, poetry and politics. Her articles and book reviews are published on her blog: “AUTHORS FOR CHRIST”

Michelle S. Lazurek has been a pastor's wife for over twelve years. Whether it is through writing counseling material, organizing ladies retreats or mentoring women in her church, Michelle considers each day an opportunity to find her place in God's story. In 2007, Michelle and her husband Joe planted Praxis Church. Michelle holds a Master's degree in Counseling and Human Relations from Liberty University. She has two beautiful children: Caleb and Leah. Michelle provides tips for busy writers on her blog The Writers’ Tapestry: Where Writing and Life Intertwine

Donna Comeaux resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her husband, Glenn. Together, they have two children and five grandchildren. She draws inspiration from her life, the life of others, the news, and her wild and vivid imagination. She is a freelance writer and has written several poems for funerals and weddings, and is in the process of editing her first completed family saga, White Castle. She will begin work on her second novel, Taken by Choice, and start writing a collection of short stories in 2014.


Keith Wallis, Poet-in-Residence Keith Wallis is an English poet. He is a senior part of the leadership team of Houghton Regis Baptist church. An engineering designer by trade, he brings an eye for detail as well as faith into his poetry. As well as being ‘poet in residence’ at Ruby ezine, he is a moderator at His blog of ekphrasic poetry is: where you’ll also find links to his books and his other blogs. Married to Val in 1970, he has two sons and three grandsons. The eldest grandson is disabled and cannot communicate verbally. Though not an ‘academic’ (school was a disaster!) he was always fond of writing. He began submitting work for publication in the 1980’s after being encouraged by a community writer in residence.

Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor Amanda has been writing for Ruby for Women for over four years, and she has been a free-lance writer for several years, beginning her writing career as a young teen-ager. She also worked for Love Unveiled, a ministry to women in undeveloped countries around the world. Amanda brings experience as well as a passion for ministry to the work of Ruby for Women, and she has a heart for reaching out and touching the hearts and lives of women everywhere. Amanda will be working with all of our writers on their submissions, as well as assisting in keeping the Ruby for Women blog and website up-to-date with new information daily.

Nina Newton, Sr. Editor When all of my four older children were in school, I returned to college as a “non-traditional student.” Eventually, I earned degrees in Classics and Philosophy, and a graduate degree in Medieval Studies: History of Theology. After teaching at a small community college in Michigan for seven years, my husband and I were blessed with the adoption of our two beautiful daughters, Gracie and Annie. Gracie is 13 years old and Annie is 11. They were both born in China, and we were able to travel to China two times to bring our daughters home. We live in northern Indiana in a small farming community where I work on Ruby for Women in my home office. I have recently had the opportunity to offer my handmade and refashioned garments and accessories in a local shop, the Apple Pie Boutique, under the creative name of “Vintage Mama’s Cottage.” My personal blog is at where I frequently post tutorials and patterns for crafts and other sewing projects, as well as weekly reflections on life as a woman, wife, mother, and daughter of the King. 84

Credits and Copyrights All stories and articles are copyright by the authors. All pictures and images are copyright by the authors and / or have been purchased, used by permission or are in the public domain. If any pictures or images have been used inadvertently, and they do not belong in this publication, please email us and we will immediately remove them. Nothing in this issue of Ruby for Women may be reproduced, copied, or shared without the permission of the author. Advertising information is available by contacting our Administrative Assistant, Karen Burdge at Questions? Email Nina @ or Amanda @ Ruby for Women is published by All submission inquiries should be directed to Nina Newton, Sr. Editor Ruby for Women or Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor Advertising inquiries should be directed to Creative Consultant, Katherine Corrigan of Blog Art by Katherine

Please visit the Ruby for Women blog for information about submissions, advertising, or to read previous issues of the Ruby for Women magazine. i

Holley Gerth, You’re Made for a God Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You, (Grand Rapids: Revell Books, 2013), 30. www.rubyforwomen

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