Teable Design Report - A Pu'er tea Tea Cakes Breaking and Brewing Set

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Houseware 2019 _ Mak Ming Huen Ruby

P. 3-43 P. 44-49 P. 50-63 P. 64-94 P. 95-126 P. 127-128 P. 129-139





- Product concepts and strategy typically revolve around the idea of positioning a product's unique identity in a crowded market.

Target user

old couple

who live by themself

Market Research

- Developing

knowledge and data about markets and customers.


forget Something E.G Eat medicine or drink water old couple who live by themself

teenager come to fine them once a week but not daily

Hong Kong Population Projections 2017-2066 Common in HK

Census and Statistics Department

**studies may require analysis on the projected population with foreign domestic helpers excluded.

-Significant increase in the number of deaths due to an ageing population

- decrease in the number of births

-With post-war baby boomers entering old age, the number of elderly persons aged 65 and over is projected to more than double in the coming 20 years.

-the number of elderly persons will increase from 1.16 million (16.6% of the total population) in 2016 by over a million to 2.37 million (31.1%) in 2036. Compared with the growth of about half a million in the last 20 years (from 1996 to 2016), the elderly population will increase distinctly at a much faster pace in the future.

-It is also worth noting that the elderly population will remain at over 2.3 million for at least 30 years.

-In 2066, the number of elderly persons is projected to reach 2.59 million (36.6%).

-It is also worth noting that the elderly population will remain at over 2.3 million for at least 30 years.

median age of the population

-due to the persistently low fertility rate, the proportion of the population aged under 15 is projected to decrease gradually from 11.8% in 2016 to 9.2% in 2066。

-The ageing trend is also revealed by the increasing median age of the population, which will rise from 44.3 in 2016 to 50.9 in 2036, and further to 54.5 in 2066 (excluding foreign domestic helpers).

2016 Population By-census – Thematic Report: Older Persons 2016 Population By-census

As compared with 10 years ago, the proportion of older persons living with children (including those living with spouse and children and those living with children only) dropped from 53.4% in 2006 to 48.5% in 2016. On the contrary, the proportions of older persons living with spouse only and those living alone rose by 4.0 and 1.5 percentage points respectively over the same period.

The number of domestic households with older persons only (such as older persons living alone and households composed of couples of older persons only) surged as population ageing continued. In 2016, there were 300 906 domestic households with all members (other than foreign domestic helpers) being older persons, which was 67.4% higher than the figure of 179 702 in 2006. Among these households, 39 609 households had foreign domestic helpers, which was about triple the figure in 2006 (12 807), reflecting the growing trend of hiring foreign domestic helpers to take care of older persons.

Even though the ability to write is closely related to the ability to read, it is observed that the proportion of older persons being able to write Chinese (76.0%) was significantly lower than the proportion being able to read Chinese (82.3%).


Even though the ability to write is closely related to the ability to read, it is observed that the proportion of older persons being able to write Chinese (76.0%) was significantly lower than the proportion being able to read Chinese (82.3%).

Educational attainment is linked to many aspects of a person’s development. Research has shown that higher levels of education usually translate into better health status, higher incomes and consequently higher standards of living. People with higher educational level may be less dependent on their families for financial assistance. In Hong Kong, as the education system was not well-developed during the 1930’s to 1950’s, the current cohort of older persons on average had a relatively low level of educational attainment. In addition, many of the current cohort of older persons came from the mainland of China (the Mainland) during their youth. The opportunity of attending school was slim especially for the females from villages.

The number of domestic households with older persons only surged as population ageing continued. In 2016, there were 300 906 domestic households with all members (other than foreign domestic helpers) being older persons, which was 67.4% higher than that of 179 702 in 2006. Among these households, 39 609 households had foreign domestic helpers, which was about triple the figure in 2006 (12 807), reflecting the growing trend of hiring foreign domestic helpers to take care of older persons. It is worth noting that among the 39 609 domestic households consisting of older persons and foreign domestic helpers only, there were 23 759 domestic households in which only one older person was living with foreign domestic helper(s). (Table 7.5)

A larger proportion of working older persons were living with spouse. In 2016, 74.3% of working older persons were living with spouse as compared with 57.1% for non-working older persons.

elderly healthcare BEcome more important


chinese medicine?

packing water into ball?

pack medicine into ball? warm??? Rubber package?

Brain Storming

counting time? Liquid medicine? a stuff that can change liquid medicine into divided package?

Need monitoring

Dont want to eat?> colorful

Definition problem understand the user identify The elderly forgot to take medicine Forget when or which medicine needs to eat Don’t know need to eat how many medicine (liquid) Forget the medicine eat or not Did not drink enough water Don't want to take the medicine, so throw it away

unmet needs Children don't have enough time to monitor them Only meet with parents once a week

Medicine Type

Medicine Type




CASE STUDY Jelly Drops

CASE STUDY edible water


Deliverables Identified user

Trendy Tea related Houseware (for old couples)

project goals

To study the problem and needs of Old couple who are Tea lover

To improve the equipment for Old Tea lover couple

To reduce the risk and trouble of the Old Tea lover couple in using the equipment

To perform site tests of the improvements to evaluate the performance

● ● ● ● ●

Old couple 
 who live by themself
 Tea Lover

Market research:

Problem when Storaing Tea

The Container of the Tea cake is heavy

Easy to broken (Chinese traditional tea container)


Problem when Breaking Tea Cake

Soooo many Equipment

More people become tea lover Now-a day

China's tea consumption still accounts for a large proportion of domestic consumption. In 17 years, the consumption amounted to 1.9 million tons, while the export volume was only 355,000 tons. Therefore, tea consumption is needed . Doing a good job in the domestic market and focusing on the global market may be a direction.

据资料记载,作为中国茶叶外销的重镇,香港与世界上80多个国家和地区保 持着良好的茶叶贸易关系。而在外销的茶叶中,以1998年为例,外销绿茶是 2583.1吨,外销普洱茶和红茶达到了5211.5吨。目前香港市场对普洱茶的需求量 正以每年20%的速度增长。2005年从云南销往香港的普洱茶已过万吨,香港是 内地普洱茶较大的消费市场。 作者:永年普洱_五五开 链接:https://www.jianshu.com/p/1481b2f85852 來源:简书 简书著作权归作者所有,任何形式的转载都请联系作者获得授权并注明出处。

Under the background of this large industry data, the China Industrial Research Institute believes that the development of the tea industry can increase the income of tea farmers and revitalize the regional economy. It can also protect the ecology and develop tourism, and it can also enhance the local cultural style and connotation. The development of tea industry, the integration of tea tourism and the construction of tea towns, the popularization of tea culture, the spirit of tea people promote social harmony and help tea farmers increase their incomes. (Source: Refreshment West-West, source: Nanhao Jiaren)

Conclusion: The average annual tea consumption of Hong Kong people is close to two kilograms, which is nearly six times that of China's per capita tea consumption.

● ● ● ●

Three major tea enterprises entered the list of 2017 China's top 100 franchise chains: analysis of the operation of the three major tea enterprises Source: China Business Research Institute Database

Conclusion: Tea production growth is rapidly Pu'er tea consumer market develops rapidly Pu'er tea company's profits grow rapidly China's tea export value is gradually increasing

Source: China Business Research Institute Database

2018 Tea Industry Big Data Report and Tea Brigade Model Research Report 2018茶葉 產業大數據報告與茶旅模式研究報告 Source: China Merchants Research Institute Release date: 2018-09-25 17:40


= Tradition

The birthplace of Pu'er tea is Yunnan, however , the place that start to drinking Pu'er tea in a Tibetan way. It is the tradition of Guangdong Province, especially Hong Kong.

From the book "Hong Kong and Taiwan Tea Affairs" by Mr. Chen Wenhuai :

"Hong Kong sells five or six thousand tons of Pu'er tea every year. On average, each person drinks about one kilogram a year. a doctor like DR.Cai (Cai Wei) need a least ten kilograms a year."


More people drink and storage tea.
 The tea cake become more expensive.

Elderly in HK love to drink Tea.
 It is a tradition.

tea Cake in China

To have a better Quality of life, people start to change to drink tea cake.

Study History of the Product Innovation

Method of breaking tea Cake In fact, no matter what kind of tea cake, they are layered together. Therefore, it is important to find the interface between the layers, that is the most vulnerable part of tea cakes.

1. Tea cakes are pressed elasticly.It can be tight or loose. If they are simmered by hand, the tea leaves will be incomplete, finely broken, and there will be more tea residue.

2. Making good use of tools is a clever choice, but using scissors, screwdrive rs, hoes, etc. to remove tea cakes is really killing the tea. Please treat Pu'er tea as your partner.

3.Teaspoon and tea needle are the equipment that use on the tea mat, but if we use it for the opening the tea cake, it is too fragile, and it can't be used to dismantled the tea cake.

Study History of the Product Innovation

After finding the entry point, insert the tea knife into the tea cake. Note that the first action is to go straight into the tea cake. The more tea knives are plunged, the more successful they are.

Plug in and sweep first, then you can smash it. Please note that this action is awkward. Use the principle of leverage to slowly open the tea cake.

Then, slowly move the tea ceremony laterally, and change the “creep” of the tea cake from “point” to “face”.

Method of breaking tea Cake

Study History of the Product Innovation

Tea cake equpiment Research E.g. tea knife

To design a product for the elderly that reduce the trouble caused by “the storage and breaking stage of the tea cake.” -------AS There is a big market in Hong Kong

Tea Container Research

Other Container Research

-Most of them cannot storage red tea→ that will break the taste of the tea.
 - Not much design that related to tea cake
 - Difficult to identify the tea AFter put into the container
 -Need to sepearate different tea cake (type,brand,year)
 -Temperature and moisture
 - It is too difficult for elderly to open
 -Different type of tea have different ways to keep
 -The equipment are not set with the container
 -dirt easy left at the bottom

TOPIC : Chinese Tea Cake

The project overview is where you should provide a detailed description of the project that includes as much context and background as possible. “What are you doing?” and “Why are you doing it?”


The project overview is where you should provide a detailed description of the project that includes as much context and background as possible. “What are you doing?” and “Why are you doing it?”





1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


Need to add guideline when breaking the tea cake It will be better if the equipment can definite easily The equipment is not easy to pick up and easy to lost People always hurt themself when breaking the tea Most of them cannot storage red tea→ that will break the taste of the tea. Not much design that related to tea cake Difficult to identify the tea after put into the container Need to sepearate different tea cake (type,brand,year) Temperature and moisture It is too difficult for elderly to open Different type of tea have different ways to keep The equipment are not set with the container dirt easy left at the bottom

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.


Tea production growth is rapidly Pu'er tea consumer market develops rapidly Pu'er tea company's profits grow rapidly China's tea export value is gradually increasing The average annual tea consumption of Hong Kong people is close to two kilograms, which is nearly six times that of China's per capita tea consumption. Elderly in HK love to drink Tea. It is a tradition. To have a better Quality of life, people start to change to drink tea cake. More people drink and storage tea. As the tea cake become more expensive and the price will become more high after storage properly..

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Safety Designability ergonomic easy to open easy to clean

Week 3

Direction confirm

Week 4

Research and Brainstorming

Week 5

Chosen ptoduct Finalize

Week 6-9


Week 10

Model making

Week 11

Model making and prepare present, 3d print

Week 12

3d print

Week 13









Change the way to open the cover


Let the cover can open bigger


3D model the breaking tea cake part out


Change the Shape of the spoon to make it more user friendly


Change the Shape of the spoon to make it more user friendly


The hole is too small Change the handle


1. 2.

Heigher? 400 → 500 cm Change the Wheel


1. 2.

Heigher? 400 → 500 cm Change the Wheel




Deleate the steaming Function


Change the handle


Change the way to take the used water


Deleate the steaming Function

Change the dimention of the leg



2019-02-18 to 2019-04-06

Pu'er tea Tea Cakes Breaking and Brewing Set

Houseware 2019 _ Mak Ming Huen Ruby

love to pour tea (pu erh tea cake) (love to drink tea with friend) Over50(HK) High Class Can Break the tea cake easily Can brew the tea tidily



50 32

Step one : Put the Tea Cake in

Step two : Turn the handle 1 round for 1 people amount tea leaf

So the base will start to turn

So the base will start to turn

So the base will start to turn

Step three : Get the tea leaf by spoon The Frount Part is smooth

Spoon : Easy to put the tea leaf into the tea pot

Tea set can be collected in the TEABLE

Plate can be taken out → Serve People

The cover will not block the user and their friend

Place that collect Un-wanted liquid → Stuff that bigger than the hole can’t get in

Place that collect Un-wanted liquid → Stuff that bigger than the hole can’t get in

Slippery-proof handle for moving

smooth shape make it is more easy to clean

Have a wheel that can turn 180 degree

As the handle can take out , It will not waste the space and will not knock the user easily. It make everything more tidy and clean.

Collected by the bottom part > Both of them have magnet

Open by pressing it Take the bottle out to clean

Open by pressing it Take the bottle out to clean

2019-04-16 to 17 Because of the dealy of the 1:1 model , I try to make a 1: 15 model to prepare for the presentation. And here is the ďŹ nal result.

2019-04-17 Presentation In order to show the 1:1 size, I print another paper to show the scale. Also,as I want to show the dimension, I add a human model beside it.

2019-04-10 to 17 The model was delayed because of transportation. That why there is a 1:15 version made.

2019-04-18 to 26 Sanding for whole day as the factory lower the pixel when they print , there are lots of mistake and a lot of place did not sanded

The hadle can turn smoothly but it become diďŹƒcult to turn after spray.

2019-04-26,2 7 Gently Spray the ďŹ rst color.

2019-04-28,2 9 Time to spray anothe color after the ďŹ rst color dry.

2019-04-30 try to paint the small part that the spray cannot cover greatly.

2019-05-01 After having the photo shooting, some of the paint melt because of the sun so I need to repair it.

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

2019-05-01 Final Shooting

In order to attract user attention and the target group of the product is high class retire group, the poster is trying to be simple as it will make the product look more noble. Also, the bottom part show the most important part of the product to tell the user what this product is used for. The small title of the poster is “ be the champion of the retire life �. This make the user feel that they are the winner if they use this product.

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