Media and Communication Essay

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OBEY How are advertisers using the developments in digital platforms, (such as social networks), and virtual reality to enhance their professional and creative practices on the web and in other environments? Refer in your essay to the different business models that the advertising industry has adopted to take advantage of these innovations in digital media. (cf. The Economist Jan 30, 2010: 10-11)


DEVELOPMENTS IN DIGITAL PLATFORMS #CASTMEMARC connection with consumers. The efficiency of advertising then goes up and business reach out to a wider audience. An example of social media advertising which has used the model of social media to advertiser is the fashion designer, Marc Jacobs. This was a Modelling Campaign which was done on Twitter &

had 70,000 entries. This shows the power of the internet and how many people are using social networking. The brand through advertising becomes part of our bodies, it is embedded in us and our culture. We as consumers become oblivious to the ideologies that the brand is putting out there. Advertising on social media can be very positive for companies. However if you are a developed business it can be a negative experience as the

“Social Networking Sites are themselves rich platforms, allowing an enormous and diverse user base to join groups, play games, share photos, broadcast news, and exchange private messages... Not all Social Networking Site use is equally social” - Moria Burke

BY RUBY SPENCER STUDENT ID: SPE12353241 MEDIA & COMMUNICATION TUTOR- VISHUA MAHABIR ‘The act or practice of calling public attention to one’s product, service, need.’(, 2014) is how the dictionary describes advertising. Brands are now using digital platforms to enhance there professional and creative practices to bring their brand to public attention. ‘In 2013 55% of marketers world wide increased there advertising budget.’ (We Are Social, 2014) This reflects on how advertisers are ‘looking at the way consumer make decisions’. This provides a dynamic view of the process a consumer is likely to go through in making a decision to buy or use a product’ (Percy, R.Rossiter and elliott, 2014). Advertising has come a long way. Mass Production


was non existent and the need for advertising wasn’t really necessary. The industrial revolution was the beginning of the media and it was the being of the consumer culture. The beginning of the industrialisation meant that people for the first time had information on paper and not just people of high culture. At the start of the industrial revolution products had to be advertised to the consumer, however the consumer would only buy things that were needed. Whereas the post modern theory is that we now buy things that we don’t actually need. We are now exposed to more advertising than ever before. Edward Bernays uses the idea of Freud’s Theory which was how to control the masses in which advertisers now make people want things they don’t need by linking mass produced goods to there unconscious minds, and what better way to do this! with the use of digital platforms,

advertisers can create ideologies about a brand through innovative experiences online. This may be through video, interactive posts or simple eye catching images. ‘Advertisers are using the developments in digital platforms more than ever. Marketing executives no longer talk about “reach” or “impressions” as measurements of success. Instead, they aim for “conversations” and “engagement” with their fans.’ (, 2014) Advertisers have adopted models to engage with consumers by using platforms such a social media i.e. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, virtual reality, Gaming and tube advertising. By doing this advertisers are letting culture lead how they are advertising. There are now 2,484,915,152 internet users, 1,856,680,860 active social network users and 6,572,950,124 mobile subscribers. This is positive for companies as they can

Instagram. Marc Jacobs was looking for a new face for his contemporary label, people had to post a picture of themselves to Instagram or Twitter. It was called #CastMeMarc which encouraged fans to submit their best photos in the hope of becoming the brand’s newest face. (Jacobs, 2014). The campaign on Instagram

information travels quickly, harming your image. An example of this was a ‘poster telling staff at Sainsbury’s to encourage customers to spend more during every shopping trip was put up in a shop window instead of the staff room by accident.’ (Mail Online, 2014) the poster was spotted by TV freelancer Chris Dodd, who post-

ed a picture of the sign on Twitter. The internet is powerful and almost anybody can read and write on social media which can harm the reputation of companies. Another example is a advert which was banned on Facebook. This advert featured Diageo Caption Morgan Rum. The ASA accused the brand of implying that alcohol could overcome boredom. This is very damaging for the brand as it has been exposed to a lot of online viewers who can post and share their views online. Facebook have realised there is a demand for advertising over social media to a mass audience. Advertisers will be able to purchase ads via Facebook to display on sites external to the social network through new advertising platform Atlas, which aids marketers in tracking the effectiveness of their campaigns across the internet. The platform is expected to relay the device on which internet users saw and subsequently chose to purchase the advertised product or service through, enabling marketers to target their demographic more effectively. Advertisers that take on this business model will increase their target audience. ‘Advertisers are now willing to experiment with media campaigns on these networks.

Facebook Connections in the USA


DEVELOPMENTS IN DIGITAL PLATFORMS Advertising on social media will have a distinct advantage moving forward as consumers become desensitised to text, display and even rich media ads. Whether they choose to go big or small, the social web equips advertisers with significantly more consumer data points than ever before to improve the targeting and relevance of online advertising.’(Mashable, 2010) An example of this was Sony where they advertised three films on social network sites after advertising the traditional way on television. The online advertisement proved to give the films a significant boost of awareness. (CF. Economist Jan 30, 2010:10-11)



tising example proves it quite well. Already fascinated by the robot culture, United Arrow apparel store in Japan hooked up the mannequins on their store display with Microsoft Kinect. The shoppers and passersby had a great time making the mannequins mimic their moves as a large crowd spent hours in front of the store.’ (Waiz and Waiz, 2013) Other environments such as Billboards and tube stations are full of ideologies from advertising. Advertising in public spaces where people are waiting. ‘Exterion Media is the sole provider of advertising opportunities on the London Underground, providing advertisers/brands/companies the ability to engage with

“3.5 Million passenger journeys a day connects you with the right audience” -


Advertisers also engage with the audience in other digital platforms like virtual reality. This is taking consumers away from their phones and being in the moment. An example of this is Pepsi. They used a Bus stop to create virtual reality by installing a virtual-reality screen, so it appears to show a regular street scene through the glass door. When is actually shows objects flying into the bus stop. This makes the Consumer stop and look and remember what they have seen. We shouldn’t be surprised that marketers at massive brands are among the first to dive in to the technology so they can pump your mind full of their ideas. And in fairness to them, the virtual reality content they’re making is some of the most evolved and sophisticated there is.’(Miller, 2014)

urban audiences when they work, shop and play. The Underground is a significant London icon, with 3.5 million passenger journeys a day that connects you with the right audience.’ (, 2014) Advertisers are now using the business model of tube advertising as an increasing amount of people use the underground. In 2006 an article was published which talked about how advertising underground will open the door for glossier brands, and retail companies will be able to change their advertisements throughout the day.” (, 2014)This highlights how far advertisers business models have some in the last 8 years.

Guerrilla marketing is also another model advertisers have adopted to engage with consumers. An example of this is a Japanese retailer called marionettebot. ‘We always hear about Japanese being ahead in technology, and this guerrilla adver-

Finally countries across the world are inspiring each other with the development of technology and the ways we are now communicating to the consumer. The Company Hi5 were inspired by the Asian Model of companies such as Japans Gree who

produces ‘a service that includes a big online social network, and are already making healthy profits from

GUERRILLA MARKETING sales of games and virtual goods.’ (CF. Economist Jan 30, 2010:10-11) Now the chief technology office says that ‘ gaming and advertising can easily be combined, for instance persuading an advertiser to sponsor a currency used by players.’ (CF. Economist Jan 30, 2010:10-11) . This business model for advertisers works well as they are placing ideologies into games which go unnoticed. This also reflects the Movie ‘They LiveSunglasses’ where ideologies from advertising is all around us, we just now live in a world where advertising becomes Hegemony. The film is about ‘mass-consumable’ entertainment, that tries to reprogram its audience into anti-consumers. Everything we watch in theory asks us to see the world in a certain way, this is enhanced by ideologies that the media is creating. Advertising to engage the consumer can be done in many different ways on a wide range of platforms. Social media, Guerrilla marketing, virtual reality, billboards, tubes, games and many more all contribute to advertising. Most companies use all platforms at once to speak out to a wider audience. However I think the most beneficial advertising is on social networking as they have a growing audience. Adverts can be seen a lot quicker and they can be shared with other users. Social media has become apart of consumers everyday lives and it is still expanding and innovating. There can be negative sides to social media because of the quick pace, however bad news is still news and it is still getting brands noticed.

Krol, C. (2014). How has advertising changed in the last five years? - Telegraph. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Oct. 2014]. The telegraph helped me to understand the chnages that adveristing has gone through in the last 5 years so I could then understand how advertising has changed. A world of connections. (2014). The economist, special addition, pp.10-11. This newpaper helped me understand why the questio was written and what subjects I needed to look at in my essay. Bullas, J. (2014). 22 Social Media Facts and Statistics You Should Know in 2014 - Jeffbullas’s Blog. [online] Jeffbullas’s Blog. Available at: [Accessed 23 Oct. 2014]. Havinf facts in my essay helps to understand the scale of social media and how this then helps advertiser. Percy, l., r.rossiter, j. and elliott, r. (2014). Strategic advertising management. oxford press, pp.10-11. This booked helped me understand the different business models that advertisers use. This then helped me to relate what I was speaking about to business models used., (2014). Lighthouse Digital. [online] Available at: http://www.lighthousedigital. [Accessed 4 Nov. 2014]. This jornal helped me to undetstand who advertising agencys are looking to target at and how they do this. This then helped me to understand why different business models are used. Mashable, (2011). 5 Fresh Digital Media Trends to Watch. [online] Available at: http://mashable. com/2011/03/03/digital-media-trends/ [Accessed 4 Nov. 2014]. This website helped me uderstand what adverts are used and how differen people react to the adverts that are used., (2014). BBC NEWS | Business | Hi-tech adverts to arrive on the Tube. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov. 2014]. Finding out about other enviroments that advertisers use broadened my essay. Tis website helped me to understand how advertising on tubes id important., (2014). London Underground - Exterion Media. [online] Available at: http://www. [Accessed 11 Nov. 4]. This website also helped me understand why the use to tube adverts.. We Are Social, (2014). Social, Digital & Mobile Worldwide in 2014. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2014] This website helped me understand stats behind digital platforms which helped me understand how many peopel are using digital platforms., (2014). the definition of advertising. [online] Available at: browse/advertising [Accessed 18 Nov. 2014]. understanding the meaning of advertising gave me knowledge I need to know to be able to under an advertisers job role and what they do. Jacobs, M. (2014). Check out Marc by Marc Jacobs’ Instagram-cast campaign. [online] Dazed. Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2014]. This was an example of a social media campaign used. Mail Online, (2014). Lidl mocks Sainsbury’s advert urging staff to make shoppers spend more. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2014]. `This article allowed me to speak about disadvantages of social media and why advertising on the internet can be a bad thing. Waiz, S. and Waiz, S. (2013). 13 Great Guerrilla Advertising Examples from 2013. [online] Advergize. Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2014]. This allowed me to talk about different aspects on advertising and why gurrilla advertising is affective. Front cover- Thought Catalog, (2014). 10 Amazing Minimalist Horror Posters You Have To See. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Nov. 2014]. Image of tube-, (2014). [online] Available at: london-underground-train-station.jpg [Accessed 19 Nov. 2014]. Image of hand- Motivational leadership speaker Kevin McCarthy, (2013). Technology Coaching | Kevin McCarthy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Nov. 2014].


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