NWEXAM.COM Fortinet Certifications help you launch and advance your IT Networking career. This Fortinet NSE 7 Network Security Architect NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 PDF gives you the opportunity to identify any knowledge gaps so you can refine your study strategy and ensure a good score in NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 exam.
NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 Exam Questions
NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 Practice Test’s NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 PDF is a comprehensive document containing questions and answers that are compiled and approved by Fortinet NSE 7 Network Security Architect Certified Professionals, so you may rest assured that you have reliable preparation materials. Passing a NSE 7 - FortiOS 6.4 certification exam requires more than buying books and watching videos. You need to explore many practice test questions to be familiar with the test. No matter how much you read during the preparation for your NSE 7 Network Security Architect certification exam if you don’t have any clue what the exam pattern is, there is no way you can develop your confidence before the test. Taking practice tests is therefore very crucial to your success in the NSE 7 Network Security Architect exam.
NSE 7 Network Security Architect NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 Exam Details:-
NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 Exam Questions
Exam Name Fortinet NSE 7 - Enterprise Firewall 6.4 Exam Number NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 - FortiOS 6.4 Exam Price $400 USD Duration 60 minutes Number of Questions 35 Passing Score Pass / Fail Recommended Advanced Threat Protection, Enterprise Firewall, Training Secure Access Exam Registration PEARSON VUE Sample Questions Fortinet NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 Sample Questions Practice Exam Fortinet Network Security Expert 7 - Network Security Architect Practice Test
Fortinet NSE 7 - FortiOS 6.4 NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 Questions and Answers Set 01. What does the dirty flag mean in a FortiGate session? a) Traffic has been blocked by the antivirus inspection. b) The next packet must be re-evaluated against the firewall policies. c) The session must be removed from the former primary unit after an HA failover. d) Traffic has been identified as from an application that is not allowed. 02. The administrator does not have access to the remote gateway. Based on the debug output, what configuration changes can the administrator make to the local gateway to resolve the phase 1 negotiation error? a) Change phase 1 encryption to AESCBC and authentication to SHA128. b) Change phase 1 encryption to 3DES and authentication to CBC. c) Change phase 1 encryption to AES128 and authentication to SHA512. d) Change phase 1 encryption to 3DES and authentication to SHA256.
NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 Exam Questions
03. When does a RADIUS server send an Access-Challenge packet? a) The server does not have the user credentials yet. b) The server requires more information from the user, such as the token code for two-factor authentication. c) The user credentials are wrong. d) The user account is not found in the server. 04. Which of the following statements are correct regarding application layer test commands? (Choose two.) a) They are used to filter real-time debugs. b) They display real-time application debugs. c) Some of them display statistics and configuration information about a feature or process. d) Some of them can be used to restart an application. 05. An administrator has enabled HA session synchronization in a HA cluster with two members. Which flag is added to a primary unit’s session to indicate that it has been synchronized to the secondary unit? a) redir. b) dirty. c) nds. d) synced 06. The CLI command set intelligent-mode <enable | disable> controls the IPS engine’s adaptive scanning behavior. Which of the following statements describes IPS adaptive scanning? a) Determines the optimal number of IPS engines required based on system load. b) Downloads signatures on demand from FDS based on scanning requirements. c) Determines when it is secure enough to stop scanning session traffic.
NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 Exam Questions
d) Choose a matching algorithm based on available memory and the type of inspection being performed. 07. What global configuration setting changes the behavior for contentinspected traffic while FortiGate is in system conserve mode? a) av-failopen b) mem-failopen c) utm-failopen d) ips-failopen 08. How does FortiManager handle FortiGuard requests from FortiGate devices, when it is configured as a local FDS? a) FortiManager can download and maintain local copies of FortiGuard databases. b) FortiManager supports only FortiGuard push to managed devices. c) FortiManager will respond to update requests only if they originate from a managed device. d) FortiManager does not support rating requests. 09. A FortiGate is rebooting unexpectedly without any apparent reason. What troubleshooting tools could an administrator use to get more information about the problem? (Choose two.) a) Firewall monitor. b) Policy monitor. c) Logs. d) Crashlogs. 10. Which configuration can be used to reduce the number of BGP sessions in an IBGP network? a) Neighbor range b) Next-hop-self c) Route reflector d) Neighbor group 4
NSE 7 - EFW 6.4 Exam Questions
Solutions: Question: 01 Question: 02
Question: 03
Question: 04 Question: 05
Answer: b
Answer: b
Answer: c, d
Question: 06 Question: 07
Question: 08
Question: 09 Question: 10
Answer: c
Answer: a
Answer: c, d
Answer: c
Answer: a
Answer: d
Answer: c
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