NETAPP NCHC NS0-403 CERTIFICATION STUDY GUIDE PDF Get complete detail on NS0-403 exam guide to crack Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer. You can collect all information on NS0-403 tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your knowledge on Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer and get ready to crack NS0-403 certification. Explore all information on NS0-403 exam with number of questions, passing percentage and time duration to complete test.
NetApp NCHC NS0-403 Certification Study Guide NetApp NS0-403 Certification Exam Details NetApp NS0-403 certifications are globally accepted and add significant value to any IT professional. The certification gives you a profound understanding of all the workings of the network models and the devices that are utilized with it. is proud to provide to you the best NetApp Exam Guides.
The NetApp NS0-403 Exam is challenging, and thorough preparation is essential for success. This cert guide is designed to help you prepare for the NCHC certification exam. It contains a detailed list of the topics covered on the Professional exam. These guidelines for the NCHC Implementation Engineer will help guide you through the study process for your certification.
NS0-403 NCHC Sample Questions
To obtain Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer certification, you are required to pass the NCHC Implementation Engineer NS0-403 exam. This exam is created keeping in mind the input of professionals in the industry and reveals how Cisco products are used in organizations across the world.
NS0-403 Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer Exam Summary ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Exam Name: Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer Exam Code: NS0-403 Exam Price: $150 (USD) Duration: 90 mins Number of Questions: 60 Passing Score: 65% Exam Registration: PEARSON VUE Sample Questions: NetApp NS0-403 Sample Questions Recommended Practice: NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer Practice Test ● Recommended Training: Deployment and Management of Cloud Volumes ONTAP for Azure
Topics covered in the NetApp NCHC NS0-403 Exam Section DevOps Methodologies
Objectives - Describe using DevOps principles - Describe processes within the software development lifecycle - Demonstrate knowledge of how to monitor Hybrid Cloud solutions - Demonstrate knowledge of how to migrate data between an onScalable Hybrid Cloud premises data center and a public cloud Deployment Practices - Demonstrate knowledge of how to remediate Hybrid Cloud solutions - Demonstrate knowledge of how to use NetApp storage platforms/products for data locality Hybrid Cloud - Describe how to use REST API's Infrastructure - Describe how to automate data services in infrastructure-asAutomation code
NS0-403 NCHC Sample Questions
Objectives - Demonstrate knowledge of how to implement automated persistent storage in containerized environments Persistent Storage for - Describe how to perform application management with Astra Containers - Demonstrate knowledge of how Kubernetes objects are related to NetApp products Advanced - Demonstrate knowledge of how to automate infrastructure for Infrastructure deep learning processes Scenarios - Describe how to implement data lakes for analytic pipelines
What type of questions are on the NetApp NS0-403 exams? ● ● ● ● ●
Single answer multiple choice Multiple answer multiple choice Drag and Drop (DND) Router Simulation Testlet
NCHC NS0-403 Practice Exam Questions. Grab an understanding from these NetApp NS0-403 sample questions and answers and improve your NS0-403 exam preparation towards attaining a Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer Certification. Answering these sample questions will make you familiar with the types of questions you can expect on the actual exam. Doing practice with NCHC Implementation Engineer questions and answers before the exam as much as possible is the key to passing the NetApp NS0-403 certification exam.
NS0-403 Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer Sample Questions:01. Which process refers to the automated release of new applications into production? a) continuous integration b) continuous feedback c) continuous improvement d) continuous deployment 02. You are deploying a containerized application to track user data. However, every time the container is re-created, user data is lost. What do you need to save this data? a) Configuration Management
NS0-403 NCHC Sample Questions
b) Persistent Storage c) Dynamic Proxy d) Elastic Compute 03. Your customer wants a hierarchical view of their Kubernetes clusters, as well as the utilization of pod and namespace objects running inside of the clusters. In addition, they want to be notified when certain health or performance metrics are affecting the objects in the cluster, as well as their storage. In this scenario, which product would satisfy the requirements? a) Spot Elastigroup by NetApp b) NetApp Trident c) NetApp Cloud Insights d) NetApp Cloud Manager 04. As an implementation engineer, you are testing your automation script that you wrote for deploying Cloud Volumes ONTAP for Azure. You want to verify that the ID that you use for the tenant ID field in the JSON body is correct. In this scenario, where would you find this ID in the user interface (UI)? a) Tenant ID in the Cloud Manager UI b) Subscription ID in the Azure Portal c) Workspace ID in the Cloud Manager UI d) Tenant ID in the Azure portal 05. You are instructed to move towards an infrastructure as code process. You need to be able to track changes to the files that you are using. In this scenario, how would you satisfy the requirement? a) Enable WORM configurations for each file. b) Keep the files in a source-content versioning system. c) Enable encryption for each file. d) Keep the files in a block-storage device. 06. You have an on-premises AFF A400 system with SnapMirror replication to a Cloud Volumes ONTAP system. You have a corruption on a source volume and you want to make the destination volume in Cloud Volumes ONTAP writable. In this scenario, which action would you perform on the replication relationship in Cloud Manager? a) break b) sync c) delete
NS0-403 NCHC Sample Questions
d) reverse resync 07. What are two DevOps-related technologies that are used to accelerate processes? (Choose two.) a) Robotic Process Automation (RPA) b) Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (Cl/CD) c) Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) d) Business Process Modelling Ontology (BPMO) 08. Exhibit:
You deployed a Cloud Volumes ONTAP HA pair, and NetApp Cloud Manager automatically provisioned load balancers as shown in the exhibit. You are troubleshooting cross-region trafficand are asked to open a support ticket to enable global access on the load balancers. In this scenario, which public cloud provider would you call to open the ticket? a) Azure b) AWS c) Google Cloud d) IBM 09. Your customer has problems scaling their on-premises compute infrastructure for their Apache Spark clusters; costs are growing rapidly.
NS0-403 NCHC Sample Questions
The customer wants to move their Spark applications to the cloud but is concerned about the difficulty of provisioning and managing their Spark clusters in the cloud and the associated compute costs for hosting their workloads. Which product would satisfy their requirements? a) NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP b) NetApp ONTAP Al c) NetApp Astra Control d) Spot Wave by NetApp 10. You are setting up a DevOps practice for your company. In this scenario, which three tools would you use? (Choose three.) a) ConfigBuilder b) Jenkins c) Github d) ConfigAdvisor e) Docker Solutions: Question: 01 - Answer: b Question: 02 - Answer: c Question: 03 - Answer: a Question: 04 - Answer: c Question: 05 - Answer: b, c, e Question: 06 - Answer: d Question: 07 - Answer: a, b Question: 08 - Answer: b Question: 09 - Answer: c Question: 10 - Answer: d Not every IT certification is intended for professionals, but NetApp certification is a great deal. After achieving this NetApp NS0-403, you can grab an opportunity to be an IT professional with unique capability and can help the industry or get a good job. Many individuals do the Cisco certifications just for the interest, and that payback as a profession because of the worth of this course.
NS0-403 NCHC Sample Questions