NETAPP NS0-184 NCSIE ONTAP CERTIFICATION QUESTIONS & ANSWERS NetApp Certifications help you launch and advance your IT Networking career. This NetApp NCSIE ONTAP NS0-184 PDF gives you the opportunity to identify any knowledge gaps so you can refine your study strategy and ensure a good score in NS0-184 exam.
NS0-184 Practice Test’s NS0-184 PDF is a comprehensive document containing questions and answers that are compiled and approved by NetApp NCSIE ONTAP Certified Professionals, so you may rest assured that you have reliable preparation materials. Passing a NCSIE certification exam requires more than buying books and watching videos. You need to explore many practice test questions to be familiar with the test. No matter how much you read during the preparation for your NCSIE ONTAP certification exam, if you don’t have any clue what the exam pattern is, there is no way you can develop your confidence before the test. Taking practice tests is therefore very crucial to your success in the NCSIE ONTAP exam.
NCSIE ONTAP NS0-184 Exam Details:Exam Name
Storage Installation Engineer ONTAP
Exam Number
Exam Price
$150 USD
90 minutes
Number of Questions 60 Passing Score
Recommended Training
ONTAP Cluster Administration (vILT/ILT) Universal FAS Installation (WBT) ONTAP Hardware Component Troubleshooting and Analysis
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NetApp NS0-184 Sample Questions
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NetApp Certified Storage Installation Engineer ONTAP Practice Test
NetApp NCSIE NS0-184 Questions and Answers Set 01. Click the Exhibit button.
While you are introducing the customer to the NetApp Support website, they ask you to ensure that the new ONTAP storage array is covered by support before you complete the knowledge transfer procedure. Referring to the exhibit, which two widgets would you select to accomplish this task? (Choose two.) a) Active IQ b) Product Support c) Systems d) Contracts and Warranties 02. You are preparing for the installation of a new AFF A400 system with NS224 NS224 storage shelves. You want to gather information on the connectivity options for the external shelves. In this scenario, which NetApp tool would you use for this task? a) Hardware Universe. b) Active IQ Config Advisor c) Active IQ Unified Manager d) Interoperability Matrix Tool
03. You are adding new nodes to a 2-node switchless cluster. According to NetApp, what must you do before adding the nodes? a) You must configure cluster peering. b) must install interconnect switches. c) You must configure vserver peering. d) You must enable a cluster HA 04. A host cannot connect to the namespace configured on an NVMeenabled SVM. In this scenario, what are two reasons for this problem? (Choose two.) a) The namespace has not been added to the subsystem. b) The namespace has not be added to the igroup. c) The igroup has an incorrect NQN. d) The subsystem has an incorrect NQN. 05. During an installation of an AFF A400 cluster, you need to configure secure multitenancy. What will enable you to accomplish this task? a) failover groups b) VLANs c) broadcast domains d) IPspaces 06. What is a benefit of ONTAP System Manager? a) System Manager provides simplified management of service processor tasks. b) System Manager easily configures and provisions storage. c) System Manager easily configures and provisions StorageGRID. d) System Manager provides simplified management of E-Series.
07. According to NetApp documentation, what should be used when using the Cluster Switch Health Monitor (CSHM) and log collection features? a) Telnet b) HTTP c) SSL d) SSH 08. Exhibit:
You just completed racking an AFF A800 cluster running ONTAP 9.8. You are about to cable the controllers to the network. Referring to the exhibit, which two ports should be used to connect to the management network? (Choose two.) a) BMC b) e0M c) eta d) e0a 09. You are installing a new ONTAP 9.8 cluster by using System Manager Guided Setup. In this scenario, which IP address is optional? a) node A IP address b) node B IP address c) gateway IP address d) cluster IP address
10. Exhibit:
You finished installing an ONTAP cluster and must inform the customer of the completion. As part of this exercise, you will show how to configure the ONTAP cluster using ONTAP System Manager, so that NetApp will receive notifications of any future issues. What would you select to allow the customer to receive this information? a) General b) Date and Time c) Users d) AutoSupport
Solutions: Question 01- Answer: c, d Question 02- Answer: a Question 03- Answer: b Question 04- Answer: a, d Question 05- Answer: d Question 06- Answer: b Question 07- Answer: d Question 08- Answer: a, b Question 09- Answer: c Question 10- Answer: d
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