Portfolio Ewa Stańczak

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{ Portfolio } I’m watching such a beautiful world! by EWA STANCZAK





{ Intro } I love scent of flowers, dancing, travelling, swimming, my litlle red dress, herbs in the grandpa’s garden, Traditional Chinese Medicine, old pictures, walking through the mountains, my dog, listening to Nina Simone, working in the dark room, reading ‘Wysokie Obcasy’, practising Tai Chi, mediterranean cuisine and at last but not least – Greg, my friends and familly. This portfolio is all about my love.

running in the forest

{ Drawing } it’s my therapy. I follow the rythm of my mind, I listen to myself and let my hand express what comes to the surface. When I draw I enter into my safe world, a world of a little child who exist only here and now and express itself by joyfull fun and games. I’m in it and yet I can observe it, I’m the process and I’m the observer. I can enter into my head, I can pull to pieces any problem, look into it and gather a distance. I follow my hand and my hand follows the process, it seems like continous exchange between inner and outher but I find this to be whole and undivided phenomenon. When I have an idea I need to close my eyes and concentrate very hard, I need to search for the proper bar, itensity, colour, shape. It is not drawing from external model, it’s like painting with the movements of my soul. It’s demanding, tiring ac-

tivity, it costs me lot of energy that I need to invest in sustaining concentrartion and self-communion and if I get distracted drawing becomes simply manual, two-dimensional and I loose my heart to futher efforts. I almost never practise just for practising itself, I don’t need the precision and allegiance of a copier. Expression is all what I bet for.

into the wild



words about...

{ Photography } Taking a pictures it’s something spetial for me. Why? Because the reason I’m taking them is to catch the moment, to memorise the beauty of life. I can say that the relation beetwen camera and me is strong, it becoms a part of my body, not any more an object, it’s my eye. My experience with photography is quite long and variable. I finished High School of Art with main faculty Photography and Advertisement Art. During this 6 years it wasn’t always so easy to be close to ‘the magic eye’. There was the time that I loved it deeply and also the periods when I was forced to do some pictures, just because I was obliged to do it. So it was very moody relation, and still it is very unstable. I wasn’t happy at that times because taking a pictures is something special for me. Photography series My Place, 2008



{ Motion Graphic } I regard my photography skills as very important. I know very well how to work in the dark room, in the studio, with a group, even as a director. I know how to do reportage, macro, portrets but the greatest passion triggers dealing with my feelings caused by the whole process. I look at the world throught my feelings and I try to be as close to the camera as possible, open my eye and close along with the shutter, sometimes I feel that the border dissapears and we become one. Team work prompts my well developed organizing and creativity potential. I also work with video, I do animation and motion graphic which usually requires team work. I ran one year cours of 3D with Maya How-to video, Tai Chi Chuan, 2010

and 3D Studio Max software, but what I deeply enjoy is 2D animation and video. My projects combine all kinds of multimedia and audio technology: hand-drawn animations, stop motion, motion graphic, flash animations, video and audio.


video motion graphic animation stop motion

‘My first word’, linotype, 100cm × 100cm, 2008

{ Design } is very important area of creation for me. I found it continually astonished, striking and surprising. More I’m united with it, more I want to deeply descover it’s real sens. Beeing up to date with quickly evolve design gives me a real plesure. Basically I accomplish myself in graphic design, motion graphic and web design. I started my design adventure as a student few years ago from small cooperations with friends, customers, teachers or with cultural and commercial institutions. Moreover I choose specialisation − Multimedia and Graphic Design, which I developped in Silesian University in Poland and in ESAD − School of Arts & Crafts in Portugal. Form 2010 I started work as a freelancer. Since that time I cooperate with many polish companies, such as Bank PEKAO SA, Grupa ZYWIEC SA, BRE Leasing, BOS Dom Maklerski, NOVA Aktywna Rekreacja and social institution like Krytyka Polityczna. Poster ‘Kobieta nie jest bieda’, Krytyka Polityczna, 2010

‘ I open my eyes & let my dream come true’ Graphic from Poem Illustration Book, to the lyrics of ‘Hedonia’ by Maria peszek, 2009

moja konkubina, m贸j konkubent, identity project, 2011




{ the


end } never ending story, 2011

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