1 minute read
IMPACT-se's research of a single curriculum often involves the analysis of thousands of pages of textbooks, measured against UNESCO-based standards of peace and tolerance.
Our heartfelt appreciation goes to Prof. Achmad Munjid, for kindly writing an Avant-Propos to this report.
We thank our researchers and translators Mr. Fahmi Taftazani, Ms. Andre Nahra Ikhsanti, Ms. Erni Adelina, Mr. Ahmad Mudhofarul Baqi, Ms. Shenny Fierdha Chumaira, Ms. Olvie Permata Ruliansari Kapoh and Mr. Sidiq Maulana for their work, without which this research would not have been possible.
Our thanks as well to Odeliya Zahfire for proofreading, as well as to Ariel Brodkey, Jessica Horst, and Danya Baird for their help in getting this project off the ground.
Thanks to our team members Sam Hyde, Shahar Levikson, Itam Shalev, and Asher Spekterman, for their incisive comments and quality control of this report,
Finally, our thanks to IMPACT-se's CEO Marcus Sheff and COO Arik Agassi, for their leadership, guidance, and insight throughout the process.
This research has been completed thanks to the generous support of the Ruderman Family Foundation.