Mlnlstry of Envlronment and Food of Denmark The Danish Agricultural Agency
Certificate Pursuant to the Danish Wood Packaging Materials Treatment and Marking Scheme. Thecompany
Partner Pack Træemballage Aps Stadionvej 16 A DK-6800 Varde hereby is certified to:
produce wood packaging materials of purchased debarked and heat treated wood The Company has been assigned the registration nurnber
D K-8 2 0 2
The certification is valid as from 09-01-2019 until 09-01-2020
Date 09. januar 2019
---~~ -----======~~~~~Anette Rasmussen
Companies curren~y certified by the Danish _Agricultural Agency as producers of wood packaging erial ccording to ISPM-is reqmrements are listed at the Agency's webs1te www.lbst.dk > Virksomheder > Træemballage > VV\11- . it vif,omheder
p Form. GA238-1eng
Thc Danish Agncultural Agcncy • Nyropsgade 30 • DK-1 780 Copcnhagen v Denmark Tel - 4533958000 • CVR 2081461 6 • EAN 5798000877955 . mail@lbst.dk . 'www.1bst.dk