Instructional Design Binder

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Rudy Valentino April 2012

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Introduction Reflections Audience Description Learning Style Tests Timeline & Unit Outline Lesson 1 a. Lesson Plan b. Technology Used c. Rubrics 7. Lesson 2 a. Lesson Plan b. Technology Used c. Rubrics 8. Presentation a. Audience b. Learning Style c. Technology d. Lesson 1 – Day 1 e. Lesson 1 – Day 2 f. Lesson 2 – Day 1 g. Lesson 2 – Day 2 h . Assessments 9. Assessments/Projects a. Chapter Test b. Project Overview c. Students Projects 10. Final Project Rubric 11. References

Education J .P. S t e v e n s H.S . - 1 9 9 7 Ru t ge rs - Co lle ge o f En gin e e rin g B.S . Cer a m ic a n d Ma t er ia ls E n gin eer in g - 2 0 0 1 Alt e rn at e Ro u t e fo r Te ac h in g – 2 0 0 4 S e t o n Hall Un iv e rs it y – Co lle ge o f Edu c at io n M.A. In s t r u ct ion a l Des ign a n d Tech n ology

Career Lin de n High S c h o o l Mat h e m at ic s Te ac h e r 2 0 0 4 – Pr es en t Lin de n High S c h o o l Wre s t lin g Co ac h 2 0 0 6 -Pr es en t

Journal – Rudy Valentino Week 1 Reflections Book: Chapter 1 This chapter was interesting and the author made some valid points. I agree with the fact it is important to constantly build upon previous work, and I am constantly doing so every year I reteach a subject. The same material is covered and the assessments come from the same mold, but based on new technology implemented and varied learning styles changing, the teaching methods I use are adapted and expanded on to meet the current needs of students. Over the six short years I have been teaching I have evolved from hand written tests based on boring lectures from the book, written on blackboards with chalk. Now I have document readers, projectors, note-assisted lectures, computer generated tests, and a white board (no more chalk riddled pants). The project described seemed good in theory, but as the author said there are many questions left unanswered in the presentation of it to the students. I feel the when giving a project to students (especially when groups are involved) it is important to beat them to their questions, and already have everything they could possibly think of asking outlined on the rubric. And this is unfortunately mastered by repeating the project and improving on it, because unless you are using someone else’s proven project, the one you created will take a couple of tries to come to fruition. This ensures that their final project will be what you are looking for, and leaves minimal area for misinterpretation of the actual project. Unfortunately as with all assignments there will still be problems. I gave a project on transformations last month with exactly what I was looking for outlined on handout and on the board, and still had students not understand what the had to turn in.

As far as the software requirements go in today’s society, for the most part by high school every student knows as much if not more than most of their teachers (of course not me though), so I rarely will have a problem. And hardware is even better because now a day, over half the students have a camera, video camera, and even internet in their pockets on their smart phones. In the transformation assignment I referred to earlier I had students work in groups of four taking still pictures and videos of various transformations in a controlled environment. Before the assignment I checked to see if each group had at least one person with a smart phone in it, and to my surprise each one did without me having to switch anyone around. All of the goals and ideas are interesting and for the most part important when developing a project, however to be able to include them all in one project may be a little overzealous. I believe it should be learner centered and task orientated, along with giving the students some type of freedom to choose how to come about their final answer. They should be able to come about the final outcome of their project how they see fit as long as the achieve the desired result.

Book: Chapter 2 Over the years I have introduced projects into the learning environment in an effort to try and maximize the learning experience for my students. Over those years I have both succeeded and failed at creating interesting, fun, and educational projects for the students to complete a couple times a year. They were all very different, however focused on the same goal. To try and approach the students learning the material by utilizing different assessment methods.

Any time I created a project, the first thing I took into account was how the students would react to it. I was hoping to create one that would motivate and engage, yet challenge them, all while teaching a concept. I try to look at it though their point of views and not make it a boring research assignment or tedious array of problems. On the other hand, I still have to make sure I focus on the lesson making sure that all the core curriculum standards are met. Because as fun as projects could be made, if the don’t relate to the subject, they are pointless in the classroom. The didactic verse constructive teaching comparison in the book was very interesting. As with everything, education has evolved. I believe didactic learning was a good start but has evolved into constructive learning along the way. Will this be the last type of learning, probably not. For now I believe it is the best method we have at our disposal for the most part. There are parts where the direct method and drilling are important (especially in math with practicing problems based on different methods of solving), but in order to understand how the methods work, students learn best by discovery based learning. With all the different learning styles and ways students interests are maintained it is important to be able to balance the use of both teaching methods. When this balance is found, the majority of the students in a class can be reached at for a greater amount of time leading to a more productive learning environment.

Project Status I am going to try and stay on top of my project as we move along. Everything we do I am currently converting into a visual medium on power point. I plan on making

slides there with mostly visual aspects attached to them, and then place the slides into prezi for my final presentation. I feel this will be the best way to show how my presentation skills have evolved in unison with my time here at Seton Hall. So far I have my introductory slide and a couple on my audience. They involve the school makeup, my class makeup, and my classes learning styles. By making these slides as I go I will not be swamped at the end of this class and be able to modify it as I see fit putting forth the best possible presentation for you. Hopefully this strategy works, but I won’t know till April.

Rudy Valentino

Journal – Rudy Valentino Week 2 Reflections

Book: Chapter 3 Every year a teacher’s class and their students change along with the methods of learning that best fit these students. This is why a course could not be taught the same way each year and it is up to a teacher to modify their lessons to fit the desired needs of their new classes. The same goes for PBL’s. As the book states teachers tend to take successful projects from other teachers and adapt them to their style, but I feel it is just as important to do the same to your previous lessons to keep up with the exponentially increasing technology used in the classroom. In math I feel that the most important purpose of a project is to show the students how the mathematical processes they are studying are related to real life. As far a greeting card project goes, I would not be interested for a couple of reasons. First, it does little to help in a Geometry class, and second I will not touch on anything that might offend anyone’s religious, ethical, or moral beliefs. You never know who will get offended in today’s “sue-happy” world. When my wife taught an inclusive pre-school class in Long Branch she had a parent come to her and complain over a “grinch dust” project she sent home with her students. A parent that thought it was inappropriate for their child even though it was an outlined activity in a book for pre-school teachers as a fun holiday project. In the end she had to discontinue it anyway because of the concerns of one parent. My class architecture is fine, and I teach in a newer building across the street from the main high school. My building is much newer and my classroom is actually part of

an addition that is less those seven years old. It is quite large and I have my seats grouped in sets of four to create a cooperate learning environment. I also have projects around the room, along with bright bulletin boards in an effort to create a relaxing learning environment. The last projects I have had my students complete involved them going outside of the classroom into the park adjacent to my building and take pictures and videos of different types of transformations they saw with their phones. About half the student enjoyed it, a quarter were indifferent, and a quarter wanted to go back into the classroom. I was lucky with a 55 degree day in December when I employed the project, but that was because I left a three day window on when I was going to schedule it. I have not done a physical fitness or history project in class, however stress to the students importance of staying in shape, eating right, and how history tends to repeat itself. Obliviously being a math teacher all m projects are focused of math, with science being implemented in some of them. I don’t consider the authors four examples as good projects for math, but if used in conjunction with a greater project, they could be useful. In projects I have had my students use clipart, word or PowerPoint to group multiple pictures into one drawing (I included past bulletin boards on my webpage). For the most part I will create the slide show of the classes finished projects grouped together for presentations based on this. Being that over 50% of my school is eligible for free or reduced lunch and our library hours after school have been scaled back due to budget constraints, I currently do not require students to place their final projects in presentation form and if they give me pictures on a flash drive or e-mail I will gladly do it for them. I will then project it but have them talk about it to the class. As far as the other methods go, we do not have the time or utilities at our disposal in class to make them work yet.

Hopefully as time goes on and prices are lowered, we will receive the tools necessary to make all of this possible.

Book: Chapter 4 I believe that because a student's learning is currently based on constructivism, PBL’s are more important now then they were in the past when it involves teaching concepts to students. I also believe that situated learning, motivation theory, inquirybased leaning, and cooperative learning are all very important to be included into lessons. When I am introducing a new topic I use each type in an effort to get the students to try and learn and more importantly retain the information. Unfortunately in my school the majority of students do not study materials that we go over so it is important to try and get them to understand as much as possible as they are in my presence. As far as problem solving, individual and collaborative, we tend to spend one day a week focusing on these types of problems. Problem based learning projects are relegated to once or twice a marking period, depending on what chapters are being covered. When projects are assigned, originally I made all of them individual based, but now have expanded them to include groups. I feel this is better because they have to choose roles and are motivated by other students in their group to work well at that role. It also teaches them teamwork and leadership skills, which they will utilize in the workforce long after high school. The projects are also meant to challenge the students intelligence, as they are not simple reviews, summary’s, or reports. They make the students create something of their own and let them have freedom to intemperate the rubric as liberally as they would like. None of my projects require writing essays,

however the students are encouraged to outline what they want their project to end up like. They then can show me their ideas and get the “green light” if I think it will work. When it comes to my class’s intelligences you could see by my audience description that I take the classes current preferences into planning my lessons. The first day of class I present them with a sheet, where they have to graph their preferences for me. I then take this information of my classes as a whole and focus on he top two learning styles of each student, trying to implement strategies to teaching this way in my lessons. I also try to determine if my classes tend to like to work as groups or individuals when going over this information based on their interpersonal or intrapersonal results. Typically I tend to touch on each method during a lesson to try and include each type of learner in my lesson. As far as Sternberg’s intelligences go, I really have never focused on them, at least knowingly, because I really don’t remember ever hearing about them. I guess my classes focus on componential intelligence, followed by practical intelligence. I do not recognize Perkins and do not base any of my lessons on his strategies. There are so many different categories and ways to measure intelligences I think that you should just pick one group and focus on that. There is not nearly enough time in a class period to try and teach all the different ways that different authors suggest, and in the end they are all basically from the same mold anyway. I tend to use projects for the same reason as given. I know that if done properly it will motivate the class more than a typical lesson and increase their ability to solve problems on the fly in methods other than ones we use in class. When group projects are assigned I think that they increase student’s collaboration skills, as well as their management and responsibility levels. Pretty much they are a valuable tool that, as I stated before, if done properly, can benefit the learning experience in a classroom greatly.

Project Status My time line has been created and my unit on quadrilaterals will consist of eight lessons spanning over ten days. After the unit there will also be a review day and test day, as well as a day for the students to present projects they will be assigned at the start of the unit. I also have determined that I will focus my lesson plans for this class on a) finding angle measurements in polygons, and b) identifying quadrilaterals. The second lesson will help sum up all of the previous lessons and be a great lead into their projects. I also have completed my unit outline where I broke my lessons down into what I will be covering each day. All follow the same basic formula which tend to work for how my lessons are structured (students seem to thrive with consistency). I have taught this unit for the past 5 years and have been tweaking it every year. I hope with the help of this class I will focus on taking a big leap on the effectiveness on it with the inclusion of more technology. My lesson plan has been started and I plan on having it finished by class this week. Also my final presentation slide sow is growing, as I have added some new charts to it to go along with my charts and lessons. I plan on keeping it updated, so all I have to do at the end of class is put it into a flashy slide show and spruce it up.

Rudy Valentino

Journal – Rudy Valentino Week 3 Reflections

Book: Chapter 5 Upon getting started with a project, I do not feel the need to “quiz� my students on previous projects they have completed nor take inventory of their likes and dislikes associated with these projects. I instead take projects I created from previous years and modify them based on problems that were run into by past students. I do believe that the purpose of a project is to allow the student to express their creativity; however I also agree that you have to have specific instructions and more importantly examples of what you are looking for in the end. The past examples in conjunction with a scoring rubric always help students see what their finished project needs to be giving them an idea what they will need to accomplish in order to receive the grade they are looking for. It also helps them get started quicker by eliminating possible poor decisions that end up wasting their time. I also feel it is important to interact with the students to make sure not only that they remain on task, but that they are headed down the right path as far a completing the project correctly. To many times have I seen a student put forth an incredible amount of effort on a great looking project that has nothing to do with the curriculum it was suppose to reinforce. And sometimes if I catch them too late, they will just give up and not turn in anything at all because of the level of anxiety and anger caused by not doing it correctly to begin with. I do like the chart concepts for the students, but do not think that the timelines are all that important for projects in class. My projects tasks are interchangeable and for the most part are done as a take home assignment, so a timeline would not be of any use. I

prefer to set up charts to show what concepts are needed in the projects with boxes to check off when a task is completed. Unfortunately with the amount of curriculum I teach and it being of a Geometry or Calculus background I do not have the time to give as extensive projects as the book described. Maybe someday down the road if I teach another subject I will be able to create projects that can span over 45 days of a marking period, but for now I will have to settle for the shorter less advanced ones.

Book: Chapter 6 Coming from a didactic teaching mold I choose to go in a different direction instead of continuing down the same less efficient path. In my teaching experience I found the flaws in that method when introducing information to students who are learning at an average to below average level. When teaching higher level students that choose to take my class (my Calculus class) I feel that the didactic method works fine, and will actually better prepare the students for college. Being that most my students are in Geometry classes I tend to introduce a multitude of methods to try and keep them all interested and learning including PBL’s. The goals of my PBL lessons are directly intertwined with the goals of my actual lesson. I just implement the instructional technology to expand on what once was an ordinary lecture. My goals when giving a project are very similar to the authors and I feel the more closely the students follow these goals, the better of an understanding they get of the subject we are covering. My projects are derived from a unit topic, and help bring together the six or seven lessons that make up that unit. I use it as an ending assessment in conjunction with the students test scores in an effort to measure the classes understanding of the subject that was covered. Since I usually assign one project a

marking period (four a year), I try and split them with two being individual based and two being team based projects. When teams are involved I tend to give the students more time in class to work together due to the fact that they would not be able to meet outside of school. This way they could define roles, plan out their parts, and set up what they are responsible for. Before the turn it in I then give them another day in class together to let them piece their work together and get a finished project ready for me. This is because I want one group project as opposed to four individual ones. As stated earlier I don’t have a lot of time to spend in class on projects due to having 12 units of about 6-7 lessons each that I need the students mastering by June. That in conjunction with HSPA days we are required to spend one day a week on (teaching HSPA based word problems to the students based on past tests) it will be difficult to teach via one of these advanced PBL methods. I also feel in math it is very important to practice many problems as possible when learning new methods, which may be overlooked if I was just implementing a PBL project to teach the lesson. If my time was not a restricted or if I taught a different type of class I would defiantly develop and utilize these types of lessons.

Project Status Lesson Plan # 1 on Angle measurements in a Polygon has been created and perfected. I am sure it will need no further work and I am prepared to start working on my second lesson plan already. All of my other binder work required as of now is done (time line and unit plan), and my classmates agree that they are now perfect. I also have photographed all of my student’s results for their learning style assignments so that I can place multiple pictures in slides instead of having 96 pieces of graph paper in my binder. This way I can also present the method I used to interpret results.

As far as my final project goes, I have deigned the backgrounds for my PowerPoint slides utilizing my incredible production skills. I have also set up a Prezi for the presentation and will try and plug some slides into it this week. I am staying on top of it, and should have a great presentation when time comes. I also have created an Xtranormal description of myself that I need to se if I would like to utilize or not.

Rudy Valentino

Journal – Rudy Valentino Week 4 Reflections

Book: Chapter 7 Electronic portfolios are a convenient way not only to collect and store past projects, but a great reference of what type of polished project me as the teacher am looking for. Instead of keeping piles of projects stored somewhere, I have been utilizing electronic portfolios the last couple years to store and keep track of projects students have turned into me. This is a great way to be able to keep their hard earned work on file as well as show my future classes what I am expecting when looking for a good project. I do use a rubric for grading, but a lot of times it is easier for the students to know what to do by looking at a finished project as opposed to a chart with confusing point scores. As far as stakes go, I generally weight projects on an even plane as tests, so students tend to have pretty high stakes on them. The stakes tend to be the highest when the students know they struggle on written tests so they use the projects to give their grades a boost. They also tend to be higher for students who lack homework assignments for the same reasons. The stakes on my projects tend to be lower only if the students do not typically do any work outside class in general, or if they do not recognize the importance of the project. Being in a poorer district I cannot include IT assessment as a major part of my grading. I do include it in my projects, but as an option. I allow the students to perform an alternate task as opposed to the IT in an effort to include everyone in the project (not everyone in my class has computers or internet at home). Let me note that for the most part students always find a way to include the technology. I can teach them how to use

all the technological knowledge that is out there, but if they do not have the tools at home to implement this knowledge I can not hold it against them. With rubrics (I included one of mine on Wordpress), I prefer the 0 – 3 point ones as opposed to the six point one described in the book. By reducing the complexities in the scoring it is easier for the students to see what they need to include in a project to succeed. I also tend to be more specific on how to acquire each point in each category because for math projects it works easier this way. Personally the only time I would use a six point scale was if I was performing surveys, or judging someone’s preferences. Finally I don’t believe that any of my students have created their own electronic portfolios yet. Eventually as technology becomes more intertwined between all of their classes is when this will become more common. I predict this will not take place for another 5-10 years though, and will rely on teachers becoming more familiar with the technologies themselves. Either by attrition of the older generation of teachers, or a professional development implementation and classes for the newer ones.

Book: Chapter 8 Five years ago IT-assisted PBL was something that I never heard of nor thought I would ever implement in class. Even though computers have been around for a while, only recently have they been accessible on such a grandiose level. That in conjunction with the internet being used more as a teaching tool and classrooms becoming more technological will lead to an implosion of IT PBL’s. The price reductions of computer hardware and increased availability in households have made it easier to include a greater number of students in these projects. The days of actually cutting and pasting projects will soon be faded out by the copy and pasting on computer screens.

The task team structure was an interesting concept, however without training from the educators it will not work. I am lucky enough to grow up along with the technology so I am on top of it. However not everyone is, so it will be important to get more educators on board before this will take flight. Without the support of teachers the students have in previous years or even the same year it will be harder to implement. Working together, teachers can change the way projects are implemented and the way students learn. But if I am out there trying this alone, I will have to put as much effort into how to use the technology as I do the information I am trying to cover in class. And as I stated earlier, I barely have enough time to cover the entire curriculum necessary none the less technology uses. Eventually technology in the classroom will right itself, and by that time there will be a new innovative way to perform projects and we get to start over. Till then it is do the best you can with what you have to work with.

Project Status I have transferred my information from my template to the one provided for Lesson Plan #1. It is now better since I used the template provided by Dr. Skeele to do my original lesson plan. It is very efficient and should be wonderful. I have also created a rubric for the project I will be implementing in my second lesson plan, and sketched out some ideas on how I am going to approach the two days I will spend on the topic of Quadrilateral descriptions. I have a visual vocabulary lesson I created in Production I that I plan on using to help the class figure out what they need to do for the project. I have also created a Prezi page for my topic (link on my Wordpress) and have the first part of my presentation completed. I transformed PowerPoint slides into videos so that they would play within the Prezi. This way I can have more liberties with my slide

animations. So far I have my introduction of myself, audience description, and learning style determination. As far as my lesson plan descriptions go, I plan on showing them a different way after getting some ideas from the in class presentation we saw in class on Wednesday. I plan on creating a video utilizing PowerPoint and my production skills to compare old traditional styles of teaching with the new technological innovations. Hopefully this will turn out nice, and I will not be trying to implement more than I can handle.

Rudy Valentino

Journal – Rudy Valentino Week 5 Reflections

Project Status I have readjusted my Lesson Plan 1, and now it is complete. I did this because I have created a Geometers Sketchpad based lesson for the first day. I have also decided to take two days to teach the lesson as opposed to teaching it one day and practicing problems the next. After finishing up my first lesson, I went on to design my second. I have created a 2 day lesson implementing Prezi, PowerPoint, some templates, assisted notes, a project with rubric and some example problems. Everything for the lesson is already made and I have put them all together in the form of a lesson plan. I have also planned out how I am going to present my lessons during the final project. It should turn out to be good. Everything else is on time and as final copies.

Rudy Valentino

Journal – Rudy Valentino Week 6 Reflections

Book: Appendix A I believe that there should always be a purpose or goal in every exercise, and that if there is none present the exercise in pointless to the learner. I also agree with the author that projects should show the learners understanding of everything that they have learned over the previous couple of weeks. His third goal of using one’s knowledge and newly acquired skills to apply the learning to new situations is also valid, but in my classes not as important as his first two. Our main goal as teachers is to give students information and more importantly have them retain it long after they leave our classes. As a math teacher I am trying to prepare my students for the next level I mathamatics and strengthen there core knowledge in the math curriculum as a whole. If they simply cram and forget the information months later, the class will not be beneficial to them at all, and they will struggle at the next level because of this. Formulas, concepts and even vocabulary could all be found now with the click of a mouse or even flick of a finger on their phones so I tend focus more on how and when to apply these concepts in situations, as opposed to memorizations of tables and charts. When I give out my projects I ensure that they contain certain key elements that will be beneficial to the students understanding. All the information on the topics are always available, however they have to be able to use to use that information to complete their projects. First and foremost they have to figure out how to go about using the information presented to them to solve problems based on concepts we have went over in

class. Next they will have developed a way to present these projects which fit within a designed rubric. As the author states, I too judge their project on understanding, use of knowledge and skills, and computers with technological use. It is important to use computers when completing these projects in various manners. I agree that although desktop presentations are important in teaching, computers should be utilized in more manners. They can be a median to use great programs such as PowerPoint, Geometer’s Sketch Pad, Adobe Reader, Prezi, and graphing calculator applications, along with the Internet and everything that it entails. In my classes I use computers everyday, and when a student presents me with their project they have the opportunity to do so by any technological means necessary. I do not like to confine then to a specific presentation median, because I feel that when doing so their creativeness is inhibited. As far as IT-assisted learning and computer assisted learning go, I would like to say in the last two years I have steered my classes in these directions. As soon as a LCD projector was made available to me last year I had started modifying my lessons away from writing on boards and in turn projected them onto screens. Currently I use my projector in conjunction with my computer every day in class, and feel that in doing so have increased the efficiency of my teaching. Not only are the lessons easier to see, containing of interactivity and more structured, but they also are more visual pleasing. They can contain graphics and/or animations that I was previously unable to present to the class due to my lack of artistic ability. I also upload current notes from my class for the day onto website called which can be viewed by students who are absent, in in school suspension, suspended out of school, or even on home instruction.

Everything that I did in class is on the website, and if there are any further questions comments or messages could be left to me and I will get back to the students. Technology has done so much to improve he ability to teach at a higher level and as it keeps evolving so with our teaching craft. If we do not evolve along with it we are failing as teachers and doing a disservice to our schools and more importantly our students.

Project Status: I have completed both lesson plans for my project and no longer need to work on them. I have also tweaked my unit plans, and can say that both my time line and unit summaries are completed too. I have most of the materials that I will be implementing in my lessons already completed over the last week. For Lesson Plan 1, I have created my Geometer’s Sketch pad activity, modified my assisted notes, created my PowerPoint examples, and set up an outline on how I will present all of this in April. For Lesson Plan 2, I have created my assisted notes, created a project along with rubric, made a Prezi based on vocabulary words, created a interactive PowerPoint, and made 2 other sheets to be filed in by my students. I pretty much have both lessons wrapped up and as soon as I take some pictures I will begin to piece them together to create a trio of short movies though PowerPoint. These movies will then be uploaded onto my Prezi and then presented to my professors.

Rudy Valentino

Journal – Rudy Valentino Week 7 Reflections

Book: Appendix B I too think that to much teaching today is based on needless fact memorization as opposed to knowing how to utilize those facts. As I have stated in past reflections I try to base my teachings and projects on the latter, knowing from experience that most the time something is memorized for the purpose of a test it is forgotten very shortly. It is a short term solution as opposed to giving the student the facts and having them solve problems based on those facts. In the end this will have a greater use to them because in real life settings they will have access to any facts they need either by a book, asking someone, the internet, and now a days there phone. I can relate this because when I was back in school I was told spelling was very important. As a math/science minded person I was horrible at it and never did well at those tests. No matter what my teachers try to do to teach it to me it was of no use. Fast forward to today, I still am not the best speller in the world and am seeing red underlined words all over these reflections as I type them. But after the click of spell check everything is fine, and all those annoying days of trying to learn how to spell words I will never use come back to me as what they really were. A useless waste of time. Time that could have been spent bettering myself in another area, one would have actually been useful to me in life. I also agree with the author in the fact that a lot of times teaching this way relies on what the students previous teacher did or did not do with them. Too many times have students come into my class with little or no background knowledge they were suppose to have learned the previous years in mathematics, making it more difficult to get right into

critical thinking problems. I found by grouping them together and letting them help each other alleviates a lot of this because they tend to become less discouraged when being helped by a peer as oppose to a teacher. Furthermore they do not have to have the anxiety of slowing down the classes when we are pushing ahead. I also make sure that I review all concepts that will be involved to ensure that all the information they previously ingested is brought back to the forefront of their brains. Problem solving, be it a basic one step algebraic problem, a word problem from the SAT, a complex two page calculus problem, or detailed project all follows the same mold. Figure out what information is necessary, figure out how to use that information, and come up with a solution. Mess up any of those steps and failure is eminent, complete all successfully and achievement is gained. This is kind of like the authors four components in a simplified form. EVERY time I introduce a new concept to my students I ALWAYS go step by step showing them how I go about solving the problem. Then I show them again. It is important for them to see the process more than knowing a formula or theorem. To many times do I see teachers write a formula on the board and then follow it with a page number and problems form a book as they sit back. Lazy ignorant teaching methods with no structure, no pay off, and no cohesion. How do the students know if what they are doing is right, how do they know if they are going at an acceptable speed, how can in todays go go go world we expect them to stay on task? I like using different approaches to represent my problems, however teaching in a title I district I am limited by socio-economical gaps in students. I cannot force students to complete projects on computers because some do not have them at home. I cannot require them to utilize smart phones in class because some students do not own them. I can however give them the option of using these tools as long as I give the students with

out the means the same opportunity to complete these assignments or projects sans the technology. As far as strategies go I also believe the author makes some excellent points in the varied solving strategies. Moursund is correct when mentioning that every problemsolving domain has its own strategies. This is why I feel importance in exposing any student who steps though my door to as many different problems, scenarios, modifications, and strategies as possible. The more they are exposed to, the greater chance that they will have in succeeding on there own when the time calls for it. We gave the HSPA this week at my school in which the students typically have a poor track record in passing. All of the material in it is covered in the curriculum, so how could this happen? My theory is simple, they are taught how to solve the problems in equation form, but the HSPA being all word problems, they are not taught how to apply the knowledge when dealing with words. If they could extract the correct information from the problems and figure out what formula to use they would probably do much better. It’s like the transfer of learning and there knowledge from the classroom into a testing scenario. Lastly I would just like to say by teaching students problem solving skills I feel like I am preparing them for more than just a Geometry or Calculus class. These skills could not only be used in mathematics, but all there other subjects in school. More importantly problem solving skills can be used by them in there lives regardless as to which route they decide to take after school. Every day people are constantly solving problems and the earlier we learn how to go about solving them then the better off quality of life becomes.

Project Status Update: I have officially finished everything for my unit except for my PowerPoint presentation on my two lessons. I have made all of my technology for both lessons already, and created all of my rubrics for each lesson. I have also started to assemble my binders and have everything in them already except for the introduction, table of contents, and final PowerPoint slides for my two lessons. I plan on using pictures of my actual class during my lessons on it and sine I don’t start teaching that unit until March 19th, I will not have the slides ready until it is completed. I also hope to have the students have there projects completed before my final presentation so I could show how slight modifications in it have increased it effectiveness from last year to this year.

Final Reflection Project Status I have finally finished my project and am done with all academic endeavors for the foreseeable future. This week I tweaked my final project and finished making my binders. I also turned my Prezi lesson into a video for use in PowerPoint because it was giving me loading problems in the walk through. I am confident that my project will cap an excellent day of presentations for the professors and am honored to be the last student going. This class was not as hard as everyone was making it out to be, and as long as someone works on their project a little bit at a time they will not have any trouble with it. I used the strategy of doing everything nearly perfect the first time so I had little work to do in fixing any mistakes. I would highly suggest this method for any incoming students. As far as the classes went they were somewhat helpful, but I felt that the peer reviews were overused and that the time could have been used for something more useful. Almost every time someone looked at my work I received it back with just a grammatical or spelling error so they did not help me much. I would suggest in the future multiple reviews in the same class day instead of spreading them out over multiple weeks. Overall the class did help, and I was able to create a spectacular binder and presentation that represents the knowledge that I have gained over the past year and a half. Now I can just hope that my idea of a great project is the same as the professors judging it. The Instructional Design Masters as a whole was very helpful to me and I learned many interesting techniques in implementing technology into my classroom. Personally I did not really care for the papers or lesson plans, but loved how I was able to master PowerPoint, Prezi, Web Page Creation, and production skills. The Smart Board program was also excellent even though I don’t have one yet, but you never know. I would say my favorite classes were

Production I & II and my Web design Class. The reason I picked them was because the classes involved constantly working on projects with little instructional time. I was able to hands on learn, which is my strength, and was able to learn the most (and most useful stuff) in these classes. I am certainly glad I had the alternate route credits transferred because I would not have looked forward to taking the classes they replaced. Too bad the credits here cost too much or I might have considered continuing on to a +30 or even my doctorate.

EDST6306 – Instructional Design and Technology Audience Description Characteristics: My Geometry CP classes consist of a microcosm of the Linden High School student population, with the exception of grades levels. According to the most recent census it is made up of 1,760 students, half being male and being half female with approximately one quarter of the students in each grade. The school is primarily made up of Black (35%), Hispanic (35%) and White (25%) students where about half are eligible for a free or reduced lunch. In addition 16% of the students are classified with a type of disability and are either in a special education classroom or an inclusive classroom with general education students. Instead of planning for each Geometry CP class individually, I tend to lesson plan for them all together grouping them together as one large audience being that I teach them all the same information at the same speeds. I have four Geometry College Prep level classes of a combined 96 students, with class sizes of 24, 23, 24, and 25. The ethnic makeup is on par with the schools, however my classes have a greater number of males by a 57% to 43% ratio. My classes are also primarily made of approximately one-third freshman and two-thirds sophomore students with two junior and one senior retaking the class. Pre-Assignment: In order to be eligible for a Geometry CP classes in Linden High School the students must have scored in the “Proficient� level on their NJ ASK 3-8 test in Middle School. This is a score of 200-250, where below 200 is non-proficient and they would be placed in a general level class, and above 250 is advanced-proficient and they would be placed in an honors level class. An exception would be if a sophomore did exceptionally well in their Algebra I class the previous year and was advanced to the CP level, or if a student was doing very poorly in an Honors class and dropped down in an effort to create a better paced learning environment for them. The reason the class has both sophomores and freshman is that some 8th grade students take Algebra I (a pre-requisite) where as some take pre-Algebra, leading to their 9th grade placement of Algebra or Geometry. The district is working at trying to get the majority of 8th graders taking Algebra I so that they could begin their HS career in Geometry. In addition the students have had been exposed to Geometry on a basic level in their previous classes and should have a medium to strong Algebra and Arithmetic background. As far as my class goes, all the Geometry lessons begin with relatively new topics, as opposed to building on each other as they did in Algebra classes. If they had done poorly or very good on one chapter it does not necessarily mean they will do poorly or good on the next one. Basically the lessons coincide with each other but the 12 chapters in the book are independent in the material that each contains

Learning Styles: In the start of every year I give a learning style activity to my students to try and get a general idea of how they should be approached. Typically I break down the results into two areas, type and interpersonal or intrapersonal, to try and garner a greater understanding of their learning styles. This year I found that across the board by a 48% margin my students seemed to have a primary or secondary learning style of Logical. This leads me to teach problem based lessons with good amount of self-discovery and student lead learning. I use assisted note taking techniques, question and answer sessions, and a lot of student participation to focus on this area. Their second favorite type of learning at 40% fell under the Kinestic or movement category. My students seem to want to be very active so I let them place answers on the board, participate in activities where they are moving around the classroom, and try to make some of the projects assigned more interactive than research based. The class also seemed to have high verbal and visual (35% each) student based learning in it, so I also have to plan my lessons to include these concepts. This first achieved by including definition descriptions, writing out answers, and solving word problems for the verbal students. Then I use various programs including PowerPoint, Geo Sketch Pad, Adobe, and others in conjunction with my LCD projector. I also utilize charts and graphs to go along with the written information I provide for the class. It seems for everything I show the class I tend to show it at least two to three ways in an effort to cover which ever learning style best suits them. As far as the musical and nature styles in my class, interest was lacking so I do not implement that many activities focused on those styles. As far as intrapersonal and interpersonal goes, the class leaned towards interpersonal learning with a 54% to 26% edge. The remaining 20% scored equal in both personality types. This tells me that the class is comfortable in groups as opposed to individual work when it comes to their learning. From this information I was able to design a more efficient seating arrangement for my classroom to maximize learning potential. I did this by grouping my seats in sets of four and placing them about the class. This gave me constant groups instead of moving tables together for certain activities. Because of this the stronger students are able to help the weaker ones in an environment that encourages conversations when working on problems. The students geared more towards themselves are able to work alone and sometimes even help or are helped by others gradually bring them out of their protective shell. I also structure my reviews around their learning too. I have students work in their groups (teams) to solve problems I place on the board. Each team answers together with each member of that team taking turns writing the answer down on a dry erase “communicator� to show me. The students that are more intrapersonal tend to write the problems down in their note and solve on their own before comparing their answers with their teammates. Different Learners: I do not teach any inclusive classes (mix of special education and general education classes) this year so I do not have as many classified students as I have had in the past. As a matter of fact out of my 96 Geometry students I only have 2, both classified with ADHD. Being

that I feel with today’s new generation geared towards a go-go-go state, along with me having ADD tendencies, most of my lessons are geared towards an ADD/ADHD type learner. They have a lot going on, however each part is well defined and follow a logical progression. I do not leave time in lessons for students to “zone out� or become distracted by outside influences, and try to keep a high energy environment through my teachings. I also let the students move about when placing answers to problems on the board, and classified students in my class are given more time on tests if they need it. For the most part you would never be able to even pick them out, and besides the extra time, seat placement in the front of the classroom, and occasional talking to get them back on track. The only other type of student present in my classes is ESL or ELL students. In our school they range in levels, but with the help of WIDA proficiency standards I am able to help get my message across to all of them. Most of the students understand and comprehend what I am saying and teaching, and some of them even score the highest on tests in my class. I encourage them to speak up and participate in class and help them out if they are struggling to find a word. Out of about 10 students in the ESL program in my classes, only 2 cannot speak English well whereas Spanish is their primary language. Luckily I teach Math which is a universal language, use lots of charts, graphs and visuals, and have plenty of fluent Spanish Speakers in my classrooms making the language barrier not become a major problem. An interesting survey last year it was found that in Linden only 58% of the homes spoke English as a primary language, whereas Spanish was primarily spoken in 24% on Polish was the primary language in 6%. Because these specialized students are so few and their modifications fit into my teaching style anyway, I do not need to adjust my lessons for any individuals. They are already prepared so if a student from any background enters my class they will be in an optimal learning environment for themselves due to the many different approaches I take to describe all Geometric methods.

Rudy Valentino

Perceptual Learning-Style Preference Questionnaire by Joy Reid

Directions People learn in many different ways. For example, some people learn primarily with their eyes (visual learners) or with the ears (auditory learners); some people prefer to learn by experience and/or by "hands-on" tasks (kinesthetic or tactile learners); some people learn better when they work alone while others prefer to learn in groups. This questionnaire has been designed to help you identify the way(s) you learn best--the way(s) you prefer to learn. Decide whether you agree or disagree with each statement. For example, if you strong agree, mark: SA





Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree

X Item 1. When the teacher tells me the instructions I understand better. 2. I prefer to learn by doing something in class. 3. I get more work done when I work with others. 4. I learn more when I study with a group. 5. In class, I learn best when I work with others. 6. I learn better by reading what the teacher writes on the chalkboard. 7. When someone tells me how to do something in class, I learn it better. 8. When I do things in class, I learn better. 9. I remember things I have heard in class better than things I have read. 10. When I read instructions, I remember them better.






11. I learn more when I can make a model of something. 12. I understand better when I read instructions. 13. When I study alone, I remember things better. 14. I learn more when I make something for a class project. 15. I enjoy learning in class by doing experiments. 16. I learn better when I make drawings as I study. 17. I learn better in class when the teacher gives a lecture. 18. When I work alone, I learn better. 19. I understand things better in class when I participate in roleplaying. 20. I learn better in class when I listen to someone. 21. I enjoy working on an assignment with two or three classmates. 22. When I build something, I remember what I have learned better. 23. I prefer to study with others. 24. I learn better by reading than by listening to someone. 25. I enjoy making something for a class project. 26. I learn best in class when I can participate in related activities. 27. In class, I work better when I work alone. 28. I prefer working on projects by myself. 29. I learn more by reading textbooks than by listening to lectures. 30. I prefer to work by myself

Self-Scoring Sheet Instructions There are 5 questions for each learning category in this questionnaire. The questions are grouped below according to each learning style. Each question you answer has a numerical value. SA





Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree






Fill in the blanks below with the numerical value of each answer. For example, if answered Strongly Agree (SA) for question 6 (a visual question), write a number 5 (SA) on the blank next to question 6 below. Visual 6=5 When you have completed all the numerical values for Visual, add the numbers. Multiply the answer by 2, and put the total in the appropriate blank. Follow the process for each of the learning style categories. When you are finished, look at the scale at the bottom of the page; it will help you determine your major learning style preference(s), your minor learning style preference(s), and those learning style(s) that are negligible.

Major learning Style Preference


Minor Learning Style Preference




Explanation of Learning Style Preferences Students learn in many different ways. The questionnaire you completed and scored showed which ways you prefer to learn English. In many cases, students' learning style preferences show how well students learn material in different situations. The explanations of major learning style preferences below describe the characteristics of those learners. The descriptions will give you some information about ways in which you learn best.

Visual Major Learning Style Preference You learn well from seeing words in books, on the chalkboard, and in workbooks. You remember and understand information and instructions better if you read them. You don't need as much oral explanation as an auditory learner, and you can often learn alone, with a book. You should take notes of lectures and oral directions if you want to remember the information.

Auditory Major Learning Style Preference You learn from hearing words spoken and from oral explanations. You may remember information by reading aloud or moving your lips as you read, especially when you are learning new material. You benefit from hearing audio tapes, lectures, and class discussions. You benefit from making tapes to listen to, by teaching other students, and by conversing with your teacher.

Kinesthetic Major Learning Style Preference You learn best by experience, by being involved physically in classroom experiences. You remember information well when you actively participate in activities, field trips, and role-playing in the classroom. A combination of stimuli--for example, an audiotape combined with an activity--will help you understand new material.

Tactile Major Learning Style Preference You learn best when you have the opportunity to do "hands-on" experiences with materials. That is, working on experiments in a laboratory, handling and building models, and touching and working with materials provide you with the most successful learning situation. Writing notes or instructions can help you remember information, and physical involvement in class related activities may help you understand new information.

Group Major Learning Style Preference You learn more easily when you study with at least one other student, and you will be more successful completing work well when you work with others. You value group interaction and class work with other students, and you remember information better when you work with two or three classmates. The stimulation you receive from group work helps you learn and understand new information.

Individual Major Learning Style Preference You learn best when you work alone. You think better when you study alone, and you remember information you learn by yourself. You understand new material best when you learn it alone, and you make better progress in learning when you work by yourself.

Minor Learning Styles In most cases, minor learning styles indicate areas where you can function well as a learner. Usually a very successful learner can learn in several different ways.

Negligible Learning Styles Often, a negligible score indicates that you may have difficulty learning in that way. One solution may be to direct your learning to your stronger styles. Another solution might be to try to work on some of the skills to strengthen your learning style in the negligible area. This explanation was adapted from the C.I.T.E. Learning Styles Instrument, Murdoch Teacher Center, Wichita, Kansas 67208. Copyright 1984, by Joy Reid. If you wish to use this questionnaire, contact Joy Reid.

Multiple Intelligences Inventory Copyright 1999 Walter McKenzie, The One and Only Surfaquarium

Part I Complete each section by placing a “1� next to each statement you feel accurately describes you. If you do not identify with a statement, leave the space provided blank. Then total the column in each section. Section 1 _____ I enjoy categorizing things by common traits _____ Ecological issues are important to me _____ Classification helps me make sense of new data _____ I enjoy working in a garden _____ I believe preserving our National Parks is important _____ Putting things in hierarchies makes sense to me _____ Animals are important in my life _____ My home has a recycling system in place _____ I enjoy studying biology, botany and/or zoology _____ I pick up on subtle differences in meaning _____ TOTAL for Section 1 Section 2 _____ I easily pick up on patterns _____ I focus in on noise and sounds _____ Moving to a beat is easy for me _____ I enjoy making music _____ I respond to the cadence of poetry _____ I remember things by putting them in a rhyme _____ Concentration is difficult for me if there is background noise _____ Listening to sounds in nature can be very relaxing _____ Musicals are more engagingto me than dramatic plays _____ Remembering song lyrics is easy for me _____ TOTAL for Section 2 Section 3 _____ I am known for being neat and orderly _____ Step-by-step directions are a big help _____ Problem solving comes easily to me _____ I get easily frustrated with disorganized people _____ I can complete calculations quickly in my head _____ Logic puzzles are fun _____ I can't begin an assignment until I have all my "ducks in a row" _____ Structure is a good thing _____ I enjoy troubleshooting something that isn't working properly _____ Things have to make sense to me or I am dissatisfied _____ TOTAL for Section 3

Section 4 _____ It is important to see my role in the “big picture” of things _____ I enjoy discussing questions about life _____ Religion is important to me _____ I enjoy viewing art work _____ Relaxation and meditation exercises are rewarding to me _____ I like traveling to visit inspiring places _____ I enjoy reading philosophers _____ Learning new things is easier when I see their real world application _____ I wonder if there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe _____ It is important for me to feel connected to people, ideas and beliefs _____ TOTAL for Section 4

Section 5 _____ I learn best interacting with others _____ I enjoy informal chat and serious discussion _____ The more the merrier _____ I often serve as a leader among peers and colleagues _____ I value relationships more than ideas or accomplishments _____ Study groups are very productive for me _____ I am a “team player” _____ Friends are important to me _____ I belong to more than three clubs or organizations _____ I dislike working alone _____ TOTAL for Section 5

Section 6 _____ I learn by doing _____ I enjoy making things with my hands _____ Sports are a part of my life _____ I use gestures and non-verbal cues when I communicate _____ Demonstrating is better than explaining _____ I love to dance _____ I like working with tools _____ Inactivity can make me more tired than being very busy _____ Hands-on activities are fun _____ I live an active lifestyle _____ TOTAL for Section 6

Section 7 _____ Foreign languages interest me _____ I enjoy reading books, magazines and web sites _____ I keep a journal _____ Word puzzles like crosswords or jumbles are enjoyable _____ Taking notes helps me remember and understand _____ I faithfully contact friends through letters and/or e-mail _____ It is easy for me to explain my ideas to others _____ I write for pleasure _____ Puns, anagrams and spoonerisms are fun _____ I enjoy public speaking and participating in debates _____ TOTAL for Section 7

Section 8 _____ My attitude effects how I learn _____ I like to be involved in causes that help others _____ I am keenly aware of my moral beliefs _____ I learn best when I have an emotional attachment to the subject _____ Fairness is important to me _____ Social justice issues interest me _____ Working alone can be just as productive as working in a group _____ I need to know why I should do something before I agree to do it _____ When I believe in something I give more effort towards it _____ I am willing to protest or sign a petition to right a wrong _____ TOTAL for Section 8

Section 9 _____ Rearranging a room and redecorating are fun for me _____ I enjoy creating my own works of art _____ I remember better using graphic organizers _____ I enjoy all kinds of entertainment media _____ Charts, graphs and tables help me interpret data _____ A music video can make me more interested in a song _____ I can recall things as mental pictures _____ I am good at reading maps and blueprints _____ Three dimensional puzzles are fun _____ I can visualize ideas in my mind _____ TOTAL for Section 9 . .

Part II Now carry forward your total from each section and multiply by 10 below: Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Total Forward

Multiply X10 X10 X10 X10 X10 X10 X10 X10 X10


Part III Now plot your scores on the bar graph provided:

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Sec 1

Sec 2

Sec 3

Sec 4

Sec 5

Sec 6

Sec 7

Sec 8

Sec 9

Part IV – What is your strength?? Section 1 – This reflects your Naturalist strength Section 2 – This suggests your Musical strength Section 3 – This indicates your Logical strength Section 4 – This gives your Existential strength Section 9 – this suggests your Visual strength

Section 5 – This shows your Interpersonal strength Section 6 – This tells your Kinesthetic strength Section 7 – This indicates your Verbal strength Section 8 – This tells your Intrapersonal strength

What are my Learning Strengths? Research shows that all human beings have at least eight different types of intelligence. Depending on your background and age, some intelligences are more developed than others. This activity will help you find out what your strengths are. Knowing this, you can work to strengthen the other intelligences that you do not use as often.

Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

Logical/Mathematical Intelligence

___I enjoy telling stories and jokes ___I really enjoy my math class ___I have a good memory for trivia ___I like logical math puzzles or brain ___I enjoy word games (e.g. Scrabble & teasers puzzles) ___I find solving math problems to be fun ___I read books just for fun ___If I have to memorize something I tend ___I am a good speller (most of the time) to place events in a logical order ___In an argument I tend to use put-downs or ___I like to find out how things work sarcasm ___I enjoy computer and any math games ___I like talking and writing about my ideas ___I love playing chess, checkers or ___If I have to memorize something I create a Monopoly rhyme or saying to help me remember ___In an argument, I try to find a fair and ___If something breaks and won't work, I logical solution read the instruction book first ___If something breaks and won't work, I ___For a group presentation I prefer to do the look at the pieces and try to figure out writing and library research how it works ___For a group presentation I prefer to create the charts and graphs

Visual/Spatial Intelligence ___I prefer a map to written directions ___I daydream a lot ___I enjoy hobbies such as photography ___I like to draw and create ___If I have to memorize something I draw a diagram to help me remember ___I like to doodle on paper whenever I can ___In a magazine, I prefer looking at the pictures rather than reading the text ___In an argument I try to keep my distance, keep silent or visualize some solution ___If something breaks and won't work I tend to study the diagram of how it works ___For a group presentation I prefer to draw all the pictures

Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence ___My favorite class is gym since I like sports ___I enjoy activities such as sewing, woodworking, or building models ___When looking at things, I like touching them ___I have trouble sitting still for any length of time ___I use a lot of body movements when talking ___If I have to memorize something I write it out a number of times until I know it ___I tend to tap my fingers or play with my pencil during class ___In a argument I tend to strike out and hit or run away ___If something breaks and won't work I tend to play with the pieces to try to fit them together ___For a group presentation I prefer to move the props around, hold things up or build a model

Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence

Interpersonal Intelligence

___I enjoy listening to CD's and the radio ___I tend to hum to myself when working ___I like to sing ___I play a musical instrument quite well ___I like to have music playing when doing homework or studying ___If I have to memorize something I try to create a rhyme about the event ___I an argument I tend to shout or punch or move in some sort of rhythm ___I can remember the melodies of many songs ___If something breaks and won't work I tend to tap my fingers to a beat while I figure it out ___For a group presentation I prefer to put new words to a popular tune or use music

___I get along well with others ___I like to belong to clubs and organizations ___I have several very close friends ___I like helping teach other students ___I like working with others in groups ___Friends ask my advice because I seem to be a natural leader ___If I have to memorize something I ask someone to quiz me to see if I know it ___In an argument I tend ask a friend or some person in authority for help ___If something breaks and won't work I try to find someone who can help me ___For a group presentation I like to help organize the group's efforts

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Naturalist Intelligence

___I like to work alone without anyone bothering me ___I like to keep a diary ___I like myself (most of the time) ___I don't like crowds ___I know what I am good at and what I am weak at ___I find that I am strong-willed, independent and don't follow the crowd ___If I have to memorize something I tend to close my eyes and feel the situation ___In an argument I will usually walk away until I calm down ___If something breaks and won't work, I wonder if it's worth fixing up ___For a group presentation I like to contribute something that is uniquely mine, often based on how I feel

___I am keenly aware of my surroundings and of what goes on around me ___I love to go walking in the woods and looking at the trees and flowers ___I enjoy gardening ___I like to collect things (e.g., rocks, sports cards, stamps, etc.) ___As an adult, I think I would like to get away from the city and enjoy nature ___If I have to memorize something, I tend to organize it into categories ___I enjoy learning the names of living things in our environment, such as flowers and trees ___In an argument I tend to compare my opponent to someone or something I have read or heard about and react accordingly ___If something breaks down, I look around me to try and see what I can find to fix the problem ___For a group presentation I prefer to organize and classify the information into categories so it makes sense

TOTAL SCORE _______Verbal/Linguistic _______Musical/Rhythmic _______Logical/Mathematical _______Interpersonal _______Visual/Spatial _______Intrapersonal _______Bodily/Kinesthetic _______Naturalist

Quadrilaterals – Unit Outline Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Finding Angle Measurements in Polygons

Properties of Parallelograms

Proving Parallelograms are Quadrilaterals

Properties of Rhombuses, Squares and Rectangles

Day 1    

Day 3  New Vocabulary  Parallelogram side theorem  Parallelogram opposite angle theorem  Parallelogram adjacent angle theorem  Parallelogram diagonal theorems  Practice problems

Day 4  Converse parallelogram side theorem  Converse parallelogram opposite angle theorem  Converse parallelogram adjacent angle theorem  Converse parallelogram diagonal theorems  Parallelogram summary  Practice problems

Day 5     

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

Lesson 8


Properties of Trapezoids

Properties of Kites

Identifying Quadrilaterals

Review – Test - Project

Draw Polygons Interactive Sketchpad Visual Polygon interior angle theorem Finding angle measurements in polygons

Day 2  Angle measurement recap  Polygon exterior angle theorem  Finding angle measures in regular polygons  Students complete assisted notes as class

Day 6    

Day 9  Revisit properties of all the Quadrilaterals  Fill in Quadrilateral sheet  Practice problems from note packet  Explanation of project Day 10  Prezi Recap of Vocab from Quadrilateral Unit  Grouping Specialized Quadrilaterals with PowerPoint  Example Problems Will put notes from each Lesson on

New Vocabulary Trapezoid side theorem Trapezoid angle theorem Isosceles trapezoid side and angle theorems  Practice problems Day 7  Trapezoid midsegment postulate  Converse trapezoid midsegment postulate  Practice Problems 

Day 8  New Vocabulary  Kite side theorem  Kite opposite angle theorem  Practice Problems

New Vocabulary Rhombus corollaries Rectangle corollaries Square corollaries Rhombus diagonal theorems  Rectangle diagonal theorems  Square diagonal theorems  Practice Problems

Day 11  Review Rules of Quadrilaterals  Practice multiple problems Day 12  Test on Quadrilaterals and their properties Day 13  Presentation of students projects via projector

Seton Hall University College of Education & Human Services Graduate Studies and Special Programs

GSSP Lesson Plan 8.1 – Quadrilaterals – Finding Angle Measurements in Polygons Name: Rudy Valentino Date: 3/19/2012 & 3/20/2012 School: Linden High School Setting/Grade Level: Classroom / 9th & 10th Subject(s) : Geometry CP – Algebra I Lesson Theme or Topic: Finding Angle Measurements in Polygons Composition of Class:

Male - 55

Female - 41

ESL - 10

IEP - 2


Inclusion Class: No GOALS, OBJECTIVE(S), STANDARDS 1. Established Goals Students will be able to have the full understanding of all the concepts involving finding different angle measurements in or outside polygons depending on the number of sides and configurations they have derived from a sketch or statement. 2. Student Knowledge, Skills and Enduring Understandings The student will be able to: 1. Find the sum of the interior angles of a polygon based on its number of sides. 2. Determine the number of sides of a polygon based on the sum of its interior angles 3. Identify a missing angle measurement inside a polygon based on the number of sides and other angle measurements inside that polygon. 4. Discover the measure of the exterior angles of a polygon based on other exterior angle measurements 5. Give the measure of each angle of a regular polygon based on the number of sides it has 3. Common Core State Standards initiative:

Mathematics High School: Algebra Creating Equations Create Equations that describe numbers or relationships.

A-CED.1. Create equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems. Include equations arising from linear and quadratic functions, and simple rational and exponential functions. Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning. A-REI.1. Explain each step in solving a simple equation as following from the equality of numbers asserted at the previous step, starting from the assumption that the original equation has a solution. Construct a viable argument to justify a solution method. Solve equations and inequalities in one variable. A-REI.3. Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable, including equations with coefficients represented by letters. High School: Functions Building Functions Build a function that models a relationship between two quantities F-BF.1. Write a function that describes a relationship between two quantities.  Determine an explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for calculation from a context.  Combine standard function types using arithmetic operations. For example, build a function that models the temperature of a cooling body by adding a constant function to a decaying exponential, and relate these functions to the model High School: Geometry Congruence Prove geometric theorems G-CO.9. Prove theorems about lines and angles. Theorems include: vertical angles are congruent; when a transversal crosses parallel lines, alternate interior angles are congruent and corresponding angles are congruent; points on a perpendicular bisector of a line segment are exactly those equidistant from the segment’s endpoints. G-CO.10. Prove theorems about triangles. Theorems include: measures of interior angles of a triangle sum to 180°; base angles of isosceles triangles are congruent; the segment joining midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half the length; the medians of a triangle meet at a point. Make geometric constructions G-CO.12. Make formal geometric constructions with a variety of tools and methods (compass and straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.). Copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a segment; bisecting an angle; constructing perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment; and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line. NJCCC Technology Standards 8.1 Educational Technology A. Technology Operations and Concepts 12. The use of technology and digital tools require knowledge and the appropriate use of operations and related applications. 3. Participate in online courses, learning communities, social networks, or virtual worlds and recognize them as resources for lifelong learning.

B. Creativity and Innovation 2. The use of digital tools and media-rich resources enhances creativity and the construction of knowledge. 1. Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using digital tools and media-rich resources. C. Communication and Collaboration 2. Digital tools and environments support the learning process and foster collaboration in solving local or global issues and problems. 1. Engage in a variety of developmentally appropriate learning activities with students in other classes, schools, or countries using electronic tools. METHODOLOGY Collaborative Learning – Students will go over the lesson as a class so the students will remain focused on task. Problem Solving – Students will solve problems based on angles of polygon measurements to ensure understanding. Drill/Practice – Students will practice multiple problems on their own to reinforce the lesson View/Listen/Answer – At the end of the lesson I will put problems on a PowerPoint slide for the class to answer. Group Discussion – We will discuss the rules as a class, describing why it is rational. Discovery/Inquiry – They will use rulers at start of period to discover as the sides of a polygon increase you can draw another triangle inside of it. From this they will infer that as the sides of polygons increase by 1 the interior angles increase by 180˚. This enforces the definition of the rule much better than having them copy down the formula. Technology/Delivery – I will use a LCD projector in conjunction with a document reader to enforce my lesson for the visual and ESL/ELL learners. I will also utilize assisted notes to keep the students on track and focused at the pertinent information involved. This will involve using a document reader to project classwork as well as students work on the board to save time (they don’t have to come up and rewrite their answers). I will be using Geometers Sketchpad to show angle relationships. I will also be projecting a PowerPoint slide show with examples of problems to close the lesson. Reflection/Response – The class will answer problems and give their reasoning. This is important to make sure that the class understands the lesson. It also helps me pace the lesson appropriately, not going too fast for the lower level students. Lecture – It will be very short, and used to get the theorem across to the students who could not discover it on their own. It will also be used to describe the problems, along with how to solve them, which we complete in class. Other: Use of hands on manipulative – We will use rulers to draw diagonals inside polygons at the start of class in an effort to have the students create the interior angle theorem. These types of activities are very good for the kinesthetic and visual learners. MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Check the non-technology materials and resources you plan to use in your lesson. X X X

Visuals (Projector) Games Flat Pictures (Projected) Manipulatives Handouts – Assisted note packet, Worksheet


Reading Materials Maps Objects/Artifacts Guest Speakers List Others: Calculators, Rulers




Audio CD’s/Cassette Tapes


Overhead Transparencies


Tape Record/CD Player/MP3 VCR/TV/DVD Assistive Technology Devices (Type) Calculator Smart Board


Computers/Printers – What PowerPoint slides are on Basic software tools (Excel, Word, Access) My class rosters are in Excel, and the worksheets and Assistive notes are in Adobe format.


PowerPoint Slides – Great for the student with a language barrier and visual learners. They are used as an exit activity where class answers questions orally. That helps ensure that they have grasped an understanding of the lesson. Commercial Software (e.g. Inspiration) Geometer’s Sketchpad Blog, Wiki, other Web-based communication Digital Storytelling Podcast Other not listed – Document Reader – Good because I am able to write my lesson on it using the 8.1 handout as an outline. Makes the pictures much larger and brighter on the board and well as allows me to face the class while giving my lesson instead of being at the board. Also allows me to put students work up on the projector for the whole class to see. Internet/Websites (type in URLs) A “Facebook” like website where I post notes from the day along with homework problems for the night.

PROCEDURE Time allocated for lesson: 54 minutes Day 1 Step 1: Introduction – The students will start with a short exercise on drawing diagonal lines from the same vertex to all the other vertices in different polygons based on the number of sides they have (from Triangle to decagon). They will then determine how many triangles are formed in each polygon from the diagonals and try and derive a pattern bin correlation with on the number of sides of each polygon. As the class uses their notes, I will then show on Geometer’s Sketchpad with the use of colored triangles the proper number of diagonals, triangles, and pattern. I will then show the class that it the shape of the polygons are (side lengths) does not affect the interior angles, just the number of sides do through the use of Geometers sketchpad. Step 2: Essential Questions What is the number of degrees inside a triangle? What is a diagonal? What is the relationship between the number of sides and number of triangles in a polygon in the form of a formula? What is the formula for the sum of interior angles inside a convex polygon? How do we find measurements of specific angles based on the formula, number of sides of a polygon and other angle measurements? Step 3 Exploration – After explaining the formula on Geometers Sketchpad, the learners will then use their note packets to rewrite their formula and complete one beginner problems with my guidance. They will then complete three on their own based on finding the sum of interior angles of a polygon. Then I will collect one student’s packet and show their worked out answers to the class. Next I will go over how to determine the number of sided from the sum of interior angles via a class example. The students will then complete 3 questions based on this example in their packet and I will go over the answers in real-time when they are finished with the use of

my document reader. As a class we will then complete an example where the students have to find the measurement of a specific angle based on other angles in a polygon. They will then attempt two problems of this nature on their own and give me the answers accompanied by an explanation after the class has completed them. I will go over steps using the document reader. Step 4: Application – They will practice their skills on more example problems from their assisted note packet on their own, and as a class. Step 5: Closure and Assessment – To close out the lesson we will complete 3 short problems from the packet (#3, 4&5 on p. 200), each using multiple concepts that we learned in class today. I will walk around to check for understanding. Lesson notes as well as homework will be posted on MyBigCampus for absent students or students who could not keep up with the note taking in class. Their homework will be pages #510 – 511 in the book, #3 – 13 odd. Day 2 Step 1: Introduction – We will start with a series of “Do Now” problems from the material we covered the day before. They will consist of a) Finding the sum of interior angles based on sides of a polygon and other angles b) Determining the name of a polygon based on the sum of interior angles c) Discovering a specific angle measurement though the use of our formula for interior angles and other angle measurements inside a polygon. We will then go over homework from the previous night on the document reader, with me showing step by step how each problem is solved. Step 2: Essential Questions – What is the sum of exterior angles of a polygon and how are they related to other specific angles of said polygon? How do we compose the interior angles of a regular polygon, and what are they based on the regular polygons number of sides? How do we solve for specific variables when algebra is introduced into interior and exterior angle problems? Step 3 Exploration – The learners will complete three algebra based interior angle problems involving angle measurements. I will go over the answer for each one after they have approximately two minutes per problem to figure out on their own. Each problem will get more difficult in terms of the algebraic equations being added into the mix that are representing angle measurements. I will then show the class the polygon exterior angle theorem on Geometer Sketchpad and our note packet. The will then try five examples on their own based on how many degrees the exterior of certain polygons have. We will then complete an example as a class involving finding a specific exterior angle, and the students will then complete two on their own. I will have a student come to the document reader with their paper and explain how they arrived at their two answers. We will then discuss regular polygons, and I will show the class and example on Geometers Sketchpad on how the angles are related. After determining the formula to solve for the angles we will attempt 3 problems that three students will place on the board after the class tries them at their desks. We will then conclude using our packet with two problems based on the lesson from today on a) exterior angles, and b) regular polygon angles. Step 4: Application – They will practice their skills on the example problems on their own from the assisted note packet utilizing their group’s members if necessary and having trouble with a problem. Step 5: Closure and Assessment – To close out the lesson we will complete four problems relating to the lesson on a PowerPoint slide show. One problem at a time pops up and I will give

the students approximately one minute to solve it before I will call on someone to explain the answer and the process they followed to arrive at it. A step by step process is shown on the slides with each step representing a slide. Lesson notes as well as homework will be posted on MyBigCampus for absent students or students who could not keep up with the note taking in class. ASSESSMENT, PERFORMANCE TASKS, PROJECTS A test will be given in on Day 12 of our unit. For today’s lesson I will assess the students by walking around and checking their work as they complete the problems assigned after each part of the lesson. I will also be able to observe their understanding by how well they do during our closing exercise. I do not allow the same student to answer more than one question and will be walking around to assist any students that are still having trouble. This allows multiple students (eight) to participate and show us what they have mastered. I also try and call on students form different groups (I have 6 sets of 5 set up in the class at all times). Their final assessment will be their homework assignment which is to complete a worksheet for me (8.1A) involving 10 problems similar to the ones we will learn how to solve in class. These will be checked and reviewed the following day of class on the document reader. DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES Student with ADHD I will have the student sit in the front of my classroom close to the projector screen and away from the window and door. This will insure that I have them in an area where I can focus their attention on what I am doing and not outside distractions. I plan on giving this student an outline of the notes I will be using in class to make sure they are able to stay on task and if they stray they are able to pick up with the class easier. The student will also be able to come to the board to place answers on it after examples are given to the class. Since the students have the tendency not to want to stay seated, they will be allowed to get up for a drink of lavatory break each day if I notice them getting restless. They are also allotted more time on tests if needed, however have never needed or requested the extra time. ESL/ELL Learner This student will also receive assisted notes that we will be using for the lesson where they only have to fill out part of the notes instead of taking them from scratch. This will help them focus on the lesson as opposed to trying to understand what I am saying. I will also use visuals and show step by step on my document reader how problems are solved to go along with telling the class. By writing down each step, they could follow me even if they do not understand me. I also have each student who really struggles with the English language sit in a group with a bilingual student to help translate any tough word to that student for understanding. On tests I will give them extra help explaining a word problem if they are having trouble understanding what a word is. I will also let them use books to help them translate certain words, and soon let them use their phones when that technology becomes more readily available.

Do Now: Below draw diagonals from one vertex to all others.

How many Degrees are In a triangle? __________


4 5






What is the sum of the interior angles of the following figures? (a – c)

a) Dodecagon 180(n – 2) = Angle

b) 18 - gon

c) 503 – gon

What are the names of the following polygons based on their interior angles sum? (I – III)

I) 1440º Angle = 180(n – 2)






Find x for 1 - 5




Questions What are the sum of the exterior angles of the following five figures? a) quadrilateral

4. b) decagon

c) 72-gon

d) 5,999,372-gon 5. e) n-gon


Find x for 1 - 2


For examples a – c find each angle (interior and exterior) of each polygon.

a. Decagon

Interior ______ Exterior


b. Square

Interior ______ Exterior


c. 42 - gon

Interior ______ Exterior ______


Find the sum of angle measures in a polygon

Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex octagon.

SOLUTION An octagon has 8 sides. Use the Polygon Interior Angles Theorem. (n – 2) 180° = (8 – 2) 180°

Substitute 8 for n.

= 6 180°


= 1080°


ANSWER The sum of the measures of the interior angles of an octagon is 1080°.

Find the number of sides of a polygon


The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex polygon is 900°. Classify the polygon by the number of sides.

SOLUTION Use the Polygon Interior Angles Theorem to write an equation involving the number of sides n. Then solve the equation to find the number of sides.

(n –2) 180° = 900° n –2 =



The polygon has 7 sides. It is a heptagon.

Polygon Interior Angles Theorem Divide each side by 180°. Add 2 to each side.


Find the variable based on the exterior angles

SOLUTION Use the Polygon Exterior Angles Theorem to write and solve an equation. x° + 2x° + 89° + 67° = 360° 3x + 156 = 360

x = 68 ANSWER

Polygon Exterior Angles Theorem

Combine like terms. Solve for x.

The correct answer is B.


Find angle measures in regular polygons

TRAMPOLINE The trampoline shown is shaped like a regular dodecagon. Find (a) the measure of each interior angle and (b) the measure of each exterior angle. SOLUTION


Use the Polygon Interior Angles Theorem to find the sum of the measures of the interior angles. (n –2) 180° = (12 – 2) 180° = 1800° Since a dodecagon has 12 congruent interior angles: 1800° = 150 ° 12



Find angle measures in regular polygons

TRAMPOLINE The trampoline shown is shaped like a regular dodecagon. Find (a) the measure of each interior angle and (b) the measure of each exterior angle. SOLUTION


By the Polygon Exterior Angles Theorem, the sum of the measures of the exterior angles, one angle at each vertex, is 360째. A dodecagon has 12 exterior angles

360째 12

= 30 째


Log In Name : students\(ID Number) Password : Birthday – (Month)/(Day)/(Year) Make sure school is Linden High School

Example Hermie Stewart ID # 14392 Birthday : July 25, 1992

Your Turn ID # : Birthday : Log In Name : students\ _______

Log In Name : students\14392 Password : __ __ / __ __ /19__ __ Password : 07/25/1992

Also you could get the Smart Phone App FREE

Assessment Rubric - Lesson 1 – Day 1 Excellent 3


“Do Now” Drawing Diagonals

Student shows full understanding of the problem and gives the correct answer.

Student shows Application of understanding in both the Interior concepts of the formula Angles of (naming polygon & Polygon finding angle based on Formula side lengths or vise versa). Student can find values of variables based on Finding specific values angles in polygons in Polygons based on number of sides and other given angles using algebra. Student does all there work in class and Classwork volunteers to answer Participation questions when prompted. Student shows full Closure understand of all three Exercise closure problems.

Student Name:

Good 2

Student shows partial understanding of the problem but does not arrive at the correct answer. Student shows understanding in one of the concepts using the formula (naming polygon & finding angle based on side lengths or vise versa). Student can find angles in polygons based on number of sides and other given angles.

Student takes all their notes and try’s all the example problems

Student shows full understanding of two of the closure problems.


Average 1

Poor 0

Student attempts the problem but shows no understanding of the concepts

Student does not attempt the “Do Now” Problem

Student shows partial understanding in the concepts of the formula, but cannot arrive at any correct solutions.

Student does not show any understanding of any of the interior angle formula concepts

Student can set up problems on using the formula but is not able to find the correct solution and only shows partial understanding. Student takes notes, but does not attempt any example problems.

Student does not show any understanding of finding specific values in polygons.

Student shows full understanding of only one of the closure problems

Student does not show any understanding of the closure problems.

Student does not do any work in class, or only partially completes notes.


Assessment Rubric - Lesson 1 – Day 2 Excellent 3


“Do Now” Interior Angles of Polygon Formula

Student shows full understanding of the three problems.

Student can find values Finding of variables based on Exterior other exterior angles angles of included in the polygons Polygons using algebra. Student can find values Finding angle of both interior and measurements exterior angles in in regular regular polygons based polygons on the number of sides it has. Student does all there work in class and Classwork volunteers to answer Participation questions when prompted. Student shows full Closure understand of all four Exercise closure problems.

Student Name:

Good 2

Average 1

Poor 0

Student shows full understanding of two problems.

Student shows full understanding of only one of the problems.

Student does not attempt the “Do Now” problems or does not show any understanding of them

Student shows full understanding in regards to finding exterior angles of polygons based on other angles. Student can find values of either the interior or exterior angles in regular polygons based on the number of sides, but not both. Student takes all their notes and try’s all the example problems

Student shows partial understanding in regards to finding exterior angles of polygons.

Student does not show any understanding in regards to finding exterior angles of polygons. Student does not show any understanding of finding any angle measurements in regular polygons.

Student shows full understanding of two or three of the closure problems.

Student shows full understanding of only one of the closure problems


Student can set up problems on using the formula but is not able to find the correct solution and only shows partial understanding. Student takes notes, but does not attempt any example problems.

Student does not do any work in class, or only partially completes notes. Student does not show any understanding of the closure problems.


Seton Hall University College of Education & Human Services Graduate Studies and Special Programs

GSSP Lesson Plan 8.6 – Quadrilaterals – Identify Special Quadrilaterals Name: Rudy Valentino Date: 3/29/2012 & 3/30/12 School: Linden High School Setting/Grade Level: Classroom / 9th & 10th Subject(s) (List any interdisciplinary (cross-curricular) connections): Geometry CP – Algebra I Lesson Theme or Topic: Finding Angle Measurements in Polygons Composition of Class: Inclusion Class:

Male - 55

Female - 41

ESL - 10

IEP - 2



GOALS, OBJECTIVE(S), STANDARDS 1. Established Goals Students will be able to have the ability to classify special quadrilaterals based on side lengths and angle measurements and determine relationships between these specialized quadrilaterals. 2. Student Knowledge, Skills and Enduring Understandings The student will be able to: 1. Identify the specific name of a quadrilateral based on its side length measurements. 2. Discover the specific name of a quadrilateral based on its angle measurements. 3. Visualize quadrilaterals present in everyday objects. 4. Use their knowledge from previous chapter to determine relationships between specific quadrilaterals. 5. Find, identify, and record quadrilaterals present around them. 3. Common Core State Standards initiative:

Mathematics High School: Geometry

Congruence Experiment with transformations in the plane G.CO.1. Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment, based on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc. G-CO.2. Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometry software; describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that do not (e.g., translation versus horizontal stretch). G-CO.3. Given a rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, or regular polygon, describe the rotations and reflections that carry it onto itself. Prove geometric theorems G-CO.9. Prove theorems about lines and angles. Theorems include: vertical angles are congruent; when a transversal crosses parallel lines, alternate interior angles are congruent and corresponding angles are congruent; points on a perpendicular bisector of a line segment are exactly those equidistant from the segment’s endpoints. G-CO.11. Prove theorems about parallelograms. Theorems include: opposite sides are congruent, opposite angles are congruent, the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other, and conversely, rectangles are parallelograms with congruent diagonals. Make geometric constructions G-CO.12. Make formal geometric constructions with a variety of tools and methods (compass and straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.). Copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a segment; bisecting an angle; constructing perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment; and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line. NJCCC Technology Standards 8.1 Educational Technology A. Technology Operations and Concepts 12. The use of technology and digital tools require knowledge and the appropriate use of operations and related applications. 3. Participate in online courses, learning communities, social networks, or virtual worlds and recognize them as resources for lifelong learning. B. Creativity and Innovation P. The use of digital tools and media-rich resources enhances creativity and the construction of knowledge. 1. Use a digital camera to take a picture.

C. Communication and Collaboration 2. Digital tools and environments support the learning process and foster collaboration in solving local or global issues and problems. 1. Engage in a variety of developmentally appropriate learning activities with students in other classes, schools, or countries using electronic tools. METHODOLOGY Collaborative Learning – Students will go over the lesson as a class so the students will remain focused on task. Problem Solving – Students will solve problems based determining what type of quadrilateral is present based on its properties. They will also be able to group specific quadrilateral sets based on these same properties. Drill/Practice – Students will practice multiple problems on their own to reinforce the lesson View/Listen/Answer – I will start one day with a Prezi presentation summarizing the Unit and all the quadrilaterals it involves. We will also use PowerPoint to group specific quadrilaterals. At the end of the lesson I will put problems on a PowerPoint slide for the class to answer. Group Discussion – We will discuss the rules as a class, describing why it is rational. Discovery/Inquiry – I will assist them with grouping the quadrilaterals into a flow chart based on their properties. They will also discover types of quadrilaterals present in real life situations. Technology/Delivery – I will use a LCD projector in conjunction with a document reader to enforce my lesson for the visual and ESL.ELL learners. I will also utilize assisted notes to keep the students on track and focused at the pertinent information involved. This will involve using a document reader to project classwork as well as students work on the board to save time (they don’t have to come up and rewrite their answers). I will use a Prezi presentation to show vocabulary words. I will also be projecting a PowerPoint slide show with examples of problems to close the lesson. Reflection/Response – The class will answer problems and give their reasoning. This is important to make sure that the class understands the lesson. It also helps me pace the lesson appropriately, not going too fast for the lower level students. Lecture – There will be a short review of the vocabulary words from the lesson using a visual vocabulary technology assisted lesson through a Prezi presentation. Other: Use of hands on manipulative – We will use a worksheet with a template for each type of quadrilateral that will require their propertied to be filled in. These types of activities are very good for the kinesthetic and visual learners. The students will also need a camera device and type of publishing software to complete their projects on Discovering Quadrilaterals. MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Check the non-technology materials and resources you plan to use in your lesson. X X X

Visuals (Projector) Games Flat Pictures (Projected) Manipulatives Handouts – Assisted note packet, Worksheet


Reading Materials Maps Objects/Artifacts Guest Speakers List Others: Flow Chart Paper/Quadrilateral Template




Audio CD’s/Cassette Tapes


Overhead Transparencies


Tape Record/CD Player/MP3 Digital Camera VCR/TV/DVD Assistive Technology Devices (Type)

PowerPoint Slides – Great for the student with a language barrier and visual learners. They are used as an exit activity where class answers questions orally. That helps ensure that they have grasped an understanding of the lesson. Commercial Software (e.g. Inspiration) Geometer’s Sketchpad PowerPoint Blog, Wiki, other Web-based communication Digital Storytelling Podcast

Smart Board (Can be utilized instead of flow chart PowerPoint but I do not currently have one in my classroom)


Computers/Printers – What PowerPoint slides are on Basic software tools (Excel, Word, Access) My class rosters are in Excel, and the worksheets and Assistive notes are in Adobe format.


Other not listed – Document Reader – Good because I am able to write my lesson on it using the 8.6 handout as an outline. Makes the pictures much larger and brighter on the board and well as allows me to face the class while giving my lesson instead of being at the board. Also allows me to put students work up on the projector for the whole class to see. Internet/Websites (type in URLs) – Summary of lesson that is like an innovative slide show. A “Facebook” like website where I post notes from the day along with homework problems for the night.

PROCEDURE Time allocated for lesson: 54 minutes Day 1 Step 1: Introduction – The class will begin by do 2 short “Do Now” problems involving: a) Finding side lengths of a kite b) Angle measurements of a kite. Two students will then place their answers on the board and we will discuss as a class. We will then go over homework from the previous night on the document reader, with me showing step by step how each problem is solved. After any questions are answered we will begin the first day of our lesson on identifying quadrilaterals. Our class will start with a Prezi presentation on different types of quadrilaterals and their definitions. Step 2: Essential Questions How do we determine quadrilaterals names based their side and angle measurements? What are the congruent side and congruent angles of certain quadrilaterals? How will we deduct what types of quadrilaterals are being described by both verbal descriptions and labeled illustrations? Step 3 Exploration – I will play a Prezi presentation that sums up Unit 8, giving past definitions as well as different types of quadrilaterals along with their definitions and examples.

After any questions are answered we will begin the first day of our lesson on identifying quadrilaterals. The students will also be given a sheet of paper with all seven unlabeled quadrilaterals on it which they will be expected to be able to label parallel sides, congruent sides, congruent diagonals, congruent angles, and supplementary angles on. This sheet will have 35 boxes (7 columns by 5 rows) in it with blank quadrilaterals in each box. They can work in their groups to label and check their work, for we will be using this sheet a key to help us the remainder of the lesson. The learners will use this key in conjunction with the guided notes from 8.6, p.218 - 219 to solve problems derived from identifying quadrilaterals. We will complete the first example together as a class, then they will try checkpoint #1 on their own. After I go over the answer with their assistance they will then complete two problems on their own that I will have placed in the left column. I will then go over the answers with the class using their answers under my document reader while explaining their answers. We will then try examples 2 and 3 together as a class and then will then try checkpoints 2 and 3 on their own. Step 4: Application – They will practice their skills on more example problems from the assisted note packet on their own, and as a class. Step 5: Closure and Assessment – To close out the lesson the class will solve the four problems in the left hand column of the page. Four students will place the answers for the four problems on the board along with their work. I will then go over the answers with the rest of the class. Two will be naming quadrilaterals based on labeled illustrations, and two will be filling in angles and/or side lengths in order to prove quadrilaterals are of a certain type. Lesson notes as well as homework will be posted on MyBigCampus for absent students or students who could not keep up with the note taking in class. Day 2 Step 1: Introduction – We will start with a series of “Do Now” problems from the material we covered the day before. They will consist of 4 problems of 2 of each of the following categories: a) Discovering the name of a quadrilateral from a written description b) Generating a quadrilaterals name from a properly labeled illustration. We will then go over homework from the previous night on the document reader, with me showing step by step how each problem is solved. The students will then have a chance to ask any questions they had form the homework or “Do Now” problems. Step 2: Essential Questions – What are certain quadrilaterals based on their verbal and illustrated descriptions? What are the definitions of a parallelogram, square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, isosceles trapezoid, and kite? How do we group quadrilaterals into sub-families based on their properties. How can we properly organize this data into a flow chart of quadrilaterals? Step 3 Exploration – The learners will be given a blank flow chart that we will fill out as a class grouping each of our 7 quadrilaterals into a specific category or sub-category. Using a PowerPoint slide as a canvas, different types of quadrilaterals will be pulled from a bag and placed in the appropriate place on our chart. This will group them in subgroups and help the class relate the different quadrilaterals. We will then complete the diagram and end with answers questions based on our chart. These questions will consist of problems that relate how different quadrilaterals are actually other quadrilaterals.

Step 4: Application – The class will be given multiple true/false examples in conjunction with a Venn Diagram from the assisted note packet to complete based on the lesson we just completed. Step 5: Closure and Assessment – To close out the lesson we will complete four PowerPoint problems based on the concepts covered the last two days. We will do this one at a time, with the students comparing their answers with their groups when they are complete. They will then discuss the problems and their methodology if they received different answers to see who was correct and what they did differently. Lesson notes as well as homework will be posted on MyBigCampus for absent students or students who could not keep up with the note taking in class. ASSESSMENT, PERFORMANCE TASKS, PROJECTS A test will be given in on Day 12 of our unit. For today’s lesson I will assess the students by walking around and checking their work as they complete the problems assigned after each part of the lesson. I will also be able to observe their understanding by how well they do during our closing exercise. I do not allow the same student to answer more than one question and will be walking around to assist any students that are still having trouble. This allows multiple students (eight) to participate and show us what they have mastered. I also try and call on students form different groups (I have 6 sets of 5 set up in the class at all times). Their final assessment will be their homework assignment which is to complete a worksheet for me (8.6B) involving 10 problems similar to the ones we will learn how to solve in class. These will be checked and reviewed the following day of class on the document reader. DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES Student with ADHD I will have the student sit in the front of my classroom close to the projector screen and away from the window and door. This will insure that I have them in an area where I can focus their attention on what I am doing and not outside distractions. I plan on giving this student an outline of the notes I will be using in class to make sure they are able to stay on task and if they stray they are able to pick up with the class easier. The student will also be able to come to the board to place answers on it after examples are given to the class. Since the students have the tendency not to want to stay seated, they will be allowed to get up for a drink of lavatory break each day if I notice them getting restless. They are also allotted more time on tests if needed, however have never needed or requested the extra time. ESL/ELL Learner This student will also receive assisted notes that we will be using for the lesson where they only have to fill out part of the notes instead of taking them from scratch. This will help them focus on the lesson as opposed to trying to understand what I am saying. I will also use visuals and show step by step on my document reader how problems are solved to go along with telling the class. By writing down each step, they could follow me even if they do not understand me. I also have each student who really struggles with the English language sit in a group with a bilingual student to help translate any tough word to that student for understanding. On tests I will give them extra help explaining a word problem if they are having trouble understanding what a word is. I will also let them use books to help them translate certain words, and soon let them use their phones when that technology becomes more readily available.

1. What quadrilaterals have 4 sides that are always congruent? Draw and label.

2. What quadrilaterals have opposite sides that are NOT congruent? Draw and label.

What are the specific names of the two quadrilaterals below?




Show that the figure below is a Rhombus.

x = _____ y = _____


Show that the figure below is a kite.

a = _____ c = _____

b = _____ d = _____

Isosceles Parallelogram Trapezoid Rhombus Square Rectangle Trapezoid

Answer the following questions using your flow chart (True or False). Explain answer of false. 1) A rectangle is always a square.

2) A square is always a rectangle.

3) A kite is always a parallelogram.

4) An isosceles trapezoid is always a quadrilateral.

5) A rhombus is always a parallelogram.

6) A square is always a rhombus.

7) A parallelogram is sometimes a rhombus.

8) A parallelogram is always a rectangle.

9) A rhombus is always a rectangle.

10) A kite is sometimes a trapezoid.

Venn Diagram


Identify quadrilaterals

Quadrilateral ABCD has at ONLY one pair of opposite parallel sides. What types of quadrilaterals meet this condition? SOLUTION There are two possibilities.


Isosceles Trapezoid


Name the Quadrilateral

What is the most specific name of Quadrilateral ABCD?


Rectangle NO Right Angles

Parallelogram Only One Pair of Parallel sides


Fill in values for a quadrilateral

Show that PQRS is a parallelogram.

P 180° - 55° = 125°

x = 43 y = 15

Opposite sides are congruent

b S


y Q



15 55°

c x


a = 125° b = 55° c = 125° Opposite angles are congruent

Consecutive angles are supplementary


Relationships of quadrilaterals

Is a parallelogram ALWAYS a rectangle? Why or why not? ANSWER

A parallelogram is a rectangle SOMETIMES. A parallelogram does not always have right angles. A rectangle is always a parallelogram.

Assessment Rubric - Lesson 2 – Day 1 Excellent 3

Good 2

Average 1

Poor 0

Student can find either the side lengths or interior angles of a kite, but not both

Student shows partial understanding on how to find measurements of a kite.

Student does not attempt the “Do Now” problems or does not show any understanding of them

Student can successfully Labeling label all 35 of the Quadrilaterals quadrilaterals on their sheet.

Student can successfully label at least 28 of the 35 quadrilaterals on their sheet.

Student can successfully label at least 14 of the 35 quadrilaterals on their sheet.

Student cannot or will not label at least 14 of the 35 quadrilaterals on their sheet.

Naming Quadrilaterals based on labels

Student can name all quadrilaterals based on angle or side length measurements.

Student can name most quadrilaterals based of angle or side length measurements.

Student can name some quadrilaterals based on angle or side length measurements.

Student cannot name any quadrilaterals based on labels.

Student does all there work in class and volunteers to answer questions when prompted.

Student takes all their notes and try’s all the example problems

Student takes notes, but does not attempt any example problems.

Student does not do any work in class, or only partially completes notes.

Student shows full understand of all four closure problems.

Student shows full understanding of two or three of the closure problems.

Student shows full understanding of only one of the closure problems

Student does not show any understanding of the closure problems.


“Do Now” Finding side lengths and angles of a Kite

Classwork Participation

Closure Exercise

Student shows full understanding of both the kite problems.

Student Name:



Assessment Rubric - Lesson 2 – Day 2 CATEGORY

Excellent 3

Student can answer all four problems based on “Do Now” naming a quadrilateral Naming Quadrilaterals from a written and visual description. Student can successfully Organizing group the 7 Quadrilaterals quadrilaterals into “families” and set up a chart showing which ones are subgroups of others. Student answers most Answering Quadrilateral grouping questions with subgroup proper explanations and questions create a Venn diagram relating he 7 quadrilaterals together. Student does all there work in class and Classwork volunteers to answer Participation questions when prompted. Student shows full understand of all four Closure closure problems. Exercise

Student Name:

Good 2

Average 1

Poor 0

Student can answer three of four problems based on naming a quadrilateral from a written and visual description. Student can group quadrilaterals together but cannot tell which one belongs to which subgroup.

Student can only answer problems based on naming a quadrilateral from a written or visual description.

Student does not attempt the “Do Now” problems or does not show understanding of them.

Student can distinguish some quadrilaterals from each other but cannot group them together properly.

Student cannot group any of the quadrilaterals together based on properties.

Student answer most grouping questions with proper explanations of how they arrived at there answers.

Student cannot answer any questions based on grouping quadrilaterals.

Student takes all their notes and try’s all the example problems

Student can answer some grouping questions, but cannot explain why or why not they answered the way they did. Student takes notes, but does not attempt any example problems.

Student shows full understanding of two or three of the closure problems.

Student shows full understanding of only one of the closure problems

Student does not show any understanding of the closure problems.


Student does not do any work in class, or only partially completes notes.


Chapter Test

Chapter 8 Test – Quadrilaterals

Name: ____________________________________ For 1 & 2 find the sum of the interior angles of the polygon. 1. Pentagon 2. 42-gon

For 3 & 4 find the measure of an interior and exterior angle of the following regular polygons. 3. Octagon 4. 25-gon Interior Angle = ___________

Interior Angle = ___________

Exterior Angle = ___________ For 5 – 18 solve for the variable requested. 5.

Exterior Angle = ___________

x = ___________ Rectangle



x = ___________ 8. a = ______ f = _______ b = ______ g = _______ c = ______ h = _______

a = _______

b = _______

c = _________

d = ______ i = _______

d = _______ x = ________ y = _________ 9.


e = ______ j = _______



a = ______

a = ______ f = _______

b = ______

b = ______ g = _______

c = ______

c = ______ h = _______

x = ______

d = ______ i = _______

y = ______


Parallelogram 12.

e = ______ j = _______

a = ______ x = _______

a = ______ f = _______

b = ______ y = _______

b = ______ g = _______

w = ______ z = _______

c = ______ h = _______ d = ______ i = _______



e = ______ j = _______



a = ______ f = _______

a = ______ x = _______

b = ______ g = _______

b = ______ y = _______

c = ______ h = _______

c = ______ z = _______

d = ______ i = _______

Rhombus 15.

Rhombus 16.

e = ______ j = _______

a = ______ b = ______ c = ______ d = ______ Isosceles Trapezoid 17.

x = ______ y = ______ Isosceles Trapezoid 18.

a = ______

a = ______ f = _______

b = ______

b = ______ g = _______

x = ______

c = ______ h = _______

y = ______

d = ______ i = _______

Kite Kite For 19 & 20 solve for the variables using the midsegment theorems. 19. 20.

e = ______ j = _______

x = ______

x = ______

y = ______

a = ______

z = ______ b = ______ Draw the following quadrilaterals labeling the congruent sides and angles (no diagonals necessary). 21. Parallelogram 22. Square 23. Rectangle

24. Isosceles Trapezoid

25. Kite

26. Rhombus

Geometry Quadrilateral Project 1. Take pictures of the 7 quadrilaterals that we have covered in this unit. a) Parallelogram b) Rectangle c) Rhombus d) Square e) Trapezoid f) Isosceles Trapezoid g) Kite Whatever objects shaped like these polygons are acceptable (you cannot draw figure and take its picture or use a picture off Google images).

2. Create a Poster containing these pictures with proper labels. You can use Power Point, Word, Paint, or any other program to show your pictures. If you do not have access to any of these technological programs you may cut and paste pictures on a poster board no smaller than 8’ x 11” and no larger than 20” x 30”.

Power Point is the easiest to use Insert the 7 pictures into one slide. Insert text of their names under the pictures. Print out your slide and place your name on the back. Horizontal or vertical arrangement is up to you. The pictures should not overlap (click and drag them to different spots) They should all be about the same size (click corner of picture and drag inward to make smaller and drag outward to make larger). The slide should have a title (Use word art insertion for nicer graphics)

Name: _____________________________

Making A Poster : Quadratic Poster CATEGORY

Graphics Clarity


Excellent 3

Graphics are all in focus and the content easily viewed and identified from 6 ft. away. All items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled and all figures are highlighted.

Good 2

Most graphics are in focus and the content easily viewed and identified from 6 ft. away. Some items on the poster are clearly labeled or some figures are highlighted.

Average 1

Some graphics are not in focus but the content is easily viewed and identified from 3ft. away. Items on the poster are not clearly labeled or figures are not highlighted.

Poor 0

Many graphics are not clear or are too small.

No labels or highlights of quadrilaterals.

Content Accuracy

All seven figures displayed on the poster accurately.

4 - 6 accurate figures are 1 - 3 accurate figures are No accurate figures are displayed on the poster. displayed on the poster. displayed on the poster.

Graphics Originality

All of the graphics used on the poster were captured by the student

Most of the graphics on the poster were created by the student

Some of the graphics are made by the student, but most are copied from pther sources

No graphics made by the student are included.

The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness.

The poster is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy.

The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive.

The poster is Attractiveness exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.

Student Name:




Seton Hall University College of Education and Human Services Graduate Studies and Special Programs EDST6306 Instructional Design Capstone Project Name: Rudy Valentino


Target 4

Acceptable 2

Not good 1

Unacceptable 0

Most of the description of the audience clearly describes prior knowledge, learner characteristics, developmental stages, and needs. Instructional strategies support learning objectives and outcomes.

Description is general and the appropriateness of the lesson for this group is clear.

Some description is general and the appropriateness of the lesson for this group is lacking clarity.

Description vague and appropriateness of the lesson for this group is not convincing.

Frequent correlation between instructional strategies and objectives.

Some correlation between strategies and objectives.

No correlation between strategies and objectives.

Technology supports objectives, advances student learning, is fully integrated into the lesson, and students use technology.

Most technology supports objectives, advances student learning, is fully integrated into the lesson, and students use technology

Objectives clearly describe specific behavior, are related to content, are measurable, and are related to NJ Core Curriculum Standards and technology standards.

Most objectives describe specific behavior, are related to content, are measurable, and are related to NJ Core Curriculum Standards and technology standards.

Technology and curriculum integrated. Teacher uses technology to deliver information and perform demonstrations. Students may use technology. The relationship of objectives to student behaviors, content, and NJ Core Curriculum and technology standards are not consistent and/or clearly stated.

No evidence of integration of technology. Technology is not related to specific lesson objectives and does not advance student learning. Objectives do not describe specific behavior, are not related to content, are not measurable, and are unrelated to NJ Core Curriculum Standards and technology standards.

Lesson Description and Procedures

Excellent description that is sufficiently clear to enable another teacher to use the lesson appropriately.

Description is sufficiently clear to enable another teacher to use the lesson appropriately, with some minor editing needed.

Description and procedures are sometimes vague, unclear, confusing or difficult to follow.

Some evidence of technology and curriculum integrated however, better choices would have greatly enhanced the lesson. Objectives sometimes, but not always describe specific behavior, are not always related to content, are not always measurable, and are not always related to NJ Core Curriculum Standards and technology standards. Description and procedures specified, but not clearly described in enough detail for another teacher to use the lesson.

Text & Graphics

Fonts legible on all products and text limited on all slides. Readability and design enhanced by color, size, and style of font. Sharp and attractive graphics. Enhance the understanding of concepts, ideas and relationships and enrich the presentation.

Fonts legible on most products and text limited on slides. Readability and design enhanced by color, size, and style of font. Sharp and attractive graphics. Enhance the understanding of concepts, ideas and relationships and enrich the presentation.

Fonts legible on most products and/or too much text on slides. Few slides may be fuzzy or poor quality. Graphics visually depict material relevant to the presentation and assist the audience to understand the flow of the content.

Extensive text, too many fonts used, or size, color, style or placement affects readability. Few or poor quality or fuzzy graphics, but appropriate for product.

Extensive text, too many fonts used, or size, color, style or placement affects readability. Lack of graphics altogether or they are poor quality, fuzzy, unrelated to content, distracting, and do not enhance understanding of the content.

Audience Description

Learning Strategies & Activities

Technology Use & Strategies

Objectives and Standards

The description of the audience clearly describes prior knowledge, learner characteristics, developmental stages, and needs.

Highly Acceptable 3

A variety of creative and thoughtful instructional strategies and activities support learning objectives and outcomes.

Description and procedures are consistently vague, unclear, confusing or difficult to follow.


Aesthetically pleasing background and color scheme that enhance the theme of the presentation, contribute to the message, and do not distract from text or graphics.

Most slides have an aesthetically pleasing background and color scheme that enhance the theme of the presentation, contribute to the message, and do not distract from text or graphics.

Pleasing color scheme. Background and color are fairly consistent. Good contrast. Noise in communication on few slides. Space used appropriately with headings and subheadings.


Graduate level production appropriate to the candidate`s defined area of study (PDP, SLMS, IDAT) in which creativity and independent thought are used to expand ideas, and does not simply repeat what has been heard or read.

Graduate level production appropriate to the candidate`s defined area of study (PDP, SLMS, IDAT) in which content and ideas show some evidence of originality and effort.

Print, Audiovisual, ComputerBased & Integrated Technologies

Demonstrates a high level of knowledge, expert skills, and highly appropriate dispositions to develop instructional materials and experiences using print, audiovisual, computerbased & integrated technologies and facilitate a smooth presentation without any technical problems.

Demonstrates the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop instructional materials and experiences using print, audiovisual, computer-based & integrated technologies and facilitate a smooth presentation with minor technical problems.

Leadership & Presentation

Rehearsed, powerful presentation, easy to follow and presented with emphasis and meaning within allotted time.

Rehearsed, information presented in a clear manner, met time constraints.

Graduate level production appropriate to the candidate`s defined area of study (PDP, SLMS, IDAT) in which creative effort is demonstrated sporadically throughout; inconsistencies apparent.. Demonstrates emerging knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop instructional materials and experiences using print, audiovisual, computer-based & integrated technologies and facilitate a smooth presentation with some technical problems. Rehearsed in parts, most of the information was presented in a clear manner, met time constraints.

Design & Layout

Few slides have: pleasing color scheme; consistent background and color; and good contrast. Noise in communication on many slides. Space sometimes used appropriately with headings and subheadings. Extensively uses the ideas of others and shows overall lack of effort. Unacceptable graduate level production.

Background and color are inconsistent. Poor contrast with text and Noise in communication on most slides. No “safe� area on slide. Cluttered and confusing.

Demonstrates little knowledge, few skills, and few dispositions to develop instructional materials and experiences using print, audiovisual, computer-based & integrated technologies and experiences many technical problems while presenting.

Candidate does not show competency to develop instructional materials and experiences using print, audiovisual, computer-based & integrated technologies and experiences numerous technical problems during presentations.

Candidate read presentation materials to audience did not engage audience, did not appear comfortable or interested in the material presented.

Not rehearsed; did not meet time allotment; confusing, poor presentation distracted audience from message.

Disinterest in learning new ways to teach is evident in the lack of overall effort. Unacceptable graduate level production.

References Gay, G. (1998). What are my Learning Strengths? Learning Disabilities Research Community. Retrieved January 26, 2012 from Google images. Retrieved March 4, 2012 from Larson, B. K. (2007). Geometry. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell. Larson, B. K. (2007). Geometry chapter 8 resource book. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell. McKenzi, W. (1999). Multiple Intelligence Inventory. The One and Only Surfaquarium. Retrieved January 26, 2012 from Moursund, D. (2003). Project-based learning using information technology, 2nd edition. Eugene, OR: ISTE Publications. Reid, J. (1984.). Perceptual Learning-Style Preference Questionnaire. The Looking Ahead Virtual Office. Retrieved January 26, 2012 from Robyler, M. D. (2010). Integrating educational technology into teaching, 5th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. School Report Card (2011). Linden. State of New Jersey Department of Education. Retrieved January 26, 2012 from; d=2660;s=050;lt=L;st=A

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