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Juilliard School, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Manhattan ​hi there and welcome to this spectral explorer post and today we are going to be looking at a new AAC app called acorn and my name is amanda hartman i'm one of the consultants here at spectra nichÊ's and also a speech pathologist and I work couple days a week for spectre onyx and the other days a week I work with families and their kids and I work with a lot of children that need to have AAC systems developed to support their speech and language development and or to provide them an alternative way to communicate so when I saw the Acorn app I was very very interested in it and I'd like to just give you a really quick run through it of it today to go alongside the blog post so let's open it up now let's open up a con now because I have already gone in and into acorn and already set up a user I set up a test user first for an imaginary student called Tom I just want to point out the basic overview of how the what you can see on the screen here and I'm just gonna start using it because I think once I've given you a basic overview I think once you see how it works you'll be able to understand the whole idea the main power and the main difference of acorn over other traditional AAC apps is the power of what they call their word tree and it's based very heavily on word prediction grammar prediction predicting what possible sentences could be constructed and rather than students having to search through open and closed folders to find vocabulary that they need the words that they require are added within the the word tree for them predicted hi so before we look at anything else further on the screen here I just want to point out the little blue robot guide down the bottom here now what he does is is he let so he takes us through step-by-step tutorials to teach us how to use things on the within the icon app so that kind of the inbuilt thing in there so that you can learn the basics of how to operate it and it's supposed to be kid-friendly it's supposed to be designed for the students to go through and learn the tutorial with him so we're not going to listen to any of his today and he's cute little robot voice because I'm just gonna go in and show you everything so if we're looking at the bottom toolbar though and the first button is all the little squares on squares that is the categories button and when you look at this this is very much similar to perhaps grid based systems that we've used before and I can write sentences in here I can click words in here as you see so if I want to start a sentence so I'll just go back to here again if I want to start a sentence maybe I want to ask a question you can see what happens immediately once I've chosen my starting category on my starting point by pushing on that bottom categories button which it takes me to say questions then I'm starting what's called a the tree and if I want to ask where dad is I'll say where and automatically you can see what happens when I say about the the word tree and the prediction so what happens is I've chosen my first word it's stuck it up into that top message box message runes are at the top there and now it's presenting me not a whole variety of choices but what common words would come after where to formulate the sentence so where is it and it doesn't actually have the word that I want there where is my where is it where is he you know so it is doing things that are predictable but what I want to say is if I add it if I push that plus button on there I can say perhaps pull up add people to their where is dad at okay so you can see how that was formulated where is dad you'll also notice that it's a real voice so it's a real voice recording underneath each word it does it so it users recall voices it does not use text-to-speech so it's not a computer text-to-speech voice so that's that makes it very real and realistic voice which is nice but it also means that when you're adding new words you will have to do your own voices recorder or not which I'll show you in a second okay so now that we've done dad once and what's that the sentence where is dad I'm gonna hold down the red arrow button to clear that and you can see my whole thing starts again so if I just tap in the middle for new sentence it takes me back to my beginning point which is my category base so I might ask a question again I'm gonna just show you what happens this time where yes now this time can you see that dad that wasn't there before is now there so what icon does and what's innovative about it is that first of all its first of all it's predicting what words might make sense to help develop the sentence but then also if you've chosen something like like dad and added it yourself which the students can add to the tree themselves icon will actually remember that for next time so then you can say it and you can you know you can say that sentence where it's that okay so you can see the whole idea of that is a little bit different to other other AAC apps okay a couple of the other things is things like the green star on the message window if you click that what that's done is that

has added it to our favorites and the favorites are saved installed in the star there so if there's particular sentences that they say and you can clear it that and you can click on any of those I have a snack please okay you can have those sentences there read a lot while there because they're added in your your list of favorites okay so that's the star down the bottom I showed you the category now these ones along the side here are some basic you know snapshots at once so things like starters I need to clear my mess kundo to to start again so I cook a starter it's got some common sentence Styles again it's remembering common sentences so I've done a couple of sentences now that I've started with where so that puts where they're automatically and before when I was testing with it I did a couple of sentences about my sister Olivia and I started a couple of sentences with her name and so it's automatically done who has automatically added her to the starters now for every single for every single Center stem center to you I don't know all the terminology quite yet in the ape on what to call everything yet I need to play with it more so every single center point of the tree when you click on it you can see that at every one any one time you're only ever given five choices so you want to start with mum so these are all different starters that you could start sentences with so you never have more than five starters but you see as I push the center each time it scrolls through different possible starters so let's go back to a new sentence again and say start with making a request for example so I've got my my time what word do I want to start with so I say I okay so immediately it's given me the choices of what I might want to say I want what okay and if the word that I want to put next isn't there I just click the center once again until i get the thing that i want lunch okay and now a second i want lunch okay and just say yeah so that's that's basically i just was trying to demonstrate how you can push down the beginning point i and you can push it again and again to get all the different possibilities of words that would go with i and you keep clicking with you until you find the particular one that you like great too that now it has already has a default to go with Park it's recognizing what I'm saying but I can also open up my categories page and go to say for example if it's if I want to say about school I can say school I went to okay so you can see that the other language component that's coming through in the sentences is that kids are actually prompted for that to be using those little words for more grammaticality in their sentence right from the get-go and they like kids need heaps of modeling of that and I think that this app is kind of a a really cool and real way to do that so I'll kind of like that okay let's clear it we can also do quick things like yes just saying yes and no and yes even clear that and then start you can see even when I started with yes it had choices so I can say please move it okay so I've shown you most of things on the main window we obviously have some grammatical things like adding IMG and do this onto things so that's cool but what we need to do is we just need to show you how to do some editing to it and you can see and this is also where our settings are under there it's got a bit of a child lock thing on it to say you need to swipe up with three fingers to unlock it and and now we can open it up quickly and I'll show you how to add okay so you can see here all our categories there's all our categories and in this tab here are all of our words in the categories and yeah so you can you can change and delete so when I click either I hold my finger down on a button that's I've held it down on the word feelings there so it's letting me edit the names of the categories but if I hold my finger down on on any of the icons you can see that I'll have an edit mode which means I can delete certain pictures out of each category if I so wish okay so I'll just click I click on that edit button at the top there again to make it stop we also have a dictionary listing down here of all the words as well so that you can you know tick tick the have a look at the words and how they're being used and all that sort of thing now if I want to for example create a new one that's probably the most important thing to do okay so let's see how we add a new picture so I click create new and it's going to just step me through the process step one add a name and I'm gonna add a photo of my sister Abby so that we have her photo on there okay so the next step is to import a photograph of her and you can take a photo live on the camera as well so let's just have a look in our camera roll at our people and let's see when we find this picture baby there she is we can resize her face so that her face spills the circle because there's another obvious difference when we're looking at a corner all of our communication buttons are circles not squares like they used to that's okay we can look at that that's kind of groovy okay so once I've added her photo my next step is to record my voice behind it so my mirroring is having issues with my technology system so I'm just going to turn it off record my voice and then I'll come straight back okay so here we are we're still in that edit page you can see for the word Abby and also Jessi I've now added and the step that you missed seeing me do when my mirroring dropped out technical difficulties was I assigned the category here so you can see I've got the name the picture I've recorded the audio and assigned to category here you can check more than one category as well so we've ticked the people category there so that it will be found and now I can use that word yes so to leave this page to go back would push the home button if I want to make a recording it's the microphone I'm just going along that bottom toolbar I've also got a inability to be able to draw on pages which is that with the dog with the dog there so I can say for example call up the word of a bee and get a pen and draw some glasses on her and a beard which doesn't seem very nice I better do like discard that

drawing but that's a fun way that kids might want to personalize particular symbols maybe they want to you know draw some steam coming out of the ears and make their eyes really angry and that will be saved on their picture for angry now so there's about that personalizing just because you can I suppose so we also go back to the next one along there takes us back to this edit button here where we can change and rearrange things so what I am going to show you is I'm going to go into that people page here and what I'm going to do is you can see that the pictures of Abby and Jesse that I added I like kind of right down the bottom so I'm gonna hold down on the button till it's jiggling and I'm going to pick it up and I'm going to drag it so that it's up near the top with mum and dad just so that and I'll show you why I'll leave Jack now why don't I leave Jesse down the bottom there so we can see the difference between those you can also see when we are in edit mode with the black cross we also when we click on it we can actually it's not really deleting it's more disabling it and the disabling means it looks you know at the mummy and daddy symbols here and here have the red bar on them that means that they're just not viewable so you know if you want to turn off some of the pictures so for example you know you're not using a particular word then you can just disable it so that it's not available and the last so I'll turn out of it make the last thing I have to show you the cogs which is the settings here in this menu here it gives you an option for appearance we have two options large with large pictures with small words or small pictures of large words so let's try the other one now you've also got the choice of your voices as well as you can see there's boy and girl voices in Australian UK and US languages and we also have a couple of things with the sounds the parental controls and the locking so buddy is the name of the little robot so we can lock him now so that once all the lessons have been completed you can lock him so that he doesn't do anything he's not accessible we also the parental controls which gets us into this settings in here means we can we can lock it so the kids can't make changes in this edit menu as well okay so let's go back home now and test out some of how those words look so you can see buddy's grayed out now because I locked him sorry about that buddy so I'm gonna start a new sentence I actually think I like studying since this is using the eye so I now previously I had written this sentence and so it has remembered that I'm gonna choose who I want to play with so it's actually remembering that last time I wanted to play with Olivia but let's say I don't wanna play with Olivia I want to play with my other sister so it has remembered that from previous times when I did it and I'm gonna go down here and choose my people words now if you notice on this first opening page my five choices are my five stem choices off the center of my people category a B is included in there that's because when I was in that edit mode I dragged her up so she was higher for me to access there olivia is on the second tap I tap it again but you'll notice that to get to Jessie she's right down the end there so I've ended up with two Jessie's in my playing now that's fine so for me to use the word Jessie I have to click it so maybe in my editing I'll drag her so she's closer to the top you know I wish she's a be there and say it alright okay so one of the new features is sometimes you end up with a word on on your word tree that's maybe unwanted like it's a word that's not being used and so you can actually use the scissors you can see them flashing there over on the side use the scissors to what they call prune so to take it off so that it trims away any unint wanted words and I access that when I was in edit mode so I'm going to tap my scissors and I'm going to tap the word Olivia from my start as I used it a couple of times when I was testing but I actually don't I don't want it there anymore okay and so I I touched this is to get to that I then had to swipe and now I have the ability to remove that word from my starters okay so now I have a different set of starters at the beginning okay so that's what those little scissors over there and they're there when you have swiped up and activated your edit mode okay so it's there at any time so I can pick Center so that would that was all I I wanted to say so I'll leave you with this message so thank you for listening and reading this blog post and I'm sure the team at acorn would love to hear out of how you're using the app and I will certainly update you as I use it with some more students and introduce it with some kids so thanks very much for watching today this has been a short video for the spectral Explorer presented by me Amanda Armand thanks bye State University of New York.

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